Fragment of the book street theater

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ABSTRACT : This article is a fragment of the same name by the head of the author of the book "Street Theater : study of street theater experiences in the context of a cultural tradition, a city-forming and management component of the metropolis." As a subject of study selected text presented as an interesting historical heritage and experience of realization of the concept of street theater in hail and management of urban settlements of  Medieval Europe.
My literary pseudonym for foreign websites - Viola Vatel.
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KEY WORDS  : The forms of street theater; cultural and social practices; hail and management of the medieval city; the historical experience.

It is better to get laughs than tears.

Considering our study hypothesis that resource street theater as a historical cultural phenomenon is a rich stimulus for enhancing the cultural life of the modern metropolis (and the resources are inexhaustible street theater environment), we conducted an analysis of the literature, amounting to the theoretical basis of our research. Among the many Russian and foreign authors who have studied the concept of the historical development of the world theater, we met an interesting text, presented as "Gazea A. Jesters and clowns of all time / A Gazea - St. Petersburg: Steam typography Trunov, from 1898 - 312. ".
In view of the scarcity of publications on the subject of street theater specifically, we are interested in this book, which on closer inspection turned out to be a selection of articles in the "Historical Journal" for 1888 certain "PP", in which he combines the transfer of certain parts of the book ", M.A. Gazea. Les fous et bouffons. Paris. 1882 "and study Russian culture expert A. Famintsyna. Thus, we can say the unity of views of researchers on finding ways in which the various forms of street theater in the cultural practice of cities, which is the goal of our research.
Developing the concept of the use of street theater to activate the cultural life of the modern metropolis, important for our research experience of reading the translation chapter Gazea (translation N.Fedorovoy) dedicated clownish communities of medieval Europe. It is here that we find the real practical form of street theater in everyday and festive life of cities: in-depth study found that it was street theater was the idealogii, which was supposed to approve the idea of the special culture of cities and provide a basis for the creation of free municipal institutions, to generate a metropolis world , unlike the settlement of the feudal period, which led to the formation of cities in medieval Europe as an independent political unit XIII-XVII centuries.
Clownish society actually formed urban subculture: the representatives of reputable city-corporations, youth best families of the city, the nobility - they voluntarily engage in community media comic wand, creating a very original way of city management and determining the mood of the masses. It is important for our study is the understanding that this period is this way of street theater in the city of culture existed short-lived and only in a certain territory: these were the cities of northern France XIV-XV centuries - Lille, Douai, Valenciennes, Evr (we are not talking about multiple described conventional phenomena of street theater in medieval Europe).
Stated in a study led by Gazea transfer can be concluded that the most prominent of these communities were clownish, "Merry Company Kornardov" in Evrs, "Knights of the Order of Jesters" in Cleves and in particular was wonderful "Mother Buffoons Partnership" in Dijon.
"Kornardy or Conard, chief of which was called the Abbot Konardorum constituted a circle of singers and storytellers, who were going to laugh, to make fun of current urban phenomena and incidents of urban public life ... a collection of jokes, who bore the name «Facetioe Conardorum» was known in across the country, "- he says Gazea.
Often, these urban communities enjoy certain jesters, including judicial privileges (by order of Parliament) - so it was in the French Evreux. It should be understood that the members of these communities did not lock themselves in the walls, like clubs, but were outstanding representatives is street city events, splashing on weekdays, and on holidays costumed presentation on current topics in the streets and squares of the cities were very loved, popular demand and the audience, which always become parties to these processions, scenes, public festivals, constituted in fact the basis of cultural life, philosophy and ideology of the city, determining its independence.
"The Knights of the Order of Buffoons in Kleve lasted longer than all other similar groups and, in all probability, have created " Society of the Mother Fool " in Dijon or Dijon infantry, the most remarkable of all these companies," - we find in Gazea. Order Buffoons was founded in Kleve Count of Cleves and his thirty-five friends : they also have a special statute and privileges and were "on his cloak embroidered image of the jester, who was half red, half silver and adorned with rattles. Jester was depicted with a gold dish in his hand, on which a variety of fruit " were placed. Of the many cited by the author are the same details can be concluded that  "this order was not a collection of clowns and more friendly or fraternal association where all classes were compared with one another".
Formed a new idealogii cities around they wanted to complete freedom, which was with them, and the general rule and the law "here does not exist any privileges; title of nobility and had no benefits ". In addition, the following should be noted: to replace the feudal way of coming bourgeois and urban street theater, serving as the basis of cultural, social and political life of the population, played in this historical process an important role.
Society, called "partnership Mother Buffoons," consisted of five hundred persons belonging to various estates: there were members of parliament, members of the Court of Auditors, and lawyers, and prosecutors, and the merchants and burgers. It is interesting that the "number of members could be further increased, since the company had the following motto: Stultorum numerus est infinitus (infinitely number of fools)". These members of the society traveled on horseback through the streets of the city and had to speak only in verse. The decree on the establishment of this type of cultural life of the city of Philip the Good was signed in December 1454 and Bishop Jean d Amboise. Stated translated Gazea suggests that a surprising and detailed description of the urban society of jesters, and was in fact hail Dijon lifestyle of its people and its worldview.
"It should be noted that all decisions are" the Mother of Fools "is considered quite legitimate and executions, other than those subjected to appeal by the Dijon parliament. Even still preserved the resolution of the court on February 6, 1579, approves the decision of the Mother Buffoons ".
And here is a very interesting remark Gazea : "The whole organization of society was quite the military ... The most important person was considered a great honor to be accepted in Dijon infantry". There Gazea refers to the memoirs du Tilly, in which members of the society "Mother Buffoons" is mentioned Henry de Bourbon and the Prince de Conde (Conde great father), adopted in society in 1626. In other cities of Burgundy is a public urban phenomenon of street theater called in different ways: in Chalons - Company «Thugs» (Gaillardons), and here it was so daring that was banned in 1626 by executive order.
And just a few years the royal edict tried to close all the urban society of this kind - it is obvious that the government took fright at the appearance is actually a new urban form of government and under the guise of referring to "all sorts of excess, which greatly harms the morality of people and violates their calm", tried destroy the way of application of various forms of street theater in the cultural, social and political practice of urban settlements of Medieval Europe, and as an incentive to the administrative control of the city without regard to class and titles.
The inhabitants of Burgundy have always cheerful character and entrepreneurial, so the society "Mother Buffoons" continued to exist for a long time, which is the confirmation of the people's love and demand for street theater in the cultural life of the cities of France. But, of course, the very theatrical action acquired traits universally accepted entertaining carnivals and mysteries of Medieval Europe, losing Urban governance function of the original order: "With the closing of the company" Dijon Infantry "disappeared and associations of voluntary clowns, trained at the height of these local institutions, had the proper organization and operating in for centuries ... "- writes Gazea.
In our opinion this historical experience with street theater resources in the context of the cultural environment of the metropolis is undoubtedly valuable and interest.