I m Only Me 4

Надя Бирру
Vladimir is going to spend there one week, will visit Prague as well for one day
it will be his first flight :) I feel exited as if I'm going myself

Ahh awesome. He must be handsome grown man now

yea, he is handsome but VERY thin
I'm calm about him cause he is such a confident man, can manage with everything

Haha yes
I'm working now
So i will reply with breaks
By the way I happened to know this Russian girl here in Dubai
It made me really sad when I listened to her
In many ways she's like you
Obstinate and cold
But she didn't seem happy at all

Dubai girls are not that much Russian, really :)
it's different type of girls

Well she says the same thing about other Russian girls who work in Dubai
That most are not proper Russians
Apparently she claims to be a proper one

obstinate and cold? :) but I'm very warm :) you don't know me, Adi

Haha yes
I was just trying to make you angry with cold remark
Which i think i succeeded

now? I'm in light mood

Yeah. Because immediately you said "you don't know me, Adi"
But you are obstinate for sure :P

well, I'm purposeful

That's good but sometimes merciless as well :P

hm... well, we are just on different points

Well i don't know whether your concerns are appropriate or misplaced principals. I doubt it's genuine
I'm not sure though

I'm sure :)
I act in proper way

Who defines the proper way for you?
Why is it wrong?

me - after thinking and praying

I actually never did such a thing so i don't really know
The girls seemed too sad. So i let it go. I don't want to take advantage of some one who is sad

right, never use ppl

But even the little ones that i had. I had no remorse or bad feeling after that. Its usually the girls I've observed who are afraid. Why is that? Are they closer to God? Or is there any other reason?

"In Your Eyes"
have you watched the movie?
this is the answer... I NEED very deep relation... with ONE person... ONCE and FOREVER
don't know about other women. I'm only me

No, i have not seen it
Is it good?

you just may get the sense... 2 persons are ONE
I also FEEL this way, only maybe not such strong and clear connection but the experience of this type of connection between 2 persons is my reality
so HOW and WHAT for include others there? :)

Hmmmm that doesn't tell me much about the world
Yes, we are unique
Though humans have much in common
Mystifying things in suspicion certainly makes us sound more interesting. But is it really the truth about us.

huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.... well, still the same answer...

What does huuuuuuuuuu mean?

Vova is in Riga :) feels like I'm with him there
such nice time we live in!
I can see all his flights in real time
and 'track' him
huuuuuuuuuuuu.... was "How to explain?"

Ah ok
You would love to know what he's doing every second :D

no, just I love him to be happy
when we talk by phone I always know his mood
and even generally I love to be happy :) and always find reasons to be
as about your question... deep inside you have all answers
your soul knows everything you need to know
why to ask me? :)
I go THIS way: ask God, ask my soul... waiting for an answer
sometimes it comes at once, sometimes I need to be very patient for long. Only these answers are real
my conceptions or any of my explanations always will be doubtful for you
now I'm going to my garden to work a bit... it's SO beautiful now, full of flowers and fragrances :)

That's probably what i love the most about your place
The gardens

my favorite place in my whole home is here, on the roof
I love to have my tea here... or just sit still and meditate :)

That's so beautiful. You have a dream home

"Hurricane", excerpt 4.
