Are we alone in an infinite universe?

Ñåðãåé Áåëèíñêèé
It’s no any doubts for me on existence of other worlds or civilizations in the cosmic space surrounding us

Any person, who for the first time has watched into the vast extraterrestrial spaces in the beginning may get dizzy from an immense number of stars in the sky.

Then you begin to ask yourself: "Are we alone in an infinite universe?"

It is the curiosity of a person to develop yourself mind, discovering or the world around him and things or phenomena in nature, as well as the incredibly interesting archaeological excavations , that lead us to believe that our Planet was visited and even possibly in state of under observation of other unknown extraterrestrial civilizations or extraterrestrial beings or species.

Let’s recall on issue the novel of a famous science fiction writer Jules Verne called "The War of the Worlds".

That novel begins with the suggestion that people on the Planet Earth lived without knowing that the Martians were watching them intently.

The question is so interesting and the contact with the extraterrestrial mind that should naturally be on a higher level of development by the simple reason that they have interstellar space ships what we just dream of.

That contact can undoubtedly lead us to a high speed in development of our civilization  to the very next up level with regard to the introduction of new space technologies or solutions for new methods of communication hand movements in order to explore outer space and possible communication with other extraterrestrial intelligent beings.

For many years, researches have been conducted on the possibility of searching for and contacting extraterrestrial civilizations.

The search is conducted as I know in two basic directions:
The first is the search for extraterrestrial civilizations or traces of their existence in the outer space surrounding our planet as well as sending to outer space spacecrafts with information about our Earth Civilization, as it was done in the example of Voyager, and the second way is the transmission or the search of the messages of the extraterrestrial civilizations via radio frequency waves.

Perhaps other methods of searching for contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence can be used also.

These searches have been going on for many years, but so far no positive results about  any contacts with extraterrestrials are being known or being published in Media.

As far as I know, there was a response in the form of the so-called crop circles in a Great Britain to Voyager's message.
But in fact - that aliens responding message yet has not become known by
scientists or even Public in general.

It is might be because of the
same reason of the following politic do not disclose to Public such information.

We can see that in the Media press and the news there are many recorded facts about the presence in the Earth's atmosphere of unidentified flying objects, that can fly or move with incredible speed.

These unidentified flying objects are being observed almost everywhere on our Earth.

We can see the existence a kind of world conspiracy that terrestrial governments do hide information about aliens in order not to cause a general panic.

And yet it is not clear - why until now the aliens have not shown interest in contacts with earthlings.

Logically, this can be explained and assumed that extraterrestrial civilizations are might be not in the course to transfer their technologies and knowledge to earthlings habitants since it is very likely that these super technologies, much higher than the terrestrial ones, can be used for military purposes.

In fact, any scientific achievement or development in any scientific field was primarily considered by the military whether it is possible to use it in the event of a military conflict or for military purposes.

It's true.

The History of our Human Civilization is the in fact - the History of incessant wars, national and interreligious conflicts, ets.

Since the last century was invented so many weapons that it is unimaginable.

The military aim is to find such weapons that can hit as many people as possible in the event of a military conflict.

On this subject I recall a famous novel by famous american science fiction writer Robert Sheckley called "Absolute Weapon". In this novel this absolute weapon is eaten its owners in the end.

Developments have been and are being carried out in various sectors. These are conventional weapons, these are chemical and bacteriological weapons that have been banned for use by the UN, as far as I know.
The greatest danger was and is the possibility of using atomic weapons.

Indeed, the discovery of this atomic weapon arose as a result of scientific research on the production of energy in the splitting of atomic nuclei of substances.

But as a result of these peaceful scientific developments, we are all under the threat of a nuclear military conflict, that could lead to the total destruction of the our Earth Civilization.

The military doctrine of nuclear so-called peaceful deterrence does not stand up to any criticism, but is still in use, especially when budgetary funds are needed to research or produce new types of nuclear weapons.

Nuclear weapons are so dangerous not only because of their terrible danger of destroying our entire Planetary  Civilization with all Nature.
Nuclear waste products are very heavily recycled and can pollute the natural environment for all inhabitants of the Earth.

These are animals and plants and inhabitants of the seas and river water lakes ets.
In general, natural societies.

But the military machine never stops their works.

Now the possibilities of influencing people through the so-called wave or electromagnetic influence are being used, there is information about the use of Nikola Tesla's discoveries to transmit powerful electromagnetic impulses through the airspace in order to stop the operation of any electrical systems or devices.
Also, these electromagnetic impulses can affect the atmosphere, causing unfavorable weather changes.

These electromagnetic influences can also affect people's psyche.

This is the so-called geophysical weapon.

Maybe you do not know that during the military conflict in Vtetnam, huge areas with valuable species of trees and jungle were destroyed and literally erased by the huge bulldozers ( tractors). 

It was a war against the Vietnamese partisans.
But the consequence of this war was the total and irreplaceable destruction of an invaluable and unique natural environment.

Further - since the end of the Second World War, we all lived for a very long time in the period of the so-called "Cold war”.
During this period the most of the nuclear weapons tests were conducted.

The consequences of these tests and their impact on the natural Planetary society may still be investigated and studied by the scientists & historians.

But we know what consequences of the use of nuclear weapons as a result of the military conflict can be terrifying.

But one thing is clear - these consequences are can be terrible for people and can bring irreparable harm to all the inhabitants of our Planet.

Firstly, we all know about the mutagenic effects of radioactive radiation.

Also, after a nuclear explosion, radioactive remains continue to radiate by harmful radiation for a long time and pollute the nature of the planet and present a real threat to our children and the younger generation.

Our children - are the future of the Earth Civilization.

We also all see the consequences of the accident at an ordinary nuclear power plant, as it happened in Chernobyl or Fukushima.

Until now, the Chernobyl accident zone has been fenced off from a public visits, and what is happening there is actually fenced off from the public and not published in the Media.

But we know from the seeping information from the zone of the Chernobyl accident that the radioactive radiation there had a tragic effect on the wild nature habitants and green flora with the appearance of mutated mutated representatives of the animal and plant world.

The same might be happening with Fukushima tragical accident.

Radioactive water has merged into the ocean and the likely consequences of this are clear.

We must realize a clear account that we all live on the same Planet Earth and breathe the same air.

We eat from the same sources like our Earth ground soil & oceans, seas & rivers, ets.

; We are all connected by the fact that we live on one so-called spacecraft under the name - Planet Earth, that moves through outer space with incredible speed (it’s orbital speed about 29 kilometers per second), but our Sun as well moves through the space, so we do move with our Planetary System on our way through the our Galaxy, what in fact we do not notice.
We all depend on energy from our central Great Star called the Sun, which gives light and heat to everyone without any racial, ethnic or religious differences.

Please dear friends -
; I am pointing your respected attention on the saving of our Natural Environment.
; It's about the Natural Environment and the animal world on our Planet.
; Separating ground elements or materia into small particles, we come to a conclusion and this is based on knowledge from the school that the same electron has the properties of a material particle but also the properties of an electromagnetic wave.
; On the basis of this, it can be assumed that all the space around us might be constructed from a kind of a pure energy of electromagnetic properties.
This is my theory, what I call - “The theory of the absolute field”.

Please kindly let me add last part of my thoughts & thank you very much for your attention.

“Contacts with extraterrestrials”

Continuing the topic of possible contacts with aliens, I  must say.

On our Planet Earth together with us, do exist & live our smaller brothers - they are animals and inhabitants of the seas, rivers and water reservoirs, also the huge part of our planet covered with a beautiful green forests, trees &  green plants, ets.

These are all worlds for study and contacts.

And since the emergence of a reasonable presence on our Planet and the beginning of the development of the Planet its natural resources, a man has started to contact exactly with other worlds living on our Planet.

But these worlds are very much dependent on us, on our activities.

Deforestation and pollution of natural reservoirs with dirty waste products, the extermination of certain species of animals or plants, generally disparaging attitude to our nature can affect the all  Humanity.

For example, climate change and melting of ice in the Arctic.

The melting of ice in the Arctic caused by Climate warming has led to the plight of polar bears.

Now they need to survive in their habitual habitat where they lived free & happy before.

Firstly, the competition between polar bears has increased in search of a better place for hunting and, hence, for living.

Many animals, and not only animals, but other species depend on the ability first of all to harvest food and free territory where there is food can be find.

Since these territories might have being in use by other predators or species- they might be now in competition and might have a difficulties for finding the the better place for hunting and habitat.

If before there was a huge space covered with ice, now the bears are struggling.

And this is all is happening now because of our Humans activity.

Like for example the oil spills in the seas in the event of an accident on tankers carrying oil.

This oil has poisoning effect by blocks the ability to breathe freely for the sake of marine animals and also pesters to their skin, causing irreversible changes.

Then we eat this fish with you.

The same is true if radioactive waste enters the marine environment or into the soil.

As far as I know, radioactive waste is hunted at the depths of the seas or oceans and also in deep concrete underground burials in special concrete burial grounds.

About how and where the waste of the nuclear industry is stored is not particularly advertised.

But we all understand that for example such earthly cataclysms as earthquakes can lead to the unblocking of such atomic concrete burial grounds and the seepage of radioactive elements into groundwaters with understandable possible consequences for us all.

The merciless deforestation leads to changes in the composition of the air we breathe, as we all know that the forest and trees are the lungs of our Planet.

At the site of deforestation, soil erosion occurs, wind appears, and unfavorable changes occur generally.

We live in our own world and do not notice the other worlds around us.

But please believe me, they closely watch us, they just do not know how to speak the language of people, but they can feel pain, like we can.

So - dear friends- let's take care of each other and the surrounding nature, let's take care of our own unique Planet, where we all live in one huge house, under one atmospheric roof that protects us.

I remember the words of one of the heroes of the famous fantasy film "Solaris", filmed by the genius film director Andrei Tarkovsky on the novel
of the Polish writer Stanislaw Lem.

According to the plot of the story - on the space station, rotating over the planet Solaris, Humans are exploring and trying to establish contact with an ocean mind that covers the entire Planet.

One of the central characters of the film - Dr. Snout, says this phrase - "Man needs a man” , so the same main thought, what we spoke above.

Getting new scientific knowledge from any field, especially the space research- we do get knowledge of ourselves, cause we still not aware who we are, why our Civilization appeared on Earth, why for so many years of searching for contacts with extraterrestrials we still can not find any.

The philosophy is that doing researches in science or studying things or surrounding us space, ets. When we get knowledge of something, we will also getting knowledge of ourselves and our possibilities.

Some scientific researches, such as the study of atomic particles led to the emergence of the most terrible nuclear weapons.

But man is exactly interesting and Civilization is developing precisely by learning something new, developing and inventing new communication possibilities, speed transportations, new technologies and so on.

Probably extraterrestrials do not consider us to have reached the level at where we can communicate with them.

“PS:  I remember a lot of time ago, in 2008 Summer, I went to public library and wrote a poem - that poem in refer of pointing issue :;

 the Earth

 “You are still keeping heavy arms,
 You did not stop explosive devastations,
 The Earth is clamings trials – not once,
 Have troubled vital forces for whole nature,

 United Nations orders been ignored,
 Intrudes feeling free for invasions,
 Increasing wars revising what agreed,
 Incoming time inclining independence,

 Indifference for all asleep,
 Discourage poll possessions intentions,
 Remaining backwards countrys in need,
 Would left among nations in faceless,

 Despite foggy announcements on stand,
 Among the stars would shine the planet,
 Don’t leave your children on the sand,
 And face cold judgments for a wild,

 Pretending for the future bright,
 Its hard to watch hearts children crying,
 Forgiveness doesn’t have a chance,
 Missed way to all the Human kind”