33 введение in a flat groove, other hand-made arti

Илья Корнев

Covered, certainly by groove. It is necessary to explain!


I saw ТВ film from India, and has understood AS WE FAR HAVE LEFT! During washing a linen! " As that I have gone on речку - ручеек by depth, such that on щиколотку and flew that ручей with обрывистого of a coast, and water was студена! As it was accepted then in Оцинкованном корыте and Manual washing machine as same of оцинкованного of iron, is shorter by a piece of an economic soap soaped, and отжатое the linen was in оцинкованном to a basin - корыте - шайке is brought for washing on a coast it ручья and adaptation, that that was applied at us per 60 what years of Century, that in two figures here, and at this time in far India - country раджов, infinite riches and мужиков - прачек! Occured..

And At this time In INDIA.
Imagine a coast of Ganges, it that that like our Volga! At itself кромки are dug out ямки and in them высыпаны Indian Ferry powders in it сусле замокает a linen as знати, and not of so solvent estates, what постирать it(him)! Became to be!
Then on a stage send прачки and, all with beards. And Having braided a linen сие in жгуты in length in 1,5, two meters by all by it begin Молотить on Boulders, that for this purpose and is brought on a coast by this Ганги. 

And At this time In RUSSIA.

The linen was rinsed in сим ручейке, and Is curtailed(turned) in жгуты on the size буханки, and this adaptation with Handles from a linen in regular intervals
простукивая, the soap and rests of a
dirty(dirt) Was beaten out. This adaptation -ВАЛЕК, about an accent on " Е with Two points on Е " was called. It approximately
полуметровый a scrap from a board, thickness up to 40 mm, and ours валек had Зубчики резанные across and section approximately in 10 mm, triangular section. The grooves, seemed not....


By such groove could become covered наличник above a window or door. That that similar is above my door in a hall...