Mind Transformation 60

Âîëèáîð Çàñòàâêèí
S: 7.5
a: 1:40
w: 10:00
G – 30. Meeting with X – 60.
Run – 1km, walk – 8 km, pushups – 8.
I will think in English. I’ve started reading “Teaching of Buddha”. I had been reading 2 hours before I fell asleep last night and I also spent 3 hours for reading today. Sometimes I noticed interesting things and tried to think about them. I made up my own short stories in order to figure out Buddha’s preaching better.
I compared the content of this book with my knowledge of Christianity and found a lot of common stuff between the latter and Buddhism. Even if to compare both Buddha and God there are so many similarities. “Buddha has no shape or color, and since B has no shape or color, he comes from nowhere and there is nowhere for him to go… Buddha’s body is this aspect fills every corner of the universe; it reaches everywhere; it exists forever, regardless whether people believe in him or doubt his existence.” The same can be said about God and also about Pyphagoras’s triangle, every numbers and so on. “In his essence he doesn’t change.”
Reading serious books in new language, I begin to figure out everything deeper. It’s funny that I found the notion “things in themselves” in this book. Did Kant really stole the notion from Buddhism or a translator of the book applied Kant’s terminology? Anyway, I like reading such books in new language.
+60 R. “The Teaching of Buddha” Bukkyo Dendo Kyokay.
+18 Murthy’s grammar

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/05/09/1202