Mind Transformation 245

Волибор Заставкин
Paul Johnson, Leo, Speaking Club, S, R – 10, p, g, c. s – 1 , i – 1, M.
I’m still in my diffuse mode. Yesterday, I wanted to shift my writing to Russian. I thought it’d be useful to see whether I can write as well as I could or not. Really, I can spend one week, or even month to observe what’s going on in my Russian mind. I guess my English is not going to suffer a lot due to this replacement. Moreover, it will be interesting to make some sort of competition between two languages. Since I’ve started paying attention to my personal days rather than to a completely useless—in my case—calendar, I can apply 10-day approach and set some goals for each period. For example, I can write in Russian from 11770 to 780 and then shift back to English. Or I can establish a longer period and work on Russian writing until 11800. Furthermore, I could write in English a hundred days or fifty or whatever—
Now it’s quite easy for me to write in both languages, though I can be satisfied with my English. I know that I can write way better, and in order to achieve this “way better” I need write more. But I also know that there is no need to focus totally on this task, because I can invest my time and energy in writing in Russian and improve it as well. I mean I can improve both languages, and it’s stupid to pay attention to only one of them. And again, I’m still worrying about this damn tinnitus, which occurs when I’m writing in English. Last two days, I had no symptoms, so I thought that today I can come back to writing, but now it’s here again, and I have to do something to get rid of this damn thing. Russian!
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И чтобы не соскочить завтра под каким-нибудь предлогом, я пишу это предложение на русском и затем собираюсь продолжить в том же духе.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2019/02/09/1386