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Recently, A had a chance to order some books for a very low price. She suggested buying a book for me. I asked her to order the book Unshakable by Tony Robbins. Yesterday, the book was delivered, and I started reading it. It’s a Russian translation, not an original. What a cheap language! Tony is a dream seller; he lies on almost every page. That’s brutal. So many fools are out there that a leader of fools appears to be one of the most powerful men in the world. I have a gut feeling that soon it’s gonna end. What’s popular now is so close to the point where it’s gonna be despised. Anyway, I’m gonna read the book to see if it would have any impact on my mind.

Well, I guess I could have read the book if it were written in English, but the Russian translation is impossible. The whole book is about the stock market. Tony wants us to invest money in a way that would make us free and happy. More than 200 pages of bullshit about making money by being a smart investor! 50 greatest financial giants were interviewed by this philanthropist to share their wisdom with the public. Do you have 100, 000$? Give it to X or Y or Z and soon you’ll get millions, or maybe not soon, but, you know, at the age when you’re 65 or something. Go fuck yourself! I’m free for more than 10 years and I don’t need your fucking millions. I’m free in my 20s and 30s. If I have nothing in my 60s and must die poor, I’ll be happy to leave this world as I found it when I had just arrived. Okay, I’m laughing; there is no any hate in my words, maybe a little bit of spite, just as little as I can allow to waste on moronic idols of the unsophisticated crowd. I actually don’t care about how people live, what they do to manipulate others, etc. I thought Tony was a motivational coach, one of the most influential speakers of our times. And, perhaps, he is, but his book—it’s like looking into someone’s mind. There is so much trash! And then I kinda ask myself, “Why, on earth, is this man considered by so many people as one of the greatest human beings? Why do so many people pay attention to what he does and says?” But who are those many? People who play the game of capitalism? Damn it! I live in a time when money is the most desirable thing. I have to admit it. At least it’s the case for the majority of people whom I know and observe here and there on the net. They all are asleep, or hypnotized, or insane. When someone tells them that there is a magic formula by chanting which they can make more money, when this someone is rich, persuasive, self-confident—it’s obvious he deserves to be admired. The Cold War was the war between the illusion of freedom and the illusion of bondage. Now, the idea of freedom closely tied with the idea of financial independence is one of the most demanded ideas on the market. And what I’m trying to sell is hard determinism, which is totally opposite to what’s on demand. No wonder people don’t buy it. Everyone dreams of being free and rich, and I come and say that their dreams are stupid and unfulfilling. It’s like telling a schoolboy or schoolgirl that love would lead them nowhere, so instead of chasing their classmates they have to focus all their attention on adding 2 and 2. It seems I’m frustrated by my inability to realize that no matter how much someone is told this or that, unless they have real experience knocking on their doors, all words are gonna be useless. I’ve never gotten anything just by listening to various advice or following someone else’s guidelines. It’s actually funny to see all sorts of dancing emotions triggered by reading this book. Why do I react in such a way? Why am I touched by all of that? Why do I allow contempt to take over my mind? It’s just a book. It shows me how people make money. It helps me figure out how one group of people exploits the other group. Both deserve what they have. I don’t need to join any one of them to achieve what I want to achieve. There are plenty of way to get 10, 000$ of income by producing meaningful content and marketing it wisely. There are also lots of books which may help me build an appropriate mindset for that. Okay, a few more words about “Unshakable,” and I’ll move on. I skipped through the book, reading fully only the first chapter. For those who have hundreds of thousands of bucks and wanna play on the stock market, it actually may be a great book. For me and my purpose, it’s a waste of time.

What have I been doing for these four hours since I made the last note? I wanted to watch lectures about business, but indulged in watching different videos on a variety of subjects. Most of them had something to do with those videos that I watched recently and with books about finances which I read. Seems as if I’m losing direction. I’m sick of listening to idiots talking about financial independence. Now, I’ve just finished a set of exercises and before I’d written an article for my English course. There, I worked on the idea of creating a youtube channel and thereby learning English. The text does not expresses all I have in mind, so I think I can make a video in addition to it, elaborating on details and talking more about my personal experience.

Read an article about advertising on wiki, but haven’t finished it.

Finished the article. For the most part, it was about the history of ads. There was no practical information on how to develop particular skills, but a lot of generalizations. Very hard to read. Made me feel bored.

Skipped through another article on wiki about social media marketing.

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