Girl stalker 9

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Olga was not afraid of getting lost in the forest, she knew that the forest would definitely lead her to where her friend and her friend’s white horse were waiting. These were the rules of the Burial Ground - whoever you came here with, you must return with. However, these rules were in effect only up to the first pillar. I won’t repeat myself; I already talked about the first pillar.
Even if you try very hard, if you try to get lost in the forest, you will still come out to where your partner or partner is waiting for you. Therefore, Olga was not worried and was in no hurry. For some reason, it was very important for her to find the ruins of the school and kindergarten. Olga crawled up and down the small patch of forest where the events described in the chapter “Edya the Thief” took place, at some point it even seemed to her that she had achieved her goal, but in fact it turned out that her find was a woodpile of firewood. The woodpile of firewood was folded in the shape of the letter "P". Olga raised her head; some giant or several giants had built a woodpile of firewood from huge logs, the size of a five-story building. The girl wanted to be indignant to herself, she was surprised that someone would come up with such nonsense. In the age of technological progress and space flight, someone is engaged in such a stupid thing as building a woodpile of firewood, and not just a simple woodpile, but taller than a five-story building.
Olga began to be indignant, but the thought of stupid giants suddenly froze and was showered with ice cubes. The girl suddenly had the idea that what she was seeing in front of her again was not what really was. In front of her there could have been a church, a shopping center, or maybe even the very school she was looking for, but all she saw was a huge woodpile of firewood. To confirm her guess or mistake, Olga came close to the huge structure. She even touched and smelled the rough wood that served as the base of the woodpile. The tree smelled like wood, that's all the girl felt right now. The trees rustled, the sun peeked through the crown of the trees, the tree smelled of wood. Nothing else happened. The girl suspected that she was wasting her time in vain looking for what the men saw, and finally decided to give up. After that, nothing more interesting happened. Olga walked, walked and walked, until she finally came out to where, at the moment, an inseparable couple was waiting for her - her friend Katerina and her totem - a white horse. Katya rushed to Olga, there was a smile on the girl’s face. It turns out that the horse and Katya, or Katya and the horse, did not wait long for Olga; to be more precise, the white horse stopped its running literally five minutes ago. Olga looked around, and that’s right, there was a road behind her, and in front, Olga shifted her gaze, yes, there was the first pillar ahead. After sharing their impressions, the girls decided to walk a little. However, looking at the clock, Olga discovered that it was 3:55. In five minutes darkness was to fall again. But five minutes passed and nothing changed. The white horse swatted away insects with its white tail and shook its white ears, and the sun shone serenely and showed no sign of going anywhere. Near the first pillar the road ended; further on there was compacted earth. Katya jumped up sharply and decided to take the start when she realized that there would be no eclipse of the sun, but Olga asked Katya to sit for a minute on that piece of asphalt that marked the end of the first stage of their journey. Katya grumbled, but agreed. Spurred on by her friend’s impatience, Olga finally rose from the heated asphalt, and the girls set off on their further journey. Olga was surprised by the fact that the horse was following them. Katya also drew attention to this, and in a rather caustic form spoke out that Olga does not know everything about the laws of the Cemetery. Olga did not argue, although she really wanted to, or rather, she had already opened her mouth to argue, but immediately closed it when she saw a strange sight ahead. A man lay on the ground, insects and birds hovered around him in clouds. The insects were not even frightened by the fact that the birds not only flew over a person, but also casually, casually, hunted insects. According to all the rules, in such a situation the insects were supposed to fly away, but they did not fly away. Some of the insects lazily dodged the birds, and descended lower and lower towards the lying man. Realizing that the man was wounded and needed help, the girls rushed to him. The man was still alive, but a huge pool of blood hinted that he had very little time left to live. The man was mortally wounded and his leg was torn off. How this happened was unclear. There was just a man lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood, and his severed leg lay next to him. Katya, with shaking hands, tried to get a first aid kit from her bag, and Olga bent over the wounded man.
Hearing a human voice, the man hardly opened his eyes.
“My name is Edward,” he whispered, “apologize to Sasha for me, I stole his artifact.” His voice weakened so much that Olga had to bend even lower, “tell the guys that I found a stone star!” Give it to Sashka. My mom...
However, with these words the man’s strength left him and he didn’t have time to say anything more.b. When Katya came running and brought with her a tourniquet from the first aid kit, Olga had difficulty explaining to her that there was no one to help.
The friend did not tell Katya that it was this man who ran past her when she was in the forest. The shocked girls stood and did not know what to do next. Birds and insects hummed threateningly as they circled the man's body. Katya turned around, her eyes were looking for her totem - a white horse, but the horse disappeared. The girls were left alone with a dilemma. Olga and Katya understood that they could not leave the dead man here alone; someone needed to be informed about his death. But there was no one around except them. Only Katya, Olga, a huge number of birds and insects, and the dead man were available.