Coronavirus in UK - 11-03-2020, Russian English

Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
11.03.2020.  Великобритания

Коронавирус в Англии


02:20, 11 марта 2020
У встретившегося с Джонсоном министра нашли коронавирус

02:20, 11 марта 2020
У встретившегося с Джонсоном министра нашли коронавирус

Министр здравоохранения Великобритании и член парламента страны Надин Доррис заразилась коронавирусом SARS-CoV-2. Об этом сообщает «Би-би-си» со ссылкой на заявление Доррис.

Министр рассказала, что, как только у нее нашли вирус, она приняла все меры предосторожности и теперь не выходит из дома.

«Общественное здравоохранение Англии
приступило к детальному отслеживанию контактов.
И департамент,
и мой парламентский офис
внимательно следуют их советам»,

— добавила Доррис.

Как пишет The Times,

за день до того, как
у Доррис нашли коронавирус,
с премьер-министром Великобритании
Борисом Джонсоном.

Ранее в марте

Джонсон заявил,
что не отказывался от рукопожатий
на встрече с зараженными коронавирусом.

[премьер-министр Великобритании
Борис Джонсон]
отметил, что каждому стоит самостоятельно решать,
отказываться ли от такого способа приветствия,

но научные данные говорят о том,
что ключевой способ защиты

— регулярно мыть руки.

02:20, 11 марта 2020
У встретившегося с Джонсоном министра нашли коронавирус
BBC News - 11.03.2020
Coronavirus: Health minister Nadine Dorries tests positive
Coronavirus: infected minister Nadine Dorries had been in No 10
The Times , 11 марта 2020 / 11th march 2020

Материалы по теме
09:12 — 10 марта
Италию закрыли на карантин по коронавирусу
В стране закрыты границы, школы и введен запрет на перемещение


Coronavirus: Health minister Nadine Dorries tests positive
Би-би-си, 11 марта 2020

BBC News -
Coronavirus: Health minister Nadine Dorries tests positive

Coronavirus: infected minister Nadine Dorries had been in No 10
The Times , 11 марта 2020

Nadine Dorries: minister with coronavirus had been in No 10
Sixth patient dies as British cases rise to 383

The Times , 11 марта 2020 / 11th march 2020

Coronavirus: infected minister Nadine Dorries had been in No 10
Nadine Dorries: minister with coronavirus had been in No 10
Sixth patient dies as British cases rise to 383

Российский министр начал здороваться ногой, 04 марта 2020

Борис Джонсон рассказал о рукопожатиях с зараженными коронавирусом, 03 марта 2020


BBC News -
Coronavirus: Health minister Nadine Dorries tests positive

BBC News -
Coronavirus: Health minister Nadine Dorries tests positive

Health minister and Conservative MP Nadine Dorries

says she has been diagnosed with coronavirus.

Ms Dorries,
the first MP to test positive,

said she had taken all the advised precautions after finding out,
and had been

self-isolating at home.

It comes as

a sixth person died from the virus in the UK,

which has

a total of 382 cases.

The latest person to die
was a man in his early 80s
who had underlying health conditions.

Meanwhile, GPs are warning

that routine appointments at surgeries
may have to stop
as the number of coronavirus cases

The British Medical Association
said routine monitoring of long-term health conditions
might have to stop
to enable GPs
to "focus on the sickest patients".

UK virus cases rise again as sixth person dies
Coronavirus in the UK: How are people responding?
What's the risk on public transport?

Ms Dorries, MP for Mid Bedfordshire,
said in a statement that Public Health England
had started tracing people she had had contact with,
and the department and her parliamentary office
were closely following its advice.

She later tweeted that it had been "pretty rubbish
but I hope I'm over the worst of it now".

But she added
she was worried about her 84-year-old mother
who was staying with her
and began to cough on Tuesday.

It is not known how many meetings
Ms Dorries
had attended at Westminster
or in her constituency in recent days.

was at a Downing Street reception
hosted by Boris Johnson
last Thursday.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock

tweeted that
she had "done the right thing"
by self-isolating at home

and wished "her well as she recovers".

He added:

"I understand why people are worried about this disease.
We will do all we can to keep people safe,
based on the best possible science."


The number of total cases for the UK


324 cases in England,
27 in Scotland,
16 in Northern Ireland and
15 in Wales.

There are 91 in London,
with the next highest infected area being
south-east, with 51 cases.

Cases by local council area in England can be viewed here.

The latest person to die, on Monday evening,

a man with underlying health conditions

who was being treated at

Watford General Hospital.

He caught the virus in the UK

and officials are trying to trace

who he had been in contact with.


The UK Foreign Office has warned Britons
against all but essential travel to Italy,
which is experiencing the worst outbreak outside China,
after it introduced strict travel restrictions.

Italians are being told to stay home,
seek permission for essential travel,
and give justification if they want to leave the country.

The Foreign Office
is advising
anyone arriving in the UK from Italy
since Monday evening
to self-isolate for 14 days.

The government
says it has facilities
to accommodate
Italian visitors to the UK
who need to self-isolate.

British Airways

has cancelled all of its flights to and from Italy
until 4 April [2020],

and has asked staff
to take voluntary unpaid leave.

Easyjet, RyanAir and Jet2
are also
cancelling their flights on Italian routes,


will operate

"rescue flights"
to bring British travellers
in the coming days.

'Enter shops one at a time'

"It's the weirdest holiday I think I've ever been on,"


Hannah Butcher, from Newbury, Berkshire,
who is in Rome with her husband for their first holiday alone since having a child.

"We arrived on Sunday. The advice then was as long as you're not going into Italy's red zone, you're OK.

"We're currently sitting in a restaurant and everyone here is in staggered rows because they have to sit one metre apart. It's quite weird seeing families spread across multiple tables."

No queues at Rome's Colosseum, which is among the attractions to have shut

She added that

people are "only allowed to enter shops one at a time".

"All the attractions are closed;
there are queues out the door of supermarkets and the butchers.
There are police driving round
making sure the rules are enforced
and a noticeable armed police presence, presumably to keep order."

She said they were due to fly home with Ryanair on Wednesday morning and had not been informed of any flight updates.

Great Ormond Street children's hospital

cancelled some non-essential cardiac operations
for two weeks
after a health worker
 in its cardiology department
tested positive for the virus
Research shows

it takes five days on average for people
to show symptoms of the virus

Wash your hands
Use a tissue for a cough
Avoid touching your face


BBC News -
Coronavirus: Health minister Nadine Dorries tests positive

BBC News -
Coronavirus: Health minister Nadine Dorries tests positive

The Times , 11 марта 2020 / 11th march 2020

Coronavirus: infected minister Nadine Dorries had been in No 10
Nadine Dorries: minister with coronavirus had been in No 10
Sixth patient dies as British cases rise to 383

The Times , 11 марта 2020
Coronavirus: infected minister Nadine Dorries had been in No 10
Nadine Dorries: minister with coronavirus had been in No 10
Sixth patient dies as British cases rise to 383

Nadine Dorries with Boris Johnson. She felt unwell on Friday but went on to hold a surgery for 50 constituents the next day

**  We see  Nadine Dorris and Boris Joghnson, walking closely together (after shaking their hands), talking, wearing (not a mask on their face)... wearing PPE equipment for a building job - helmets (in yellow and in blue colours, in two colours of Ukrainian flag)
(I mean if someone is thinking to protect themselves by mask via the infection time we saw Top Oficials of UK advice here to protect ourselves better by wearing helmet, which put in my memory these old stories warnings about Nibiru planet or some massive object in space mobing to the our planet The Earth direction for a possible collussion contact, i mean i confusing if this a fake virus news to cover to hide a preparetion to another more worse and much wosrsest events or just something strange as meetings with aliens with the advices to wash palms if you touched shaked hands with some aliens as may be our immune system will be out from contacts with unknown viruses and bacterias.

A health minister [Nadine Dorris]
who has met hundreds of people in parliament
in the past week
and attended a reception at No 10 with Boris Johnson
has had coronavirus diagnosed,
The Times can reveal.

[This means each of them as Boris Joghnson and all Parlament members should be isolated now for 14 days isolation by their own rules which they wrote  to each  in UK]

[But we saw their rules had extracted British Citizens UK by some social class group status]

[Some was in China, really:  victims whom was ill and died had been 1st on row to fight with a coranavirus:  The medical Doctors, in charge, as first people whom tried to investigate the situation.  Some for UK, as you see here Nadine Dorris, a health minister]

[We saw a huge protection of British Citizens UK in UK as no one received and PPE protection against  a bacterial-chemical weapons on case of wars, as this should protect against viruses-bacterias. We had not find any sales of masks, wearing by people from (China, Italy, France).
I do not see nobody wering a mask in UK land as "a practical work to protect a population".
I mean if you plan just to kill a lot by viruses/bacterias this way as contact to shake hands and not wear masks and PPE is the best way to reduce a number of population rapidly in UK.
We see as Top Officials as Boris Johnson adviced to shake hands with whom ill by a coranavirus and he had not adviced to wear any PPE mask protection against bacterias/viruses.
"This should be enough just to wash your hands!, - the advice of Top NHS British Authorities, so, no masks but they put all their resources  "to trace your contacts in UK" which looked as MI5 action against possible spies in UK, making to think each pacient with a coronavirus in UK had been poisoned by a virus with a coronavirus  by  British  special  service  MI5  group, tracing  each  for contacts as a possible spy  (spying for China/Russia/...).
I mean,  British Health Minister Nadine Dorris look  likes "a dirty possible spy on money of  China/Russia/Italy/Ukraine/???.    We see nobody had been isolated for 14 days while we had read Nadine Dorris had the active style of life, visiting the British Parlament, chatting with British PM  Borris Johnson, shaking hands with her -  so,  Boris Johnson should be isolated under 14 days of isolation by their own rules to each in UK.

Nothing had been done in UK to protect British Citizens UK.
No masks on sales too.
No PPE to a public

All what we saw just the attempt to make as  controlled closed ghetto prison cells with people living here inside with not rights to move to walk to leave this cells.

After this, so strange uncomfortable horror, plenty people feel this as a wrong and they are angry as they are treated as cows-bulls-chickens - etc, by a forced power.

I live in UK, had a warning letter as each had been kept inside their properties just without no permit to go in out and no permit to visitors to visit without "the questionnare by a special team" and their permit.

So, if you live as a private tenant or tenant, you will be under a forced controlled search as a prisoner in UK where The Owner as Your Agency/Landlord will use a power which is not in British rules, - it means a state demolition of British Laws, privacy, a freedon, all.  Someone will be able to pick to take this "New Order Of Rules" (similar to Hitler Germany Europe), some, as plenty British inhabitants are a really delicate tender personnality - you may wait a huge number of increasing of a suincide as  not each able to be treated as a controled animal without any human rights and freedoms by a forced agressive humilation of themselves.

British  NHS surgaries called trying to force people to visit the surgaries, not because their NHS pacients had been ill with a temperatures, but by some orders of rules "The New Orders of Rules".   But when British pacients had a real problem , trying a make the appoitment, they receptionists had avoided to give the appoitment slot, and if to come to see their faces, so strange feelings as some special MI5  or MI6  Ladies worked here, having some special  brainwashing brains on orders from British Govertment.

I read pacients stories on Google reviews as all some for a long time:  no access to a medical help to GP when needed and replies of "owners of surgeries" "Call to Manager of Practice to make a complain!"  = and we saw as nothing had improved for a long time as some, different British pacients and all some, and some replies without the improvements.

I mean people had a loss of trust already, terated so badly.

The manners are rude, a tembres of letters/calls are rude command "Sergent Army" style to a new soldiers. No respect of privacy of choices or personnality of pacients.

Whom had such experiences of contacts in UK, - they all had a lost of the trust  to any British Official, to British Parlament, British State, UK, seeing just as their countries under a forced power of some unnamed invaters.

Look, we live in UK, we are British Citizens UK, we had not any another Citizenship or country with another home property  to leave UK out  as this so  a horror life here in UK with plenty agressive active people trying  to force  others  with no respect  to each.

We had not another place to go.
Here is our country Great Britian, our homeland.

We pay money, rent, taxes, taxes on each sale or services to British Budgets.

Why should we been treated by so wrong forced way without any respect of our Ethnic Group, religion group, age group, individual choices and individualities?

Someone whom never read no one book during a life having no needs to be able to read-write-lean-know named all others whom spent their life  leaning to read, write, ets as "foolish" "fool" "mad" "not normal" "mental ill with ideas and fantasies"   -  i mean the way how to upsad and humilate people living in UK are a huge number.

And, so,  each must had a choice  to choose the comfortable suited services.

You go to (someone)  and a man from Pakistan as a Muslim man had his own life and ideas.
You feel you are not able to explain something for a person with more short life experience as a life position.  You feel as a woman he hated you for your another religion group.

You go to your own white race people and much much more worse all if you talk with the accent on English, - they feel about your as a strangers by just your another Ethnic Group, and they may show this to you, making a diffrence as they talk with white race people of their own Ethnic Group, - but this  is putting you to feel as  unwelcomed as  British Citizen of another Ethnic/Religion groups,  just for this.

I mean all this strange activities look likes as the organazing a mass killing someone by list of UNWANTED as a list order from someone in a real power.

Plenty people feel this coronavirus activity as much too strange unusual.]



Nadine Dorries, who played a role in drawing up legislation to tackle the virus, fell ill on Friday last week and her diagnosis was confirmed yesterday evening. She is now in isolation and understood to be recovering.

The identity of the individual who infected Ms Dorries is unknown but the minister has been working in parliament and the Department of Health and Social Care for the past week. Officials are identifying all those with whom she has been in contact since contracting the virus, including MPs. Any who have displayed similar symptoms..."

Continue reading

The Times , 11 марта 2020 / 11th march 2020

Coronavirus: infected minister Nadine Dorries had been in No 10
Nadine Dorries: minister with coronavirus had been in No 10
Sixth patient dies as British cases rise to 383

we find plenty symptoms similar to a flue
so, plenty people whom had a coronavirus
had not noticed this fact
as treated as a flue
and had treated well
to stay alive
to continue to live
Or, here something more about the coronavirus
as a hidden information
-  some object flied to collapse ?
- if the keep all spreading widely, more chances someone somewhere will survive
- Italy took a lot migrants from Africa
- Italy was started 1st country with huge number of coronavirus
- i mean a some question here as a possible special design of this situation by someone
as the attempts to kill and locals and migrants from Africa to Italy
- China is a biggest country with billions of population
- China is the biggest economy all productions for all other countries are here
- Chineese people started to spread widely themselves in areas of Russia, Latvia, Ukraine, Africa
- May this coronavirus event in China was a special weapon againts Chineese population to make the huge reduction of them not worry others and other countries, may this?
Some videos named some UFO aliens events as seeing the active in China area
and some named a coronavirus as the special disigned weapons of some aliens.
But if there were contacts with aliens, as each life form had their specific illnesses, viruses, bacterias, so what is not harmfull for us, this may be a harmfull for aliens and the oposite ways what is not harmfull for aliens may be a harmfull for us.
I mean here as a possible contact with alien form of life by someone and the consequences of this contact as a coronavirus /or something else.
I mean here as not a special disigned case but when something was coming wrong as was unpredictible
similar - but - viruses and bacterias of tombs moved to a surface by the digging work of the archeologists
similar - but - from Antractida
similar - from a lab searches  when was a break of  isolation and the staff spreaded the virus from a searching labolatories to open public spaces
or, nothing, just someone used the excuse of coronavirus to kill unwanted
and to isolated and to make a power and a forced power
the protection
as something and while so
but as the protection

Most Read

Coronavirus: Health minister Nadine Dorries tests positive

Coronavirus: Troops sent to New York 'containment zone'

See video
How life looks under Italy's coronavirus lockdown

Coronavirus symptoms: What are they and how do I protect myself?

Coronavirus: What's the risk of flying or taking the train?

Coronavirus symptoms 'take five days to show'

Newspaper headlines: Budget to pledge billions 'to beat coronavirus'

Coronavirus: Could the US do what Italy has done?

UK virus cases reached 373 as a sixth person died
Thousands of flights were cancelled worldwide as airlines struggled to cope with a slump in demand
Harvard University asked its students not to return to campus from Spring Recess on 23 March as scheduled but instead to resume their classes online until further notice

Italy's death toll is the highest outside China, which recorded its lowest number of new infections, just 19, on Tuesday.

China, where the virus was first detected, has seen a total of 80,754 confirmed cases, with 3,136 deaths.

In other developments:

A UK junior health minister, Nadine Dorries, says she has tested positive for coronavirus and is self-isolating at home
Turkey confirmed its first case of coronavirus, saying a Turkish man had been infected in "Europe" and his family members were under observation
The World Trade Organization suspended all meetings until 20 March after a staff member became infected
UK virus cases reached 373 as a sixth person died
Thousands of flights were cancelled worldwide as airlines struggled to cope with a slump in demand
Harvard University asked its students not to return to campus from Spring Recess on 23 March as scheduled but instead to resume their classes online until further notice
What does containment mean?

New York state has 173 active cases, the most in the US, and 108 of them are in Westchester County, where New Rochelle is located.

New York City, 25 miles (40km) south of New Rochelle, has 36 confirmed cases of the virus in its population of eight million people.

10 March 2020
Coronavirus: Airlines cancel thousands of flights

10 March 2020
Coronavirus: Airlines cancel thousands of flights

Thousands of flights have been cancelled worldwide as airlines struggle to cope with a slump in demand caused by the coronavirus outbreak.

Ryanair will stop services to and from Italy from Friday until 8 April [2020],
with BA scrapping its routes until 4 April as the country goes into lockdown.

EasyJet has cancelled all of its flights to and from Italy between 10 March and 3 April [2020].

It has said it will operate "rescue flights" in the coming days.

Norwegian Air has also said it will cut about 3,000 flights in the next three months, about 15% of its capacity.

It also plans to temporarily lay off "a significant share" of its workforce.

"We have initiated formal consultations with our unions regarding temporary layoffs for flying crew members as well as employees on the ground and in the offices," said chief executive Jacob Schram.

While the restrictions on travel to Italy and China have meant some services have stopped completely, there has also been a general fall in demand as holiday-makers put their plans on hold and firms instruct staff to limit travel.

Which airlines have cancelled flights?

British Airways: All of its Italy routes are cancelled until 4 April
EasyJet: In the process of cancelling all of its Italy flights between 10 March and 3 April
Ryanair: Scrapped all Italy flights from this Friday until 8 April
Norwegian Air: Will cut 15% of its global schedule for a month
American Airlines: Cutting 7.5% of its domestic flights in April

How do I get home?

Behind the scenes, the government is talking to airlines to make sure that there are enough routes operating from Italy so that British nationals who need to get home can do so.

So Ryanair is not suspending all of its Italy flights until this Friday. Anyone with a flight after then can rebook to an earlier flight this week.

A handful of EasyJet "rescue flights" in the coming days will also be designed to get people back to Britain, and to allow essential travel to Italy.

So far there is no talk of an official repatriation programme, but a co-ordinated response is under way to try and ensure that no-one is left stranded.

If you're concerned about your flight, the usual advice applies: check with your airline.

Ghost flights

Some airlines had continued to operate near-empty flights in order to protect their rights to take-off and landing slots. Under EU "use it or lose it" rules they were required to run services on busy routes or forfeit them to other operators.

However, European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen has announced that airlines will be allowed to keep their slots even if they are not flying routes.

"This is a temporary measure, and this temporary measure helps both our industry, but it also helps our environment," she said.

"It will relieve the pressure on the aviation industry and in particular, on smaller airline companies. But it will also decrease emissions by avoiding so-called ghost flights."

LIVE: Follow the latest updates
EASY STEPS: How to keep safe
A SIMPLE GUIDE: What are the symptoms?
GETTING READY: How prepared is the UK?
MAPS AND CHARTS: Visual guide to the outbreak

Survival threat

Earlier on Tuesday, Korean Air warned the coronavirus outbreak could threaten its survival.

In a memo sent to employees, Korean Air's president Woo Kee-hong said the airline could not predict how long the crisis would last.

"But if the situation continues for a longer period, we may reach the threshold where we cannot guarantee the company's survival," he said in the memo, which was seen by Reuters news agency.

Australia's Qantas is reducing international flights by nearly 25%

Australia's Qantas airline
has said it will reduce international flights by nearly 25% as it sees demand fall from passengers worried about coronavirus.

and its budget airline Jetstar
will reduce operations for the next six months.

ACI Europe, which represents European airports, said its "initial assessment" was that passenger numbers between January and March would drop 14% due to the coronavirus.

"The Covid-19 epidemic is turning into a shock of unprecedented proportions for our industry," said director general Olivier Jankovec.

Aviation consultant John Strickland said how hard an airline will be hit depends on two things: "Firstly, its exposure to affected markets such as China or Italy."

"Secondly, as we saw with Flybe, some airlines, particularly smaller ones, can bleed through money quite quickly. Although they've cancelled flights, they aren't making up those revenues because of falling customer demand."

Mr Strickland added that governments "often give warm words" about the aviation industry, but said "now is the time to act".

More on this story

Coronavirus: Virgin Atlantic admits flying near-empty planes
10 March 2020

Coronavirus: Korean Air fighting for 'survival'
10 March 2020

10 March 2020
Coronavirus: Airlines cancel thousands of flights
Люди делали, что могли,
исследуя тему и пытаясь защитить всех нас,
а сами себя не уберегли.

Я и про китайских врачей и китайского главврача в Китае,
и про британского министра здравоохранения Надин Доррис.

Так как Надин Доррис  в силу службы поста
встречалась с членами Парламента и Борисом Джонсоном в Лондоне,

можно ожидать далее неутешительные новости,
часть этих всех людей
могут быть заражены коронавирусом.

По статусу,  эти люди имеют доступ к благам и частной и государственной медицине
как топ-элита Великобритании.

Отчего, шансы на восстановление и выживания их всех
значительно выше.

Но у меня лично как у британки вопросы.

Фото.  Надин Доррис и Борис Джонсон идут рядом вместе,
обсуждая коронавирус.   На их лицах нет масок.

Зато на голове есть шлем. строительный шлем. синий. жёлтый.
"Защита от коронавируса от инфекции-маски на голове"?

Жёлтый шлем на Надин
синий шлем у Джонсона,

"цвета украинского флага",

жёлто-синий. Цэ  Украина.

Вид шлема на голове обоих, "как маски на лицах от инфекции коронавируса",
заставил меня крепко призадуматься.

-  В стране коронавирус?
-  Да, Сэр!
- А почему же маска на голове?  (шлем)
- Сползла вверх временно, Сэр!  Чтобы поговорить! Сэр!

Китайские и французкие маски на лица от инфекций
это ассоциативно то и
форма масок - шлема на голову (строительных)
просто размер побольше,
т.е. головы побольше и тела повыше размерами.


Инопланетяне рептолоиды высокие и у них тогда маски на их лица
могут быть те шлемы строительные на голову
что на голове британцев Надин Дорисс и Бориса Джонсона.

Иначе это всё выглядит как то странно.

Крайне странно.

Выглядит идиотически тупо - нацепить маску на макушку головы
чтобы как маска на лице закрывающая дыхательные пути (нос и рот)
предохранять что?  макушку и голову?  "Это маска от коронавируса" ?

В аптеках Великобритании и в супермаркетах маски не продают
нет в прямой продаже масок от короновируса.

Никто не носит. Все без масок.

Исключение:  женщина в супермаркете в синей резиновой перчатке
набирала пин-код банковской карты платить.

Не касаясь рукой того, что могли касаться другие
вдруг кто болен?

Или и она больна?

Рекомендации британцам как не заболеть коронавирусом



И - всё. все рекомендации. И будешь здоровым.

Рекомендации составлены были

Надин Дорисс, Британский Министр Здравовохранения
Борис Джонсон, Британский Премьер Министр Великобритании

Надин Дорисс заболела корановирусом

(11.03.2020, новости. BBC, лента.ру)

Что-то, похоже, всё же там такое, британцы не учли.

Ждём новостей с Великобритании.
Как теперь, и
Борис Джонсон
и его семья
Парламент Великобритании

могут стать следующими заболевшими

Прогноз выжить у них, конечно, высокий и самый высокий в стране:

достижения британской частной медицины
и британской государственной медицины.

А, вообще, это ужасно. Ужасно.

Топ элита Великобритании
 (Министры, Парламент,,,,)
может быть вот так выкошена в момент
моментально по сути
неким коронавирусом,

имея рекомендации как себя обезопасить
от вирусно-бактериально-грибковой инфекции
от Британского здравоохранения NHS 




Министр Британского здравоохранения Надин Дорисс,
кто эту рекомендацию и циркуляр
спустила в рекомендации всем,

сама взяла и заболела,

Что-то такое они всё же не учли. Британская топ-элита.

Но вот что?



Но вот что они не учли?
Как британская топ-элита?

Вирусы и бактерии быстро размножаются когда есть
1. подходящая среда (температура, состав воздуха, влажность)
2. влажность (влажность, вода)
3. питательная среда

Мыть руки = руки влажные.
Взять платок влажными руками = намочить платок в влаге.
Чихнуть туда с бактериями и опустить на лицо:
влажные руки и влажное лицо в бактериях.
Бактерии в итоге развиваются
и на руках, и в платке, и на лице.

Вирусы в воздухе.

кишечные бактерии - да, мытьё фруктов, да.

Ещё методы борьбы и обеззараживания?

1. состав воздуха:  кислород, озон, ионизированный воздух.
2. утрафиалет

3. есть  методы применения иода, но зависят от масса тела и веса,
как расчёт идёт по каплям йода. Больше-рак, сожжечь всё, химический ожог.
Меньше - эффекта нет.  В книге есть вариант  10 капель йода на ванну,
с 3 погружениями головой в такую ванну, и потом не споласкивать с себя и не мыться
и так 3-5 лет далее. Как перебор йода тоже вреден.
Рецепт в разных книгах по целитеству и отрока Вячеслава есть.
Так же в книгах по целиству и йоге.
Но проблема в том, что йод из дешёвых общедоступных становится недоспутным и дорогим (проще уже и самим скоро его делать).
Йод воздействует на щетовидку. Щетовидную железу.
Это и есть иммунная система.
Йод так же и при радиактивности. Как я читала этот совет кое где (не помню где),
то мне это показалось скрытым намёком или информацией.
При радиактивности (или трассировании радиактивными вкладками,
иммунная система аналогично так же поражается, человек потом может пожалеть.
Отчего мы все видим странное трассирование коронаинфицированных
как кого власти страны, вероятно, подозревают и отслеживают контакты:
в плане не больны коронавирусом, а игра использование нечто просто для трассирования.
Что не исключает трассирование и инфекционно заболевших.
Заражение бактериями и вирусами при кашле в публичном месте супермаркета? улица? ресторане? кафе? самолёте?
Это же нереально протрассировать всех пешеходов и потоки воздуха и ветра?
Ветер гонит бактерии ветром?
Скорость распрастранения по сути мгновена в закрытом помещении?
А потому, когда трассируют от кого кому:
это выглядит крайне странно:
как не имеет смысла вообще.

Это не имеет смысла вообще
при гриппе, ОРЗ,
контакты заболевших.

Смотрим, как странно по печати трассируют заболевших коронавирусом в Великобритании:
пассажирку с Китая в Лондон - да,
таксиста, кто с аэропорта вёз её - нет (нет, он наш и проверенный? в плане проверенный на что?  сотрудник МИ5? а потому не может болеть коронавирусом??)

И вот такое так.

Пассажирка с Китая больная коронавирусом, в Лондоне.
Лондон место где большее число этих случаев.

Но мы не знаем, если "коронавирус" просто предлог для допроса-допросов и именно "трассирования".

Система Здравоохранения Великобритании тратит время на трассирование.
Но не тратит время чтобы раздать маски для лица.

Грубо говоря, каждая страна имеет специафику и слабость британцев взамен работы делать что им просто нравится больше, очевидна.

Грубо говоря:  допросы и слежки и трассирование контактов.

Потом мы видим:

британского министра здравоохранения переводы на "домашний арест" "само-арест"
Правила к остальным британцам для топ-элиты "не писаны".

И те "курятники загоны" "для остальных"? 

А остальные как?  Остальные? Кто не топ-элита в стране? тем как?

Или тем, у кого денег на частную британскую медицину нет?

Ужасно.  Что в Англии, это просто ужасно.

Грипп и симптомы гриппа. Что в большинстве таки случаев проходят сами статистически число выздоровевших есть и огромно. Часть кто болели, никогда и не узнали что то был коронавирус,  ане простута-ангина-грипп.

Потом.  А на радиацию их проверяли?

Альфа-, бетта-, гамма-излучение?

Как при радиавтивном заражении
аналогичные симптомы

тоже могут быть?

- тошнота и рвота?  = слизистая поражена радиактивностью?
- утомляемость и усталость = лейкемия и симптомы и при облучении радиактивностью

Литвиненко умер в октябре 2006 в Лондоне?

Симпомы отравления радиактивностью включены в учебники британских врачей и медсестёр знать их?

Облучить могут продукты питания.  Потом продавать в магазине.

Съел - и - желудок и кровь = реакция то аналогична как при радиактивности?

тошнота? рвота? усталость? слабость? утомляемость?

кожные заболевания? сыпь?

Дозиметры в Великобритании после октября 2006 как то там "вошли в моду"?
Проверить сканом полки магазина и продукты?


Проверить дозиметром на радиацию продукты питания, одежду, себя.

Т.е. симптомы коронавируса ведь это могли быть облучённые радиактивностью люди?

"Кому то любопытному хотелось знать передвижения, перемещения и контакты"?

Смотрю фото:

Китай, Италия, Франция, США  : люди одевают маски на лица, закрывают нос и рот и лицо так.

Смотрю фото Надин Дорисс и Борис Джонсон:  идут вместе.  "маска" (шлем строителей)  на голове.

Посмотрите фотки тех и тех. с прицелом "Найди два отличия".

Мне жутко.   Британская топ-элита слово "маска для лица" понимает волосы голова макушка?   

Это какая тогда  уних анатомия то странная получается то?

И ещё и по размеру то? смотрите?   Маски для лица для лиц китайцев, итальянцев, французов, американцев, россиян, - и - в противовес "размер так размер!  Размерище прям!"   с шлем для строителя  величины!   И ещё и на голову?

Т.е. "дышательные пути"  у  британской топ элиты  (Борис Джонсон, Надин Дорисс) 
на голове на макушке?

А нос тогда что?  Просто приеклееная буфатория получается? 

Странно и жутко.

Или намекают:  Украина = украинский флаг сине-жёлтый цвет масок?

Или намекают: шлем носят беречь голову от падения (в строительстве) что некий космический объект (Ниберу или и другой летят?)

Или намекают: упадёт что-то на нас?  Расстредотачивают всех чтобы хоть кто где выжил?

Или  просто тупые? и маску от лица перепутали с шлемом?  Ну, не заметили?

Скорее всего, редактор подшутил и взял старе фото, не имея фото их встречи.

Probably, someone decided to make a joke, taking some their old photo.

News are not nice and a bad news. But we all are optimistic to see forward for a future.

Новости не ахти, но мы оптимисты верить в прекрасное будущее и в будущее.

I had found no words of the information
about the check of pacients with coronavirus infection
by dosimeters

for alpha-radiation, betta-radiation, gamma-radiation,

while we had a case with Aleksandr Lirvinenko in London in October 2006
whom had symptoms of the radiactive poisoned illness.

This strange flue had some sypmtoms as for poisoning by radiation

- the tiredness
- anemia, tiredness
- need to go to sleep, a tiredness
- a sickness, a voming, a pain in a stomach
- a cough
- some as change sizes of inner orphans, the stop of work them properly
- changes of skin  (rash, or dryeness)
- drops of nails, the loss of nails
- drops of hairs, the loss of hairs
- the loss of body hairs, drops
- or opposite way-the growth

all symptoms are so easy to be mistakened as a flue or the some infection,

just a use of the special Dosimeter
range from alpga- betta- gamma- rays range

may  find  the level of the radiation and the radiation.

The radiation had not a taste, a smell, a noise, this is unseen substance by a vision.

Some groups or people may use this to trace someone
- their lover
- their husband/wife/beloved/known/friends
- servants
- workers
- staff
- someone as "this is, probably, will be a spy!" and so a check by a radiactive poisoned substance
which may be added to any food-drink substance, any personnel items, which for a wearing by a target-human, or by misplace of item by a radiactive item - some people started to be a sick after using tins from British shops. 
- Food Bank supply collects all never checking the quality of food for poorest and for a radiation too, making each poor person in UK as a possible target by some criminals, whom may use this way to kill people in UK or to poison them. 
- some state special hidden British programms might used Food Bank charity to fill by radiactive tins to make their lam mices as humans and as to kill to reduce a number of population UK on benefit or in a poverty.
(I tested Food Bank tins, i was sick, it was so badly, i survived as a miracle.  So, when i wrote what previously, this was on my experience as a tester and user of British Food Bank charity food parcel, - this may easy to kill).  (the smell of tin was as someone voming all inside a tin, and making a tin as a tin for a sale).
(plus, easy to make a radiactive mess of tins and sold them after in shop)
I mean we saw as Aleksandr Litvinenko had died, having a radiactive poisoned (food-drink) in London in UK  in October 2006.

2020-2006 = 14 years passed away.
I do not feel  Great Britian is protective that all good in stores had been checked as no radiactive poisoned by evils.

No Dosimeters in the individual use, no cheapest Dosimeters in individual use.

goods for sales had not checked not be a radiactive   having a mixed
alpha-, betta-, gamma- radiaction.

I mean i see that some died people, named as died from "coronavirus" - they might been some victims of  radiactive poisoned themselves by someone especially or in unlucky case not especially.

all symptoms of "coronavirus"  are much too similar  for levels of poison by a radiaction.

I saw so someone adviced in Internet
to use some special supplement of Iodin , Iod 
as a protected replaced

they adviced something much more, just i forgot or not brave writer to tranlate all onEnglish as

10 small drops to a full bath with a hot water
and to make 3 sessions to cover all head and body by this water

and not to wash themselves after this
till 3-5 years

to make the some hot water bath 3 covers by a hot water with the 10 drops of Iodin Iod.

Some similar things on the use of special tablets.

Iod was the cheapest medical supply in a old years pharmathapty
and this had been washed away replaced by others products.

Now just a richest people or a military people on special tasks had the supply of this tablets.

This element is a unique balanced element,  more - and a shock, a chemical burn, a cancer, a death, a tourtures, a pain, sore, dead.  less - no working in full, or not working at all. this as a light tender harmony.

This element is in a daily supply
or if to eat seeds from 1 apple (to eat 1 apple in full with crushes seeds).

We saw new types of apply now for humans without any seeds - this is not right type as no Iodin element which human body needs.

The surviving humans after a posoned by radiation on the
1- use a vodka drop to drink
2. use iod drops

but really, it need to use before all to stay protected

As  I am not a military medical doctor or a nurse to know all things how to use by right way,
better  please  go to a professionals for a professional advices in any case or your worry or illnesses.

I just a reader whom read  about some case of use something by Russian military medical doctors,
but i do not know dosages, and here all in a right dosage by a weight-age-medical conditions.

And, as I am not a medical doctor or a Nurse, i may have a mistake
to find to see  some  symptoms  of   poisoning by a radiaction
in the  condition   of   coronavirus  infaction
as crossed some,

so, i worry, some cases when pacients had been poisoned by the radiation
had been mistaked  to a coronavirus  or infection

as this was already previusly done here in Great Britian
by   British Medical Doctor, Professor, GP
in British Hospital.

To protect yourself, pacients, staff , - better to check the level of radiation

as any diarrea or a voming

are symptoms

of poisoning by a radiaction,


British GP, British Docotor, British Professor had forgot this
and  Mr Aleksandr Lugovoy
had not the right dianose
for a while,

making a radiactive mess poison

for a staff, visitors, etc.

02:20, 11 марта 2020
У встретившегося с Джонсоном министра нашли коронавирус

Coronavirus: Health minister Nadine Dorries tests positive
Би-би-си, 11 марта 2020
Coronavirus: infected minister Nadine Dorries had been in No 10
The Times , 11 марта 2020
Российский министр начал здороваться ногой, 04 марта 2020
Борис Джонсон рассказал о рукопожатиях с зараженными коронавирусом, 03 марта 2020

Coronavirus: infected minister Nadine Dorries had been in No 10
The Times , 11 марта 2020

The Times , 11 марта 2020 / 11th march 2020

07:26, 11 марта 2020
Россиян предупредили об опасности мытья рук

Россиян предупредили об опасности мытья рук

Мытье рук является одним из главных инструментов по борьбе с распространением вирусов, однако оно может нанести вред здоровью.

Об этом предупредил
врач аллерголог-иммунолог
Алексей Бессмертный
в интервью
радио Sputnik.

По его словам,
мытье рук с использованием моющих средств
более шести-восьми раз в день
пересушивает кожу и смывает с нее защитный слой полезных бактерий,
которые защищают от инфекций.
Кроме того, частое мытье рук повреждает кожу,
поскольку мыло и гель
обладают повреждающим действием.   

Также следует ограничить
применение антисептиков,
которые россияне часто используют в период сезонных обострений
вирусных инфекций и ОРВИ.

также опроверг то, что антисептики лучше справляются с грязью на руках,
чем обычное мытье рук с мылом.
«Антисептики и влажные салфетки
не смывают грязь с рук,
а просто размазывают грязь по рукам»,
— рассказал он.


глава Роспотребнадзора
Анна Попова
о новом пути передачи коронавируса SARS-CoV-2.
По ее словам,
помимо воздушно-капельного пути,
распространяться фекально-оральным путем.
В частности, это происходит через грязные руки и грязную воду.

В качестве мер предосторожности
россиянам рекомендовали чаще мыть руки, лицо, протирать гаджеты, использовать только чистую посуду, содержать в чистоте свое жилье и предметы личного обихода.

Россиян предупредили об опасности мытья рук

07:26, 11 марта 2020
Россиян предупредили об опасности мытья рук
Это очень странно.
Италия? видео оттуда? поделили кусочки зон ,
Италия перегорожена на зоны. Не въехать не выехать.
Военный контроль. в магазин по одному впускать
Женщины вопят.
при такой системе если денег и продуктов нет = смерть. голодная смерть.

*видео с Италии по ссылке где на английском

"Коронавирус в Англии, Coronavirus in UK - 11-03-2020"

"Coronavirus in UK - 11-03-2020,  Russian/English"