Howard, Howard 2nd Earl of Suffolk

Инна Бальзина-Бальзин


Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

"Howard, Howard 2nd Earl of Suffolk "


Howard, Howard 2nd Earl of Suffolk


Theophilus Howard, 2nd Earl of Suffolk (1584-1640) (55years)

son of

Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk, KG, PC (24 August 1561 – 28 May 1626) (64 years)

some of my 4th genetic Cousin - Remote Cousin
connected Howard, 2nd Earl of Suffolk
via the ancestry genealogy lists of names.

Please Note

4th genetic cousins in FF FTDNA
may measure a genetic distance of differences
and this may be not connected
to the ordinary calculation of generations
which may be much more number
for the more deep shared ancestor in time,

I am out to know if i might have or not here some biological genetic link
or not as

this link belong
to my genetic cousin, a male,
4th Cousin - Remote
Shared DNA
15 cM
Longest Block
8 cM

with plenty names surnames here in his Ancestry
to learn.

for me to be interesting to lean this to know.

So, I put this
my find via  FF  FTDNA  side
to me my DNA

to keep this too
in my memory.

Thanks to genetic tests and genetic cousin!

Kind Regards to all my genetic cousins and to my readers and to al each!!

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

PS Please note
this genetic biological links
belong to my genetic cousin's ancestry
as his own notes,

and please note

me just connected
to someone
whom had his own ancestry
"Howard, Howard 2nd Earl of Suffolk"

So, I am leaning here the ancestry genealogy
of my genetic cousins' list of names of his ancestors.

But as I am living in UK since 12th February 1998
and I am a British Citizen UK, Russian Ethnic Group,

I always interesting to find histories
linking to British and European History
some to Russian and Latvian and Ukrainian History too
and any country as this planet.

I had not contacted to my genetic cousin
to write this all
i was not no so brave
to disturb someone's else privacy.

But I am thankful for providing the information
for genetic cousins to find to read this all. Thank you very much!


Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

"Howard, Howard 2nd Earl of Suffolk "

© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2022
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2022