Opera Browser Rating 2023 May 1 Annoyed

Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Opera Browser Rating 2023 May: 1 Annoyed

as a torture asked each launch opera to install updated Opera (no logo Opera in a message) , reply "No" (I do not want this) EACH launch of Opera and not possible TO SWITCH off this ask making the use OPERA browser experience THE HELL and  DEVILS ENJOYE TORTURE HUMANS BRAIN. WOULD YOU LIKE UPDATE OPERA?- NO=each launch

Opera Browser Rating 2023 May: 1 Annoyed Ask Each (EACH) use of open Opera Browser
(can imagine how many time per day this may be?)
making the use of Opera Browser Annoyed ask A TORTURE OF OWN CLIENT
as a way this beat your brain
and a way this use your time so beat your money as a paid Internet time
this is a torture.

Opera Developers play a roles "They Are Devils IN Power to torture their clients trusted them to install their product"

"No Opera label" on so sort messages

"Do you want to update browser?"

Task manager (to switch of Opera browser)
continue to keep this message
and open file location as Opera Browser program itself

Tortures and annoyed adverts values
may be a hidden options
control mind
torture someone as a hated (Another Ethnic Group, race, etc)

This was not like this before for my long years experience.

The similar is regarding American filial of Kaspersky
using some "new American style American company"

They sold me a product
I paid money
for Windows

1. The company logo "Kaspersky" program had not been installed
on a desk of PC at the end of installation, to be proud using a legal company product and to a company be proud for the quality of own product they sold.

So, the company Kaspersky left own client to lean train know things "their paid expert leaned to be experts paid vacancies".

This was not a level of a paid software quality of Kaspersky
but a level of "school pupil 1st leaners"
as a logo company was not installed on a desk
looking likes unfinished product sold.

2. The issue was managed by a manual way logo installation,
Kaspersky worked after well from October 2022
and suddenly stopped to work to start.

The Russian web-side Kaspersky on Russian language advised to check
some special values added stopped Kaspersky to start in a register
so to open a register make a work professional computer experts know.

But a point the change values stopped Kaspersky to start passed on a time paid Kaspersky product making a faulty non-working Kaspersky software product.

The American English-speakers Kaspersky Lab and Customer Services "Computer Experts" and "Customer Service Representors"
had not advised what some problem issues advised on Russian language for Russia users, just Part 1 of advices:

to install Windows Microsoft Developer C++ 5 and 6  huge memory taking things

I installed not knowing why this as this for Developers not users
Kaspersky had not started

Russian website advised to check value of register to make ability Kaspersky to start here

English-speakers Kaspersky no one advised this
they advised re-install all

I re-install all
issue "Kaspersky not start to work continue"

I used Kaspersky program program uninstall Kaspersky product
(was not advised no link on this by well paid Kaspersky Experts USA to users)

But whom users for years each knew this.

I re-installed about lots all some/

Kaspersky "Computer Experts"
offered me  re-install may be started
offered me their Computers Experts (no knowing register value changes and no knowing the special program company used to delete Kaspersky product and Computers experts thinking the installation of Kaspersky (paid) product for Windows without a Kaspersky logo on a desk is a correct standard business usual Kaspersky company style) would had a free access to my PC (in UK)  (some as would hackers) making something still recording  (my private files contains?  CV? photos of me? my texts? my banks details?)
as "Kaspersky Computer Experts 2023 Quality" whom sold not working properly "business paid product" to me in 2022 without a company logo Kaspersky ending logo on a desk, - so the end of installation:  all was installed and "hidden of a look" no ability "to press a button to start to use it"

I so put a logo manual way which is not a style any paid software.
This means Kaspersky sold not finished program
as a finished program would put own logo on a desk to start by a pressing a button with a logo.

If you think "Kaspersky Customer Service" or "Kaspersky Lab  Computer Experts"
said me sorry apologised replaced a faulty not starting to work their paid product for a new working probably
or that they solved an issue and put a longer time to a licence as a paid product :   No.

No one apologise to own client paid a money bought Kaspersky program.

No one offered a replacement a faulty product not start not installed a logo on a desk.

No one offered a right solution to improve the situation to product to work they sold as a working product

No one offered the extending licence as a loss unused as a faulty product.

So, this was not any usual way of a work any business private company
on a market where lots competitors.

Some as a level of "Computer Experts" was much low I had before
no one offered any solution all situation kept "Kaspersky program not start, a faulty non-working product".

The message came on a screen without a logo Kaspersky company
asking me to install C++ Developer  (for Developer Programs) Microsoft Windows
old packages  5
new packages  6 +

nothing worked

so Computer Experts "Kaspersky Lab"
"monitored the situation improved itself some how
emailed emailed emailed me asking me if all solved working now? way
of Computer Experts 2023 of Kaspersky Lab USA area location
for   UK  area location.

I mean 

Opera Browser message
"Would you like to update browser?" (no Opera logo on a message from Opera Browser on each Opera launch)

some style

Kaspersky ask
"To download Microsoft Windows Developers 5+ 6+ 7+" message (no Kaspersky logo on a message from paid Kaspersky product)

This is impossible to switch off
And paid/unpaid software
Tasks Manager  put "Opera Annoyed Messages"
as Opera Launcher  itself program
while all messages without "Opera" logo,

some as Kaspersky messages
were without "Kaspersky" logo too.

As no logo of company
So, I worry some hackers
used their own software
changed values of register

and paid-or-free installation of program
can not stopped this.

One of issue may be
I am not happy  to live in this well-controlled world
similarity Open Zoo Cell / Prisoner in Prison Cell / Prisoner in Private Prison Cell (we paid for software controlled us, for taxes budget Officials Politicians making Laws/instructions/wars we would not able stop this NO STOP THIS ,  making all use to feel  be used   as a free unpaid  cow-bulls-chickens-ducks-etc  "meat supply for organs, experiences on humans, farming humans, games to harm/torture/trace-hunters on humans)

Each all this "paid" software technology or "free unpaid"
a special trach control

- "I am here!" location sent to USA services /and National/and hackers/and any/and Windows Microsoft

- the Windows Microsoft tool worked on a way to collect "wanted" "telemetry" "location" etc.

- lots programs used to spy  (to buy a product at home use which came inside your home to spy report on you) = we all paid make Prisoners in Prison style states / humans souls in The Hell tortured by Devils (Devils Politicians and their Officials representors in power)

- the way to stop this  I DO NOT WANT THIS> STOP SPY ON ME not working in Western countries USA, UK, EU  software

The 1st this started under worries of terra-activities
to stop criminals  to kill murder people

But most dangerous type of Criminals Organising Mass Killings, wars, revolutions
are   ....  Politicians    in Power,  are they?

So,  Politicians in Power as Much Dangerous Murders Organisers Wars as a mass killing humans of   planet,

used  their state orders  control   others
lots are not murders

but each blamed by  Politicians in Power:

"You are a Murder!  I sure this! So, I must control your mind activity life thoughts things!",

Look, when someone not a murder or a criminal
blamed such as a thoughts "more powerful state officials under Politicians in Power" wrong thoughts or a lie on any (any each!),
this may be a type of a mental illness "paranoia" as whom in a power?

Any person checked by Professionals Mental Health Check
should reply
if they had any idea /wish/thoughts  to kill/to murder someone? to go to make this?

if reply would be "yes" this marking "Mental Health Issues" "Paranoia" "Ideas to go to kill someone", = compare this facts we  saw    Politicians in Power / Parliament /American Presidents  Bush, Barak Obama, Trump, Baiden  Biden  2001 - 2023 as 22 years  ideas of Politicians in Power ideas "to go to kill someone" "making wars", ?  Ukraine land 2014-2023? Syria?

When our Mental Health Professional Providers would open their skills mouths to name this dirty military wars/revolutions activities  of Main Players Politicians in Power  as a possible  facts some or each had a mental disability was not checked prior "play be a new Napoleon role" in power?

I mean all control of Paranoiacs - the thief sure each a thief.

When we all agreed  to  have  this  control us
we  thought  as whom trusted  1st

We trusted to a Police Officers Duty Tasks
to  them  to  find   terrorists  , criminals,  murders, podophiles, etc,

unofficial videos to us
were with kidnapped humans, females, children, males
used like
slaves no human rights
sex slaves by rapists
cruelty sadists
experiences on humans
medical experiences on humans
a meat supply food for aliens and cannibals in power
a meat supply humans organs as a black market sales on murdered specially humans
genetic lab experiences on human
experience on human brain
military experiences making  military  bio-robots
making bio-robots from human and human bodies
production clones/babies experiences of using "officially dead" females bodies
using a blood of tortured humans sale for injections
sale all parts of human bodies
underground labs of aliens
underground labs of military labs
underground labs
experience making a stupid "animals brain" creatures from humans
experience to make a production "animals" (humans) to sold their meat/meat organs/them/biorobots/making range "race" as top elite with rights power "and these others they not" and "animals for using as a meat"

We saw adverts of using human meat steaks
this making think a way of lots "missing" "kidnapped"

Lots had fears to leave own home as a feeling be unsafe
kidnapped  by own "National"  "officials for experience"/or be murdered
or just any
and no one find as
a feeling a criminal organising groups-clans in power inside any state structure
leaving others as humans having no human rights

We saw cages with naked people inside.
Lots Britons/Americans like use cages for own dogs/cats in their home
to keep here while they out
some big enough
some may be in use to keep here
own children
adapted children

We had not find

British Police UK would helped such stopped slavery in UK, tortures in UK.

We read a strange missing evidence  from open criminal case  of sex rapists,
of paedophiles/podophiles  from a fully security guarded CCTV monitored by Professionals in power in UK  police stations UK,

so,  the family of a victim child moved away from UK area to EU
as they paid taxes to keep  not working properly British Police
focused to protect British paedophiles  not British children victims of British paedophiles.

I like British Prince Andrew's nice looking face and his attractive look of a British Noble man,

our faces (me as Ms Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, birth 1961)
and face of British Prince Andrew, a native son of Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II  ,
our faces Prince Andrew's and mine
had a great similarity o=in proportions shapes
as the odd.

Just as  I was  educated  by my own  mother and own father parents,
still grandparents, anties,

not  by  British Royalty's staff so

I never crossed any Law.

No one said to British Prince Andrews rights things
as Noble Knight not a type of animal
to follow by own biological instincts/sins/sexual wishes/any.

Some way lots used not to tinkle own pants way trying use a special room
Some way lots used a knife and a fork, eating, not own mouth and palms,
Some ways lots respect themselves and Laws of own country.

What damages of  emotions of parents was their child trusting British Noble Knight Prince Andrew had as her/their life experiences of "British Nobles", "British Knights" "British Princes" just "pretty face rapists  or a paedofiles if a girl age marked by Laws "NOT TOUCH HER!"  ?

This is a really emotional damage   as "a pretty face" rich Noble man  might had  lots  women admired him  .

So, see a missing kidnapped girls, children, women and males way may be in use of sexual rapists in power, a rich, in closed private areas or underground, keeping in caves,

and no one British Police Officer UK would help in UK area
"designed to keep  British Police out duty if cases linked  British Monarchy"
"they should much highest another "Royal" human race not you ordinary human races?

But if you think this way as a true way, you would be a wrong, see 2nd issue:

British Kings and British Princes and British Princesses and British Queens
treated a way  as unhuman cruel way for any adult human:

They had not  humans rights  of humans
to marry another adult
by their own choice of their love and their sexual biological insticts.

They had treated as no human rights others all each had.

Their spouses (wives/husbands)
should be accepted
spouses  (wives/husbands)
by special rules
some out-dated rules out any biological normal physiological biological instincts

- The Monarch may order to marry any "as the National interests tasks" before
not worrying be in a love-not-in-love "no humans rights to pick own beloved spouses"

- The picked own fiancee choice must be accepted by special check-list rules:

"a virgin girl"(check list (crossed deleted as out-dated modern time))

"not a divorcee" (never had been married officially girl/woman)
(a working rules ruined a life of
King George married on a divorced American woman Simpson  and he signed off his Crown as this and moved to live in USA
King Charles III  longest love story with after his Queen-Consort Camilla, a pair in a strongest physical emotional love had not ordinary people humans rights to marry as The Queen Camilla was a divorced twice woman UK,
so  Charles III had the option to marry taking his Crown chances down and left UK to USA as all before him.

British Parliament UK, adults, lots in age, women and men UK,
some Nobles, Peers, Lords, Ladies,
some ordinary middle class and highest elite class
as adults UK
as females and males UK
as women and men UK
whom adults UK
educated to lean this bloody English-British History UK:

King Henry VIII time - 28,000 killed as disliked a way their King as adult male man marry his Beloved woman adult
and   35,000 killed more on a time of The Bloody Queen Mary, following battle.

The terrible bloody fights as a religion fights was:
a new Anglican Church installation making a human rights for a King be marry/be divorced installed.

The ordinary people and British Nobles fight with own English/British King
was  no one wanted  their  own King/Prince/Princesses
had  ordinary human rights
be marry
by following own mind
and own love
and own choices.

15-16 Century
20-21 Century "all some no changes here"

This Scandal Prince Charles that time
was in his love
to his Beloved woman his lover his woman Camilla Parker Boules
and he wanted stay a honest man so to marry.

But British Laws of British Politicians in Power and British Parliament
and British Nobles
had not permit  British Prince/British King would marry any divorced woman,
as if this, bye-bye a que to be a King.

As a Royalty in duty their marriages plans should be accepted by Monarch
which was own mother Queen Elizabeth II
as a possible mother-in-law
to her possible daughter-in-law
to permit/or not to permit.

So, no humans rights of adults UK
others may marry by own choices mind biological instincts.

I mean  this over-controlled  styles of humans
of any social class group
from a low to a richest
from a richest to a low income^

The System used to treat us humans as having humans rights
and still
asking our money (taxes)
for us to keep  this System making us unhappy .

These Annoyed  asks asks asks so true-born in UK tortures on Brits, Britons,
lots had fears to make any own personnel choice to live.

My neighbour Mr Almer Syson was a really attractive British man,
oldest Scottish Syson served to French King in Palaces and moved (back) to island England as oldest French invasion a land now English language area UK.

First English Kings of England were growing in France land,
some were French Noble, some had own que places to rule France, French Kingdom.

The graves of 1st English Kings of  England were in Fontebloo in France where all French Kings graves were.

But England land separated from French Kingdom in a separate own Kingdom.
And as English Kings were French Nobles in que to rule parts of some French small kingdoms were wars England-France, England tried to add some areas of France to own Crown own Kingdom but failed this for us to have separated state and countries and languages.

All each stayed  in UK area   assimilated be British/English Citizens//some Nobles.

See European France and French Freedom
See English/British UK (Kingdom) Freedom rights and or not like this all rights.
See  American/Australian/Canadian/India's/Singapore's/South African Republic's/ex-British Colonies  Humans Rights /Freedoms

to compare all these areas, countries, states, mentality, Ethnic Groups.
some probably the some or similar now
as the basic standards level of each.

So,  Mr Almer's some relatives were from French Royalty ancestry as British ordinary people (not Nobles, miners, etc), while much richer my low income
just 13 pounds per month of my personnel private pension UK.

So, I was thinking to improve my financial situation as a British woman (divorced twices, always just divorced in UK, so no Financial Settlement support me and no a part of Pension fond to me  from my two ex-husbands as
my 1st ex husband ,a marriage for 17 years 1981-1997, two children
my 2nd ex husband, a marriage for 12 years 1998-2010, one child.

Later I calculated
my financial loss
me was a married woman twice for 17 years and for 12 years, so 29 years of a married woman life financial total loss:

I started my 1st job at am 13 yo age as a school girl working on Latvian Farmers Fields  in  Latvia, Moldavian  Farmers Fields in Moldavia,
a fresh air physical work
a natural farmers fresh products food
a clean natural water drinks
a regime of day with the physical loads
a payment cash money, my first pocket money.

I met my 1st husband I was a virgin 17 yo girl, working on a farmers field in Moldova and he worked here too, we were students , earing money in summer holiday time breaks.

We married soon my 20th as students.
I took a break working till he was graduated started to work.

My parents worked abroad 6 years contract well paid x3 x4 wages in Mongolia
a part of this as x3 wages my parents sent to me their daughter student in a full time education,

I used my income
keeping my husband student and me and our child
and my parents-in-law
each happy.

if I would not marry
I would had this x3 wages money for me myself
I would continue be a student making better career level

when I divorced and I left Latvia taking just one bag and my handbag
all I owed  (bought/presents to me) I left.

My marriages costs me to loss my both parents heritage too.

My 2nd divorce was just a divorce.
But as we were  co-owners of property, our Solicitor send 50 presents each (so me) after a sales. I owed  17k-18K my share, I paid all my credit cards debts in full.  My saving had finished after.

My Almer Syson was a handsome, alone, divorced man for years, a widowed his partner next wife single man, he had a good private pension as a miner UK
and he was a really attractive charming British man.

But  when our personnel relations contacts developed
I had a shock.

An adult man UK asked the permit of his Oculists (he paid to check his visions making a new glasses) permit  me stay near him for him to ask my opinion  about better style frame for his glasses.

- May (....)   stay  here  near  me too?,  -  the ask of serving staff of paid service.

His (...) had said would be unhappy he married me,
as worries of his heritage
would dropped shares to my share of him.

I offered a contract marriage sign: all his and mine before a sign of marriage
return back each in cases of divorce/separations/death of each any/ask.

He was up 1st and down after:  The British Laws named 50 presents of ownership
of spouses so my share would be not as in a contracted in case of any Court UK apply. so, a low trust and fears  some may be a dishonest and a ruined love story end UK.

He died in his relative's home, his body was finding late to help.

I cried. He would not like this but he picked this.

I mean
I am an ordinary human being
low income
no any hidden secrets
all as a clean water list

not this would be a bad-wrong-good-fine-nice-or not
but as people my income and sex group women
had not hidden things or secrets or hidden money too
as so low income making use each pence to buy a food.

it is not easy for any woman UK to survive in UK, be honest.

and all this moments
as non-working browser Opera, non-working Kaspersky
annoying faulty software product 21st century
is not nice things,
be honest,
as over.



© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2023
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2023

Opera Browser Rating 2023 May 1 Annoyed (8th May 2023, UK)

© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2023
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2023