I love writing

I love writing. I remember I first started writing when I was a girl of ten or so. My first poems and stories were naive yet I was devoted to it and did my best at that time.
Later in life I entered a philological faculty of Perm State Univeristy which I graduated with a degree both in Russian, English and Literature. I started my work as an English teacher and translator and travelled abroad to train my skills in communication and interpreting. I enjoyed my job a great deal. At that time I also translated some poems of a famous American poet Emily Dickinson and of some other poets. It was great success for me and made me known as a translator though I did not get any money for my work.
At the year of 2000 I became a sannyasin of Osho - a well-known enlightened Indian mystic, I became his true follower which led me to being a translator at therapy groups by some foreign group-leaders, Osho disciples, who came to Russia to have their trainings for Russian sannyasins and the like-minded people. It was stunning and awsome to be around those lovely beautiful and creative people. Translation at therapy groups caused opening of some of inherent abilities in me such as strong empathy, telepathy and energy understanding. It really has brought me to a different level of awareness and has made my consciousness wider. I am so grateful for all of the beautiful experiences I had at that unforgettable time.
It was a break-through for me in many ways. I looked at my conditioning, realised my strongest limiting beliefs and decided to be who I am at any cost.
I did have hard times after leaving my beloved husband when I started living on my own and exploring my inner world outside of dependency that I was used to. Staying alone is a painful experience for dependent ones and a vast way to inner depth for other - those who are strong in spirit and will. It's impossible to meditate in the crowd when one is just new to this proccess yet after mastering the subject one has to be alert, aware and mindful even in situations when surrounded by not supporting people or circumstances. It is a challenge one has to face with an open heart and strong will power. Some things inside can be frightening, dangerous and threatening yet one needs to go through fears to the other side - to float through darkness into the light. This is the time when you realise that only light exists and darkness was mere imagination. And the way has just started and it's life-long.
