Born a Writer

I love sitting with my laptop just writing my thoughts that flow freely and endlessly. It takes my breath away when I think of all the opportunities writing can give me. I enjoy desribing the people I saw or things I can imagine. Sometimes my imagination just takes me to a magical land where I can be anyone I choose. There is this miraculous part of the Inner Child in me that loves imagining incredible things. When I am in touch with this part, it brings me pleasure and a sense of vividness and happiness. I try to communicate with this piece of my soul every day and it pays. Little Anastasia is a born magician like many children. Her world is fascinating and unpredictable. She was born with a book in her hands and a pen and paper. I remember my mother reading stories and poems to me when I was three or four years old. I could retell any story, my memory was just fantastic. It served me well when I started studying English.
My memory is getting better and better as I use my knowledge and make things like automatic writing happen. This gives deep satisfaction to my mind and soul...
