В закусочной Тако Бэлл

Только что был в Taco Bell закусочной. Решил остаться там поесть и встретил какого старого наркомана рок-н-ролльщика с длинными светлыми волосами и голубыми глазами. Он долго объяснял мне, что знает одну группу которая ищет басиста. Я пытался выведать у него название группы, но он мне не раскрывал тайну. Он говорит: Ты должен встретиться с ними через меня!
- Но какое же название у группы?
- Не знаю. Они все время его меняют.
Еще он мне говорит: "Мне кажется мы на одной волне? Я знал всех! Tell me a name!
- Jim Morrisson!
- Never knew him! But he was on the same beach when they started. I was grown up in California. And i knew them all. I'm German myself! Not a Nazi! German! My wife is black, from west Africa. Not too black, brown, you know how they have Black-black sometimes! She's not like that! Allright, ask me more names if you know!
эээ... - задумался я.
Grateful Dead! Do know them?
- Yeah
- They used to know me. But see, now i'm old, i went thru that all, did a lot of drugs, back from 60s, did LSD, Mushroos, Weed, Heroin, then in the 80s came Cocaine! Ufff! Most of them, old rocknrollers, most of them are dead brain. See, i'm only half-there. I can still function, my brain is opened, and now i'm trying to open your! - указующи рукой на мою голову говорит он. - We used to have fun... yeah. Wait a minute, you got an accent? Do you? Where are you from?
- Russia
- Really? That's perfect, you might fit right in this band. A black guy with curly hair. a white american, a girl with tattoos, and a Russian kid! That's something unusual. When it's unusual, that's when you start making money.I'm Norwegian, that's close!?And i'm happy if they take you, even if i'm not in the band. I can be a manager! See, if you get in that band, you're cool! But i have to introduce you first! They wanted me to play the bass, cause i used to play bass and drums long ago. You don't know how old i am now! But i said i wanna write lyrics, you know, I'm an artist. And all the artists are weirdos! Like you and me! You get what i'm saying? I'm trying your brain to start working! Just stting here all day, whatching the traffic thru this window, writing poetry! I can feel it, i hear the rhythm and th sound in my brain! But they might need you better! A Russian musician! You tell me..you don't know how cool i am! I am the coolest person! If you would know who i used to chill with! Bob Dylan! You know who it is? Well, everybody knows him! He's the father of it all. Oh man! I'm too slow for you. Wait a minute. Let me put my head together!.. I wanna make my own band!The Bucker Experience. See, he knows!.. - указывая на работника закусочной. - He's with us! I know too. I'm German! We're tough. In a good way! Not nazi! Wise, wise, zinte! Not that kind of shit! Now what are you watching at? Those girls? Well, at least you're not a fag! Haha! All right , i'll let you go! I'm an asshole! What's wrong with that? It's just words!

Вот так сходишь в заведение быстрой еды, и встретишь американский типаж из прошлого в настоящем! А что , может и вправду они меня возьмут!) Зря я только свой телефон ему оставил написав на салфетке. Он сказал что не врет! Можно попробовать! ведь:

I'm not liing! Why would i lie? - подмигивает глазом. - Why would i lie?
Достает из внутреннего кармана куртки бутылку водки и подливает себе в стакан из под газировки.
- You, Russians, like vodka, do you? Now we're on the right track! That's called the Power of Positive thinking. Have you ever heard Bob Marley? Yeah, i sang his song today, and it helped me! No, woman, no cry! No woman, no cry!..It goes on and on! And i says:" peace, love!" Dzen power!The first step is made!

Так и не понял под чем он, но мне неудобно было спрашивать, да он скорее всего и не сказал бы, стал бы отнекиваться, мол "I don't do that anymore!!" конечно!
- By the way, my name is David! What's your name?
- ELdar!
- Elder or EldAr?
- EldAr!
-Oh ok! I live down the street, EldAAAr! HaHAHAhAha!! HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!! HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!
