Remember, son this road to Hell


We all went out from Hell
To light,
But who will punch us back?
There is no way back,
Where we can’t see the light.


There, where we got together
On the edge,
I would step to abyss
And get away, somewhere.

But they are reaching hands –
Carry your cross!
Which was given to your life,
Going to the end.

Where is a pool,
Deepest river –
Tired of life,
I would get away nowhere.

But voice is whispering –
It is not your time,
You didn’t suffer yet enough.

Did you just
Realize the horror
In your eyes?

Become a bird
And rise into the sky.
I would fold my wings,
Just to fall and crush.

The demon laughing –
You aren’t done,
Live more.

I met my mother
By the road:
“Where are you going,
My fear got me
Out of darkness”.

“Let me go there,
For me to be with you –
I would sell my soul”.

Mother said
With sorrow:
“Remember, son –
This road to Hell”.

My thoughts just vanished,
Standing by the river.
I was standing in deep thoughts
And asking.

But river has
No stream.
I cannot see the light,
It’s faded.

It – absorbed
By the gloom and darkness.
And realized:
“Oh, no! This road to Hell.
I can’t get out”.

I heard the noise of cars,
The road, but voice
Kept telling me
And wind was hitting me in back.

There is just noise,
There is no road!
“And this is just
The road to Hell” –
I got my answer.

And lips
Just whispered me:
“I’m telling you –
This road to Hell”!


The road to Hell
Will find the only one,
Who didn’t realize the good
And did just nothing.

He didn’t help stand up,
Didn’t give a hand.
He was torturing, mocking –
This one is going to Hell.


Based on the song by Chris Rea –
“The road to Hell” –

Picture is from the Internet.

