The bluff of space manned flights

The bluff of space manned flights

In connection with the preparation in several countries of the flight to Mars, which has already spent billions of dollars for, it makes sense to ask: whether space flights at present to planets of our star system and supposedly to the inhabited planets of other star systems are possible?

Key words: man, cosmos, planets, stars, flights, civilization, risks.

Any spatial displacement is a search for food and other resources for existence, and also it may be a aspiration for new impressions, knowledge, and the basis for achieving these goals are new contacts, and further these relations.
Therefore, during spatial displacement, a person is looking for opportunities for a better life and for his own kind above all, at this, everything that is dead for him, in essence, does not matter.
At one time, K.E. Tsiolkovsky declared that earthly humanity must populate space.
Apparently, he meant the achievement of the goals mentioned above.
Let's see how fair his declaration.
Let's start with the planetary system of our sun.
To date, it has become clear that there are no inhabited planets in this system except Earth.
Most likely, this circumstance is connected with the fact that there are no conditions for the origin and existence of organic life on these planets, and it is not possible to settle them in the foreseeable future.
True, in principle, the persons can visit Mars, but it, like the Moon, is cold and lifeless, and if you ask the flight enthusiasts towards this planet what they are going to do there, then you will not get a constructive answer, except how the vague expressions about research itch and demonstration the power of mankind incomprehensibly for whom.
Probably, the competition between the US and Russia in space has forced US President Trump to sign the NASA funding bill for 2017 in the amount - $ 19.5 billion and in 2018 - $ 19.1 billion, and this amount of funding involves the allocation of funds for the preparation of the manned flight to Mars, as reported on March 21, 2017 by space/com.
Let's present the considerations of some organizations and the figures on the master of Mars.
But first, we point out that the average distance from Earth to Mars is 225 million km, the maximum — 401 million km — the minimum — 56 million km. Accordingly, the flight to Mars at the current state of technology (maximum rocket speed - 16 km/s) will be 162 days, 289 days and 39 days.
Elon Musk (the SpaceX company - the United States) assumes to construct the ship capable to reach Mars in three months. There he plans to found base on which place in hundred years the city in one million inhabitants will appear. The ticket to Mars will be costs about 200 thousand dollars.
The Inspiration Mars Foundation (USA) plans to send a manned expedition to fly around Mars and return to Earth. The organization believes that this flight will serve as a catalyst for national prosperity, knowledge and global leadership.
The private project Mars One (USA) involves a flight to Mars, followed by the establishment of a colony on its surface and television broadcasts of everything that happens.
The program “Aurora” of the European Comic Agency suggests to land astronauts on Mars until 2033.
The ultimate goal of these activities is to find resources.
In addition, their implementation involves the development of new technologies, economic revival, the acquisition of new knowledge.
The main danger in interplanetary flights is the exposure of people to high-energy particles, which include galactic and solar.
Galactic cosmic rays are the nuclei of hydrogen, helium and other light elements with an average energy of 10 billion eV. For complete absorption of these rays, a lead screen 15 meters thick would be required. On Earth, humans are protected by the magnetic field from this radiation, which, by the way, is practically absent on Mars (it is 800 times weaker than the earth's magnetic field), as a result of which people will be irradiated with high-energy particles on the surface of Mars.
In a single flight to Mars, a person will receive a radiation dose of 0.3 Sv (sievert), at this, the lethal dose of radiation makes 3 Sv. However, 0.3 Sv is enough for irreversible damage to brain cells and the subsequent dementia.
In addition to galactic radiation, in space, during chromospheric flares on the Sun, fluxes mainly of protons and helium nuclei with an energy of about 199 MeV occur. The density of these streams can exceed the density of galactic radiation thousands of times and these flashes cannot be predicted.
Astronauts getting into the zone of chromospheric radiation means inevitable death from radiation sickness.
The strongest health risks for long interplanetary flights are the adverse effects on the psyche of a tight space; weightlessness provokes the appearance of muscle laxity, bone osteoporosis; the absence of a magnetic field adversely affects the human autonomic nervous system.
The lack of adequate medical care, technical breakdowns, and an increase in the moments of making erroneous decisions due to constant flight stress also threaten the crew with great trouble.
All these deadly risks to people for a fairly long flight without adequate protection compared to the goals of the expeditions make a flight to Mars, as in general flights to other lifeless planets of the solar system, completely unacceptable, at least until the development of an effective system to protect the crew from radiation and the emergence of more high-speed means of displacement in space.
Besides, the flights of the person towards any uninhabited worlds are senseless as only studying live and communication with it can be of true interest to the person, and alive among all planets of the Solar system is presented only on Earth.
As for some so far the unknown data about other planets of the solar system, they can be obtained by the corresponding automata and robots, especially since these data do not carry the vital interest.
If the above considerations regarding interplanetary travel are not available of the representatives of the ruling elite, who, as a rule, are far from the scientific, philosophical and humanitarian problems, since  are most interested in the preservation of power, then the members of the scientific community, perfectly representing the true state of affairs, simply under the pretext of struggling for leadership between countries in space exploration, are engaged in siphoning money into their pockets for knowingly unfeasible or harmful projects for the interplanetary spacecraft crews.
Nevertheless, one cannot reject the possibility of the reverse option of moving intelligent living beings to Earth from Mars, which could have been inhabited about 2 billion years ago, when its magnetic field was strong enough to protect the planet's surface from solar flares and cosmic radiation. Over time, this magnetic shield of Mars ceased to be such, which could force its inhabitants to seek refuge on a neighboring planet (Earth) that is quite suitable for life. It is possible that these Martians have found an effective way to protect against hard radiation in space and some of them managed to move to Earth, establishing a colony there long before the appearance of mammals on it, which can explain the artifacts found by archaeologists in the earth's sediments, which are hundreds of millions of years old and even billions of years old.
Thus, if we allow, just as it happened on Earth, the emergence and development of living beings in the appropriate conditions on Mars before, than on Earth — and this is quite possible, if, of course, by the conditions for life corresponded the state of its atmosphere, the magnitude of the magnetic field and other parameters necessary for the existence of organisms billions or hundreds of millions of years ago, then on Mars, like on Earth, could be formed, but somewhat earlier, communities of intelligent beings, or civilizations.
It is quite possible that representatives of these civilizations, at appropriate technical equipment and systems that ensure safety during the flights, could - and repeatedly - visit Earth, which already had life, but people have not yet appeared.
Naturally, by these interplanetary displacements, the Martians assumed to solve problems not only to obtain new impressions and knowledge, but they could also solve problems of obtaining the missing resources for their own existence, establish colonies on Earth, and when Mars began to lose own atmosphere and its magnetic field was weakened, which meant the disappearance of conditions for organic life, the Martians could move to Earth in some number, having formed own civilizations, more precisely, colonies for example, about a billion years ago where the persons were absent, but already existed  the organic life.
These civilizations appeared, disappeared, and reappeared in parallel with the development of life on Earth, and the remnants of the last Martian civilization may still be in places inaccessible for people, manifesting themselves, apparently, in unidentified flying objects, at this, the governments leading countries of the world cannot longer hide the real existence of these objects but the contacts of earthlings with these former Martian aliens are hardly possible for a number of reasons, and the main ones are as follows.
No unbiased outside observer voluntarily will wish to communicate with earthlings, not only because he considers them to be uncultured, underdeveloped in technology, narrow-minded, disunited and inert in their mass but because they must be contact with the power elites, but this is completely meaningless, since the power elites will want from these contacts the only be - to rob, deceive or somehow use a purely pragmatically those who have made contact, which they always did and are doing with the peoples who got under their heel.
All earthly power elites of various states are a collection of narrow-minded, hypocritical, greedy, and selfish crooks, hardly directing at themselves an external luster and some education.
They despise the population of own countries, although it is from this population they “emerged” not to mention other nations, and care first of all about own material well-being, comfortable lifestyle, and at the same time they are not capable to refrain from humiliation of subordinate, which give them authority and an increased level of their dominance, that helped them to get into the power structures. The mockery of those who fell under their power gives them extraordinary pleasure precisely because of their predominantly animal nature, which seeks to suppress the weak and to incline before the strong.
They do not possess true culture, and they are, as a rule, imitators of creative activity, using the services of appropriate specialists. They are only able to seize, accumulate, humiliate and strive for the animal pleasures, like the monkey alpha-males.
In imperious structures there can be no persons with at least some satisfactory level of self-awareness and thereby the persons with dignity, that is, highly moral, conscientious, with a high culture, humane and altruistic, because pragmatism, contributing to the successful actions of imperious structures for their own preservation, and the accompanying deception of the masses, as a rule, consisting in a promise of close prosperity, rejects a high level of self-awareness of any representatives of power structures, contributing to the negative selection of representatives of the authorities or the rapid decline of this level to hypocritical and unprincipled mediocrity, without detracting from the sharpness of the mind and other intellectual abilities, which are already directed not for the benefit of the people, but, as a rule, to preserve power, privileges, acquired property, and only forcedly - to develop the country, in order to avoid its disintegration and joining to stronger neighbors, leading to a loss of power.
More information about the properties of representatives of the power elites is presented in our work “The person in the attractive field of power” (, Amazon).
At the same time, the seven billionth mass of ordinary terrestrial population, with rare exceptions, does not represent anything outstanding, since it consists mostly of the downtrodden and rightless people (philistines), who are mainly engaged in problems of survival.
The philistines are guided mainly by their own rationality and experience: they are occupied with themselves and their own well-being, they do not strive for either “high” or “low” goals, limited to the desire for a trouble-free and well-fed life, in which it is desirable to see trouble only on the monitor screen. The philistines do not feel the desire for something new at the expense of their own efforts, striving for a more comfortable state in life from the standpoint of simple acquisition and consumption of its benefits.
The habitual standard dictates to them to live like everyone, consuming what is, creating around themselves the surroundings of artificial and natural objects only to update it regularly, finding satisfaction in this incessant process.
They have no understanding, that the pursuit for consumer values is quite monotonous, and it never gives the result satisfying the person completely.
At such behavior the people actually evince preference to the monotonic existence – as if to the life-sleep with rare moments of awakening which, as a rule, are initiated by external circumstances (marriages, divorce, new job, diseases, death of the close people, etc.).
Having lived the life, similar reasonable beings with surprise discover in it, in effect, absence of interesting and outstanding events precisely because they were trying to follow to pragmatic approach.
In this regard they are surprisingly similar in behavior with animals for whom, though they are not able to reason, the main thing is to obtain of sensations.
With this huge mass of the population, allowing itself to be humiliated, stupefied and robbed, there is also no point in equal communication with representatives of a more developed civilization.
More information about the people masses is stated in our work “The dethronement of the myth about good and evil”, part 3 (, Amazon).
The remaining representatives of the earthly civilization - very few - who aspire to at least something benign and at least represent something by themselves, and also do not allow themselves to be humiliated, simply will not be allowed to make any contacts.
On the other hand, the former Martian aliens are not capable of any direct contacts with anyone, due to they without representing anything by themselves.
Being a shard of a technologically advanced civilization that had disappeared, and "saving of themselves" for thousands of years in "the separate shell" on Earth, they had lost the possibility of development, which always proceeds in the struggle of opposites, having turned into a humanitarian application to their high-speed computers, and their only occupation - to observe the earthly civilization. This observation turned into the main information feed holding them in life as at them nothing occurs.
This information, which every day comes to them as the product of activity of earthlings, is like blood that nourishes bugs, without which the bugs will die. and who, like the former Martians, are no longer capable of anything.
The fact that they have not yet died out, apparently, manifests itself in the form of unidentified aircraft capable of moving both under water and through the air at high speeds, against which all modern methods of struggle are powerless, and which only monitor what is happening on the ground. planet without interfering with what is happening.
In addition to flying to the planets of the solar system, mankind attracts visiting inhabited planets at distant stars.
Science-fiction writers with fervor describe contacts with various kinds of alien mind, wars in space, the incredible adventures of space travelers, empires that have enveloped the whole universe, and have the power of gods, etc.
All this nonsense, of course, is only suitable for omnivorous adolescents, but and other members of a more or less educated population sometimes read such raving, without thinking about - insofar are real contacts with the alien mind, and whether these contacts are necessary, in general, especially since the press, television and Internet every day talk about aliens from stars, flying saucers, little green men, accountability of people of Earth to the reason, inaccessible for us, which is feeding on "juice" of our activity, etc.
We note first that the latest astronomical data have shown that a number of stars have planets with an atmosphere, that may be suitable for life to appear on them.
Only here to get to these planets from the Earth seems extremely difficult.
The fact is that the distance to the nearest star Proxima Centauri is 23 trillion kilometers or 2.45 light years.
So, the flight to the inhabited worlds does not threaten us yet, but it still makes sense to stop at the possibility of contacts with civilizations on the planets of other star systems, and what these civilizations are like.
To date, due to the absence of ordered signals from space, it has become clear that the long existence of any civilizations on other planets is very problematic, although these civilizations themselves, of course, arise, since there are planets suitable for living.
What is the reason for their disappearance? And why they do not turn out to be able to reach such heights of technological development by which their existence could be recorded.
Only one thing is clear: these civilizations appear and disappear relatively quickly, forming after a while again, and disintegrate again, like any finite formations.
The comparative short duration of the existence of civilizations on the inhabited planets, judging by the history of terrestrial civilizations, is also indicated by numerous artifacts found dating from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions of years, and there is more than a dozen of these vanished civilizations.
We have proposed an explanation for the short duration of the existence of these civilizations on the inhabited planets of many star systems. It lies in the fact that their development ends at the information peak due to the lack of the ability of the human brain to process information supplied to it by systems similar to modern artificial intellect (see, for example, the monograph "Everything and Nothing", Chapter 1.7. Amazon, Nizovtsev Yu.).
Since the information peak of development is ahead of the energy peak, the reason for the absence of any signals from these civilizations is that their representatives do not have time to reach a sufficiently high technological level in terms of energy production and its emissions.
Thus, all these facts indicate that the centers of all events in the universe are inhabited planets, rare in comparison with the number of other planets and stars, scattered at an insurmountable distance from each other for individual living beings, on which the process of development of living things proceeds approximately equally up to before the formation of civilizations, although there are deviations from this process, described in the article “The person is a product of evolution?!” (, Amazon).
