Rocking the Boat

Recently I tried to find a Center for disable kids. I was very close to it, but forgot the exact location. I asked many people who worked or lived nearby. Nobody knew. One young girl told me
“ Understand, people do not know those things’
“I know,-I agreed and added,- and they don’t want to know!”
Eventually I found it myself…in some corner with small sign

 People don’t want to know scary unattractive things
But they don't want to know some things about themselves as well

My intentions to spend my money for helping disable kids, was brutally destroyed by some very able people. They were able to lie easily , to cheat smartly  and skillfully manipulate for personal gain

And again people do not want to know or hear about that. All the doors I knocked  did not get open for me. The same way they shut themselves off from unpleasant issue of autism. Scary...?

Bringing that issue up is considered as “rocking the boat”
I need Real collaboration with somebody, who would be with me in that boat. So far my intense search for such a person during 2 years gave zero result
“The increase in children with autism is nature's response to the course of civilization”
Not my words, but I think the same way based on my 20 years of real experience with autistic kids and working on books and articles
