Рецензии на произведение «Дерево Жизни»

Рецензия на «Дерево Жизни» (Игорь Ничей)

Славно так, приятно-грустно.

Кенга   21.03.2012 18:03     Заявить о нарушении
спасибо Кенга!

Игорь Ничей   07.04.2012 15:43   Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Дерево Жизни» (Игорь Ничей)

я так про камелию писала, Игорь если найду - покажу...

Ирина Фетисова-Мюллерсон   20.10.2011 22:35     Заявить о нарушении
My Camellia
My Camellia has opened its first bright pink flower again this spring; there are lots of buds on this young shrub, waiting for their time to come to life to surprise the world.
Each year I am waiting for this time of the year. I know, that again and again, every morning and evening I will be able to watch the life-cycle of my gorgeous Camellia - tall, strong with deep green shiny leaves shrub that always reminds me of the way our Life comes and goes.

Among its many leaves I see tiny and firm green buds that hold future petals very close together. They breathe through almost invisible light cloth, just like new babies are born, covered in light delicate cloud of motherly love. They stay closed until that special time of the spring air, when morning sunrays gently touch tips of buds and this is a signal for then to begin to open up, forming fresh and adorable tiny flowers. They are joyful just like little children. Then they are opening more and more as the sun is shining stronger and longer, until one day when their true colour, which becomes more obvious every day, comes up – just like teenagers are trying new clothes on and tasting this world on their own unique way.
And when comes the time of glory, then little buds turn into fully open flowers, showing all what they were hiding from the world before – strong mature serious beauty of their every petal. Finally the Perfection is here as for that moment the flowers were born.
Now I can see the whole shrub - there are lovely huge bright pink flowers that cover it all and this is the only time in our life, when we feel all our power like they do – when we reach our flourishing time, when we know the purpose we were born for, when we are opened to the full, to the last petal like the flower of my magnificent Camellia.
It is incredibly beautiful age in one’s life – it will never happen again, we know that - but my shrub is so naive! I always bless my Camellia for its belief in Eternity.
…Now, here comes the time, when flowers get tired of being full of life and then another sophisticated shady colours start squeezing through so the bright pink become less and less obvious, like our tears and wears, wrinkles and grey hair…
Flowers live until those splashes of shady colours become one, making it to fade away and eventually leave the brunch and fall to the ground. I feel so sad when I see them gone; sometimes I pick them up when they just begin to fade and put them into water container to prolong their lives.
The circle of life is over then for one flower, but more and more new buds keep coming on and on.
May be Camellia knows more about Eternity after all?

March 21, 2004

Ирина Фетисова-Мюллерсон   20.10.2011 22:42   Заявить о нарушении