Pure Magic. Муж парикмахерши. Патрис Леконт. Рецензия

European Cinema at it"s best. Very tender and poetic - one of my 3 favorite films. The Rochefort"s character somehow KNOWS the hairdresser is waiting for him somewhere and it does not matter how he spends his life before he meets her. And he does not give a damn - see him dance. We do not see him mature, get a job, serve in the army - it all unimportant. Just a childhood dream coming true - as was expected. The sad thing that there is AFTER, not only BEFORE, and his wife is not going to stay. There were just a few options to finish the movie - the lovers could just go on living happily ever after - but then they"d be entering the saccharine realm of Mrs.Nora Efron. Double suicide is a bit melodramatic. Frankly it"s a no win game. Any ending is not suitable for this movie. But it does not matter. All the "events" are just a prelude to the pure magic of the dream fulfilled.

I am not even sure it happens in the real life. Maybe he has reached his nirvana in a dream and the wife"s death is a metaphor for waking up alone.

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