A Letter from an Israeli Woman - the author unknown

It"s not mine, but this letter impressed me very much!

I am not the least bit afraid to go anywhere, be it by bus or walking, or going shopping to a mall or shopping center or pizzeria. I did not change or stop doing any of the things I am used to before this mess began. People tend to forget that twice the number of casualties from terror still die from heart attacks or cancer. They just don’t show it on TV.
Don’t misunderstand me, there is a WAR going on here, it’s not pleasant but let’s face it,WE HAVE NEVER HAD IT BETTER!
It’s only the TV and Media that make people think that the end of the world is upon us.
Only 60 years ago, they were leading Jews like sheep to their deaths in the camp. No country, No army.
Fifty five years ago seven Arab countries declared war on the small Jewish state that was but hours old. We were 650000 Jews. 650000 Jews against the rest of the Arab world. No IDF, no mighty air force. Just tough people with nowhere to go (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Lybia, Saudi Arabia attacked all at once).
The country the U.N. “Gave us” was 65% DESERT. The country started from scratch. Thirty five years ago the three strongest armies in the middle east went to war against us. We wiped them out in six days. We fought against different coalitions of Arab countries with modern armies, and massive Russian weaponry af all kinds. We still won!! Today we have a country and an army and a strong air force. We have a very advanced hi-tech industry and economy exporting millions. IBM , INTEL, MICROSOFT, they all develop their technology here and our doctors win awards for medical developments. We made the desert flourish selling vegetables and oranges worldwide.
Whatever part of history that you look at, the situation for the Jewish people today has never been better. So let’s lift our heads high and remember; any nation or culture that has messed with us before, was destroyed, pulverized. All the while, the Jewish people are still around. Egypt? Does anyone know where they are? That mighty empire of just 3300 years ago has disappeared. The Greeks, the Romans, Alexander of Macedonia. Who speaks Latin today? The Third Reich? Has anyone heard any news about them?
Now look at us. The biblical Nation, from slavery in Egypt we are still here. Speaking the same language. Right here. Right now.
The Arabs don’t know it yet but there is only one g-d, our g-d. as long as we keep our identity, we will be eternal.
So, sorry for not worrying or bitching, crying or being scared. Things are going to be ok. They surely can get better so don’t fall for the media junk as they only want to sell newspapers. They won’t tell you there are festivals going on. People must go on living, going out, seeing friends. Yes, our morale is low, so what? It’s only because we weep for our dead while the Arab world enjoys the blood. And this is the reason that we will win in the end, and they will lose.
Israel has sent out into space its own satellite. Three satellite in all. We sit proudly with the U.S. (350,000,000 people), Russia (200,000,000 people), China (1.1 billion people) and the Europeans- France – England – Germany ( 350,000,000 people) as the only countries in the world to launch something into space. Israel is to! day part of the world nuclear family which includes the U.S., Russia, China, India, Pakistan, France, and England. (We don’t admit to it but everybody knows)
To think that 60 years ago we were led, shamefully to our deathswith no hope.
We crawled out from under the burning ashes of Europe, we won wars with less than nothing in our hands and we built an empire out of nothing. Who the hell is Mr. Arafat to make me scared? Terrified? He makes me laugh. Passover was last month, let’s not forget what the story is about. We overcame Pharaoh, WE OVERCAME THE Greeks, the Romans, the Inquisition in Spain. We overcame the pogroms of Russia. We overcame Hitler, the Germans, the Holocaust. We overcame the Arab countries that tried to wipe us out, we sent them running off in all directions. We also overcame Saddam. Not to worry , we will overcome these terrors and the terrorists. </SPAN!
Please forward this letter to all you know, in the U.S., and the rest of the world Jewry. They are part of our strength and this letter will help them pick up their head high; Tell them there is nothing to worry about. Tell them to think of the BIG picture and to see the whole and not just the parts.
“See you next year in Yerushalayim”

Письмо из Израиля… Идеологическая статья… Урок в школе… Одна сторона медали… Пафос…
«Давайте держать головы высоко и помнить, что любая нация или культура, которая имела с нами (дело?), была разрушена, распылилась…»
Информационная ценность невелика, эмоциональная зараженность же, и в качестве одностороннего взгляда – любопытно…
Считаю, что необходимо совместить с письмом арабского подростка, его пониманием проблемы и грузом идеологии – тогда действительно получится что-то НАСТОЯЩЕЕ.

А-Др Грог   18.02.2003 11:35     Заявить о нарушении
это не моё письмо, уважаемый Грог! Просто впечатлило меня настолько, что я повесила его сюда - всё собираюсь перевести на русский. В нем именно то, что я чувствую и думаю, как будто сама писала.Если поместить письмо арабского поростка рядом с этим письмом , то получится ГАВНО, а не настоящее.
А вот если оно вас так же сильно впечатлит, как меня это, и вам будет так же больно читать, как мне это, засуньте себе на вашу страницу в Прозе.ру
Я не собираюсь вещать абсолютные истины - они у господа Б-га, не у меня и не у вас. Могу - мой собственный груз, мой субъективный взгляд. Для меня, нет оправдания тому, что делают арабы евреям. Бедных палестинских подростков выкидывают под пули и взрывают их дорогие родители -- они за это деньги получают от Хамаса

Alice Parry Ale   18.02.2003 13:00   Заявить о нарушении
Если сделать так, как говорю я, получится ЛИТЕРАТУРА, а пока в этом только ИДЕОЛОГИЯ.

А-Др Грог   18.02.2003 13:34   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.