Between past and future

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It"s bottomless black space. We move between galaxies, stars, planets. Some of them twinkle and shine particoloured lights...A small blue star appeares  in  front. It  slowly comes near and  becomes  bigger and bigger  in  sizes  and  turns  into a light-blue planet...
It  has  increased so much that it occupies  all  field  of vision. We go down this planet. We pass the upper layers of atmosphere, run through the sky. We can see continents below. We approach the American continent, its northern part. It is possible to discern a mountain chain, a narrow ribbon of a river and a big city. Below us there are skyscrapers, bridges, highways with endless stream of cars...
In this stream of cars our attention  is  concentrated  on a taxi, which quickly moves to an airport.  The  taxi with passengers comes to the airport building. A young man with a bag and a suitcase and a young graceful lady with a small baby in her hands go out from the taxi.


Inside is a usual atmosphere. The passengers, who arrive and leave, people, who meet and see off, are in constant movement...
A young couple with a year old baby register tickets. The couple is in a merry mood. The father,  a  sport  looking young man, takes the documents from a clerk and addresses to his wife, KETTY.

Ketty, how do you think  our
baby will bear this air trip?

If to judge how he sleeps, he
will do it better than me.

She looks tenderly at baby"s face. It is calm and placid.
The clerk smiles.

I wish you a pleasant journey.

The passengers take the bus, which deliver them to a silvery Boeing. There is the young woman with the baby among the passengers. There is a beautiful airplane  on  a  landing ground. Boarding is in the process.The passengers disappear in a big body of Boeing, going up a ladder.


An elegant black stewardess greets the passengers. She shows them their seats.  She helps the young couple to settle down in their seats.

If  you  need  my  help  press this
button. The flight is long and your
baby is so small.

Thank you. I hope we"ll not need it.

A man in a grey suit moves deep  into the saloon.  One  half of  his  face  is  closed  by  thick  moustache  and  beard, the second  is  closed with the help  of glasses  and broadbrimmed hat,  which is pushed on eyebrows.  The black  curly hair is showing from under his hat.  This man with beard has a middle sized brief-case.  He  disappears in the far end of saloon.


A big silvery bird is on the landing ground.  Boeing  shines under the bright beams of the sun. The engines work strongly. The airplane is in the sky.


On a tower,  it is a usual working atmosphere:  the screen of radars  twinkle  weakly,  the  air  controllers  watch  them attentively.
A big indian man  with  neat  moustache  stands  near  a big window from which a landing ground is seen.Though his jacket is unbuttoned and air-conditioner works it is hot for him...
Near him  there is a little bit spare middle aged man.  They both watch a boarding of ordinary airplane...
Suddenly  one of the air controller  turns from  the panel. Anxiety is at his face. He tries to overcome this anxiety.


A big man  comes  together  with  his assistant  to  the air controller.
What"s happened?

I have received the report from the
airplane  K-1418  proceeds from LA.
A   fanatic - terrorist   threatens
to explode himself and the plane,if
his demands will not be fulfilled.

The face of the main control officer becomes gloomy. He rubs with his palm  a  sweat  forehead.  Then  he  turns  to  his assistant.

Immediately  get  in  contact   with

Mr. Roy makes weak his tie, he sweats more.

ROY(to the air controller)
What does he want?

The pilot  reports  that he demands
to free from jail  his two friends.
They are well-known terrorists.

Report to the plane that his demands
will   be   immediately   send   to
the authorities.And say to the crew
to fulfil all the demands  of  this

Mr. Roy looks at the watch.  Some persons come to him, among them there are two policemen...
The air controller presses head-phones.

(with emotion)
The captain  of  the  crew  reports
that   something   happens  in  the
saloon. Shooting is heard.

There must be an agent from security
service on the board...

Roy looks with expectation  at  the policeman,  but he keeps silence.

Everything is not OK  at the board.
Somewhere a misfire has happened...

Nobody gives him an answer.  Anxiety  is  on  the  faces  of people.

There is no contact with the board.
The board keeps silence.  The plane
loses altitude.

All watch the screen of the panel.
                (to the air controller)
Give me coordinates of the possible
fall of the plane.
It falls on the territory of China.


The sun beams touch the earth  the  last  time  and  a  warm summer night lowers into a valley...         The grandfather Dzan, an old chinese, has gathered herbs, roots, minerals and returns to his cabin. Daos-recluse (hermit) at his seventy years old moves easyly and quickly. A weak wind stirs his long grey hair...
Suddenly he stops and turns his head to a not very high, with some trees mountain...
From the hillside the plane in fire rushes by and plunges into nhe forest...
The jungles are lighted and a deafening explosion shake the earth. Astonishment, fear do not appear on the face of the old man. For some minutes he stands moveless and listens the night silence. He tries to catch any sounds. But the jungles are in silence...
The old man is going to go away, makes some steps and stops: he heards a weak baby cry...
Putting straight his sack the recluse goes quickly to the side of this cry...
As he reaches the place of disaster more and more debris in fire are everywhere.
There are burning things, the remains of the plane in the fire gleam. And among the nightmare there is a lonely baby cry. In thick bushes, throw back by explosion, lies a passenger chair...
In it there is a small white boy. This is Dan. He is fastened by belts, he is weeping.
Daos-chinese frees the boy from the belts and takes him in his hands.

Your life preserved for you...
It means that you will have
unusual destiny.


The grand father Dzan, daos-recluse sits on a large stone and looks in the side of the forest. A boy appears from the forest and runs to the old man. The boy is 8-9 years old. This is Daniel. He is out of breath, but his sunburnt face shines with joy.

Grandfather Dzan, look I have found.

The boy stretches a stone to the old-chinese.The old man takes the stone and examines it. Then he looks at the boy with approval.
You have found the stone, which
we studied yesterday.

Grandfather Dzan, what shall we do
with it?

It will help us to make the
elexir of life.
Daniel looks with admiration at his teacher.
The old man takes the boy"s hand and they together go to a small river, which is between dense reed.
Suddenly there is menacing below and a big tiger bars the way. The tiger growls his eyes are angry, he slowly moves to the old man and the boy.

Dan, stand near me and don"t move.
The old man puts his hand on the boy"s shoulder and calmly, but firmly looks in the beast"s eyes...
The red cat becomes a little bit calm, she does not growl; she shifts her paws and disappears between trees...
The boy looks at his teacher with inquiring glance.

Grandfather Dzan, it"s you, made
the tiger go away.

                THE OLD-CHINESE
Yes. It was not difficult to do this...
The tiger felt what I wanted from him.
The old teacher - daos and his young  pupil  continue  their
way. The river is near. It"s surface shines  brightly  under  the run beams... The boy looks at the old man with cunning.

Grandfather Dzan, can you guess what
I want now?               
                THE OLD-CHINESE

Guess, please?

The old daos stops. He makes thoughtful face, looks  at  the
burning sun, then he looks at the river.

The weather is hot and we are
near the  river...  You want...

The old man has no time to finish, as  his  pupil  does  not
hear. He runs to the river, jumps  across  ditches.  The  teacher smiles and follows his small pupil with his eyes.


Nestles at the foot of the mountain. From  the  side  of  it
there  is  a  small  cascade,  which  harmoniously  adds  a landscape...
We hear a low voice of the old daos from the window  of  the

                THE OLD-CHINESE ( O.S.)
Answer me, what is a man?
                DANIEL ( O.S.)
A man is an outcome of the Earth
and the Sky.
                THE OLD-CHINESE ( O.S.)
And what is a big Dao?

                DANIEL ( O.S.)
This is a low of life, creator of
all living and unliving.

In a small half dark room there is the old teacher  and  his
pupil, a small Daniel. They sit on the floor opposite each other. The room is lighted by several candles...
Two candles stand on a small low table between the  old  man  and the boy.

                THE OLD -CHINESE
For what must a man strive?

To know Dao, to live in peace and
harmony with nature.

                THE OLD -CHINESE
Correct. How do you reach this?

It is necessary to develop abilities
and to  believe  in  my own strength.

The  boy  answers  with  confidence.  We  can    see    that communication with the teacher gives the boy a great pleasure.

                THE OLD-CHINESE
It"s true.
The main you must follow your 
thoughts  and  wishes  and 
to control them.

The old man stops talking. Daniel does not take his eyes off
the teacher. The teacher slowly lifts his hand with an open  palm and sharply throws it into the direction of  the  candle  sharply deviated and goes out...
The small pupil repeats the same movement, but flame of the
second candle only scarcely deviates.
Very well. Now go and make some
physical exercises.

The teacher looks through the window. He sees his small pupil, who is making fight complex u - shu. The   boy"s   movements   are  quick  and  precise.  His  face  is concentrated. The old teacher  is  satisfied  with  technique  of execution of the exercises and a smile of satisfaction appears at his face... He goes to the yard and for some seconds watches  the boy.

                THE OLD-CHINESE
Stop and stand still !

The pupil immediately react to the teacher"s  voice  and  at
once stands still in the position "rider". The old master returns to the monastery.


The sun  was  waning to the horizon and a big shadow halfly covers the yard, where the boy stands at the same position. The boy"s face  sweats,  but  it does not look tired...
The old teacher appeared from the door. He goes to the pupil.

                THE OLD-CHINESE
Enough Dan.

The boy straightens and wipes sweat from his face.

                THE OLD-CHINESE
Was it difficult for you?

No, it was not.

                THE OLD-CHINESE

I have imagined, that I am a 
big  and  heavy  stone,  which cannot
be shifted from the place. And then
I have ceased to  feel my body.

                THE OLD-CHINESE
I praise you for ingenuity.

Grandfather Dzan, can I train more?

Good. Train yourself in lightness of
your body.

The teacher shows the boy basket with stones. The small boy
does not need to repeat twice. He runs to the basket  and  easily jumps on it"s edge. The able pupil quickly moves by the  edge  of the basket so, it does not fall...
The amount of stones in the basket becomes  less  and  less.
The moment comes, when there is  no  any  stone  in  the  basket, but the legs in the dark trousers continue to  move  by  the  edge with confidence...
But now the owner of the legs jumps to the land and  we  can
see the other Daniel, a twenty year old young man with an excellent developed body and a calm, confident look.


at  which  near  a low table the old teacher and his pupil Dan  sit.  The teacher is in a traditional embroidered with hieroglyphs robe. There is a  black headband with a yellow dragon on his head...
Both sit in eastern position of "lotus". Two  candles  burn,
as usual, on the table.

                THE OLD-CHINESE
As you have studied "science of life"
of ancient daos,  your achievements
are great...
In the material world there is
nothing  impossible for you.

The old man pronounces these words  slowly  and  then  stops
talking. Flame of candles vibrates and shadows  of  the  modeless figures of the old man and the day slightly  tremble.  The  young pupil looks strength into the old teacher"s eyes.

But remember: your abilities use only 
for the  benefit  of  mankind.
Yes, my teacher.

                THE OLD -CHINESE
Soon we"ll train in the exercises,
which give possibility  to overcome
space and time.

The guy"s  face  is  modeless.  In  his  eyes  there  is  no
astonishment, fear but only the dancing flame of candles.

There  is  nothing  beyond  natural, 
but  you will  need concentration
                of consciousness  and it means
a  big  expense  of energy.
That is the highest stage of our teaching. Are you  ready for it?

Yes, my teacher.

The old - daos suddenly, throws his hand with open  palm  in
the direction of a burning candel, but at the same moment the  guy repeats the same movement and both candels fade.


in  which,  with  a face turning to the wall, in the position of meditation Dan sits. On the wall there is an ancient east in"-jan with hecsogrammes from the book of Changes...
The day is  alone,  around  him  is  complete  silence.  The
strokes  of  pulse  are  only  heard...  Sometimes  in    Dan"s consciousness there are images and visions:  airport,  people  at the saloon of falling plane, a man with beard in dark glasses...
Thoughts and questions appear in Dan’s brain and Dan repeats
them slowly.
Why was 20 years ago my life
preserved for me? It is not 
by chance... What must I do? 
I must solve this riddle.

A pale face - mask slowly appears in Dan"s consciousness:  a
bald skull, pressed lips, a death - cold look. The face - mask is moveless. Gradually the delineation begins slowly to vibrate  and to disappear...
The guy stands up, he looks at the drawing on  the  wall.  He lays his hand in cross: the right arm on the left  shoulder,  the left arm on the right shoulder...
His  body  is  in  a  weak  blue  luminescence. Luminescence
strengthens and hides  the  body"s  contours.  It  turns  into  a light - blue cloud, which melts in darkness after a small pause.


The premises are weakly lighted with one torch. There are near  twenty persons in it. If to judge by clothes they are former warriors...
Most of them sleep on the floor. That"s  why  nobody  notice
Dan"s appearance from a weak blue luminescence...
Heavy signs and moans of a wounded are heard. Dan makes  his
way among those who sleep. He hears the conversation of two  men.
The guy stops near them, they do not notice him.
SPARTAK, a sturdy person with a bloody wound in a  side  and
his young interlocutor, TODOR settle behind a small buttress in a wall.
Todor,  tomorrow  our  destiny 
will  be solved... 
We  are captives and romans
will determine our fate.
Yes, Spartak. We must only
surrender to our destiny.
I heard that we would
be sent to a quarry.

If it happens I shall  not 
stand  this for  a  long 
time. My wound hurts me...

Spartak looks at his bloody side and touches it with a hand.
The grimace of pain appears at his face.          
SPARTAK /continuation/
But it"s not the main. I want
to be  free, life in slavery 
is not for me,  it"s better to die.

Dan goes out from darkness. Fracese, Spartak and Todor  look
at him watchfully. The guy sits near them.

To die we shall have time.
Let"s think how to find  the 
way out of this situation.

Captives listens him with lack of confidence.

Who are you a stranger?
The same captive like you.

The guy points at Spartak"s wound.

DAN /continuation/
Is it bleed? Let me relieve it.

Spartak shows the wound and the guy puts his palm on it  and
makes some slow round movements.
The friends watch him attentively. Dan puts  away  the  palm,
blood does not bleed and the wound has  a  crust...  Spartak  and Todor look at the wound with astonishment, then  at  the  person, who healed it. Spartak wants to ask something, but the guy  stops him.

No miracles.

Thank you, my friend.

The most important is  in  front. 
In  the  morning  serious trials
wait for us.


All the captives are brought out to the school yard at a big
ground. Among captives there are fracese, Greek, Arab.  An  owner of the school appears accompanied by three noble roman citizen in rich clothes...
He casts a power full glance at all.
You are Rome slaves. Your life
belongs  to the emperor. Cesar is
a generous man  and allows me
to meet with you.

This speech does not arise any  excitement  among  captives.
They keep silence.

I am an owner of the school
of gladiators. I was allowed 
to choose among  you the 
best  warriors,  who  can  take 
part   at gladiator"s fights.

A speaker makes a pause. His  face  is  good-natured  but  he tries to speak severely. He is short and rather stantand  even  a decorated cloth cannot hide this.
Who will be chosen, will stay at
the school. The  rest  will work
hard  at a quarry.

He  waits  for  captives"  reaction.  His  glance  stops  at
Spartak, Todor and Dan, who stand near each other.
May be his attention is concentrated at  the  guy"s  unusual
clothes - black trousers and shirt...
Three friends discuss what they have heard.
My friend, Todor, we are again
before a choice.

But in the end it is death:
but we don"t know where it  will be
quicker at a quarry or at a
arena of an amphitheatre.

I am not afraid of death.
We shall not  be  joyful  in 
this life  and death will save us
from  sufferings, shall it Dan?
The sense is not in death,
but how you estimate your life.
What do you mean?
I think we have a chance to
fight for our life.


A  place for throwing the javelin. Here we see some captives,  among  them Spartak with his friends. The owner of  the  school  watches  the results in throwing the javelin...
One of the captives, middle stature Arab throws the javelin,
but it does not even flight to a target. The second one is not  a young Greek with beard. He throws the javelin with strength.  The javelin goes into an edge of the target...
Spartak takes the javelin. He presses  it  in  his  arm  and
looks at the target, then he looks at the owner of the school and other Romans. A sharp swing and a fracese with cry,  throws  the javelin. It reaches a center of the target and  breaks  planks...
legioners do not express excitement as for this  spurt,  but  the owner of the school smiles and positively shakes his head.


Where the other trial is  waiting  for  captives.  They  are
taken to vertical posts which stick up from the ground  till  the level of chest. Some candidates to gladiators try  to  cut  these posts by one chop of  a  sword.  The  post  are  five  inches  in thickness. Their attempts are useless...
Todor takes a sword.  He  makes  some  limbering  exercises,
applies to a place of a chop and inflicts  the  chop.  The  upper part of the post falls on the ground. The reaction of  romans  is the same like after Spartak"s successful throw: legioners  frown, the owner of the school smiles...  He accompanied  by  legioners, comes near and points to Dan.

Now it"s your turn.

Todor helds out a sword to a guy.
No. I don"t need.

He bends and raises a cut piece looks at  it  and  suddenly
throws it before himself and by an edge of  a  palm  makes  quick blow. Two parts of a wooden post fall on sand.
Everything happens so quickly that nobody can understand what
has happened. And only then comes reaction: the  captives-friends smile, the legioners are gloomy,  the  owner  of  the  school  is disconcerted... Dan raises the fallen parts.
                /To the owner of the school/
I hope it"s enough to the school.


The gladiators perfect fight technique, throw  the  javelins
to a target. They fight in pairs...
One of pairs which is busy with a training  fight  on  wooden
swords, is Spartak and Todor. Dan,  with  crossed  legs,  settles under a temp at another side. His eyes are closed,  his  face  is limp...
Spartak fights and time by time looks  at  his  young friend.
Then he stops to train.

SPARTAK /to Todor/
Train  independently.
I"ll return soon.

He goes to a guy, who is sitting alone  at  a  tent  shadow.
When there are only three or four steps to  Dan,  he  throws  two hands with open palms in the direction of Spartak...
The fracese feels a blow and stops, as he runs into a  wall.
He touches space before him by hands. The guy opens eyes.                SPARTAK
My friend you don"t train at all.

Why do you think so?

Probably you are a good warrior, 
but  you  must  keep  your
physical form.
I do this. You train your
musles, body,  I  train  something
which is more important.

Spartak sits near his friend. They both watch how gladiators
train. It is distress and powerlessness on Spartak"s face.

We all are doomed to death.
Somebody  will  be  killed 
in  a month, somebody will
live some years..., but there
will  be  only one end.

But it is very important how
you will meet death.

For entertainments of masters
a man"s blood will be  sheded.
Why do gods allow this?

The reason is not in gods,
but in people.

Do you speak about Romans?
Yes. Pleasures and enjoyments are
the main things  in  their lives...
That"s why they, their empire is
doomed for ruin.

Through a gate a rider rushes by  and stops before entrance of the premises. A young face of the school comes to him. The  young legioner gives him a scroll. The gladiators come to them.
                THE MESSENGER
                /to the owner of the school/
Tomorrow the emperor arranges
a holiday on  occasion  of  his
wife"s  birthday. You ordered
to prepare the best 
warriors  for gladiators" fights.
Gladiators hear these words. They look at each other.
                SPARTAK /to Dan/
Again everything is against us.
We made a plan  with  Todor.
The plan is about how to escape
from here and to be free.
Now  we have no time.

Let"s use this circumstance
in our interests...
But how?
I have heard, that Cesar can
present freedom to slaves...
If to put him too into definite


Free citizens of Rome came to  watch  gladiators  fight.  A  crowd  is excited and waits for a beginning of a show...
Cesar and his wife is at the central tribune. Commanders and
consuls are around them. A beautiful dress of a  woman  is  stand out against  clothes  of  a  suite  and  uniform  of  warriors...
Commander Crass is near  Cesar.  He  is a man  with strong - willed and haughty look.

                CESAR /to Crass/


with grilles  on  windows  at  which  fifteen gladiators prepare to go to an arena. They  check  their  weapon and outfit... The owner the school comes to the premises.

The emperor decided on occasion of
a holiday: a  fight  will go till
a last victory. A person who wins
will receive freedom.

Gladiators listen attentively and when they hear last  words
look at each other.
DAN /to Spartak/
That is your chance Spartak.
Yes I"ll use it.
Nothing will stop me.

Even if you kill other person?

I do not see the other way.
The same slave like you?!
So are the circumstances:
either I or he.

The guy looks directly into fracese eyes.
Do you really need such  freedom, 
painted  with  somebody"s blood?

The gladiator turn away his eyes.
I do not know this.

The friends come to a grilled window and look at an arena.

at which we can see the  fight between Todor and gladiator - Negro. The Negro is big.  He  sends strong blows at fracese shield. It is  clear  that  he  will  not stand more...
He has no strength any more, he nearly stops to resist. With
a strong blow the Negro knocks a fracese shield out of his hands.
The tribunes are noisy, as they feel the end  and  cheer  up  the black athlete. He with a beast roar,  widely  swings,  cleaves  a belly of his enemy...
Todor falls on one knee. With the help of his right hand  he
tries to close a wound from which blood runs. He does not resist, his sword is on the other side...
The Negro raises his weapon under the head of the enemy  and
looks at the side of the emperor"s tribune, waiting  for  Cesar"s decision.
/not loudly/
Is life or death?
What do roman citizens want?

The emperor looks at stormy tribunes. The crowd growls  and demands death... Cesar puts his big finger down. At the same moment the  sword of the black gladiator is at fracese head.


for gladiators before entrance to an arena.
Spartak sees his friend"s death. Cry of bitterness comes out
out of his chest. He goes away from the fracese in  silence.  The fracese raises his head and takes his sword, shield and goes  to a door for entrance to the arena...
Near the door the owner of the school stops him.

I am ready to fight with him.

Do not become excited. He is stronger
than you. The same fate waits
for you... Let him be a winner.
No. Now or never.

All right. You have made a choice.

He gives the way to Spartak.


Two menacing rivals meet on this arena. The Negro is sure in
his quick victory, his stabs are strong, but he acts directly and Spartak is able  to  withstand  furious  attacks  and  the  black gladiator must cover himself  with  a  big  shield  with  shining plates in the middle...
Dan watches, standing at a grilled window,  course  of  this
duel. This fight causes an interest  at  the  emperor"s  tribune.
Cesar"s wife watches Spartak"s actions with affection.  Her  face constantly changes depending on a situation  on  the  arena.  She smiles stealthily, when the fracese makes successful attack  and noticeably gets upset, when the Negro begins to drive  the enemy back. Cesar with his surrounding without  emotions,  watches the duel...
The black gladiator is  tired,  his  movements  are  not  so
quick, his stabs are not so strong. Spartak keeps an  initiative.
He attacts, but the Negro with big difficulties beast off it. The enemies go to different sides. They breath hand...
The Negro screws up his eyes looking at the sun, then slowly
goes round the fracese to stand with his face to the sun.      Spartak  watches  attentively   his movement, but does not act. The tribunes cheer up the gladiators.
They demand the  end.  Spartak  catches  a  tender  look  of  the empress. He is sure in success and rushes in the attack. He makes two stabs, but they do not reach the  aim.  He  makes  the  third  stab, but the negro  places  his  shield  so,  that  a  sun  beam appears from the shining plates and dazzles  for  a  moment  the fracese. This moment is enough for the negro to make a  stab  and to strike the enemy"s shoulder.
The weapon falls out of Spartak"s hands.  Blood  runs  from
his shoulder. The fracese puts away the  shield  and  closes  the wound with his hand. He looks without fear into the enemy"s  eyes waiting for death. The negro sets his sword  on  Spartak"s  chest and looks with triumph at the tribunes. This look stops at Cesar.
The tribunes wait to do the same gesture,  but  his  wife"s  palm lies down on his hand.

My dear on  occasion  my  birthday, 
present  life  to  this gladiator.

The emperor looks at his wife with astonishment.
That which a woman wants,
the gods want.

The emperor stretches the hand and turnes his big  finger  up. The negro puts away his sword from  Spartak"s  chest  and  raises with triumph hands.


The end of the duel at the arena is met by  gladiators  with gloomy silence. Dan goes away from the window, comes to  a  bench and slowly puts off his black shirt. He has a  intense  look.  He takes in hands a short sword and looks at a blade.
The other gladiators watch him in silence. The owner of  the
school comes into the premises.
Dan moves to an exit pressing the sword handle. The owner  of the school is near the door, he opens the mouth to say something, but the guy forestalls him.

You don"t need words.
We shall speak,  when I"ll return.

                THE OWNER OF THE SCHOOL
Will you return? Are you sure?

Dan goes away in silence, without giving an answer.


The smiling winner stand in the middle  of  the  arena.  The
tribunes greet him with admiration. The emperor gets up and makes a gesture by hand.
The tribunes do not make any noise...
A very young gladiator goes out on  the  arena.  It  happens
unexpectedly to all. He has not a defence armour, there  is  only one sword at his right hand.
Under the sun beams at  the  boy"s  nude  trunk  we  can  see
well - trained muscles... Exclamations of astonishment are  heard from the tribunes. The emperor is also astonished. He raises  the hand.

There are two at the arena, but
a winner must be one.  I  am

The black gladiator turns around and  sees  Dan.  The  negro
bares his teeth ominously...
The contrast between enemies is big: the negro is a mountain
of muscles. He is higher than the guy, he wears a defence armour, he has a big shield at his left hand. A slender Dan"s figure does not produce impression on spectators.
                /to Cesar/
It will be a suicide.

That is his right. I cannot forbid.

With a grin the black gladiator goes  to  the  guy.  Without stop he makes a stab with a sword. The sword  cuts  air,  as   the enemy went at a side sharply. The negro makes two steps in  front and at the same moment the young  master  makes  three  chops  on hands and legs of the negro. He cries loudly because of pain.  He falls on the ground and stands up a little  bit  leaning  on  his healthy hand. Blood appears at elbow and hips and runs into sand.
The gladiators tries to get up but he has no command of his legs. He looks with malice and  fear  at  his  winner.  Everything  has happened, they are silent. In the amphitheatre is silence too...
Dan, with the sword at his hands, waits... But the  tribunes
are blown up, they demand death to a former favourite...
The guy looks at Cesar, who slowly turns a finger down.  The
negro sees this gesture and puts down his head waiting for death.
Dan thrusts his sword into the ground and under  unsatisfied
drone of the crowd goes to  the  emperor’s  tribune.  Cesar  is angry... The noise of the tribunes disappears with the first words.

Why did not you fulfil  my  demand? 
You  yourself  must  be punished.

To kill a man is a big sin.

What is sin and what is not I decide.

He looks at his wife. She watches  the  guy  with  interest.
Then she whispers something into the emperor"s ear. Cesar"s  face becomes milder.

As for a winner of the tournament
I present you freedom.

The tribunes meet Cesar"s decision by joyful cries and stamp
their foot. The guy looks at a rejoiced crowd without interest.
Thank you but I don"t want
freedom for myself. I want
to get freedom to all gladiators.

The emperor and his surrounding find it fun: smile appear at
their faces.

In what way?

I am ready to fight alone without
weapon... with  your  two best
legionaries with weapon.

Strange wish...

If I win, we all are free if not...
it means I am not  worth of freedom.

The emperor turns  to  his  surrounding.  Military  persons,
commander Crass grin. Cesar again looks at this strange guy.

The guy  I like that you are brave.

He stands up and  raises the hand.
                CESAR /cont./
I accept your suggestion.

The emperor sits down  and  turns  the head to the direction of military group

He is very overconfident.
Who  is  ready  to  teach  a  good
lesson to this boy?

Commander  Crass  goes  ahead.  He  is  stocky,  with   wild
shoulders, expensive armour shines at the sun. His hand  strongly squeezes the sword.

I could cope with this alone...
But I"ll take Antoni.

Well. I hope it will not take much time.


Crass and Antoni come near to Dan, who stands at the  centre
of the arena. They go firmly and with confidence. They  are  sure in their soon victory. The wind stirs  plumes  at  their  helmets.
They do not take weapons out of scabbard... The  legionaries  take their sword and attack the young gladiator... .
Crass moves ahead, he tries to pierce the enemy, who has not
weapons but the young gladiator moves aside and the chop  passes by Antoni from other side, wants to correct a slip of Crass,  but without results.
The young master is in time  to  go  away  from  chops.  He
always forestalls the legionaries. The chops are so  frequent,  but they do not reach the goal. It seems that the enemy  knows,  what they will do... Astonishment is at the emperor"s face. It changes into dissatisfaction. The emperor does not like what is going  on the arena...
The flexible and  quick  guy,  nude  to  the  waist,  without weapon sharply struggles with powerful, but sluggish  legionaries. They attack directly and Dan,  with  the  help  of  movements  in different sides, reduces their attacks to nothing. They begin  to be nervous. Sometimes the young gladiator uses the blocks of his hands which make them more angry... The enemies disperse for some seconds. Dan looks calmly at heavy breathing  legionaries.  Crass"s eyes are full of  hate  and  confusion. 
Antoni,  a  young  strong legioner, turns to his  friend  with  inquiring  glance...  Crass raises the sword, makes a deep sign and with cry rushes at the day. But he is stopped by a strong blow of leg into chest. The blow is made in a high jump, that was a complete unexpectedness  for  the legioner. Crass is shocked, catches air with his mouth. Dan, after  the jump, does not give him to gather his wits  and  lies  down  the legionaries by a sharp, short blow in  a  head,  into  sand  of  the arena. The other enemy Antoni  is  lost.  He  looks  vacantly  at moveless body of his friend and transfers his  glance  at  Cesar.
Cesar looks away... Antoni rushes in front, swinging useless with his sword...
Dan makes some steps back, but then catches  the  legioner"s
hand with weapon. A sharp turn  of  arm  and  the  sword  falls. Antoni is sent to a knock - out by a round blow  of  leg  into  a head...     Dan looks with estimation at two bodies of the legions. They are moveless, that"s why the young winner goes to  the  emperor"s tribune...  There is confusion in the emperor"s tribune.The emperor"s  surrounding is indignant, Cesar is also at the same state and  he presses handles of an arm - chair... Dan stops near the  tribunes and looks at Cesar with expectancy. It is complete silence.
I"ll keep my word.
But freedom is different... 
Tomorrow  in the morning you will
know what type of freedom you
all will have.

Cesar smiles slightly. Dan listens in  silence,  turns  and
leaves the arena with dignity. There is hate  and  consternation, bewilderment and admiration at romans faces...
Dan comes to a door. Cesar makes a sign for a warrior with a
bow. And he, quickly takes aim at and  throws  an  arrow  in  the direction of the guy...
Dan continues his way calmly and near the door deflects  the
head for some inches. The arrow passes near  a  temple  and  goes into the door...
Dan stops. Then, without turn, leaves the  arena resolutely.


Gloomy room. In gleam of light from a burning torch  we  can
see gladiators, who sit near Spartak and  Dan.  Their  faces  are morose and tense.

Thank you, friend.
For us you have refused freedom.
I have acted according my
inner persuasion.

Now you will share our fate.
Cesar will not  spare  anybody.
We are only slaves.

I have made a mistake...
I did not think,  that  people,  who
have power, can be so mendacious
and treacherous.

It is impossible to wait something
else from them. But  they are strong...
What can we oppose to them?

The fracese looks directly at the guy"s eyes.  He  does  not
avert his look and on the contrary he looks  at  the  gladiator’s faces attentively.

Probably strength also...
Spartak, are you  ready  to 
fight for freedom, but not at
the arena of the amphitheatre,
but  in  a battle with legionaries?
I have no another choice now.

Are you ready to be a leader
of gladiators?

It is very important to make 
your  decision  and  choice...
Sometimes a course of history even
depends upon this.

Dan, how can we get out of here?

Dan gets up and slowly comes to a big wooden door with  iron strips.
SPARTAK /cont./
The legioner with weapons
guards the door. We must kill 
him or we shall not get of here.

Dan looks at the  fracese  in  silence,  then  transfers  his
pressed fists.


The  door  of the cell is closed at a big bolt. The legioner -  quarder  slowly moves along the corridor under torch  light.  Sometimes  he  stops near the door, for which the  gladiators  lit...  these  steps  are heard  at  a  night  silence.  Only  a  long  shadow  on  a  wall accompanies him. He is on the alert...
Noise is heard out of the door. The guarder comes to  it,  a
little bit bends,  puts  his  head  to  the  door  and  tries  to understand sounds from the premises...
Suddenly a wooden door with crackle flies away into different sides. Dan"s fist, breaking the door, strikes  the  head  of  the legioner. Receiving a strong blow he flies away from the door and fall without consciousness. Through the hole  Spartak  opens  the bolt. The gladiators  come  out  from  the  premises  cautiously. Spartak takes the legioner’s sword. The prisoners move along the corridor in silence. Dan and Spartak is in front of them...
They are the first, who meet three legionaries. The  legionaries at once begin a battle. Dan and Spartak quickly manage the enemies at this short engagement. The third legioner does not  light  and disappears at the gloomy corridor. The fracese wants  to  follow him, but Dan stops his friend.
Don"t make this. We shall lose time.
In a minute there will be a
lot of legionaries here.
I shall try to divert and
to detain them.
That is a certain death.
I cannot leave you alone.
Everybody has it"s own way...
Remember what we were speaking about.

The friends embrace and farewell. Dan  quickly  goes  in  the
direction, where the legioner has  disappeared.  Gladiators  with Spartak as a leader move to other direction.
Dan meets a detachment of legionaries very soon.  Crass  is  a leader of this detachment. The guy begins to fight with them.  He lights without weapons. He shows all his mastery. The actions  of legionaries are paralysed  by  the  narrow  corridor.  They  cannot encircle the enemy.  Quick  movements  and  sharp  blows  of  Dan exterminate some warriors. Another  soldiers  appear  instead  of them. Crass does not fight, he cheers up the  legionaries  standing behind.
Dan is tired and  he  detains  soldiers  with  difficulties.
During another attack he notices an open door at the end  of  the corridor. Dan attacks and two legionaries fall in  front  of  their friends.
There is confusion in their ranges. Dan takes a torch from  a
wall and blows it out. It is dark in the corridor and it helps him to escape in the premises at the end of the corridor.
Turn on new torches...
All torches here!

In gleam of flame there  is  only  an  empty  corridor.  The
legioners look at each other perplexedly. Crass goes in front. He comes to the door and pushes it. The door is closed.
He is here. There is a blind end
in the corridor. Break the door.

The legioner is angry, his  eyes  blaze  with  revenge.  The
legionaries begin to break the door with heavy spears.


It is completely dark in it. A weak moon light comes through
one small window. There is a thick grill on it. The   premises  is empty...
The guy stands in the middle of the room.  He  hears  strong
blow in the door. The planks crackle. The light from the corridor comes through the holes to the premises. Dan hears furious  cries of the legionaries...
He crosses his hands on his chest and stands still. His body
begins to give off a blue luminescence. It becomes  stronger  and stronger. The body outlines vibrate and disappear. The blue cloud becomes grimy and dissolve in darkness of the room...
The legionaries burst into the  premises.  It  is  lighted  by torches. The legionaries are in bewilderment: there  is  nobody  in the  premises. Crass  looks  at  walls  and  a  grilled    window thoughtfully.


A burning out candel lights weakly an empty  room  in  which
there are no windows. Delineation of an ancient eastern In"-Jan  is mostly not seen at a wall. The flame  of  the  candel  begins  to tremble. A blue luminescence appears in the middle of  the  room.
It becomes bigger and turns into a pulse  blue  cloud.  When  the cloud reaches maximum of light it begins to dim and from  it  the body outlines appear. They find clarity and materiality. A  light cloud completely disappears and Dan stands in the  middle  of  the premises - the young pupil of the old daos.

The guy goes out into the yard and narrows his  eyes  because  of the bright sun. He sees his teacher, who packs his sack. The  old man does not react on the pupil. He does up the sack and turns to Dan.

I go to the village.
On the way  to  it  you  will  tell  me


The Oldman and the guy came out from the yard of the monastery and move in the direction of the forest. They cross the small river by stones and move further by the pass in the forest.

                You are not qite understand dander
                Of such movemennts.

What could happen?

                THE OLD-CHINESE
You could not return back.
I have fixed my initial state.
And then  I have  returned  to it.
I praise you for not being lost.
But it is a  big  waste  of life energy.

But I have saved people.
They became free.

The old man stops sharply and looks at the guy strictly.

Remember: at this material
world it is difficult to be free.

Why, teacher?

                THE OLD-CHINESE
We are always depend upon something...
even from weather and food.

They again continue  their  way.  A  riotous vegetation  is around them.

I think my friend Spartak will be a 
leader  of  slaves  and they will win

                THE OLD-CHINESE
You are so young and you don"t know,
that everything is made due to
the Sky will...
That"s why, whether they win or not,
it does not mean much.

Does it mean that my help is useless?

                THE OLD-CHINESE
It had to happen so and it  will 
give  its  results  in future.
A small village is seen in front. The old man and the guy go
of the forest to the way.
Teacher, you said me somewhen,
that I had to  make  something
important in my life. I thought
about it when I  have  saved 
the gladiators.

                THE OLD-CHINESE
Is not that...
There will be something more

The old teacher and his pupil go  along  the  way,  speaking unloudly. Suddenly two  individuals  with  brightened  appearance come to them from the bushes:one is with a bandage on  his  left eye, the other is with a scar on his chin and long  tousled  hair.
Both of them are in rags. They have sticks in their hands.  Their faces are overconfident and impudent, when they  think  about  an easy plunder.
The old man and the guy stop in some steps from the bandits.

Old man, shake out every thing of a sack.

Quickly. Possibly something lies in it,
that  we look for.

Both bandits laugh impudently, and  play  with  sticks.
Dan makes a step to the robbers resolutely, but his teacher stop him.
Don"t do it. Look and remember.

The old man comes to the robbers. He is completely calm.

                THE OLD-CHINESE
We have nothing. There are only
some   stones  in  the  sack,
which you don"t need.
Oh, no. Stones are different...
Old man, give here your sack.
Daos - hermit does not move. Two steps behind him his  pupil
stands. He is a little bit nervous. The individual with  one  eye makes a step to the old man and swings the stick and  beats  him.  The blow does not reach the  goal.  The  stick  sticker  in  the  old master"s hand. The bandit is a little bit astonished:  he  raises his eyebrows. Then he  takes  the  stick  by  both  hands  swings strongly and makes two blows. After the second blow the weapon of attack is broken into pieces, as it hits against  the  old  man"s block...
Repulsing the attack of the individual with one eye, the old
master even  does  not  move  from  place.  Without  weapon,  the unsuccessful robber backs away and runs  to  his  friend.  His only one eye jerks nervously. The old  man  watches  the  bandits without any sign of  agitation.  Uncertainty  appears  at  tousled face, then fear appears.

Let"s go from here... there is
nothing,   what  we  look  for here.

Let"s go, let"s go...
The old man is  strange.

Unsuccessful robbers, stumbling, quickly go away from  the  place of event and disappear between trees.

I have heard about one old
man - hermit  who  is 
called  the Yellow Dragon.
Probably it is he.

The pupil comes to his teacher with admiration.

Teacher, why didn"t you punish them?

                THE OLD-CHINESE
For them it will  be  a  good  lesson. 
Did  you  understand everything?
Yes, I did. You defeated due to defence.

                THE OLD-CHINESE
The high level of mastery is a victory
without actions.

How is it, teacher?
An enemy only by one look understands,
that he is weaker. He is defeated
beforehand, and that"s why  he 
does  not  enter the fight.

Before definition of the ancient eastern monad Dan meditates. It is silence around, only strikes of pulse are  heard.  Slowly  frequency  of  strikes becomes less. In Dan"s consciousness there are different visions, pictures, images: the Roman amphitheatre with  raged  spectators, faces of  the  emperor  and  Spartak,  then  sky  -  scrapers,  a laboratory with modern electronic equipment, a square of middle - aged town with a rise. Visions disappear and a pale face  -  mask comes to the surface: tightly pressed lips and a death - cold look.
Delineation slightly vibrates,  turns  into  a  turbid  spot  and disappears.
DAN (softly)
I must solve this mystery.


Of  a middle - aged European town. A different - coloured crowd makes a noise at the square. In the middle of the square there is a fire. It will be an execution of a sorcerer. The place of  an   execution is surrounded by soldiers. Most of them have torches... A  little bit aside, near the  walls  of  the  town  hall,  on  a  special planking great nobles,  church  noble  men,  military  commanders settle down. They speak about something.


Dan transforms from a blue  cloud.  He looks around and notices reflections of light at  houses"  walls.
He goes in the direction of a  fire  and  comes  out  the  town"s square, where everything is ready for an execution on fire.
The  guy  struggles  through  a  crowd  and  stops    near    two town-dwellers. Judging by their clothes they are  craftsmen.  One is short, with a broad fleshy  face,  speaks  with  a  thin  shoe maker...
There is animation near a dais. A sentenced to  death  person  is accompanied by soldiers to the place of execution. It is a woman.
Signs of torture are on her body and face. Her black  wide  dress is with holes. She with difficulties moves to  the  place  of  an execution. The  crowd  screeches  and  throws  something  into   the sorceress. An executioner meets the sentenced  woman  and  pushes her into wooden logs. He binds the woman quickly  with  confident movements to a post...
One of a priest comes  ahead,  unrolls  a  scroll  and  reads  a sentence. The noise stops at the square. Dan tries to see,  what is going on in front of him. He  hears  the  last  words  of  the priest-inquisitor.

...for connection with a devil
sentenced to death on a fire.

The executioner with a torch in his hand comes to  the  logs  and fires them from different sides. The flame begins  to  burn  more and more. In the fire and smoke the doomed  woman  rushes  about.
She sobs and cries. She tries to break away from death.  But  her cry is drown by approval noise  of  the  crowd.  The  fire  burns strongly. The flame eats its victim. A thick  black  smoke   hangs over the square and close the first stars at the night  sky.  The town"s aristocracy and priests-inquisitors  watch  the  execution with delight...
The craftsmen react differently on this event.

                A MAN WITH WIDE FACE
Now there will be on one sorceress
less in our town...
Did you see how she rage?!
It is clear that the devil sat in her.

                A SHOE MAKER
I have heard, that she treated people
with  herbs  and  different remedies.
Is it a sin?
                A MAN WITH WIDE FACE
Yes, it is. She used the
force of the devil.

The flame of fire and dancing shadows  make  ferocious  faces  of town-dwellers more terrible and awful. Sparks are caught by  wind and carried up to the sky.

                A SHOE MAKER
Are there a lot of sorceresses?

                A MAN WITH WIDE FACE
It is difficult to determine them
at  once...  But  I  definitely
know one. It is Lully, who
lives in the suburbs, near the river.

Dan softly goes away from the speakers, crying crowd  and  walks along dark streets of the town. The reflections of the  fire  are seen on the walls of the houses.
In front the guy sees a lonely figure of an old  man  carrying  a sack. The old man leans on a stick. He tries to go  quickly,  but something makes him to look around very often... Dan  catches  up with the old man.
I see, that it is difficult for you?
Let me help you.

The old man is Raymond Lully. He looks attentively  at  the  guy. The old man"s face is spare, long with deep wrinkles.  A  guarded look changes into a well-meaning one.

My name is Raymond Lully.
And my name is Dan.

The old man gives his sack to the guy. Two  figures  disappear  in dark streets.

A heavy door opens with a creak and the old man and the guy enter the room. Lully  lights  some  candles.  Dan  looks  around.  The premises remind him a laboratory: retorts of different sizes and jars  with  liquids  of  different  colours  stand  on  two   big tables; some big stones, a small heap of  bright  minerals,  near which a white powder is spilled. In the corner of the room,  near a small stove, there are logs and some bundle of herbs...
The old alchemist gets a fire going and sits at a bed.
It is late. Here is a bed.
You can sleep here. I"ll work more.
Thank you, but I would like to see,
what you will do.
The alchemist comes to a table, takes a retort with a powder and puts it to a fire in a stove. The old man watches the changes of this powder, it begins to turn in different colours: black, white, green.
What I make a lot of people call a
sorcery… So keep away from this.

Dan takes some minerals from the table and examines them.
That is quartz and this metal is copper.
In this retort there is mercury and here
there is some liquid.

The old alchemist looks at the guy with astonishment.
   I see You are good in alchemistry.

I have a good teacher. He is busy with
this more than fifty years. He taught me something also.

I believe You. That’s why I’ll tell
more to You. I turn one substance
into another.

The guy comes to the stove and looks at the retort with the powder, which continues to change colours. The old man and the guy watch in  silence the actions of the fire.      
At last the powder becomes red. It lights weakly.
Now I am trying to turn mercury into
gold. In this retort there is a ready catalyst.

The alchemist  takes the retort out of the fire with the help of tongs. He  carries it to the table and pours out the red powder into a small saucer.
That is a philosophic stone.
I make everything  correctly,
but reaction  does not go till the end.

The alchemist takes the retort with mercury and pours out some amount of it into a small cup. Then he takes a pinch of the red powder and strews it into mercury. Mercury starts to seethe it becomes yellow. Small bubbles come out of it…
Dan watches attentively  the alchemist’s actions. There is disappointment on the alchemist’s face.

That’s all. Mercury does not
become hard…  I don’t receive gold.
Something is not enough.

Dan pours some mercury into an empty cup. Then he takes the retort with the  «philosophic stone», pours some powder to his palm and closes it with another one. He makes this in silence. He is concentrated and his action are not quick. The old man watches this distrustfully. Dan pours out the powder into the cup with mercury. Then he shakes the cup a little bit and then puts it on the table. Mercury becomes yellow and hard on the eyes of the amazed alchemist. The old man with trembling hands takes a piece of yellow metal out of the cup.

Yes, I see. It is gold.

Somebody knocks at the door. The alchemist looks at the door, runs to the window and throws away a piece of gold into the river. Somebody beats the door with something heavy.
Loud cries are heard. The door does not bear strong blows. An iron catch falls on the floor and the town guard an officer and two soldiers burst into the room. The officer’s face is full of over-confident. He has small accurate mustache. He looks at Dan, than slowly goes to the old alchemist.
If to judge according the
description You are Raymond Lully.
You are arrested.
Make a search of the premises.

The soldiers begin to scour the premises, turn the things and throw them on the floor.

(to Lully)
I have an order to deliver
you to the town jail for
inquisitors’ trial.

The old man’s face becomes pale and frightened. His voice trembles.
But what is my guilt?

I don’t know this.
But if to judge according these
retorts  a charge will be serious.

The officer takes the retort  with red powder from the table, smells it and taking the retort with two fingers lets go of it. It falls and brokes into pieces. A soldier comes to the officer.
Captain, there is no gold.

All right. Put away the old man.

The soldiers come to the trembling alchemist, take him under hands and haul the old man to the broken door. He tries to resist, but tow big soldiers without difficulties fulfill the order. Suddenly Dan bars their way.

This man did not  make any crime.
Let him go.

The soldiers stop because of unexpectedness and look at their commander still keeping the old man. The officer is
astonished not less than his soldiers. He slowly comes to the guy.
Who is that? Is it one more
candidate for another world?
Get out of the way.

The officer maces an attempt to push aside the guy. Dan catches the hand in leather gloves, turning a little bit the arm of the forward.
He sends him to the heap of logs and herbs. The soldiers see what happens with their brave commander. They leave the old man and attack the offender. The same fate waits for them.
The difference is only that the first of them falls with all his big body on the table with retorts and jags, the second checks strength of stone store with his head. The soldiers come to their senses and the battle starts again, but the result is the same: they crash by their bodies everything in the premises.
The officer begins to understand uselessness of this attack.
He gets his small sword and comes to Dan, who stands calmly.

And what puppy? What will
You say now?

For best persuasiveness he passed with an edge of the small sword  before the guy’s face. The soldiers are considerably tired. They surround Dan from both sides.

I cannot add anything.

The young  master of Kung-Fu  with a sharp kick knocks a weapon out of the captain. The second kick to the belly sends him to the opposite wall, after contiguity with it, he becomes calm. According a usual tradition the soldiers do not lag behind their commander and in some seconds  they stand still in unnatural poses on the floor.
The guy gathers their weapon, brings it to the window and throws it into the river. The old man at the same pose  watches him. He keeps silence, his eyes are widely open because of fear.
Tramp of legs and clank of weapons is heard. The soldiers of the night patrol burst into the room. The soldiers snatch the old man and the officer puts his small sword against his throat.
(to Dan)
One your movement and he is dead.


Grimy moon light comes through a small grilled window to a cell. Opposite this only one window near a wall there are our friends : the old-alchemist and Dan. The old man has a doomed look. They sit in silence, but the guy suddenly begins to smile. Lully looks at him with astonishment.

Don’t be afraid. I recall
something… I am so often at
last time stay at the places
like this.
I am guilty of this. You have
all your life before, but You
are in this cell because of me.

If only this circumstance helps
to solve my problem.

Is it important?

For me - yes…
But it seems again these is
failure… Your life is in more
danger than mine.

What is my life. I have been
working many years trying to
make the «philosophic stone»…
Today I have seen it in reality.
How did You make it?

Dan gets up and goes to the window. He looks at the moon, which disappears and again appears from clouds.

You are at the right way. But You
must blow life into Your stone.

How to understand this?

There is only one important
condition here- who concretely
makes the «philosophic stone».

The alchemist becomes animated. He does not expect to hear such an answer.
Not all is clear for me.
I take different substances,
mix them, warm them. Is it
any difference for them who 
makes it? Are they alive?

In some sense - yes.
Try to see alive in everything.

I want to make the «philosophic
stone».That is the question of
all my life.

Dan looks hard at the old man’s eyes at which the silvery disk of the moon reflects. The guy sits near the alchemist.

It is not easy. What is Your belief?

I belief in Christ.

Your belief is weak. Strengthen
in it, accept it to Your heart
and only then You will be able
to make different miracles.
Is only one belief enough?
Yes. There must not be even a shadow
of doubt.

Some time they sit in silence. Then the old man turns his head to Dan.
I choose this way…
But the inquisitor’s trial is
waiting for us. If the trial
declares me a sorcerer I shall
not be able to escape a bonfire.

Are You afraid of this?

No, I am rather old…--
But together with  me You
will be in this fire. Can
You belief save You?
I don’t have any doubt.


It is a sitting of the inquisitor’s court. Two monks with mugs fuss about the stove. Near the stove there is a table with pincers, needles, hooks and other instruments for receiving confession of sorcerers and unbelievers. Near the wall with an old armorial bearings there is a massive table at which the court of saint inquisition sit-three priests with the chairman.
The chairman is a church man with hard sombre look. On the left side of the chairman there is a monk with a big belly and massive chin on fleshy face. The third judge is an old man with yellow face. He coughs unloudly all time. The consumptive has an  angry, caustic  look.
On the table , near the chairman, there is a sand watch. There are special scales in the corner of the premises.
Opposite the table, in the middle of the premises, Dan and the alchemist Luly stand.  The chairman throws a menacing look at the defendants.

Raymond Lully, we know, that
You make sorcerer’s experiences
and the devil helps You in this.

Mr. Judge, I am only a poor
alchemist. I study properties
of substances. If to choose
substances correctly, it is possible to receive new, unknown to any science substances.
You are busy with sorcery.
Only God can create something new…
You encroach on God!

The chairman raises from his chair and his eyes seemed to go right through  the alchemist. Lully stands pale. There is sweat at his forehead. The judge with fat mug watches everything indifferently. The consumptive, bending over the table, coughs softly. Dan makes a step forward.

Science and religion do not
contradict each other. In the
Scripture it is said: search for
and you will find.

Lully, who is that? Is he
your pupil? He is very young,
but insolent. You both must
be send to a bonfire.

The old alchemist wants to say something, but the guy leaves him behind.
You are in a hurry to finish
with us. You will not see some
miracles, which are made with
the help of the devil.

It is interesting…

Three judges look at each other. Even the consumptive stops to cough.
For beginning let me
examine with what your heads
are busy now…

The guy slowly transferees his look from one judge to another.
He stops at the judge, with a fat mug. This judge looks at the accused indifferently, sitting on the chair.

                (to the chairman)
How do You think why is your
well-nourished colleague so
indifferent to this event? The
thing is that a fried lamb
is waiting for him and his
thoughts are near it, in pleasurable anticipation of a tasty supper.

The mask of indifference flies away from the face of a fat judge. HE looks at the  chairman. But the chairman is calm.

I know this. You have not
astonished me. What else?

Dan looks sarcastically at the consumptive judge. Three monks near the stove stop the work and watch in silence what happen.

Mr. Chairman, your neighbor on
the left is also in a hurry.
The damned illness does not
live him in peace… He must take
a cure and take care of yourself
and don’t spend time at different

As in confirmation of the these words the consumptive begins to cough loudly. The chairman fastidiously squints at his colleague.

It is more interesting…
And with what can You finish?

The guy looks slyly at the main judge. Then he transferes his look at two other inquisitors, three monks and two guarders near the door. Then he returns to the chairman.

Of all who are present here
You have the biggest interest
to finish the trial as quick
as possible. You have a meeting
with one young widow.
Or am I not right?

In the premises there is complete silence. Only the crackle of logs in the stove is heard.  The main inquisitor loses his temper and self command. His face is crimson. The alchemist comes near to the guy.
Now it is the end.
I assume responsibility for this.
Don’t interfere with this.
If to burn in a bonfire, I’ll be
alone in it.

The chairman raises from his arm-chair and hands over table. He foams at the mouth and with trembling hand points on Dan.
                (to monks)
Burn the tongue of this unbeliever,
he does not need it. 
One of the monk takes a scorching rod of the stove. The other two rush to the guy. Pushing the old alchemist aside, they try to catch Dan’s hands, but he throws them sharply on sides.
The monk with a scorching rod comes to Dan and puts the rod against the guy’s chest. The guy does not react. The monk’s mouth opens and the eyes blink because of astonishment.
Dan slowly takes a scorching part of the rod and pulls it out of an executioner’s hand. Then he throws a useless weapon aside. All stand still in amazement.

DAN (to the judges)
Now in your eyes I am complete
devil apprentice.

I have never seen such a sorcerer.

The devil sits in him.

I shall not change Your mind.
The experiments of this alchemist is
children amusement in comparison
with what I can do.

The main inquisitor seized himself. He raises the hand.
For giving judgment we don’t
need more. The last formality -
stand to these  scales:
sorcerers are lighter than
usual people.

The defendants slowly come to the scales, which stand in corner. At first the alchemist stands on the scales. The arrow deviates in side and crosses the control mark. The man with a fat mug and the consumptive. Look at the main interrogatively.
The main keeps silence.Dan stands on  the  scales. The arrow, moving  a  little bit, stands still  far  from  the  control  mark.  The assistants  of  the  main inquisitor jump from their places.
Here it is the devil!

Yes. It is the real devil.

There  are  no  doubts  now  that
the devil sits in me and that  was
necessary  to  prove.  It  is  me,
who made this poor old man to  do
strange experiments...
Let this person go.
The main inquisitor takes in  his  hands sand watch, turns them  and puts them on the table before him. The thin stream of grains of sand swoop down.

When all grains of sand fall,
we shall declare our decision.

The man with a fat mug and the consumptive  bend  to  the  main  and whisper something to him. The monks with weary air sit on  the bench.
The old-alchemist bends the  head  doomly. Dan concentrates his look at the sand watch. The fall of sand stops. The main by gesture stops his assistants.
They slowly turn into a side of a sand chronometer.

He casts a spell over the watch.

No, he has stopped time.

The, main inquisitor smiles ominously with corners of  his mouth and nods the head.

It will not help him. The god"s
punishment will reach him.

The main  inquisitor stands from  his arm-chair. He looks fixedly at Dan. The guy calmly bears his look.

By the power of saint church
I declare the judgement.
The alchemist Raymond Lully
can be free with a warning.
A  sorcerer..., what is  his
name, it does not matter now,
must be burnt at the town"s square.


Town-dwellers gather in the place of execution. The bonfire  is in the middle of the square.The executioner in a hood walks around it.The place of execution is surrounded by soldiers.
The highest  clergy and noblemen took  their places. Among  them the inquisitor’s court in its full complement. The judges smile and wait the beginning of the execution with impatience...
Among the town-dwellers in back rows there is the old  alchemist. He tries to see what happens in front. His face is sad and solemn...
The crowd makes a noise pending an interesting spectacle...
Dan is extended to the place of execution.
He stops before the dais  and  breathes fresh morning wind. The  guy raises  to the  post  by himself. The  executioner  throws ropes  on him...
Heavy low  clouds hide the  sunrise. Sometimes it appear from behind the clouds and Dan puts his face under its soothing beams...
Lully watches the event from afar...
At last the flame flares up. It begins to burn well. The thick black smoke hides the doomed. The  crowd  cries  with  joy.   The   town"s   noblemen  watch  with satisfaction how the flame  eats  the recurrent sorcerer... Only one person is  not glad. That is the old  alchemist. Tears of bitterness run over  his face.  He turns and goes away  from this awful place, where he could be also...
Because of the thick smoke it is not seen that the accused begins to free himself from ropes. He makes some movements of the  body, which impress more the crowd. The flame licks the guy"s legs.  He crosses his  hands   and  turns  into  a   weak  light  blue   cloud,  which imperceptibly dissolves in fire and smoke.


Dan materialises from the light blue cloud.
He stands  in the middle  of the  room with the  delineation of  the ancient monad. The chinese-daos enters the room.

The fact that you have returned is
a big fortuity.

The teacher, but you has taught me,
that nothing happens by an accident.

You spend so much energy.
Did you find the answer to
your question?

No. But I have helped one
good person.

Are you sure that you have
made a good thing?

I have suggested him how to
make gold. He has promised to
use it only for benefits of people.

The pupil looks at his teacher expectantly. But  the  old  man  keeps  silence,  his  look  is directed  on  the hieroglyphs on the wall. Then he transfers his look at the guy.
I know the destiny of this man...
He has made a lot of gold.

He has done this...

Due to this  gold  the campaigns
will be  organised. The purpose
of these campaigns was to turn
wild tribes in another belief.
He will perish there. He did
not get anything...


The old-chinese and  his pupil go  along a crowded  winding  street.
Different horse -drawn vehicles, bicycles rush along them. Mixed crowd is around stores, choosing goods. It is possible  to buy everything: traditional chinese souvenirs, expensive silk and ceramic dishes...
The stream of  people fills the  trade street completely.  Cries  of sales persons,  customers,  bicycle"s  rings,  thunder of horse-drawn vehicles flow together in one noisy background. Dan and his teacher stop near ceramics store.
The chinese looks at the goods.  The guy looks around and notices at the opposite side of the street a lass. She is not chinese. Her European  face and light dress  till knees distinguish  her from the crowd. Fair long hair gathered back into a bun. Her figure is graceful, her face is open.
She is 18-19 years old. The lass explains something to  the salesman of the eastern  gods statues. Dan  with interest watches  her,  then unexpectedly juicily moves to this store.
At this  time a horse-drawn  vehicle passes the store with souvenirs and the  horse pulls in side. The  lass gives  a start of  surprise, jumps back and knocks the statue  of Budda off the stand. The statue falls down, but near the ground Dan"s hand catches it.
The guy  gives the  souvenir, which he has saved  to the lass. Sindy looks at Dan with gratitude.

Thank you very much. I thought that
I had to gather only splinters.
How did you make this?

I simply felt suddenly
that it would fall.

Sindy looks  at the  statue of Budda, she looks  askance at Dan, who tries to see his  teacher in the crowd. Sindy turns to  the salesman and gives him money.
(to the salesman)
I take this statue.

It seems to me, that this Budda
will bring you happiness.

The lass looks  at  the guy with unconcealed  interest  and puts the statue in the bag.

My name is Sindy.

And my name is Dan.

For a moment their eyes meet and they turn them away embarrassed.

I  came  from America. I study
at  the University. I learn 
eastern religions and philosophy.
And what about you?

I simply live here.

Passers-by are in their way. The passers-by push them and swear. But young people do not notice anything around them.

Now my interest is in Buddhism
and  Daosism. I came to this
remote place to find real masters
of these religions.
Will you help me?
I"ll try.

The guy and the lass speak and do not notice that the old-chinese watches attentively their conversation.

I hope on this very much. Let"s
meet here the day after tomorrow.

The lass stretches her hand and Dan takes it tenderly Sindy lingers, then turns and disappears in a crowd of passers-by.


The old teacher and his young pupil settled at their  places  in the room for meditations.
They  sit  opposite  each  other.  Between  them there  is  a  thoughtful dialogue.
Teacher, I  feel  that today"s
meeting  with the lass in the
town is not a fortuity.
It is a sign.

It is right
It is important to understand
it correctly.

I do not know.

The Old-Chinese
It means, that we shall part
with each other.

Why? I don"t want it.

So must happen.

Teacher, can I refuse?
I have a choice.

Expediency  moves  the  universe.
A  man  Dao  must  follow the  way
of expediency and must  not  resist
the movement of the  stream. 

The wind arises behind the window. The sky is covered with heavy clouds.

Teacher, but then I shall not
be able to solve my old problem.

Don"t trouble about it.
Can we know what will waits
in future.
Teacher, is future closed to you?

No, but I have no interest
in it.

The thunderstorm begins behind the window. The old  man  stands up and comes to the window. Dan makes the same. They stand near: grey, wise Teacher and his young able pupil. The lightning  reflects on their  faces. Peals of thunderstorm and noise of shower try to muffle the words on the old Teacher.

Try to understand, my boy.
Happiness is when a person
has found his own way in life and
firmly follows it.
In this there is his mission here
on the Earth.

Teacher, and how to know: this
mission is finished or not?

It is very simply: if you are
alive it continues.


Dan and Sindy walk along quiet streets.
They speak lively. Sindy sometimes stops and looks at her companion with astonishment. They pass  the  embankment fishermen and go  to  a cosy snack bar.
They sit  at  a small table for two and a traditional rice dish is served for them.
What, you are telling me,
sounds incredibly.

A lot  of  time  passed  after the
disaster, but I have not found out
why life was left for me.

It"s a case of chance. Is not
it so?
I think my teacher knows the answer,
but he does not say me.

Does he have secrets from you?

He is daos and considers, that my
own problems I must solve myself,
by my own strength...
If I don"t cope with this, it means
I was a bad pupil.
But he learnt you something,
didn"t he?

Dan does not hear  her. He absorbs food carefully and looks  around. Some lonely visitors do not pay attention to a young couple.
Why do you keep silence?
Demonstrate something.

Dan continues  to keep silence. He has eaten his rice and has taken a cup with tea. The lass looks at  the guy without understanding. Then she begins  to eat herself. She tries not to look at Dan. The guy puts away his cup.

You want me to come with you
to America.

These words, are very  unexpected: Sindy stops dead at his plate  with an open mouth. She slowly raises eyes at her interlocutor. He smiles joyfully.
Yes... I wanted to suggest...
And I hope, you will not

The lass is a little bit confused. She takes a sip from the cup.
SINDY (contin.)
I must know, how do you read
thoughts of a stranger?

Is it interesting?

My  father  is  a  biologist.
He  can examine  your  constitution,
your abilities.
What to examine?...
Every person can do this.

Even I?
Of course. If you dedicate to
education 15-20 years of your life.
Will you regret?

I"ll think about it.
You did not give an answer to
my suggestion.

The guy looks hard directly to lass"s eyes. He is serious.

Sindy, do you want this?

The guy and the lass go along the green path of the town"s garden.
I am ready to go.

How will your teacher react
on this?

We have already discussed it
with the teacher.
He is not against.

The lass looks with astonishment at her interlocutor. He starts  to smile again.
Have you already known that it
would happen? How did you guess?

Let  it be  our  secret. 
Without such small  secrets
our  life will be uninteresting
at all.


Not  far  from  a moorage, in a shadow of a big tree, teacher-chinese and his pupil sit.
Small boats  with passengers and without them scurry  along the river. At the embankment fishermen propose their catch to the customers...
The old man  and the  guy keep  silence.  Dan has  changed his  monastery clothes on a light shirt and wide trousers. There  is  a  small  bag.  He several times looks at his teacher.

Teacher how must I act there?

Answers come from inside.
People will wait miracles from
me as this is the most important.

Don"t blame them...
Act according the situation.

A small ship appeared far on the river. It changes the direction and goes to the moorage.
Animation appears  on the  pier - the passengers form  a group around the moorage. The ship slows the  speed  and begins to manoeuvre. The  captain gives commands. The passengers stand along the side, some of them wave to
those who come to meet them at the pier.

Dan, remember, that in life
everybody plays its own role, 
sometimes even does not guess
about this.
But inside I feel some type of
It is well. You always will
be ready to different

The ship  begin to moor. Sindy notices the old man and the guy. She waves then. Dan  stands up  and replies to her. The  first passengers leave the ship.
The teacher-daos  stands up and takes off  from his  neck a round  locket which is in sizes of a five cents coin. He puts it on the guy. Dan examines  it.  On  one side of it on the black  background, there is a dragon, the second  side  is polished so, that  Dan  sees his reflection, like in a mirror.

This talisman is very  old.
It serves some centuries.
This is  the locket of the
Yellow Dragon.

Teacher, Am I worthy of it?

It must be passed from a teacher
to a pupil.
You are the only one descendant
of the Yellow Dragon.
You must preserve this talisman.

The  passengers  begin to  get  on  the  ship.  Sindy  waits impatiently, standing near a ladder. Dan looks  around at the ship, the old man pushes him. Dan takes the bag and quickly goes to the ladder...
Dan and Sindy send the last look at the move away figure of the old man. The guy"s eyes and cheeks become wet, because of tears or splashes of wave crests.

Beautiful  planes  gracefully take  off  and  land  at  the  airport. The building of  the airport, which is made from  glass and aluminium, shines under the sun beams.
Now it looks like a big ant-hill. A white-blue Boeing steers to the place of passengers" landing. The crowd waits impatiently for the passengers.
Among those, who came to meet somebody, is Edward Clark,  Sindy"s father.
He is an, intellectual man with a little bit grey hair.
On his shaved  face there  are clever  pervious  eyes. Sindy  and Dan  go towards Clarks.
Sindy smiles and kisses Clark.

Father, let me introduce Dan
to you. I have told you already
about him.

Clark looks at the guy with  interest. Dan, holding a big bag and a suitcase, perceives  calmly this procedure…
Clark takes his daughter’s bag.

Let’s go. Everybody waits
for us at home.

They go to the exit of  the building.


A new BMW rushes in the direction to the city.
Clark is at the wheel, Sindy sits near him, Dan is on the back seat. Clark looks at the guy  through a mirror. The guy watches through a window the running sky-scrapers, advertisement billboards, cars. It is difficult to understand what impression all this make on him.

Dan, do You live a long period
of time in China?
Yes, I do.
And what are your parents?
Dan is not in time with an answer, Sindy forestalls him.
I have not said everything
to You, dad… The thing is..
Dan’s parents perished
in an air accident.
Excuse me, Dan.

Sindy turns to her young companion.
Dan, my father can examine
you at his laboratory.
Yes. For me, like a biologist,
it will be very interesting.
All right.

A big, shining on the sun complex, of sky-scrapers swims out towards the car. The upper floors of this miracle of architecture and the building are not seen from the car. Dan bends down and tries to see the top of this enormous building. The scientist-biologist notices through the mirror where the guy directed his look.
Dan, how do  You like our city,
America? Do you like them?

Dan does not answer at once. He breathes deeply and slowly exhales back.
It’s an interesting place.
And that’s  all?

If not to pay attention at
everything.It is possible to get
to this.

Such unexpected answer of the guest makes the father and daughter to exchange glances and smile.


A snow-white BMW comes to a two-storied house with a green lawn in front of a porch and some branchy  maples on the sides of the building.
On the porch of the house the passengers are met by Nancy Clark, a mother of Sindy and Jonny. Jonny is a younger Sindy’s brother. He is a nine year old boy with a cool look. Sindy kisses her mother and brother.
This is Dan. There is my
wife Nancy, this is Jonny. Dan,
here You will live.

Jonny, I think, You will be
friends with Dan.

If he is not a big bore.

Archi, a young man with a short hair-cut and insolent face, watches the scene of the meeting from a shabby jeep, which stands on the opposite side of the street. He smokes a cigarette and he never takes his eyes off Sindy and Dan.
The young man is not pleased, he is nervous, but continues to sit in the car and spreads smoke into the ceiling of the saloon.


Dan sits without movements on a massive arm-chair on a dais.
He is in wires and data units. There are some tables with computers near the arm-chair. Clark sits at one of this table.  He watches attentively the screen, at which numbers appear, then the outlines of man’s figure, head and brain plan…
The face of the guy is feebly, his eyes are closed.

Dan, concentrate yourself
at any thought. We shall fix
it now.

Before Dan’s mental gaze a pale face-mask appears: pressed lips and a cold, ice look… Delineation vibrates a little bit, then the trembling stops and a face acquires definite outlines… Clark presses some keys, curved lines of graphs are on the screen, numbers grow and disappear. Suddenly all importation disappears from the screen, it shines dimly and indistinct outlines of a man’s face flash. Then all these dissolve and numbers, sins run at the screen…
Clark does not take his eyes of the screen, his face is intense and concentrated…
At last he turns off the system and turns to the guy:

It’s enough, Dan.

The guy opens his eyes. A young professor’s assistant disconnects the wires from the guy’s head and hands.

CLARK (continuation)
If to judge according the results
of tests You have a perfect health.
But there is nothing unusual.

I transfer to You a mental image.
Have You accepted it?

No. The set does not fix anything.
It was possible to expect this.

Dan gets up from the arm-chair. Both go to the big table. Clark pours some soda from the bottle and stretches the glass to the guy.
Drink. Are You tired?

Thank You.
We are working for one week,
but we have no results.
How do You think where is the

The instruments are rough,
they are not enough sensitive.
Our instruments are not junk.
May be. But the best instruments
is a man  himself.

The biologist smiles. He pours himself something in a glass and drinks a little bit from it.
Can You prove it?

He gets up and comes to a big window.  He examines absently the building on the opposite side, then looks at his watch. He stands with his back to the guy, putting his hands the pockets of his trousers.
DAN / O.S./
You will be in time.

Clark slowly turns.
What are you speaking  about?
There is one hour before the
beginning of the match…
But I must disappoint You - Your
team will lose the game.

The biologist is a little bit astonished.  He goes to the table slowly and sits at the edge  of it. His figure hands over Dan, who sits at a chair.
May be You will say me the score?
I can extract this information,
too. But is it so important?

Clark straightens his back. He sits at the table and makes some notes in a writing - pad.
You must be shown to my
friend Michael. He has a modern
equipment at his laboratory,
and the best specialists.
They will find out everything.


Sindy sits at the table with books in the hall.
She writes something, sometimes she turns the pages of the textbooks. She casts a glance at the window, where on the lawn Jonny  and  Dan bend over a glass box. In the box on sand there is a small lizard. Jonny looks at the animal tenderly and touches it carefully. Then the child takes the box and they go to the house. They enter the hall…
Sindy stops to read.
Sindy, today Bonny was very good.
He was not nervous and he does
not run away.
He begins to get used to a new
situation… Dan, how is the last
inspection of my father?
Without results. But it is also
a result.
What do You mean?
He needs more sensitive instruments.

The  telephone rings. The telephone is on the table. Sindy takes a phone.
Hello. It’s You, Archi?
No, I can’t come now.


Some couples are dancing in a halfly dark hall where music resounds and many coloured illumination shines. At aside of the ground Archi stands near the telephone. Near him there is Freddy, a husky fellow with strong muscles, and a young girl with jolly face and dark long hair. Archi is nervous and sometimes shifts a phone from one hand into another.
Why? It seems to me, that
You began to keep out of our way.
No. Simply an education takes
so much time.
You read books…
With that a nonentity, whom
I take seen at the day of Your
arrival. Yes?
Stop to speak so or I’ll leave
a phone.

This guy will feel sorry for
coming here. He exercises bad
influence on You.

All right. I’ll come and we’ll
settle all questions, which are
of interest to You.


The lass puts a phone and looks at the a window  thoughtfully.
Do You need my help?

No. I’ll return soon.

Sindy closes the books and the copybooks and makes a pile on the table. She takes a bag and goes out of the room. Jonny tears himself away from the box and follows her with his eyes.

This was Archi, her former
coursemate. To tell You the
truth, I don’t like him, he
is twitching all over.


Archi watches those, who dance. Among them is a Freddy with a dark-hair lass. Archi waves his hand to somebody.
The lack of clothes at whose who dance compensates by energetic bodymovements…
Sindy comes into the hall. She struggles through a crowd of dancing people. Someone tousled tries to carry off her into a tangle of bodies, but she breaks away. She noticed Archi and goes to him. He smiles slightly.

I know, that You would come.
Training is training, but
rest is rest.

I am not for a long period of time.
I want to ask You not to call
me any more.

Are more important things appeared
in your life? I understand…
understand. Oh, yes, a new friend.
Yes, he is not like all, like You…
I began to look differently at my life.
And, what did You see… if not
a secret?
It is difficult to express it
by words… Nonsense is around us.

Sindy casts a glance at dancing hall. The situation does not change there, if not to consider, that music became more hard and sound become louder.

You  are carried away…
My piece of advice: think less,
enjoy life till You have
time and possibilities.

And that You call life?

I bet, that your new friend
thinks the same. During the
meeting I’ll try to make change
his mind.

Sindy turns and looks directly at interlocutor’s eyes. He impudently grins.

I ask You not to touch him.
That is my last request to You.

Of course. I shall not touch
you at all.
Do You promise me?
The main is that he must not
begin to tease. You have brought
him from wild places.

Sindy turns and quickly goes to the exit. Archi watches  her go with a derisive look. Then he energetically   drinks beer from a bottle.


A holiday table is in the middle of the living room. Sindy helps her mother to lay the table. She is in an evening dress. Jolly Jonny is the main courier, who delivers delicacies from the kitchen to the holiday table. In the corner of the living room Clark and Michael Adams sit on the sofa. Michael Adams is a scientist, who is busy with electronics. He is a bald man with big horn-rimmed spectacles on his nose… A quiet calm melody fills the premises.
Michael, at last I succeeded
in getting You out of the
Too much work…
We began a very perspective theme.

Is it something from the sphere
of super ECM?
Something more , I connect
with his work a big hope.

Dan comes in the living room. He brings a big bunch and puts it  into a vase.
Michael, I have a request to You…
Examine Dan with Your specialists,

Your specialists are not worse
than mine .
May be the thing is in the
instruments… but there are not
any results.
I have the best electronics for
today. Without exaggeration I say:
it can everything.
The guy is very peculiar…
I think, You also will
find something interesting
for yourself…
All right, Eddy.
The guy will like to stay with us.

Nancy  Clark carries  a cake with burning candles and puts it on a table. All sing a traditional song « Happy birthday to You…»
The girl, celebrating her name day, comes to the cake and with a smile blows out the candels. The guests applaud her, most of all Jonny does it.
I invite all to the table.

All sit at the table. In the middle of the table there is Sindy. Adults raise goblets with champagne, Jonny with his orange juice.
My dear Sindy. Today is your
holiday. I wish  You  be happy.

I add: be healthy and successful.

May I…
I wish You success in Your
training and a good job.

Clark and Adams lift the goblets to the lips, but notice that Sindy looks at Dan. They put down the goblets.

Dan, and what will You wish me?

The  guy is a little bit embarrassed. He looks down, then he raises his eyes at Sindy.
To find yourself…

The couple of Clark changes glances Sindy smiles. All drink from the goblets and began to eat.The scientist, who is busy with electronics, works zealously with a kitchen set. Sindy tears herself from the dishes.
Dan, how can I find myself
in life?

The guy stops to chew and puts away a fork. Clark turns to him.
If Dan is not against, I’ll try
to answer… Let’s take me like
an example. I have found myself.
I have realised myself - a good
house, a family, a prestige
highly-paid job… What else do I need?
I completely agree with You.
The main is to programme
and create our lives, destiny.

The friends - scientists in solidarity drink half of the goblet. Dan drinks lemon juice in silence.
Dan, you did not give an answer
on my question.

Life is a miracle... A destiny
can"t be programmed...
Is a man a toy in hands of
No, but for most people, their
destiny is determined.

Dan, do you know your destiny?


A science will open all
miracles, don"t worry...
Dan, do you have any problem?

Yes. For me it is a task with one
unknown quantity...

Let"s stop with questions... you
turn an evening party into a press conference.

The guy looks at Nancy with gratitude.


The premises is roomy. Powerful computers stand along the walls. Lamps of different colors blink at the main desk. In the middle of the premises there is a transparent capsule. This capsule is fixed in a rotary wheel...
Michael Adams sits near a window at a bid table. There is a telephone receiver in his hand.

Eddy, have they already left?
All right. I am waiting...

Adams puts the receiver. He gets up and goes to the window. Two assistants unravel wires in the capsule. The telephone rings. Adams goes to the telephone.

Lead them to me, please.

Dan and Sindy go along the halls of a modern building, accompanied by a guard. They use the elevator going out of the elevator they come to a metal door. An eye of telecamera watches them. The door opens and they come in the laboratory. Doctor Adams meets the guy and the lass.
The guard goes away.
I am glad to see you here.
Dan, are you ready? What is your mood?

Everything is all right.
(to an assistant)
Jim, prepare a young man.

By what programme, Mr. Adams?

The programme three, variant Z.
Dan, we simply roll you about
in this thing.

Dan and the assistant go to the transparent capsule. The second assistant comes too. They help Dan to put on a silvery suit at which there are different data units. Adams and Sindy watch this procedure.

Mr. Adams, my father asked you
not to show to anybody the results
of the inspection.

I understand. A fuss over this
can only harm the cause.

Thank you. Unfortunately I must
go to the university now.

Well I"ll send for the guard.

Adams goes to the telephone. Sindy comes to the capsule, where Dan is fixed and the assistants connect wires. Dan is a little bit embarrassed.
Dan, behave yourself good. Remember
how important this experiment.

Adams comes.
Today we shall only test viability
of the systems of his organism.

What must I do?

Nothing. If you want you can think
about something.

The assistant closes the door of the capsule. Sindy waves her hand to the guy and goes away with the guard...
The specialists take their seats in front of displays and are engaged with a keyboard. The capsule begins to rotate, at  first in one flatness, then in all three. The speed of rotation is gradually increased. The face of the guy is calm, his eyes are closed. Because of an overloading his face is distorted. Before a thoughtful gaze of Dan,a pale face-mask appears and disappears. The delineation is distinct: halfly open eyes, thin lips and a bald skull, which make this image ominous... The scientist watches the information. Their faces are concentrated.

All systems of the organism are
in the norm. There are no departures
from the norm...

There is an alteration of a magnetic
field round his head...
Mr. Adams, to deep into the programme?

No. We shall do it next time.

The capsule begins to stop. Adams presses some keys at the main desk. The capsule stands still at the initial position. The assistants come to it, open the door and free the guy from wires. Adams comes to them.
Dan, how is our special attraction?

Dan smiles. He touches his chest and belly.

I"ll find out, where my liver and
stomach disappear.

Adams and Dan go aside. The assistants follow their way.

I thought, that we should carry him
out of the capsule.

But he is joking...


Clark and Adams make themselves comfortable at a small table on a lawn at the back side of the house. The friends-scientists enjoy a warm sunny day. There are some bottles
and glasses on the table. Dan and Joanne drive a ball on green grass not far from the table. Sindy is near them and she sometimes plays with them. Blows of the ball, joyful cries and Jonny"s laugh are heard.The scientists sometimes look at them.

I like Dan. The guy is acceptable
to the eye...
Especially near with Sindy.
By the way, how did he become
Everything goes well.
The truth is that he does not like
empty conversations. He is silent,
jolly silent.
The game does not stop on the lawn. Trying to get the ball Dan falls and, catched by his foot, Jonny flies head-over-heels. All these accompanied by jolly cries.

I am also against empty conversations.
But one week ago, you probably remember,
Dan told something about a destiny and
that a destiny of each man is predetermined...
What do you think about this?

Probably he is right.

Nonsense... The world is ruled by the
law of a cause and effect connection
and you know this, don"t you?

May be we did not understand
something. Let"s make it more

Clark turns to the playing three. But suddenly the game stops. Jonny seizes the ball and runs to the table, Dan and Sindy follow him. He holds the ball in hands and drinks a glass of juice. The guy breaks out in a sweat, the lass smiles. They come to Jonny.
Have some rest.

Oh, no. We have not yet finished.

Jonny, I need to talk with Dan.

Will it be long?

Only two minutes

All right. I began to count.

Jonny looks at his watch. He frowns. All smile. The boy mumbles something and goes away. Dan and Sindy sit at the table. Clark takes a sip from a glass.

Dan, excuse me, but one question
is very interesting for us...

The biologist stops talking and looks at the guy temporizingly. Adams puts off his spectacles and rubs thoroughly.
You see Dan, a modern science has
an opinion, that in our material
world everything is submitted to a
cause-effect connection.

The scientist puts on his spectacles again.

A cause generates an effect it in its
turn becomes a cause, which generates
another effect, and so till infinity...
There is no place for, whet you call

Adams looks at the guy. The guy keeps silence and transfers his look at Sindy. By his face it is clear, that he does not want to enter in polemics. But Sindy winks and cheers up Dan.

I mean, that in life something
happens, what must happen.

It is not clear. Are there any
other variants? If not: why?

We live in the world of effects.

The scientists exchange glances. They stop in bewilderment.

It is an interesting theory.
Where have you taken away the
cause world? I thought, that
we create it ...

Really, Dan. Science confirms
this ...chances: which sometimes
happen, will not be counted.

I don"t believe in chances.

Jonny comes to the table. He looks at his watches.

Seven, six, five, four, three,
two, one - that"s all. Time for
break is finished.
Jonny suggested one idea. Figures
numbers. Here we can check who
is right.
What do you mean. Mr. Adams?
A usual game. Let"s go and play...
A young man will receive an
  opportunity  to get to know the
theory of accidental numbers.
The scientist, who is busy with electronics, looks at his interlocutors victoriously.


The interior of which meets the requirements of the middle level. There are some halls: in one of it people make stakes. Different people are around the gaming table. These are respectable ladies and gentlemen. In the centre there is a
croupier, not very tall, a dark - haired man with an impenetrable face ...
Among people there is Adams, Dan and Sindy. Some gamblers are waiting a stop of a ball. The rotation slows and the ball stops in a hollow.

Black, six

One of those, who are playing at the table, is a gentleman in a perfect dinner-jacket. He smiles. The croupier moves to him counters, which have won the game. Those, who lost the game leave the unlucky table. Clark comes to three men, who decided to make an experiment. He has some countersign his hands.

I have taken some. For our experiment
it will be enough ...

What is a per cent of guess, which
you admit?
Fifty per cents - it is so much, dear
Sindy... Don"t worry, it will not happen.

Clark passes counters to his daughter.

You will make stakes.

All four of them squeeze their way to the table, at which only one gentleman sits. He passes to the croupier a heap of counters and smites complacently.
Make stakes, gentlemens.

Two, not young, gentlemen in elegant dark suits sit at the gaming table. The croupier accepts their stakes. Sindy sits at the gaming seat. Behind her Dan stands, aside of him
the scientists stand. Dan bends to Sindy.

Put on the number twenty two, red.

Sindy puts her counters at the gaming field.

Twenty-two, red, accepted ...
Stakes are made.
The croupier looks at all gamblers. Then with confident movements he starts a roulette. Numbers and colour fields flow together, the bale wildly jumps along an unpredictable
trajectory ...
The gentleman looks at Sindy with interest.
She is nervous and presses her fingers. Dan is calm and cool. Friends - scientists look at the centre of the table.

What are you thinking about,
About money, which goes away
from us.

The ball slows its run and stops.

Red, twenty two
Your winnings, miss.

The croupier moves all counters to the winner. Sindy jolly gathers the winnings. The sceptical scientists exchange glances. They astonished. Dan throws up his hands.

This is a fortuity.

(without confidence)
Yes, of course.

Two imperceptible gentlemen in elegant suits leave the gaming table. Only one gentleman still sits at the gaming table. His eyes seem, to go right through Sindy. He puts His hair right.

Well, well ... Let"s continue
the game.

The croupier looks at this gentleman, then transfers his gaze at Sindy.
Make stakes.

A young man in dark spectacles comes to this gentleman. In his hands he has a tray with heap of counters. The gentleman gathers counters and covers the whole field with them ...
Dan slowly bends to the lass. Sindy puts all the winning at one field.
Seventeen, red. Accepted.
Stakes are made.

The gentleman smiles spitefully. With confident usual movements the croupier untwists a roulette. He smiles…
Clark and Adams look at the centre of the table with strain.

What are You thinking about, Eddy?
If it is  seventeen red this evening
will not end good…

Dan looks around. Among calm audience, which stands around the gamblers Dan notices two morose men, who are speaking with each other…
The ball jumps along holes of  different colours. The gentleman throws impatient glances at a running ball, a hear of counters, at Sindy.
At last his face turns to  croupier and stops dead in joyful expectations.
The ball stops, the gentleman does not turn his head - continues to smile to the croupier.

Seventeen, red.

The voice of the croupier is like a bolt from the blue. There is bewilderment in his voice. Hum of astonished voices through the crowd. A smile disappears from the face of a man and looks  at the ball in the hole. His face becomes red. He squints at people near him and flops into the arm-chair…
The croupier moves a big heap of the counters to Sindy.

Your winnings, miss.

The lass beams with joy. She does not control her emotions and jumps up, embraces Dan. Dan is embarrassed by Sindy reaction.

We have won.
Now we can go home…    

Dan began to pile counters up on the tray. Clark and Adams help him.
I can’t believe, that it is possible.
What shall we do, Michael?
Everything is so convincing, but…

Clark stops to gather the winnings and throws counters at the table.
Well… Let’s go till the end.
Sindy, we continue the game.

Sindy looks at her father with astonishment, then at Dan.
Dan keeps silence and imperceptibly shows his palm. It is written on it: nine black…
Sindy again sits in the chair. She is alone at the gaming table. There is only one croupier opposite her. In other halls
the games stopped and all people gathered around one table. They speak with each other softly.
Make stakes, miss.

The face of the croupier is gloomy and ungracious.
Sindy puts all counters which she has won at one field.

Nine, black.

The crowd emits a drone and cries of astonishment.

Stake accepted.

He takes a ball in his hand and watches it rotates it in his fingers. Then he untwists a roulette and slowly lets the ball go from his hands. It is complete silence around the table. A crackle of a running ball is only heard. Dan looks hard at the crowd: his gaze is directed at the centre of the table.
Adams puts away his spectacles and cleans with his handkerchief. Sindy turns head to Dan.  He smiles and gives the wink. The ball stops at a black hole with a number nine. The silence is broken by the  cries of astonishment. The croupier jumps sharply and flops into the chair. He is pale, sweat is on his forehead.
Nine black.

He finds strength in  himself to get up and to move all the winnings to Sindy. Adams looks at Clark in bewilderment. The biologist begins to help the daughter to pile counters at the tray.
Congratulations, miss…
You can receive Your winnings
at a cashier’s office.

His voice sounds insincerely. He leaves the table and goes away through the crowd and disappears.
Clark struggles through a crowd with the tray with colour circles. Adams and Sindy follow him. Dan is behind them.
Sindy, I don’t know, how to explain
all this…
And how is the theory of casual

Adams looks at Sindy with embarrassement.  He stops and slows down Dan. The lass went away with her father. Adams strikes his forehead with his palm. He is full of annoyance.
I have understood everything…
All Sindy’s winnings are not
What must happen, has happened.

The scientist looks at the guy’s eyes fixedly and takes him by his elbow.
Tell the truth… Did You know what
numbers would be?

Dan does not answer.  He notices some morose figures, who throw unfriendly looks in their side.
Iolly Clark and Sindy come to them. The biologist  slaps over his pockets with satisfaction.
Michael, the sum of one hundred
thousand must convince You,
that Dan is right.

Clark and Sindy notice, that Adams and Dan are not very happy.
They look around anxiously. Some suspicious persons are around the exit of the casino.
We have problems…

With such money, it will not be easy
to get out from here…

Father, what shall we do?

There  are only three of us…
Dan, what will You advice us?

We must act according the situation.

Clark and Sindy move to the exit. The guy and the scientist follow them. But, when they made some steps, a red giant bars the way. Broad shoulders and big hands show that he is a former fighter. His narrow forehead and a massive jaw make him similar to a bulldog. His cheeks are with red bristles. His hands are with tattooes. The  giant does not pay any attention to Sindy, he grins and stares at the biologist.

Chum, can You change me ten dollars.

Clark keeps silence and looks calmly at the giant. Sindy is nervous. She looks at the giant, then at her father. Dan stands still behind Clark. Without turning the head, he forms a correct estimate of the situation only with his eyes..
One more giant  comes to the red one. He is dark-haired. The cigarette smokes in his mouth.

Jack. What are You speaking about so
long with this egg-headed?…

The negro discharges smoke directly into Clark’s face. Clark does not react.
Bob, I think… something wrong with
their thinking activity.
It seems they have not yet understood
what to do…
Why, I know what to do.

Clark, due to a blow  in a belly and a blow of the right hand into a jaw, sends the red giant a knock-down. His black skinned friend tries to attack the biologist from the side, but Dan catches his hand and wrings   it till a crunch of fingers and an arm, throws him in another side. The visitors of the casino do not come near to the place of the incident and watch it from a distance. Three more persons jump from the crowd to help the giants. One of them. With ways of a fighter, jumps and kicks at Dan’s head. But a young master of kun-fu turns aside and catches the enemy by  his foot, directs his flight a window. The fight cry dies down in a thunder of a broken window. D makes one blow, which is directed under. Adam’s eye, as a result of this his spectacles fly away in an unknown direction. He is not in time with his second blow, as he catches himself by Dan’s fist and stretches after this on the floor for a long rest.
Clark beats with the third bandit. The scientist only steps back and defends. A short sturdy fellow demonstrates a good technique of blows and kicks. He is so carried away by the attack, that he does not notice, as behind him Sindy puts down a chair on his head. The sturdy fellow stops dead under chair’s debris.
The red giant and the dark-haired one appear again in front of the four, who defend themselves. They approach them ominously.
Some more men join them. The bandits slowly surround the four. They back away to the wall. Clark’s shirt is turned, Adam’s eye is damaged.
How do You feel, Michael?

They will tear us into pieces now…

The crowd of idlers does not interfere with the event, it only watches in silence.
The ring of encirclement becomes narrower.

What ugly mugs.
Eddy, what do they want from us?

Probably this.

Suddenly Clark jumps at the gaming table, takes some wads of green notes and throws them quickly around. The red giant rushes at him, but Clark kicks him at a jaw and he flies away from the table. A maddened crowd absorbs him. A struggle for bonds begins around the table. Gentlemen in suits with ties and ladies in evening dresses are not aside. All ways are put into operation. Nobody has time to recall about four people…
They struggle through the crowd, in which everyone fights. Everything is mixed: cries, groans, thunder of falling bodies, clink of broken windows…
Clark throws some more wads of green notes. All furniture is turned into firewood, there is no any unbroken glass in the premises, but a crazy fight continues. Two gentlemen, who can’t stand anymore, exchange blows, two others elucidate their relations, rolling on the floor. A young man, pressing a grey old man to a wall, taps out morze sings on his head.
Clark and Dan, on the go, have time to engage in some brushes. Clark frees himself from the last wad of notes near the exit stimulation of those, who fight. The exit is free and the four jump at the street. They hurry to a car.

Sindy, You are not angry about the fact,
that all your winnings  we had to leave
at that hospitable establishment, are You?

That is not completely my winnings…
And we came not for money…

Sindy catches Dan’s glance of approval. Fugitives quickly jump into a car and rapidly disappears from the place of the event.


The sun slowly goes to the horizon. Dan and Sindy go out from the house and come to a light blue Ford. Sindy takes the seat the first and puts away the key from the lock of ignition. She puts the key on the seat and covers it by her palm. Dan occupies the seat of a driver… The lass looks at the guy cunningly. He does not find the key at its usual place and watches the floor of the saloon.
Dan… imagine…, that You have no
the key…
I have imagined…
Can You start a car without it?

Dan looks at Sindy with astonishment. Then smiles and tries to copy the lass, imitating her voice and intonation.

Dan, imagine… that there is no gas…
Could we go?
(a little bit offended)
You laugh at me…
No… If there is the key, we need
to use it.

Dan puts down his hand on Sindy’s arm and rises it. He smiles softly. The guy is taking the key and starts the car and starts  the car and sets out.


Which rushes along  the highway…
The city’s buildings are left behind. The car goes out from the city… The guy drives the car with confidence, slightly touching the wheel. They pass some cars… The highway, like an arrow, flies to the horizon. A rocky range appears and gradually comes nearer.

You quickly mastered a car…
I try to do my best…
The guy increases the speed. The needle of a speedometer sharply swings to the right. Sindy looks at Dan with astonishment.

Why do You go so fast?

We need to be in time… I’ll show You…
He does not say this till the end and puts a finger to his lips. The car, as an evening butterfly, strives towards a sunset.

The scientist-biologist is sitting at the table in front of a computer. He is writing something. There are some thick books and big albums at the table. One wall of a roomy, cosy study is busy with book shelves. On the opposite wall a surrealistic picture of Dali hands. In a corner of the study on a high stand there is a sculpture «Thinker». The windows are closed with blinds, the light of the desk lamp is on. Clark presses some keys and the information appears, he slowly reads it.

A man (microcosm) is identical with
a universe (macrocosm) and has seven
bodies (principles), which correspond
to seven spheres of Being…

The biologist is still working with the keys. A drawing of a man, sitting in the position of a »lotus» replaces the text information on the screen. Seven power centres are marked on the body. (chakr)
Nancy Clark enters the study noiselessly. She comes to the table and takes the nearest book.
«Occult World»…

Clark continues to write something, looking at the screen. Nancy opens an other book.
«Secret Doctrine»…
Eddy, I hope I don’t hinder You…

Clark tears  himself from the screen and turns to the wife.

Not a bit.

It is strange… I have never seen
such books before at Your table…

I want to understand everything…
Everything is so unusual…

Do You mean Dan?

Clark slaps by his hand a pile of books.

Yes… My knowledge for today is
not enough… I have taken  some
Sindy’s books… Where is Dan now?
He and Sindy went away.
I don’t know…
But I feel at ease for her.


The car gets off the highway at the ground way. The car reaches the foot of the rocky  range, raising a cloud of dust. Here it stops… Dan and Sindy go out the car and raise up skirting big boulders. Dan helps the lass, holding her arm. They move in a shadow of a low rock. Sindy is tired and more often rises her head up, trying to see the last aim of the trip…
Dan is the first to reach a small plateau. Sindy also rises here with the help of the guy, using all her last strength. She tears the head from the ground and still bright sun blinds her. The lass closes eyes because of a sudden bright light, but then she slowly opens them. There is joy and admiration in them. A big orange disk hardly touches the horizon. A hilly country under their feet and all around is flooded with divine light… Sindy makes some steps towards the light. Her face shines with happiness.

Oh, Dan… This …this…

Don’t say anything…
Listen to this silence…

Dan comes and takes Sindy’s hand. They stand against the celestial, which goes away over the horizon. They enjoy the silence and a magnificent picture of a sunset.


The scientist-biologist leans back his arm-chair and looks intently at his wife.
Do  you like Dan?

Yes. Sometimes I feel sorry for him…,
when You with Michael burden him
with questions.

We are scientists. Everything is of
interest for us.

I am simply surprised at his

Clark stretches his hand to the key board. New pages with a text appear on the screen. He looks through some electronic pages. Nancy bends to the screen.

Phenomenal abilities of a man are in his somnolent consciousness. All of them
manifest themselves, when an inner man
begins to awake and act…
Invisible spheres of Being will be opened
to a such man, past and future,
for him there is no mysteries in
the material world.

Nancy straightens her back. Clark continues to look at the screen.

What will You say?

I have never thought about this…

Unfortunately I also…


Gradually plunges in a shadow. The half of the sun disappeared over the horizon. Sindy and Dan turn to each other and the guy embraces the lass tenderly. She looks straight into Dan’s eyes. The evening sunset reflects in them. The guy kisses her softly… They turn heads in the direction of the sun.
They don’t come apart their embrace and wait in silence an appearance of the last beam…
Then they sit on warm stones. The sun has already disappeared, but the sky over the horizon shines with magic colours.

So good…
How fine is this silence…

Silence has its own melody…


A light-blue car rushes along the highway with switched on headlights. From time to time approaching cars come across. The lights of city appear in front. Sindy looks at Dan tenderly.
Dan… Thank You… for this evening.

Dan turns the head, his eyes smile.


Two dozens of guys and lasses vigorously do exercises to rhythmical loud music…
Dan stands in the corridor near a big window.
He sometimes throws boring looks at those, who do exercises. The guy notices in the corner of the premises a big green bush, growing from a shallow stone bowl. He comes to it.
Dan touches the leaves and stems of the exotic plant.

(not loud, to himself)
How do You do friend?…
Why do You keep silence?…
I see… You don’t like to be here…in such surrounding…

Sindy comes inaudibly  behind. Her hair is slightly wet, she has a sport bag in her hands. She stands on her tiptoe and looks cunningly into Dan through the shoulder.
With whom are You speaking?
Dan, not turning his head, continues to watch the bush.

With a friend of mine… He complains…

The guy turns round, takes the lass’s bag and they go out the street.


City’s Street, at which some time in silence the guy and his companion go. Dan is anxious with something and it’s clear from his face. Sindy looks askance at him.

You know, Dan, You could become a
very rich person…

For what?
It is a strange answer… All people
strive to this.
May be… But there are things,
which are more important than money..
Their conversation is interrupted by the sound of the police siren. Two patrol cars rush by them at a high speed.

Sindy. How do You think, why I have
agreed to come here?

I think, that… medical investigations
will help us to come nearer to truth…
Probably, these results will be a new
word in biology…Isn’t it important?

Dan looks at the lass somehow strangely.

All these experiments are nonsense…
I came here because of You.

Sindy stops and looks at the guy’s eyes.

I always believe You for some

They come through a green public garden. Towards them the runners , a guy with a lass and a grey old man come across.
Dan, I need to call to the university.
Wait me here, please.

The lass goes away. Dan sits on the bench and watches with interest the children, who are playing in the public garden.
Two young people move along the path in Dan’s directions. This is Archi and his friend Fred. Judging by their walk, they both are a little bit merry. Archi has a can with beer in his hands. They pass by the bench and Archi treads on Dan’s foot. The guy does not react. Two drunk friends stop.

Fred, look… this is our guy…
from East…, from jungle…

Archi, let’s ask him… how does
he like his visit…
Friend, is everything okay?

Dan rises, but still continues to keep silence. Fred, puts his hands in the pockets and walks unsteadily. An acid smile is on his face.
He is not talkative at all…

Archi goes around Dan, watching him from head to foot and at the same time he does not forget to drink from a can.

Fred, probably… he does not like
us because of something…

Of course…
We are not similar to his chinese
friends, we don’t read clever books…

…and we drink beer.
Archi, regale our friend with…

Archi takes a gulp of beer from the can and stretches it to Dan.

Take it… Try it… It will be better…
to meditate.

The drunk friends laugh loudly. Dan watches their actions calmly.

Archi, it seems to me, he is
squeamish about our beer…

O.K…. let’s try in other way…

He makes another gulp and rises the can over Dan"s head and begins slowly to pour the beer out. Golden liquid streams from the can, but it does not make his face wet. It streams down. It pours down from invisible surface, one inch from the face. The can is already empty, but Archi"s hand stops dead. The friends-stool-pigeons exchange glances. They don"t understand anything. Dan takes slowly the can with beer from Archi"s hand and presses it in his fist. The crackle of a pressing metal is heard. Then he presses the can by other hand. Some more movements and the can turns into a formless piece of metal. Dan puts it into the pocket of Archi"s shirt, who still stands in a stupor.
That is for memory about our
meeting ...

Sindy runs to them. There is agitation on her face. She looks at Archi, then at Dan.
Dan, Archi, what is going on here?
Everything is in norm ...

Archi looks strange and fails to notice Sindy.

Yes ...
We simply spoke about ... the use of

The guy and the lass go away. Sindy turns and sees Fred, who fidgets with something shining, near his friend, who still stops dead.


Along the patches of which, among other visitors, Sindy, Dan aud Jonny move from one enclosure to another. It"s more correctly to say, that the baby pulls the young couple. He pulls Dan along by the arm and there is nothing to do, as to follow the guide, sometimes he turns to Sindy. Jonny points at the enclosures with his free hand and while he is moving he gives the necessary explanations.
Here are the birds and there monkey ...
Dan, I"ll show you everything ...
I was here a lot of times ...

They squeeze their way through the crowd of visitors and stop near the enclosure with an elefant. A big animal waves his ears  kindly, shakes his head, his trunk reaches the fence.
Dan, an elefant lives in Africa
and India. It is the biggest animal ...
Jonny, is he bigger than a whale?

Jonny looks at his sister, then begins to think, trying to recall something. His face is concentrated and very serious, that makes Dan and Sindy to smile.
Yes, a whale is also big ...
I don"t remember ... I need to look in
a book ...

Sindy cuddles up to Dan"s back. The guy turns to her, but the young guide reacts at this at once.
Sindy, don"t divert Dan ...
An elefant is a herbivorous animal
and is easy for training.
Let"s go further ...

They pass some more enclosures, where they meet a Jolly white bear, a menacing tiger, graceful elks and rock deer’s ...
Jonny does not become silent and continues to pull Dan. Sindy follows them.  They stop near the enclosure with a gepard.
A tabby cat, who is tired of an afternoon heat, rests in a shadow of a low tree. She breathes hard and does not pay any attention at the visitors.
Dan, do you know who is this?
Of course. It is a leopard.

What a fellow, you don"t know ...
This is a gepard the quickest animal ...
90 miles per hour. How is it?

The baby looks at Dan with a question, waiting for his reaction. The guy casts a glance at the enclosure.
Yes ... Here there is no space
to speed up ...
That is not all.
A gepard is a cat, but she can"t
climb trees. Do you know why?
I don"t know.

Jonny looks at the guy with superiority, then he looks at his sister.
A gepard can"t draw in his claws ...
as with a dog ...
Let"s go further.

There are a lot of visitors at the zoo, especially children. Three of them go to the cages with monkeys, where there are a lot of people. Laughter and jolly cries are heard. Jonny suddenly stops near a small pond with crocodiles.

Jonny, why did we stop?
These are crocodiles ...
Don"t you see them?

I see. But what?
Crocodiles are the ancient animals.
They have lived at the times, when
there were dinosaurs.

One of the crocodiles emerges from water and creeps out on a dry land. He opens his jaws widely and demonstrates his big teeth.
What a nice crocodile ...
Probably, he is very voracious.

No, not at all. If it is necessary
he can"t eat the whole year.
I can hardly believe this ...

I say, what I have read in the book.

One more crocodile joins the first. Two other crocodiles begin to play in water, rising a cloud of splashes.

Jonny, where will we go now?
Where you want... At first to rhinoceros, lions, then to lizards and snakes.
There are also giraffes, ostriches
and hippopotami.
Jonny, can we make our programme shorter?
It is impossible. I"ll show ...
all the most interesting.

Sindy looks at Dan doomly. Dan shrugs his shoulders with understanding. The sun is going down, but the amount of visitors at the zoo is not decreased. A miniexcursion, - Dan and Sindy, and their unchanged escort-Jonny, moves slowly along the path. He waves his hands about energetically and says something. The guy casts a glance at Sindy who trudges along behind. She is tired and does not pay attention to the brother"s monologue.
What a pity! There was not enough time ...
It does not matter. Next time we"ll see
the rest of animals.

The mini excursion approaches the exit. Sindy cheers up.

Dan, did you like our zoo?
Everything was fine.
Especially our guide.

An old merchant with a big many coloured umbrella stands near the exit. He has a roomy cage on a stand with two small birds. Jonny stops Dan and Sindy.
Look, these are larks ...
They are so small.

Dan watches this couple of birds. The birds sit dolefully on a cross-bar. Jonny pulls Dan"s hand.

Let"s go
Wait, Jonny ...
How much do these birds cost?

The guy takes money out of his pocket. Sindy and Jonny exchange glances in bewilderment. Dan gives money and takes the cage. He opens the door and waits. Now the merchant is also astonished. The guy bends to the cage and whispers something. The birds revive. At first one, then the other leaves the cage. They rise up and jolly welcome freedom. Some visitors also watch this event. All rise their heads and watch the sky dance. Dan smiles jolly.

Dan, for what did you do that?

Jonny, birds must fly ...because, that ...
because, they have wings!

Good lad! It"s right!

The boy looks at Dan seriously.
Dan, what I"ll say you ...
you did not like the zoo.


In the middle of the premises there is a big room - sarcophagus. Dan lies in it in a shining suit. A lot of wires stretch from the suit into the panel. The lamps of different colours blink along the perimeter. The guy"s face is calm and concentrated. Michael Adams comes to the room.

Dan, we need to fix as much
information as possible. That"s
why concentrate at different
thoughts, emotions, at excitements. Everything will be fixed and written.

Dr. Adams goes away from the sarcophagus, the lid from thick glass closes it slowly. Adams presses some buttons at the main control desk. The light is switched off in the premises.
Only in the middle of the laboratory the sarcophagus is lighted. A dark hemisphere goes down at Dan"s face. Dr. Adams
touches some more buttons. Different images and visions of virtual reality break out in Dan"s brain. Intricate geometric figures turn into fanciful landscapes of other planets;
faces of people turn into fantastic animals; high speed flights between mountain"s peaks transfer into smooth soaring, but then they turn into, a terrible by its reality fall in a dark abyss, crashes against rocks, waves of  scorching gas and fire. All these images penetrate into Dan"s brain, which is stimulated by unearthly music, simply even separate sounds, which sometimes transfer into an ultrasonic sphere. The change of images is unexpected. The musical accompaniment increases this effect.
I see a strong vibration of magnetic
and gravity fields around the body ...

A strong resistance for stress loads ...
It seems this guy has iron nerves

Dr. Adams works with the and he does not tear himself from the screen.
Let"s finish. It is enough for today.
Send this to me.

The scientist rises from the control desk and goes to the office. The light comes on in the laboratory.

 is remarkable for simplicity and practicality. The owner of the office sits at the table and writes something. Dan comes into the office. Adams tears himself from his work and rises the head.
Sit down, Dan.  Today it was
a difficult test, so we shall
speak no more than some minutes.

Is there something deserve our
There is something ... Data must be
processed and interpreted. Our super
ECM will make this very quicily.
Can you assume that the mistakes
are possible?

The scientist, who is busy is with electronics, smiles indulgently, puts off the spectacles and cleans them with a handkerchief.
It"s out of the question. Our
technique works without mistakes.

Adams rises and comes to Dan. He slaps him on the shoulder.

Let"s go. Dan. I"ll show you something ...

They leave the office and come to a metal door. Adams presses the buttons of a code lock and the door slowly opens. They come into a small room, at the walls of which stand a row of
metal closets with transparent doors.

Dear Dan. I"ll reveal a small secret
to you. Our laboratory is very
close to creation of an artificial
intellect ...

The scientist passes his hand round the premises notes of pride are heard is his voice.
I"ll show you future, which is not far.

The scientist and the guy come to the first closet. The metal construction, like a man"s figure, is scene inside it.

This is one of the first models. It operates...It is very expensive, that"s
why is not good for mass production.

The scientist leads the guy to the next closet. The example with more streamlined forms is in it a robot"s head is more similar to a man"s one. A metal covering shines a lustreless light. The proportions of an athlete sustain in "an iron man". Dan watches attentively the robot.

Possibilities of this model is wider.
This is our base model.

The scientist and Dan pass some closets, where «manlike» robots stand still. They walk slowly and Adams gives explanations and simultaneously watches the guy"s reaction.

All these copies are improvements of
the base model. Here a new scheme of
a bearing - motive system is used ...
And this is a model with improved
energy  supply due to miniature
nuclear installation ...

They come to the last closet. Adams stops.
This last copy has a modernised
biocomputer. What will you say?
Are you impressed?
Why do you keep silence?

Dan watches a miracle - robot and rubs his temple by a finger.
I have no words ...
(does not catch an irony)
Come here, Dan ...This is our perspective model. All the best and modern are here ...

The scientist presses some buttons at one side of the closet. Blinds inside the closet open and a bright light is on:
A familiar face-mask gazes fixedly at Dan - tightly pressed
lips and a cool-dead look.
For a body we have used the materials
equal to biological. We strive to
approach a man as close as possible.

The guy watches the robot fixedly. The robot is in a steel-grey overalls, which is close-flitting. Some wires are connected to the head, hands and legs. There is a feeble-blue luminescence in pupils of his eyes.
And how is his head?
The possibilities of his intellect
will be much more higher than of a man.
His memory can keep the information,
which all the libraries of our country has.
Dan keeps silence. He comes close to the closet.

But we went further ...
We worked out the programme, which
allows us to give him man"s feelings
and qualities: determination, perseverance,
courage, slyness and even sense of humour.
And what about fear?
You were right. This is the only one feature, which we decided not to put in it?
For what reason? He will act till the end, without hesitations. Isn"t he nice?

Dan slightly knocks on the glass and metal wall of the closet.

Are the locks firm? ...May be he will
decide to run away suddenly?
We are not afraid of this. He is
connected to a supply, but he is in
a regime "lethargic sleep". Besides
this the security programme controls
its actions.

Dr. Adams switches off the light and closes the blinds. They go to the exit. Near the door the scientist stops.
Oh. yes ... I forgot at all ...
The name of our beauty is Robby.

The scientist and the guy go out to the corridor. A metal door softly closes. The second assistant runs to them.

Mr. Adams ... to a telephone quickly.

All three go to Adam"s office. The scientist takes the phone receiver. His face is set in fixed position, he is looks worried. He turns to Dan, keeping the receiver in his hands.

Sindy"s father called me ... from
the university. A maniac captures
students as hostages. Among them is Sindy.

Dan runs quickly from the office.
Doctor, will you go to?

No ...
I need to work with today"s material.
Is it so important?

Adams puts off his spectacles and watches the frame.

Yes. The received results we need to
use for "AN animation" of Robby.


Dan runs out from the building. He is in hurry. He runs to a dark-blue Kavasaki, which stands at the parking, and a motorcycle quickly speeds away.


There are a lot of people in front of the central exit, among them policemen. A bus, a little bit aside from the entrance, stands still. It is surrounded by a squad of police. Three lasses and two guys hidhide in a corner of the saloon. A lanky fellow-terrorist stands in front of them and swings a big pistol. In his other hand there is an army grenade.
His actions are sharp and agressive. Students watch everything with horror. Among them is Sindy. She tries to control  herself.
All sit, don"t move ...
Shoot without warning.

He grabs one of the hostages by the hand, shields oneself with and comes to a window.
Clean the way. And don"t try to chase
me, or will be less on one hostage,
and more for one corpse.
Do you understand, nitwits?

The police officer and the agent in a civil suit stand near a police car and watch the bus.
We have to do this ...
A sniper will not shoot him ...
a grenade gets in the way ...
We can"t risk it.

The way is free from people and cars.


The lanky fellow directs the pistol at the guy- student. A red unshaven face grins.
I have seen that you came on
a car ...Quickly at the wheel!...

The lanky fellow pushes the guy at a driver"s place.

Go where I"ll point you ...
No initiatives or it will be
your last trip.


Dan goes on the motor cycle to the place of the incident. He comes through the crowd and finds Sindy"s parents. Nancy controls herself with difficulties.
Sindy is inside the bus.

Clark and Dan come to the police officer and the agent in civilian.
We have already determined his personality. He is a former sergeant of a specialized troops. He is discharged because of health problems.
What does he want?
He demands only a bus  now ...
His further actions are unpredictable.

A yellow-red bus begins to move. It goes through the corridor, which is left for it. Policemen follow it with their eyes. Nancy Clark comes to them. Tears are in her eyes.

( to a police officer)
Why does not police follow them?
Terrorist"s demands must be fulfiled.
We shall use a passive control to watch
bus movements. We shall not undertake
anything more ...
For the present we shall not.
But this crazy can at any moment
fix them?

The agent and the officer go away in silence, sit in the car. Nancy looks at Dan with a prayer ... The guy closes his eyes for a second. His face is concentrated and tense. Then he turns and hurries to the motor-cycle. He sits on it and starts it resolutely. "Kavasaki" starts up rapidly. Dan goes away in another, from the disappered bus, direction.

along which the bus with hostages rushes. It races down, carrying everything before it: street sing, barriers, cars, which did not turn away the road. The yellow-red bus rushes by some cross-roads, not paying attention at the signals of traffic lights. It leaves after this some broken and overturned cars.


The lanky fellow grins and the pistol is against the driver"s head. The bus"s frame shakes and students cuddle up to each other.
(to the driver)
Don"t reduce speed ... Have you ever
gone like this? ...

The lanky fellow leaves the driver alone and approaches the hostages.

Did you enjoy yourself bright sparks?
You don"t know what waits you. All
charm is in this.

The bus flights at the opposite side and some cars, trying to avoid a crash, runs into shop windows and break the cafe.


Dan"s motor-cycle rushes along them. At high speed it passes cars, rushes by cross-roads. Dan tries to sgueeze all possible from his motor- cycle and bends down at the wheel.


The bus rushes along the highway, which leads out of the city. It rushes, making a confusion in traffic. The guy-driver revolves the wheel. He is afraid and sweat pours his face. In front of the course of movement there is a road junction with some bridges and crossings.


Dan on the motor-cycle hurries along the highway, which leads to the road junction. His dark-blue "Kavasaki" rushes to it.
The road junction is seen, web of bridges and road ... Dan rises his head and tries to examine the bus. "Kavasaki" jumps out at a concrete side of the bridge.


The bus rushes along the highway. Its yellow-red frame approaches the bridge, at which Dan"s motor-cycle rides.
The guy watches the bus and as soon as it disappears under the bridge. Dan by a sharp turn of a wheel throws the motor-cycle through a barrier. In air, in his flight, Dan stops his two-wheel machine and falls on the roof of the bus.


The terrorist hears the knocks on the roof. He jumps aside from the driver and turns his head frightened.
What"s is it? ... Where? ...
I"ll kill all! ...

The lanky fellow swings his big pistol at all sides. The hostages at the end of the saloon watch the maniac"s actions. They don"t understand anything.


Dan cuddles up by all his body to the roof, trying to hold out on it. He crawls by the roof, overcoming air flow. The bus throws from one side into another and the guy, bracing the muscles, snatches a lid of a hatch by his hands. He waits some seconds and then moves to the edge of the roof.


The infuriated terrorist rushes about the saloon. He jumps to the windows and tries to look up. The guy - driver looks back in fright. The hostages are on the brink of shook, only Sindy
is on the alert. She watches attentively the maniac. The terrorist jumps to the window in the middle of the saloon and cranes, his neck. At the same second Dan"s foot strikes a glass and reaches the face of the retired sergeant. He falls between the seats because of a strong and unexpected blow. A grenade slips out his hand. It rools along a passage between seats. All stand still in the saloon. The terrorist is also in stupor, he closes his face with hands. He is afraid…
Sindy dashes at the grenade and is in time to throw it through a window. A strong explosion is heard behind the bus ... Dan is in the saloon. The maniac jumps and aims his pistol at the guy. The maniac does not shoot as Dan kicks his pistol. Dan does not give a chance for maniac to come to his senses. He takes hand-rails, hauls himself up and kicks the maniac in chest. A big body breaks the window and flies out from the saloon.


Brake creak and the bus stops. Dan jumps out from the bus and runs to the criminal, who lies not far from the road. The criminal face is in blood, he tries to get up, but he is not successful. A helicopter lands not far from the bus. The police and some passenger cars drive up at once. Relatives embrace the hostages. Joy and tears are at their faces ... Sindy embraces her mother, then her father ... The police officer and the agent in civilian come to Dan. Two policemen put on handcuffs on the criminal and haul him is the car. The officer examines the terrorist"s pistol and takes a holder out.
                (to the agent in civilian)
Clean work ... He has not made
even one shot.

The agent turns to Dan. The guy is going to go away, but he stops him.
Young fellow, where have you received
such a training?

The agent looks at the guy with expectancy.
Is it so important ...If I say,
you will not believe me. Excuse me.

Dan leaves the policemen and goes to joy parents and to Sindy, who is still looks worried. He embraces the lass.
Dan, is everything o"kay with you?
Yes, it is. I am all right.
We are very grateful to you ...
You took a risk.
There were situations worse ...

The guy"s face becomes serious. Before a thoughtful look of Dan a pale face-mask appears and slowly goes out. This is Robby from Dr.Adam"s laboratory.


It is a building with original architecture, something middle between a flying plate and an Egypt pyramid ...
The owner of the house and his guest Edward Clark, are on a terrace of the second flour. They sit at a low table on chairs in an avant-garde style. There are some bottles with juices and drinks. Clark takes his glass and makes some gulps.
I have not been in your house for
a long time, Michael ...
And I have no time to invite you.
I don"t get out from the laboratory ...
For me my work is the most important.

We saw each other more frequent in
previous times ... When was I here
last time?
Since that time when my wife ran
from me two years ago...
The scientist, who is busy with electronics, opens a dark flat brief-case which lies on the table. Inside it there is a control desk with a keyboard, on the lid there is a screen. Adams presses some keys.
I switched on an air-conditioner
in the living-room and a gas-stove
in the kitchen. I think you will
not refuse from coffee.

Clark looks at his watch.
Sindy and Dan will soon come and
fetch me ...

Adams moves away an open brief-case aside.

We"ll be in time ...
By the way, Eddy, how does Sindy feel herself?  These races on the bus
are not for people with weak nerves.

Stress has passed rather quickly.
The explanation is simple that is
Dan"s influence.
Yea ... he is an interesting guy ...
During the investigation the
instruments have fixed a strong
field around the body. Besides, it
What type of a field is it?
It"s not clear ...
I am faced with this for the first
I thought, that your electronic
instruments can everything ...

The thing is not in the instruments ...
The guy has made a block system ...
But I know, what to do.
Adams pours himself a half of something into a glass and drinks.
And if again there is a misfire?!
Eddy are you not sure in the
possibilities of the modern science
and the science at all?

The owner of the house looks at his guest with  some suspicion. But the guest is calm.

You know, Michael. I don"t have doubts
as for possibilities of the science ...
But it has limits behind which it is
My friend, you astonish me ...
Not so long ago I have read some
literature ...
I fixed one expression in my mind ...
that ... there are known, unknown
and unknowable things ...
That is from old texts.

Adams looks at his colleague derisively.

The old sages come at the stage ...
                To hell them, Eddy.
Do you reject their knowledge?
What can they know?... They had no
Modern technologies, computers ...
Not worth a scrap their knowledge.
Technologies ... computers ...
We don"t know till now what time,
gravitation and even electricity is.
In the nearest future the answers
will be given, Eddy. I have no doubt
in this.
Till that time ten new questions
will appear. And so till infinity ...
Eddy, don"t make the problem bigger ...
Michael, where is the way out ...
Where is truth? ...

The lamp begins to twinkle in the brief-case  and a thin signal is heard. Adams bends to the keyboard and touches the keys. The screen shines. On the screen Sindy and Dan go along the path to the door of the house.
That is he, who will give an answer
for us on this question.

Adams uses once more the brief-case. The door opens and the guests come in. The guy and the lass go along the corridor
in silence. They rise on the lift. At all their way in front of them, on the ceiling, as pointing out the way, invisible lamps shine. Sindy and Dan appear at the terrace. They greet representative of science and sit dawn near then.

Father, we came for you.
We’ll go now..., but we have one
We are interested... Where is truth?

The young people exchange glances. They are astonished.

Mr. Adams, the religion is busy with the guest for truth, but not science...
The religion is in a deadlock. There
are a lot of them, and all consider themselves the most veritable...
What will you say?

The lass looks at Dan, but he leans back at a chair, which means that he does not want to participate in the discussion.

But all they say, that... truth’s
always with a man.
How to find it...
...and take.

Sindy again looks at Dan. He does not show any interest to the conversation.
As I know... read ... we must look
inside us...

The scientist, shoo is busy with electronics, smiles.

All right... we looked inside...
Well, what next?
Rummage in... and may be you’ll find...

Dan, without changing the position of hibody, leans back his head.
... if you are worthy of it.

All, who are present, look at the guy. Adams puts off his spectacles and fidgets with them. He is a little bit nervous.

Nonsense... that is all non... seen...
se Rubbish. I believe in intellect.

There is a pause. Sindy looks at her father. He rises and looks at the watch.
Michael, it is time for us... Yes, ..
don’t forget to turn off the stove.

All rise, Adams bends over his brief-case and manipulates with buttons with irritation. Then he looks at Clark with astonishment.
Somebody has already switched it off...

He turns to Dan. His eyes seemed to go right through Dan. The guy stands this battle calmly.
Good bye. Mr. Adams.

Adams comes close to him.
You know, what shall I say to you
guy?... I’ll find truth..., but not
where you think.


An agile light blue Ford drives up to the house. A young couple from it and moves to Clark’s house. Near the door the guy stops Sindy.
Sindy... I must stay alone... to rest.
I have also an  aftertaste...
Adams seems to get furious with you.
It does not worry me...
Sindy... I would like...

The guy does not stop.
Well. Take my car.
Thank you... You have learnt to read
my thoughts.
Only yours.


A light-blue Ford rushes along it. Dan is at the wheel. He examines pensively the running in front of him highway. The car leaves the city and moves in the direction of a rocky range, which is seen over the horizon...
The sun begins to move down, but intense heat does not abate and Dan lowers the side glass till the end.
The guy switches on the radio. A thunder from loud speakers is heard. This thunder is produced by a rock group. Dan continues a search misses some stations and stops. When he  hears the Midde-Aged chords of an organ. The magic music inundates all other sound...
At one of road-forks the car turns into a ground road and a cloud of dust drifts behind it. It made some turns and stops.
The guy sits move-less for some seconds in complete silence, then goes out from the car, leaving the door open...
He goes up the range, sometimes he looks at the country below...
Dan reaches the familiar stone ground and comes to it edge. Below his legs there is a deep abyss. The guy sits not far from the edge and looks at the horizon. A fiery disk approaches him reluctantly. Around him there is complete silence...
Dan puts his face under gentle beams and breezes.


Clark and Sindi come into a dining-room. The sit dawn at table and Nancy moves them their plates.
Eat something...
I’ll give everything for Dan latter.

Sindy starts to eat, but then puts forks aside.
I don’t want... I have no appetite.
Blame the con-ver-sations.
We were not the first, who began...

Clark makes some manipulations with a plate and moves it away. Then he makes some gulps from a glass.
Sindy... Mr. Adams is a well-known
specialist in his sphere, professor.
He has reached much.
Yes, I’ll not reach...this.
But I don’t strive to this.

The father looks at his daughter with astonishment, then he looks at his wife.
A strange position...
All want to reach something is this
life, to become somebody...
Is your Dan... not like this?

Nancy, who has kept silence during their dialogue, sits down near her daughter and looks at her face.

Sindy, whom does he want
to become, where to work?...
I don’t know.He said me that
it all the same to him...

Clark rises from the table and goes to the door. He stops near the door and turns to Sindy.
Is he not interested to make his
Absolutely not.


The Stone Range Alone figure of Dan is on a secluded patch between rocks. He looks at a big disk of the sun, which begins to go away over the horizon slowly. The guy gets up, stands moveless for some seconds and slowly rises his widely extended hands; he takes some deep breathes. He smites to the sun, the wind and mountains.


The boy stands near a window watches trees and bushes, which grow near the house. The sun disk, which goes down to the horizon, is seen from his window. Jonny looks at the sun and screws up his eyes. Then he slowly comes to a glass box, where a small lizard stands still on gray stones. Her body is moveless and only her tongue shows up, betraying her owner...
The boy puts his hand into the box and takes the lizard out of it. He brings her near to his face and peers into her eyes.
Bonny, I am guilty...Excuse me...
I’ll correct everything now...

The boy puts a prisoner back into the box, takes it and brings it carefully out of the room.
A Dawn in Front of Clark’s House Jonny appears from the door with a precious burden. He goes to thick bushes, which grow on a green lawn. The boy stops near the bushes and lowers the box. Then he takes the lizard gently and dips his fist into grass. He slowly unclenches his fist and waits. The lizard sits some moments on the palm of her liberator, then runs into grass and stops.
Jonny looks at her with tender and pushes her slightly.

Run Bonny...
It will be better for you...

The lizard, as she understood these words, dives into grass. The baby follows her with a sad watch.


The Diving Room of Clarks. The head of the family looks through an evening newspaper. He is in a deep chair. Jonny is carried away by a computer game - on is screen a robot - transformer exterminates his enemies. Sindy goes through the pages of a big album with colour illustrations. There are ancient eastern temples and different gods...Nancy Clark comes into the living room.
Sindy, where is Dan?
Has he returned?
Yes, he has. He is in his room.
Will he eat? I have made everything.

Sindy puts away the album and goes Dan’s room.


Sindy knocks at the door softly and comes in a room. It is dark in the room, the lamp is only on the table, where the guy sits. He does not turn and continues to watch his black ribbon with a delineation of a yellow dragon and some hieroglyphs. Sindy comes to the table silently and puts her hands at Dan’s shoulders.

What is written here?

An ancient law...»Energy follows

Sindy sits down to the table. She looks at the guy’s face.
Are you worried about something?
Why do you think so?
I feel this...

Dan tears his look away from the ribbon. He looks at Sindy, then gets up and comes to a window. He examines the star sky.

It seems to me I came to a solution
of the question, which disturbs me
so long...
What are you going to do?

The guy slowly turns and goes to the lass.

The task with one unknown becomes the
task... with two unknown characters.
You speak with mysteries...
He or I...
It must happen today.
What must happen?
Why don’t you say me? Is it dangerous?

The guy goes to the wardrobe and takes from it his black trousers and shirt.
May be...
But everyone plays his own role at
this tragedy of file.

Sindy comes to the guy. Anxiety and agitation is at her face.
Dan... I wanted to say you for a long
Sindy... not now...
Leave me alone now, please...

The lass looks at Dan’s eyes, turns and slowly goes out from the room. She goes downstairs to the living room.


The parents look at their daughter with a question

Dan has asked us not to disturb him...
She comes to a sofa and sits down on it. Her look is moveless, She thinks about something with concentration. Jonny turns to his sister at once, a computer battle has stopped.

Sindy, do you want to play? I can’t
defeat this robot...
May be you will do this.

Sindy does not pay attention at her brother’s words. She sits with a thoughtful air and her look is directed at one point.
(silently, to herself)
He or I...
Everyone plays his own role...

The parents exchange glances and they are in bewilderment.


Dan stands in the middle of the room. He is in dark clothes. There is the locket of his Teacher at his neck. The guy touches it by his fingers and covers it with one, then another palm. The descendant of the Yellow Dragon takes the black ribbon and binds it around his head. His movements are deliberate and look like a ritual ceremony. Dan decreases the light of the lamp. He turns in the side of the window with blinds, stands still and slowly folds his arms. His eyes are open and moveless.
Before his thoughtful look fragmentary pictures of the last events rush: a trip from the airport, a visit to a casino, an engagement with a terrorist, an investigation at Adam’s laboratory. The last vision, Robby with an impenetrable pale face, appears. The delineation vibrates, then the tremble stops...
At the same moment Dan’s body begins to emit a weak blue light. Luminescence gradually increases and sizes the whole body. The body has no outlines; this is a blue cloud, which disappears in dark, as soon as it has reached the maximum brightness.


Sindy, who is busy with her thoughts sits in isolation on the sofa. Jonny continues the computer battle with a transformer.

Here... here... get more...
Don’t you like it?

Clark tears himself from a newspaper.
Jonny, feel at ease...
less emotions...
Yes but he always slips out...
And then suddenly attracts...

The baby eagerly presses the keys. His mother comes to him.

Is it time for a winner of robots
to have some rest? To go to bed,
for example?
I have not won him already...
This piece of iron does not want
to give himself...

The noise of the engagement, which is on the screen, does not die away.
Jonny, in ten minutes you must to bed,
or... your visit to an oceanarium
will be postponed.
And that’s that.

Nancy goes away. Jonny loses his interest the game. He presses the buttons without enthusiasm some times more and stops the game. Jonny turns to his father.
Father, who is stronger: a man
or a robot?

Clark puts away the newspaper, looks at Jonny then at Sindy, gets up, comes to the sofa and sits down near the daughter.

I don’t know, Jonny...
Ask Mr. Adams someday.
I know, what he will say me.
It is interesting. And what?
Of course a robot.
He simply went mad with these robots...

The father rises his hand to warn him.

Jonny, you are not right here.
And choose expressions...
(a little fit touchy)
But this is truth...
These monsters can play a cruel
joke with him...

Sindy rises sharply and looks at the father and the brother
with emotions.
And with us all...


A dark empty side-street ends with a high stone fence. Silence and gloom...
Silence begins to disappear. Gradually a light cloud appears, it emits a blue light. Luminescence increases and reaches the maximum power...
Outlines of a man’s body appear in a bright-blue cloud. His hands are folded...
Luminescence becomes weaker and the cloud disappears. At this place Dan in dark clothes stands. He has the ribbon on his head.
He looks round and moves in the direction of the side-street in the center of the city, where there is much light and noise.


Dan walks along busy streets. Passers-by don’t pay attention is attracted to a big screen at one of the sky-scrapers. The guy moves in the direction of it...
There is a start ground of a spacedrome. A beautiful spaceship is in beams of search-lights. The spaceship is docked to a start junction. The spaceship is shown from different sides.
                Today at night on the 3rd of September
                2036, a space complex starts to the Mars.
                The task of the expedition: to check the
                possibilities of practical extraction of
                titanium and transuranium elements. New
                mining  technique will be tested...

Dan listens attentively the report. He stands near a big screen...
A Rain turns into a shower. A thunderstorm begins... The streets become empty. Frequent lightning’s cut through the night sky. Dan goes along a night street, comes to a telephone and dials a number.


The concrete building is surrounded by a high fence of a metal net. There are signs of warning «Restricted area» on the fence. The road, leading to the complex, leans against a control - admission post... A thunderstorm rages in full strength.

which is full of electronic equipment. In the middle of the premises on three stands, which are wrapped in cables and data units, three man-like figures stand. They are completely similar to each other, even their faces: tightly pressed lips and cool look... Robots are moveless. Many colored lamps twinkle at the electronic control-desk. Reflections of lightning’s are hardly penetrate into the premises.
A thunderstorm rages over the city. It is more furious gloomy clouds cover the star sky. The threads of lightning’s stretch to the earth... Suddenly a strong discharge strikes a lightning-conductor of the laboratory complex. A tower sways and falls on the ground with a thereunder. The second discharge drawing on the sky an unthinkable trajectory, strikes the roof of the building... Inside the building, in the corridors and rooms the cables and electric wires are in fire, the electric power panels blown up. There is fire in the premises, the corridors are full of smoke... In the laboratory where are three morose figures, the fiery forewords starts: the wires, the fiery fireworks starts: the wires burn, the equipment blows up. The screen, with an inscription «The system of power supply is switched on in full capacity», shines at one of the control-desk. The room is full with smoke... One of the robots slowly begins to move limbs. His movements are sharp and unnatural, gradually they become intelligent. The robot turns his head in different sides.
His look stops at the central control-desk and tow brothers-twins. He begins to tear data units and wires off with sharp movements. He the stand and goes to the control-desk, at which many coloured, lamps still twinkle. Robby breaks the control-desk by his hand, more blows and there is nothing but smoked pieces of it. Robby’s brothers-twinges begin to revive. They move their limbs and turn their hands. Their older brother, who is free now, notices their activity. Robby comes to the stands.
Unfortunately I don’t need 
a competition.
The Robot turns control-levers at the power supply shield into a red sector. The second and the third samples begin to beat convulsions. The lightnings run through their bodies... Their mouths are writhed with cramps, their eyes widely opened. They emit hoarse sounds. The movements of limbs and trunks are sharp and chatter. Robot’s bodies are scorching hot and blaze up...
Robby watches an execution without any emotions. Two bright jets light his calm, cool face. Robot’s bodies begin to melt. The movements  of hands, heads, trunks slow down gradually. It is  difficult to understand where is the face, as it is  an all-round melted mass.  Agony begins in some moments. The robot-executioner examines two shapeless heaps of biomass-all, which is left from his electronic brothers.


In front of the control-desk, with two dozens of twinkle lamps, two policemen, a strong sergeant and his young colleague, fling about a duty room.

Oh, devil... In the sector «M» is a
fire... Jim, did You switch on a
duplicate system of putting out a
Yes, I did, but it did not work...
Everything is damaged, even the telecameras...

Jim, in this sector, in the room N23,
there is an important object. Very important... Go and see, what has
happened there...

The policeman runs from the premises. He moves quickly along the corridors, uses the elevator and goes to the aim. He comes to a massive door with the number 23. He dials the combination on a code lock and opens a protected door.


With marks of a fire and a destruction. Some blocks are still smoked. There is a melted biomass at two stands. The third place is empty. The policeman makes some steps inside the premises. He looks around. There is silence only a flame silently crackles. His transceiver begins to work.
Jim, what is there?... Did You understand something?...
Here is
But there are no objects here...

What are You drivelling about? Did they
fly away or dissolve?

The young guard man moves slowly to the centre of the premises. He is on the alert and looks around. He comes to the place of the execution, listens to everything and smells. His eyes are widely opened, when he examines the remains of the «object». Jim gives a start because of an unexpected sound from his transceiver. 
Jim, switch off the power of the room...
and return...

Bill, not all is clear here... But it
seems to me. I guess what has happened here...
The policeman turns to the door runs into Robby’s wide chest. Robby stands close to him.
Leave your guess with you...

The guard man, as in a hypnosis, stands still in front of the robot. A grimace of horror paralyses his face.

Jim, why do You keep silence?...
What has happened?...
Suddenly Jim seizes the pistol’s handle, but he is not in time to take it from a holster: Robby’s hand presses the arm. By his second hand Robby presses the throat of the policeman.
The policeman tries  to free himself beats the hand, shakes his head, but everything is useless and any results.
Jim begins to wheeze. His face flushes and his look is lifeless. But Robby does not weaken the engagement...
At last he releases his victim and a  corpse falls on the floor quietly. Robby leaves the premises through the open door. He takes the policeman’s pistol with him.


The car rushes through a dense veil of rain. Dan is at the wheel. He is in hurry. Water floods a windscreen. Radio works at the saloon.

A thunderstorm rages over the
spacedrome. But the technical
progress wings the element.
A start of space expedition will
take place according the schedule,
in three hours.

The guy increases the speed. His car flies along the highway. Dan is concentrated and tense.


The rebel robot goes down on the elevator, then along the corridor to a duty room. He comes to it imperceptibly and opens a door a little. The Sergeant of police in the premises presses buttons on the control-desk and says something in a microphone. Aside from the control desk a TV set stands.
Send additional squad of police... 
We have problems.

Robby flings the door wide open and makes two shots in the control-desk. The control-desk sparkles, lamps and a signal indicator panel shine chaotic.
The Sergeant reacts at once: he jumps aside, trying to get his weapon out. He has done this, but he is not in time  to do something else: a robot’s shot makes a small accurate hole in his forehand.
Robby comes to a corpse and looks at it contemptibly. Robby goes to the exit. Near the door his attention is attracted to the TVset. A start ground of a spacedrom, all in the beams of searchlights and reflections of lightnings, is on the screen. There is the premises of the start junction on the screen. In one of them there are three spacemen in surrounding of military and civil persons. A colonel with a determined face and a grey hair man of middle ages in ,a civil suit give the last instructions and speak with a crew.

Only a little time is left till a start
on the Mars. The control of all system
of the spaceship is finished. The spacemen are going to take their seats at the pilot cabin. In our next broadcasting we shall
give an information about a start of an
interplanetary expedition.

A green appears at the face of the rebel robot

That is what I need.

Robby appears from the door of the laboratory complex. A police car runs up at high speed to the entrance. Three policemen jump out of it. They get their weapon while they are moving. Robby does not leave them any chances. By three direct shots he kills them. The guard men fall on the ground and awkwardly wave their hands. One of them is still alive and he tries to crawl away. Robby reaches him and finishes him off cold-bloodedly. He fires at a heart area.
The robot steps over a corpse, goes to a police car and stars up. he knocks the policeman off, destroys the gate of the control post and the car jumps on the highway.


The Highway is wet because of Rain Dan’s car, cutting through a night haze, approaches the research complex...
The car rushes through the control post and comes to the building.
The guy runs along the corridors, he is in a hurry...
He runs into a broken premises, touches ends of wires. Dan notices the corpse of the guard man, bends to it and quickly straightens his back, runs from the laboratory number 23.


The police car rushes along a night highway. Robby, who is sure in his power is at the wheel. The car approaches the spacedrome. At the entrance gate a policeman bars the way. Without a reduction of speed the car throws the guard man aside, rams the gate and rushes to the start junction.


Dan’s car flies in the direction of the spacedrom. His hair and face are wet. He wipes his brow with his palm and looks at darkness of the night and a wet highway.


Robby enters into the building of the start complex with a resolute step. The policemen, who stands in the corridor, turns in the side of Robby and at once falls, striked by a shot in head. Robby takes away his weapon and  goes to the elevator...   
The elevator with a rapid raising carries the robot up. A light indicator panel counts the floors: 25,26,27...
He goes out from the elevator and enters to the room of a prestart control, where there are three spacemen in surrounding of officers and civil specialists...
a guard man rushes at Robby, but the robot flings him aside and sends a bullet after him.
The robot takes aim at all, who are present.
The spacemen and the specialists are in bewilderment.
I don’t advise you to make sharp movements.
My reaction is higher on some times...
Thanks to my creators.

He watches the people and comes to a big screen. He presses some buttons. The text importation appears at the screen of the display. Robby looks through some paragraphs and stops. He turns his smiling face to the hostages.               

Tut-tut!... You have secrets...
And nobody says that there are nuclear ammunition
and laser weapons on the board of the spaceship.

A colonel and a grey haired man exchange glances. Suddenly one of spacemen, a tall strong man, jumps up and snatches a weapon of unusual form. It looks like a tube with a small enlarged section at the end. Hi is not in time to shoot. Robby leaves him behind and the commander of spacemen falls with a hole in his forehead. The robot comes to a killed man and rises an unusual weapon.
... this is a blaster...I warn you.
How unperfect are human creatures.

The robot passes his hand over his right hip. A small hollow appears in his hip. In it he hides his blaster and laser pistol.


Dan’s car flies at high speed to it. The brakes creak and the car keeps skidding. The guy jumps out from the car and runs into the building.


There are spacemen, military men, specialists from a control group in the elevator.
Robby with a pistol is in the front of an open door of the elevator.
At this, gentlemen. our ways disperse.
You go down, I go up...
The rest you will know from the last

The robot presses the button, the elevators door closes and it goes up. Robby watches in a mirror: thin, pressed lips. a cool look. A grey, lustreless overalls is close-fitting...
The elevator stops, the door opens, giving the way for an electronic monster. Robby going out from the elevator, makes only two steps: a strong blow in his face flings him to the wall. His pistol falls out. Dan picks it up and aims it at Robby.
Robby, at this your programme
is finished...


The lass in  a night-gown sits on her bed. She looks tired. Her glance roves and stops a statuette of Budda in meditation...
She lass comes and sits at the table, moves up the statuette and looks at a Great Enlightener...
There is a soft knocks at the door and Sindy’s mother comes into the room.
Sindy, You don’t sleep?
The daughter turns. The mother comes to her.               
No, I don’t mother...
I can’t sleep...
You look tired...
Are You ill?... How do You feel
yourself?...              SINDY
Something worries me...
I am afraid...

Nancy strokes the daughter’s hair. Sindy leans against her mother.
My daughter... you are exhausted...
You need to sleep well...

The daughter rises her eyes and looks at the mother.

Mother... I am afraid... Dan...


Dan and Robby stand face to face.
It is easy to speak, when you have
such a weapon: I am unarmed...

Dan looks at his weapon, then at the robot. The robot grins.
This is a principal question...

The guy, without any regret, throws the pistol in the elevator and presses the button, sending it down...
Robby at once attacks Dan. Dan jumps aside. The robot’s blows are strong, but rectilinear and the guy is in time to go away from them. Dan only defends  himself and all Robby’s blows fall on air and the enemy’s blocks...
The robot increases his onset. The walls vibrate because of some strong blows. The door partitions are broken. Dan repels  the attacks skilfully and he is as quick and precise, as a robot. Robby begins to be nervous...
but all the same Dan misses one blow and falls on the floor with his head in blood. The guy breathes hard, his blood runs over his cheek...
Robby looks at Dan with an air of triumph.
I see, You are tired...
I am sorry, but I must be in a hurry.

He jumps at Dan, who lies on the floor. But the guy rolls aside and gets up. His eyes are full with malice. Unexpectedly for Robby his enemy begins to attack.
Dan’s lightning blows make the robot to defend. But they reach him...
The fight moves from the corridor into a roomy premises, which is connected with a pilot cabin by a glass corridor.
There are some tables and closets with electronic equipment in the premises...
The character of the engagement does not change: unexpected blows of a young master put the robot in a deadlock. Dan makes some combinations with the help of kicks and the robot-monster lies on the floor. Robby is in bewilderment over the table, at which some devices stand...
Dan also waits. He watches the enemy actions attentively. Robby passes his hand over his hip and disguised niche opens. He takes a blaster from it and aims it on Dan’s chest.

It’s time to stop this performance...
Look. how this thing works...

Robby shoots. Only a supper quick reaction, saves the guy: he jumps over a big closet, but a laser beam grazes his left shoulder. Blood gushes from the wound and Dan presses it with his hand... The robot fidgets the pistol-lightning.

                ROBBY (CONT.)
Perfect... I don’t expect...
Did You like it..

The guy, overcoming pain, tears his shirt and dresses the wound.
What do You want?...

The robot with the weapon in his hands, sits at the table in front of the computer. He switches it off the presses the buttons. He does not forget to look at the side of the closet.               

Now I’ll be busy with the problems of all mankind...
You, as one number of the genus of two-legs creatures, are not in my interest...You will share their lot...
According what programme do You act?
I have no a definite programme, as I am a self-perfected model. I am according a situation...

The combinations of number, which consist of seven figures, appear on the display. The robot sets up new combination quickly, the other follow them.
What do You want to do?...
Today at night I had an inspiration...
I understood that the mankind is
in a deadlock. Wars, hunger, diseases-all-round sufferings... I must put an end
to this.               
Do you know how to do  this?
Of course. If the civilisation is
in a  deadlock, it must be annihilated.
Is it logically?


The mankind has demonstrated its uselessness... I’ll be responsible
for a further course of the evolution.

Dan looks out from his shelter. Robby does not pay attention at him, as he is busy with a search of a necessary combination.
You take so much on yourself.
I have taped everything... There are
nuclear and laser weapons on the spaceship.
It is enough to destroy one third of atomic electric power-stations and there will not
be anything alive on the Earth...  besides rats and spiders.

A soft sound is heard from the computer. A figure composition 2410816 sets in a fixed position on the screen. A metal door, which leads to a glass corridor, opens noiseless. The passage to the pilot  cabin is free.

I believe in intellect... an artificial intellect. Soon there will be the era of robots...  How do You like my plan?
For this You need to get into
the spaceship...

The robot-maniac gets up from the table.
I am going to do this now...      

The robot goes to the open door. He enters into the glass passage. He has a blaster in his hands. Robby stops for a second and looks down...
There are a lot of people, cars near the spaceship, which is below. They look tiny from  this height..
Dan, who is in blood, lies behind the closet. He looks at the Teacher’s talisman. He tears it off the neck. He presses the talisman in his fist and goes out from the shelter. He follows the robot. There is the blood wound on his shoulder. He sways...
Robby goes along the corridor, he has already reached the middle of it...
Robby... wait... I need to say
You  some words...

The robot stops and turns to the guy. In his stretched hand there is a blaster ready to shoot. Only some steps are between them.               
The  reception is finished...

The laser beam shines like a lightning. Dan stretches  his hand with the medallion forward and the laser beam, reflecting from a mirror surface, strikes Robby’s hand. There is a crackle and sparks. Flery streams rush by the robot’s hand.
A striked limb begins to melt. By his free hand Robby pulls out a  halfly  melted log, which falls near a shapeless pistol.               
Worthless  man... You will not
stop me.

The robot turns and goes in the direction of the pilot cabin. Dan collects his last strength and follows Robby. He jumps on Robby and knocks him...
Robby loses his balance and falls on the side, because of an  unexpected blow. The guy does not open his hands, breaks the transparent barrier and the enemies fall down... The robot tries to press Dan by his melted log.               

It’s You and also...

Dan does not lose a self-control and self-possession. He overcomes Robby’s resistance, crosses his hands and in a moment before a landing the guy turns into a blue cloud. It stands still, the fall stops. The cloud is not so bright and it dissolves at the night...
Robby strikes into a concrete and breaks into thousands of small splinters in front of a crowd of people.


The lass sleeps. Her dream is anxious she breathers hard and turns from side to side...
Sindy wakes up. Some time she sits on the bed, pressing the head with her hands. Then she puts a dressing-gown and comes to the table slowly. She takes the statuette of Budda and looks at her in a reverie. Sindy looks around the door and presses the eastern souvenir, leaves the room.


The lass knocks quickly and comes into a half-dark room. It is empty, the guy’s bed is tucked in. Sindy looks around: everything is in order, all things are at their places.
She comes to the window, opens the blinds and puts the statuette on the window-sill...
Suddenly, behind  Sindy’s back, a weak blue luminescence appears. It becomes brighter...
Then the brightness of the blue cloud becomes weaker, the outlines of the man’s body are seen...
The cloud dissolves in a half gloom room and Sindy sees Dan, whose body is in blood. Sindy comes to him and embraces him tenderly.
Dan, dear... I had a terrible dream...
A real nightmare.

I also have seen a nightmare,
but it was not a dream...

The lass examines the guy’s wounds and her look stops at the melted medallion, which is at Dan’s neck.
In my dream... everything was like in reality...
In near future one terrible nightmare
has waited for us...

Sindy looks at Dan’s eyes without understanding.
Fortunately... this variant of future events... has been excluded.
And others?

The guy and the lass come to the window  and look at the night sky.  Then Sindy and Dan  transfer their look at the statuette of Budda... Budda keeps silence meaningly, as he knows, but does not want to open an important secret...
The guy and the lass turn their look the starry sky, Sindy opens the window...
A falling star flashes without any sings...
They stand in silence, contemplating grandeur of space, which has no edges. We move up from the small figure of Budda.
The house  reduces in side  gradually and disappears from our view. We rise up and up over the houses and quarters... City’s light dim and disappear. The outlines of the American continent are already distinguished but we go farther and farther up, over the clouds... We overcome the last layers of atmosphere and move away from the Earth.
It becomes less and less.  And now it is not distinguished on the background of millions and milliards of stars in unlimited space of the Universe.

