Tamino s ordeals Orpheus eye концепция моей выставки в Хеймнице

Tamino’s ordeals / Orpheus’ eye

Eye is both active and reflective.
It both chooses an object and reflects.
It reflects even when it stops seeing
in darkness, unconsciousness, insanity.
Orpheus comes down to Hades to discover
that fathomless darkness
which attracts art, desire, death and night.
He wants to bring it to daylight,
shape and clarity in Euridice's appearance.

As Orpheus comes down to Hades,
Hades sees himself in Orpheus’ eyes.
Orpheus’ visions become Hades’ visions.
That Hades’ reflections’ visionary wandering 
In Orpheus’ eyes breaks a look.

Orpheus forgets about prohibition to look.
And with it he destroys
the only possible surface of visibility in Hades.
So he looses both Hades’ visions  and Euridice and night.

Orpheus looses Euridice exactly there where
Tamino finds her under name of Pomina.
And Mozart himself disappears in that mysterious misfit.
