
The sun has  silently fallen somewhere in the grass, chased by darkness and I preferred to turn myself off. The night came hand in hand with  cold, fog and my insane nightmares. I was lying face down in grass and leaves and felt nothing, even no bugs in my hair nor worms under my hands. Don’t know, why they did not want to sleep, but they  all  were  extremely busy, paying no attention to me, my nightmares  and wounds.  The stars were unemotional as ever. They  kept serious silence, blinking to  each other “hello-s” and “i’m-better-s”, and did not care about a man writhed  on the  freezing meadow. Those who wounded me were still drunk, but did not even remember the  accident in the country club. They were snoring  with  red faces to the walls and backs to their wives. The Mist came into the night, calming down everything. It was the time when Morning is setting its purple-to-pink colored  dress right, still standing behind the curtains.  But when it  dared  step out, its  only onlooker was gone. It was ten minutes after I died.
