KulakovTM or what to do with desire to become a brand

First one should overcome a strong temptation to write something simple and easy for perception like: “Kulakov -- the best brand money can buy” or “mmmm -- Kulakov”…
The time hasn’t come yet. I am not the brand yet. Yet… People say, however, that the minimal age of the real brand is about 65 years. So I have got a chance to meet the time of the own “brandability”. But now I am KulakovTM. So what to begin with? The marketing analysis show that a new brand promotion covers all the expenses - the concurrence is minimal, the market is saturated. The name is approved, as it’s short, capacious, the same sounding in different languages and no negative connotations to arise.
It’s time to create your own style. Two hours of work and here is a marvelous logo. Kulakov. Since 1974 is written in green letters (nice color and font, isn’t it?). A year of creation is obligatory, as the customers trust old traditional TM. Oh, not bad slogan, by the way. The budget is miserable yet, so I have to start the promotion from Direct Mail and PR and then, I hope, there’ll be the money for BTL, posters, city-lights, TV and radio shots. So I sit to make out the marketing strategy for KulakovTM for the near 5 years. And to create a reputation for myself -- good and unshakable for even various faces of the “black PR” will work for strengthening of my image.
…and now I dream of the far future. A kid is asked in a kindergarten: “What brands do you know?» And he answers without any reflections: Coca Cola, Nike, LG and Kulakov. It’s really nice I must admit…
