Shooting from the sixth floor

(sketch of the movie scenario)

Author’s Note. Any resemblance of actions or personages to real events or persons is coincidental.

The President Jan Trennedy was killed by his wife Gemmy, with billionaire Amistocheles (“Ami”) Cronasis as an accomplice. The crime motives:
- on behalf of Gemmy – the weird infidelity of Jan and humiliation to which she was permanently exposed;
- on behalf of Ami – a desire to test his muscles, to feel that the globe is in his hands, to taste the unprecedented sensate of a full possession of the whole contemporary world.
The murder demanded big money. He had them. Of course, the money could be easily returned later with stock manipulations. So the enterprise finally promised to be loss-less, if not profitable, and extremely highly emotional. A version: Gemmy didn’t know about the murder in advance. Cronasis acted alone and just told her everything later. But this is much less probable.
To make the murder un-discoverable the complete information should be in hands of only one (two?) person(s). The one, who really knows, what’s money, and can super-professionally operate them. The triumph for the both was their marriage. They didn’t simply make The Century’s Action, but openly acknowledged this. Nobody ever risked blaming them.
During the Barry Ticleton’s trial, the All Times Sexual Trial, this idea comes into mind to Bitary, a dilettante in everything: politics, art, science and pathologically unsuccessful lover. He starts his own investigation and parishes.

Yury Boydov, a Sovessian politician. His wife – Lida Koraleva and daughter Xenia, who married Zhenia Ircyllov.
Jan and Gemmy Trennedy – the 20-th President of the Multiunited State of Avraamica (MSA) and his wife.
Barry and Milly Ticleton  - the 26-th President of the MSA and his wife.

Scene One. Country watches TV. 2.
Barry desperately tries to get himself out of the trap. “Tell my people that I had no sexual relations with this woman, Silvia Caplinski” – tells he, leaving the Residence. Bitary (along with the whole country) watches the TV show and is compassionate with him. God damn! What a politician – without sex? The Great Eastern rulers openly had harems, all the rest, as minimum, - hidden ones. To catch a poor guy on the point, which in fact is the necessary (let it be just subsidiary!) attribute of the politician? – Nonsense!
The whole Avraamica was in fact compassionate. A half – positively, the other – negatively. First half considered that everything is OK and there is no need to touch the good guy. The other half also considered that everything is OK: at last they have a preposition to crack the neck to the “good” (for their enemies) guy, which (a slippery devil!) occurred to be un-cacheable in his business affairs (sure only un-cacheable, there could be no sinless successful business!). Seeing the honest Barry’s face, Bitary believes him: “Naturally, he is only involved with this Silvia in romantic platonic relations, as me and ***!” While tricky enemies will represent everything distorted, according to their pervasive taste...

<Translated from Russian by the author>

Thank's a lot!
Good language!
Unusual mix of russian mood and american atmosphere.
Best regards,

Карина Мансурова   30.08.2006 15:17     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо за отзыв. Рядом - то же самое по-русски.
Боюсь, что ужастик близок к реальности. 50% моих собеседников-американцев со мной согласны...

Лианидд   30.08.2006 16:31   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 3 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.