Paradise Lost and Found

 Angel was not bad in soul, but she was too curious, and sometimes it led her to strange actions. Thus, she behaved a bit abnormal for an angel, and God considered it wiser to send her to Earth to redeem her small sins (which were not really sins but more like mischief). She had to live a human life and then to return to Heaven. She was also deprived of her wings not to be tempted to fly away. She had already managed to work out like this for twenty years.

 Doctor (he was a doctor though he was called Magician; he cured not so much bodies but souls, what could be easily compared to magic) had lived twice as long as Angel did what helped him to get to know life better, to gain enough experience and to come to some conclusions. Those were not always happy ones.

 Angel studied this world looking at it with wide-open eyes and an open heart ready to absorb everything like a sponge, and learning from every little lesson. Quite often they were discouraging ones. Magician lived his life as he was used to, not expecting anything unusual from his Destiny and curing people’s souls. And once they met…

 Something queer, like electricity, passed between them when they looked into each other’s eyes. Since that very first moment they became inseparable: they spent many hours together speaking, discovering each other, just enjoying being together… Every minute brought something new: they found out that though they were different they were so much alike that it was difficult to believe: they thought the same, they liked the same, they wished the same… Angel was perplexed as God hadn’t told her about such things. Magician was also surprised as he had never experienced anything like that in his life. They both guarded their new-born feeling like a rare rose, being afraid to show it to anyone, as if scared to frighten it like a tender bird. And it grew; in some time it was already all-absorbing Love, Love beyond words or understanding, so great that nothing could be compared to it. It filled their lives completely – better to say “their life” as they became a whole one. Angel began to feel some strange pain in her back, but it was a pleasant pain: new wings were growing. She was amazed.

 But suddenly God decided that other people needed Angel’s help and sent her to a distant place, while Magician remained where he was. It was a real stroke for them. They both cried, and every night before their parting was filled with happiness and sorrow merged and split in hot tears. When they lay like this in bed Angel’s tear fell down on Magician’s back and all of a sudden they saw how, gradually appearing, grew two wonderful white wings. It was a compensation for sorrow. Still they believed they would manage to be together.

 They parted… Their lives changed completely: now they had wings, but the latter could not help them to meet; they were sad all the time. They felt each other’s sigh, every thought… The trial was too cruel: it was very long and difficult. And though no less grew their Love, it was impossible to be separated for that long.

 One day Angel felt a sting in her heart and fainted. At the same moment Magician died from grief. Finally, he managed to fly to Angel with the help of those wings that she had given him. Angel did not return to conscience; she was taken by the hand of love. Now they both flew together. When God saw it He offered them to enter Heaven, but Angel refused: she said they had their own Paradise, now eternally, which was the most wonderful and the most important one. So, they disappeared in time and space; no one heard anything about them any more. It means their Paradise was too good to leave it…

15. I. 2001
