It s wonderful day

-Today is the most wonderful day. I’m walking with you through enormous warm snow-clad. And do you know, how little does person heed for happiness?
-And how little?
-At least one such splendid day.
-Really, little… and don’t you want anything else?
-I want very much, plenty of love… Love is the sense, which you can’t cut and divide. It shrouds, it is plenty and it can be enough for whole world, it is not only for two people, it is for everyone. Love warms Earth by its presence, even now, when snows. And imaging what it makes with people. People become unrecognized, when they love!!! We find freedom, wings – we love and are loved!!!
-Yes, I imagine it very clearly: don’t eat, don’t sleep, think only of her. What should I do, so that woman loves me like I love her?
-You know, woman has such a place, touch it and she will lose her head forever.
-Yes? And where is it?
-It’s her heart. Take warm heart into your arms and listen how it is knocking… And you were born under knock of woman’s heart.
-It’s such! Such close, warm! Such beautiful, that I haven’t imagined, you know I even want to cry from joy.
-You probably did cry, when you saw surrounding world at first time, being isolated from mother’s heart, everything is interconnected, now you understand it well.
-I do, we should listen to our hearts more often.
-Good luck, I believe, and that all be good without fall. You and she will be happy, you are can be frusted, not even heart, but life, you are very reliable man.
-Wait, let me kiss you… thank you. Love for all of us, I will find you in its centre, after all exactly you will be there.
-Agree, let’s think of good and it will come.

Ох, англомания начала двадцать первого века? Хм.. Проза.ру всё-таки сайт для русскоязычных произведений. Думаю, некоторые ваши читатели загорятся желанием написать что-нибудь на китайском, или вспомнят классическую латынь. Впрочем, это своеобразный треннинг повторения или узучения иностранного. возможно, я допустила ошибку... Следовало бы написать отзыв на английском. Good luck!

Нинарделла   08.10.2005 19:13     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо за совет, и вам удачи=)
Будем исправляться.

Марина Островская   10.10.2005 07:25   Заявить о нарушении