

"I can't live like that! I'm so fed up with all this! What do they threat me as? They hate me! But I'm their daughter, is it thinkable? No matter how thinkable and possible it is, but IT IS like that! And what makes this worse is that I love them.. My life looks like a film about an unlucky teen-age: I hate school because of its stupid pupils, which always joke about me and underrate me, I don't like to go there, but I lie my parents that I go there, they don't interest in me and think that I'm so melancholy just because I'm tired. From time to time everything is quite, until my teacher call them to tell about my missings, then parents shout at me. They don't try to understand the cause of my conduct and I'm tired of with all it.
 Ow.. it is so high! But on the other side it's better - the death, probably, will come immediately. No one thinks about me, no one loves me, no one worries about me! For who do I live? Is there any point in my life? No, I don't see it. After all, what am I afraid of? There is no God, no hell, nothing to afraid of! So on I'm going right now.."
 She jumped from the high building. One more unlucky girl stopped existing.


Dr. Jones was going in his section. That night was his time to be on duty. There was no sound to disturb his mind, until one pacient moaned loudly. Doctor realized that it was the same pacient as in his last duty. It was a man about 50, he had going with his family on Christmas holidays in the countryside by car, when a big truck had bumped into them. The car was in fire, and was damaged at all. One who had survived was he. His wife and two suns had died on the way to the hospital and he had no both arms and left leg, his body was charred. Dr. Jones couldn't look calm at him. After the catastrophe this man all time saw the faces of his wife and children. He saw again and again the catastrophe and heard screams. While he was sleeping after a big doze of morphine, he was always moaning and sometimes screaming. Dr.Jones came to his place and looked at this poor man. There was nothing on his face, but sufferings and pain.

The man said: "I can't live like this, it's not a life, it's likeness to hell. Please, help me, doc".
"The only thing I can do is give you a doze of morphine to sleep a little" - said Dr. Jones.
"For what will I sleep? To see their faces? You know what I mean"
"I can't, I'm not a slayer, I'm a doctor" - answered he quickly.
"But you should help me! And what do you do? You just make me alive to feel this terrible pain and to suffer. I asked you just turn off the technics or give me a really big doze of morphine, but don't leave me here to die from suffering about my family, it's not life, it's a torture. Is it the humanism to force people to suffer? "
"I can't, I can't, I'm not a slayer, don't asked me to kill you". - mumbled the doctor going away.

Читал когда-то статью про людей которые покончили с жизнью, самоубийством. И которые вели собственные жж... Очень похоже на это все. И очень мрачно. Аж мурашки по коже...

Сумне Ромашко   03.12.2007 17:06     Заявить о нарушении