Trust in impossible-be the realist!
 "Never speak: " I love you! "
 If actually for you all the same...
 Never speak about feelings... If they are not present in you ...
 Never hold my hands If you are going to break my heart...
 Never speak, that you are going to make something if you do not plan even to begin ...
 Never look in my eyes If everything, that you do - lie...
 Never speak "hello" If actually you have in view of "goodbye"...
 Never speak forever Because from it I would not like to live...
       Love it is the theorem, that you have to prove every time. All in love are promising to make impossible things, but they don't make even possible things.
       If somebody it is the First what you think, when you wake up, The one, what you think, when you are awake, and the Last, what you think, before you are going to sleep, it mean, this is a love. When you care about somebody each moment of your life, when you wanna wake up next to him and come back every time, because you know this is somebody is waiting you too, and takes care about you every time when you are going out door, whom you can trust and be sure at him, what he will never leave you in any situation of your life, with whom you wanna share any news, bad or good, who understand you and will be ready to forgive all. Whom you wanna love by soul, heart and body. Whom you are afraid to lose and whom you never let go away. Whom you wanna hug every night full million years and kiss every morning , before you will go out . And then you will get the answer, how this somebody wanna present to you everything better from himself and a one more part of a heart, what will smile to you, will laugh, to stretch hands to you and name you "daddy". Without whom you can't breathe,and with whom you wish to breathe the one air. With whom you would like to have something together and from whom you would be happy to have a babies... ( but it is another story) And if you have feeling, like this you can tell "I LOVE YOU". Another one it just a three words, that are shaking the air.

       And now my tears is so hot, that it is burning my cheeks


 i know it is not right tell it to you, and you don't have to answer me, but i know too if i not will tell it to you, i will sorry about it,
 and i wanna say that i love you
 and now every day is a difficult for me, i don't know why, but every day i am asking myself, "how is he, how is his health,how is his feeling, what he is doing now?", and i hope that you are good. without you all sky in grey clouds.i can't tell that i am ok, i am not bad, but i am bad! why you didn't tell me this simple words "forget everything,forgive everything, enjoy your life and be happy?" Tell me that i have to forget you, because it is impossible to live with a true...

Если б здесь ещё и перевод был! Тогда ваш рассказ безусловно пользовался огромной популярностью, среди любителей романов! С моим слабым английским я всё же смею предпологать, что это роман, не так ли? Всё же я надеюсь на то, что на нашем сайте найдутся знатоки английского и по достоинству оценят ваш рассказ!
С Уважением, Лили Эдельвейс

Лили Эдельвейс   21.02.2008 00:05     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо, но я не думаю, что столь короткую запись можно назвать громким именем "роман", хотя когда и чем все это закончится не знаю даже я!

Моя Магнолия   21.02.2008 01:14   Заявить о нарушении