My Home

There are a lot of places I’ve lived at, but I would like to tell you about the ones that filled me with the richest memories.
Of course, my home in Russia is the dearest and the most important place in my life. I nearly cried this summer, when I came to my hometown and stayed there for three months, after two years of being away from there. All my childhood joys and grieves, first steps and first laughs happened in that house. It will always remain as the place where I could feel safe, where I could sit and talk to my parents while drinking a cup of tea.
This will always be the place, where I can do anything I want. My mother would tell me about how I used to “paint” the walls with a stick of butter, when I was two years old; my parents had to rehang all the wallpaper, but they weren’t angry at all. When I decided that I wanted to play an instrument, my parents bought me a piano and enrolled me in music school. Those were the best years of my childhood, and I am sure that even now all the neighbors remember the music I used to play every day for eight years! I hope it wasn’t very bad.
I believe that my house is very friendly and gives a hearty welcome to everybody. Otherwise, my cat wouldn’t have come to our doors and wouldn’t have sat there for three days. He knew he would find decent food and good attitude there; and indeed, he found it. At first, my dad would grumble a little at our new red-haired kitten, but he thawed very quickly, as the cat would purr happily only at dad’s voice.
Although, like many siblings, I used to fight with my sister and brother; my parents would always find the way to calm us down, and there wasn’t anything funnier for me and my sister than to tell each other mysterious stories before going to bed.
My home will always be the place where my childhood lives; and that’s why it will always remain precious to me.
Now I live in a different place, in a different country, and with different people. I may sound weird, but when I was in Russia this summer I was longing to return to my house in New York. Though now my home is a tiny apartment in the center of Brooklyn, it’s a place where I am a co-head and I am responsible for it. It feels great to come back there every evening, plan our next day with my fiancйe and dream about our future. Despite we’re not the richest people in the world and cannot yet afford a bigger place to live, we are happy with it.
It doesn’t matter where you live, or how much money you put into your house; I believe that the most important is what kind of people surround you, and what emotions you have when you think about going home. I am happy that there will always be two places where I can come and feel at home.
