Sun перевод с русского


He, Sixteen year old young man from a family with traditions and principles.
She, Young lady from a good family.

School Teacher. Crowd.
Scene, - Moscow, winter.

He - Short street jacket, jeans, worn out Puma sneakers
She - Short black fur coat, grey heavy pants, boots with buckles up to ankles
Medagor - Long white cloth, light sandals, Laurel wreath
All other characters are wearing clothes in the style of Fashist Germany in the 1930's

Before each scene all the characters walk across the stage, leaving only characters necessary for that scene.


Behind the curtains many people are happily laughing


Their goal is simple in the nick of time
To take it all from life but there is fate
The fate of cynicism that despises them all
Children of love for laughter and for joy
No one believed in youths
No one believed in magic
Their eyes were closed on them Although immortal are the skies


Moscow, the end of the twentieth century
In it's chaotic dance
The crowd is running through streets
The crowd is faceless and nameless
The people are dissolved in the mass
But wait, who is that, I don't see the crowd anymore
I see her glance, I see her move so unsure
The smile of the loveliest face
Who is beyond any comparison
Oh, God she vanished
She disappeared where did she go
I hear my heart's voice, run catch up
Wait, miss, wait, listen
I feel I am in love with you



I see you for the first time, you are crazy I find you comical, young man

It's snowing on us so ordinarily
Like I am the first time in this city
Century, have you seen how the century ends
What's wrong, you look so nervous


Young man, you are the one who is nervous


Yes, I am nervous

(Lights a cigarette)

My soul is in the rage
And vigorously through itself against the floor the walls and ceiling
But the sun is dancing just like yesterday
I pray to God for any kind of change


I'll ask the luminary to stop dancing
And I will open the doors and move the walls
So there will be enough room for the changes
So that the soul could dream again

(Stands up)


You are running away, where are you going?
Tell me an hour of when we're going to meet again, I'll die


Tomorrow here at six (Runs away)


Almost a hundred years from now,-the longest term!
Oh God, Again I am alone
I am alone again
And there's no one in this world
Who possibly can help me
Ah, how beautiful she is, night,
I wish the spring would come sooner
She is the only one who possibly can save me
Only her and me alone
Only together we'll find an agreement
Where am I?
(Looks around)
I recognize my friend lives here
I will go there
He has some wine, and he is a very wise companion

(Stands up and leaves)



Your wine heals great
The wounds of my bruised soul
My friend, excuse me I am drunk, but
Suddenly in the crowd today I saw the Sun


Indeed you're drunk I did not add the water to the wine


I'm drunk but not from wine!
There is enough wine to control myself
She, She appeared in the crowd today
You know how beautiful she is!


All in this world is relative my friend,
And metamorphoses do exist
From beautiful to empty,
At present there is enough wine
But the bottle's already empty!..

(Pours the rest in the glasses)

He But on the other hand the glasses are full!
Medagor The glasses are not reliable


She set the date with me at six on the same place! Medagor
You think she'll come, I doubt...


But I don't! She gave me her word!


You know the word of women is not worth
Even a tenth part of women's revenge


I know!

(Drinks the rest of the wine from the glass)

There is no way for us to understand the women
Just as for me to understand that star
That shines into our window...


I think women and stars are all for one


It's time for me to go home my friend




It's time It's really time
I still live with my family
I'm worried for my mother, it's already midnight…


I lost my family when I was young


Don't curse your fate, my lovely Medagor
We are all equal in front of the sun
I'll see you, farewell



Farewell... (Medagor stays to sing)



Going home, but feeling not as myself
I lost the count to time, father is there
He's waiting there for me in the rage
And the whole family trembles before him
And everyone's afraid, he forgot
How he used to be when he was young
And curses himself
Because he couldn't hold me back
In his strict system,
Because I'm busy with the things
That his son should not be occupied with
Hello my neighborhood
You keep the faith in me!
Remember, how many times the guys and I
Together we were unprotected
Like the first poems,
That I wrote in hallways
With light from sun or stars
That fell from window-sills
I will never betray you for any sweet reveries
And will stay faithful forever!

(Comes into the apartment with conservative and antique style)


I see you came
Look what hour it is?
How could you break my orders!
Now you are nobody for us!
Plus you don't have the talent
Even your soul is absolutely empty
I haven't seen your works
From time you came to live with us
Tell me for what to love you?
He But I am working father!


Go to your room you're lying everything, lazy! He
What did my own father said
What I have not heard from my enemies
It seems I live among the fools
Or maybe I'm the fool, which very well might be...
To sleep, faster to fall asleep
And in my nightmare I will see
How this iceberg looks at my notes
And I am throwing them into water

(He is singing a song about her)


Morning, in the city


Today to school, damned it!
My successes there are insignificant
I haven't done my homework, that is true
Now almost for a year
I'm lazy, in that my father might be right
Finally here is the school
Teacher, can I come in?

The Teacher.

Come in, I wish my eyes did not see you
Here lies the sinusoid
Here the medians did not meet
Be quiet! Calm down! Having fun!
Why have you come here, to scream?
You are a poor imitation of
Afraid to say, what if they cut my salary
Or even fire me
Be quiet, Sit! Sit down! Quiet!


Excuse us teacher The Teacher
I will not come down to your level,
To tolerate you or to hate you!
Or to take offense from you
For tiny bites of ants!..


I'm tired, what a bore!
To sit, be quiet, when there is a window,
And from the window, the Sun is shining!
Oh, Gods! Where is the end to all my tortures!
Old lady raves about that sciences
That we can't understand!
My soul is in the rage and waiting for the changes!
Wish it was six, want to forget it all
With that young girl, who's brighter than the Sun!..

The Crowd.

Ha-Ha! Look, he's writing something else again...
You're right, he doesn't fit here!

Look how great my suit fits me!
And how beautiful I am!...
Yes I am a genius and you're also
Today we'll gather at the "Pyramid"
And drink for health of moms and dads or Kirn Ir Sen
But look who's here? Who?
Who came up to us?
He, himself, ha-ha, he himself
Romanticist of our days


Hi everyone!
One of the crowd
Where are you running to?


The clock is screaming that soon it will be six!
Another person from the crowd
Why do you need six?..


I need it to be six,
Because at six I might be happy...



He will be happy, ha-ha-ha
He might be happy...



In the city

She, she
She is the only one in my soul!
I do not care about the crowd and school,
Now do not care about almost nobody
Today I ran away from home!




(Knocked by the crowd and drunk, falls face down on the snow)


What's with you? (Slaps on the cheeks, kisses)


(Regains consciousness)

Look! The Sun is setting!
Let's watch the sunset!
I am so happy that you came,
Oh my God, I am damn happy!


I promised I would come As soon as I could!


(Walk up on the roof of the house)


When I was younger, I believed that
The moon, as soon as the day comes,
Suddenly flares up
And in front of us there is the Sun


Little girls rarely think about such questions


Little girl is looking in the binoculars backwards and our big world seems to her so little and defenseless, and all the problems so simple on this tiny blue planet surrounded by the infinite space, where adult astronauts are flying and looking with wonder on this crazy country with a beautiful windy city, where in the center a child with big clear eyes is standing and sincerely looking right into their eyes


And I am standing alone in the field and looking at the far hill where two lovers are telling each other about an eagle who dropped a drop of water while flying above the steppe. Later from that drop an ocean was created, on the shores of which innocent children are standing and throwing gray stones into the water trying to guess the destiny.

Then they come into life and all the stones are flying back...


And we are taking them and throwing them back...

(Screams and jumps up on the smoke pipe)

Together we will be fighting against the indifferent world!
People are fighting for the place under the Sun,
Forcing themselves and children!
I'm tired of looking at this!
You agree!


I agree!


Hooray, she agrees! Vivat the Sun!


Running on the streets screaming "Vivat the Sun!..."

The crowd.

They went mad!
Where are the guards of order!

       Guards of order.

Hit them! Don't sympathize with them! Hit!

(Confusion on the stage)

They are beaten up, but they can talk!


For what!

The crowd.

For breaking the rules
He Mess - is your world!


Night on the boulevard, not important which one


Forgive me for what has happened!


It's all my fault...


I'm guilty and all my ideas

 I'm leaving!


Wait, where to! She
Farewell! Cursed ideas!
They don't have any meaning
Everything is worthless


He is at Medagor 's


Medagor! I'm stunned!
Everything happened just as you said
And I did not believe you!




Cursed Sun!
Cursed warm wind of hope!
You can't repress our misfortunes
We all live in the cynic century
Cynicism - it became the soul of a person
A man betrayed another man
Just now on my eyes!
Cursed century!
Cursed century!
But I will not surrender!

The crowd walks across the stage again taking everybody with them



(Talking from stage to people)

You see the children of the Sun!
Nobody hears them!
They'll sing you songs,
But no one will understand!

Children of the Sun will die soon,
They won't live much longer
Tell us what shall we do!
Burn with the star or fall asleep?..

Fall down and crush
Or cry till death,
Weeping in grief forget the destiny
Or watch the fate of indifference your whole life
Our laugh won't warm the cold hearts,
We, together with you friends will curse this century,
Drunk we will forget how we were betrayed,
Hello, hypocrites, your hour has come

1997 winter.

Translate by Helen Mamonova
