New Year on the way to New York...

Darina was very sad and pensive that New Year Eve. All hustle and bustle surrounding her outside just irritated her tired imagination. She had been living on her nerves for more than 24 hours. `The celebration is the same every year... Why should I jump and laugh like an idiot?`The girl was worn out, her young loving heart was battered and mind aggrieved. Well-decorated New Year tree stood in the middle of the modern and comfortable room striking its brightness and forest fragrance. Darina feasted her eyes on it and caught herself looking in the mirror `I was a diamond in the rough before I met him... well, thank him`. Suddenly the smile of triumph lit her face. Then the despair swallowed her again. She sat down to think what has happened...
Yesterday morning has changed all plans for the future together. Nothing foretelled that awful quarrel and was rather tranquil. Though Darina knew she was wrong with him. Alex came very early, just about 9 a.m. They decided to decorate New Year tree together and have a breakfast after that. A bounch of red roses pleased Darina, she was heels over in love with him. They were together for about six happy months and thought of tying the knot in the near future.
“You`re such a treasure for me”, He touched her chestnut hair and kissed her palm very gently, “I`m so happy that these holidays we`ll spent together...”
“Hmm.. Only three days...”, Darina lowered her embarrased eyes.
“Sorry?” The guy was at a loss what to think. “You leave something unsaid.”
“I wanted to talk to you... I have to go away on business. You were busy all those days and had no time to listen to me.” She looked at him hopefuly. “The Company is sending me to New York as a top manager in Advertising but there`s no time left because the specialists there have a very important contract and other companies can outstrip us. We have to prove we`re the best in Advertising.”
A time of milk and honey was was gone for Alex. The news was like a bolt from the blue. He lacked for words. His tongue was like a separate element living its own life.
“It seems like your own private life takes a back seat to the advantages of your job?”
“Not at all, darling!” She saw his mood and was in a raging temper. “They respect me and sending to the USA. I wanna prove I`m worth it. And I love you so much that I`m caught on the horns of a dilemma: to spend the holidays with you or to lose the perspective to show my project to Americans.”
“And in your mind you`re sure to choose the second one?”
“Honey, try to understand me. It`s not forever. It`s just a matter of one month...”
“What? Just one month? And you dare to speak about it so quietly?” He was downcast.
“I`m not, believe me. Don`t get it into your head and, please, don`t jump to conclusions.”
“I just follow my nose and can read you like a book. From the very first page I see that you treat me wrong.”
“I`m not a book and surely you don`t know what`s on my mind now. It`s hard for me to tell you this, the whole month without you, without your tender hands and warm lips will be a ordeal for me. And I know you will miss me too.”
“You should have found the time to talk to me, to prepare me...” He almost shouted. “I had a surprise for you. I bought two tickets to the Maldives: sun, sand and sea, a thousand ‘Robinson Crusoe’ islands, massive lagoons with different depths and infinite shades of blue and turquoise, dazzling underwater coral gardens; a perfect natural combination for the ideal tropical holiday destination...” He read the Maldives guide for tourists.
“Oh, honey...” Darina couldn`t hold back the tears runnung down her cheeks. She came up to her boyfriend and put her arms round his neck. “Alex, I love you so much...”
“So much that you`ve decided to go away?” He was 100 per cent sure she wouldn`t go to the Maldives with him but couldn`t help asking her. “Would you go?”
The girl was in two minds. Alex was so helpless and so handsome standing in front of her – dear Alex – that she couldn`t take her eyes off him at that minute. She swallowed her salty tears and remained silent for some minutes and he waited for her next words and actions.
“You have such a beautiful Russian name – Darina – it means “to present a gift” but you only take away my sweetest gift, youself...” Alex broke that tense silence, his voice sounded like a thunder on a quiet summer day. “Don`t say anything, I know your answer, “no”. Right? You are free as the air. Fly away, my bird!”
“You got the wrong end of the stick. It`s my job and I don`t wanna lose it... I thought you would understand me. Oh, Maldives! My dream won`t come true...”
“ It`s your job and you don`t wanna lose it, it`s me and you`ve just lost me...” Alex flung a very offensive glance at her and moved to the door without any hope she would stop him.
“Wait!” Darina cried. “Don`t be so cruel. We are meant to be together, you used to say it every time...” She didn`t feel the space around her, the odjects seemed to have lost their meaning. Her feet was paralysed by pain and despair. Her mind refused to understand the situation. Darina stood in the middle of the room and looked at him confused and heart-broken. And Alex wanted to come closer and put his arms round her waist, wanted to listen to her heartbeat so much... But his stupid pride and offended self-esteem didn`t let him do that.
“I`m not cruel, baby. Just imagine, a month ago we dreamt of spending New Year holidays in some tropical place where there are only sun, beach, deep blue ocean and we...”
“Alex, let`s postpone our trip. I think you can make it alright with the Tour Company? Please...” Darina implored her boyfriend to to be more lenient. “We have only 3 days together, why should we quarrel instead of relishing this time?”
Alex was silent for some seconds and then he decided to clarify the situation.
“You`ve just reached the crux of the matter... The thing is not we cannot go to the Maldives, the thing is in you. You terat me as an unimportant element of your life. You inform me some hours before New Year that you`re going on business, what do you want my reaction to be? I should say “Okay, honey, I can let you go... It`s alright, I can easily be alone for a month...” He shook his head and tried to smile though it looked slightly arrogant.
“I understand it`s my fault. Forgive me. What can I do now?”
“I`m afraid, nothing. You`ve chosen your way...” Alex opened the door and made a step outside. He felt her glance on his neck, heard her loud heartbeat but he stood his ground.
“You can`t just go like that. What about New Year?” She cried. “What about us?”
“Darina, I need some time to think everything over. I love you and always will. But the situation is out control... I`m sorry. I don`t know whether what I`m doing is right or wrong...”
The girl saw it was the destiny, she couldn`t resist it. “Make or mar”, she decided, “When I get annoyed I succeed, because of the extra force. We`ll see what will come of it...”
Alex got out of the apartment and slammed the door. “I`m sorry...” These words were the last Darina heard him murmured.
She sat down on the floor and closed her face by the palms. Thoughts, thoughts... – how much she`s tired of them. No more tears, pain, broken heart and excuses... She`s worth the best and she`ll get it at any price. Darina got up slowly and came up to the sofa, flopped down, covered herself with a colorful rug and wept to her heart`s content though she promised herself not to do it. Something needs to be changed...
She had no doubts about his love and hoped against hope that he would return but his behaviour has whetted her appetite for more success. Yes, she was wrong: she had to talk to him earlier... But she thought he will understand her... Surely, she built castles in the air. “I will keep my fingers crossed that Alex will forget what I`ve done... If not, we would have to part.”...
After some hours of solitude and thinking Darina took the plunge. There is no returning back. Let God decide what her future will be like with that guy. She took her cell phone and dialed tne number. Her hands trembled and her decision wasn`t really stable enough.
“Anna, hello. It`s Darina. I`ve just made a decision to go to the USA...”
“Oh, I`m so glad to hear that. You won`t regret it, believe me. Are you ready to celebrate New Year on the way to New York?” She smiled and Darina felt it.
“Absolutely”, the girl deceived herself, “I`m just gonna pack my things...”
“Fine. I`ll book a ticket and then call back to you. We`ll discuss everything in details for tomorrow.” Anna paused. “I hope you`re sure what you`re doing”.
Darina tried to keep her cool despite all the difficulties of her life...
Darina looked at the beautiful New Year tree and lowered her sad green eyes: “I feel a little sorry that the celebration will be without me here but it`s okay... I will come back very soon.” The cell phone vibrated. She answered.
“Darina, it`s Anna. Everything ready, the car is outside. Come out.”
“Okay. See you in the airport.” She took her luggage and looked around to remember every detail of her favorite place. The girl was almost outside as her home telephone rang.
“Hello!” She spoke loudly but there was no answer. She repeated the question but the situation was the same. Darina angrily put down the receiver and slammed the door.
When they arrived at the airport Anna was already there waving at them.
“Oh, here you are! Glad to see you, my girl!”
“Hello, Anna. I hope we are not late, are we? There was a crush on the road...”
“Oh, my God. Are people alive?” Anna looked at her hopefuly.
“Yes, they are. Just a car... it can`t be repaired unfortunately”.
An hour after they were on the border. A polite stewardess offered some food and drinks. Darina was thinking of Alex. He was cruel he hasn`t phoned her to congratulate on New Year. He was downcast and sad but she loved him with all her heart. Why has he gone?
Suddenly the penny dropped: it might be Alex... that strange call when she was leaving... Well, if it was him, why was he silent? Checking her? It`s looks rather stupid. Anyway he lost the opportunuty to hear her voice for the whole month. Darina decided to buy another cell phone number in New York. Maybe, Alex would understand there`s no him without her...
“What are you thinking about?” Anna broke the silence. “I wanna see your smile.”
“I just can`t do it. Alex is much in my thoughts. I miss him.” Darina tried to hide her tears but it was impossible. Anna noticed her sombre mood.
“Let him think everything over. He’ll sure regret how he’s treated you…”
“I don’t really want him to regret anything. I just wanna be happy… with him”.
Anna smiled and dropped her eyes. Then she looked at her watch – it was 11.55 a.m. – and shouted:
“Happy New Year, everybody! Russia is going to celebrate it in five minutes! Five minutes to new life! I wish you all happiness and love!”
The passengers congratulated each other and were happy like children.
Time flew and the important day was near. Darina was very nervous because she had to prove she was worth a career promotion. The girl had a very qualitative and original project of advertising and hoped to show her colleges something new. The first week after arrival she stayed at the Hilton hotel and checked the material of the project, prepared her speech. She seemed to be getting a second wind. But her homesickness was so agonizing that she could hardly work. Sometimes she went shopping with Anna or other girls of her team in the afternoons. It was like a relief. She was sick and tired of thinking about Alex. Was he doing the same? She had no doubts he reciprocated her feelings but his pride was very important for him also. She wondered whether he called her or visited the apartment.
New York impressed her much: its high skyscrapers and narrow streets, luxurious shops and hotels. Darina was glad to practice her English here. If her team wins they will go to L.A. and then to some large cities to present the project.
Finally that day came and everybody was nervous. After the presentation Darina watched her opponents performing and prayed. When the envelope with the name of the winner was opened she exchanged nervous glances with Anna. There was a frightening silence in the room.
“Darina Lesovskaya and the Future Advertising Company! Congratulations!”
The tears of happiness ran down her cheeks. Having heard this Darina trod on air. She hugged her colleges and accepted her opponents` congratulations. Life seemed a wonderful fairy tale for her. She stood on the scene all smiles and was at a loss what to say though she had a written speech. She went hot and cold while others waited with bated breath for her words.
“Fist of all, I wanna thank you all for the support and that you believed me, our team… “ Darina was trembling but tried not to show it. “I’ve lived and breathed advertising since I was 15. And my dream has just come true… You know one man once told me – he was a teacher - Advertising is dull and predictable. At first I had a good mind to prove he was wrong but then I understood that so many people so many opinions. I explained that Advertising for me was like a teaching for him. And I should say it was a calling for him…”
Darina spent a month in New York, and then they moved to Los Angeles where people were impressed by her project. When the girl visited Hollywood and met some famous movie stars she was absolutely happy. This experience was new for her and Darina was swallowed by it. In the whole, she spent 2 months abroad. And when it was time to come back to Russia, Darina wondered what news waited for her. What about Alex? She missed him so much that saw his face in her every dream and fell asleep kissing his photo…
At the beginning of March she arrived in Moscow. It was bitter cold there and snowed much. The girl pulled on her fur coat hood and went faster. Having said goodbye to her colleges she took a taxi home. Darina opened the door and looked around. Nothing’s changed since she was gone. Suddenly she looked at the torn piece of paper on the floor. Alex was here not long ago… She took it and smiled: it was his handwriting there. Some words “wounded pride”, “selfishness”, “fear” seemed to mean something. But what? Maybe he analyzed his behavior and wanted to get rid of these qualities. It seemed to be like that.
Darina had a shower and then drank a cup of green tea with strawberry jam. Suddenly her home telephone rang. She started. Hoping to hear Alex she answered.
“Dear, it’s Anna. I just wanna tell you that you can a rest for 2 weeks. Besides, the Director’s decided to give you money reward. And as you know career promotion…”
“Oh, Anna…” The girl sighed having heard her voice. ”Thank you all. I love you…”
Money and promotion seemed so unimportant when her dear Alex was faraway. She lied down and soon was asleep, tired and heart-broken.
Darina saw herself walking on the waves of the ocean. The scorching sun was her best friend and deep blue whirls gave her new breath. The birds sang song for her, the wind blew warm and friendly. She could do everything. She was a goddess of love and perfection. Suddenly the sun stopped shining; she dropped down and couldn’t swim. The ocean wanted to swallow her… She was overthrown and almost drowned. Soon she felt somebody touched her hand and kissed her cheeks. The girl didn’t see the face but understood it was him.
Darina opened her eyes and saw Alex. He was down on his knees beside her bed.
“You saved me.” She smiled at him and closed her eyes again thinking it was still a dream. But after a while she opened them and let her tears run down her hot cheeks.
“From what?” Alex kissed away her bitter tears. “I’ve just come…”
Darina answered nothing but put her trembling arms around his neck.
Two days after they were in the Maldives basking in the sun and relishing crystal water. They lazed about and were very happy. The scorching sun, gentle wind, hot sand and clear water – it all gave a stimulus for relaxing and having fun. Darina lied on the sand. She dreamily raised her hands into the air and whispered to Alex:
“I love you so much; this love for me is like the air I can’t live without…”
“I feel the same, darling. This paradise is just for both of us.”
Another breath of wind proved God’s will: loving hearts should be united forever.
