Мои произведения переводят на английский

Сидишь себе в ночной тишине, никого не трогаешь, читаешь произведения "избранных" авторов и не "избранных" тоже.

Анализируешь круг читателей своей странички... и вдруг понимаешь, что на экране твой шуточный рассказ про "почтовую регистрацию" переведенный на английский язык помещен в серьезном разделе "регистрация в почте". Толи те кто переводил не читали, толи не совсем поняли, что прочитали...но смешно. Или не смешно? Так как я английский язык не изучала, за правильность содержание (совпадение с рассказом) ниже указанного текста не ручаюсь.

On registration in Moscow ... at post
Elizabeth Basova

Olechka, hello! How nice that you met me. Here are gifts you brought. I have tomorrow night in the village want to go to relatives. Only ... You know, Olya, my travel agencies in Lithuania, said that no more need to register with the Moscow-based company register for 1000 rubles, you can simply cheaper to mail boxes and put everything.

- Strange as it is. At the mail? Is there record?

- Yes, the box set. Come early, as it must be within three days to put another at the border and then caught and not released from Russia. Where can I find this mail?

- Come on, just so everything is simple. The nearest post office is located next door.
Go. In the first window of interest:

- Here is the registration of design?

- Design ... Ask in the third box.

- That's the third window. Ask, Nadia, what documents you need to file for registration.

- Girl I need to put shtampik on arrival. That you have done?

- No, we are shtampikov on your letterhead is not set.

- But what then? What should I do?

- You must register with those who came to.

- So I just perenochuyu night and again uedu ...

- Here and register at least at night, even for a day. And then there where the register will be arriving too.

- And for that registration should be?

- Your passport blanks to fill, well, your passport and the consent of whom have arrived.

- But I have to it just for the night, she is with?

- Do you want to take it or leave it ... queues do not interfere.

- I do not want me to enter shtampik needed. Olechka, and you have a passport? It is made out to you all ... You can?

- I you, Nadya, said that this is something strange on the mail and registration. But do not have that evening, and tomorrow you go ... Decorated. How much does it cost?

- The girl let that be filled? How much will it cost?

- Here are the forms in two copies in block letters and without errors. 180 rubles ...

- Well, well ... What to write? How to write? You really Оленька write itself. Here you have everything so difficult.

- Let's write that much remains.

- Here is a girl we all wrote. Check.

- Let's passport, migration card. It seems everything is correct. Now, in the first box and make copies of these documents, and again to me.

- In the first box, so there again, above all, that you just can not say that photocopies should be, yet there was no ...

That's part in the first box came up:

- With your copier papers 60 rubles.

- Make copies, that girl, watch that all the documents?

- All sort of. Here is a large envelope write the address. With you 238 rubles. Before you leave, you make a photocopy of your receipt and at the border show. And when you leave take the receipt to this address and make note of the disposition.

- So this is our passport office?

- Well, yes. Tuda and take.

- It could just go there and money for photocopying and postal order not to waste ?????????

- Can and should be, but you do not have. And we came to a head and I fool !!!!!!!!!!!!

Passed leave Nadi, she left. At the boundary of any claim to it was not. All in good order.

Olya And the next day after the departure of Nadi went its own passport office to make a mark on the disposition of Nadi. In the sitting room is very nice young man and the question: Is there a note on the disposal must be put? - Said:

- It is necessary to check whether your lady in the database. That comes with the mail, we do not always record. And why should you still go there. Money is spent. We are absolutely free ... Here and there - not in its computer database.

- And how is it moved across the border.

- Yes, and so moved. Who needs it here ...

Indeed, the thought Ole. Russian baba, without money, with the Lithuanian passport, why would it on the Russian border, even if it is not any point ...


© Copyright: Elizabeth Basova, 2008
The certificate of the publication number 1808120389

А если серьезно...на моей страничке есть несколько рассказов (книг) которые, переведенными на английский язык, могли бы занять достойное место в библиотеках русского творчества.

