Chapter 1. The first reflexions about settlement
Chapter 1. The first reflexions about settlement.
Andrey went by the car and looked around. Pine woods, hills, and the pure sky. Volga region settlement, the regional centre. It would leave on the area what to take rest. He has seen two, two floor buildings, opposite to them, nearby a monument to Lenin. About gate there was a grandfather and smoked. Having approached to it, Andrey has started conversation and as that quickly they have agreed, that it can spend the night at it. Timbered walls of the log hut, the pressing smell of danger mixed with aroma of manure and yesterday's milk, whiff of a wind and a sleepy cackle of hens. Drop chips on the earth together with leaves. Andrey has sat down on a log opposite to the grandfather. And the grandfather has started to ask:
- Yes? - Well, what devils have brought at such o'clock? - The grandfather looked on Andrey, and it at the grandfather.
- In transit, - it is thoughtful with weariness spoke Andrey, - affairs, - has made an inhaling, has let out a smoke from a mouth, - affairs the grandfather, affairs.
- Yes it is fine, that you such sad, sad? - The grandfather has grinned, one movement of lips, persons, over Andrey. - we not animals, what.
- Has got tired, likely in road. - Andrey has looked at the grandfather, on the sky, and afar. - Has got tired.
- Now we will smoke, and we will go to the house, - the grandfather was tightened, and has significantly let out a smoke, - where hurries up, till the evening still far.
- And, than you are engaged, who by a trade? - The grandfather has asked, and began to listen to Andrey. - who by a trade?
- I? - Has asked again thoughtfully, and has answered, - the artist.
- The artist? - Has asked again, hinting, on something important, considerable. - and what pictures you write?
- Different, - doing gestures, hand movement, - basically avant-guard.
- And, it as? Avant-guard. - Has reflected, trying to understand sense, the grandfather asked.
- If briefly. - without pleasure he has told to the grandfather, - in a counterbalance, to classical art, I aspire to confirm principles of high art. - having thought Andrey, has added - paying thus the big attention to searches of original means of expression.
- Well and it is fine, I all the same not that have not understood, - spoke, scratching a nape the grandfather. - and, I here compose verses, want, I will tell?
- Verses do not tell, them read. - Smiling, Andrey has corrected the grandfather, - it is good, I with pleasure will listen.
- Here I here have recollected, the last, - about feeling of pleasure, from pleasant sensation, worrying, the grandfather spoke, and has started to read:
It was here the joiner.
Speciality by right of succession
And all cut with an axe
Lives here in the neighbourhood
The inheritance was not the father
From the husband has adopted
Has seduced here the youth
From the husband escaped
In revolutionary year
The people here agitated
While its genital
The area has not dishonoured.
… … … … … … … … … … … … … ….
In results becoming an area star
Spoils to all for that, for all
It great a raven
That, that, on it all.
They after these words, long laughed. Andrey has understood, that it is a question about any big chiefs of area, in a female appearance. The grandfather after laughter has pretended, that the verse was comic.
- Have gone, we will go to the house. - the grandfather has called Andrey, - we will have a bite, that be, though coffee we will have a drink. - having looked through shutters of gate on the area, - you see, and the heads have dinner, so have gone.
They have risen on a long ladder in the house.
Hour through two they left in a court yard. The autumn here was not such as in St.-Petersburg. Absence of bright autumn paints, depressed Andrey. Andrey with the grandfather left for gate and have sat down at a fence, have lighted, and began to observe, that is created around.
- How the area is called? If so it is possible to name it. - has asked Andrey the grandfather, rubbing a temple.
- Lenin's area. - blowing a cigarette smoke, the grandfather has told. - there, opposite the building for demonstration of films also costs a sculpture Lenin's immortalising memory. And here there, - showing to a hand, - a monument to heroes of settlement.
- The Moscow manner is felt at you here, - spoke, smiling, Andrey, - the Kremlin and a cathedral does not suffice.
- The Kremlin here also was not, and here the cathedral was, - with self-respect the grandfather spoke, - only it has burnt down, in it the warehouse was.
The area reminded features and conditions of ability to live of the person in Russia. All in cracks, a curve is a lot of sand dust, i.e. it reflected the person of settlement. Over a building of administration of settlement the Russian flag hung, and its condition was such, that it reminded a diaper.
- On a flag decent money as always does not suffice? - Andrey, has expressed cheerfulness, joyful mood, has looked at the grandfather. - can present to me to settlement?
- Not in a flag business, - with a kind of the expert with wide experience, and knowledge of business the grandfather has told, getting a light the following cigarette, - not a flag, and in people. Now you will see, at them, there, the meeting will be.
The cars, different tailoring began to approach. The building left group of people. Men in suits with ties, and women somehow strange looked like all new as on a New Year tree, but absence of good taste, grace or feeling graceful, was on the person. They have stopped not far from an exit, have broken up to small groups, and began to discuss something roughly. The kind at them was such widely-read, that obviously development and self-development of the regional management, connected with mastering by socially significant experience of mankind, and the emotionally-valuable relation to the world, spiritual culture at them not below the TECHNICAL TRAINING COLLEGE of Pushkin. And it was the area elite.
- The grandfather, you know all of them? - Has asked Andrey, as always smiling.
- Basically yes. Inhabitants of settlement of all. The head of area have sent whence. - It is assured the grandfather spoke, looking very attentively, even is intense in Andrey's eyes. - many on my eyes have grown.
- You want, to you I will tell, who approximately in area occupies what post? - Speaking, Andrey looked at reaction of the grandfather. - you want?
- You that possess gift to see all? - Looked sharp-sightedly and with attention, trying to distinguish something in Andrey, the grandfather has told. - give tell, even most it is interesting, as you will define it.
- All is very simple, - peering in standing people, - all is very simple, - convinced grandfather Andrey.
The grandfather with curiosity waited, that Andrey will tell. The aspiration to learn, see something new, warmed up interest to Andrey's future words.
- Here look, here that, in a dark blue tie, look at its behaviour. - when the grandfather has nodded, Andrey has continued to speak. - at conversation he always looks aside, that nearby to standing interlocutors it is not pleasant. Eyes to a floor are covered, the person motionless, emotions basically are expressed by a mouth - a smile or a discontent grimace. Gestures are done by one hand about a breast, and by as though something corrects. As round it all spin, means, it who? - Asking, Andrey, - the head of administration of area answered.
- Cannot be, - surprised the grandfather has told, - and after all you have guessed. And still whom be. Here, for example, who here that woman, - the grandfather has shown a hand.
Is that, which at a bed? - Has asked Andrey.
- Yes, yes, - with enthusiasm with inspiration the grandfather spoke the grandfather, with the big interest spoke.
- Manners of the school teacher. - Andrey has reflected and has continued. - not the valid relation to interlocutors, even I would tell: neglect. - Andrey has lighted and has continued to speak. - basically she to whom does not listen, and accents on the statements. It is a pity it is not audible conversation, it would be possible to add more. - it was tightened, has let out a smoke. - on ideas should be the chief of formation of area, but at it slip manners of "member of the Komsomol".
Is as "members of the Komsomol"?
- Stupidly, on bones and forward. - Andrey has seen not understanding and interrogative eyes of the grandfather. - or, to us it is not important, with whom to sleep, if only a distance post.
- Now it is clear, - nodding a head, the grandfather has approved. - and who it at us turns out?
- The deputy chief of area. - Andrey has in the affirmative told, scratching a bald head.
- Correctly to speak, - addressing to Andrey, and looking it in the face, - the assistant to the head of administration. Well, and now tell who the chief of department of formation?
- I so understand that it too here? - He has asked the grandfather when the grandfather has nodded, Andrey steadfastly began to examine people standing on the area. - it can be basically any age, or it. In a situation of the given district it should be betrayed as at a puppy of an eye, with manners of the pedophile or the gay. With feeling maximum itself advantages, the coward, from a part. Most likely, here that, - Andrey has shown a hand, but on the person doubts were visible. - here that with the aunt in a grey skirt costs. It?
- They that all identical in Russia? - It is upset the grandfather has asked.
- Yes is not present, not necessarily, but feeling not respect, almost everywhere. - Andrey has easy told, - in villages is much more strongly developed, employment of relatives, good acquaintances. Here on it and villages in a full inconsistency, - rising Andrey has continued, - something I have a little frozen, the grandfather can, tea will give to drink?
- I will sing, have gone to the house.
They not hurrying up have gone to the house, on road arguing, about the seen. The grandfather has lain down at itself on a bed, and Andrey in a room which was given by the grandfather. Andrey has got a paper, and began to trace something and so before windows did not become black.
Andrey has come to a normal condition, and with effort has achieved the objective, with internal efforts, in aspiration to drive away from itself extraneous thoughts. It is necessary to concentrate in practice. The moon already highly, and it still at all has not made sketches. It even has drawn a subject which should it bring the basic thought. Having written on it an inscription in the old, almost forgotten language. Has more low drawn the convex closed eye. Andrey has crumpled a leaf, has thrown it on a floor. And so. Behind a window the branch has in the distance crackled, and he, began to look at a dark window, trying to come up from streams of thoughts. Silence started it to irritate. Andrey has listened and has a little relaxed. He has heard the steps which are coming nearer to it, and to a doorway there was a grandfather.
- Like I stand and I am not unsteady, - has noted the grandfather, clasping the black linen shirt. - However, as it seems to me, you to sleep would not like. Perhaps we will smoke and we will talk for the night?
- In the street it is cold, - has noticed Andrey, rising from a bed, - it is necessary, something warm to throw.
- And we on kitchen, there I too smoke.
In a trace for the grandfather, Andrey has gone. They have sat down behind a table, have lighted. And so five have silently stayed minutes.
- Tell fairly? The grandfather extinguishing a cigarette has asked, - you were, sometime here? Whence you know them, and that I all cannot calm down.
- To you it is fair? - Smiling from mistrust to itself, has asked Andrey, and has answered: - Is not present, I the first time here, and them I at all do not know.
- And how you so define? - The grandfather has blinked eyes, has smiled, - And still answer me. How?
- Yes it is simple. If you will not take offence, I will tell. You will not take offence?
- No, I will not take offence, - the grandfather has told, and began to look attentively on Andrey, - I not those years, tell.
- The matter is that when I, for the first time have unexpectedly got on periphery of the immense native land to me was evident as conducted by similar elite, and simply than the people breathe. - having made a pause, Andrey has continued. - hatred in the environment not people considerable quantity was obvious. All each other so hate, that constantly each other slander, blacken, substitute, and simply rob. - the grandfather, badly thinking, from such words, twirling by a head and blinking, listened Andrey. - I as the child of the time, brought up in a secular society, am formed, I am not able to go at all astride people. To me it is indifferent, than the neighbour with whom the neigbour sleeps is engaged. I constantly am engaged in formation. I try to create, something turns out, something is not present, but I always do a step forward. To me it is not important, that about me think, to me it is important, that think about my creations. I should not scheme against whom, because my work self-sufficient.
Andrey has had a drink waters, has lighted, and has continued: - And here all on a turn. Everyone each other envies. Whatever did, as actors, the main thing that all saw and could estimate. Without an estimation to do not that will be, so it seems to me. As they say: Slaves to the lamp. That is visual people, instead of spiritual. - Andrey has sharply risen, has looked at the grandfather. - the grandfather allow to sleep? I am very strongly tired.
- Give, lay down, I too will go now.
They have laid down to sleep.
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