Chapter 2. The story about Maria
- Good morning. - Smiling, expressing pleasure, Andrey has told.
- Good morning, - the grandfather has answered, - as was slept on a new place?
- Yes like not bad, - it has approached to a table and villages on a chair, - all is good, thanks. Even day me patiently will transfer? And tomorrow since morning I will go further.
- So, where nevertheless, a way you hold? - Having blinked the eyes, the grandfather has asked, has approached to a plate, took a teapot, and has started to spill tea on mugs. - now a seagull we will have a drink.
- Not badly since morning a seagull to have a drink. - Andrey filled sugar in tea. - give the God it will not be bad.
- Who knows it, can, and is not present, - the grandfather laughed at Andrey. - you casually do not write novels?
- Happens, and I write, novels are faster not, and to lead.
- Drink tea. - the grandfather has in the affirmative told. What difference, novels to lead, for me all one. So where tomorrow you will go?
- To Samara it is necessary, in publishing house. - has a little reflected, and has added, - there my book print, here and it is necessary to look, as there affairs. My fellow student there, here also has allowed to it to earn additionally a little.
Is you the good fellow, and went whence? - With the big attention and curiosity asked, enclosing to Andrey sandwiches.
- And I went from Penza, I love these places. - Laughing Andrey has told, - oh as I love them, directly live without them I can not. - even more sarcasm he spoke.
It is good, - the grandfather has approvingly told.
So they sat and had breakfast, the lonely grandfather and the traveller the man of years of forty. Both to the grandfather it is not boring, and to Andrey rest.
- Here at us at the neigbour, the son-in-law came, sat in a court yard and drew. As its mother-in-law was not happy. - knowing business the grandfather has told, - want to you, about the neigbour I will tell? How she has married, how has divorced? She by the way lived in St.-Petersburg, years so twenty.
- We will go in a court yard we will sit, - Andrey has told, - we smoke, at the same time and will tell. Well?
-Send, tea there, air of the fresh.
They, have changed clothes, left on street, whether Andrey hardly from a high ladder has fallen. Have sat down on logs, have lighted, and the grandfather has begun the story:
- The vein, was the girl. All conscious life it was the good girl. Since the earliest childhood Maria justified hopes of the parents. The father very much loved it, and Maria always obeyed him. At school to teachers it did not deliver efforts. She did not allow to shout at herself. To it all the same, that will think apropos a demon of an order in a room, concerning its executed lessons, and to do that on the house it not this was not able. In general, the notorious public opinion presses on Maria, she would like it or not, especially then when to it not to find the guilty.
Has finished ten classes and has gone with the father to give documents on receipt to art school. By the way in the city of Penza. There were they, went on a city, and the girl has seen pedagogical institute.
- The grandfather? And the grandfather? You to me have decided to tell a fairy tale, - laughing, spoke Andrey. - though I and fairy tales too love.
- Do not stay. It not a fairy tale, and the truth. - the grandfather has scratched a bald head, both has continued. - the girl also has given the documents to pedagogical institute. The same summer it there has arrived. Parents hoped, that it though there will find the man. But it to herself nobody did not admit, and is more true also loved than nobody. At it and mother such was, she too did not love the husband, and only ordered. Years in twenty Maria has understood definitively, that it is necessary to change the relation both to, and to associates. And it did not change them, and has simply confirmed, the positions. And in four years it has returned to settlement with the diploma of the teacher.
- Happens. It would be desirable to be one, and you become another. Only I do not see similarity between the artist and the teacher. - to Andrey it was ridiculous, it became interesting to it, that from it it to turn out. - as it is possible to compare creative work to training where also creativity by definition does not exist. To the teacher there are those who is not able, something to do. Mum said to me, that if I will not learn to write creatively a picture I will go the teacher to work. For that its parents, were happy.
- Yes, even very much, after all at them at both formations was not. And here a daughter with higher education. They went on settlement and all told, what at them a clever daughter. It at once took in school, the teacher for the prolonged day. Here so it three worked of year, while here there has not arrived the guy, and has not fallen in love with it. And the guy came from St.-Petersburg, whence and you. It has gone in the summer to it, and in half a year they have got married.
- The guy it was visible the fool. - Andrey has thoughtfully told. - it is impossible to marry, on nonresident, and especially on the rural. At them different perception of world around, outlook. Different aesthetic and religious principles. And a way of life at them different. Long will not live, will divorce. - Andrey has told: - Tell further.
- The guy the fool, it is exact. Especially it from herself, not that did not represent. So a greyish mouse. And this guy has arrived to settlement to marry. As its future mother-in-law looked at it, I thought, it it загрызет. And the father, in general, was happy.
- The love should store independence and loving should remain people, internally independent. And it likely it did not interest?
- Yes, so, she loved only herself. And children to it were necessary to execute the animal requirements only. - the grandfather has looked on Andrey a tired sight.
- You know the grandfather? - He has asked, having seen eyes of the grandfather, has continued: - as it is not sad, twenty five percent of women are absolutely not capable to love. - Andrey has in the affirmative told. - tell further.
- Maria has arranged here even two weddings. The first at itself at school, showing, what it good. And the second already with relatives. Then it has left with the husband to it home. - the Grandfather has lighted, has reflected, and has told: and hardly it is less than in a year, in the summer they have arrived to settlement. Happy, and to me has seemed even enamoured, but not pregnant women. And its mother-in-law as a wolf all looked at it and was not happy. - the grandfather has laughed, and the smile ran on his face. - it always is not happy, when another it is good. When they have left, all settlement discussed them.
Is a sacred business, for rural, to speak about people. Especially love those whom do not know. Nevertheless experts on a life, psychologists, in all understand. Yes the grandfather?
- Yes. You after all itself have shown, that it is possible to understand people by the form.
- But by the form it is impossible to learn private world of the person. And its work, does not define, that the person from itself represents. Yes, and many like to represent, from themselves that in them is not present.
- And you that wish to show? How you want, that you saw? - Asked, being nervous the grandfather. - that you do not want, that of you well thought?
- To me? Yes to me that will think about me, is indifferent. To me it is more interesting, that will think of my creativity.
- And so, when they came, Maria always liked to complain of it, what it bad.
The-grandfather so it is the standard, it dumped all lacks on it.
Is you has precisely told, so. While its father was live, to it was not to divorce. At the first attempt to divorce, here her son small half a year of veins.
- Most likely, she did not wish to be engaged in it.
- She and spoke: At me the daddy did all houses.
- And mum that did? - Has asked being surprised with Andrey, - mum what did if the father in the house at them did all?
- All the rest, - the grandfather himself has laughed over the words, - likely, that the father in the house did not do. I do not know, how that all was strange it.
- So they except this settlement, somewhere, went? What be still, saw? - Annoyingly Andrey asked the grandfather. - the world that, looked?
- As far as I know, no, it was not interesting to it. Rural we, to us it is a lot of that interestingly city, not interestingly. We like itself to give out not for that who we is.
- Perhaps we will go a seagull we will have a drink? - Andrey has risen, and has started to move feet, - or how?
- Have gone, we will have a drink. And give coffee better?
- It is possible also coffee.
They have gone to the house. The grandfather has prepared coffee, and they have taken seat to drink.
- Can to you on is stronger, what be to pour? - He has asked Andrey and was pulled under a table behind a bottle. - at me is.
- Yes, it is not necessary. I will not be, and I do not want. If itself you want, so drink. - Andrey has left in itself and when left. - is not present, I do not want.
- On is not present, and vessels are not present. - the grandfather has vigorously told. - and so, they were wound every summer, spent money. About the beginning went all four together. And in the end it began to come without the husband. Informing everything, that the husband drunk. Strange only one, she at first is ill, and it has then appeared, that the husband to drink the beginnings. She and could not live there, in a city it is necessary to move, love it, and she has got used to village.
Is the most favourable argument.
- I have understood so a situation. When she was ill, many money has left and not to repay debts, she has thrown the husband, having hung up all on it, has arrived to settlement. Especially it had an anniversary, and she counted, that as in a youth, to it will present gifts. And to it have not presented. Her husband has still spoken by with the mother-in-law to phone, and Maria in the justification has promised to mum with it to divorce. In a year it again without the husband comes. Agrees with the girlfriend, the assistant to the head of administration, that that will employ it. At Maria the father unexpectedly dies, and she already purposefully prepares moving back in settlement. When it has again arrived a year later it has left children in settlement, and itself has gone to get divorced. And on phone the mother-in-law sat, and grandsons did not admit to phone. That the father could not talk to children.
- And now that with it?
- Muzhiks every month changes, with it who will not live, and it for a family is not necessary. More shortly the prostitute it. Moreover with children it is covered. Its girlfriend for work has arranged, its schoolmate the Assistant to the head of administration.
- The problem consists in the following. - Andrey has looked on went by the girl, has a little reflected, and has continued: - many marry, not having any
Representations about that such a good family. They it simply did not see. In young years when their mentality and consciousness only were formed at Maria, at them was not before eyes of an example of a family. What did she see? - Has asked Andrey the grandfather, and itself has answered: - saw houses only conflicts and tested thus only disappointment. Therefore it till twenty five years and whom did not love, and then too, and after only especially. She felt, that parents are antipathetic each other. They observed parents when those long did not talk among themselves or swore. Here she also could not create a family at mature enough age, and disorganise even that is, for it not a problem.
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