A bird-mother figure and her bird-son!

{Моя история, жизненный эпизод, написанный мною на английском языке...}

A 54 year old woman was dreaming about a future! She loved life! A woman-bird with two white wings was flying around the moon! The wind tried to catch her in it's palms! Her hazal eyes were sparkling, and gypsy hips were shaking in the fly! Her face was seen above mountains, above clouds, above trees, flowers! She was sleeping and dreeming! ..

Last night she took her sleeping medication late... Very often she could not sleep... She dreamed about happiness, understanding, friendship and was afraid of loneliness, pain and suffering. One person in whole world could help her! His name was Scott - a brihgt and beautiful young man. He was very modest and spiritual, loved music and poetry... Scott was a figure skater and a musicion. Everything about this young man was sweet and tender; exept one thing: he lost contact with his mother. Why? Because he didn't fullfield her dreams, and she gave up on him.

So, Scott was looking for a mother figure... He had a good dad, who Scott loved dearly, and his dad loved him too very much! About mother figure: Scott found Yani : a 54 year old woman-bird with white wings and hazal eyes, who was flying around the moon! 

They flew together in their dreams last night and they felt the samething: trust, belive, hope! Two birds spread happiness and joy throughout the world! Let it be!.. Let it be!..

Иллюстрация. Фото автора. На фото - мой друг Скатт. Его портрет создан мною.

Шикарно, Яни! Женщина-птица!!!!
Куда Вы пропали? Масса дел, требующих вашего каждодневного участия!!!!
С теплом и наилучшими пожеланиями!

Игорь Лебедевъ   20.03.2010 08:09     Заявить о нарушении
Дорогой Игорь! Спасибо Вам за тёплый отзыв! Рада Вам! Жизнь диктует своё, и мы, люди, как птицы и ангелы, следуем её призывам! Весна на дворе! Солнышко грустно светит и освещает кажнодневную человеческую боль, горечь, несбывшиеся надежды, суету; и, в то же время, его лучи призывно греют и вселяют новую надежду, дарят мгновения смеха, веселья, счастья! С началом ВЕСНЫ Вас, милый Игорь! С сердечным теплом, нежностью, Яни

Янина Ситняковская   20.03.2010 18:58   Заявить о нарушении
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