
Смеюсь )

Меня смешит common behaviors and ordinary people with stereotypes and pseudo(comp.)egoistic ideals and ideas.

Most common loosers will have social status but gain no luck, no heart-joy and they are OUT, oult of life with feeling and knowing of universe with her illusions and hells (our world is a common trap for soul-loosers and someone of non-usual, non-common souls which have no super ideals but have understanding and psychohealth from true vision and feeling of Outside and Inside in them and in Universe which laughing about common loosers - they have brought their souls in the heat and cold of ideals, they are sacrifers of nothing in the world of nothing, with only one ugly price - their health and purity of body resourses.

It's the kind of uncommon mindmap or something like a understanding of experienced but in all kind of your ideas how to read this and that are you wanted to read in this - it's only my joke or non-false reality.

I am not a writer for philosophy, - i am the father of three (3) children, i am the husband (part of band), i am just one of people which was not like this lieing and foolish, cruel children around you in childhood and youth. I am - just real.

Could i be a leader of something small or big, country or group - yes,
becouse i am dont have this crazy ideals of common people.
Not such a shame for planet Earth.
But not a leader without money, becouse i am uncommon man with no stupid ideals.

Так и хочется написать — привет семье! Вот и хорошо, что вы не философ, все они такие нудные:) Удачи в творчестве!

Инесса Шипилова   10.04.2010 09:54     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо! Между сторочек прошли лишние буквы и ирония)

Алексей Зубин   15.04.2010 15:56   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.