Inside Out

Once upon a time there lived a man with a big Soul. A lot of feelings lived there, and the most strong of them was Happiness. Happiness had two neighbours - Pride and Fear.
One day Love came into the Soul. She brought a present for every feeling. She gave a Cause for Pride - now the man was proud of having Love inside.
She gave Calm for Fear - now the man was persuaded that he can't lose Love...
But Happiness got the best present from Love. It has been very dark in the Soul earlier, without Love, so she gave Happiness a bright candle. That candle spreaded Warmth, Confidence, Tenderness, Joy and Trust all over the Soul.
As time went by, Pride and Fear got bored with their gifts. Fear to lose Love turned into Fear to fight for it. Pride of having Love grew into Pride that didn't allow to forget, forgive and return. Only Happiness was enjoying the candle more and more every day. And Pride and Fear got jealous...
Fear whispered to Happiness: "Are you sure you are ready for that? Ready to handle all the hardship? Ready to fight for Love?" - and Happiness, feeling the Fear, began to doubt...
Pride shouted into Happiness's ear:" How can you be so attached to Love?! Leave it in the past and never turn back! You can exist on you own!!" - Happiness doubted more and more...And blew out the candle...
Darkness covered the Soul again. Warmth, Confidence, Joy and Trust vanished into thin air. Fear hid Love, and Pride hugged Happiness so tight that it couldn't move...
But a tiny blinking sparkle, Hope, is trying endlessly to fight Fear, lull Pride, wake Happiness and find Love - the only one who can light that candle again.

What a terrific parable! Love it.
Reminds me of Oscar Wild fairy tales.

Дина Беляева   30.04.2010 16:10     Заявить о нарушении