
She was sitting down in the cafe-shop,
Sipping up her cappuccino alone.
The day was bright and the sun was high
But all her thoughts were on the darker side.

Needless to say, she was sad that day.
People around didn’t miss to say:
“Is all ok? Are you alright? Did something happen
Today or last night?”

“All is ok, I am alright. Stop talking to me
Like I am a child.
Just I feel sad, sometimes we all do
Feel a bit broken and than that’s what we do.

We go somewhere out, better to drink
Something not strong but tasty, and think.
Think about life and people around,
All blueses and blesses that really abound

And that really helps to set up your mind
To do something new, better, in style.
And than you go home with a smile on your face
And life seems much better, you got it I guess”.
