The Moonlit Walk

The clock struck 12. I was vainly trying to fall asleep while my mind rolled the events of that day. Suddenly I heard somebody unlocking the front door and leaving our house. I rose, and making considerable efforts to move noiselessly, advanced towards the entrance. In a drowsy darkness of a sleeping house, I could discern a vague silhouette standing in a threshold. My mom opened the door, letting the silver moonlight in and slid out. I followed her until the gates and being unable to contain myself gave a loud laugh. Mom turned round, her smile evidenced that she already knew about my pursuit and continued walking along the edge of the road outside our garden.
“I’ve never seen such an enormous and welcoming moon before” – my mom said peering dreamily at the sparkling crescent.   
“I haven’t either…” – I answered without looking at the sky as I was busy with tying my shoe-laces. We passed the neighbouring gardens adorned by sleepy flowers and approached the gates of a park. There we stopped in hesitation feeling a slight fear of the mysterious and gloomy silence of the park in the dead of the night. However, the moon shining gloriously encouraged us to enter that ancient palace of century-old trees and an enchanted pond. Probably, it was romantic mood of that starry night that made my mom open her secrets about her adventurous youth, her love and hate, her friendship and rivalry. Listening attentively to mom’s life story, I tried do not miss any single glimpse of star myriads and constellations. We noticed the Great Bear, Lady in the Chair, the Dog-Star, Venus and other stars. The Milky Way girded the glimmering sky warming our souls with its cosy light.  A sparkling pearl of the moon was faceted by the precious velvet of the night incrusted by the diamonds of countless stars.  Admiring the scenery we passed the pond in the middle of the park. Suddenly I heard a sound of a flushed bird, which was most likely disturbed by the noise of our footsteps. The bird was very small and we could merely squash it but to its fortune, it flied hastily up and passed out of our sight. Laughing at our own clumsiness we decided to return home. On our way back we enjoyed the honeyed air around us and sang old romantic songs, musing on eternal and beautiful things in our life.
