The real story of Russia Baikal Malta
English Wikipedia in support of the real history of Russia.
(with slight refinements)
Did the Russians Paleolithic, as well as many ethnic groups of that time, a sufficiently high level of thinking, tending to the philosophical and practical. Spores can be endless. Just need to look at specific groups of facts. Here we need the details, what English Wikipedia does.
Here is translation of his article on Google Translator
Refinement can be done in the original article. Apologize in advance for all sorts of inaccuracies in the translation
Textually shows the author's version of V.E. Laricheva, A.Y. Anoprienko and some other researchers, whose works are helpful English-speaking readers.'ta-Buret'_culture
Mal'ta-Buret' culture
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coordinates: 52.9°N 103.5°EThe Mal'ta-Buret' culture is an archaeological culture of the Upper Paleolithic (ca. 18,000 to 15,000 BP) on the upper Angara River in the area west of Lake Baikal in the Irkutsk
Oblast, Siberia, Russian Federation. The type sites are named for the villages of Mal'ta (Мальта), Usolsky District and Buret' (Буреть), Bokhansky District.
Mal'ta consists of semi-subterranean houses that were built using large animal bones to assemble the walls, and reindeer antlers covered with animal skins to construct a roof that would protect the inhabitants from the harsh elements of the Siberian weather. Much of what is known about Mal'ta comes from Russian archaeologist Mikhail Gerasimov. Known in the anthropological community primarily for his contributions to a process called forensic sculpture (the recreation the face of an individual from skeletal remains), Gerasimov first achieved fame for his excavation of Mal’ta in 1927. At the time the discoveries he made were revolutionary for the field of anthropology. Until his findings scientists had not imagined that Upper Paleolithic societies of Northern and Central Asia were capable of the same level of culture as those of Europe. Over the course of his career Gerasimov would twice more visit Mal'ta for excavation and research, each time completing findings that were just as remarkable.
Evidence seems to indicate that Mal'ta is the most ancient site in eastern Siberia, however relative dating illustrates some irregularities. The use of flint flaking and the absence of pressure flaking used in the manufacture of tools, as well as the continued use of earlier forms of tools seem to confirm the fact that the site belongs to the early Upper Paleolithic. Yet, it lacks typical skreblos (large side scrapers,) that are common in other Siberian Paleolithic sites. Additionally, other common characteristics such as pebble cores, wedge-shaped cores, burins, and composite tools have never been found. The lack of these features, combined with an art style found in only one other nearby site, make Mal’ta culture unique in Siberia.
Mal'ta Venus
There were two main types of art during the Upper Paleolithic: mural art, (which was concentrated in Western Europe), and portable art. Portable art, which is typically some type of carving in ivory tusk or antler, spans the distance across Western Europe into Northern and Central Asia. Artistic remains of expertly carved bone, ivory, and antler objects depicting figurines of birds and human females are the most commonly found; this is where the primary source of Mal'ta's acclaim originates.
Perhaps the best example of Paleolithic portable art is something referred to as “Venus figurines”. Until they were discovered in Mal’ta, “Venus figurines” were previously found only in Europe. Carved from the ivory tusk of a mammoth, these images were typically highly stylized, and often involved embellished and disproportionate characteristics (typically the breasts or buttocks). It is widely believed that the emphases of these features were meant to be symbols of fertility. Around thirty female statuettes of varying shapes have been found in Mal’ta. The wide variety of forms, combined with the realism of the sculptures, and the lack of repetitiveness in detail are definite signs of developed, albeit early, art.
At first glance what is obvious is that the Mal'ta Venus figurines are of two types: full figured women with exaggerated forms, and women with a thin, delicate form. Some of the figures are nude, while others have etchings that seem to indicate fur or clothing. Conversely, unlike those found in Europe, some of the Venus figurines from Mal’ta were sculpted with faces. Most of the figurines were tapered at the bottom, and it is believed that this was done so they could have been stuck into the ground or otherwise placed upright some other way. Placed upright they could have symbolized the spirits of the dead, akin to "spirit dolls" used nearly world-wide, including Siberia, among contemporary people.
The only widely known Upper Paleolithic art from Asia are these figurines from Mal'ta. Although other examples of Paleolithic Asian art do exist, few of it has gained much attention outside of Asia. The reason why these garner so much interest is that they seem to be nearly identical to European female figurines of roughly the same time period. The suggested similarity between Mal'ta and Upper Paleolithic civilizations of Western and Eastern Europe coincides with a long-held belief that the ancient people of Mal'ta were related to the Paleolithic societies of Europe. These similarities can be established by their tools, dwelling structures, and art. These commonalities draw into question the origin of Upper Paleolithic Siberian people, and whether the migrating peoples originated from Southeastern Asia or quite possibly from Europe.
On the other hand, one can argue that as a group the Mal'ta Venus figures are rather different from the female figurines of Western and Central Europe. For example, none of the Siberian specimens indicates abdominal enlargement as man European examples do. And few offer clear enough evidence of gender to define them as female as breasts are often lacking. More conclusively, nearly half of them show some facial details, something which is lacking on the so-called Venus figures of Europe. A definitive answer on the origins of these peoples and their culture may never be able to be reached.
In addition to these female statuettes there are a bird sculptures depicting swans, geese, and ducks. Through ethnographic analogy comparing the ivory objects and burials at Mal'ta with objects used by 19th and 20th century Siberian shamans, it has been suggested that they are evidence of a fully developed shamanism.
Also there are engraved representations on slabs of mammoth tusk. One is the figure of a mammoth, easily recognizable by the trunk, tusks and thick legs. Wool also seems to be etched, by the placement of straight lines along the body. Another drawing has three snakes appearing on it. The three snakes have their heads puffed up and turned to the side. It is believed that they were similar to cobras. ;
Chard, Chester S., Northeast Asia in Prehistory. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1974.
Martynov, Anatoly I, The Ancient Art of Northern Asia, trans. Demitri B. Shimkin and Edith M. Shimkin. Chicago, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1991.
Schlesier, Karl H. 2001. “More on the Venus Figurines”, Current Anthropology 42 (3) 410-412.
Sieveking, Ann. 1971. “Palaeolithic Decorated Bone Discs” The British Museum Quarterly 35 (1/4) 206-229.
Dolitsky, A. B. et al. 1985. “Siberian Paleolithic Archaeology: Approaches and Analytic Methods”, Current Anthropology 26 (3) 361-378.
Bednarik, Robert G. 1994. “The Pleistocene Art of Asia” Journal of World Prehistory 8 (4) 351-375.
External links
"Faces of our Ancestors: A centenary celebration of M. M. Gerasimov." Кунсткамера - Новости.
Our Malta great memory Peter Zolin 2
Our Malta - a great memory.
Like many Russian regions, this place is outstanding archaeological finds from the Paleolithic times. Maltese plate - a cluster of important information for the educated Russians 15,000 years ago. A rod of a shaman (leader?) - A kind of "boom acute thoughts", "Arrow of Apollo," which flew over the spaces Hyperborean Abaris sage. In this district west of Lake Baikal succeeded each other archaeological cultures tens of thousands of years. In the early Middle Ages in the region develops the Yenisey-Orkhon script, and the clerks knew the different writing systems
I love the "unbiased" search engines. How not to search them zadash "Abaris", so the search engines themselves are sometimes hard to find. Although this philosopher-Hyperborea my publications on the Internet a few. True, the query "Abaris. Zolin, "the answer comes quickly. ~ Books / Classic% 20drevnosti/Abaris /Абарис ;Абарис ; ;Абарис ; etc.
Our neomasonam worth knowing (and educated people, I suppose - and they know) that a number of countries have their Maltese. And the symbolism is sometimes more powerful Order of Malta. Malta, (perhaps even possible variants of the Buryat word mine, and he - "cherry", moyelta - bird cherry place ") [1] - a village in Usolsky district of the Irkutsk region. Located on the banks of the Belaya River, 8 km from Usolye-Siberian. And near Lake Baikal. # lat = 52843475 & lng = 103521510 & z = 12 & v = 2 & mt = 0;
For various reasons, the population of districts was changed several times. In 1675 this place has reappeared village - the monastery village of Irkutsk Ascension Monastery, and later with the construction of the Trans-Siberian railroad center of the village shifted to the right, is flatter shore.
In addition to the Paleolithic, znametno village with mineral springs: therapeutic mineral water "Maltinskaya contains vital trace elements: bromine, fluorine, zinc, selenium. On the shores of Lake Malta, containing mud, 15 km from the station located Malta VSZD sanatorium Maltinsky, where they treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, as well as diseases of the digestive, respiratory, gynecological and urological diseases.
Basic archaeological excavations in Malta began as many of these - with the case ... From the basement of the peasant Saveliev. In the late 20-ies of the twentieth century, he deepened the cellar, a shovel, ran into something solid, a man with difficulty wrenched from the land hefty yellow bone. Not giving it special significance, threw the fence, and the local kids have adapted the bone of a giant animal under the sled.
The news of the found a strange contraption came to an educated Bertram, Head. village reading room. He said the Irkutsk Museum of bone giant size. A young archaeologist (future world-renowned anthropologist) Michael Gerasimov immediately went to Malta. Cleared shovel frozen wall cellar and was surprised - everywhere from the ground sticking huge mammoth, massive deer antler ... Among other things, were larger image of a mammoth tusk. The case has gone.
What's good for Archaeology - often badly in many places like for ordinary people.
Malta became a settlement area of the protected archaeological heritage with all the attendant. For any construction or design of land ownership must go through a number of instances, a special paper that a territory is not a scientific value. A few years later Malta could not stretch the fiber-optic telephone cable. Depression in the ground under each post carefully checked scientists cut a special shovel thin layer of earth, photographing and describing each found a pebble.
On how to build a gas station in the village where he lives more than 3 thousand people, to dream is not necessary. Only a study of land will need huge funds.
- From what is on our land are strange little things, we are neither cold nor hot - complain about the locals - we have never seen these monuments of antiquity. How to spot a lot, since nothing can be built either, nor take the field under the potatoes.
In the 80 years of excavations conducted in the underground new empty semi-detached house, archaeologists have left a huge hole. Occupy the house scientists banned, but residents of the village, deciding that the neat buildings should not be empty, occupied them illegally. Scientists have little povozmuschalis, but left residents alone.
Tourists come, dreaming to visit the excavation site. One delegation rushed to the former collective farm house, but mistress home crowd on the garden is not allowed. On the spot where once were discovered artifacts, distressed tourists see only the beds with a concerted shoots. the last time in the village of excavations conducted in 2001, they involved scientists from foreign countries. Of course, to find artifacts to such an extent as it did Gerasimov, already difficult, but still in the ground maltinskoy archaeologists have found some amazing things. In 2001, was found a small statuette of a woman, her features were not plotted conventionally, as in previous figures found on this tiny face, worked out with great skill, were clearly cut lip, shaped nostrils stood out tiny chin.
More Mikhail Gerasimov found about 30 human figures, and they were all female. One possible explanation - in the ancient clan organization maltintsev central role played by women and the relationship is determined only by the mother. Another - it was honoring prolific woman of the future homeland of the mother (Rybakov BA Paganism of the ancient Slavs, etc.)
In addition to statues of scientists struck another unique find - an ancient bead made from a mineral called tiger-eye. Surrounding places where it occurs, this mineral - India and South Afghanistan (VN Repin noticed that there are deposits in the Urals and Eastern SiberiaТигровый_глаз)
. This is an inevitable trail of distant relations in the Paleolithic period, which confirms and etnogenetika. # 2
In the Irkutsk museum stores copies of the remains of a teenager and figurines of women found in the Paleolithic site parking in the vicinity of Malta.
All were taken to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Even Irkutsk local lore museum got a copy.
Famous palaeolithic sites in Europe for more than a hundred But a lot of them in Asia, including the Asian part of Russia.
Not all the people of Malta are welcomed to regular visits by scientists. Many superstitious believe that we can not disturb the remains of ancestors, because in the future could adversely affect the life of the village.
If you have this information, and that's enough, then - no more. A further and go for the details of linguists, archaeologists and other specialists.
================================================== ===============
In (Zolin P. Main mythology Eurasia / / The Academy Trinitarizm, M., El № 77-6567, publ.11153, 16.04.20 002a/02110025.htm)
I noted that from the Paleolithic to us overlook character sets, mostly corresponding characters in the modern alphabet. These signs are part symbols of gods and human qualities. Refutation version on the Internet do not.
Doryurikovskie writings Russia (23) # 9
give some useful sets of materials that objections on the Internet did not cause signs "Phoenician" in indoevropeystve 6 - 5 thousand ;
signs of the Bible with a probable link in the Caucasus ;; features real runes Slavs. Etc.
Valery Kosarev ;
still a useful summation signs of the Paleolithic and analysis of their further transformation. Great stuff accumulates VA Chudinov ;
inevitable and sharp criticism (ibid.)
According to his version of Russian literature existed for 24 thousand years St. Cyril and Methodius. Sacred language of the Magi were Rune Mokos. Language of the laity was a Rune Rod. These last gave birth and the Scandinavian runes, and the Greek letters and Latin. Cyrillic is a system of Runes of Rod almost unchanged.
As a matter of faith - this position has the right to life. As a scientific hypothesis - the criticism has not withstand. There is no convincing Paleolithic texts (other than conventionally pictorial, including pits and dashes on the statuette), which would have been character sets, nice to read.
Almost the oldest runic symbols recorded in the caves of the sanctuary Stone Grave (Zaporozhye. Near Melitopol). Their images, including protoshumerskie writing, adjoin verhnepaleolitnymi images of mammoths and bison, executed about 16-14 thousand years BC [3] The earliest signs protopismennye Stone Grave Sumerologist Anatoly Kifishin relates to 10.12 thousand BC And naipozdneyshie - to 3 thousand BC [4] Currently there are no other sources of stone graves priori can be considered ancient archives of the ancient world of the letter "[5]. etc
VA Chudinov range was detected (visible only Chudinov) Paleolithic marks.
All - analogues of Russian letters. Yes everyone else - have several (sometimes up to two dozen) options. And if you handle this range on your computer (classification by similarity), the same heartfelt Chudinov signs will be convenient to refer to the majority of the letters of the Russian alphabet. Signs of a suitable and B, and D, and L, and O, and I (and back) ... Science is the ability to check your results by any independent researchers. If the objective examination results rejected, we should look more convincing arguments. While ABC and "Russian literature" Paleolithic does not prove it. Pictorial, symbolic and symbolic in Russia and other countries - is possible.;
Malta (parking)Мальта_ (parking)
The image of a mammoth parking lot in Malta (stored in the Hermitage)
Malta; (here allowance (from the Buryat my words, he - "cherry", moyelta - bird cherry place ") - one of the most famous Paleolithic sites in Siberia, is at the present village of Malta Usolsky district, Irkutsk region on the Belaya River near Lake Baikal . Parking was opened, when the peasant Saveltsev dug from the earth a huge bone. February 7, 1928 Officer museum Gerasimov arrived in Malta and began excavations in the summer. They studied the area around 1000 m;.
Radiocarbon dating of the parking lot indicates that it existed at the beginning of Sartan glaciation approximately 14,750 years ago (XIII millennium BC. Er.). Previously proposed other dates: 25-20 thousand years ago. Inventory close to the material stops Buret (located 20 km from Malta) and Achinsk, on this basis is allocated maltinsko-buretskaya culture
Home and finds
On the territory of excavated 15 houses stretched along a river. Since homes do not overlap, it is assumed that they existed at one time. In the center was the construction of a length of 14 m and a width of 4.5 m. Other structures formed 3 groups: 6, 4 and 4 dwellings, and vary in size and shape.
Paul was buried in the ground to 50-70 cm up the walls of the large mammoth bones, the roof was covered with animal skins, the foundation was made up of smaller bones. One of the homes were ground, the frame walls were reindeer antlers and the base - a ring of massive slabs of limestone set on edge [2]. APOkladnikov emphasized the similarity of construction of dwellings (semi-dugouts with a skeleton made of bones and a narrow tunneleobraznym output) and clothing and Eskimos maltintsev XVII-XIX centuries.
Among the faunal remains belong to the majority of the reindeer. In addition, the criteria (in descending order) of bone foxes, woolly rhinoceros, mammoth, bison, ox, horse, wolverines, lions, wolves. Proceedings of Malta indicated that the Arctic fox, and even on some predators, hunting exclusively for fur [3].
Studies of pollen samples indicate that the settlement grew up near the pine, birch, perhaps, they ate, but the predominant pollen of herbaceous plants.
Stone tools made of flint gray banded, there are prismatic, conical, cubiform cores. Plates were made from flint tip borers, small knives, a variety of tools, implements dolotovidnye [4]. From mammoth ivory were made with long, sharp transverse cuts, and awls and needles. In addition, were found jade.
Venus Maltinskaya
All in all Malta and Buret found about 40 figurines from 3.7 cm to 13.6 cm in height. Almost all of them are made of mammoth ivory, one - from the horn of a reindeer (the latter is very schematic in nature). Most of them portrays women also have a series of pictures of birds and one figure is likely to Wolverine, covered with ornaments from the ranks of the semilunar notches. Several figures depict the partridge, swan, and waterfowl in flight: body flattened-oval shape, small protrusions represent the wings, the triangular head sits on a long neck.
Surface of some female figures covered with a continuous ornament (on the hypothesis of AP Okladnikova both shows fur). Head statues large and often have a schematic simulated person. Ornament on the head - an attempt to convey her hair [5]. This is different from Western European Paleolithic figurines, which transmit the naked body and emit no facial features. Forms of mothers stressed in Malta less breast transferred shallow carved line. The legs are shortened in the lower part of them perforated with holes, which allowed them hang. It is assumed that people were parking - most likely - have Mongoloid, although clearly it's hard to say ..
More excavations 1928 - 193O years. identified several residential complexes, containing a large number of works of art. During these years, found 19 complete female figurines and harvesting three more, 10 figures, birds from a mammoth tusk, carved image of a mammoth on the plate of the same material, buttons, buckles, buckles with complex geometric patterns, necklace, pendants, tiaras, rods. Characteristic basis maltinskogo ornament were spiral and circular cuts.
In addition to figurines, found the engraved image. The plate ivory figure of a mammoth bear. On another plate shows a snake with swollen heads.
In Malta, discovered the burial of a child only about 4 years old, with whom he found a rich inventory: a necklace of beads and pendants of ivory, fragments of images of a flying bird, silicon products, and a bracelet (similar to children's burials Sunghir; Vladimir http://www.novgorod. ru / read / information / history / clauses / folklor_priilmenia
Tiles from Malta, covered with geometrical patterns in science [6] compared with the Australian churingami ( ~ books / TSB / Churingi /; Kifishin have and their presence in stone graves that we have noticed Early Chudinov), rhythmic patterns in which the narrator helps to restore the sequence of the myth
(From Paleolithic times )
Precise knowledge
Analysis of rhythmic ornamentation of Malta is made of Novosibirsk scientists BA Frolov, in his book 1974 (Frolov BA Numbers in Paleolithic graphic. Novosibirsk, 1974, to the origins of primitive astronomy. - Nature, 1977, № 8, p.96-106. ; Frolov BA Paleolithic art and mythology. - At the source of creativity: Prehistoric Art. Novosibirsk, 1978, etc).
Of greatest interest is the analysis of the buckle in the form of a trapezoid, is now stored in the Hermitage [7]. On its inner side shows three snakes (?). The outer side is covered with ornaments, consisting of many round pits (on the reverse side of the pits correspond to the convexity). In the center of the buckle big spiral on the left and right of it are three smaller spirals, with each side a simple spiral, and the two combined in the form of S, all the spirals can count either five or seven, as the buckle there are two figures.
In a large spiral seven turns, containing 14 + 21 + 26 + 33 + 40 + 47 + 62 = 243 holes. The left complex helix 7 + 14 + 14 + 7 + 14 + 7 = 63 pits in the right complex 7 + 14 + 7 + 9 + 14 + 7 = 58 holes. On the left a simple spiral 7 + 12 + 19 + 7 = 45 pits on the right just 9 + 14 + 23 + 7 = 53 holes. In addition, the left is mesyatseobraznaya figure of 14 holes, and the right - a curved line of 11 points. Total left 63 + 45 + 14 = 122 holes, the right 58 + 53 + 11 = 122 holes. Compound large spiral to the sum of images of extreme left or right, gives three hundred sixty-five - number of days per year. If, however, remove the line from 11 pits, the number of days - three hundred fifty-four, or 12 lunar months in the later calendars. Thus, it is the oldest known to science calendar of compact type (not a cave or labyrinth: PZ).
The author has studied nearly 30 subjects with an ornament from Malta. The central role they play rhythms of 7 and 5. Of the most difficult: the "flying bird" from the burial of a child 28 series and 274 holes, on one of the "buttons" - 212 pits. Can be regarded as such a completely random number, but we can try to give them an interpretation, including arheoastronomicheskuyu. Clearly, all these hypotheses is extremely difficult to verify.
Frolov's attempt to develop ideas in his two monographs other Novosibirsk researcher VE Larichev. Thus, under the number 8 Frolov described the "rod long and slightly curved, found there no less than 95 cuts. Larichev attempted to interpret their meaning, calling the subject "maltinskim wand." Its length is about 21 cm at the head of 53 wells on the body 118 (or 120, the exact number due to lack of preservation is unclear), a total of 173 (or 171). Based on this Larichev suggested that 173 - half Draconian year. Elements of the sign system wand: 53 + 33 + 30 + 23 + 16 + 7 + 9 = 171 wells. If you remove the first group, the signs will be 118 - ie 4 synodic months. The body of the staff of his conception, served as ancient priests to predict lunar eclipses, and the head - to establish the "big Saros, which is used to predict solar eclipses. According to a recall, Larichev, "the opinion of many, expresses a fantastic position, but he proves them." [9] Nevertheless, broad acceptance in academic circles, these interpretations are not yet
(The scientists who know little and do not want to know: PZ).
Work on the Maltese plate (there is also in English)
Further quoting from a small clarification.
In 1867 the world had known no more than 60 works of art glacial epoch to 1871 their number barely exceeded 100. By 1913 there were about a thousand. By the end of the twentieth century, about 9 thousand of growth, as we see, is in the rate of close to a geometric progression. Among the currently known 10 thousand images there are almost no completely identical. But in all this diversity of forms and exude some general patterns.
Art Collection of Malta has shocked experts around the world. "Irkutsk finding is important because for the first time gave in completely pure samples of very special stories, built on abstract geometric forms ... similar in complexity, completeness not found in the West. There were plates, circular pendants, half round moldings, bone darts, decorated with rows of parallel lines or grooves ... And yet there was nothing to equal, for example, point spirals on the buckle in Malta. "
Details Hypotheses Laricheva
Kept in the Hermitage and repeatedly described in various archaeological references and writings on ancient history maltinskaya plate has attracted the attention of researchers. Archaeologists have named this first product from the ivory buckle, then began to call her badge, thinking perhaps that if it's for something and could be amiss, only to decorate clothing. German art historian and mythologist Carl Henttse first saw a snake coils maltinskoy plate characters evolutions of moon phases and even allegorical paintings of the entire cosmos! Others tried to take holes, trying to see in them signs of the calendar. But the vast majority of experts on the history of the Paleolithic these ideas seriously was not yet apprehended.
The most extensive and thorough work on the study of ornament plate to identify semantically meaningful recording was done by the Soviet (Russian) archaeologist VE Larichev, which together with the artist VI Zhalkovskiy and architect Vladimir Sazonov undertook a thorough renovation of all the smallest details ancient finds. We used specially constructed for this case, devices that allow up to a fraction of a millimeter to determine the projected position of each sign plate and shape of the contour.
"In conducting this research - writes VE Larichev - above all, must be clearly understood that dictates the choice of artist of the Old Stone Age in Siberia of the pattern (spiral, mesyatsevidnost, serpentine undulation) and the selection quite a certain number of holes that make up dotted ornamental structures maltinskoy plate, and then confirm their numerical significance, and thereby put an end to talk about careless restoration Gerasimov sign of the left side of the product (when it is removed from the clay, then clearly visible hole left the department because of poor preservation of the surface had in a special way to fix). The question of quality restoration acquired in deciphering the fundamental importance because it was a question on the legality of the use of "buckle" in the critical reconstructions of the area of spiritual culture of ancient inhabitants of Siberia.
In other words, the aim is to deprive the base attempting to compromise this unique discovery of MM Gerasimov as the opening, according to K. Henttse, fundamental for historical science. " The only compelling reason for such an undertaking could only become an undeniable (and, moreover, if possible, is not trivial) calendrical significance of the number of wells in each of the recovered Gerasimov ornamental structures left side of the plate maltinskoy what he was during the reconstruction, of course, did not suspect and therefore engage in "adjustment" could not. "
The outcome of the VE Larichev painstaking analysis are truly impressive results, thanks to which maltinskaya plate is presented in an entirely new role: "It looks like the elements of an extremely flexible, expertly designed, the combinatorial structure of the calendar system ... The most impressive structure of this system - seven support, a truly" golden numbers "(11, 14, 45, 54, 57 +1, 62 +1, 242 +1 +1). Separating them, Paleolithic man was able to limit capacitance and economically codify their astronomical knowledge accumulated over thousands of years of observations of the sky. So maltinskuyu" badge "It should be understood as a proper assessment of counting calendar and astronomical tables, and possibly a tool, but in a purely informational (say, for training) plan - as a kind of astronomical, arithmetic and geometric and mythological" treatise ", the oldest in the world."
Of greatest interest are the following combinations of support numbers:
• The central spiral with small coils the right side allows you to count the days of the solar year:
243 +62 +45 +14 = 365.
• The central spiral with small coils the left side corresponds to the number of days of the lunar year:
243 +57 +54 = 354.
• Zmeeobraznaya wavy shape at the bottom of the plate contains 11 wells corresponding to the difference between solar and lunar year.
• Three-time pass on all elements of the plate can measure the 4-year cycle has a whole number of days, which is equivalent to the presence of leap years in the modern calendar:
(243 +62 +45 +14 +11 +54 +58) x 3 = 1461 = 365,24 x 4.
Planet of the synodic period of Formula Amount Amount * 29.53 synodic period
Mercury 115.88 2 * 14 28 826.84 7.14
Venus 583.92 45 +54 99 2923.47 5.01
Mars 779.94 2 * (57 +62) 238 3514.07 9.02
Jupiter 398.88 45 +63 108 3189.24 8.00
Saturn 378.09 2 * (11 +54 +57) 244 7205.32 18.06
• Different combinations of reference numbers of peripheral helices track the cycles of change of position relative to the Sun (so-called. Synodic period), the major planets. The unit of reference for this is the synodic lunar month, ie period of change of moon phases, amounting to 29.53 days. System of numbers encoded in the patterns of peripheral plate can assign a whole number of lunar synodic months integer synodic periods of the observed planets (see table).
Thus, if we agree with the conclusions and argumetatsiey VE Laricheva, we must recognize that more than 15 thousand years ago, Palaeolithic people Lake Baikal is not only able to consider, but also knew how to build a fairly sophisticated computer models to track the number of real astronomical processes!
(But similar symbols are also available on subjects Sunghir that over Malta on 10 thousand years
Most daring in the hypothesis, VE Laricheva is the assumption that maltinskaya plate could also be used to predict eclipses: "... The spiral ornament maltinskoy plate forms a composition where the central part can be estimated as Draconian entry Saros ( Saros), and the entire circumference, the left and right, as a record of synodic. Presumably, reckoning time by Draconian and lunation was conducted on the wells of the coils in parallel. It allows you to capture the moment when the moon through the ecliptic and the phase of her at the same time, and hence determine the time of the eclipse ... "
Indeed, 242 of Draconian months (time period 27.2122 days, after which the Moon returns to the same node of its orbit) exactly match the period of the Saros:
242 x 27,21 = 6585,35 days = 18.61 tropical years.
The same result is obtained by counting the lunation peripheral elements of the pattern:
(54 +57 +63 +45 +4) x 29,53 = 6585,35 days = 18.61 tropical years.
The probability of accidental coincidence of these numbers is negligible. Consequently, there remains no alternative but to accept the possibility of a conscious realization of these relations creators maltinskoy plate!
In order to estimate the courage of this assumption, it must be recalled that the opening of the cycles of eclipses are traditionally referred to the days of antiquity.
In this case, the repetition of eclipses are sometimes associated with so-called 19-year metonovym cycle. The essence of this pattern is repeated every 19 years, the phases of the moon in the same days of the solar year. And as the lunar and solar eclipses can occur, respectively, only the new moon and full moon, the same can be repeated and the dates of eclipses. The reason is that 19 tropical years (6939.60 days) is almost exactly equal to 235-Tee lunation (6939.69 days). It is believed that 19-year recurrence of celestial phenomena, to reconcile lunar and solar calendars, opened in 433 BC. er. Greek astronomer Meton. It should be noted, however, that the metonym cycle only very roughly corresponds to the present cycle of eclipses, in connection with which the coincidence of the dates of eclipses in 19 years stopped after two repetitions.
A true cycle of eclipses, called Saros, is 18 years 11.3 days and determined that a 223 synodic months (6585.32 days), Sun, Moon and the nodes of the lunar orbit (point of intersection of the visible path of the Moon with the Ecliptic) returns exactly the same position relative to each other.
According to legend, the Babylonian astronomers discovered Saros and were able to predict the eclipse at the beginning of VII century. BC. er. But "careful reading of the clay table shows that before 500 BC. Er. Is they still have not worked. By this time, lunar eclipses have learned to predict based on the fact that the moon can go in only when it is complete and to is located on the ecliptic. " It is believed that the first reliably recorded using knowledge of saros is the prediction of solar eclipse in 585 BC. er. Thales of Miletus, made after observing them a total solar eclipse in 603 BC. er. There are also suggestions that the periods of the eclipses are fairly well known already in the III millennium BC. er. as in ancient China, and Europe. But these assumptions are based on a single fact: In the first case, the mention of an unsuccessful attempt to predict the eclipse of one of the ancient Chinese manuscripts, while the second - on the interpretation of the 56-hole Aubrey at Stonehenge as a computational tool for three consecutive years starting cycle 18.61. Naturally, therefore it should be recognized observed so skeptical about such speculation among archaeologists as well as among many scientists.
Against this background, the identification VE Larichev quantify Saros on maltinskoy plate seems almost fantastic. This is well aware of the author himself: "To appreciate the significance of this fact in the history of science and determine the true status of Paleolithic man of Malta, it is sufficient to note that the establishment of the duration of Saros Chaldean astronomers and priests in the VI century BC, is considered one of the greatest discoveries of antiquity. But so grandiose achievements of the Paleolithic of Siberia astronomer, who for 20 thousand years before the priests of Mesopotamia, the Nile and the Yellow River has established the duration and other calendar and astronomical cycles that define the patterns of the possible occurrence of an eclipse. "
In this respect the conclusions of VE Laricheva coincide with the intuitive insights of the romantics of science that are quite convincingly, but almost unreasonably attempted to prove the antiquity of knowledge about saros and other mysteries of the cosmos. It makes sense to bring one of the most inspirational speech of the kind owned by the author of one of the most original and well-developed numerical interpretation could attempt to ancient sacred texts, AV Zinoviev:
"In all likelihood, sarossky cycle - is the biggest astronomical discovery, which was made back in the prehistoric era. Now, you can only imagine the horror of people covered when there is an eclipse of the moon and the sun ... But in the midst of a mass psychosis were also those who watched carefully movement of light, remember, compare, counting. And so, in the chaos star "suddenly found a strict chain of regularly repeating cycle, which has its beginning - middle - end, there is unbroken numerical rule, the law of constant change. There was a real revolution in attitudes the surrounding world. The element of "horror star" became subservient. opens the possibility to improve the calendars, to develop techniques to predict and then calculate in advance, to accurately predict the time of eclipses. The builders of Stonehenge have based his grand project sarossky cycle as early as the Neolithic era. They knew about saros many peoples inhabiting the vast areas of Western and Eastern Europe, Siberia, Central Asia and the East. In the Americas, the priests of the Mayas and Aztecs built their calendar system, taking into account the cyclicity of Saros.
Who was the discoverer of Saros? How long had to observe and which possess the power of the mind to comprehend, to synthesize particles of the experience of disparate facts and numbers? How high should the significance of the opening of an unknown genius to the attention of saros have become global, well-known priests and magicians, astrologers and the calculator calendars on Earth! "... Whatever it was, but the conjugation of Saros to the esoteric system of numbers Macrocosm ... leads into the impenetrable darkness millennia. Possible to assume that the discovery cycle lunar eclipses was done in 25-30 centuries BC. Knowledge of the structure and number sarosskogo cycle - is the scientific legacy of a vanished Prototsivilizatsii. Maltinskoy value of the plate is first and foremost that it is a unique material evidence of such knowledge.
But VE Larichev does not stop there, and tries to go much further and prove that based on this method of fixing the observational knowledge traditions could be maintained and improved over the lives of many generations. He notes in particular that by itself "does not determine the Saros period repeat of what happened once the eclipse in a particular place on Earth, say in the same area of Malta. It is known that for this ancient Greeks, as well as priests - the astronomers of ancient Egyptian and Sumerian- Babylonian civilizations have used the so-called ekzeligm, or large Saros, representing a threefold repetition of the usual Saros: 57 years of Draconian = 54 tropical years + 33 (or 32) days = 19,755.8 days in fact, a large saros are that the present Saros, which was used Repeat the calculation of eclipses of ancient astronomy, because they are certainly interested in the recurrence of eclipses is not occurring within the entire globe, namely in the place where they made the observation of Heaven. "
So, the most striking finding VE Laricheva a statement on the use of plates for the reference periods in the 486 (just the right amount of holes in total there are all the elements of the plate) of tropical years. This is a huge time span corresponds to an integral number of large saros (9), as well as an integer synodic (6011) and Draconian (6523) months.
"To appreciate the knowledge of Paleolithic man of this great cycle of Malta, close to half of the tropical millennium, in which disparate as close together (because of their fractional) calendar-astronomical quantities tropical year (365.242 days), synodic (29.5306 days) and In order to estimate the courage of this assumption, it must be recalled that the opening of the cycles of eclipses are traditionally referred to the days of antiquity.
In this case, the repetition of eclipses are sometimes associated with so-called 19-year metonovym cycle. The essence of this pattern is repeated every 19 years, the phases of the moon in the same days of the solar year. And as the lunar and solar eclipses can occur, respectively, only the new moon and full moon, the same can be repeated and the dates of eclipses. The reason is that 19 tropical years (6939.60 days) is almost exactly equal to 235-Tee lunation (6939.69 days). It is believed that 19-year recurrence of celestial phenomena, to reconcile lunar and solar calendars, opened in 433 BC. er. Greek astronomer Meton. It should be noted, however, that the metonym cycle only very roughly corresponds to the present cycle of eclipses, in connection with which the coincidence of the dates of eclipses in 19 years stopped after two repetitions.
A true cycle of eclipses, called Saros, is 18 years 11.3 days and determined that a 223 synodic months (6585.32 days), Sun, Moon and the nodes of the lunar orbit (point of intersection of the visible path of the Moon with the Ecliptic) returns exactly the same position relative to each other.
According to legend, the Babylonian astronomers discovered Saros and were able to predict the eclipse at the beginning of VII century. BC. er. But "careful reading of the clay table shows that before 500 BC. Er. Is they still have not worked. By this time, lunar eclipses have learned to predict based on the fact that the moon can go in only when it is complete and to is located on the ecliptic. " It is believed that the first reliably recorded using knowledge of saros is the prediction of solar eclipse in 585 BC. er. Thales of Miletus, made after observing them a total solar eclipse in 603 BC. er. There are also suggestions that the periods of the eclipses are fairly well known already in the III millennium BC. er. as in ancient China, and Europe. But these assumptions are based on a single fact: In the first case, the mention of an unsuccessful attempt to predict the eclipse of one of the ancient Chinese manuscripts, while the second - on the interpretation of the 56-hole Aubrey at Stonehenge as a computational tool for three consecutive years starting cycle 18.61. Naturally, therefore it should be recognized observed so skeptical about such speculation among archaeologists as well as among many scientists.
Against this background, the identification VE Larichev quantify Saros on maltinskoy plate seems almost fantastic. This is well aware of the author himself: "To appreciate the significance of this fact in the history of science and determine the true status of Paleolithic man of Malta, it is sufficient to note that the establishment of the duration of Saros Chaldean astronomers and priests in the VI century BC, is considered one of the greatest discoveries of antiquity. But so grandiose achievements of the Paleolithic of Siberia astronomer, who for 20 thousand years before the priests of Mesopotamia, the Nile and the Yellow River has established the duration and other calendar and astronomical cycles that define the patterns of the possible occurrence of an eclipse. "
In this respect the conclusions of VE Laricheva coincide with the intuitive insights of the romantics of science that are quite convincingly, but almost unreasonably attempted to prove the antiquity of knowledge about saros and other mysteries of the cosmos. It makes sense to bring one of the most inspirational speech of the kind owned by the author of one of the most original and well-developed numerical interpretation could attempt to ancient sacred texts, AV Zinoviev:
"In all likelihood, sarossky cycle - is the biggest astronomical discovery, which was made back in the prehistoric era. Now, you can only imagine the horror of people covered when there is an eclipse of the moon and the sun ... But in the midst of a mass psychosis were also those who watched carefully movement of light, remember, compare, counting. And so, in the chaos star "suddenly found a strict chain of regularly repeating cycle, which has its beginning - middle - end, there is unbroken numerical rule, the law of constant change. There was a real revolution in attitudes the surrounding world. The element of "horror star" became subservient. opens the possibility to improve the calendars, to develop techniques to predict and then calculate in advance, to accurately predict the time of eclipses. The builders of Stonehenge have based his grand project sarossky cycle as early as the Neolithic era. They knew about saros many peoples inhabiting the vast areas of Western and Eastern Europe, Siberia, Central Asia and the East. In the Americas, the priests of the Mayas and Aztecs built their calendar system, taking into account the cyclicity of Saros.
Who was the discoverer of Saros? How long had to observe and which possess the power of the mind to comprehend, to synthesize particles of the experience of disparate facts and numbers? How high should the significance of the opening of an unknown genius to the attention of saros have become global, well-known priests and magicians, astrologers and the calculator calendars on Earth! "... Whatever it was, but the conjugation of Saros to the esoteric system of numbers Macrocosm ... leads into the impenetrable darkness millennia. Possible to assume that the discovery cycle lunar eclipses was done in 25-30 centuries BC. Knowledge of the structure and number sarosskogo cycle - is the scientific legacy of a vanished Prototsivilizatsii. Maltinskoy value of the plate is first and foremost that it is a unique material evidence of such knowledge.
But VE Larichev does not stop there, and tries to go much further and prove that based on this method of fixing the observational knowledge traditions could be maintained and improved over the lives of many generations. He notes in particular that by itself "does not determine the Saros period repeat of what happened once the eclipse in a particular place on Earth, say in the same area of Malta. It is known that for this ancient Greeks, as well as priests - the astronomers of ancient Egyptian and Sumerian- Babylonian civilizations have used the so-called ekzeligm, or large Saros, representing a threefold repetition of the usual Saros: 57 years of Draconian = 54 tropical years + 33 (or 32) days = 19,755.8 days in fact, a large saros are that the present Saros, which was used Repeat the calculation of eclipses of ancient astronomy, because they are certainly interested in the recurrence of eclipses is not occurring within the entire globe, namely in the place where they made the observation of Heaven. "
So, the most striking finding VE Laricheva a statement on the use of plates for the reference periods in the 486 (just the right amount of holes in total there are all the elements of the plate) of tropical years. This is a huge time span corresponds to an integral number of large saros (9), as well as an integer synodic (6011) and Draconian (6523) months.
"To appreciate the knowledge of Paleolithic man of this great cycle of Malta, close to half of the tropical millennium, in which disparate as close together (because of their fractional) calendar-astronomical quantities tropical year (365.242 days), synodic (29.5306 days) and Draconian (27.2122 days) months, it suffices to recall: the famous 600-year cycle of the mythical biblical patriarchs, famous in the history of astronomy as a great year, "antediluvian era, an outstanding astronomer Jean Dominique Cassini named in the XVIII century, the most beautiful of all cyclic calendar periods Created in ancient times. Particularly easy to use 600-year period, the director of the Paris Astronomical Observatory, saw that the number of days in it (210 146) is an integer, not only solar years, but synodic months (7421) ... The Great Year of the Patriarchs fixed the time of return Sun and Moon at the same point in space where the light is 600 years ago, up to several minutes. The results of the decoding system of signs maltinskoy plates show that the Great Year of Paleolithic man in Siberia duration in 486 years is even more beautiful than the great patriarchs of the year. Maltinsky priest knew the length of the main calendar periods with greater accuracy than the mythical patriarchs of the Middle East and biblical times ... The accuracy of "combining incompatible" with the Paleolithic astronomers Malta exceeds the accuracy of the same mythical patriarchs have almost doubled! Hence, the main astronomical periods were defined by priests maltinskoy culture with the ideal, in fact, accurate, and ninefold pass on years of large Saros allow them to confidently pinpoint the return of the sun and the moon at the same point in space, in which daytime and night-light is almost half a millennium ago. "
The overall conclusion of VE Laricheva maltinskoy on the plate as follows:
"It looks like the elements of an extremely flexible, expertly designed, the combinatorial structure of the calendar system, allowing to reconstruct the chronology, which is used for reckoning time of Paleolithic man. He could, as it turns out, keep track of time, not only from year to year - and a tropical moon, but also for a much longer calendar and astronomical periods, lasting from the very small - 57 or 62 synodic months Draconian (4.6525 tropical year) to the Saros simple, large, and, finally, to the longest - ninefold repeat of the last exit to a unique period duration of the 486 tropical years, in which integers are expressed synodic months and Draconian reckoning time.
Thus, under existing today estimated age maltinskoy plate may be about 15 thousand years. Can computer simulation help to clarify this data? Yes, but only if it is possible to bind any of the plate to the characteristic features of the sky in this period! The very first thing that catches your eye in the computer study, "the star of the situation" over the past 25,000 years, this particular change in the position of Ursa Major about the North Pole in the world. As can be seen from the figures., Until about 17,100 BC constellation of the precession of the Earth's axis is gradually removed from the pole until he took a position almost exactly on a circle with a radius of 60 °. After that, the reverse process and the Big Dipper is close to the pole up until not settle on a similar circle around the pole, but with a radius of only 15 °. Thus, it is the most prominent and well-known constellation of the circumpolar region of the sky only twice in the course of its evolution is "correct" position relative to the pole: at the maximum and minimum distance from it. It is important to note a very remarkable amount of sectors in a bucket Big Dipper: at the greatest distance is exactly 30 °, ie twelfth of the circle, and at the least - about twice as large, ie 60 °. This arrangement of the constellations makes it very convenient for both orientation and for the countdown.
Weighty enough evidence that this fact has not gone unnoticed in the era of maltinskoy culture, can serve as in Fig. 2. rod of mammoth tusk. Rod found in the same cultural layer as a plate with a point pattern, was initially interpreted as simply ornamented artistic product, depicting the tail of an animal or something like that. " However, in the early 90's VE Larichev it was proved that the shape, size and layout sticks are far from random and forced to treat it more like a carefully constructed measurement instrument than simply as a work of art. Particular attention was drawn to the fact that the rod fits exactly 12 times in a circle whose radius is twice the length of the wand. And given the fact that the markup on the baton applied in increments of about half a degree, which corresponds to the apparent angular size of the moon and sun, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion about using the wand for astronomical observations.
Conclusions VE Laricheva can significantly refine and supplement, if you correlate the parameters of the rod with the special situation of the Great Bear around 20 thousand years ago. Figure 2 shows clearly that the shape and size of the wand wonder exactly agree with the location of the bucket relative to the pole Dipper. Rod himself thus can be regarded as a kind of model of the constellation, which reflects not only the specific position and shape of the bucket as a whole, but also the angular size of its individual elements. For example, the length of the wand heads obviously corresponds to the thickness (depth) directly to the bucket. Dimensions as the rod are chosen, in all likelihood, it is thus to provide an accurate measurement of these angular size with distance from the eyes of the rod at arm's length, which is the most natural solution, however, is not unique.
In this connection it is interesting to compare maltinsky wand with other similar age-discovery: so-called "stylized anthropomorphic figures" of Mezeritch (Fig. 2). It must be noted that the significant differences observed in the form of an amazing coincidence proportions of both products with the relative positions of the stars of Ursa Major. In particular this applies to the distance CD, the corresponding bucket handle, and AB, exactly corresponding to the angular distance FE, is 4,5 degrees. This fact suggests that "mezhirichsky wand" can also be viewed as a kind of astronomical measuring instrument, used as a reference ratio "star Bucket." This hypothesis seems quite plausible and natural, especially when you consider that today the angular distances between stars bucket Big Dipper is recommended to use as a reference for basic astronomical observations.
Another feature of the "star of the situation," 20 thousand years ago is a specific arrangement of the North Pole of the world: in this period, he was placed among the stars of the Milky Way, and, closest to its middle part (Fig. 2). This means that the Milky Way, like a giant clock, revolved around a pole, which is not only a grand and impressive sight for the ancient observer, but also greatly simplifies the night countdown. An additional factor facilitating at the same orientation in space and time, is a specific location of the Big Dipper.
In modern conditions the easiest way to quickly find the point of the pole is conceptually drawing a line through the two end stars Dipper (? And?). Then on this line should be postponed five segments that are equal to the distance between? and?. And 20,000 years ago to determine the pole should have been the shortest way to connect with the Milky Way at a star handle Dipper (? - Benetash). The distance from this star to the pole was equal to exactly two measured rod, simulating the Big Dipper.
Another factor that facilitates the orientation in this period is closer to the pole to a distance of no more than a few degrees rather bright star in the constellation Cepheus Alderamin. Situation where the pole position marked a fairly prominent star was in reality not so often. In our time, performs the role of the North Star? Ursa Minor. In this role, it can be used several centuries, as has already occurred, and several centuries before. Another well-known in this role, the star was about five thousand years ago? Dragon, much less bright than the modern Pole, but nevertheless quite noticeable for practical use. Alderamin in brightness is approximately intermediate position between the two aforementioned stars. It is important to note that the periods when the world gets its axis visible embodiment in the form of a well-visible stars, are quite rare and relatively short duration. But from these periods were associated most significant change in civilization: this is a modern scientific and technological revolution, whose origins are rooted in the Age of Discovery, and the period of the great civilizations of ancient Egypt, Sumer and Tripoli, which began about 5 thousand years ago . It is possible that these coincidences are not accidental, and even the slightest improvement of conditions for orientation and navigation could somehow revive the development of civilizations. In this case, by analogy with the well-known definition of Karl Jaspers, we have every right to call such periods as a kind of axial age. And just such an axial time may be assigned interest to us, a period of about 20 thousand years ago.
Thus, the background Maltinskoy culture was a unique situation in the starry sky, caused by the coincidence of a number of notable features in the dynamics of the circumpolar region of the sky. Could this somehow have a real impact on the intellectual processes in a primitive society? Quite! Formation due to the precession of the unique dynamics of ordering in the sky could not fail to attract the attention of the ancient observer, and thus give an impetus to seek a similar order in the surrounding reality.
About how it could really happen, can give an idea of very recent example of our past. The so-called "problem of unidentified flying objects (UFO)" is pretty noticeable phenomenon of modern intellectual life, gave birth to thousands of books and newspaper articles, most often claiming to sensationalism and always attracted the attention of many millions of readers around the world. Note, however, point out to what started this unusual burst of attention to the UFO. That's how he explains it is one of the experts on this issue: "A special place in the expansion of interest in UFOs has uploaded October 4, 1957. On this day in the Soviet Union launched the first artificial Earth satellite. This event led to the fact that people en masse they looked in the sky. Naturally, they looked to the sky before. Now, trying to see flying among the stars shining star, many have discovered the sky with many stars and planets in all its glory, opened a new world for themselves, which existed before, but see and know that everything was too busy. Increased attention to the starry sky has led to the fact that ... the number of observed UFOs dramatically increased, interest has adopted a mass scale. "
Similarly, 20 thousand years ago, the initial increasing interest to the starry sky could be caused by any one of the three above-mentioned features of the star of the situation "at that time. Most likely the underlying reason for increased attention to the polar region of the sky could be the occurrence of the precession of the pole of peace in the region of the Milky Way, which started in parallel with the last global cooling about 25-thousand years ago. Then the increase in interest could be stimulated by the approach to the pole star? Cep. Maximum approximation took place about 18,200 BC (Fig. 2). The next event of "high interest" could be the maximum distance Dipper Big Dipper from the pole of the world and its precise placement on the circumpolar circle with a radius of 60 °, which dates back to around 17,100 BC It is these dates may provide support for the "star commits" age maltinskoy plate. But for this it is desirable to identify any direct connection plate with the constellation Ursa Major.
Stellar sources of the "golden section"
Analyzing the Paleolithic astral pictures, BA Frolov saw in them a convincing proof of a famous general of modern anthropology that the fundamental properties of the physiology and psychology of modern man have remained basically the same as they were, and in all previous periods of history, modern humans, from the Upper Paleolithic.
In particular, they talked about that, "a series of rectangular shapes in the art of the Paleolithic has a ratio of 1: 0.62 - ie, the ratio is the same as that experimentally established the basic psychophysical law (the Weber - Fechner) threshold ratio in the perception. In the caves of Lascaux and Pasega such rectangles are placed next to the figure of a deer and horses, as though expressing the same idea as the buckle in Malta the same proportions with ornamental solar calendar ... Even if these solar-zoological association with the rectangles were random coincidences, even in this case there are graphical fixing people at opposite ends of the Eurasian ecumene Paleolithic art of the fundamental properties of the human psyche - the threshold of perception. The development of this aspect of primitive art in the culture of the ancient world and the subsequent periods due to the proportion of the "golden section" ("Divine Proportion" ). "
However, this explanation is something irrational and mystical forces us to assume the action of some unknown force, coerce them from all possible forms and proportions choose to completely obscure reasons, some well-defined shapes.
It is advisable to try to find a more natural explanations for this phenomenon, for which we must assume the existence of a natural sample, long-term imitation of which could be possible in very remote areas of the earth's surface. Perfect example of this kind could be patterns of the starry sky.
In maltinskoy plate noteworthy specific irregularity of its shape. It looks a bit strange against the background of very careful placement of point patterns and a very strict observance of the proportions of the "golden section" in the aspect ratio of the plate. Why, instead of the correct rectangle unknown creator of the plate rather give it a shape reminiscent of a trapezoid is not quite right? Coincidence? Or irregular shape has a very definite sense?
To answer these questions, it is enough to compare the form of a plate with an arrangement of stars Dipper Big Dipper. The similarities are striking, and leaves no doubt that the desired pattern was interposition of precisely these four stars! Moreover, this fact allows us to combine into a single tool set as a plate, and discussed above maltinsky rod. The fact that the baton is also fixed proportion of the "golden section" has been noted, VE Larichev. In addition, we can assume that in this case as a prototype of the "golden section" proportions were used the Big Dipper or, more precisely, the ratio of directly Dipper to the length of its handle. Having a common natural prototype, plate and rod were probably meant for sharing in the process of observing the stars. For example, if the rod could be used mainly for measuring angular distances, the plate except for computing functions could also serve as a sort of protractor, allowing to determine the slope of the Dipper to the horizon line. To this end, it was enough to reinforce the hole plate a plumb and align the plate with the Stars scoop.
Based on the above can be made two important conclusions:
Firstly, in maltinskoy plate, we can see one of the earliest examples of manifestations astromorfizma, ie conscious imitation of the forms and proportions of star patterns. This phenomenon is somehow manifested itself throughout the history of human civilization and its influence on the development of a culture still insufficiently appreciated and studied. One of the consequences of conscious astromorfizma for thousands of years of development of modern man has become the preference of certain shapes and proportions have on the subconscious level. In other words, there is, apparently, a kind of "star imprinting", ie "Starry zapechetlevanie" when the most attention-grabbing constellations begin to influence the preferences of the individual is on a subconscious level.
Secondly, the shape of the plate maltinskoy quite clearly associates it with a bucket Big Dipper. In this regard, for dating the plate can be used to update the data, ie increasing pragmatic significance of the corresponding constellations. This gives grounds to date the plate by about 17,100 BC, that is basically consistent with existing datings maltinskoy not only culture, but it and similar cultures of Eastern Europe.
An ancient instrument
First thought about the possibility of using maltinskoy plate as an astronomical instrument was expressed VE Larichev: "Apparently, that is called by archaeologists badge, represents in fact stand for the gnomon, which was fixed in the through hole. In this case, the concave- convex plate with an exact calculation deposited on the surface of spiral disks could serve as a dial to measure the time during daylight hours and to measure the length of shadows at noon, which allowed the exact times of solstices and equinoxes, as well as directions to the cardinal. Touching the edge of the shadow of the gnomon specific hole and the spiral coil made it possible to determine how an hour of observation, and his day in the annual cycle of tropical ... All this means that maltinskaya plate, perhaps the oldest in the cultural history of mankind a universal complex astronomical instruments with which palaeolithic man was able to follow over time at the expense of its on the moon and sun, and, apparently, the stars, caught the changing seasons, watching the movements of the planets, the determining factor when the expected eclipse. "
Now it becomes clear that the hard work spent primitive man to create this device can be justified only the daunting task set before them life itself.
Model of the Universe?
Thus, previous studies have quite clearly show that maltinskaya plate is a versatile, well thought-out tool whose main function is to fix the results of long-term observations with a view to their further use. Moreover, the information recorded on the plate represents not just a collection of some knowledge, but is an excellent example of systematization of knowledge. In fact, all modern criteria, in this case it is appropriate to such a definition as "a computational model, where the model is extremely visual and easy to use.
VE Larichev, in particular, concludes that "maltinskaya plate, apparently, was a model of the universe. This" art object "- the forerunner and flattened version of the famous sphere of Archimedes. Bulk structure of the world of Paleolithic man, as he was re-established them in the product of mammoth tusk, were convex upper and concave lower surface of it, spatially confined to a rectangle with rounded corners. 3nakovaya system of holes on the convex surface expressed Geometrized numbers idea tailbiting time and had planned a circular path of the sun, moon and planets. They just subscribed and cosmopolitan figures of mythological beings that created all life on earth, and above all the universe, which they themselves had symbolized as a "living organism" in Heraclitus. There are, zooantropomorfnye in appearance, could be shaped reflection of the sky or upper world. Twisting their serpentine bodies were "reduced to the rotation," the world of Stone Age people, when they exercise their right mind, "the super stars of heaven" long before Archimedes and his great predecessors. concave side of the plate with carved images of the three cobras in this case presents a picture of the Underworld, the Underworld, and the zigzag contours of the snakes - graphic record of lunar cycles associated with eclipses. " True, this raises a number of issues, convincing answers to which no one has VE Laricheva nor other researchers have not:
Firstly, why the old man, "a whirlwind of serpentine bodies were supposed to symbolize not only the lower world, quite naturally, but also the top? I must admit that a sufficient basis for "snake interpretations of" patterns of the convex part of the plate no. The upper part of the plate on a plan of the founders was to reflect and symbolize the orderly and computable Space. In the absolute majority of the same myth, snakes, dragons, etc. The creatures are once again a symbol of Chaos, confronts the cosmic order. In extreme cases, they may be from only the lower part of an orderly world, but not just him! Are there any more convincing interpretation of complex patterns of spiral plate, in good agreement with all the diversity of both symbolic and mythological heritage of human culture?
Secondly, how can we explain the perfection of the real structure of the plate designs, and high (even by modern standards!) Level of knowledge of the creators of the plate (up to the mutual agreement of planetary cycles and the ability to calculate an eclipse!) On a background of traditional ideas about the intellectual development of man in the Palaeolithic and its capabilities perform calculations and record knowledge? Are there any transitional forms, and analogues maltinskoy plates, which would indicate a gradual, evolutionary nature of the accumulation and systematization of the knowledge?
Third, how can one explain the strange fact that, in the fiercest struggle for survival (let's not forget about the ice age in this era) intelligence efforts were directed at solving these complex, but quite abstract on the background of everyday needs, problems like the computation laws of motion of celestial bodies? Could this be solved in a much more pressing for an ancient society of the problem?
Middle world (3emlya) as missing in the structures of the product. But it is clearly expressed in the plate itself from a mammoth tusk. In this context, the curvature of the plate - not whether it reflects the actual degree of curvature of the earth's surface that would lead to further evidence of awareness of Paleolithic man sphericity 3emli. The beginning of this convex-concave rectangular perimeter of the world should be clearly attributed to "empty space" through hole. With him originated the universe, with him also starts the countdown and the unwinding of the central helix. If this was a moment of complete solar or lunar eclipse, that state could be evaluated as timeless - a period of domination of Chaos, gaping sidedness in the bottomless black hole, gaping mouth ready to devour all life unknown monster, the embodiment of the abyss of nothingness, "working parties" of the Sun or Moon according to the mythological notions, - face the most terrible hell. Similar paintings depict early Greek myths, which describes the state of the universe before the appearance of an orderly world - the cosmos.
The world tree!
In most publications, including a V.E Laricheva, the convex side of the plate depicted in such a way that the S-shaped figure are at the bottom part of it. In this case, other elements are perceived as "hanging" from the top of the plate. If, however, flip the image, then these figures begin to be perceived as a "rising" from the bottom. This perception of the spirals is consistent with the traditional spiral elements of different plant ornaments. The entire composition as a whole becomes more natural and become "landscape" character with vegetation at the bottom. In other words, the cosmic spiral plate in this case associated with plants. And if so, then is not whether the dotted pattern of a prototype of the "world tree" world mythology?
It should be borne in mind that although modern man with the notion of "tree" and is usually associated 'something tree and branching in world mythology is not necessarily so. "World Tree" often could, for example, is identified with a column or pillar. In Christian phraseology, in particular, the equivalent of the formula "the tree of life-giving" and "life-giving pillar". But in the ornamental compositions, any vegetation, often accompanied by any spiral-shaped elements. But ornament not only the most ancient, but the most common form of fine art, much less affected by changes in other species.
Also, keep in mind that as the image of the world tree should be considered not only and not so much "growing" the helix (especially central), but the entire composition as a whole. At the same time play an important role as an S-shaped elements, symbolizing, as will be shown later, birds, and zmeeobraznaya wavy line at the bottom of the plate. It is these attributes are among the most characteristic features of the mythological world of the tree:
"In the hymns of the Rig Veda and the Edda snake lives between the roots of a tree, going off into the unknown depths, it is the top of their leaves in the sky, represented by the fowl. In one of the oldest monuments of verbal creativity, the Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh, about the tree reads:" In its roots the snake that does not know the curse, nest arranged in its interior bird Imdugud chick brought in its trunk maid Lilith built a house. "The image of a tree with a snake under it and the bird in its branches is known in Russian folklore. The image of the cosmic tree - Human myth. Mesolithic known image of a tree with roots and with a snake, I think, that this is known from ancient myths and legends of the world tree, the roots of which live snakes. "
"The Double Helix. This figure is known on all continents. Because of its elemental nature can not exclude the possibility that it is in some cases there is convergent. But we must take into account the following circumstance. There are lots of different kinds of graphic tracings. Meanwhile, only a few, and everywhere one and the same graphemes were revered symbols. Among them are S-shaped figure, which among different peoples and at different times is treated as full of meaning and significance of the sign. In this case the Indians of America, he found relatively rare among the natives of Africa and Australia is extremely rare, in much of Asia appears, usually in the ornamental compositions that have no semantic content, but in Europe and Asia Minor examples of this grapheme set, and very often the nature of its shapes and location suggests that it was conceived specifically as ideogram, and not as an ornamental motif. "
"S-shaped (or Z-shaped) figure is a schematic picture of a bird. Many of the stylized images of birds indicate the validity of this statement. It is noteworthy that in the ancient, Sumerian pictographic writing (ie, even in doindoevropeyskoe time) Z-shaped sign means "bird." In many ancient images we see a string of waterfowl and are similar to these figures the chain of S-shaped or Z-shaped characters. The origin of these signs of a stylized bird confirmed some features of their faces on old drawings ... Some of the ancient (relating back to the Neolithic) images of S-or Z-shaped signs are located above the figures of people, animals, mountains, symbolizing a bird in the sky. These compositions, repeated in different nations (in the strip from Egypt to Turkmenistan), could not constitute a genre scenes, image of the scene, because they contain the same few elements. These elements are horned animals and birds. The first symbolized earth and the birds symbolize the sky. "
From simple to complex
The weakest link in the argument VE Laricheva is too stark a contrast between existing ideas about the intellectual level of the era and the relatively high complexity of the structural and algorithmic organization of patterns plate. Moreover, far from clear how it formed such numerical relationships and it is these patterns. After all, in order to reach a very high level of systematization and harmonization of cycles and to achieve remarkable harmony of form with content, you need a long, over many generations, the evolutionary process of observations and inspections, accompanied by numerous "working notes".
If we talk about small numeric values that are comparable, for example, the number of fingers, there is the problem of "working notes" can be regarded as already solved. In 60-ies in the Department of Archaeology Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy, Siberian Branch of USSR Academy of Sciences, BA Frolov has been studied a lot of geometric patterns of Siberian and European paleolithic sites. Particular attention was paid to the principles of numerical grouping of different visual elements without taking into account specific features of their faces and forms of products. It turned out that in the first place, much "breaking away" from other figures, are four numbers: 5, 7, 10 and 14.
Such a combination, in particular, often used the inhabitants of Malta and Buret, Krasny Yar, Afontovo mountains and other Siberian sites, when grouped their ornamental compositions.
Feature the same maltinskoy plate is that the value of its "characteristic numbers" although they are related to the above values, but as a rule, much of their outreach. One such characteristic values of a number of 121 + / -1. That it can be considered one of the main modules of the plate number that determines the overall composition of the pattern: it corresponds to a half of the total number of points of the central helix, and the number of points in the peripheral patterns of left and right sides.
This value corresponds to the number of days in one-third of the year and played, apparently, one of the most important roles in ancient observational astronomy. About this may, for example, indicate trehsezonnost ancient calendars. In Egyptian mythology, in particular, the emergence of the calendar reads: "Once the world was created ... the god Thoth, the lord of time, divided the year into three parts and each of them gave the name: the season of high water season, seedlings and harvest season. So there times of the year. "
Ternary fission, it was in ancient Slavic calendar in which there was no fall, as a separate time of the year. Researchers at the pre-Christian Slavic mythology note that "this three-phase division existed for the longest time. Autumn as a separate entity one-year terms appeared relatively late under the influence of the Christianization of ...." In this regard, note the well-known carved mammoth tusk from Gontsov (Ukraine), described in detail by J. Hawkins in his book "In addition to Stonehenge, which discusses all the masterpieces astroarheologii commensurate to his view of its importance to the famous megalithic Britain. In particular he writes that "a bone of Gontsov (15000-10000 years. BC. AD). ... - This is the limit of penetration in the archaic layers of the subconscious. Astroarheologiya forced to restrict this meager bone carving and mysterious characters in caves among the petroglyphs . Speaking and thinking are nezapechatlennymi, out of reach. " You can no longer accept Dzh.Hokinsom and suggest that, if we consider the carved bone from Gontsov in connection with maltinskoy plate as different stages of a learning process, we can partially reconstruct the thought of ancient man. We can assume that Gonta was found one of those "working notes", which already demonstrates the perfect trehsezone, as the number of strokes on bone corresponds exactly four months, ie approximately 120 days.
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In order to estimate the courage of this assumption, it must be recalled that the opening of the cycles of eclipses are traditionally referred to the days of antiquity.
In this case, the repetition of eclipses are sometimes associated with so-called 19-year metonovym cycle. The essence of this pattern is repeated every 19 years, the phases of the moon in the same days of the solar year. And as the lunar and solar eclipses can occur, respectively, only the new moon and full moon, the same can be repeated and the dates of eclipses. The reason is that 19 tropical years (6939.60 days) is almost exactly equal to 235-Tee lunation (6939.69 days). It is believed that 19-year recurrence of celestial phenomena, to reconcile lunar and solar calendars, opened in 433 BC. er. Greek astronomer Meton. It should be noted, however, that the metonym cycle only very roughly corresponds to the present cycle of eclipses, in connection with which the coincidence of the dates of eclipses in 19 years stopped after two repetitions.
A true cycle of eclipses, called Saros, is 18 years 11.3 days and determined that a 223 synodic months (6585.32 days), Sun, Moon and the nodes of the lunar orbit (point of intersection of the visible path of the Moon with the Ecliptic) returns exactly the same position relative to each other.
According to legend, the Babylonian astronomers discovered Saros and were able to predict the eclipse at the beginning of VII century. BC. er. But "careful reading of the clay table shows that before 500 BC. Er. Is they still have not worked. By this time, lunar eclipses have learned to predict based on the fact that the moon can go in only when it is complete and to is located on the ecliptic. " It is believed that the first reliably recorded using knowledge of saros is the prediction of solar eclipse in 585 BC. er. Thales of Miletus, made after observing them a total solar eclipse in 603 BC. er. There are also suggestions that the periods of the eclipses are fairly well known already in the III millennium BC. er. as in ancient China, and Europe. But these assumptions are based on a single fact: In the first case, the mention of an unsuccessful attempt to predict the eclipse of one of the ancient Chinese manuscripts, while the second - on the interpretation of the 56-hole Aubrey at Stonehenge as a computational tool for three consecutive years starting cycle 18.61. Naturally, therefore it should be recognized observed so skeptical about such speculation among archaeologists as well as among many scientists.
Against this background, the identification VE Larichev quantify Saros on maltinskoy plate seems almost fantastic. This is well aware of the author himself: "To appreciate the significance of this fact in the history of science and determine the true status of Paleolithic man of Malta, it is sufficient to note that the establishment of the duration of Saros Chaldean astronomers and priests in the VI century BC, is considered one of the greatest discoveries of antiquity. But so grandiose achievements of the Paleolithic of Siberia astronomer, who for 20 thousand years before the priests of Mesopotamia, the Nile and the Yellow River has established the duration and other calendar and astronomical cycles that define the patterns of the possible occurrence of an eclipse. "
In this respect the conclusions of VE Laricheva coincide with the intuitive insights of the romantics of science that are quite convincingly, but almost unreasonably attempted to prove the antiquity of knowledge about saros and other mysteries of the cosmos. It makes sense to bring one of the most inspirational speech of the kind owned by the author of one of the most original and well-developed numerical interpretation could attempt to ancient sacred texts, AV Zinoviev:
"In all likelihood, sarossky cycle - is the biggest astronomical discovery, which was made back in the prehistoric era. Now, you can only imagine the horror of people covered when there is an eclipse of the moon and the sun ... But in the midst of a mass psychosis were also those who watched carefully movement of light, remember, compare, counting. And so, in the chaos star "suddenly found a strict chain of regularly repeating cycle, which has its beginning - middle - end, there is unbroken numerical rule, the law of constant change. There was a real revolution in attitudes the surrounding world. The element of "horror star" became subservient. opens the possibility to improve the calendars, to develop techniques to predict and then calculate in advance, to accurately predict the time of eclipses. The builders of Stonehenge have based his grand project sarossky cycle as early as the Neolithic era. They knew about saros many peoples inhabiting the vast areas of Western and Eastern Europe, Siberia, Central Asia and the East. In the Americas, the priests of the Mayas and Aztecs built their calendar system, taking into account the cyclicity of Saros.
Who was the discoverer of Saros? How long had to observe and which possess the power of the mind to comprehend, to synthesize particles of the experience of disparate facts and numbers? How high should the significance of the opening of an unknown genius to the attention of saros have become global, well-known priests and magicians, astrologers and the calculator calendars on Earth! "... Whatever it was, but the conjugation of Saros to the esoteric system of numbers Macrocosm ... leads into the impenetrable darkness millennia. Possible to assume that the discovery cycle lunar eclipses was done in 25-30 centuries BC. Knowledge of the structure and number sarosskogo cycle - is the scientific legacy of a vanished Prototsivilizatsii. Maltinskoy value of the plate is first and foremost that it is a unique material evidence of such knowledge.
But VE Larichev does not stop there, and tries to go much further and prove that based on this method of fixing the observational knowledge traditions could be maintained and improved over the lives of many generations. He notes in particular that by itself "does not determine the Saros period repeat of what happened once the eclipse in a particular place on Earth, say in the same area of Malta. It is known that for this ancient Greeks, as well as priests - the astronomers of ancient Egyptian and Sumerian- Babylonian civilizations have used the so-called ekzeligm, or large Saros, representing a threefold repetition of the usual Saros: 57 years of Draconian = 54 tropical years + 33 (or 32) days = 19,755.8 days in fact, a large saros are that the present Saros, which was used Repeat the calculation of eclipses of ancient astronomy, because they are certainly interested in the recurrence of eclipses is not occurring within the entire globe, namely in the place where they made the observation of Heaven. "
So, the most striking finding VE Laricheva a statement on the use of plates for the reference periods in the 486 (just the right amount of holes in total there are all the elements of the plate) of tropical years. This is a huge time span corresponds to an integral number of large saros (9), as well as an integer synodic (6011) and Draconian (6523) months.
"To appreciate the knowledge of Paleolithic man of this great cycle of Malta, close to half of the tropical millennium, in which disparate as close together (because of their fractional) calendar-astronomical quantities tropical year (365.242 days), synodic (29.5306 days) and Draconian (27.2122 days) months, it suffices to recall: the famous 600-year cycle of the mythical biblical patriarchs, famous in the history of astronomy as a great year, "antediluvian era, an outstanding astronomer Jean Dominique Cassini named in the XVIII century, the most beautiful of all cyclic calendar periods Created in ancient times. Particularly easy to use 600-year period, the director of the Paris Astronomical Observatory, saw that the number of days in it (210 146) is an integer, not only solar years, but synodic months (7421) ... The Great Year of the Patriarchs fixed the time of return Sun and Moon at the same point in space where the light is 600 years ago, up to several minutes. The results of the decoding system of signs maltinskoy plates show that the Great Year of Paleolithic man in Siberia duration in 486 years is even more beautiful than the great patriarchs of the year. Maltinsky priest knew the length of the main calendar periods with greater accuracy than the mythical patriarchs of the Middle East and biblical times ... The accuracy of "combining incompatible" with the Paleolithic astronomers Malta exceeds the accuracy of the same mythical patriarchs have almost doubled! Hence, the main astronomical periods were defined by priests maltinskoy culture with the ideal, in fact, accurate, and ninefold pass on years of large Saros allow them to confidently pinpoint the return of the sun and the moon at the same point in space, in which daytime and night-light is almost half a millennium ago. "
The overall conclusion of VE Laricheva maltinskoy on the plate as follows:
"It looks like the elements of an extremely flexible, expertly designed, the combinatorial structure of the calendar system, allowing to reconstruct the chronology, which is used for reckoning time of Paleolithic man. He could, as it turns out, keep track of time, not only from year to year - and a tropical moon, but also for a much longer calendar and astronomical periods, lasting from the very small - 57 or 62 synodic months Draconian (4.6525 tropical year) to the Saros simple, large, and, finally, to the longest - ninefold repeat of the last exit to a unique period duration of the 486 tropical years, in which integers are expressed synodic months and Draconian reckoning time.
Thus, under existing today estimated age maltinskoy plate may be about 15 thousand years. Can computer simulation help to clarify this data? Yes, but only if it is possible to bind any of the plate to the characteristic features of the sky in this period! The very first thing that catches your eye in the computer study, "the star of the situation" over the past 25,000 years, this particular change in the position of Ursa Major about the North Pole in the world. As can be seen from the figures., Until about 17,100 BC constellation of the precession of the Earth's axis is gradually removed from the pole until he took a position almost exactly on a circle with a radius of 60 °. After that, the reverse process and the Big Dipper is close to the pole up until not settle on a similar circle around the pole, but with a radius of only 15 °. Thus, it is the most prominent and well-known constellation of the circumpolar region of the sky only twice in the course of its evolution is "correct" position relative to the pole: at the maximum and minimum distance from it. It is important to note a very remarkable amount of sectors in a bucket Big Dipper: at the greatest distance is exactly 30 °, ie twelfth of the circle, and at the least - about twice as large, ie 60 °. This arrangement of the constellations makes it very convenient for both orientation and for the countdown.
Weighty enough evidence that this fact has not gone unnoticed in the era of maltinskoy culture, can serve as in Fig. 2. rod of mammoth tusk. Rod found in the same cultural layer as a plate with a point pattern, was initially interpreted as simply ornamented artistic product, depicting the tail of an animal or something like that. " However, in the early 90's VE Larichev it was proved that the shape, size and layout sticks are far from random and forced to treat it more like a carefully constructed measurement instrument than simply as a work of art. Particular attention was drawn to the fact that the rod fits exactly 12 times in a circle whose radius is twice the length of the wand. And given the fact that the markup on the baton applied in increments of about half a degree, which corresponds to the apparent angular size of the moon and sun, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion about using the wand for astronomical observations.
Conclusions VE Laricheva can significantly refine and supplement, if you correlate the parameters of the rod with the special situation of the Great Bear around 20 thousand years ago. Figure 2 shows clearly that the shape and size of the wand wonder exactly agree with the location of the bucket relative to the pole Dipper. Rod himself thus can be regarded as a kind of model of the constellation, which reflects not only the specific position and shape of the bucket as a whole, but also the angular size of its individual elements. For example, the length of the wand heads obviously corresponds to the thickness (depth) directly to the bucket. Dimensions as the rod are chosen, in all likelihood, it is thus to provide an accurate measurement of these angular size with distance from the eyes of the rod at arm's length, which is the most natural solution, however, is not unique.
In this connection it is interesting to compare maltinsky wand with other similar age-discovery: so-called "stylized anthropomorphic figures" of Mezeritch (Fig. 2). It must be noted that the significant differences observed in the form of an amazing coincidence proportions of both products with the relative positions of the stars of Ursa Major. In particular this applies to the distance CD, the corresponding bucket handle, and AB, exactly corresponding to the angular distance FE, is 4,5 degrees. This fact suggests that "mezhirichsky wand" can also be viewed as a kind of astronomical measuring instrument, used as a reference ratio "star Bucket." This hypothesis seems quite plausible and natural, especially when you consider that today the angular distances between stars bucket Big Dipper is recommended to use as a reference for basic astronomical observations.
Another feature of the "star of the situation," 20 thousand years ago is a specific arrangement of the North Pole of the world: in this period, he was placed among the stars of the Milky Way, and, closest to its middle part (Fig. 2). This means that the Milky Way, like a giant clock, revolved around a pole, which is not only a grand and impressive sight for the ancient observer, but also greatly simplifies the night countdown. An additional factor facilitating at the same orientation in space and time, is a specific location of the Big Dipper.
In modern conditions the easiest way to quickly find the point of the pole is conceptually drawing a line through the two end stars Dipper (? And?). Then on this line should be postponed five segments that are equal to the distance between? and?. And 20,000 years ago to determine the pole should have been the shortest way to connect with the Milky Way at a star handle Dipper (? - Benetash). The distance from this star to the pole was equal to exactly two measured rod, simulating the Big Dipper.
Another factor that facilitates the orientation in this period is closer to the pole to a distance of no more than a few degrees rather bright star in the constellation Cepheus Alderamin. Situation where the pole position marked a fairly prominent star was in reality not so often. In our time, performs the role of the North Star? Ursa Minor. In this role, it can be used several centuries, as has already occurred, and several centuries before. Another well-known in this role, the star was about five thousand years ago? Dragon, much less bright than the modern Pole, but nevertheless quite noticeable for practical use. Alderamin in brightness is approximately intermediate position between the two aforementioned stars. It is important to note that the periods when the world gets its axis visible embodiment in the form of a well-visible stars, are quite rare and relatively short duration. But from these periods were associated most significant change in civilization: this is a modern scientific and technological revolution, whose origins are rooted in the Age of Discovery, and the period of the great civilizations of ancient Egypt, Sumer and Tripoli, which began about 5 thousand years ago . It is possible that these coincidences are not accidental, and even the slightest improvement of conditions for orientation and navigation could somehow revive the development of civilizations. In this case, by analogy with the well-known definition of Karl Jaspers, we have every right to call such periods as a kind of axial age. And just such an axial time may be assigned interest to us, a period of about 20 thousand years ago.
Thus, the background Maltinskoy culture was a unique situation in the starry sky, caused by the coincidence of a number of notable features in the dynamics of the circumpolar region of the sky. Could this somehow have a real impact on the intellectual processes in a primitive society? Quite! Formation due to the precession of the unique dynamics of ordering in the sky could not fail to attract the attention of the ancient observer, and thus give an impetus to seek a similar order in the surrounding reality.
About how it could really happen, can give an idea of very recent example of our past. The so-called "problem of unidentified flying objects (UFO)" is pretty noticeable phenomenon of modern intellectual life, gave birth to thousands of books and newspaper articles, most often claiming to sensationalism and always attracted the attention of many millions of readers around the world. Note, however, point out to what started this unusual burst of attention to the UFO. That's how he explains it is one of the experts on this issue: "A special place in the expansion of interest in UFOs has uploaded October 4, 1957. On this day in the Soviet Union launched the first artificial Earth satellite. This event led to the fact that people en masse they looked in the sky. Naturally, they looked to the sky before. Now, trying to see flying among the stars shining star, many have discovered the sky with many stars and planets in all its glory, opened a new world for themselves, which existed before, but see and know that everything was too busy. Increased attention to the starry sky has led to the fact that ... the number of observed UFOs dramatically increased, interest has adopted a mass scale. "
Similarly, 20 thousand years ago, the initial increasing interest to the starry sky could be caused by any one of the three above-mentioned features of the star of the situation "at that time. Most likely the underlying reason for increased attention to the polar region of the sky could be the occurrence of the precession of the pole of peace in the region of the Milky Way, which started in parallel with the last global cooling about 25-thousand years ago. Then the increase in interest could be stimulated by the approach to the pole star? Cep. Maximum approximation took place about 18,200 BC (Fig. 2). The next event of "high interest" could be the maximum distance Dipper Big Dipper from the pole of the world and its precise placement on the circumpolar circle with a radius of 60 °, which dates back to around 17,100 BC It is these dates may provide support for the "star commits" age maltinskoy plate. But for this it is desirable to identify any direct connection plate with the constellation Ursa Major.
Stellar sources of the "golden section"
Analyzing the Paleolithic astral pictures, BA Frolov saw in them a convincing proof of a famous general of modern anthropology that the fundamental properties of the physiology and psychology of modern man have remained basically the same as they were, and in all previous periods of history, modern humans, from the Upper Paleolithic.
In particular, they talked about that, "a series of rectangular shapes in the art of the Paleolithic has a ratio of 1: 0.62 - ie, the ratio is the same as that experimentally established the basic psychophysical law (the Weber - Fechner) threshold ratio in the perception. In the caves of Lascaux and Pasega such rectangles are placed next to the figure of a deer and horses, as though expressing the same idea as the buckle in Malta the same proportions with ornamental solar calendar ... Even if these solar-zoological association with the rectangles were random coincidences, even in this case there are graphical fixing people at opposite ends of the Eurasian ecumene Paleolithic art of the fundamental properties of the human psyche - the threshold of perception. The development of this aspect of primitive art in the culture of the ancient world and the subsequent periods due to the proportion of the "golden section" ("Divine Proportion" ). "
However, this explanation is something irrational and mystical forces us to assume the action of some unknown force, coerce them from all possible forms and proportions choose to completely obscure reasons, some well-defined shapes.
It is advisable to try to find a more natural explanations for this phenomenon, for which we must assume the existence of a natural sample, long-term imitation of which could be possible in very remote areas of the earth's surface. Perfect example of this kind could be patterns of the starry sky.
In maltinskoy plate noteworthy specific irregularity of its shape. It looks a bit strange against the background of very careful placement of point patterns and a very strict observance of the proportions of the "golden section" in the aspect ratio of the plate. Why, instead of the correct rectangle unknown creator of the plate rather give it a shape reminiscent of a trapezoid is not quite right? Coincidence? Or irregular shape has a very definite sense?
To answer these questions, it is enough to compare the form of a plate with an arrangement of stars Dipper Big Dipper. The similarities are striking, and leaves no doubt that the desired pattern was interposition of precisely these four stars! Moreover, this fact allows us to combine into a single tool set as a plate, and discussed above maltinsky rod. The fact that the baton is also fixed proportion of the "golden section" has been noted, VE Larichev. In addition, we can assume that in this case as a prototype of the "golden section" proportions were used the Big Dipper or, more precisely, the ratio of directly Dipper to the length of its handle. Having a common natural prototype, plate and rod were probably meant for sharing in the process of observing the stars. For example, if the rod could be used mainly for measuring angular distances, the plate except for computing functions could also serve as a sort of protractor, allowing to determine the slope of the Dipper to the horizon line. To this end, it was enough to reinforce the hole plate a plumb and align the plate with the Stars scoop.
Based on the above can be made two important conclusions:
Firstly, in maltinskoy plate, we can see one of the earliest examples of manifestations astromorfizma, ie conscious imitation of the forms and proportions of star patterns. This phenomenon is somehow manifested itself throughout the history of human civilization and its influence on the development of a culture still insufficiently appreciated and studied. One of the consequences of conscious astromorfizma for thousands of years of development of modern man has become the preference of certain shapes and proportions have on the subconscious level. In other words, there is, apparently, a kind of "star imprinting", ie "Starry zapechetlevanie" when the most attention-grabbing constellations begin to influence the preferences of the individual is on a subconscious level.
Secondly, the shape of the plate maltinskoy quite clearly associates it with a bucket Big Dipper. In this regard, for dating the plate can be used to update the data, ie increasing pragmatic significance of the corresponding constellations. This gives grounds to date the plate by about 17,100 BC, that is basically consistent with existing datings maltinskoy not only culture, but it and similar cultures of Eastern Europe.
An ancient instrument
First thought about the possibility of using maltinskoy plate as an astronomical instrument was expressed VE Larichev: "Apparently, that is called by archaeologists badge, represents in fact stand for the gnomon, which was fixed in the through hole. In this case, the concave- convex plate with an exact calculation deposited on the surface of spiral disks could serve as a dial to measure the time during daylight hours and to measure the length of shadows at noon, which allowed the exact times of solstices and equinoxes, as well as directions to the cardinal. Touching the edge of the shadow of the gnomon specific hole and the spiral coil made it possible to determine how an hour of observation, and his day in the annual cycle of tropical ... All this means that maltinskaya plate, perhaps the oldest in the cultural history of mankind a universal complex astronomical instruments with which palaeolithic man was able to follow over time at the expense of its on the moon and sun, and, apparently, the stars, caught the changing seasons, watching the movements of the planets, the determining factor when the expected eclipse. "
Now it becomes clear that the hard work spent primitive man to create this device can be justified only the daunting task set before them life itself.
Model of the Universe?
Thus, previous studies have quite clearly show that maltinskaya plate is a versatile, well thought-out tool whose main function is to fix the results of long-term observations with a view to their further use. Moreover, the information recorded on the plate represents not just a collection of some knowledge, but is an excellent example of systematization of knowledge. In fact, all modern criteria, in this case it is appropriate to such a definition as "a computational model, where the model is extremely visual and easy to use.
VE Larichev, in particular, concludes that "maltinskaya plate, apparently, was a model of the universe. This" art object "- the forerunner and flattened version of the famous sphere of Archimedes. Bulk structure of the world of Paleolithic man, as he was re-established them in the product of mammoth tusk, were convex upper and concave lower surface of it, spatially confined to a rectangle with rounded corners. 3nakovaya system of holes on the convex surface expressed Geometrized numbers idea tailbiting time and had planned a circular path of the sun, moon and planets. They just subscribed and cosmopolitan figures of mythological beings that created all life on earth, and above all the universe, which they themselves had symbolized as a "living organism" in Heraclitus. There are, zooantropomorfnye in appearance, could be shaped reflection of the sky or upper world. Twisting their serpentine bodies were "reduced to the rotation," the world of Stone Age people, when they exercise their right mind, "the super stars of heaven" long before Archimedes and his great predecessors. concave side of the plate with carved images of the three cobras in this case presents a picture of the Underworld, the Underworld, and the zigzag contours of the snakes - graphic record of lunar cycles associated with eclipses. " True, this raises a number of issues, convincing answers to which no one has VE Laricheva nor other researchers have not:
Firstly, why the old man, "a whirlwind of serpentine bodies were supposed to symbolize not only the lower world, quite naturally, but also the top? I must admit that a sufficient basis for "snake interpretations of" patterns of the convex part of the plate no. The upper part of the plate on a plan of the founders was to reflect and symbolize the orderly and computable Space. In the absolute majority of the same myth, snakes, dragons, etc. The creatures are once again a symbol of Chaos, confronts the cosmic order. In extreme cases, they may be from only the lower part of an orderly world, but not just him! Are there any more convincing interpretation of complex patterns of spiral plate, in good agreement with all the diversity of both symbolic and mythological heritage of human culture?
Secondly, how can we explain the perfection of the real structures and patterns of the plate high (even by modern standards!) Level of knowledge of the creators of the plate (up to the mutual agreement of planetary cycles and the ability to calculate an eclipse!) Against traditional notions about the intellectual development of man in the Palaeolithic and its capabilities perform calculations and record knowledge? Are there any transitional forms, and analogues maltinskoy plates, which would indicate a gradual, evolutionary nature of the accumulation and systematization of the knowledge?
Third, how can one explain the strange fact that, in the fiercest struggle for survival (let's not forget about the ice age in this era) intelligence efforts were directed at solving these complex, but quite abstract on the background of everyday needs, problems like the computation laws of motion of celestial bodies? Could this be solved in a much more pressing for an ancient society of the problem?
Middle world (3emlya) as missing in the structures of the product. But it is clearly expressed in the plate itself from a mammoth tusk. In this context, the curvature of the plate - not whether it reflects the actual degree of curvature of the earth's surface that would lead to further evidence of awareness of Paleolithic man sphericity 3emli. The beginning of this convex-concave rectangular perimeter of the world should be clearly attributed to "empty space" through hole. With him originated the universe, with him also starts the countdown and the unwinding of the central helix. If this was a moment of complete solar or lunar eclipse, that state could be evaluated as timeless - a period of domination of Chaos, gaping sidedness in the bottomless black hole, gaping mouth ready to devour all life unknown monster, the embodiment of the abyss of nothingness, "working parties" of the Sun or Moon according to the mythological notions, - face the most terrible hell. Similar paintings depict early Greek myths, which describes the state of the universe before the appearance of an orderly world - the cosmos.
The world tree!
In most publications, including a V.E Laricheva, the convex side of the plate depicted in such a way that the S-shaped figure are at the bottom part of it. In this case, other elements are perceived as "hanging" from the top of the plate. If, however, flip the image, then these figures begin to be perceived as a "rising" from the bottom. This perception of the spirals is consistent with the traditional spiral elements of different plant ornaments. The entire composition as a whole becomes more natural and become "landscape" character with vegetation at the bottom. In other words, the cosmic spiral plate in this case associated with plants. And if so, then is not whether the dotted pattern of a prototype of the "world tree" world mythology?
It should be borne in mind that although modern man with the notion of "tree" and is usually associated 'something tree and branching in world mythology is not necessarily so. "World Tree" often could, for example, is identified with a column or pillar. In Christian phraseology, in particular, the equivalent of the formula "the tree of life-giving" and "life-giving pillar". But in the ornamental compositions, any vegetation, often accompanied by any spiral-shaped elements. But ornament not only the most ancient, but the most common form of fine art, much less affected by changes in other species.
Also, keep in mind that as the image of the world tree should be considered not only and not so much "growing" the helix (especially central), but the entire composition as a whole. At the same time play an important role as an S-shaped elements, symbolizing, as will be shown later, birds, and zmeeobraznaya wavy line at the bottom of the plate. It is these attributes are among the most characteristic features of the mythological world of the tree:
"In the hymns of the Rig Veda and the Edda snake lives between the roots of a tree, going off into the unknown depths, it is the top of their leaves in the sky, represented by the fowl. In one of the oldest monuments of verbal creativity, the Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh, about the tree reads:" In its roots the snake that does not know the curse, nest arranged in its interior bird Imdugud chick brought in its trunk maid Lilith built a house. "The image of a tree with a snake under it and the bird in its branches is known in Russian folklore. The image of the cosmic tree - Human myth. Mesolithic known image of a tree with roots and with a snake, I think, that this is known from ancient myths and legends of the world tree, the roots of which live snakes. "
"The Double Helix. This figure is known on all continents. Because of its elemental nature can not exclude the possibility that it is in some cases there is convergent. But we must take into account the following circumstance. There are lots of different kinds of graphic tracings. Meanwhile, only a few, and everywhere one and the same graphemes were revered symbols. Among them are S-shaped figure, which among different peoples and at different times is treated as full of meaning and significance of the sign. In this case the Indians of America, he found relatively rare among the natives of Africa and Australia is extremely rare, in much of Asia appears, usually in the ornamental compositions that have no semantic content, but in Europe and Asia Minor examples of this grapheme set, and very often the nature of its shapes and location suggests that it was conceived specifically as ideogram, and not as an ornamental motif. "
"S-shaped (or Z-shaped) figure is a schematic picture of a bird. Many of the stylized images of birds indicate the validity of this statement. It is noteworthy that in the ancient, Sumerian pictographic writing (ie, even in doindoevropeyskoe time) Z-shaped sign means "bird." In many ancient images we see a string of waterfowl and are similar to these figures the chain of S-shaped or Z-shaped characters. The origin of these signs of a stylized bird confirmed some features of their faces on old drawings ... Some of the ancient (relating back to the Neolithic) images of S-or Z-shaped signs are located above the figures of people, animals, mountains, symbolizing a bird in the sky. These compositions, repeated in different nations (in the strip from Egypt to Turkmenistan), could not constitute a genre scenes, image of the scene, because they contain the same few elements. These elements are horned animals and birds. The first symbolized earth and the birds symbolize the sky. "
From simple to complex
The weakest link in the argument VE Laricheva is too stark a contrast between existing ideas about the intellectual level of the era and the relatively high complexity of the structural and algorithmic organization of patterns plate. Moreover, far from clear how it formed such numerical relationships and it is these patterns. After all, in order to reach a very high level of systematization and harmonization of cycles and to achieve remarkable harmony of form with content, you need a long, over many generations, the evolutionary process of observations and inspections, accompanied by numerous "working notes".
If we talk about small numeric values that are comparable, for example, the number of fingers, there is the problem of "working notes" can be regarded as already solved. In 60-ies in the Department of Archaeology Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy, Siberian Branch of USSR Academy of Sciences, BA Frolov has been studied a lot of geometric patterns of Siberian and European paleolithic sites. Particular attention was paid to the principles of numerical grouping of different visual elements without taking into account specific features of their faces and forms of products. It turned out that in the first place, much "breaking away" from other figures, are four numbers: 5, 7, 10 and 14.
Such a combination, in particular, often used the inhabitants of Malta and Buret, Krasny Yar, Afontovo mountains and other Siberian sites, when grouped their ornamental compositions.
Feature the same maltinskoy plate is that the value of its "characteristic numbers" although they are related to the above values, but as a rule, much of their outreach. One such characteristic values of a number of 121 + / -1. That it can be considered one of the main modules of the plate number that determines the overall composition of the pattern: it corresponds to a half of the total number of points of the central helix, and the number of points in the peripheral patterns of left and right sides.
This value corresponds to the number of days in one-third of the year and played, apparently, one of the most important roles in ancient observational astronomy. About this may, for example, indicate trehsezonnost ancient calendars. In Egyptian mythology, in particular, the emergence of the calendar reads: "Once the world was created ... the god Thoth, the lord of time, divided the year into three parts and each of them gave the name: the season of high water season, seedlings and harvest season. So there times of the year. "
Ternary fission, it was in ancient Slavic calendar in which there was no fall, as a separate time of the year. Researchers at the pre-Christian Slavic mythology note that "this three-phase division existed for the longest time. Autumn as a separate entity one-year terms appeared relatively late under the influence of the Christianization of ...." In this regard, note the well-known carved mammoth tusk from Gontsov (Ukraine), described in detail by J. Hawkins in his book "In addition to Stonehenge, which discusses all the masterpieces astroarheologii commensurate to his view of its importance to the famous megalithic Britain. In particular he writes that "a bone of Gontsov (15000-10000 years. BC. AD). ... - This is the limit of penetration in the archaic layers of the subconscious. Astroarheologiya forced to restrict this meager bone carving and mysterious characters in caves among the petroglyphs . Speaking and thinking are nezapechatlennymi, out of reach. " You can no longer accept Dzh.Hokinsom and suggest that, if we consider the carved bone from Gontsov in connection with maltinskoy plate as different stages of a learning process, we can partially reconstruct the thought of ancient man. We can assume that Gonta was found one of those "working notes", which already demonstrates the perfect trehsezone, as the number of strokes on bone corresponds exactly four months, ie approximately 120 days. Given the well-defined symmetrical arrangement of the strokes, we can also assume that cutting them was not done during a single observation, but for regular use as a calendar to count down days, weeks, months and seasons. We must assume that something similar was preceded in Siberia and maltinskoy plate. In any case, it is the presence of such relatively simple "work record" could well ease the transition to the formation of a very complex system of interlocking cycles presented in maltinskih patterns.
Extremely important for the reconstruction of the "natural way" of forming such a complex computer models still in the Palaeolithic, is also revealing in it, and other basic computing modules.
To do this, pay attention primarily on the shape of a crescent-shaped at the bottom of the plate. More VE Larichev indicated that the number of wells in this figure (14) can use it to track the phases of the moon on that, actually, directly and specifies its shape. Not entirely clear, however, remains the reason it remains such a grouping (10 and 4) holes. Is it only to simulate the crescent-shaped identified the marks? Or for that of the creators of the plate were more compelling reasons? The analysis showed that uniquely occurred just recently! As shown below, in the section on "the tree of life," primarily due to the cyclic processes occurring in the female body is almost in sync with lunar cycles.
But you can specify one more opportunity to use just such a grouping of holes. In accordance with the hypothesis VE Laricheva all peripheral pattern plate used for a rather complicated process of tracking planetary cycles. We have to admit is highly unlikely the formation of such a complex system of readings at once, without any intermediate versions more easily track the position of the planets. Naturally, the more simple options assumed and less accurate. And the first thing in this regard should be taken is to try to find such numerical values that are consistent with only one or maximum two planetary cycles.
The most amazing thing is that not only detects these correspondences for Mercury and Venus, but again there is a striking correspondence of form and content. It's about what 4 domestic wells crescent can be associated with the 4 th synodic lunar month, which only a small error correspond to the synodic period of Mercury, constituting 115.9 days:
4 * 29.5 = 116.
A 10-hole outer crescent with a similar countdown correspond roughly half of the synodic period of Venus, constituting 292 days (this period corresponds to the changing phases of the planet when it is observed in the sky is like the morning, then as the evening star):
10 * 29.5 = 295.
It should be noted that an appropriate amendment to Venus in this case, simply ensure that the addition of one day after each complete cycle of Mercury. In most cases, this accuracy is quite acceptable for tracking the position of planets, and one must assume that it is this version of the tracking of Venus and Mercury were the original and primary. A variant proposed Larichev, if used, then only in exceptional cases and at a fairly late stage of formation of Computational Structures "world tree".
In all likelihood, this is true also for other peripheral patterns maltinskoy plate. But convincing enough, this assertion is only if the corresponding figures will be identified and a simple computing function. In this connection we must recall that the left side of the plate matches moon, and the right - the solar year. If you try to find the corresponding approximate numerical counterparts for each of the 4-field coils, we can obtain quite satisfactory, and a similar result:
right upper helix: 61 = 1 / 6 of the solar year, right lower helix: 45 1 / 8 of the solar year, the left upper helix: 54 = 2 lunar months Draconian (27,2 * 2), left lower helix: 58 = 2 lunar synodic months (29,5 * 2).
In general, obtained a very slim and easy to organize and use the system in which each element has its own right and could be formed independently of the others, being only in the later stages of its evolution into a single integrated structure "world tree" maltinskoy plate.
End of citation (there is also in English)
Larichev VE Dracontic Calendar Stone Age in Siberia. Maltese rod. Part 1. Formulation of the problem. Perceptions of the rod, and it `ornaments'. Preprint, Novosibirsk 1990. 39s
AY Anoprienko conducted a thorough study of the likely monokodovyh computational models of Paleolithic counterparts Gontsov (at PoltavaГонцы_ (Lubenskiy_rayon) and Malta
Scientific works of Donetsk State Technical University. Issue 15. A series of informatics, cybernetics and computer science (IKVT-2000). - Donetsk: Donetsk State Technical University. - 2000. - S. 36-47.
Anoprienko AY
Loosely structured monomodeli
Loosely structured monomodeli
Fig. 1 - Calendar of Gontsov (source)
Widely known as a "calendar of Gontsov" fragment treated with mammoth bones in the chaff, owned srednedneprovskoy Culture Upper Palaeolithic [31, c. 246] and dating from approximately 15 th millennium BC described in detail by J. Hawkins in his book "In addition to Stonehenge, which discusses all the masterpieces astroarheologii commensurate to his view of its importance to the famous megalithic Britain. In particular he writes that "a bone of Gontsov ... - this is the limit of penetration in the archaic layers of the subconscious. Astroarheologiya forced to restrict this meager bone carving and mysterious characters in caves among the petroglyphs." [35, c. 196]
Hypothesis A1 (4): The so-called "Calendar of Gontsov" is one of the earliest examples of semistructured monokodovoy monomodeli for lunar calendar calculations, being not merely a consequence of single sign-on phases of the moon, but a means of regular monitoring of the 7-day weeks and 120-day "season", used for timing in the whole several ancient cultures, including in ancient Egyptian, drevnekritskoy, Etruscan, ancient Slavic and others.
Fig. 2 - Drevneyamnaya plate (the source)
Another typical example monokodovoy monomodeli, but not designed for tracking space, and biological cycles, we can probably assume shown in Fig. 2 specific artifact drevneyamnoy culture, localized in the IV - III t Ys. BC mainly in the area between the Dnieper and Don [31, c. 67]. Earlier this plate intepretirovalas solely as a decorative element. But the characteristic convex shape, location, and the total number of labels (265) suggest that this plate is used to solve very specific urgent task, namely to oslezhivaniya and forecasting processes that are associated with x s birth.
Hypothesis 2 (3): Drevneyamnaya plate has a character monokodovoy computing model, designed to count the 9 lunar months (265 days), constituting an average period between conception and birth.
Essentially structured minimodeli:
computer prototype "world tree"
The most striking and so far unprecedented example superstrukturirovannoy integrated VCR is called maltinskaya plate (Fig. 3), discovered in 1929 near the village of Malta in the Baikal region and belonging to about the same chronological stage, as described above kadendar of the messenger. Maltinskaya plate was widely known and its description is available in many fundamental publications on the history and archeology of the Paleolithic (see, eg, [47]), in this case, however, the dot pattern on it was considered mainly as an ornamental. The most thorough and persuasive attempt to reconstruct the sign of the plate was carried VE Larichev [18-20]. The main results obtained them boil down to identifying opportunities to use the plate for a complement s the following calendar calculations:
the solar year: 243 +62 +45 +14 = 365 days;
lunar year: 243 +57 +54 = 354 days;
four-year cycle: (242 +63 +45 +14 +11 +54 +58) x 3 = 365,24 x 4 = 1,461 per day;
sidereal form of Saros (cycle of eclipses):
242 x 27,21 = 6585,35 days = 18.61 solar sidereal years = 19 years;
synodic form Saros: (54 +57 +63 +45 +4) x 29,53 = 6585,35 days;
synodic cycles of planets:
Venus: (54 +11 +14 +45) x 29, 53 = 5, 0 cycles;
Mars: (62 +57) x 29, 53 = 4, 5 cycles;
Jupiter: (63 +45) x 29, 53 = 8, 0 cycles;
Saturn: (57 +54 +11) x 29, 53 = 9, 5 cycles.
Fig. 3 - Model structure maltinskoy plates (source)
It should be noted that the sensationalism of these results back in a proper degree not appreciated by the scientific community. The main reasons for this are the following:
First, too much disparity between the traditional views about the level of knowledge in the Paleolithic era and the results obtained, which requires either wary of the results of VE Laricheva or substantially revise the history of mankind in general and cognitive evolution in particular (the first, of course, easier).
Secondly, the emergence of such a complex computer model without sufficient long period of accumulation of knowledge, create intermediate shapes and simplified means of fixing the knowledge contained in it is almost impossible. VE Larichev considering options such evolution due attention is not paid.
Third, in the case of the plate for the above calendar calculations of the relevance of its creation to the Paleolithic society seems to be rather low, at least not justify the enormous effort that must have been spent on creating such a complex in structural and algorithmic sense in conditions of society in the early stages of cognitive evolution.
Partially address these problems have contributed to the study BA Frolov, who first linked some numerical characteristics of the plate with the cycles of reproduction of the human collective and the reproduction of game animals, needed to sustain it [33, c. 53]. However, the hypothesis that BA Frolova not be sufficient to explain the structure and form-building features of the plate, and align it extraordinary for its time, algorithmic complexity, with the general course of cognitive evolution.
Studies conducted by the author of this article [43], including those based on the use described in [2] methods, have allowed, in addition to earlier results in the s to reveal the following:
First, the model system of the plate could be used not only for the rather complex and ultra-precise "calculation, reconstructed VE Larichev, but also for a much more simple calendar calculation:
1 / 6 of the solar year: 61 days;
1 / 8 of the solar year: 45 days;
Double sidereal lunar month: 54 days;
Double synodic lunar month: 58 days;
synodic cycle of Mercury (4 internal element of "14"): 4 x 29.5 = 116 days;
synodic cycle of Venus (10 outer elements of the group "14"): 10 x 29.5 x 2 = 590 days.
In this case, we can assume that in the process of forming the model structure of the plate these calculations were the primary and inherited from the earlier monomodeley.
Fig. 4 - Algorithm for calculating the reproductive cycle (source)
Secondly, the central composite plate is almost perfectly suited for the complex calculations associated with the human reproductive cycle, including the tracking of monthly 28-day cycles by using the "14" (Fig. 4). In the case of confident sign of conception (absence of characteristic signs complete the monthly cycle), the countdown switched to a large spiral, reminiscent of the mythological symbolic "tree of life." It should also bear in mind the nature of a convex plate, metaphorically symbolizes the growth of the fetus to the "tree of life", and having a central hole, symbolizing the time of birth. In other words, the model system of the plate allows one to securely and easily manage and predict the birth rate! But this problem can be considered as relevant for a very limited resource of ancient society. In this connection, we can assume an extremely high value of such equipment and its pervasiveness in the preliterate era, including in the form of simplified analogues of the type described above drevneyamnoy plate.
Thirdly, the cognitive significance of such a complex model, as Maltinskaya plate can be compared, for example, with the importance of the periodic table of elements for modern chemistry. Naturally it is expected that the period of intensive use of such techniques could not help but leave a deep mark in other areas of intellectual history, primarily in the mythology. VE Larichev saw in the patterns of the plate only the image of H ebesnogo dragon, swallows the sun during eclipses [19]. However, it should assume a much more rich mythological heritage of this toolkit. First of all, we should pay attention to the oddly intertwined such ubiquitous mythological concepts as "the tree of life", "world tree" and "Tree of Knowledge." Without special exaggeration to say that all the currently available hypotheses on this subject in varying degrees, affected primitivism and unsubstantiated (see, eg, [41]). However, if we assume that the primary basis for the formation of such mythological concepts were such computational models as Maltinskaya plate, where a single algorithmic complex harmonically linked cycles of cosmic and human, then everything falls into place.
Fig. 5 - Developing the image of "the tree of life": a - maltinskaya plate (computer prototype), b - the old Russian calendar embroidered [12], c - Ukrainian (y Rybakov lot and Russian counterparts) embroidery [11].
In addition, can be traced and other amazing mythological parallels. For example, in "14", to track the reproductive cycle, the outer edge of the 10 points ties a period of fruitless contacts with tracking on the same arc of the planet Venus, which in world mythology stably associated with the symbol of carnal love in general and the orgiastic cults in particular [21].
Перевод: русский > английский
Fig. 5 - Developing the image of "the tree of life": a - maltinskaya plate (computer prototype), b - the old Russian calendar embroidered [12], c - Ukrainian (y Rybakov lot and Russian counterparts) embroidery [11].
In addition, can be traced and other amazing mythological parallels. For example, in "14", to track the reproductive cycle, the outer edge of the 10 points ties a period of fruitless contacts with tracking on the same arc of the planet Venus, which in world mythology stably associated with the symbol of carnal love in general and the orgiastic cults in particular [21]. A domestic four points corresponding to the period of possible conception, are simultaneously tracking cycles of Mercury, the most common of which is the mythological image Hermes - "eternal child", symbolizing the life force, "feeling about the future development", "god-father of [21, c. 22], the original symbol, which entered into all future "[21, c. 35]. We also can not fail to note the very moment that the entwined serpents magical caduceus of Hermes most often associated with wisdom and the world tree [21, c. 25].
Fourth, among other structural analogues maltinskoy plate can be regarded as old Russian embroidered calendars [12, 30, p.85], keeping the computing function and the widespread image of the tree of life on Ukrainian embroidery [11] (Fig. 5). At the same time as the most characteristic features of the composition, you can specify the symmetric spiral patterns in the lower part and the characters of birds (originally as a spiral) at the top. It should also be taken into account and the withdrawal of academic Rybakov, made them in a study of images of so-called rozhanits having, apparently, as the primary prototype of the same complex computational model of the type Maltinskoy plate: "wordless language of folk art was more retentive than the language of folklore, and told almost to this day those representations that arose from primitive hunters ... .
Hypothesis A3 (5) [43]: Maltinskaya plate is one of the earliest examples superstrukturirovannoy monokodovoy computing model, synthesizing complex monokodovyh algorithms for calendar calculations of different complexity and different orientation - primarily solar-lunar and bioreproduktivnyh. Moreover, in contrast to the hypothesis VE Laricheva, it is assumed that the simplest bioreproduktivnye and solar-lunar calculations were primary in the formation of this model, and complex planetary calculations revealed VE Larichev were integrated into the model at a relatively late stage its development.
Hypothesis K3 (4) [43]: The prototypes of the most ancient and widespread mifoobrazov and archetypes are specific types of intellectual artifacts monokodovyh computational models, which have played a significant role in the intellectual evolution of society and have been widely spread and sustained by the fact that an extremely effective tool for its time solutions to certain pressing problems, the relevance of which had historical or evolutionary conditioning. One of the most ancient and important prototype of such a model monokodovaya maltinskoy plate, an algorithmic system which was a source of ubiquitous complex mythological ideas about the World Tree, the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge.
Essentially structured macromodel: mazes
If minimodeli intended primarily for individual use, the macro model created for public use, like a city at the Town Hall clock tower. As a typical example of such computing macromodels can lead northern labyrinths. Historian of science DO Svyatskiy in the early twentieth century, suggested that they are nothing more than a "coded projection of the sun walks in the polar sky" [10, c. 145]. However, to date, the author does not know s any specific research calendar and / or modeling purposes northern labyrinths. At the same time, there are many signs monokodovyh models, and confirmed that the subsequent analysis.
Similarly minimodelyam discussed above, in this case also highlights the numerical relations between certain characteristic patterns of labyrinths White Sea with sun (Fig. 6) and moon (Fig. 7) cycles. In particular, in Fig. 6 is a "sunny" maze, which has a characteristic orientation and three monokodovyh element, the numerical values of which allow you to track a 360-day year (181 179), typical of many ancient civilizations, and 8 seasons (months) for 45 days. Or, more accurately, 2 to 4 half of the season.
Fig. 6 - North "sunny" maze: a - general view; b - elements of the "181" and "179" for counting a 360-day year, with - an element of "45" for reference seasons (months). (Source)
Fig. 7 - North "moon" the labyrinth: a - general view; b - element "355" to count the lunar year, with - an element of "237" for reference 8 synodic months. (Source)
A similar "moon" maze, oriented strictly to the north, allows you to track on the "carousel" principle, by using the "355" lunar year, and by using the "237" - 8 synodic (as defined by phases of the moon) lunar months, similar to 8 sunny seasons (months), discussed above.
Hypothesis A4 (4): At least some of the northern labyrinths have the character monokodovyh computational models and used for different calendar calculations. A more detailed and focused study of structural and numerical characteristics of these mazes will probably not only to clarify this assumption, but also to identify new settlement schemes and elements of the model system of such artifacts.
Scale model monokodovye
The long period of accumulation and use of knowledge in the form described above monokodovyh models indicate a high level of algorithmic thinking already in the Paleolithic era, suggesting the possibility of calculating the beginning of the Late Neolithic basic dimensional parameters of the Earth, the Sun and orbits 3 closest to the Sun, planets, including the Earth. In any case, the traditional attribution of these achievements for the period not earlier than the Hellenistic era of good reasons apart from a certain set of textual sources, it does not. Vulnerability reliance solely on the textual sources beautifully demonstrated in G. Nosovsky and Fomenko (see, eg, [26]). If you talk about the cognitive condition of the calculations and the required accuracy at the same time, related primarily to the development of appropriate tools, we must admit that in the Hellenistic age the likelihood of achieving such knowledge was significantly lower than in the era of the creation of megaliths oriented astronomical observations .
One of the tangible evidence of early achievement of such knowledge are some specific features artifacts such as Stonehenge. Stonehenge by a keen interest in him many researchers, and especially J. Hawkins [35, 36] have made much change traditional ideas about intellectual achievements of the Neolithic. When comparing the structural features of this megalith with a similar in structure but much less well-known building in southern Romania, on the former site of the capital of Dacia (Fig. 8 b [42, c. 84]), striking a striking similarity of sizes and shapes of circles. A more detailed analysis suggests that both structures are scale models (1:10 billion) solar system, and more precisely the orbits of Earth, Venus and Mercury. Moreover, the characteristic horseshoe shape of the inner element corresponding to Mercury, is a reflection of the fact that the pronounced ellipticity of its orbit. But the most important thing is. that the quantitative characteristics of each of the three monokodovyh elements of these models makes it easy to track the orbital period of the planets and to harmonize them with real observations! Particularly well exemplified in the Dacian complex, whose orientation on the winter solstice point suggests that the origin was considered just this moment.
Fig. 8 - Stonehenge II (a) and Dacian complex (b) - large-scale planetarium. (Source)
Indirectly on the early knowledge of the true size of the Earth and planetary orbits may be evidence and other facts. Such as the desire for a certain scale of conformity in the most important sacred buildings. If e is the height of approximately 64 meters corresponds to the radius of the Earth RE scale 1:100 thousand, and it is to this altitude tend many famous historical buildings, among them the ancient Egyptian pyramid of Djoser, and Menkaure, the Byzantine Hagia Sophia, St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Cathedral of Notre-Dame (Fig. 9 e - h), the Church of the Ascension in Kolomna, Angkor Wat in Cambodia and other peculiar variation on this theme is the Borobudur temple ensemble on the island of Java, which has a hemispherical shape with a diameter 128 m A as scale models of Earth's orbit can be considered not only the above-mentioned structure with a diameter of 30 meters, but also, for example, almost a modern Stonehenge 300-meter in diameter Uindmillhill complex (Fig. 9a, [42, sec. 30]). Just a few centuries and is the time interval between the completion of Dacian complex and the construction of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople (Fig. 9 f, d), which has a 30-meter diameter dome and stable associate contemporaries (and beyond) with the model of the universe [ 7].
Hypothesis K4 (4): Large-scale monokodovye model from the Neolithic period to the beginning of our era is the most effective means of accumulation and refinement of reliable knowledge about the solar system, its extent and dynamics. Traces of this kind of knowledge and the existence of a long tradition of webcasts from generation to generation, MB found in many plants of the sacred character. Rejection of a fairly wide use of such models in the future (in the period, such as Hellenism and the Middle Ages) gives rise to a much more complicated and unreliable models of the cosmos.
Fig. 9 - Large-scale model: a - Uindminhill, b - Stonehenge II, c - Dacian complex, d - the dome of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul (D ES - model of the Earth's orbit s?), E - Pyramid of Menkaure, f - Hagia Sophia (Istanbul) g - St. Basil's Cathedral (Moscow), h - Notre Dame (Paris).
Scale megamodeli based on hierarchical monokoda
One of the most advanced forms of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic monokoda was recording system of integers, which essentially can be defined as a hierarchical decimal monokod. In this case, the vertical bar is used to represent values from 1 to 9, special icons indicate tens and the spiral, for example, used for hundreds of images (which may have had its origin from a spiral monokoda like the one on the pit plate, which is just more often and used to work with the values of the order of hundreds). In this case, the specific placement of signs did not affect the reprezentuemoe their numerical value, in contrast to, for example, from a later Roman system of numbering. Hierarchical coding is an important step towards the positional number system and helps overcome the principal contradiction monokoda: the inability to work with the numerical values outside of a few hundred. In fact, ancient Egyptian decimal monokod was the first breakthrough to infinity, which found clear expression in the approaches to the creation of cognitive models of the world
The most prominent monument as ancient Egypt, and all of the ancient world is gizehsky complex of pyramids, including the Pyramid of Cheops, which until the construction in the late XIX century E yfelevoy Tower remained the highest building in the world. Range of assumptions about the establishment and appointment of the complex is extremely diverse: from the traditional hypothesis (leading from the top of Herodotus) that this is only the tombs of pharaohs immensely ambitious [13], to the point of absurdity [28], and denying any rational sense to create them [46 ]. None of the construction in human history, not attracted, perhaps, never so much attention and initiated a number of different assumptions and just all sorts of speculation (see, eg, [44]). At the same time, the emergence in recent years, new facts, such as the establishment of correspondences between the location of the pyramids and the stars of Orion's belt [6], and the new computer research techniques (see, for example, [2]), allow for radically new perspective on "the first wonder of the world."
Detailed analysis of the structural and quantitative characteristics of complex gizehskogo made based on previous studies monokodovyh models and review in connection with this some vzlyad on the level and dynamics of the cognitive development of ancient society, allows us to formulate the following hypotheses:
Hypothesis A5 (4) [43]: The apogee of monokodovogo modeling is a complex of pyramids of the Old Kingdom at Giza near Cairo, which is a grand system of large-scale models of the observed with the naked eye space (Figure 10-12).
Hypothesis K5 (4): The whole complex of pyramids and buildings of the Old Kingdom is the epitome of the idea of "the world's reflection of the sky" and fixes (with the maximum possible accuracy of Neolithic technology) system of knowledge about the solar system, including the precession of the sky at all, and the precessional peak Orion at the beginning of III millennium BC in particular (Fig. 11).
Fig. 10 shows the results of analysis of the evolution of plants, prior to his gizehskomu complex. It was revealed a clear commitment to compliance astromorfnyh [1] and the scale of correspondences as experience the creation of such structures and the gradual increase in size. In This other world, the model character gizehskogo complex should recognize estestveenym and logical conclusion of a fairly long period of gradual accumulation of knowledge and development of methods for visual representation of the model. In particular, the construction of the pyramids was preceded in s processing is commensurate with the space systems of measures, the most characteristic manifestation is the so-called "batons Hesi-Ra [38, 39].
Fig. 10 - Evolution astromorfnogo scale model of the Orion constellation in the buildings of ancient Egypt (Roman numerals denote the traditional numbering of the relevant structures of modern dynasties of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh): 1 - Early Dynastic mastaba, 2 - Pyramid of Djoser (Saqqara), 3 - Pyramid Sehemheta 4 - gizehsky complex (for comparison in the upper right corner shows the position of Orion at the time of upper culmination in the III millennium BC). (Source)
Fig. 11 - Massive astromorfnye match the whole complex of buildings of the Old Kingdom (italics indicate the name of the sky, direct print - the names of places and buildings of ancient Egypt). (Source)
Fig. 12 - The system of large-scale correspondences gizehskogo complex: a - "wands Hesi-Ra" and the man as a model of the pyramids at the scale of 1:100; b - Pyramid of Menkaure as a model for the hemisphere of the Earth on a scale of 1:100 th; c - Khafre's pyramid as a model of the Sun a scale of 1:10 million; d - Pyramid of Cheops as a model of the solar system in scale 1: 1 billion; mi - "human" scale; M i - the scale of the pyramids; M 1 - the scale factor of the pyramid Menkaure; M 2 - scale factor Khafre's pyramid; M 3 - scale factor of the pyramid of Cheops; RE - the model representation of the Earth radius; DS - a model representation of the solar diameter; R ES - model representation of the distance from Earth to the Sun; E - model representation of the Earth's orbit; V - the model representation of the orbit of Venus; M - model representation of the orbit of Mercury; S - the model representation of the sun. (Source)
The hypothesis of the model character of the pyramids, as shown in Fig. 12, allows, in contrast to all previous ones, clearly explain the need for grandiose size and the observed ratio of their sizes. It should be noted that in the case of independent successive construction of the pyramids the probability of random formation of detection (objectively existing!) Massive scale is practically zero. In addition, this hypothesis can clearly and distinctly, as in the case of the tree of life / world tree ", to explain the origin of many mythological and mystical ideas. For example, we can now confidently say that the concept of "Hermes Trizhdyvelichayshem" - the mythical sage, the author of the Hermetic treatise Asclepius, which refers to the hierarchy of the world. Heaven and luminaries [21, pp. 53], which is directly linked to gizehskim complex. In this case, the origin of the name as follows: "herm" among other means, and a pile of stones (and, hence, the pyramid) and the definition of "trizhdyvelichayshy" points directly to the triple massive scale, as shown in Fig. 12. In the "Asclepius", by the way, there is also a direct indication of the fact that "Egypt is the image of the sky," which perfectly illustrated in Fig. 11. It should also be noted that the tradition of placing sacred structures in accordance with the most significant stellar configurations have repeatedly manifested in other cultures [1, 34]. In particular, it is possible to identify the earliest prototypes gizehskogo complex among the burial pit culture groups in the northern Black Sea coast, which is consistent with the latest research results in the field of cultural migrations from tsirkumpontiyskaya region [50].
• The historic use of retrosperspektive monologiki monokodov and was the basis for the primary algorithmic thinking, involving the visual realization of predominantly linear algorithms, allowing branching only by implication or simplified logical implication. Numerical range of calculations at the same time severely limited and defined at the disposal of individual items monokoda or different physical constraints on their placement. Dilogika dikody and will significantly expand the algorithmic capabilities of computational simulations, both due to complexity of the logical framework, and by using a virtually unlimited range of numerical values. But it was lost clarity and elegant simplicity monokodovyh models. However, experience monokodovogo modeling can be useful when creating a new generation of interfaces, including on the basis of virtual reality, and the transition to simulation-based giperlogiki and giperkodov.
• Monokodovye model was the most effective way of primary storage, presentation and use of knowledge in preliterate era, providing solutions to the most pressing issues of early society.
• Based on a study monokodovyh models can be reconstructed more realistic model of a smooth wave-like knowledge rather than actually exists today rather controversial hopping model.
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Thanks SAMOILOVA Tatiana Alexandrovna, place in online job
And so part of the labor BA Frolova
"NUMBER IN GRAPHICS Palaeolithic", III Chapter Books, p.93-152
(Here it is useful A. Yermilov poster mathematical representations of primitive peoples
In Avdeev on the points number 4 and 5 on the left edge of the cut into 17, to the right - 18 graphic elements. In Kostenki-1 in number 2 figurines from shoulder on the left side, we counted in one row, 17 in another - 18 "beads"-cuts, while the right side of both series to 20. In Sunghir a "horse" is almost the same: on the right side of 20 and 20 on the left on 17 and 19 pits in longitudinal rows. In Avdeev on the head of the spatula, № 7 along the left edge of the 17 ticks, along the right - 21 straight at risk.
It seems that the Russian Plain yields consistent exception to the rule by which a countable graphics designed mainly the left side (left side) of shapes, or on the left side of the counting marks on at least 1 more than the right. (A number of products is unclear, as indicated by the "left" and "right" side, for example, polishers from Kostenki-IV (№ 1), which has one edge 14, on the other - 15 cuts).
In general, these preferences numerical asymmetry in the graphic design products and shapes (symmetry as the mechanical repetition of the same combination of signs would require less effort) is clearly not accidental. They emphasized different quality left and right hands sides of bodies, spaces, shapes, objects - that is the most common and simple initial conclusion. One of the original acknowledgment of his see in Gargas, where each a colorful silhouette of his right hand on the right wall of the cave is responsible for 7 of the left hand-printed on the left wall of the cave.
Can assume any relation to this division of the parties with the other simple division - "opposition": female and male, cold and warm, dark and light, night and day. Keep the fire in the hearth, constructing housing, respectively asheltsy deepest practical needs to strengthen or develop one quality of objects and phenomena of nature, as opposed to the opposite (eg, heat - against the cold). If much later Mousterian to emphasize the role of fire, sun, fishing beast in some connection with the circle (the shape and dwellings, and the solar disk), with red ocher, ideas about life and death (Okladnikov 1949. 1967), we may before the end of the Paleolithic to assume an even more complex and subtle system of ideas - now through art - the principal began the life of primitive mankind.
If the statuettes in a number of sites undoubtedly document underscores a particular role of the feminine and then graphically underlined the left side of the figures - does not indicate whether this connection between the two accents (left, female, and similarly: left, bestial "countable") - in various forms art?
Question about the account in the Palaeolithic has direct relevance to the problems of origin and the initial content of art, because it is about the level of abstraction of the intellect first artists. "We know that the first theoretical work of reason, which is still wavering between feeling and thinking. is through "- Marx (Marx and Engels, V. 1, pp. 31).
With different interpretations of the term "account" is directly related to different estimates of ethnographic data about the concept of the least developed nations in this regard and, therefore, the results of ethnographic parallels to the interpretation of mute archaeological documents. As we remember, Luke, pointed to data Steinen on account of bakairi (they have only two numerals: 1, 2) as a decisive argument in denying the possibility of an account in the Palaeolithic.
In fact, when ethnographers say that the Australians, Tasmanians, or bakairy "could not be regarded as" more than three, then we have in mind only flaw in their language of numerals in excess of 2-3. But this does not mean that this ends their actual, practical account, for example, using your fingers. However, even Gouitt studying Australians rejected the view that, though the lack of numerals in the languages of the Australian tribes due to the inability of natives to imagine a number greater than 2, 3, 4. Levy-Bruhl, supports the conclusion Gouitta, but then argues that this lack of numerals "is due not more than the skills inherent pralogicheskomu thinking" (Levy-Bruhl, 1930, pp. 123).
However, field researchers, working directly among peoples who possessed only a rudimentary account of the abstract, actually saw quite a different explanation. In classical analysis computing skills bakairi K. Steinen emphasizes that it is not in the peculiarities of thinking, and "the lack of multiple numbers" of those objects with which the natives are facing every day. "These small and simple matters of greater than 6, are very rare. What had they count? Their children, the days of way along the river to the neighboring tribes. Their poor arithmetic ability to explain very uncomplicated economic relations and lack of exercise in the long run, but not their limited mental abilities ... They dealt only with a small number of people killed animals and felled trees "(Stein, 1930, pp. 9, 53).
If the Mousterian (as Efimenko, Okladnikova, Lubin, carpenters, Bordeaux, Bourdieu, Leroy-gourmets) community life, hunting and ceremonies were seasonal in nature, if at the same time fixes the following observations of the sun and worship it, in the Late Paleolithic is quite acceptable the existence of such units of time, as the day and the solar year. But an even greater significance was the observation of the Moon. Not by chance "during the lunar calendar is the oldest unit (Pannekoek, 1966, p. 19.), And primitive mythology the moon is drawn much more frequently than the Sun (Sternberg, 1936, pp. 504).
Moon - the largest celestial body that is able to observe with the naked eye, a resident of the Earth. In this case, none of the heavenly bodies do not undergo such significant changes in its visible forms, as the moon. In the lunar cycle, there are several visual boundaries, boundaries that previously could attract the attention of ancient man (Sytinskaya, 1959. 21 -29). After 27 days, 7 hours and 43 minutes back to the moon still visible position among the stars (stellar or sidereal month). Repetition time of the full moon, new moon or other phases occurs within 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes (synodic month). After the new moon crescent after 7 days, 10 hours, the second in 14 days 18 hours (full moon), a third - 22 days 3 hours and the fourth - the next new moon. During the new moon, the moon can not be seen within one or two days in heaven. Lunar month, so taken for 28 days. Primitive peoples are known and the lunar and synodic and the sidereal month.
Noting that the cold period begins and ends with periodic regularity and fits in about the same time intervals, the distant ancestors of the Maltese and mezintsev faced the need for more accurate - to within a day - to know this cycle, defined rhythm of life throughout their communities. To bridge the gap between the day and year, they had a better mediator than the Moon. The apparent motion of the whole very simple, and record it does not require knowledge of what the lunar synodic month is 29.53 mean solar day, and the sidereal - about 27.3 days. In the Moon as a universal "clock" catches the attention of the most significant, the dual side of her metamorphosis - namely, the decomposition of the cycle by 2 almost equal parts: during the first moon grows until the disk during the second gradually decreases to complete disappearance. "Turn" usually falls on the fourteenth day after her birth, and after 14 days it disappears.
Fixing this important number - 14 - in the form of cuts, nicks, etc., could occur long before the appearance of an abstract representation of it. It was enough, for example, such a series of notches corresponding to the order and number of days in the lunar month in which 14 of them went in one direction, while the following 14 dramatically changed this trend.
The tradition of the "expansion" month of the lunar cycle on a 2 "vector" of equal magnitude and opposite direction is reflected, we believe, in the ornament of 5 plates of composite bracelet from Mezin. This is a slender, streamlined pattern with groups of 14 lines of genetically traced back, apparently, to the simplest cuts, pits and other signs, whose number is equal to the number of days in one or two lunar months (see Avdeev, № 2, 4, 5, 8, And, 13, 14, 15; Kostenki-1, № 7, Mezin, № 8, Malta, № 1, 5, 9, 11, 15, a wolf bone with 57 cuts (254 2 +30) Doln; Vestonice " amulet "with 28 rows and semicircles of 28-30 cuts at darts from Pshedmosti, daggers from the bakery, etc.). (See also Frolov, 1965b, 1966b, d, 1968b).
In collections (from the Aurignacian to madlenskih) Western Europe, similar cases are deeply analyzed A. Marshak, Hungary - L. Vertes, Spain - M. Grande (see Marshack, 1970. 1 et seq.). Now we add to this the above composition of the signs of a similar value on the walls of Nio, La Mut, Lascaux, Altamira and other caves.
Possibility of separating the awkward long series of cuts in half into 2 equal parts are symmetrical and have been prepared, as shown by archaeological documentation of the Paleolithic, the whole history of primitive society and its technology. And it is quite identical with the view "that the abstraction of general, evolved not from the summation, and the division of subjects, which has developed and K. Steinen under the supervision of accounts pairs of bakairi, treasured perhaps the most primitive methods of account; it supported Shurtsem ( 1896, pp. 652) and now the beginnings of division as the oldest of the arithmetic operations (Pershits, Mongayt, Alekseev, 1968, pp. 105).
On a solid bracelet Mezina where direct slicing combined into more complex motive than the noisy bracelets - in a zigzag of 7 lines, we see 14 of these zigzags, ie, just 98 lines. And here an analogy with one unknown until the property the most archaic of the Chukchi calendar: it consists of 14 groups of notches to 7 notches in each group, and seats up to 98 days (Orlova, 1966, pp. 321).
Is this not an argument in favor of a single source of counting tags, a simple calendar and the rhythms of Paleolithic ornament?
Noting that the cold period begins and ends with periodic regularity and fits in about the same time intervals, the distant ancestors of the Maltese and mezintsev faced the need for more accurate - to within a day - to know this cycle, defined rhythm of life throughout their communities. To bridge the gap between the day and year, they had a better mediator than the Moon. The apparent motion of the whole very simple, and record it does not require knowledge of what the lunar synodic month is 29.53 mean solar day, and the sidereal - about 27.3 days. In the Moon as a universal "clock" catches the attention of the most significant, the dual side of her metamorphosis - namely, the decomposition of the cycle by 2 almost equal parts: during the first moon grows until the disk during the second gradually decreases to complete disappearance. "Turn" usually falls on the fourteenth day after her birth, and after 14 days it disappears.
Fixing this important number - 14 - in the form of cuts, nicks, etc., could occur long before the appearance of an abstract representation of it. It was enough, for example, such a series of notches corresponding to the order and number of days in the lunar month in which 14 of them went in one direction, while the following 14 dramatically changed this trend.
The tradition of the "expansion" month of the lunar cycle on a 2 "vector" of equal magnitude and opposite direction is reflected, as we Characteristically, it's all carefully thought out and executed ornamental motifs and compositions of the late Paleolithic period. Thus, the genesis of the rough cuts to an element of sophisticated ornaments and dashes of 28 days to 7 days (the elements of the ornament) are two sides of one common process knowledge of the world by means of artistic and mathematical and astronomical (in the most rudimentary, of course, form). There was another circumstance. Securing a seven-day period of time in the practice of people have contributed to the Paleolithic group 2 factors: the objectively existing purely visual analogy (phases of the lunar disk, 7 stars of Ursa Major, 7 stars in the Pleiades, etc.) and psychological factors - 7 days have proved most comfortable for orientation in prolonged periods of time, ie, consistent with the natural boundaries of prompt attention and memory (Frolov, 1969; Frolov, 1967, 1971), such a set allows to operate the maximum number of days without any effort on the preliminary "recoding" them in a special new unit. It is the oldest example of how modern humans, to interact with the natural environment in the process of doing and creating their own world of human culture, inevitably "imprinting" the characteristic features of his psychology on the products of their activities (see Frolov, 1969). The consequence it had special significance the number 7, which will be discussed below. So, in the schedule of Upper Paleolithic traces of two different, at least, ranks number-sets: one tends to 5 and 10 fingers, the other for 7 and 14 days (crescent). (It should be noted that analysis of the charts inevitably leads to the conclusion: These numbers reflect not all of the concepts of number and finally the late Palaeolithic, but only a very specific face of computing skills of Paleolithic humans, primarily related to the orientation in time.)
In the relations of pairs of numbers is the collection can be seen more ancient tradition of the pair accounts, but they allow you to first talk not about a more complex number system with a base of 5 or 10, but rather on the outskirts of the system of such an order. "Gradually the number of stable-set are taken into consideration as a new unit, and that the account is maintained. Even in this look at some collection of objects as a new unit of account lies the possibility of creating a system of reckoning "- write IG Bashmakov and Yushkevich (1951, pp. 23-24). According to their expression, such number-set (from which comes our nodal numbers) exist, "as some individual islands on which to either side are arithmetic numbers. Major role in their formation is the addition of "(p. 25). Apparently, so you can explain many cases of adding numbers-sets of 5, 10, 7 together with smaller numbers, which form the other numbers, eg 10 +7 in Malta (№ 2,3,7; figurines № 7,23) or 7 +7 Avdeev (№ 10, 11), Malta (statuettes number 7, 17).
Given the local ways of expression of other variables (primarily using multiples of 3 base in Malta and Mezin, 2 and 4 in Avdeev and Kostenko-1), can be taken as composite numbers, sets of expressions such as 5 +2, 3 +4, 7 +3, it can also serve as an indicator of the amorphous computing operations, which have not yet crystallized common techniques, a single base.
Along with this we can talk about the wonderful possibilities of the principle of uniformity of expression amounts in the schedule. If the substitution of five fingers five notches on the bone could be called "mediation in the square, then the ability to express the same type of near-identical set of notches 5 and 7, 10 and 14 speaks of" indirectness "of the following order: a number of notches can replace any of their two digits of numbers -sets, and moreover, he is the deputy and the spatial and temporal units.
But the creators of Paleolithic graphics were forced to use cumbersome records where the number of elements corresponded to the number as a unit. Seeking a way out, rather, they were the different ways to compositional, spatial placement of graphic elements, sometimes the solution gave a virtuoso not only compact expression, but also ornamental bright composition. In this respect, interesting buckle (№ 1) of Malta.
We have already drawn attention to the remarkable symmetry in the general composition of pit location on the buckle ornament: 7 turns of the central helix 243 large pits, on her left, 122 right and 122 pits. Wonderful balance of left and right sides (for 122 holes), and the fact that the sum of all the pits that lie outside the central helix without units (122 +122 = 244) (244-1 = 243). Particularly interesting is the fact that adding to the sum of the pits of the central helix amount of them in one of the parts, we get 243 122 = 365, ie the number of days per year. The suspicion arises that the person applied patching pattern on the outer side of the buckle, each pit represents one day. The number of days in the year he divided into 3 parts, 2 such pieces he has posted in the form of an appropriate number of pits on the central helix, one-third - from the left side of her, then picked up another third of the year - 122 holes - and placed the right of the central helix . Dividing the year into 3 parts correspond to three snakes on the inner side of the buckle. The left side of the buckle mesyatsevidnaya figure of 14 holes can confirm that there is indeed reflected by the time: "Crescent", ie, half of the lunar month, 14 days, added to 108 pits in spirals on the left side buckles for the third year. The right side of the buckle holes 11 correspond to the number, which in the later lunar calendar was adding at the end of the year to 354 days (12 lunar months) to go to 365 days of the annual cycle of the sun. In spirals particularly frequent seven-number holes.
Abundant material for comparing yield calendars Siberian peoples. Year of 12 lunar months, knew the Chukchi Nganasans and other nations, and each month had its name accordingly to changes in appearance and behavior of animals (eg, "month of wild deer estrus", "month telen") (Bogoraz, 1934, pp. 30) A year in the same Nganasans divided into 4 year olds and 8 winter months (Popov, 1948, pp. 15), but this is exactly the numerical value of the pits (one-third and two thirds of the year), placed at the edges of the buckle and in the central helix. We add that in the upper Pleistocene climate conditions in the basin of the Angara approaching those in which they live now Nganasans and seasonal differences affected more sharply (Vangengeim, Okladnikov Rawska, 1964, pp. 46), and it could facilitate such a clear division of the year. Thus, the eternal and weekly calendar Yakut (Table 56.1), (Maistrov, 1968, pp. 17, fig. 23), made of wood, at the following locations closer to the Maltese Buckle:
a) holes, each of which corresponds to one day, are located on the calendar in a spiral, the turns of which a preliminary (and on the buckle);
b) the number of holes is equal to the number of days per year;
a) way of accounting for days - with the help of permutation wooden peg from one hole to another, which was used Yakut - could be used on the buckle. Moreover, polish the inner surface of pits on the buckle suggests that the pits are regularly placed pegs;
d) in the Yakut calendar also allocated seven: on a smaller drive it applied 7-hole course - it seems, the weekly calendar.
Some features of the buckle and the patterns on it (the round hole in the center, snake-like spirals, both simple and in the form of the Latin 5, images of snakes, the image of the Moon) form a stable complex, which is repeated with the sevens, at least until the Stone Age. This complex is present on the already-mentioned copper products, for which A. Miller (1933) concluded on the outer (solar, primarily) the value allocated to them, the number 7. It is found also in the ornament of Tripoli, whose interpretation Rybakov may shed light on the importance of this complex in the Paleolithic. By BA Rybakov (1965), the spiral ornament Tripoli - a "spiral of time, and snakes, including a curved form of the Latin 5, symbolize the" serpent of time. " It is very important remark Rybakov that researchers space symbology (Tripoli ornament, in particular) have written mostly about the cult of the Sun, although Sun did not have tripoltsev and their contemporaries chief deity and lord of the world and, along with the sun in the center of the spirals depicted the moon. "The sun and moon are used here as the gauges and indicators of time: day after day, month after month," - wrote Rybakov. This position is key not only to the cosmogonic complex ornamentation tripoltsev - contemporaries of the first civilizations Mediterranean, but also for the older stages of its development, starting from the numerical fixing it in the schedule of the Paleolithic.
Another point to a deeper understanding of the common - Palaeolithic - the origins of mathematics and natural history knowledge, as well as their aesthetic, ritual, religious and magical rethinking of agricultural civilizations and their modern primitive peoples, connected with the worship of the number 7. Striking similarity of his interpretations of various peoples of the world will partially provide "personal face" of this number in the Paleolithic period, when it still is not divorced from practical concerns related to the observation of the moon and a score of times. That is why at the forefront in the semantics of "special significance" of 7, this "world constant," according to Vladimir Ivanov and VN Toporova (1962), we always find time and space. They are followed by presentation of the metamorphosis of life and death, the birth of man and creation, of fertility and soul - are directly related to the first attempts to explain the periodic change of moon phases. This phenomenon is familiar to us especially struck by the primitive people who wrote to L. Sternberg (1936, pp. 504), it is first and foremost it is worth their attention, "and calls the idea that every month the moon dies and then rises again. The coincidence of these phases with a range of geophysical and physiological phenomena ... very early on was to draw the attention of primitive man in this light and creates a number of mythological ideas about the moon, much more numerous than relative to the sun ... With the lunar phases, namely with the increase in the new moon of the month, are bound not only the growth of plants, but also the growth of livestock and even the growth and health of children ... "(cf. Aristotle, 1940, pp. 189-190; Taylor, 1896, pp. 117; Byunning, 1961; Aghajanian, 1965, Emma, 1967).
Rhythmic effects of the moon on the dynamics of tides on the planet - an undeniable fact for science, since Newton has long and carefully studied (see, for example., Altshuler, Gurvich, 1971). With the physical fundamentals of this phenomenon, biologists are now trying to link the experimental data on changes in metabolism in different species of living organisms, which coincide with the phases of the moon (ibid., pp. 253; Byunning, 1961; Aghajanian, 1965). Usually refers to cyclic processes (primarily associated with the periodicity of breeding animals), in which the maximum and minimum are repeated once or twice during the lunar month in the same phase it. Accordingly, the duration of lunar cycles in biological rhythms is 29, 53 or 14, 77 days. Congenital monthly sexual cycles are installed in many terrestrial animals. For example, in India and Uganda in insects, buffalo, rats, some birds mating activity noted in the Moon (Emma, 1967, pp. 107-108). Most pronounced lunar rhythmicity of physiological processes, expressed in the inhabitants of the sea, although here it is in varying degrees depending on the seasonal periodicity (for example, in the temperate zone is marked only in warm weather). All this suggests that the biological origins of lunar rhythms in the inhabitants of the land could go back to the ancient times (Devonian period), when formed in the rhythms of the tides inhabitants of the oceans began to adapt to life in the coastal zone and on land, giving rise to the first amphibians. Riverside ebbs and flows as a springboard for the settlement of ancient continents also depended on the effects of lunar rhythms on the Oceans. From amphibians to reptiles then to mammals and birds of millions of generations of living organisms that could bring the cycle of biological processes, which reminds about the water - the cradle of life. Of course, this hypothesis - one of many possible options. Without claiming to be her further discussion, I would only note that in the event of her brightens mysterious, not yet having a satisfactory explanation of the triad: Water, Moon, Snake (instead of the snake may be a different reptile, amphibian or fish), which is preserved in archaic mythology of primitive world (Taylor, 1896; Lang, 1901; Bonrdier, 1967; Eliade, 1964; Hentze, 1932; Levi-Strauss, 1968). For example, we present the most concise story, written K. Langlo Parker (1903, pp. 50-52, Myths and Tales of Australia, 1965, pp. 85-88) have nungaburrov in Central Australia. Baloo-month to three snakes (his constant companion) - suitable to the river and requires people to have transferred the snakes on the other side. He promised the people of this immortality (rebirth after death, similar births moon after new moon), but people are scared of snakes and do not have to endure. Angry Ball-month suffered a snake, he and deprived people of the opportunity to revive after death, how does he, and a reminder of the brawl sends to the people of snakes. Different coloring of the three snakes Ball (black, white, mottled), allow researchers to compare them with the new moon, full moon and the intermediate states of the moon. But they can be compared with 3 snakes on the back of the buckle from Malta, the oldest carrier in Asia helix and moon symbols. One of the many possible, this analogy has recently received reinforcements new facts about the possible cultural connections in North Asia and Australia in the Stone Age (Okladnikov, 1971, pp. 116-121), in the light which is not so surprising there are other coincidences: concentric circles with serpentine lines and spirals with 7 coils, which are shown on the Aborigines of Australia figurine of a bird and churingah (Table 59, 8, 10), a group of rectangles (Table 59, 9), 1 transverse bands on the rock engraving pieces of fish (59.7) (see Kose, 1969) - stories, after Malta usual in North Asia and Europe (Table, 59.1, Table. 60-61) (see also Hentze, 1932; Frolov, 1970; Konig, 1970). The question still requires further study, but if these analogies are not accidental, then they will shed some light on the semantics and meaning of relations between fixation rhythms of the moon, the allocation of nodal numbers and snakes in the schedule of the Paleolithic, associated with ideas of fertility, life and death (as the "rhythm -7 "punctuated by" Venus "in the burials of Malta and Sunghir, and also supplemented by images of snakes in Malta on the badge number 1, 2, 3, and at the head of number 17, Table 8., 5).
In a variety of forms submission of a special "magic" value of the number 7 for natural phenomena and to human life existed throughout the history of civilization, from the earliest extant written sources. Thus, in the language of ancient Sumer number 7 by the same sign as the idea of the universe, they erected ziggurats with 7 steps consistent 7 "planets", 7 days a week, 7 great gods, 7 winds, 7 gates of the underworld (Thomson, 1959 with. 79).
According to the ancient myths of China, the universe came into being after Shu and Hu, who personified the transience of time, drilled 7 holes in the Hun-Tun and he is - the embodiment of chaos - death (Yuan Ke, 1965, pp. 34).
The mythology of ancient India, began creation of the world and the man with the division of "Purusha" in 7 parts. The sages of ancient India taught that there are 7 poles of Spirit and Matter, 7-pole, that the universe is divided into 7 areas in man has 7 career began, to seven years of age a baby shower takes possession of his body every 7 years, the human body is updated to the newest particles, etc. etc. (Chatterjee, 1905, pp. 3-15, 22; Wed Chattopadhyaya, 1961).
With similar semantic "load" the number 7 mentioned in the texts of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, the ancient states of America (Levy-Bruhl, 1930; Thomson, 1959; Ioseleva, 1965).
Based on the traditional interpretation of the "magic seven" as the invention of Mesopotamian priests and astrologers, every meeting with her at any point on the globe - be it South America or New Zealand, must be considered the result of "the Assyrian-Babylonian influences" (Levy-Bruhl, 1930; Andrian, 1900; Eliade, 1951). But the natives of Mesopotamia as far away from areas such as North Asia, America, Africa, Australia and Oceania did not even know farming, writing and other achievements of the first civilizations, revered and seven associates it with the same semantic context (time, space, cyclical physical and spiritual human life), which is a number revered by the ancient Sumerians, Indians, Chinese, Greeks (see, for example. Barthel, 1962, Seidenberg, 1962b; Levi-Strauss, 1968, Frolov, 1966d, 1972, 1969). More EAKrejnovich (1928, pp. 87) and L. Sternberg (1936, pp. 220) emphasized that gilyakov-small nationalities inhabiting Sakhalin, fishers and hunters - the number 7 is considered a magical and plays cosmogony gilyakov a role similar to seven with the ancient Hindus and the Bible.
Consider in detail the function of number 7 in the rituals and the art of most hunters and reindeer herders of northern Asia - tavgiytsev (Nganasans).
On the main festival tavgiytsev shamans sought prosperity and luck in fishing next year. In the ritual actions of the holiday, which lasted 7 days, the central role played by the number 7. On the eve of the first day of cutting down the pole to clean plague the rate of 7 poles per day. "For the tire core" clean tent "nederzhannye nukes are taken from the black skins, specially designed for the afterlife. And the 7 bands are taken from 7 separate hosts. On the first day, together with the shaman stood up and made a circle 7 women. "Women began to imitate the sounds Vazhenkov deer. Moreover, holding hands, swinging them, standing in one place, shifting from foot to foot ... women to its onomatopoeic Vazhenkov wild deer in the run and dance sought his fertility. Then make a circle of 15 people, 8 men and 7 women, standing in pairs, holding hands. Round dance in silence does 3 laps in the sun. Finally, the shaman "on the seventh day god will ask about the degree of well-being of the coming year." Another shaman during his fantastic journey into the underworld sees seven tents, 7 birds in the three lakes, 7 grasses, ancestors of all terrestrial plants, got 7 plants from any disease, in 7 of rocks, where every stone hides, iron, etc. useful materials to people, he was tied for 7 days (Popov, 1936, pp. 62-86).
Another application of sevens cover art Nganasans and their neighbors: Enets, Ket, Selkup, etc. Much of it is directly related to the first. It is a shamanic accessories (see Table. 57, 58). Images of them convey those ideas about nature and man, some of which are mentioned above. Therefore, repeating them sevens can look for appropriate interpretation. We present an interesting parallel: in a leather case of one of the tambourines Nganasans (Smith, 1954, pp. 81, fig. 68) (Table 58, 1) in the upper right sector posted seven deer males in the left - 8 deer females. All of them depict the shaman's spirits, and describes seven deer males (cf. 7 women and 8 men in the dance at the celebration of "clean tent").
In the lower right quadrant four anthropomorphic figures, and 3 mask (a tambourine?) With an ornament in the lower left sector 3 and 4, such figures mask without the ornamentation. SV Ivanov (1954, pp. 81) The interpretation of the figures ("the mountain of clouds") and drums ("bot under the skin of the deer"), but I doubt whether this interpretation is unique, especially considering the role here is number 7. Here, the number 7 is repeated twice, but in different terms: the number 4 and 3 represent different objects on the left and right. Symbolism drawing on the cover as a whole is very complex. Inside the oval cross indicates 4 directions and divides the area into 4 sectors. The meaning of the sectors varies from their positions accordingly concepts: top, bottom, right, left. The premises in sector figures, the number of different subjects and makes it possible to contrast and compare the notion: people - deer, females - males, the clouds - the larvae, the human figures - masks and drums (with ornaments - without ornament). The juxtaposition of the concepts highlighted in color (of the drawings - black, part - light brown) and the numbers: 7-8, 3-4. The numbers here are not only important in themselves as symbols of quantities but also as a way of expressing certain properties and relations in the world. For example, an increase or decrease by one, giving the number 7 or 8, symbolically corresponds to the change of sex deer (male or female) in the figures at the top of the cover. Comparison of the numbers 3 and 4 are reminiscent of the "obscure, but rather universal symbols", are opposed to the odd and even numbers as "feminine" and "male" among many peoples in Siberia and far beyond its borders (Chernetsov, 1959, 117).
In rare cases, this phenomenon can not find the interpretation in themselves carriers of such a tradition. In particular, the peoples of the Western Sudan to connect the sexual symbolism of numbers (3 ,4-male female) with the number 7 as characterizing the whole person (according to M. Griolya which the author kindly gave DA Olderogge). DA Olderogge also long noted the similarity in the symbolism of numbers of African peoples and peoples of Siberia. Most often the carriers of this tradition are no longer able to explain it. But apparently, the ancient prototype of her rose in opposition and even, the left and female - an odd, right, and male in 10 pairs of opposites Pythagorean teachings given by Aristotle in Metaphysics (Aristotle, 1934, pp. 27, Wed also: Thomson, 1959. 248). Incidentally, there is reason to believe that the original Pythagorean thesis "all is number" had the meaning "all is number 7" (Makovelsky, 1919, with. XI). Similar representations Nganasans is not the result of "pure thought": they are imbued with the rhythms of dances, songs, imitations of the daily life of man and nature, through which "read" pictures and patterns on things. Apparently, so was the case with graphics in the Paleolithic. Here a number of cases makes the difference to 1 element (and with it the odd and even) at opposite ends of one subject in Avdeev (№ 4, 5, 11), Kostenko-1 (№ 6, 7), Kostenko-IV № 1, etc . In Lascaux as opposed to a bull and a horse (respectively 2 and 1 boom added to 7).
Deer, dedicated to the spirit of a blizzard, cut off Nganasans mark which basis of 7 parallel lines. The same characters they did on a deer, which gave the moon after the successful outcome of labor. Luna's mother was considered the patroness of childbirth in animals and humans. Women reckoned on her timing and delivery were the guardians of the lunar calendar. It was assumed that the moon has 7 windows, from which 7 strands go to 7 people. Once the Moon "will beam" - comes the time of delivery. But initially all life on earth gave birth to the Earth-mother, married with a 7 "ice guys." In total, seven mothers Nganasans revered progenitor. In the course of many years of careful study of these facts, the best expert Nganasans BO Dolgikh came to an extremely important conclusion: "Framework Nganasan pantheon - images of the seven mothers. foremothers, obviously, could emerge only in the era of maternal-gentile "(1969, pp. 228).
In this regard, two points are interesting. The first is the geometrical ornaments Nganasans and their neighbors. Groups of 5, 7 and multiple 5 and 7, the numbers of elements of ornamentation adorn the top of their fur clothing and various household products, in particular "Kukula" bag for the feet while riding on a sled (Table 54, 55). Note that in these patterns in the neighborhood with sevens are the ranks of the number of elements of 5, 10 or multiples of them. The semantics of these patterns is almost lost, but, according to observations YB Simchenko (1963, pp. 166), Nganasan ornaments previously served social functions, particularly related to sex and age group divisions. Enets, Ket, Selkup, like Nganasans, used a combination of 7 and 7 times the number of elements in a similar geometric pattern on top of clothing.
We note that the art of many Siberian peoples kept continuously in the least distorted forms Paleolithic tradition (Okladnikov, 1962).
The second point requires treatment to female figurines from Malta and Buret, clothes are given to ornamental elements that are multiples of 7 and 5 (10). The proximity of these numbers would be no chance if we admit that, and lived in paleolithic keeper of the lunar calendar, was calculated from the Moon due date. Pregnancy lasts. As is known, is about 280 days or 10 lunar months. Exactly in the middle of this period is the first movement of the child in the womb. A woman had to count on this exciting time for 5 times the offensive phase of the moon seen before birth. Hence it could get interesting phenomenon and folklore Nganasans, which tells that a month the sky was just to set up, so that people could be born, and women in calculating his date of birth.
But in this connection to recall the Sumerian mother goddess Gautumdug that molded the first humans of the 14 pieces of clay and ancient protectress of women and the feminine goddess N;-Ba: it is also molded the first humans from clay, was the goddess of weddings and gave children. At the earliest images of her holding a moon. Interestingly, she had the body of a snake and a day could make a 70 (ie, the 10 times 7) metamorphosis. The fact that this set of ideas could rise not only to the Neolithic, but by the time of the Paleolithic tribal community, said the duality of her relationship to her husband Fu-hsi: it is the beginning of his sister, then - his wife (Yuan Ke, 1965, pp. 45 46, 58-60).
Women nganasanki sewn on his cloak with 10 strips of skin color to distinguish them from the girls, and the ornamental-counting technique dates back to the archaic traditions (Simchenko, 1963, pp. 166). Thus, the numbers 5 and 10 were next to the moon seven "in the ornaments, mythology, rituals only through the knowledge of a number of real quantitative relations, where the 5 and 10 fingers can be fitted during one phase of the moon and then repeat it for 5 or 10 months. Preconditions for this have already been established in the Paleolithic.
Decimal system and through the fingers, the lunar calendar and the calculus of his date of birth were phenomena that are equally important in the minds of ancient people, according to Ovid, which is separated from that of antiquity chronologically by 2 goals less time than we do.
Ethnographic references to the relationship of numbers that are multiples of 5 and 7, in this area of the lunar calendar, the peoples of the North is enormous: between 5 and 7 "beams Rozhnov" on the images of the moon, signs from 5 and 7 points on the gifts of the moon after a successful delivery to a more complex formula (7-3 = 10) in the image of the patroness of childbirth Yakut Ayisi: it flies in the last 7 days before delivery and flies 3 days after them (see Anuchin, 1914; Popov, 1928, 1936, 1948, Ivanov, 1954; Dolgikh, 1954 , 1960; Alekseenko, 1963; Vasiljevic, 1969). Can remember and surprising property bracelet (№ 2) from Mezin on which has already drawn attention in the History of national mathematics "(Vol. I, p. 40). In connection with the repetition of 5 plates on 4 zone lines, for believing numeracy to 20 (the number of fingers and toes). If we consider that in each zone is most often repeated by the number 14 (+ 1 on a few occasions), get 20 halves of the lunar month, or 10 complete lunar months (see Frolov, 1966d, 19686). Ignore this aspect of ancient life in attempts to penetrate to the roots of numbers - hence give a coarse-grained, curtailed, as the nucleation of mathematical concepts. So did Smith (Smith, 1958, pp. 11) when, quoting the mentioned fragment of the "Fast" Ovid, dropped the fourth stanza, apparently unrelated to the decimal system and account for the fingers.
Similar error admits Carl Menninger in fundamental summary on the origin of numbers and numerals (Menninger, 1, 1957,. 17). He prefaced the first section of his book, the same quote from the "Fast" by Ovid, the same way it "cutting", namely: from the first stanza left only the word "ten" (or modify the original grammatical form of that word in origin), then led the second and The third stanza of the original and put an end, although here the idea of Ovid even purely grammatically not ended, but the main thing - a "reduction" negates the very essence of thinking of Ovid on the fact that the ancients associated the number 10 with the lunar cycle, with a score of times to define the term childbirth and the duration of the year, not only with the number of fingers and the base counting system. "Reduction" of fragments of ancient texts, such as those we see in Smith and Menninger in these cases, dramatically impoverish the representation of readers about the real complexity, multifaceted process of forming the concept of number: it turns flat scheme in "pure arithmetic", far from the real full-blooded lives of the Stone Age.
A number of archaeological evidence. A. Vertes published carved out of stone oval-shaped object from the "gravetskoy" parking Bode rogkershtur in northern Hungary, and have the closest analogues to him - "medallions" with the sign of sex of marl in Kostenki-1 (Efimenko, 1958, pp. 382-383, fig . 167-168). The peculiarity of the Hungarian findings of cutting-edge, corresponding to the number of days in the lunar month, and its dynamics. Symbolism of the subject based on an analogy between the growth of the disk of the moon and the growth of cancer in women during pregnancy - this is the conclusion Vertes (Vertes, 1965, pp. 39-40) (Table 30, 5).
By the reasoning Vertes, we can now add their confirmation closer analogy items from Bodrogkershtur. First - spatula from Avdeev (№ 16): the silhouette of her oval head coincides with the silhouette of the "medallion" from Bodrogkershtur, and on the edge of the deposited deep notches: 4 +8 = 12 at the petiole, 84-7 = 15 on the head, 2 notches at the junction stem and head in the sum correspond to the number of days in the lunar month. The second analogy - suspension from the soft stone of Oschurkovo. Its shape somewhat pointed, approaching the triangle, yet close to stone products from Bodrogkershtur, and on the edge of the suspension of Oschurkovo notches marked in accordance with the same quantity (29 + 1).
We compare the "Venus" and "amulet" in Pshedmosti (see Table. 25, 1-4). Venus 14 (5 +5 +4) closed ovals pass the stomach and chest. An amulet twice that number: 10 +10 +8 = 28 - but already poluovalov, repeated the first relation, and if in these cases transferred to the number of days in the lunar month or part thereof, the analogy is an interesting sequel. Finishing touches on an amulet: 10 +20 40 +50 = 120, ie, the number of days in 4 months in total with 28 poluovalami corresponds to 5 months - well-known important deadlines, this obviously woman calendar, although it could hang and wear as a decoration. However, several subtle sketchiness clarified in the transfer of female figures: here graphically conveys the same meaning as in the round sculpture achieved overaction forms of the mothers of many Vener, but also emphasized the dynamics of the process available for transfer to the rhythmic growth of the elements of ornament - ovals, and they emphasize certain periods of time, relative, as we have seen, with lunar rhythms.
On the tusks, batons in Avdeev (№ 13) the first 5 groups of cuts are also consistent with record 5 lunar months.
Finally, the bracelet number 1 in Mezin. "Having opened" his ornament (see Table. 18, 3), we obtain in the central part of the 6 times 3 reps curl meander (18 total), and supplementing them top and bottom "corners" - 268 lines. This is the 12 less-than-average number of days equal to 10 lunar months. And this is not a random variation: the rest of the ornament is 296 lines (from left to meanders 107, zigzags 42, right in the meanders of 91, zigzags of 56, with such a difference of distribution lines based on the ornament, a total of one: the left 149, right 147 lines difference in one of the mean - is negligible), ie at the edges: 296-280 = 16, 16 lines more of the same number of days in 10 months. A total of 564 line bracelet, nearly 20 lunar months. Bracelet number 2 in Mezin, as we remember, too, is divided into 20 parts, but simpler and clearer: equal parts, each brings to 14 strokes on one edge and 14 on another (sometimes ± 1), compared with half of the menstrual cycle of the moon (or with a cycle) is obvious. On the wristband number 1 motifs and rhythms of the ornaments is much more complicated, but the "code" is the same: 20 times repeated lunar month (Frolov, 1972). It's not a coincidence the number of lines on the bracelet can be confirmed in two ways. Next to them (see Table. 18, 5) fragment of the plate number 8 of the Mezin, where the edge of the strokes suffered accordingly 3 halves of the lunar month, and then three meander curl, prompting an analogy: curl means a fortnight (on a truly original semantics of the meander and related to it spirals in different prehistoric cultures, see: Hentze, 1932; Beninger, 1959). Then 18 meander scrolls, responding to the construction of a multiple of three (6 times 3) in the center of the bracelet match 9 months, and 6 poluzavitkov and "corners" (4 top, 2 bottom) complementary to the tenth.
Similar calculation for the edges, if we take the analog crescent every 2 zigzag (14 lines) and the fact that 6 and 6 crimps the edges and complemented poluzavitkami "corners" to the same amount corresponding to 10 months. The second circumstance. Group zigzags are not equal area, the right for 2 zigzag (14 lines) than in the left group. Costs of these "extra" 2 jigsaw to add to the central group, and the number of lines in it (282) exactly coincides with the number of (282), remaining at the edges. That is, for purely visual symmetry of the pattern is divided so that both parts of its number of lines correspond to the same size - 10 lunar months. When one culture to pass a single value used in such different forms: 5 plates with 4 sections or zones of strokes (on the wristband number 2) and the plexus of rhythm-3 "meander" rhythm-7 zig-zag, where the "troika" meanders repeat 10 times, zigzags - 14 (at number 1) - does not say whether it is once again of the utmost importance and diversity of the representations associated with this value, the ancient people?
In this case, the female lunar calendar, which existed in Paleolithic settlements, and becomes an important sociological evidence: he could appear only when a good regulation of family relations. Talking about it and the ethnography of the indigenous population of Siberia and the Americas. At North American tribes, initiation rites and myths justify the duty of women to know their own calendar and pre-calculate it on the moon. This is one of the rules of "good taste", which the old man taught the young.
The continuity of generations of experience, originality primitive pedagogy, ethics and aesthetics associated here with originality genesis art forms and elements of accurate knowledge. Thus, commenting on their myths and rituals dedicated to the Moon ("Old-Woman-Coteaux-paradise-not-Never Die," as they called it the mandala and gidatsa), an old Indian informants first researchers emphasized that this is an archaic tradition of the first newcomers in this area (Levi-Strauss, 1968, pp. 239). Arapaho Indians pointed out that was the era when they observed an increase and decrease of the moon, but did not give each month to its name, as did their neighbors. In this case, is still considered extremely important to match the durations of parts of the lunar cycle with a fixed duration of pregnancy and menstruation in women. Abnormalities in the last two processes were considered dangerous portents for the welfare of the tribe and the world at large: disturb the periodicity, and the rhythm of natural processes in one place, then it could be violated in another - in the duration of seasons and other cyclical processes of nature. Hence the peculiar form of time reckoning in Arapaho: "The best time to dance the Sun will be between 7 and 10 th day after the new moon, ie, after her menstrual period." This and many details of their seasonal celebrations, designed to maintain the fertility of buffalo and other commercially valuable animals, the prosperity of the tribe of such ritual acts that seemed to support the order of the world as a whole, including the movement of heavenly bodies (ibid., pp. 182-183). By the way, these festivities to the last detail, including digital signs, distinguishing 7 and 10, repeated the same elements of rites that AA Popov observed in Nganasans (see ibid. 239, 240-270). And in Mandan, Arapaho, Yurok and other Indians of the archaic form of a calendar of 10 lunar months was considered to best correspond to the nature of things, because the fingers 10, the pregnancy lasts 10 months a year can be identified (for classification), 10 seasons (ibid., with. 280-282). That is, the arguments are almost the same as that of Ovid, recalls the 10-month lunar calendar, the ancient Romans.
Assuming that the archaic calendar, based on 10 lunar months, appeared in Paleolithic in relation to the complexity of the structure and functions of a society of primitive hunters, we rely on such a fundamental real factor, as similar layout and size of homes in the North American tribes, the investigated L. Morgan - with dimensions and plans of Paleolithic dwellings in the Russian plain, open and examined by Soviet archaeologists (Rogachev, 1955, pp. 154).
Building a calendar, as a basis for ornamentation mezinskih bracelets or Maltese Buckle, answered, therefore, a kind of "social order" and it was a powerful impetus for astronomical observations, to develop new arithmetic, geometric constructions to measure and, to complicate ornaments, where compact record and the beauty of symmetrical forms are inseparable. Obviously, "astronomers Paleolithic, as well as ancestors of Indians, was interested not so much the number of days per year" in general "," abstract "as a specific duration of the" human "part of this period. Otherwise, do not explain their preference for a "truncated" form of the lunar calendar (the latter generally more difficult and uncomfortable than the expense of time by the sun, moon 12 or 13 months does not coincide with the solar year, with the alternating seasons, the lunar month can not be measured by a number of days, and Yet everywhere the ancient lunar calendar is solar, myths about the moon than about the sun). To solve the problem rather numeracy within 20 units, but in combination with other drugs. So, on the wristband number 2 in Mezin could be considered a risk to 14 in one area, repeat this area 4 times on one plate and make 5 identical plates: an algorithm for the lunar cycle captured and repeated until the required number of days - without resorting to the number 280 as an abstract magnitude. The basis is the same principle that was used by people of archaic societies, who saw the fingers to 10, but by uniting three of us, the transmitted sequence units, tens, hundreds of animal heads without having an abstract notion of the received exactly three-digit number (Bashmakov, Yushkevich, 1951 , pp. 48; Zeit, 1938). Maybe the rest of the time until the end of the solar year is not so interested mezintsev. However, it is possible that its trying to figure out. This "application" to the main calendar of 10 months can be seen in the plate number 8 in Mezin: we have already noted that there is written twice to 3 lunar crescent - direct risk, and meander scrolls, ie, in the aggregate period, missing up to a year. Negligent performance of the graphics on this plate makes imply less importance of this record than on the bracelet. Perhaps the same role as "additions", "application" to the basic 10-month calendar items played, where cutting the number of days passed from 2 to 3 lunar months. Studying such cuts under a microscope, and A. Marshak (Marshack, 1970) found that they were applied consistently from right to left. This allows a new approach to the interpretation of the same arrangement of the shapes of animals, marked by "Countable signs, so that in some cases, their compliance with the cycles of the moon of course.
On the other hand, in Malta on the subject of an egg (№ 9) 7 series pits similar pits on the buckle number 1, arranged so that the combination of adjacent rows make it possible to quite simply get the number of days in the three lunar months. The total number of pits - 86 - allows the passage of 10 lunar months to the solar year.
Consequently, this egg-shaped object could perform the same function as the plate number 8 in Mezin. It is noteworthy that in both cases the objects are the main ornamental motifs from the set of his guests. Moreover, if 3 curl meander on the plate number 8 in Mezin corresponds to 3 curls meander repeated along the bracelet number 1 10 times as the basis of its ornamentation, and if a change of direction by 90 ° after each of the fourteenth (± 1) cutting the plate number 8 in the accuracy repeated on the wristband number 2, the location of pits on the "egg" in Malta in the 7 series corresponds to 7 coils of large spiral on the buckle number 1.
Even more interesting is the fact that in Malta at number 5 in the spiral of repeated number of holes (63), collected in the left-hand double helix buckles № 1. On the "bird" in the number 11 total holes (274) close to the number of days of 10 months, if it be attributed to the eight pits near the left suspension, then both sides of the "bird" rest of the suspension will fit 2 more lunar months (see Table . 4, 2). If you add up only to pit on the wings of "birds" with the remaining 6 holes suspensions, we obtain 179 65 = 244, ie the number of pits on the edges vryazhki № 1. In this case, it is possible that, and 120 beads necklace number 11 have a similarity with 122 holes either side buckle number 1 and can be summarized with 244 holes pendants like the sum of 122 + 243 holes on the buckle, which gives line number of the days of the solar year. On the left side of the plate number 6 in Malta the same number (122 holes) was obtained as 98 24 = 122. On the wing "birds" at number 11 in 10 series 98-hole course. On the possibility of a calendar value of the number 98 on the bracelet Mezin mentioned. Recall that 98 pits in Kostenki-IV at number 5 in the central strip built in the 7 series in 14, ie, again according to the scheme of the Chukchi calendar. In Malta at № 6 zone of the 98 holes left to begin the series of 14 holes, and in this case is also quite evident that the pits in principle could be applied and then, on an empty space of the plate, but does this man to restrict the pits, it is quite certain of their quantity. Similarly, on the subject of egg-master used is not all that area, which could continue a pattern of pits, if pursued purely decorative purposes.
Clarifying the different goals of patterns, every time we do not find a closer analogy than those associated with the traditions of different calendar systems, and increasingly we see the ability to Maltese mezintsev, their contemporaries in other car parks in different ways to take into account the time of the Sun, Moon and Finally, find some form of transition from one mode to another. Archaism of calendar and astronomical calculations is obvious. As in arithmetic reckoning, there is still not crystallized single system, replacing or eliminating others. Rising to the 4 millennium BC. er. lunar calendar. Sumerians to the year equal to 354 days, the solar calendar of the ancient Egyptians to the year, the 360 days are not so clearly expressed in the more archaic cultures, where the role of the Sun and Moon in the reckoning of time is distributed more evenly, and luminaries like "complement each other in this function (see Kamentseva, 1967). This must be taken into account in further study of the properties of complex ornamental compositions on the Maltese and mezinskih products. For example, if by chance on the buckle in Malta (№ 1) the composition of the spirals are complemented by two outliers from the general principle of construction, asymmetric to each other in form and number of pit patterns: the left crescent of the 14-hole course, the right curved line of 11 holes? The latter figure may be particularly interesting due to the fact that it is applied peoples, preferring the lunar calendar to move to the end of the year to the testimony of the solar calendar (354 +11 = 365 days) and still agree on "lunar time" with the seasonal changes of nature.
Another way to move the owners could use the bracelet number 1 in Mezin or earlier prototypes, which created the composition of patterns on it. (These complex compositions require careful preliminary layouts to measure, sketch, and the basic principles of grouping similar items could be borrowed from the design of pre-existing products more user-calendar-astronomical records and accounts, but less durable. So, calendars, Yakut and other peoples of Siberia made predominantly of wood.) Meander could be not only the moon but the sun symbol, and this fact, as already mentioned, corresponds to the archaic traditions of the time-recording on the two luminaries. In this case, all 30 completed meanders on the bracelet contains 12 straight lines give the oldest example of the formula itself (12x30 = 360), which begins numbered year on the solar calendar in ancient Egypt. With regard to the incommensurability of the solar year and lunar month, then two things can be said about the skillful tackling mezintsami. Fill "gaps" between the tops of meanders at the edges of the bracelet is made strictly defined number of lines. In the end, with a central zone of meanders 268 lines, it is easy to move from this number to such values as 10 lunar months (268 14 "extra lines" in a large group of zigzags; about this operation has already been said above), and the solar year ( adding the two groups of zigzags, we get: 268 +42 +56 = 366). It turns out that the group of zigzags, "wedged" between the bands of meanders could be a kind of units, "key" to move from one account to another time, if you equate them, respectively, to two and a half lunar months (the amount it gives a calendar formula Chukchi, as already said: 14x7 = 98 days). Of course, in all cases we are talking about the possibility of a calculation, the validity of its implementation procedures for this use and the need to require further careful study.
The schedule of the Paleolithic, we find concrete evidence of ethnographic observations about the dominant communication "magic number 7" with the idea of time. Noting his frequent manifestations in all known primitive societies and their art-known Africanist anthropologist Camilla Lyakost-Dyuzharden wrote: "The number 7, part in the rituals is the idea of excess, of abundance and fertility, no doubt, in connection with the weekly frequency of moon phases "(Lacoste-Dujardin, 1970. 92). VN Chernetsov (1964, pp. 31) explained engraved or a colorful group of 7 lines in the rock art of the Urals their connection with the periodicity of the seasonal festivities (7 years) in the Ob-Ugric peoples. Their periodic bear festival in March, lasted up to 7 nights (Sokolova, 1972, pp. 77). According to Schrenk (1903), and Zolotarev, AM (1930, pp. ,108-139), a term similar to bear festival in gilyakov and Negidals could vary from 7 (the shortest) to 17 days. During the ceremony dined together 14 distinguished guests from different villages, where they sat in two rows, but 7 people in each. It is important to note that many generations considered their first ancestral progenitors was 7 people, not only in Siberia (lokhel'son, 1900, pp. 207; Sternberg, 1933, pp. 531, Kreinovich, 1929, pp. 79), but at opposite ends globe, such as in tropical Africa (Zolotarev, 1964, pp. 44). On the other hand, the most important events in the history of the family or tribe is again related to the seven hunters, whether the opening ceremony, bringing an abundance of fish in Ulchi (Zolotarev, 1939, pp. 186) or a victory over the cannibal-giant of the Bushmen (Kohl-Larsen , 1962, pp. 65-66). It is difficult to explain such coincidences without treatment in a fundamental psychological factors that have permanent representatives of different races, apparently, throughout the history of Homo sapiens (Frolov, 1969, 1972; Frolov, 1967, 1972). Of course, these factors act only on certain social and productive basis, and only then peculiarly refracted in different art forms and archaic cosmology. In particular, the structure of fairy tales and ancient myths are usually more than made up exactly 7 characters (Propp, 1969). The same quantity for expressing the modern psychologists limit the amount of the operational capabilities of the man (see J. Miller, BF Lomov, MI Bobnevoy), essentially characterized by the structure of the technical operations of speech (Leontiev, 1963, 1969, pp. 189, 194; Zvegintsev, 1968, pp. 265-266), Art (Rud, Zuckerman, 1971). Therefore, we can hardly go wrong if we assign to the phenomena of the same order, although showing different stages of the genesis of the plot, 7 maternal foremothers have Nganasans, 7, the founder of many nationalities, 7 relatives, 7 heroes (the latter two categories provide continuous storylines in the myths of all continents), 7, great leaders of the Maori (Reed, 1960, pp. 77). Maori leaders treat the seven in the image of the Pleiades constellation, the Aborigines of Australia see this as a constellation of 7 sisters Meamey (Langlo Parker, 1903, pp. 34-42; Myths ..., 1965, pp. 107 - 125) and this analogy, for example, Evenki with the Pleiades ("seven virgins") (Vasilevich, 1969, pp. 211) and with the Pleiades in the myths of Ancient Greece (7 daughters Atlanta) - no coincidence. Just call up seven gods, who create a world in myth, the Maori, 7 days of rest after his wanderings of the god Tane (Reed, 1960, pp. 10-12) with 7-gods luminaries and a score of days in the myths of the Sumerians.
Apparently, the archaic cosmology myths not only reflect the actual "map" of the sky and events on it, but also naive anthropomorphic and zoomorphic their interpretation, in particular based on certain numerical coincidences of terrestrial and celestial phenomena. Rather early to cross plots of legends about 7 ancestors grandparent (possibly poluzverinogo - poluchelovecheskogo appearance) and cultural heroes with the observations for semirichnymi phenomena of space, important for orientation of the community in time and space. To the plot of the first kind, apparently, could treat seven silhouettes engraved on a plate in Gurdan or "sorcerer" in the Trois Freres. On the observation of the second kind is discussed in detail. Curious continuation of this theme in the rock art could become in later times such images as "seven figures" and "a man with 7 rays above his head." We illustrate them here only examples of rock art sites in Eurasia (see Table. 60, 3, 6, Table. 61, 2, 3, 4), but they are open and on other continents. On the other hand, the same subjects painted on the shaman tambourines Ket Selkup (see Table. 58, 2, 3) and the other peoples of Siberia, and they managed to get an explanation from the shamans themselves (see Ivanov, 1954). Ket is depicted on the tambourine great shaman-ancestor, 7-rays on his head - it may be 7 days and 7 paths in the "upper world", where the left we see the moon from 7 rays, the right sun with 10 rays. And comparing numbers, and even their sum (17) is reminiscent of a typical grouping of Paleolithic graphics. Slowly with distant analogies, we note only that the character with 7 rays to Ket tambourine minimal, concise means is inscribed in space "space" with its main characters. More detailed structure of the "space" on the tambourine Selkup shows its consistency in many details of the earthly world, but in the "upper world" these details are accurate numerical notation: "for only 7." In both cases, the characters with groups of 7 are thought not in isolation, but fit into a system of the world (the cosmos as a whole, to aptly AP Okladnikova in a number of his works of art of the Paleolithic). In this case, Ket wooden idols with 7 notches in many respects similar to the figures of Malta and Buret (see Table. 56, 4), semirichnye suspension Siberian shamans for the ritual of giving birth and the spirits of the "top" (the sky) and "bottom" of the world are identical (see . Table. 57, 1-3, 7), and the shapes of animals (see Table. 55, 5, Table. 61, 5) slicing and bands are also reminded of the timetable of the Paleolithic. These analogies are more accurately delineate the area of subsequent searches in the interpretation of the semantics of the Paleolithic images, but does not claim to definitive conclusions. Is still appropriate to mention here that the Kets in the myth of the bear's son, associated with the bear festival, figure, and 7 years old, and 7 animals (the last bear), with whom the young hero myth (by Alekseenko, see Sokolov, 1972 .65-66). And in the shadow of the bear myth, drawing on birch bark - one of the signs of his devotion, and one of the elements of the ceremony for the subsequent "rebirth" killed the beast.
Similar festivals and mythological motifs have been associated with petroglyphs and Native American (Levi-Strauss, 1968), and the tribes of the Stone Age on the Lena, Angara, Amur, Baikal (Okladnikov, 1950, 1959, 1965, 1971; Okladnikov and Zaporizhzhya , 1959). Paleolithic figures of animals with pyatirichnymi and semirichnymi signs could be included in the range of some similar or similar representations, where the introduction to the rhythms of the moon and other luminaries guarantee normal reproduction and prosperity of the animal world, and hence the welfare of the primitive hunting team. The idea of "revival" of the killed animals were also not something impossible in a time when the numbers 7 and 5, accented in complex burial rites (Malta, Sunghir) - not without regard, perhaps with the same cycling "reviving" the moon and other heavenly bodies . After all, security and other symbols of life in Paleolithic burials have assumed the same opportunity to revive the deceased.
If the last paragraph is not in doubt, it begs the somewhat unexpected conclusion. Ocher - the symbol of fire, sun, life - rubbed Venus figurines, pieces of ocher were put together with other things in the pit dwellings with Venus as well as at the burial of people. Those of Venus (№ 1 in Kostenki-1, № 9, Malta) have semirichnye engraving, meaning that most likely - in the perception of time, the moon, rebirth. Ochre and numerical schedule, so different in meaning, have a common goal. If this is true for Venus, and drawings of animals in the caves rastirka ocher on the path, marking the beginning of painting, pursuing the same goal as the counting marks, rhythmically repeated in the figures of animals. The origins of painting and the number was once connected to each other, as well as the origins of ornament and astronomy.
Ancient documents, including Paleolithic, each time point to the deep connection of certain biological and astronomical knowledge to the formulation of bills and the original "individual character" of numbers.
Having established this, we can understand the original practical and informative basis for subsequent "magical communion" type "of woman-Moon," "Moon-fertility in the mythology of the world. But even more important to know what a fantastic reflection of this is vitally important for the Paleolithic hunters cyclicity was projected on the "moon" the number 7 as one of its imaginary properties even when the 7 was a "number-set" (7 days), ie, finally come off from its main objective content, when the fertility of the animal world and the continuation of a sort were important factors in the struggle for existence of hunting groups. To preserve the special relationship to the number 7 has played a role and the desire to accommodate the flow of information to a specific limited capacity memory, perception, attention in the operations of "reasonable person" with a set of identical objects, this phenomenon is now stated in the psychophysiology from Wundt to J. Miller (see Frolov, 1969, 1972; Frolov, 1967, 1971, 1972).
Thus arose after a fantastic rethinking "remnants of Paleolithic" cult "magic sevens" in the primitive, ancient and world religions, up to 7 days of the divine creation of the world, seven-day cycles of the Flood in the Bible. On this basis, blossomed and a whole bunch of "mystical" properties of the number 7 - the number of "divine", "absolute", the "perfect" - in the writings of astrologers, alchemists, philosophers, idealists, from Pythagoras and Plato to the XX century. (See the works of Plato, Isaac Holland, Eckartshausen, Sch;ppingen; summary Vasilyeva, Chistyakov, Lehmann, Lacuria, Bifchoff, etc.).
We have given disproportionate attention to the origins of the "magic sevens" in comparison with other numbers is partly due to the specific rhythms of the first signs of countable, oriented at the beginning, how to judge their interpretation, on the development of dynamic patterns and time recording in particular. Later interpretation of the "features" of 7 can even remotely present passions, the strain of thought in the practical concerns and anxieties, by saturating the first "number-set", developed by people of the Paleolithic, after long periods of quantitative expansion of horizons of the primitive community, based on advances in technology and science. And if from Lake Baikal to the Pyrenees Paleolithic hunters for almost 15 centuries never tired of repeating the numbers 5 and 7, there is no other equally important visible and permanent for all latitudes and those standards, as the 5 fingers on a hand like 7 days of lunar phases. These numbers, as well as build on their basis of numerical series, were taken only from the "real world".
The apparent independence of the number 7 as the magic of computing operations supported by the fact that information systems semirichnyh account until we almost did not happen. Traces of this archaic system of reckoning is now found in drevnemongolskom (Batjargal, 1971. 60) and Ket (Ivanov, Axes, 1962, 1965a) languages, ie, to the south and the north of Malta, Buret, Irkutsk on a relatively short distance.
Another matter multiples 3 and 4. These "extra" set of numbers-Paleolithic graphic form the foundation of almost all the number systems that have endured so far beyond the decimal. Proceedings of Paleolithic graphics may shed new light on old and not completely solved the problem, such as the exclusive dominance of the number 4 as sacred (its symbol - the cross) in the indigenous population of America (Levy-Bruhl, 1930, pp. 138) or origin of the 60 hexadecimal counting system in Sumerian, Babylonian mathematics (see Neugebauer, profitable, Veselovsky).
Communication "magic quartet" in Indian religions with their particular counting skills are beyond doubt. Of the 307 number system for Native Americans 146 - decimal, 106 have a base of 20 or 10x20; 35 systems with a base just 20, even 15 systems with the base 4 or 8, only in a few, rare cases appears in the bottom 3, the remaining 81 system - the simplest binary (Struik, 1948, pp. 46). After the universal decimal system goes through twenty. In this case the Indians are similar to the Eskimos, Chukchi, so was the Mayas, Aztecs, and in Europe - the Celts. Twenty account - the number of fingers and toes of one person - includes 4 repetitions of 5. This explanation of course, but you can not understand why other nations in the Old World, chose to repeat the same five differently, not 4 times, and therefore did not put 20 in the base of numeration. Apparently, the case in the peculiarities of the ethnic traditions of Native Americans: not by chance after a 20 in the grounds of their computing systems (more common) are the numbers 4 and 8, not only related to the number of limbs (4), one person, but with a cross, the four countries of the world , winds. If you try to find the earliest manifestations of this cultural tradition, then they will, probably, in the monuments such as Dolni Vestonice, Pshedmosti, Kostenko-1, Avdeev; domination multiple of 4 in additional rhythm charts, cross as a motif ornament distinguish these from Mezina parking and other parking on the gums, as it were "wedged" between Moravia and the Don. In art, profoundly different animalistic subjects of two groups. In Kostenki-1 and related monuments central place was occupied by mammoths and other large mammals, the inhabitants of the land, but there are no reliable figures of fish, snakes, and fragments of figurines called first the "head bird", moot to interpret as noted already 3. Abramov (1962, pp. 20).
In contrast, in Mezin and other parking desninskih art has not produced images of "land" fauna, but there are figures of birds and extensive development to obtain images of fish, shells, water (Abramov, 1970. 88). Selection is in the image of a bird sculpture with Mezin can associate maltino-buretskuyu culture. In Malta, the only way the mammoth mammals are represented in the engraving of land, but several types of images of snakes. Mezinskie meanders and spirals of Malta, together with the zig-a symbol of water, two varieties of a single character associated with the dynamics of the lunar cycles, and with the conventional image of a snake (Okladnikov, 1967; Hentze, 1932; Beninger, 1959). Finally, the number 3 as a starting additional rhythms Mezina Malta and assumes compliance with the three worlds, three elements: sky, water, and the average between them, the earth. In such a "vertical" division of the world on one element reminiscent of birds on the other - the snake or fish, with an average "terrestrial" recedes into the background, perhaps because it took a central place in the opposite cultural tradition.
This tradition is based on "horizontal" division of the world in four areas important to the ancient man: sunrise and sunset, warm and cold winds. Possibility of nucleation of the division of the world in ancient Paleolithic is consistent with both the complexity of social organization and Mousterian hunting tactics with their intensive development of land space, detectable VP Lubin (1970), and spatial organization of the Mousterian burials (Okladnikov, 1949). Apparently, with the articulation needed to tie the final engraved 4-cruciform Inscription Mousterian era in the cave Tsonskoy in the Caucasus and Tata in Hungary (Kalandadze, 1965, pp. 34; Formozov, 1969, pp. 214) in Vilaine in Southern Germany (Okladnikov , 1967, pp. 27). Anyway, this ancient analogy for the cross in the ornaments on the monuments of the type Kostenki-1, where the end of his 4 may be associated with "rhythm-4 and the apparent indifference to the symbols of sky and water. There is clearly dominated by the "horizontal" division of the world.
Of course, it is only about surviving - the most enduring art forms. If kostenkovtsy or avdeevtsy preferred to them, "horizontal" semantics, it does not mean that other forms they have not addressed the "vertical". On the contrary, desnintsy or Maltese, tying vertical ternary fission with the most durable products, may act differently in the short-lived products. The existence of the latter can not be denied. Almost all similar to the graphic arts from the Paleolithic art mobile Siberia and Australia (see Table. 49-59) are made of such materials (wood, leather, fur), who were not saved would be in the Paleolithic layers. But we have no direct evidence of this kind to discuss the issue. Indirectly, according to figures ethnography, it is easy to see that the vertical and horizontal division of the world is one of the simplest, the initial reason of any mythological system and associated visual arts and ritual.
A kind of self-affirmation of ethnic community, its traditions are often affected by the fact that the same elements of mythology, which uses and neighboring ethnic community, an assessment of the opposite qualities: light (sun, moon or other), which is considered female, the neighbors will be considered masculine. Chukchi believe the moon evil, their neighbors, the Eskimos - good. If the main seasonal festival Maidana put 6 main pillars - in honor of the 6 children of the moon (3 boys and 3 girls, which embody the basic celestial phenomena), then put Arapaho 4 main pillars, just as important for their role in the festivities, but is already associated with horizontal "division: 4" old-masters winds meet the horizon, 4 directions (Levi-Strauss, 1968, pp. 240, 183).
The ability to use the myths of Upper Paleolithic concepts of 4 sides of light and 3 worlds deeply grounded Okladnikov (1949, 1950, 1952, 1967). Serious differences of ethnic and cultural traditions in the monuments desninskoy groups and in memorials Kostenki type-1 and Avdeev long studied by Soviet archaeologists. One example of such differences seems to us different attitude to the horizontal and vertical division of the world and their associated differences in the prevailing systems of accounts (based on quadruple in Kostenko, and threes - in Mezin). The most advanced familiarity with the documents of Western Europe suggests that there may allocate tradition with "rhythm-4" and "horizontal" (possibly in Plakar, Logerot-Bass) and "Rhythm-3" and "vertical" (perhaps , in La Ferrassi, Istyurits, Gorj d'Anfer). But this matter for future research. In the meantime, we can say that the ancient monuments of the cultural tradition that allows a number 4 in connection with the four sides of the horizon and a cross with 4 directions - Upper Paleolithic settlement of the type of Dolni Vestonice in Moravia, Kostenko-1 and Avdeev the Russian Plain. The most vivid and full extension of this tradition was followed in the Americas, where the indigenous population here remained the same types of dwellings, as at the Paleolithic population of Kostenki (Rogachev, 1955, pp. 154).
Apparently, with a predominance of the other traditions (such as maltino-buretskoy or mezinskoy) that produce 3 in the basis of accounts and threefold vertical division of the world, relate the origins of the processes that have the numbers 3, 6, 9, dominant in the cultures of Asia. For example, the number 6 somehow identified the main, a 60-hexadecimal (base: 6x10), a countable system of Sumerian, Babylonian mathematics, and it is revered as the chief sacred number of the Ainu. In the latter case in the folklore of the Ainu six neighbors with simple threefold division (3 stars, 3 call of the feast), with repetitions of action "twice six times, and finally, with the number 60, ie, with 6x10 (Nevsky, 1972, with. 37, 44, 84-115). Threes and nines were venerated in ancient China, while in the foreground here are pyatirichnye division, and to a lesser extent, but still "magic" was considered the number 7 (Vassiliev, 1970. 420 and others). In the Rig Veda (1972), the sacred number 3 is particularly clearly goes back to the three-term vertical divisions of the universe.
This primary division makes it possible to follow every tick of a further 3 (see comment there, 1972, pp. 302, 308, 314 and others) to give the numbers 6, 9. But it remains a prominent part of the sacred number 7 and to a lesser extent the numbers 5 and 10.
And in the Old and New World-counting system, based on 5 and 10 fingers, were clearly leading. In the first case, they are often supplemented by the base in multiples of 3 (first 6), in the second case - is almost always the number 4 or 8. This difference did not prevent the store and in both cases very respectful attitude towards the number 7 and to derive from it. For all the considerable variations in combinations and combinations of these raw data into different cultures and primitive societies and ancient civilizations of the overall picture is the same or nearly the same as that give the most ancient documents in the primary and secondary rhythms graphics Paleolithic.
No less interesting evidence of the original concrete forms of thinking about the duration of time intervals can be obtained by comparing the numbers in the chart of the Paleolithic to the cycle of pregnancy, females of game animals. In Malta, where the proportion of reindeer accounted for 90% of the whole complex of faunal remains (Gerasimov, 1935, pp. 101), a relatively accurate representation of the ancient hunters of the duration of the interval between calving and oestrus in the females of this animal could be recorded the number of pits in the central helix yarn number 1, which, as already mentioned, corresponds to the number of days of the winter period the seasonal calendar of Arctic hunters and reindeer herders: here during the winter months are from oestrus to parturition vazhenok (see Bogoraz, 1934, pp. 30; Popov, 1948, pp. 15 , Orlova, 1966). Ornamental compositions such mezinskoy (on the wristband number 1) suggests that their rhythmic structure viewed archaic notions of cyclical course of time, marked by annual turnover of the Sun and "human" part of the year (10 lunar months). These two values correspond to pregnancy in females of two major types of fishing fauna of the Palaeolithic: the horses and bulls. Aristotle does not random (see 1940, pp. 189-190) considered a simple and natural use of these two standards (year, 10 months), noting (1940, pp. 127) that the annual period of pregnancy among primitive herders of horses, is quite sophisticated traffic monitoring of the Sun. The practice of such observations (though, of course, on a different basis) could emerge from the Paleolithic hunters, who had solar and lunar calendars, perfectly knew the anatomy and physiology of harvested animals. Since the images of horses and oxen (often accompanied by a countably calendar symbols) occupy a central place in the caves of the Paleolithic monumental ensemble, reveals an unexpected analogy with the latest arrangement of geometric ornament, a mobile art of the Paleolithic. In essence we are talking about a deep thematic unity of different genres of art that time, his single meaning, perceiving that it is easy to see that we have considered the hypothesis Reynaka and beguine, Braille and Bourdieu, Leroi-Gourhan n Lameng-Amperer, and Absolon Marshak did not reject each other, as it may seem from the discussions, but only treat any one aspect of the problem in isolation from other aspects. And if, for example, graphics Paleolithic sheds new light on the origins of the astral, cosmological myths of Eurasia (including the common mythological theme of "moon bull" and "solar horse") or the origins of the magic numbers, it is clear that we should not go here on the irrational Fiction pralogicheskogo "by Levy-Bruhl, primitive thinking, not about the constructions in the spirit of Freud, or" archetypes, "Jung and the real, practical importance, the coincidences of astronomical time of the two fundamentals, the central landmarks of life and consciousness of Paleolithic hunters. Obviously, the first of these landmarks should be based on the organization of fishing season in accordance with the cycles of reproduction of wild animals, so as not to lose their main source of the hunting community, the second dominant - in the organization of social life within them primitive groups, taking into account the special role of women in procreation, and as the timing of pregnancy and other repetitive processes. On a combination of these landmarks in a regularly recurring seasonal hunting festivities dedicated to the success of fishing, game and fertility of human groups, as already mentioned, show schedules monuments, sculptures, paintings of Stone Age.
These ancient documents are still largely mute: trying to "sound", of course, impossible to do without hypothetical assumptions and working hypotheses that can not be confirmed by further research. However, no doubt, that the numbers in the chart Paleolithic - a rich historical source for studying the initial period of mathematics at various levels of its links with social and industrial life of ancient mankind, with anatomy, physiology and human psychology, with the traditions of the primary groups, with common laws of the history of primitive society whole.
About 5 thousand years separate the first civilizations, the first written records, "awakening science" (Van der Waerden, 1959), from the Paleolithic encampments with the remnants of geometrical patterns and counting, "tags"; Sumerian math with the two number systems, algebraic and geometric problems mathematical terminology, computer tables, a system of weights and measures, etc. (Wyman, 1961) - from the above similarities computing tools, various attempts at a systematic account of the use of reference numbers, sets, and a compact recording unit is hardly a lot more of them, corresponding to the number of days a year, geometric shapes, figures, and to measure for guns, buildings, images, constructing similar figures in the "scale of 2: 1 to 1: 400.
But 25 millennia history of mathematics related to the numbers in the chart at the end of the Paleolithic Ice Age, seem to be a remarkable achievement, if you look them in the previous era, hundreds of thousands of years. From a material certainty partially preserved to this day traces of early Paleolithic can be represented by several stages of operations, and perhaps also ideas and concepts that will form the foundation of mathematics. These were:
division of whole into parts (the first stage of processing tools, production-sharing);
drafting of a new whole from parts (composite tools, shelter) to establish an unambiguous match (a weapon - the type, pattern); uniform repetition of similar elements in space and time (the symmetry and rhythm instruments);
replacement of a particular set of other, more abstracted from the qualitative features (straight lines parallel to the cutting), the simplest pair of (2 hands, day and night, heat and cold, east and west, etc.).
A simple comparison of documents shows that these new opportunities of open long and hard at developing new sources of food, energy, minerals, ie, objects and processes around the world, with the complication of the technical capabilities of society. With these first steps of science and technology began the background of mathematics, mathematical concepts shape, size, number.
In the face of direct evidence otherwise look some attempt to anticipate indirect ways the process of the concept of number and other mathematical concepts. Impressive phrase Kronecker meaningless: the numbers are the handiwork of men, appearing in the course of a long gradual process, intervention of the Lord God is not visible on any of the stages of this process. The Myth of titanium, "coined the number of" valid only in the sense that the concept of number is put on a par with sufficient memory, use of fire appliances crafts, art, the procedure, "compound letters' (preconditions which evolved in the Palaeolithic, see page . 30, 35 of our work) - with the main features of the material context in which we can actually observe the process of allocating the number of self-concept. During this process throughout the ecumene see people mastered the creative efforts of thousands of generations - it is clear that "the invention of" beyond the power of a brilliant personality.
There is no merit here, and any one, "outstanding" race, contrary to the opinion Kedzhori (1917). Even the well-known until the materials, the same patterns in the graph of the Paleolithic is characterized by for Europe and Eastern Siberia, ie the zone of addition and Caucasians and Mongoloids; earlier, dograficheskie stage with the number of similar operations in all territories inhabited by people, including the addition of Negroids zone (see Gerasimov, 1964; Okladnikov, 1967; Alekseev, 1969).
In the archaeological materials, no evidence would point to any one occurrence and distribution center operations to the amount and ways of fixing the numerical values, as suggested conceptually Seidenberg (Seidenberg, 1962 a, b) and other authors. On the contrary, everything speaks in favor of convergent development for different groups of Paleolithic people in the same general category of the number of stages of development.
The main thesis Seidenberg - the origin of the numbers of the names of participants of the ritual in honor of Creation - shows slight acquaintance of the author and modern archaeological data, and to a large extent, and ethnography. Seidenberg thesis - only a particular variant of the widespread among foreign historians of mathematics concepts, according to which "the spiritual activity of the lower societies characterized primarily mysticism" (Boll, 1961, p. 12.) Followed by a reference to Levy-Bruhl, settled as if the concept ( but in fact - to refuse his "working hypothesis" because of her many conflicting facts, including the "primitive" ideas about numbers). This concept is shared by N. Marr (1927), who saw in the numbers, "magicians of the invention, specially adapted for magical rites, and its supporting K. Absolon, who believed their materials or" mysticism of numbers, or decorative touches without countable values (when they are not multiples of 5). In fact, as the excursion to the origins of the most important of the "magic" numbers of all religions, they lay in the practical development of one of the cyclical processes of nature (14 -, 7-day phase of the menstrual cycle of the moon). Now we do not know quite when or what rituals emerged in this practical way, do not know the degree of saturation of magical and mystical illusions of primitive people. It is known, however, that the last half century were characterized by a sharp overshooting the role of magic rituals, witchcraft rituals in the appearance of Paleolithic art. Now, as most clearly reveals a graph of the Paleolithic, it is clear something else: on the common and rather complex socio-productive soil back in the Paleolithic period in the vast spaces grow in close connection transforms counting tags, the first calendars and geometric ornaments, in the Palaeolithic not feel the conflict between utilitarian, rational, and aesthetic principle, between the rudiments of technical, of Natural and artistic creativity. It is not excluded that the "beauty", "harmony", "grace" of mathematical structures, which are often spoken by modern mathematics, reminiscent of that distant time when, having common origins, art and mathematics is not divided into single human creativity. Obviously, this activity was the second, illusory reflection, painted religious mystique, its value is much more difficult to decipher, in terms of future developments of art and science, it remains, in the apt words of Lenin, the "empty shell" on the tree of knowledge. After all, no matter what occurred magic rituals over the graphics of the Paleolithic in the 150 last centuries, they helped pass the symbolic records are not units, but the numbers of digits, to a solid system of accounts, to expand a series of numbers beyond a few tens or hundreds. This shift occurred only with increased development of agriculture, with the release of the closed world of small hunting communities to the broad inter-tribal relations, and other achievements of mankind in the Neolithic and early Metal Age. Social production, a system of social relations, transforming the role of human labor are the main drivers of mathematics from its very beginnings.
Skills work, accumulated thousands of years creative experience of Paleolithic people enabled them over time, in the words of Marx, to find their own, the human measure to assess things and events around the world, to create and change reality, "according to the laws of beauty" (Marx and Engels, 1956 , pp. 566). Paleolithic monuments can see how the general lines of creative activity with a specific human measure of activity, "according to the laws of beauty", the first steps in engineering, science, art evolved the prerequisites of an ancient science - Mathematics.
In conclusion, we return to the issue, which started with this work - an opportunity to approach the historical and archaeological, and psychological plans for the formation of mathematical concepts. How was it possible to make sure history has left the relevant documents "prehistoric man". Initial results from acquaintance with them shows a different picture than might be expected from the experience of Experimental Psychology. And yet there seems to us, the opportunity to find common points of interest to both disciplines, particularly in terms of patterns of creative activity. The latter can be viewed in the operating room, and motivational aspects.
First of all, we should note the findings of Piaget's uniform during the initial learning of a child in which the notions of those formed in close connection, in interdependence with the concepts of quantity, space, time, etc. Those facts clearly favor the analysis of archaeological documents of Stone century, especially the early ones. A further similarity is not detected. Apparently, this line of development costs, respectively, a sharp difference in social norms, social traditions, the whole experience for the development of quantitative relationships of the real world and its categorical expression in primitive and modern societies (cf. Vallone, 1956). The children of those same Australians or bakairi, learning in some schools with the Europeans, not worse than they mastered the modern arithmetic (see Stein, 1930, p. 9).. On the set of similar examples, we see that there is no structural differences "primitive mentality" and "logical thinking civilized nations" who was searching for Levy-Bruhl, but there are different stages and forms of social practice, social development, reflected in a single thought on the structure of Homo sapiens .
At first, the archaic stages of the society of his creative achievements seem to be a matter of the gods, Titans, generally something supernatural, according to "above", back-breaking man - fantastic reflecting the fact that these achievements are incommensurable features of the individual, appear as a product of collective efforts of hundreds and thousands generations (Meyerson, 1948, pp. 179-184). Especially long this tradition has seen innovations in "intuition", a supernatural act retained in mathematics, particularly in relation to mathematical intuition. But, as convincingly shows, in particular, I. Meyerson, mathematics develops its inherent laws, does not directly depend on the will of individuals. Achieve it objectifies in an increasingly abstract form of those relations which humanity finds in the real world, interacting with them throughout their history. The individual who creates an increment on a section of mathematical knowledge of his time, largely prompted by the structure of this site, its shortcomings in comparison with the ideal capacity, it may have a common system of mathematical knowledge. Objects that motivate the creative movement of thought in mathematics, the most abstract, are expressed in comparison with objects of other sciences and of themselves enter into the possibility of a wide variety of options for the movement, for example, several types of intuitive decisions (Meyerson, 1948). Predisposition to a particular version of the path to a particular type of intuitive solutions to a large extent independent of the individual researcher, it is built into the logic of the movement of mathematical knowledge. Will this researcher "get" the rhythm of the movement, whether to choose the best, most appropriate for the site type of intuitive decision _ depends upon his individual mental features. It is noteworthy that the Meyerson in a broader social scale uses to describe the public source of intuitive mathematical act the same in essence the concept of a by-product, supplementing the line, and realize the product of practice, which developed Ya Ponomarev in experiments with an intuitive finding the solution of problems.
Perhaps the extension of this principle back in time "to better understand the major shifts in the history of mathematics: the discovery of points, lines, symmetry and rhythm as by-products of technology and production functions of the Lower Paleolithic tools; opening group values rhythmic cuts as a way to fix the unit together and m . n. Even appearing as a "revelation" in the mind of one person, such discoveries were a byproduct of certain production system that used long before that. Moreover, the "lucky find" prepared by the previous empirical experience of society, might remain unnoticed at the Millennium (Mousterian cuts on the bones, the elements of "Roman numerals" in the schedule of the Paleolithic, etc.) until the situation is more developed social needs and new rules thinking.
However, these factors should be taken into account when moving ethnographic analogies to the Palaeolithic. After the "experiment" a stranger - an ethnographer - a solution almost no attention to "savage" counting problem caused (if called) is pretty weak motivation for this test. Especially, if the same bakairi on Shteynenu (1930, pp. 53), had a "limited needs" in the practical use of numbers, you open the "Prince of 1-Ny accounts and the abstraction of numbers" of their ancestors. Obviously, a much stronger motivation was when creating the approaches to the mathematical representations of the Paleolithic hunters, for which the correct results of the calculation could be a matter of life or death. Here, surely the difference in attitudes, level of motivation (cf. Frolov, 1971b).
We give at least two examples in the explanation of the latest thinking. Young Australian Aboriginal Wajir, Wajir grew up in the tribe, which knew only two words, numerals - "one" and "two," according to their reps to "4", and further by showing the fingers. At school, Wajir quickly learned the numerals to 20, but no one in the tribe has not shown interest in such "useless" knowledge. Its use began to doubt and Wajir. "Why should we have known that 8 + 9 = 17 when I have so many fingers?" - He thought. In his eyes, the number appeared as "nonsense white people" are not required Aborigines, "which" should read the signs, not books "(Lockwood, 1971. 59-69). The motivation for the study of abstract arithmetic dies in Wajir, and teachers can easily take his indifference to school for failure to abstract knowledge of a defect of the intellect. The ease of such illusions at the teacher or the ethnographer, the researcher said T. Kroeber (1970, pp. 122): Look at the request of Indian scientists counted to 10, suddenly stopped, saying that "more nichzgo not." "... It's just not used to think abstractly. Trying to do it, he decided that it is quite useless. You can count something real and tangible ... Abstract numbers alone are not interested in the Ishi ... Waterman and Kroeber knew this and still have been misled. Theirs is a fate of many researchers, inadvertently used the form of questions, when the premises from which emanates a scientist, often remain unknown and alien to his companion. " Some time passed, and Kroeber found that Ishi excellent command dvadtsatirichnoy counting system, the native language calls the number "40", "60", "80", when there is a practical necessity. In alien to the experimental conditions Ishii did not show his knowledge (ibid.). On these facts involuntary "primitivization 'knowledge of Native Americans of their researchers, ethnographers also wrote F. Boas (1926).
No less important is the other side of the case. By Bashmakova and Yushkevich (1951, pp. 74), "any system of numbering fixes an existing oral account. Account continues to evolve and grow with the further progress of society. In this case, recorded in characters numbering system often falls short of actually existing ways of counting ". Considering the archaeological documents only recorded in the symbols ways to account, we may assume that their "backwardness" of the level actually existed, then the account of practical use.
In turn, archeology can tell the answer to the riddle "magic number 7" is very important for modern engineering psychology (Miller, 1964; Bobneva, 1966, Lomov, 1970). c) is not "evil Pythagorean coincidence", she thinks Miller, and one example of the fact that the story they are doing with certain people, quite a bit different (within the type of Homo sapiens) properties of the psyche (cf. Leontiev, 1965; Ponomarev, 1967) . One of these properties due to the limits of memory, attention, and absolute count (Frolov, 1969). Obviously, working memory, rapid attention in the early stages of culture more directly have been woven into the very process of production from him to a greater extent depend the lives and welfare of man, his family, the community. The weakness of long-term memory (compared with short-term) surviving persisted even during the "seven wise men" of ancient Greece (Vernant, 1965). Perhaps it is worth recalling that in the structure of fairy tales usually no more than 7 types of characters (Propp, 1969, pp. 73136) In this connection it is interesting to recall that in the experiments of Binet test subjects remembered for one monotonous reading of no more than 6 digits when rhythmic pronunciation of this value increased twofold grouping in pairs - 4 times. If this fact is important for oral accounts (Taton, 1961), much more interested in his analogy with the rhythm and the factions of the primitive graphics. Graphics greatly facilitated the process of counting, saving the result (remember the example of Imteurginom), and in this sense, acted as a typical human (social) way to extend the natural boundaries of memory and attention, "sealing" of knowledge in each one memorized. This "seal" is characteristic for the subsequent development of mathematical symbols (Meyerson, 1948), however, the course of this process, as mentioned above, was determined not individual motives and needs of society, the structure of social production at the dawn of mankind.
These comments are purely speculative in nature, each of which requires more detailed consideration. But if the prospects of such contact points of historical and psychological studies of creative activity can be mutually fruitful, then the success of this interaction depends not only on the further accumulation of individually History, Archaeology and psychological material, but perhaps to a greater extent on the development of principles for its effective use " at the junction of "science (the search in this direction see, for example, Ioffe, and Frolov, 1967; Frolov, 1974). Undoubtedly, the success of the science of science in the development of the general laws of development of scientific knowledge and forms of scientific activity to a large extent will depend on further progress of historical and psychological aspects of studying the creativity of mathematics.
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Syntax notes:
MI Smooth. Ancient Architecture of the Paleolithic archaeological sources / server Eastern Archaeology, (
Reference to the source:
MI Smooth. Ancient architecture of archaeological sources Paleolithic / / Vita Antiqua, 1-1999. S. 29-34
Little about the languages (and again quoting)
The abundance of such online
Our famous anthropologist V. Bunak 25 years ago suggested that the consolidation of the left hemisphere speech sound management occurred even before the Upper Paleolithic period (30000 years BC. Er.) [82, pp. 241, 242]. This dating has been given on the basis of detected morphological signs of asymmetry in the functions of the two hemispheres of the ancient fossil skulls of people of that time. More advanced speech zone of the left hemisphere (see Fig. 16, a) leave a mark on the skull.
While on this evidence (as well as similar thoughts expressed by others earlier anthropologists) has not been paid due attention, as significant for this data on the morphological asymmetry of the hemispheres in modern humans have been tested only in recent years. Recently, finally confirmed the view of the asymmetry of the traces on the middle meningeal artery endo-crane - the inner side of the skull of modern man [83, pp. 20 and 45, 34, pp. 331, 24, pp. 503-516]. Hypothesis V. Bunak on which it was already during the Upper Paleolithic, was confirmed by a careful study by the untimely dead V. Kochetkova - one of those who created a new on-paleoneurology> ku on the central nervous system of fossil hominids [83 , pp. 155].
Kochetkova carefully examined casts of skulls of human ancestors, including Neanderthals, in ten finds time Mousterian (about 50 000-40 000 years BC. Er.) And concluded that even at this time (before the appearance in the Upper Paleolithic Homo sapiens ) indicates the development of speech and Broca's area Wernicke's area. Even after the death of VI Kochetkova conclusion of development of morphological asymmetry of the brain in Neandertals (as opposed, for example, Pithecanthropus) was confirmed at the large amount of material [84, cf. 34, pp. 361, 153].
In recent years, there is a debate about whether Neanderthals can sound language that is needed is specific to contemporary adult nature of the elongated epiglottic pharyngeal cavity, which is absent in the newborn and the oldest human ancestors. On the basis of a Neanderthal skulls were made by calculations, and for giving him a negative answer to this question, but they do not seem indisputable [40, pp. 25-26, 34, pp. 624]. If this hypothesis is confirmed, it turns out that Neanderthal man (the most recent predecessor, Homo sapiens) have had (apparently caused by mutations) preconditions for specialized input and output devices. But they are not used for processing audio voice data and another mainly for the dismemberment of the elements of sign language gestures (in principle the possibility of this is evident from the nature of the use of finger alphabet deaf and deaf and blind).
According to the hypothesis H. Geshvinda [85], the main role in the development of language has played a sound development of those lower-parietal brain areas, which provide communication between devices of different kinds of information processing, in particular, sound or visual. Relevant areas are almost entirely absent in monkeys. However, pre - 'Initial development of these brain regions, they could contribute primarily Relations between visual and tactile devices: a characteristic that these sites are well developed in the right hemisphere, in what some see a contradiction idea Geshvinda [24, pp. 511].
Only then place early finger alphabet (the oldest items, which began to decompose gestures with increasing vocabulary of sign language), could take a sound language. In this regard, the alleged history of finger accounts. Signs of this system of gestures, characters (who was in charge of the right hemisphere) are converted into the equivalent of the numerals in the realm of the left hemisphere. Therefore, with respect to such human ancestor, as Sinanthropus, along with the hypothesis that the development of their rudiments of speech areas of the brain [83, pp. 146] and possibly an assumption about the growth of the brain, which then became engaged in auditory language, and initially "serve" the language of elementary gestures.
Development zones corresponding to the specialized output device and input at this time could not be accompanied by an asymmetry of the brain, as is sometimes observed (in a few cases, see Fig. 16, b) and modern humans. More definite conclusions can be drawn about the time when the right hand has become a major when performing basic operations with tools. The answer to this question science owes to our historian S. Semenov - creator of experimental archeology, the scientific discipline that examines the hypothesis about the nature of ancient tools in replicating similar processes. He managed to establish that judging from the following works, detectable by the instruments of labor, Neanderthals mostly worked with his right hand [86].
With this can be expected to bind, and a strange discovery time Mousterian in Iraq Shanidar Cave (ancient findings identified by C14 as 46900 + 1500 years): they found the skeleton of a 50-year-old Neanderthal man, who lost his right arm and lived long after that, moreover, he wore some items in the teeth, why they are beveled on the inside.
In the beliefs of later times often encountered the cult of the deity on the one hand, often at the sacred beings worshiped his left hand - like a mirror image of the main arm common man. Sometimes, it binds and custom cut one of her hands or fingers, so explain the relevant images in the art of the Upper Paleolithic. Therefore, it seems likely that the skeleton 'of the Shanidar cave - this is the first track of that primitive religion is already reflected honoring one hand, their functional asymmetry.
For reasons of a general nature is possible, though not necessarily, that this functional asymmetry of hand could emerge in the work (and religion) of primitive man (Neanderthal man), yet before he formed the morphological asymmetry of the hemispheres controlling hands. In this connection it is worth emphasizing that the right hemisphere is dominant in less than half of the left-handers in contemporary society, in other words, these two features are not strongly correlated with each other, which is confirmed by data on such right-hander, who, for example, write, and throw the ball different hands (see Fig. 17).
Besides man, the morphological asymmetry of the central nervous system is open for songbirds, for which specific intense sound signal [24, pp. 23-44]. Apparently, the need for specific parts of the central nervous system is required because of the considerable volume of specialized processes that are difficult to combine with other tasks. In addition to whales (and dolphins) that have found an asymmetry zvukoizluchayuschego apparatus, some mammals, including mice, cats and monkeys [24] continues to show a similar asymmetry, often leaving only individual characteristic of the animal. However, because of anthropoids (apes) the asymmetry of the hemispheres of the brain is undeniable
Only one species of gorillas [87], and for other anthropoids only supposed to not quite the final results [34, pp. 361-363, 24, pp. 512-513]. But nowhere is this asymmetry does not become so substantial as in humans, for which (apparently, immediately after the Mousterian in the transition to the Upper Palaeolithic) is characterized by more consistent application of the hereditary differences between right and left due to the presence of a sound language.
Auditory language, apparently, quite late in the process of becoming modern man has become the main communication tool - in about 50-30 thousand years BC. er. (For a total duration of the process of human development, is estimated at 3-4 million years in the light of recent discoveries in Africa). But its origins are rooted in the chime of monkeys.
The average number of different signals (20 to 40) in different systems chime monkeys do not differ significantly from the number of signals in communication systems of other vertebrates [40, pp. 19], roughly corresponds to the average number of phonemes - the basic sound units of natural language. This could be explained by the fact that the characteristics of the central nervous system (in particular the amount of RAM), which is determined by the number, in the process of humanization is relatively little changed (although the relevant data about the origin of memory yet insufficient).
In the constancy of the signals of all vertebrates up to the number of phonemes could see proof of principle on which the genetic mechanism is well <believes "about 2 [18, pp. 318]. Language development did not go on the way to increase the number of initial signals, and in the direction of their conversion from the indecomposable for signs of meaningful messages to elements of the chains are constructed by other signs, respectively, from the language of the right brain - the language of the left.
Signs - sounds - monkeys slurred, not built from chains. Each of the 20-40 audio signals, which emit a monkey, an indecomposable complex sound that serves as the sign of a certain standard situations such signs air raid in human societies. Experiments in which artificially caused by sound signals during stimulation of brain electrodes, showed a significant difference in the localization of sounds in humans - mainly in the cortex of monkeys - in deep subcortical areas.
The major difference in the great apes from man (or rather, the brain of a monkey "left brain" person) recognized that they belong to animals of visual type. The solution of intellectual tasks in the chimpanzee is only possible when all the objects and implements required for this are both in the visual field of the monkey (which can be compared with the typical "right brain" person installing on this particular situation).
Proceeding from this, Vygotsky in the early 30's offered to put learning experience apes sign language used by deaf-mutes, he noticed here that the similarities between apes and people suffering from aphasia (in other words, between the brain and the monkey "right brain" person, the left brain is struck with aphasia). Unfortunately, only 40 years later, the experiment was carried out well-known animal psychology spouses Gardner (who did not know about the conjecture Vygotsky), trained monkey Washo rather complex sign-language-characters. The results of their experiments and were confirmed by experiments Primack, who taught the chimpanzee Sarah use a system of symbols, from which it can build a sequence (Fig. 27) [37, pp. 371].
Continuation of these experiments on other chimpanzees [88], including through the use of the computer as a "teacher" monkey [34, pp. 562-578] and more recently on the gorilla, confirms the similarity of the far-reaching possibilities of the monkey brain with the "right brain" person. Particularly remarkable that the Washo is capable of fulfilling synonymous conversion combinations of gestures, signs that it is the spirit that is characteristic of the right hemisphere of a person that holds the Dictionary language. Spouses Gardner, explaining with gestures Washo, called "refrigerator" a combination of gestures, hieroglyphs "cold" + "box". Washoe is itself invented instead a combination of gestures "open" + "food" + "drink" [89]. The logical name constructed from the type of logical expression "be cool" (the "box") P (a), replaces the monkey compound designations required her to action with a designation needed objects.
In the experiments, Primack is particularly interesting for comparison with the typical "right brain" person of Chinese language characters such as the fact that Sarah herself would prefer to have their messages on the board vertically, which was accepted and Primakov (Fig. 27).
To confirm the similarity of use of signs apes and early forms of human communication is essential that at the Washoe one gesture may refer to both the tselomukompleksu subjects: the "harm" - "scratch" - "red spot" - the umbilicus, "" listen "-" Alarm " - "broken hour hand" - the flashing light, "" flower "-" the smell of tobacco "-" Kitchen ", etc. Such complex use of gestures coincide with the complex nature of the values of the earliest words of infantile babble.
Such a blurring of values to a large extent remain, and the development of human languages. Therefore, recently proposed a theory on which to describe them need "fuzzy sets» (fuzzy sets), which belongs to a particular object is determined depending on the situation [90]. In the logical language is always known, belongs to a given object set (P (W) = 1) or not (P (W) = 0). In natural language P (W) takes values from 0 to 1 depending on the impact of context [42, pp. 316], the classification of the object to the fuzzy set, then obstructing a solution.
Peculiarities of human perception in contrast to the computers see the ability to operate with fuzzy sets [91] In this sense we can say that the language of a modern person occupies an intermediate position between the signaling Washo and strict unambiguous computer languages.
In Washoe such complexity and ambiguity of values associated with the fact that she, like Sarah, the total number of gestures does not exceed 200 characters (2 * 10, ie, two orders of magnitude smaller than the characteristic of the smallest dictionary in the modern human language). On the number of characters, as well as other features, the system of training four Washo can be compared to speech of the child in half - two years [60, pp. 41], where from 12-15 words a child goes to 60-200 words. But a tendency to use each of these characters in a variety of possible values (as opposed to a rigid predetermined sound signals monkeys).
It seems certain that these experiments prove an explicit proximity of some features of the right hemisphere of the brain of modern man to his ancestors.
The study of gestures, which can assimilate chimpanzees and gorillas, helping to some extent, this era in history of human language, which can be compared and sensoromotornomu "period in the development of the child. According to the hypothesis Thorn [42, pp. 247 - 250], using the language will be free from the government, which over the beasts and primitive people and young children may be biologically significant objects. Due to the fact that people call things by their name, they gradually lose its former power. It may be recalled that the things that preserve their former power, the person avoids mentioning the name: Because of these taboos ancestors of modern Slavic ancient Indo-European name the bear (continued, for example, that the Greek word from which formed the name of the Arctic) replaced the conservative moniker " eating honey. "
The emergence of semantic space of language as a child's development, and in the history of mankind, it should be a primary comprehension of outside space in which a person begins to navigate through your body. Go to solving logical problems, it is extremely difficult
even for the brain such highly developed animals such as dolphins, was the most late-stage development. In a sense, biologically fewer people best equipped to address the frequent changing of logical problems [92, pp. 203-204]. That could see the biological significance of the creation of computers, it is endowed with this ability and therefore vospolnyayuschih significant gap in the evolution of the central nervous system.
From a cybernetic point of view of evolution that led to the development of the left hemisphere, to a much greater extent than right, based on the solution of logical problems, finds the continuation of the establishment of special technical devices for solving such problems - computers.
According to the results of the latest research found tsitoarhitektonicheskie differences in the structure of the cortex of the left and right hemispheres. Normally a right-handed temporo-parietal region, which includes speech zone in the left hemisphere is seven times (and the occipital four times) than the right, assuming that the origins of this difference may be raised by Neanderthals, if not even more distant ancestors of humans [153]. In evolutionary terms and is also essential that the frontal right lobe significantly (9 times) larger than the left. It can be assumed that the development of the frontal lobes, which is associated with some actual human behavior, are not realized simultaneously with the development of the temporo-parietal (and occipital) T, Oley. In this regard, much as the fact that some of its functions (in particular, as a regulator of emotions), the left frontal lobe can be approximated with the right hemisphere, right temporal region - with the left hemisphere [on]. The problem arises of determining the relative chronology of development of each of the main zones of both hemispheres.
Another important area of research identified in particular, in Corr. USSR GV Gershoni, is figuring out the extent to which the establishment of a sound (auditory) analysis determined the nature of signal systems used by vertebrates. In this way can we expect to identify similarities between some of the characteristics of communication systems and recognition of audio signals in humans and higher vertebrates [154]. (Vyach. Sun Ivanov)
Archaeologists have found the girl of the Bronze Age
Cardboard box is now the burial place of ancient remains. To the skull of an archaeologist Natalia Shishlinoy many questions: "Who was the man during his lifetime? How long has lain in the earth? Why he died? "Questions about what Hamlet. Only unlike the Prince of Denmark at the Historical Museum scientists have the answers. It's a girl. And it was her twenty-five 46 centuries ago.
"We know that she was pregnant in the spring, but summer came in Rostov steppe. Why is the summer we are studying the invisible archaeological sources, studying pollen in the burial chamber, we know that she died around mid-July, and we know the reason why she died - in childbirth ", - told the doctor of historical sciences, head of the department of archaeological monuments GMM Natalia Shishlina.
Woman of the Bronze Age found this summer in a mound near the village of Repair, in the Rostov region. There, in addition to her were buried 30 others. Researchers have done a radiocarbon analysis of bone and did not believe: burial - older than the Egyptian pyramids. Opening destroys all the established theory: it was assumed that in the middle of the third millennium BC The great Eurasian steppes has not yet been settled. Turned out to be. Nomad, presumably from the North Caucasus.
"They were the metallurgists, this beautiful bronze pin. They were potters. This is also the North-production, most likely, the woman herself made these vessels, - showed Natalia Shishlina.
Scientists have reconstructed her appearance in the sculptural portrait, incidentally, the first time before a reconstruction made only on the computer. They named it - Tamara. Georgian roots of the girl confirmed the anthropologists and buried with her jewelry is typical of the Caucasian type.
A necklace of bones of domestic animals, is believed to archaeologists, or sewn on clothing, or wound on his hand. By the way, not by chance that the tomb was found this ornament: ornament on it like pattern on the skin of a snake. A snake in almost all nations - a symbol of immortality. Ancient people believed that all those things that they put together with the deceased will live with him in a different world. And so it goes: the world of museum shelves, perhaps, not the worst of all worlds.
However, on the shelves of the museum Tamara Bronze Age long delayed. Things found in the mound, going to present at the exhibition, and a sculptural portrait will go down in the project "The Past at Your Fingertips." Thus, a person of ancient man will be available to blind visitors to the museum.
That's what I would like to say about the validity of Wikipedia's remarks.
According to a recall, Larichev, "the opinion of many, expresses a fantastic position, but he proves them." [9] Nevertheless, broad acceptance in academic circles, these interpretations have not yet received (the scientists who know little and do not want to know : PZ).
Prove whether Larichev and other careful investigators, given the above, specific information "Maltese plate" or not prove? Or simply evidence of their careful someone is not satisfied?
Then instead of the Bible dominant neomasonam affecting the accented information flows, is to pronounce the oath on the plate (or copies). Promising to be.
Of course, science should be cautious. But primitivizirovat people of the Lower Paleolithic, used complex funerary rites and left an abundance of works of art in terms of crime information. In science - is irresponsible.
Another Engels (hushed now mason high initiation), stressed that the exact sciences in antiquity developed "first astronomy" (Marx, Engels, vol. 20, pp. 500). Larte and Christy compared the Paleolithic "tag" with runic calendars. R. Lichtenberg prevent the transfer of Paleolithic origins of runic writing (Veyle, 1923, with 65). Pett, Bourdieu and others have pointed to the space characters in the plot of the Paleolithic, N. Marr (1927) argued, not always convincingly, in the development of account based on observations of celestial cyclic changes; K. Henttse (Hentze, 1932) one of the first saw the Maltese plaques, especially in the motives of its ornamentation, symbols honoring the moon and to substantiate this set of ethnographic parallels the presence of lunar symbols in the graph of the Paleolithic. These versions are supported by eminent scientists and AA Miller, VI Ravdonikas, P. Efimenko, APOkladnikov, D. Bernal, J. Thomson, R. Fyuron and others; a special way to revealing observations Moon came to the Paleolithic A. Marshak.
The hypothesis of the origin of "Rhythm 7", and then the "magic sevens" in the Palaeolithic from the observation of the moon and the allocation of time (7 days) of one phase of its proposed BA Frolov in 1965 and remains the only one. Assembled the extensive material supporting this hypothesis. Its essence is as follows.;
Tantalum Zhege-Valkivi
These ideas are solidly grounded Vitali Kopnov Larichev.
The semantics of images of primitive art, the origin of art; cosmogony and cosmology in the outlook of society glacial epoch, beginning in the depths of his protonauki, mythology and the cult of religious beliefs, the history of learning the art of Stone Age Europe and Siberia with aktsentatsiey the circumstances discoveries of monuments, on the interpretation of animalistic images and signs on the fate of the researchers whose ideas go beyond the traditional views of his time (Boucher de Perth, E. Larte, E. Pett, J. Vilanova and Pierre, E. Riviere de precursors, M. Baudouin, C. Henttse, F., Bourdieu, and A. Marshak).
In the complex, with non-traditional methodological approaches search for the scientist managed to develop original method of interpretation "symbolic records on works of art of Stone Age in Siberia, which allowed to propose the reconstruction calendar systems used in the reckoning of time of about 15 - 24 thousand years ago (maltinskaya culture). These studies have largely udrevnili early stage of formation of natural sciences, in particular, arithmetic, geometry and astronomy. Decoding coded text for small art forms in Siberia, Eastern and Western Europe as well as iconic records associated with the images of monumental art caves in the Urals (Ignatievskaya sanctuary) and France (Lascaux, Marsula, Pech-Merle, Vallon-Pont d'Arc, Castillo ), targeting them for evidentiary semantic evaluation of the characters, and composite (multi-image) plots of the primitive art of the Paleolithic era with the prospect of a future solution to the exceptional complexity of the problem - which led to the emergence of art in the glacial epoch (the need to commit through the symbolic records and artistic images of exceptional value scientific knowledge).
Now, in this regard is working soundly Michael Rapperglyuk
Image of the Pleiades on the wall in the cave of Lascaux proved Chantal Zhege-Valkivi (sometimes in our search engines - tantalite), Michael Rappenglyukom and Frank EdgeПлеяды_ (zvezdnoe_skoplenie)
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