The real story of Russia Paleolithic Burials

The real story of Russia Paleolithic Burials

The most important historical indicators are still the age-funerary rites. Pervasive religion that arose in the last 2 - 3 thousand years old, borrowed them for profit. Many have to spend even the poor to give to his relatives last refuge in an official cemetery.
Burials from Paleolithic times - a clot philosophy of direct ancestors of modern humans. This belief in the afterlife, the soul, the unfathomable mysteries of space. Sunghir, Kostenko, Malta - striking works of Paleolithic burials in the history of mankind. Burial teenager on a wooden platform in Malta - prototype of the future pit graves and carcass characteristic of the elite of early Great Scythia.

Now, archaeologists and anthropologists, several hundred human skeletal remains belonging to the Paleolithic. But talking about the burials, where there is an anatomical sequence of the core, according to G. Ulrich (Ullrich, 1995; with. 365), can be only 16% of cases (ie, 1 / 6 complexes). An overwhelming number of bone remains - is the so-called Isolated anthropological finds, representing a separate part of the skeleton, often fragments of the femur or skull. Some of them, undoubtedly, can be attributed to a funeral rite, which gives grounds to provide custom inhumation of fragmentary human remains. Another option is buried in the Palaeolithic more traditional in terms of modern man - a single burial is often accompanied by grave goods. They, in turn, are divided into burial committed in shelters (in caves, under overhangs, etc.), and burial, located in open spaces. The latter are not so numerous and are characteristic of late stages of the Upper Paleolithic.

Among the "traditional" and "nontraditional" burials can select a small group of so-called collective burials, when several individuals buried in one grave. Explicit originality of this kind of burial forcing researchers to look for possible explanations for this phenomenon. The most common versions are reduced to a few options. Firstly, the mass burials - are the consequences of the tragic events, including epidemics and diseases. Second, a variant of a complex ritual associated with certain cults. Separately discuss the intent of such graves and one or aktnost mnogoaktnost use graves for burial Ullrich H., 1995. Mortuary practices in the Palaeolithic reflections of human - environment relations / / Man and environment in the Palaeolithic. Liege.

Burials provide rich material for the different findings.
In particular, a girl from sungirskogo paired burials had an unusual and rare hereditary anomaly of the physiological curvature of femoral shaft. The impression was made permanent the provisions of the legs in the bent state, and above the knee. In spite of such a defect, the girl was extremely mobile, active and engaged in daily physical activity (Buzhilova, 2000a). Sungirsky boy with a chronic type of bone disease (with possible manifestations in the skin) and a specific version of a diet (low proportion of animal food, high vegetable and a very high percentage of products from invertebrates) could not only externally but also psychologically different from their countrymen - the typical meat-eaters .
Consequently, in certain cases may reflect the collective burial rituals associated with human sacrifice and manipulation of the human body. In others - causes the burial of several individuals in the same grave may be different, such as those associated with tragic circumstances. The only sign of uniting the kind of burial, reflects the close relationship of the buried. It was he who unites the earliest collective burials Mousterian era and later Upper Paleolithic burial. (Buzhilova AP)

Of particular interest to researchers and history lovers are increasingly causing grave Sunghir, unique in its preservation and the wealth of funeral goods. Sungirtsy 25,000 years ago buried their dead, even with a richer ritual than the Russians of different faiths, "just atheists" or neomasony now.

Identified burial 40-50-year-old man (called Sunghir-1), sungirskogo boy 12-14 years old (Sunghir-2) and a girl aged 9-10 years (Sunghir-3), heads lying to each other (see: above) .

Growth of the adult sungirtsa - up to 180 cm Scientists amazed unusual dimensions of shoulder girdle: the length of the right clavicle male is 190 mm, which is significantly higher than the average for modern men. Silenus was sungirets - Olympic champion Paleolithic "(further synthesis by Sunghir Dmitry Misyurovym:

According to the senior researcher of the Institute of Archaeology RAS, MB Mednikova, large body size of the Cro-Magnon, which include sungirtsy indicate processes that are similar to the acceleration of XX-XXI centuries.
Tall, broad man with a trapezoidal torso was dressed in a leather cape (cloak without sleeves), type malitsa shirt, pants and boots to the knees. Shirt apparently worn over the head, and high boots to the knee, may have been sewn to the pants. High social status of men by the fact that his clothes were embroidered with ornaments made of ivory and other bone products. Surviving rows of beads were placed both on top and the bottom clothes sungirtsev.

The bottom of the grave is usually filled with coal, ash, then ocher - natural paint used for ritual purposes. Surface disposal is also covered with ocher.

Pair burial adolescents is unique in its mirror structure. But in the cultural layer from the other settlements in the Upper - Gagarin - was discovered unfinished statue of a mammoth tusk, which depicts two human figures are also in contact heads. Dual image associated with the myths about twins, fertility cults. Some scientists even the ritual of burial, paradoxically, is associated with cult of fertility.

In the Upper Paleolithic life expectancy increases as compared with the previous period. At the same time, the special significance of burial adolescents who had, apparently, a special value for the Upper Paleolithic society. Social status of boys and girls from adolescence burial is not less highly than men. As a teen boy's burial on his head, as well as men, found beads and pendants with teeth fox, which, apparently, was adorned with a cap. Head girl, possibly covered with a free hat-type hood, decorated with beads. At the top of the head boy found a ring of mammoth tusk, which is either fastened headgear or hair on his chest was found in the suspension as a horse, and under his left shoulder - a mammoth figurine. Scientists surprised by the "tail" - a long row of beads on the form differs from the beads on the body, which was fixed under the pelvic bone - perhaps an imitation of the tail of the animal.

At the burial of girls and a boy survived unusual items: three discs (plates) from a mammoth tusk with a diameter of several centimeters, which have four or eight slots. The slots come from the periphery to the center hole and are located opposite each other. One disc contains ten of the burials asymmetric with respect to the center of the slots. Bone discs are located at the top (cap girls) and on the body, while the guns are found on the left side. Also found batons, darts, and spears of mammoth tusk, silicon tips. The biggest spear from a single piece of ivory reaches 2,4 m. In the same burial Sunghir-1 neither weapons nor equipment were found.

For the manufacture of such weapons was necessary to have a straightening technique tusks - soaking, evaporation, rectification. Beads required special methods of production. Ornaments on the upper and lower clothing, bracelets (behind the knees and above the foot), as well as solid rings on his fingers hit nothing less than the actual number of beads made of mammoth tusk - about 10 thousand.

During excavation of the burial of teenage scientists are faced with a unique situation: among the burial inventory attended specially processed human bone, laid under the boy's left hand (find Sunghir-4). The bone was filled with ocher. Study of Doctor of Biological Sciences, EN Khrisanfova 30 years ago showed that the left thigh bone belonged to a man completely modern look (but not Neanderthal, as previously thought). Recent work by MB Mednikova allowed to talk about the similarities and the possible close relationship sungirskih men Sunghir-1 and 4, as well as children (Sunghir-2, and 3).

Scientists believe that long-term residence in the glacial period (Sunghir - one of the most northern sites of Cro-Magnon in Europe) has led to the emergence of biological features that had adaptive value. On structural features of the skeleton could recreate some of the features lifestyle adult men, boys and girls.

Skeleton of a man Sunghir-1 developed in harmony: he had trained the muscles responsible for the movement of hands, he would often lift weights. In addition, sungirtsy, apparently, actively walking and running, perhaps for quite long distances in search of hunting prey. The man, scientists have noted on the bones of the lower extremities signs that indicate that he often sat on his haunches. In studies of motor activity sungirtsev particular interest were the results of reconstruction of functional loads on the wrist joint. Probably sungirsky adult male had a great experience, requiring precise movements of strong forearms. Most likely, it is made tools from stone. Significant expansion of nail phalanges of the hands, especially sharply on the left hand, testified about the working of hypertrophy of bone tissue. And "force" the use of (time) of the left hand combined with a more subtle, but require considerable physical effort movements right.

When reconstructing the physical activity of children revealed that, although both boys were well developed physically, the boy is mainly engaged in hunting (for characteristic features, often metal spear). Scholars have noted his strong development of the bone relief of accession latissimus dorsi, subscapularis, and a big round coraco-shoulder muscles on the right. On the bones of lower limb muscle relief is more pronounced on the left side.

Girl predominantly engaged in manufacturing instruments and jewelry (most characteristic of her movement - drilling). In the analysis of pathologies of the researchers noted an asymmetric flatness of the articular surface of one of the cervical vertebrae at the girl. Perhaps she wore on the severity of the head. In addition, she has a rare feature: her thighs were sharply bent forward.

Particular way of life reflect and signs of physiological stress sungirskih children. Each of them during his short life has experienced periods of adverse impacts are likely to hunger, as manifested in short-term cessation of growth.

In a sample of bone boy found high concentrations of copper, which, according to Mary Kozlovskaya, can be linked with the consumption of large quantities of various invertebrates (crustaceans, insects, molluscs). It is considered that the Upper Paleolithic human diet in this region consisted of meat, produced on the hunt. Studies have shown that food sungirtsev was much more diverse: plants, invertebrates, and possibly fish form an integral part of ancient diets. Of particular interest is the possibility to reconstruct the individual characteristics of people's diet so distant past. It turned out that each of sungirtsev stuck to his diet. So, the man ate mostly meat of terrestrial mammals, possibly due to the fact that he was a hunter and had a high social position. The boy probably did not eat meat or eating it very little, but to diversify the table not only on invertebrates, but also plants. Diet girl diet somewhat similar to men, but contains more plant foods. Revealed features indirectly confirm the nature of the reconstruction activities, and the differences in the diet of adolescents indicate their different social roles.
In. E. Larichev ) Gave a new interpretation of the data of burials in the article "Victims of the Times
(The violent death in the astral cults Paleolithic of Eurasia), where in the epigraph
Norman Lockyer was quoted as saying: "I want to see archaeologists at least slightly
acquainted with astronomy ... "

PhD, archaeologist, Professor VE Larichev (lyrics)

Introductory remarks. Secret information hidden in the context of the Upper Paleolithic burials, remains largely unclear, and because "unreadable." Equally disappointing conclusion determines lack of evidentiary support judgments made on these things over in the pages of the synthesis work, the last word of science (see Paleolithic of the USSR, 1984, pp. 226-271, 328-329). The proposed MV Anikovichem interpretation of art forms and small burial perceived dull compilation. Otherwise, however, could not be, because the interpretation of its defined a century ago (and dilapidated, too) technique. Representations of the Upper Paleolithic of Eurasia Rights of time, space, life and death, as well as other aspects of the fundamental importance of the spiritual being reconstructed by the author based on the technique of associative links, the justification for any way doubtful. Everything else, AV Anikovich allowed himself to ignore the facts obtained during the decoding of coded entries in the small works of art forms, which could prompt him to at least a little thought - what he set out to write (Marshack, 1964, 1970, 1972; Frolov, 1974; mention only publication that must have known someone who engaged in re-telling of others' opinions about the intelligence and spiritual ancestor of the glacial epoch).
In the meantime, the result of familiarity with the last word in science (according to the metropolitan authority) is pushing to a sad conclusion:
no spiritual life of the Upper Paleolithic man, in fact, was not, and therefore nothing to talk about.
Talk, however, have something.
Formulation of the problem. Impasse in which the MV Anikovich upheld the challenges of the information context of Stone Age burials, put on the agenda to find ways out of despair In this respect, I propose to use non-traditional route of the exodus from tedious Whirl once said, and repeated a thousand times. Let us turn to what is already more than a quarter century, ignoring experts on the art of the Stone Age - to paleoastronomii and paleokalendaristike representing the new branch of the Department paleolitovedeniya, which is designed to be responsible for the accuracy of estimates of the level of mental development of human glacial epoch. Unconventional methods of scientific research in these areas provides judgments of the intellect and the spiritual ancestor of what they are deprived of the traditional method - the level of conclusiveness of Natural Sciences, the highest criterion of the accuracy of the conclusions of the humanitarian sciences.
Methodical installation. Not everyone from the Paleolithic burials may be suitable for interpretive research. You start with a study of the tombs, the remarkable wealth of tools and extraordinary details of the context. As for disclosing the burial of information are encouraged to use methods and paleoastronomii astroarheologii, then as the first objects of analysis is rational to choose the tomb, which is found objects with symbolic records of astronomical calendar and content (compelling evidence on the strength of people's attention to Heaven, and the luminaries of time) and satisfactory preservation of skeletal remains buried for determining their age. The latter circumstance is particularly important to establish (in some cases) cause of death, which I think is not always determined by natural causes.
Sources. As objects of study will choose the most impressive Paleolithic burials discovered in the European and Asian parts of Russia in the last century: the pair of children buried in Sunghir brilliantly excavated by Otto Nikolaevich Bader (Bader, 1978, 1984; 1998; Buhlash, 1984; Zubov, 1984; Nikityuk , Kharitonov, 1984) and fresh burial of children studied Mikhail Mikhailovich Gerasimov (Gerasimov, 1931, 1935, Alekseev, Gokhman, 1987; Turner, 1990; Shpakova, 2000; Terner, 1983; 1990).
Golden Pair
Burial of children in Sunghir (; 25 000 years ago). The context of this unique wealth of discoveries of burial is well known (Fig. 1). Therefore turn to the aspects of direct relevance to the solution of the problem:
1 - the presence among the inventory of two girls rods covered with symbolic records of astronomical calendar and content (the theme of a special article, which is being prepared for publication, see Fig. 2, 1, 2, one of the calendars from the excavated settlement Sunghir see Larichev , 2000);
2 - the orientation of bodies buried at the calendar and astronomy, the antipodal significant point of eastern and western horizons (an excellent illustration of the use of knowledge contained in the records of staff);
3 - the most intriguing aspect of extraordinary significance: age buried with a very characteristic difference between the years spent by them on Earth.
Disclosure of information of the last two aspects, and devoted the first part of the publication.
1 - Astronomical and calendar aspects. Content side of it. The orientation of the boy's head to the northeast, and the girls in the south-west - the fact of astronomy and calendar highly significant and readily amenable to interpretation. Since O. Bader determines the orientation of the magnetic compass, without naming degrees, rather than astronomical (the so-called "true") azimuths, as should be done in accord with the postulate astroarheologii, then there are two possibilities of choosing such assessments targeting those who, following certain canon, performed the funeral ceremony in Sunghir:
and - dead focused on the heads of the antipodal point of sunrise at summer solstice (the boy) and a point of call of daylight in the winter solstice (the girl), ie those diagonally Opposite zone horizons, east and west, where there were major astronomical events of the year - the summer solstice at sunrise, the beginning of the movement of light to the south, and on time - the fall and winter, and winter solstice at call, the beginning of the movement of light to the north and on time - the spring and summer, we add that the human eye captures the first winter solstice when approaching the light (there turned her head girl), and only after the December solstice the rising sun;
b - dead heads focused on the antipodal point of the rising full moon of winter, where the night light to draw nearer to the greatest extent from the north (a boy), and the point of entering a summer full moon, where the night light to draw nearer to the greatest extent with the South (the girl), and if so, it and it was then, this means that artists in a funeral ceremony Sunghir knew sarosny cycle, which lasts 18.62 years, awareness of it allows you to predict an eclipse in the time periods close to the equinoxes - spring and autumn.
Proper recalculation of the magnetic azimuth to astronomic (true) will decide in the future with the choice of an accurate assessment. But just priced enough to reflect on antipodal buried.
2 - The age dimension. Reflected in its "golden" arithmetic relations. Meaningfulness of the calendar and astronomy, captured the age of the deceased. Age parameters boy (; 13 years) and girls (; 8 years), how to install them (with some differences of opinion), anthropologists, calendar, astronomical and arithmetic is very highly significant (which allows us to focus specifically on the numbers 13 and 8). It seems all the more justified because the difference of age and children 5 years old, has an equally high importance. It is appropriate to note that the number 8 is fixed twice on drives found on the body of a girl (lived together with the boy's?), And the number 5 (years lived a boy before the birth of a girl?) Is the drive detected between the heads of children (see Fig. 2, 3-5).
Disclosure of concealed information content of numbers 5, 8, 13, will begin with a number of key - 8 (age girls, period, together with the boy spent years), encompassing the most suitable for early interpretations of the hint. This is the famed ancient kalendaristike 8-year solar period that can read the time on the Moon, by introducing a countable system of intercalation of 3 lunar months in 3, 5, and 8th years (which aligns two great days - the moon and solar).
But 8 years of solar-known not only matched his whole number of lunar months (99), but integer synodic revolutions of the brightest planet of Heaven - Venus. The number is - 5, the second of the above-mentioned trio of sacred numbers.
Confirm the accuracy of the calendar of the corresponding numbers 8, 5 and 99, by its proximity to the number of days that are contained in them:
8 the Sun. years x 365.242 days. = 2 921.936 days.
May syn. vol. Venus x 583.9 days. = 2, 919.5 days.
1999 syn. moons. months. x = 2 29.5306 923.5294 days.
As you can see, the difference is negligible final numbers that should not be surprising if you know that the formula
8 the Sun. = 5 years, syn. vol. Venus = 99 syn. moons. months.
is a classical tenet of astronomy and ancient civilizations kalendaristiki Mediterranean, Middle East and South Asia.
Now, before resorting to a key moment, life expectancy is comparable buried. They share their years relate to the golden ratio, the most harmonious ("divine"!) In Nature.
In fact,
1 - 5 years separating the age of girls and boys relate to girls under the age of gold "-
5: 8 = 0.625;
2 - age of girls correlates with the age of the boy's "gold" and, thus, with astonishing precision -
8: 13 = 0.615!,
for this result is only 0.003 differs from the classical (calculated mathematically!) golden ratio (0.618).
We draw attention to another very thin (only for dedicated to astronomy and calendars) fact:
5 solar years lived by a boy in this case contain a reference to the duration of life born at the end of the fifth anniversary of the girl - then she, too, will live 5 years, but not sunny, and "Venusian", equal, however, eight solar years, which correspond with both, so qualitatively different "five-year periods" in gold.
Contained sufficient weight to begin to address the main question - what astronomical phenomena and the associated calendar periods for the duration of life buried in Sunghir children? The answer is hidden in the key to complete the interpretation of numbers - in 5 years, separating age girls and boys in the 8 years that they lived together, and in 13 years, lived a boy.
Analysis will begin with opening a special calendar and astronomical significance of five solar years. Initially, we note the most significant advancement for the interpretation one step further - the solar five-year multiple of turnover of Venus.
Incompatibility of this period with a number of synodic cycles of Venus subjects, fortunately, accurate astronomical calendar and evaluation in a series of several well-known kalendaristam units synodic circulation of the planet (Fig. 3).
Verify the validity of the above:
(5 years x 365.242 days).: 583.9 days. = 3.1276 vol.
The result means that after 3 revolutions of Venus began its fourth turnover, and within five years it lasted 74.51 days. (Which is 0.1276 synodic cycle of the planet), while no conclusion has come ever five solar years.
Note, however, that the period of 74.51 days. not shiny, as you might think, and the moon -
74.51 days. : 29.5306 days. = 2,5231 ; 2,5 syn. moons. months.
But he, moreover, even the classic "Venusian", because that ; so many days you want the planet to move from the eastern to the western horizon (the so-called superior conjunction of Venus when the sun is between Earth and the planet, see Fig. 3, Zone A and Fig. 4, zone A).
And that, finally, in addition to all the above, a period that includes two times of the lunar eclipse and solar eclipse of one era, one after another in this order -
21 days. + 34 days. + 21 days. = 76 ; 74,51 per day.
Throughout this period, it could be several eclipses.
Grim, as we see, the issue is a 74.51 per day. In violation of the multiplicity of revolutions of Venus within the sun five years. It is the number of days associated with the care of the planet from the zone of visibility (death? Transformation? Rebirth?) And offensive at the same time one or more of eclipses, also symbolizes death.
All these circumstances lead to three basic conclusions:
1 - solar five-year period began when the latter was observed Venus rising in the east, in other words, five years, began just before leaving the planet from the zone of visibility at 74.51 days.; These remarkable phenomena (the beginning of the solar five-year period and the last observation of Venus in the east before beginning of the upper connecting it with the day luminary) determine the date of the birth of a boy (see Fig. 3, position B);
2 - solar five-year period ended when the first call was observed Venus in the west (ie, after the upper link, a duration of 74.51 days. ; 2,5 moons. Months., Remarkable invisibility of the planet, and possibly eclipses night and day light); these remarkable events - the end of the solar five-year period, the first observation of planets in the west, and the fifth anniversary of the boy, another day of his birth, date of birth is determined girl who was destined to live for 5 years less than boys (see Fig. 3, position );
3 - Solar five-year period was, presumably, deliberately chosen for all of these and future temporary layout of the burial, in particular, because that is what it is allowed so gracefully and symbolic "transfer" the beginning of all subsequent cycles of observations of Venus from the eastern to the western horizon (transformation "Star of the East" in the "Star of the West", see Fig. 3, comparative position of b-c).
Stated does not cover events related to the fifth anniversary of the boy's life. Among planetary "heroes" of this period did not mention two astral person, without which occurs on Earth and in heaven will not properly understood in its fullness. They were not mentioned because of the simple - for ease of reading the text of a complex, specialized, full of symbolic and numeric tsifiri operations. So, an additional information subtext burial of children in Sunghir be disclosed in view of synodic cycles of the motion of two more planets - Mars (779.9 synodic revolution of its day.) And Mercury (synodic turnover - 115.9 days).:
5 years is a period corresponding to two complete revolutions of Mars ; 1 / 3 of the third turnover of the planet (see Fig. 4, zone B) -
(365.242 days. X 5 years): 779.9 days. = 2.3415 vol.
Number of 0.3415 the third turnover of Mars is very significant in the five-year period -
it encompasses the period close cycle, pregnancy, women
266.41 days.
How easy to figure out 266.41 per day. within the final 5-th anniversary is none other than the period of uterine development of girls, for that it appears the light at the end of the solar five-year period, ie the fifth day of the birthday boy.
The discovery of circumstances suggests the critical importance of the findings:
1 - Mars is determined within five years of the cycle of pregnancy women are two of the fundamental significance of the moment of her life, clearly limiting it is a great time - the conception and the resolution of the burden, as the beginning and the end of this period comes at a time 1 / 3 of the regular turnover of Mars , an exciting final of the fifth anniversary of the boy's life;
2 - I would venture to say that Venus was in heaven, the divine beauty of a woman who became pregnant after five years when it accomplishes its third turnover, a transparent allusion to the golden ratio is seen as much turnover of Mars and Venus within the same time, all the solar five-year period:
2 vol. Mars: 3 vol. Venus = 0.6666 ...
As you can guess, the two planets were observed at the time of heavenly love close to each other, and the sky that was definitely the east, from which Venus had left then, to allow the burden of the horizon of the west, opposite to where he continued to move to the south of Mars (see Fig. 3, position i) is apparently the time of love came at a time when Venus was in the position of the western elongation, ie when she is most moved away from the sun to the west and climbed as high as possible above the eastern horizon (48є) if the pregnancy is counted from this position, the resolution of the burden will come as the time when Venus, the breaking zone of invisibility, is on the western horizon ;
3 - on Earth, presumably copied at the time an event caused by a rare phenomenon - the convergence on the eastern horizon of the two planets, Venus and Mars, and of heavenly love them:
a - earth woman who gave birth to a girl at the end of five years, she became pregnant from the earthly man when Mars completed its second turn and started the third, brought the most with his beloved - Venus;
b - this earthly women were allowed on the burden when a boy was celebrated five years, Mars has completed 1 / 3 of its third synodic circulation, and Venus was first flashed on the western horizon, as if blessing their phenomenon of those who followed her good example and Mars.
Now consider what remarkable five-year period for solar synodic Mercury and install it - makes it clear that this list of sights in the context of the events associated with burial in Sunghir:
5 years is a period corresponding to 15 full revolutions of Mercury and ; 3 / 4 of the 16 th -
 (365.242 days. X 5 years): 115.9 days. = 15.7567 vol.
The number 0.7567 16 th turnover of Mercury is very significant in the five-year-
and - it reflects the sidereal cycle of turnover of the planet - 87.71 days. (According to modern calculations - 87.9 days), which is close three synodic revolutions of the moon
87.9 days. : 29.5306 days. = 2.9701 sin. months.
b - it is close to the period from the autumnal equinox to the winter solstice (; 89 days.), the only year solar season, which is a multiple of the lunar period.
The latter allows to make the critical importance of the findings related to the exact definition of the seasons of the solar year, which is accomplished very significant events of the tragedy, which was to happen at the end of the upcoming eighth birthday:
1 - number of 87.71 clearly indicates the beginning of season 8-years of a girl's life, because it is the end of this calendar and astronomical cycles completed the winter solstice;
2 - number of 87.71 allows measured time ago from the date of birth of a girl at the time of the winter solstice, to set the time of conception her, it is clear that it was time, near the spring equinox, because the cycle of pregnancy (the time period that the uterine girls) just fits in period separating the vernal equinox and winter solstice;
3 - number of 87.71 and allows you to set the start time of the five-year period, and with it the birth of a boy, five years as the eighth birthday, the beginning, of course, in the days of the winter solstice and the days of the birth of a boy determined by day, hence, the conception of his determined the same day that the conception and girls - the vernal equinox, but the pores prior to the fifth anniversary;
4 - 8 years if started during the winter solstice, then those same days is, of course, and ends by defining the end of the life of a boy and a girl.
Identified in paragraphs 3 and 4, the facts give hope that the events that occur at the end of the 8 th anniversary, will determine the order that preceded the 5 th anniversary (we are talking about clarifying the position in the sky certain stars, which may determine the need to conceive a boy during the vernal equinox). After the expiration of the 8 th anniversary was supposed to come back five years and re-eighth birthday, if the priests were read Sunghir the 13-letiyami.
Solving the problems raised, we consider exactly the same as in the five-year period, an eight-year cycle is a key co-existence on Earth, a boy and a girl. To do this, first define to what is notable this time for celestial persons:
1 - 8 years is a period during which Venus will make 5 whole synodic revolutions, they will become the reference point is now the first event of the planet on the western horizon;
2 - 8 years is a period corresponding to three complete revolutions of Mars ; 3 / 4 of his fourth turnover -
(365.242 days. X 8 years): 779.9 days. = 3.7465 vol.
Number of 0.7465 the fourth turnover of Mars is very significant - it encompasses the period close circulation of Venus (583.9 days)., Namely,
582.236 days.
This number is so close Venus synodic circulation, means that in future, when the time for the next five years and eighth birthday, turnover of Mars measured from the day complete turnover of Venus; operation with the change of the origin of the cycle of Mars is rational, given the comparability of the synodic rotation of the two planets - 3 vol. Mars = 4 vol. Venus
779.9 days. x 3 = 2, 339.7 days.
583.9 days. x 4 = 2, 335.6 days.
Equally clearly comparable to the turnover of Venus and Mars synodic revolutions distant ("top" relative to Earth) of the planets Jupiter and Saturn. This circumstance makes it possible to perform the same operation with the change of the origin of their cycles at the end of the 13 th anniversary (see Fig. 4).
In fact, Saturn (planet of women! ") For this time of the 11 rpm + cycle, a close synodic circulation of Venus, the planet, too" feminine ":
(365.242 days. X 13 years): 378.1 days. = 11 vol. + 589.046 days.,
and Jupiter ("male" planet ") will make 10 revolutions + cycle, a close synodic circulation of Mars, the planet, too" masculine "(mismatch will be 20.754 days. = age of the lunar eclipse):
(365.242 x 13 years): 398.9 days. = 10 vol. + 759.146 days.
3 - 8 years is a period corresponding to the 22-m full speed of Mercury and ; 1 / 5 of the twenty-third of its turnover:
(365.242 days. X 8 years): 115.9 = 22.2129 vol.
Number of 0.2129, indicating an 8-anniversary of the twenty-third turnover of Mercury, calendar astronomically significant. It reflects ; period of invisibility of the planet with its transition from the eastern horizon to the west (top connection) - 24.436 days. As well as a cycle, a close the era of lunar eclipse (; 21-23 days to modern calculations), we recall that ; same number of days lacking until the turn of Jupiter synodic circulation of Mars).
In solar cycle 13-th anniversary of Mercury makes ; 1941 turnover -
(365.242 days. X 13 years): 115.9 days. = 40.9676 vol.
for non-compliance equal to 3.754 days. that the discrepancy is close 13 years of 8 turn Venus + 74.51 days. -

(365.242 days. X 13) = 4748.146 days.
(583.9 days. X 8 vol.) + 74.51 days. = 4745.71 days.
4748.146 days. - 4745.71 per day. = 2.436 days.
So, all the planets occupied by the end of the 13 th anniversary of adjusted positions of Venus and Mars, from whom it was convenient to start counting the next 5 and 8 years ahead of time representing (prognoziruya!) - when and what in terms of meaningful has to happen in heaven, and that the echoes resound events on Earth.
We note in this regard, two important events that preceded the beginning of starting the next five years and eighth birthday:
1 - apparently at the turn of the transition from "old time" to a "new time" in heaven there was a lunar eclipse, which hinted at ; 21 days of shortage in the number system speed ; Jupiter and the same number of days of the final turnover of Mercury; lunar eclipse Had it then, would be the best proofreader reckoning of time, an indicator of the accuracy of his reckoning for 13 anniversary, and, finally, an extremely impressive mark the completion of a multi-year cycle;
2 - Saturn synodic revolutions culminated in the 8 th anniversary as a five-year period ended synodic revolutions of Mars - a cycle a woman's pregnancy (see Fig. 4, zone B):
(365.242 days. X 8 years): 378.1 days. 7 vol. + 275.236 days. "
It turns out that the resolution of the burden of Saturn, the great primordial deities, the astral mythology - the Mother of the World and the Progenitor of all things, marked the beginning of a new time - renewed, revived and transformed by, the beginning of it again marked, perhaps, the birth of the child, as sanctified the beginning of the preceding five years the birth of a boy!
And here comes the time to decide in the very main reason why all this was carried out puzzling interpretation of astronomical and calendar significance of years lived Sunghir children - what events on Earth was preceded by the appearance of the West updated Venus and the Moon? In answering this question, put forward the following idea:
74.51 per day. (; for 2,5 moons. Mon.) Days before the rebirth of light, ie a day when Venus in the morning for the last time came up on the eastern horizon and the moon at night was complete, and perhaps eclipsed, of life on their own children have gone Sunghir (they apparently gave the poison, because traces of physical effects on the bone remains absent; may, however, the sacred instruments of the killings were the tip lying in the neck and upper chest - heart stopping injections, or by rupture of arteries?) full time invisibility of the World (superior conjunction of the Sun), ie within 2.5 revolutions of the moon, the sanctuary Sunghir were full of mysteries cult ritual actions that should have been sposobstovat prosperous transition (Ascension) souls of the dead in "another world" (it is appropriate to recall - the same day after sunset (departure) of Sirius in the country Duat, the Hell of the West, to embalm the body of the pharaoh of the country Hapi, and his burial is accomplished in 73 days when the East in the morning there was the first after the invisibility rising of Sirius), and the transition of the soul safely and ended with a clear guarantee of what was wise predicted by the priests - in the west, near the horizon , shining side by side, Venus and the moon, and it turns out that other, as the circumstances of astronomical and calendar, determined the fatal destiny of children Sunghir.
Now, estimating the whole 74.51 per day. Final 13-th anniversary, I urge the maximum focus and fully apply in mind to appreciate the grace and beauty vremennugo thinking priests Sunghir and depth of their philosophy of life, death and gaining immortality:
1 - the beginning of the last of the 13-year anniversary to the day of death of children as time passed, ; equal to the cycle of pregnancy, women -
365.242 days. - 74.51 days. = 290.732 days.;
goes, the death that day as it met face to face with the symbol (znameniem!) birth of a new life;
2 - Venus on the day of death of children for the last time was observed in the East, it was observed at birth of a boy at the beginning of five years;
goes, the death that day as it comes face to face with a celestial sign of the birthday boy;
3 - Venus on the day of death for children, too, "dies" and disappeared from the zone of visibility and merging with the sun, but the goddess of the sky was revived by 74.51 per day. in the West, like 8 years ago when a girl was born, a boy celebrating his birthday (five years of his life), it was, moreover, the end of the 8-day anniversary of when it has finished the 275-th days. last whorl Saturn Banner (final cycle of pregnancy!) new birth;
goes, life in the late 13 th anniversary again comes face to face with death, so, however, to overcome it all!
The sky was fed into the last day of the 13 th anniversary of the joyful signs of the New ("reborn"!) Time - against the backdrop of a crimson sunset the western horizon, "Otherworld", "Party dead," glowed the updated Venus, and shone beside a thin crescent moon restored. All these phenomena have been in people's eyes glacial epoch marks a great idea of fidelity of priests of the indestructibility of life, the justification for eternal hope of every person to overcome death and rebirth of its Earth-powerful will of the heavenly gods.
This means that not a tragedy perceived tribe Sunghir death of children, coming from abroad change the cycles of Time. They were no casualties, "a bloodthirsty gods," as you can imagine, and, apparently, the ambassadors of earthlings to the gods, incarnations of the stars, with thanksgiving for the grace of them (see Fig. 5). Perhaps they solemnly sent to the forefathers, had to ask for mercy and kind attention to the people for all future years of the next cycle of time the divine, whose duration is hardly limited to thirteen (see Larichev, 2001). After such a luxury, and hence the significance, burial could not happen often (and why they are rarely open). They performed, I think, on the occasion of the rarest celestial events that capture the imagination (put, such as a spectacular and frightening people hitherto parade of planets - a sign of universal catastrophe).
It now becomes clear - why leaving in the Sky rites in an unusually luxurious, truly divine category of clothing, hats and shoes (this, of course, never dare to put themselves those who pursued the snowy deserts of mammoths and rhinos), and provided the things that were accessories actions are not hunters, primitive inhabitants of the tents, and priests of the temple, the ruins of which O. Bader opened near the tomb. Children Sunghir were probably members of a clan of priests, their pupils, and, simultaneously, the similarities (incarnation) on earth heavenly gods themselves - whether Venus and Mars, or Venus and the Moon (the "golden couple"?). In this case, a decent view of the gods disguise had brought them to those who defined the human being is the Old Stone Age. But before this tragic happened (with the narrow-minded point of view) the event, all children's lives from the day of conception and birth until death took place consistently, year after year, in strict accordance with the signs of heaven, guided by priests in their own counsels.
Final conclusions concerning the analysis of burial in Sunghir, it is appropriate to present after the same style of analysis of the burial of children in Malta and this will be done in the final section of the second part of the article. In the meantime, frankly confess that fully aware of the extraordinary difficulties in the perception of text, rich calendar and astronomical considerations. This is not a fairy tale as presented by M. Anikovicha, when at any moment to relax and even take a nap.
Way to overcome these difficulties, only one puzzling, and he, alas, does not bode light to those in the old believes that to get to the essence of religion Paleolithic - zadachka kindergarten complexity. But to move to a new route, it is necessary to perceive, at last, a guide to action a century-old advice eminent astrophysicist and founding father of Sir Norman Lockyer astroarheologii:
"I want to see archaeologists at least slightly acquainted with astronomy."
This advice, taken as an epigraph to the paper remains valid until now. Topicality is determined by its need to be aware paleolitovedami fundamental things - monuments which, in reality, they dig up the culture and spiritual world of a mad man trying to understand?
                Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography
                SB RAS, Novosibirsk
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Shpakova EG Odontology finds Paleolithic period in Siberia: Problems of Archeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and adjacent territories. Volume VI. Proceedings of the annual anniversary session of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS. December 2000 - Novosibirsk: Publishing House of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS, 2000. S. 463-467.
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Terner Ch.G. II. Paleolithic teeth of the Centrai Siberian Altai Mountains / / Chronostratigraphy of paleolithic in North, Certral, East Asia and Ameraca (Papers for the Enternational Symposium). - Novosibirsk, Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy Sib. Br. USSR Acad. Sci. - 1990. - P. 239-243.
List of illustrations to the article, VE Laricheva "Victims of the Times"
Fig. 1. Burial of children in Sunghir.
Fig. 2. Calendar rods and disks from the burial of girls. On large drives - 8 holes (excluding central), on a small - 5 (including central).
Fig. 3. Venus synodic circulation scheme showing of significant items: a - zone of invisibility of the planet at the top of its conjunction with the Sun, b - a point the last sunrise "Eastern Venus", the birth of a boy, the origin of five years, and death of children; in - point first-sight "Venus Western and the beginning of the first call; birth of girls, the final reckoning the 13 Anniversary of d - the position of Venus at western elongation, the venue of the planet with Mars; conceiving a girl.
Fig. 4. Scheme of years of life boys and girls, and - zone 1 / 3 revolutions of Mars; zone uterine development girls b - a zone of invisibility of Venus at the end of five years, and in - the zone completion of the 8-second turnover of Saturn in the eighth birthday, d - zone of death for children and the emergence of in the West of Venus and the crescent moon.
Fig. 5. A sculpture of a girl (left) and boys (right). Reconstruction GV Lebedinskaya and TS Surnin.

 "Slain Heaven"
Burial of children in Malta (; 24 000 years ago). Context of burial in a stone box of a child age ; 3 years old and an infant aged 9 months ; () are well known (). By solving this problem that this article had the same ratio as in the case of the collective burial of children in Sunghir, aspects:
1 - the presence among the inventory of the art of small forms with records of astronomical calendar and content. Explanation of these records was published (Larichev, 1985: 1999, 2000). These records have witnessed a high level of astronomical knowledge and maltintsev (awareness of the duration of Draconian (346.62 days.) Lunar (354.367 days). And the sun (365.242 days).'s, The complexity of their ideas about the Universe, the ability to a structured it and take in the images , live and visual;
2 - Orientation buried at the calendar and astronomically significant point of east and west horizons - head to the northeast, and feet - on the south-west. MM Gerasimov fixed magnetic azimuth orientation, which, however, leaves in limbo the question of the points on the horizon, which in reality paid his opinion those who performed the funeral ceremony in Malta. As in the case of burials in Sunghir, were, respectively, the zone of sunrise during the summer or winter solstice, full moon, when she was in high stage (the rising of the moon nearest to the north (head orientation) and the zone sunset during the winter solstice or a summer full moon in the same high stage (near the south entry of night lights, which guided and legs);
3 - age dimension, reflected in its calendar and astronomical information, the duration of metered fate lifetime maltinskih children is remarkable, so the age of three older children may primarily reflect the fact that while in Malta were monitored on the moon within 3 years, and then counting system was introduced inkalyary, whose duration was about 34 days. (Sample of the lunar-solar calendar was found parked on the Achinsk, which represents the culture maltinskogo type, see Larichev, 1983, 198; 1993; Larichev, Arustamyan, 198).
In fact,
(354 per day. X 3) + 34 days. = 1096 days.
365.242 days. x 3 = 1095.726 days.
Since the object under study (burial) is the deepest (sakralnoe!) reflected the theme of death, then pay for this occasion the most careful attention to the number of days in inkalyarii (34), by which leveled the moon through time from the time the sun. This number is a secret (a very unpleasant!) Calendar-astronomical context - that is the number of days is the so-called era of the solar eclipse, during which the two may be a risk cover disc of the moon daylight (twice, because in a cycle of this era may occur twice new moon). Since the total solar eclipse is seen usually the most impressive symbol of death, not only in the "upper world", but also in the "lower world", the earth, then there is the idea of the possible connection of death 3-year-old child with this grand natural phenomenon can be observed only in daytime hours.
Age of second child presented in the burial of a skull (upper and lower jaw), at first glance seems not very informative. This, however, is not it, because as in the case of the girl Sunghir, who was born after the boy was age so few lived baby was ultimately the key to establish the sacred character of the collective burial of Malta. In this regard, we note that the child had lived on earth as much as it was in "another world" - in the womb. This is hardly the facts supporting the idea that accurate knowledge of Paleolithic man duration of pregnancy a woman could be accidental. If so it is, purely a calendar (connected, of course, primarily to the Moon!) The importance of the age of the child
281 days. : 29.5306 days. = 9,5155 ; 9,5 syn. moons. months.,
can be strengthened by adding together the cycle of his life in the womb of the earth lived through them for months.
281 days. + 281 days. = 562 days.,
that will be a period of only 3 / 4 months (22 days). less synodic cycle of Venus.
In fact,
[(281 per day. X 2) + 22 days.]: 583.9 days. = 1.0001 vol. Planet.
Among the numbers that record deserves special attention inkalyary (22), the number of days by which aligns with the synodic period of Venus. And this number is a secret (to the same extent as in the case of 34, very unpleasant) calendar-astronomical context - that is the number of days is the so-called era of lunar eclipse, during which it may be a threat cover disc of the moon shadow of the Earth. Since the lunar eclipse was seen in the ancient symbol of earthly death, then again a thought about the possibility of infant death connection with this terrible natural phenomena which can be observed only at night.
Identify linkages period of infant's life (including fetal life cycle) with the period of the motion of Venus to the Sun (synodic cycle) pushes the analysis at the same angle of view of a three-year solar period. The result was very remarkable - 3 years of life of Malta does not "hold out" up to 2 revolutions of the planet familiar to Sunghir number of days - 73.
In fact,
(365.242 days. X 3 years): 583.9 days. = 1.8765
[(365.242 days. X 3 years) + 73 days.]: 583.9 days. = 2.0015.
Thus, calendar-astronomical situation associated with age older child from Malta, was the opposite end of the 5-th anniversary of the boy's life Sunghir within 3 cycles whose speed of Venus, were surpassed by 73 days. (Which was rated as the priests desire to watch the ending cycles of Venus phenomenon of the western horizon during all 8 years old girl's life). Conclusions that suggest themselves in this regard, striking significance:
1 - Last rising of Venus on the eastern horizon marked the beginning of the period of invisibility of the planet, which lasted until the end of the second of its turnover, as signaled the appearance of Venus against the background of the sunset and her first entry, but before we started counting days of invisibility of the planet, away from the life and presumably not of their own (as well as children Sunghir!) will, a child of three of Malta;
2 - a tragic event is accompanied not only by the disappearance of (smertyu!) Venus at 73 days, but probably a full solar eclipse (rather transparent hint - the intercalation of the lunar period of three years, the duration of which corresponds exactly to the era of solar eclipse - 34 rd days).
Said can be convincingly (evidence) confirm only if the same circumstances determine the final infant's life, laid on the same stone box. This is also confirmed, though, with impeccable precision, but on one strict condition - to offset the life cycle of the baby should go only day of his existence on Earth (ie, excluding months in the womb). In this case, the summation of 281 days of his life with 73 days on the period of invisibility of Venus will give up high-calendar-astronomical significance - the cycle is equal to the length of the lunar year.
In fact,
(281 per day. + 73 days). ; 354,367 = 354 days.
Conclusions that suggest themselves in connection with the result, not be denied to a large:
1 - after the period of invisibility of Venus and ended with that particular lunar year in which he lived babe But before you start counting the day of the upper connection of the planet with a day luminary (her care in the world of nothingness) was cut short life (and, presumably, on someone else's will ) baby;
2 - the event is accompanied by a lunar eclipse, because it was at the same time, and this is the third lunar year, the counting system which was introduced inkalyary equal to the age of the solar eclipse (34 days).;
3 - but just as revived after 73-day invisibility of Venus, has been transformed from "the world's eastern horizon" in the "planet western horizon, so revived, and the moon, taking on the western horizon, with sunset near the edge of Earth's sun, the type of sickle People (young) months, ie phase inverse mean one in which there is in the east of the "old" a month, dying about the Rising Sun Moon;
4 - so if by the end of the logic assessments occurred in the Sky event can not be avoided and this is now a stunning final conclusion - the same place on the west, but not on Earth, and in the Upper World, revived souls murdered children, which is just merged with the upgrade of Venus and the Sun Moon; updated them because it was in the glow of fluorescent lights disappeared (died) in a definite time, she and other "nebozhitelnitsa;
5 - expressed allows us to offer to solve the still quite intriguing question - what kind of nebozhitelnits symbolized the children of Malta?; Eldest child, I suppose, the girl was the embodiment of Venus, a babe, I think, boy, was the incarnation of the moon, in agreement with astral mythology - a child of the planet but her lover, the bridegroom and husband.
We now define the issues that were solved in connection with the periods of the lives of children Sunghir: when, according to apparently dictates cooperation of the priests, were conceived forcibly mortified children Malta, and when they were born?
The answers are as follows:
eldest child was conceived close to the time when Venus took up a position east west elongation, ie most remote planet from the Sun and the highest lift it above the horizon, and only under this condition, he could be born ; through 281 days, when Venus, ending its cycle of invisibility at superior conjunction with Sun, was first observed on the western horizon, and die - when Venus was observed in the last time in the east at the end of the solar triennium;
the baby was conceived, when Venus began his second turnover (ie, she was in the same position when the traffic before the oldest child was born!) only under this condition, he could be born close to the time of the first sunrise east of Venus after her the cycle of invisibility at inferior conjunction with Sun, and die on the same day as the oldest child - when Venus was observed for the last time in the east at the end of the solar triennium (the last sunrise east of Venus).
In the list of "heavenly people" who have allowed so clearly reveal the sacred - the astral subbase fate buried in Malta children missing Mars and Mercury. Because they, as one might see much clarified in the analysis of time periods related to the fate of children buried in Sunghir, we turn to the clarification of the relations synodic revolutions of Mars and Mercury, the three-year period of solar being maltintsev. Proportions will be very noticeable when one no less remarkable condition:
if 3 of the solar year to add 73 days on the period of invisibility of Venus at the top of its connection with the sun (repeat due to the special importance of the moment reconstruction of the events associated with the funeral cult - with the cycle of the planet from the eastern to the western horizon), we obtain the period times the synodic revolutions of Mars and Mercury .
In fact,
[(365.242 days. X 3 years) + 73 days.)]: 779.9 days. = 1,4985 ;
1.5 vol. Mars
[(365.242 days. X 3 years) + 73 days.)]: 115.9 days. = 10,0083 ;
10 vol. Mercury
Preceding the main conclusions we draw attention to important details calendar and astronomical significance of 73 days, which in any case should not be left in the shadows. We are talking about it:
because semantically 73 days of invisibility of Venus can be associated with death and rebirth of the planet (like 2-3 days of invisibility of the moon, followed by the revival of the night lights in the same place, in the West), then uncover two is not very noticeable, even for professionals aspect of this period, which is also hidden in allusion to the death:
1 - 73 days is 2 2 / 3 of Draconian (zatmennyh!) months, the fractional part of which is also an eclipse, because of ; 1 / 2 times the solar eclipse -
73 days. : 27.2122 days. = 2.0826 dragon. months.
0.0826 dragon. months. = 18.5756 days.
2 - 73 days cumulatively account for ; two epochs of the lunar eclipse, solar eclipse + age:
21 days. + 34 days. + 21 days. = 76.
All this suggests that the whole solar triennium, which zavershlos violent deaths of children of Malta, was such a long period in a certain cycle (for this see Larichev, 2001, in press), at the end of whose priests were expecting a terrible celestial phenomenon - one (or more!) eclipses. This event (or events) and specially nurtured (after a rigorous comparison of calendar and astronomical cycles and periods of pregnancy, women), children in Malta. This scale events and inevitably tragic predetermined their fate.
The key is the importance of the just outlined is as follows:
after the solar triennium, when the children of Malta were sent into oblivion in the last day of Venus rising on the eastern horizon, advancing, apparently, the most sacred period of duration of 73 days, when, presumably, were certain rituals and looks forward to the phenomenon of Venus on the western horizon. Since it was a sign of revival of the planet, it is logical to conclude that it marked the final ascension to the same, to the west, in the "Land of the Dead", degenerated souls of the dead children. There, not far from Venus, shining sickle Restored Moon and Mercury (he completed the 10-nd its turnover and, hence, the same place in the West began the first of about 3 solar years ago!), And Mars, completing half of its turnover, reaching apparently his band opposite the Sun (when, consequently, the Earth was located between day luminary and planet).
Conclusions that suggest themselves from what has been said to be as easy to guess, the same as in the case of the analysis of calendar and astronomical aspects of the burial of children in Sunghir. Therefore avoid unnecessary repetition, but only recall (clarifying the essence of what happened and enhancing the reliability of the proposed renovations), that in ancient Egypt during the Pharaoh after death, prior to burial, lasted 73 days, during which the mummification of the deceased's body was made ruler, and the burial itself is accomplished in the first appears on the eastern horizon the brightest stars of Heaven - Sirius.
In conclusion, the answer to the obvious question - is there a calendar entries among Paleolithic such texts, which would confirm the precise knowledge of primitive man periods, whose duration is 3, 5, and hence 8 years? Reply to Sunghir coming (forthcoming publication on the calendars of the monument), and Malta, he is definitely a positive. Cycles 3 and 5 years fixed on two rods that are open during the excavation Achinskogo settlement (Larichev, 1987) and Malta (Larichev, 1993). The first, specific, well-selected block also chronicled cycle of a woman's pregnancy (see Fig. Helix 273). He also has the fundamental importance of the cycle, embodied as the central pendant necklace maltinskogo funeral (273 mark, which is a sculpture of a pregnant woman, whose structure consists of two phallus (see fig.).
Concluding remarks.
(Origins of the symbols of Russia)

At the moment, first identified in human history, burial - a burial of Neanderthal Related to Mousterian cultural period (see classification). In 1908 the Swiss Otto Gauzer made near the village of Moustier in the valley of the river Weser (Southern France) is interesting, an amazing discovery: he found the grave of a Neanderthal boy, who lived several thousand years ago. In a shallow grave lay his skeleton in the pose in which he was buried the young man: on the right side, right arm under his head, legs bent. Around the skeleton lay several flint tools and burnt animal bones: they were given to the dead on the road to eternity.

Following this discovery, which convinced many that human sympathy and respect to the dead back in history to the most ancient times, was made by a number of other similar discoveries. The most famous of them, perhaps, is the discovery of a Soviet archaeologist Alexei Pavlovich Okladnikov in 1938, a goal from the burial of Neanderthal boy era Moustier in the grotto Teshik-Tash (Uzbekistan). His bones were lying in a shallow groove. Around the skull were stuck in the ground Siberian goat horns, and they form around the boy's skull is something like fencing. Not far from the graves were traces of a small fire that burned a short time. Perhaps it was a ritual fire, which had a ratio of the burial.

An important argument for the existence of intentional burials of Neanderthals, AP Okladnikov felt the presence of pits, which are finding their backbones: "It would not explain the origin of such wells, their existence is a fact, at least in two cases. The first - a la Chapelle-aux-Saints, second, the most striking - in a grotto Kiik Koba (Crimea).

According to the adherents of the concept Okladnikova, feature neaydennyh Neanderthal ksotyakov - the same location of their head to the east or west, not south or north, and everywhere: in Western Europe, in the Crimea, in Palestine. AP Okladnikov believed that randomly it could not be and points to a specific attitude of the people of that era to the dead and death and even suggests the existence of Neanderthals some sun worship.

"Essentially one - wrote APOkladnikov - Neanderthal man has discovered that the dead are not just" sleep ", that with respect to it need special care, qualitatively different than in relation to a living person. He did not just leave their dead on the earth's surface in the position to which he caught the death, but gave him, yet not stiff body, a strictly sustained posture, put it not as horrible, do not have to like, but in a certain direction - head to the east or west, finally , put him in a pit and covered with earth. This implies that the Neanderthals already have some ideas about a qualitatively different form of existence of the dead after death, ie, the first idea about "life beyond the grave."

However Okladnikov was confident that "about any burials in domusterskoe time not speak." He felt certain that in such distant times were dominated semianimal, poluinstinktivnye forms of labor with the appropriate level of consciousness.

In 1960 the famous American anthropologist and archaeologist R. Solecki's Shanidar cave (in Iraq) has found fossils of nine Neanderthals. A few years later the French paleobotany Arnet Leroi-Gourhan, exploring in a Paris laboratory soil taken from the excavation, together with the fourth shanidarskim skeleton, discovered a number of plant pollen, which surpasses all likelihood ", and something where the pollen was in lumps, but close some of them survived even the remains of parts of a flower. From this was made startling conclusion that the tomb threw armfuls of flowers gathered on a hillside, the representatives of the group to which the deceased belonged to a hunter.

Many ancient peoples were placed in the graves of their fellow flowers whose medicinal properties were well known to them. Initially, this ritual is pursuing a completely utilitarian purpose: People were given the opportunity to heal and return to the bosom of the family home, which means - in the tribe. In addition, a strong odor smell of decay interrupted by neutralizing the unpleasant feeling of a dead body. But one day someone noticed that the flowers - it is beautiful, and they became the subject of donation. Utilitarian and religious function has given way to an aesthetic. And we still bring flowers on the graves as a tribute to love and respect.

For the ancient flowers on the grave had to symbolize the very process of life and death: fresh, they are pleasing to the eye, causing a complex range of aesthetic feelings, then their colors gradually fade, the petals begin to wither and fall off, and finally juice, nourishing life of a flower, fading, the flowers are dying. This whole process - like model of the human being, and it is difficult to say what led to the cult of plants - medicinal functions or symbols ..

All this is so, it's hard to disagree. But the key question is how justified the transfer of customs and beliefs of the later cultures in the Neanderthals, which many scientists have steadfastly refused to recognize the equal in intellectual and psychological development of people of later ages.

Some scientists believe that even in animal behavior can be found certain actions that are characteristic for the intentional dumping of: throwing the remains of neighbor earth branches, which could be and flowers and stuff, so that the actions of Neanderthals can not yet see signs of actual human psyche and found remains can not be considered intentional burials. Another argument of opponents of burial Neanderthals is a small number of burials found, the lack of common rituals for all discovered graves.

I believe that these claims are not convincing enough. Indeed, the large temporary space Paleolithic ethnic characteristics inhabited by different tribal areas, damage to the graves in the later culture period might affect the specified raznoharakternost graves. But, apparently, still it must be admitted that the first burial appeared in the Mousterian era of the early Paleolithic and belonged to the Neanderthals.

Since the first epoch of the late Palaeolithic, ie with the Aurignacian culture age related skeletal remains of a man who differ greatly in physical type from the Neanderthals that represent a higher level of development, more finely crafted. Thus, the era of orinyaka a new stage in the history of human development, marking the advent of modern man, whom we designate as Homo sapiens fossilis.

These "reasonable" people, also known as new people, or neantropami were much more widespread on Earth than the Neanderthals, and left behind ample evidence of high economic, social and cultural development.

From this period, starting just undeniable funeral rites. Know a lot of burials belonging to orinyaku. In general about them can be said that the dead were buried often in the same place where they lived before, but the people themselves were leaving this place. Sometimes the corpse was placed directly on the hearth, if it was still a fire, burn the body or turned into ash and cinders. In other places the dead were buried in specially dug graves, sometimes obkladyvali head and foot stones. Here and there on the head, chest and legs superimposed dead stones, as though they wanted to prevent the possibility for the dead to rise. This probably was caused by fear of the dead, whose return had to be in every way possible to discourage. Therefore, the dead sometimes tied up and buried in a strongly flexed form. Dead sometimes left in the cave and the entrance into it swung a large stone. Often only the head or body sprinkled with red paint. With the dead in the grave they laid a lot of different gifts - jewelry, stone tools, food.

Of the Aurignacian burials are very many more world-famous, notably the funeral of mammoth hunters, opened in 1894 in Prshedmosti about P;erova (modern Czech Republic). It was found 20 skeletons buried in a crouched position and facing head to the north. The grave was oval, had a 4 meters long and 2.5 meters in width. One of its side was packed with blades of mammoths and the other - their jaws. Top of the burial was covered with a layer of lime stones 30-50 cm thick, which were to serve as protection from the destruction of graves by wild beasts. It is assumed that the grave from time to time laid dead members of the tribe.

In 1891, in the heart of the city of Brno during the sewer work, workers found at a depth of 4.5 meters grave Aurignacian mammoth hunters. In a shallow pit, which was probably lined with soft skins, put a dead hunter, very carefully dressed in clothes made of animal skins, decorated with ivory slices. About hands are stone tools and weapons. Dead sprinkled with red ocher on the then very popular custom, closed blade mammoth tusk propped Mamontov, and covered with clay.

In July 1949 during an archaeological excavation of mammoth hunters parking in Dolni Vestonice (former Czechoslovakia) found buried women. The woman was laid on its side in a crouched position, probably related to pre-seat belt (J. Augusta, H. Burian, and believe that the dead has not left the tomb and did not intervene in the lives of the living). In the tomb was put silicon knife, meat meal, the corpse sprinkled with red paint and covered with two blades mammoth, one of which turned out to be a mysterious thread, perhaps, which had a relation to funeral rites.

Paleolithic hunters were buried not only adults but also children. One of the most famous graves was discovered in Menton (France) in a very small Grote Children. In the burial pit were placed two children very close to one near the other, and therefore it seems that they died simultaneously. Senior was nearly ten years. Children were put on the back, arms stretched along the body. Shallow grave under the children were buried a woman, and even more deeply buried adult man, whose skeleton was lying on his back, skull and leg bones to protect from the destruction of large stone slabs laid on the stones.

Under this tomb was discovered by another. On-site fire lay the skeleton of a young man on his right side in a crouched position, so that your heels almost touching the pelvis. Nearby was later put an elderly woman, also in a crouched position, her knees almost touching his chin. All burial dates back to orinyaka.

This and other burial caves Menton on the Riviera were discovered in the years 1870-1881 by the famous French archaeologist Emile Riviere.

English Wikipedia above facts bright Paleolithic Russia in an article on the history of Russia does not account for, though unrelated to this article, some material on the Russian Paleolithic and yields. The situation arises "illusory objectivity" when the final material does not include a lot of material on a narrow (but important) issues. And the English version of Russian history is too curtailed in the early stages.

Early historyHistory of Russia

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Volga Bulgaria (7th-13th)
Khazars (7th-10th)
Rus' Khaganate (8th-9th)
Kievan Rus' (9th-12th)
Vladimir-Suzdal (12th-14th)
Novgorod Republic (12th-15th)
Mongol invasion (1220s-1240s)
Tatar Yoke (13th-15th)
Grand Duchy of Moscow (1340-1547)
Tsardom of Russia (1547-1721)
Russian Empire (1721-1917)
Russian Provisional Government / Russian Republic (1917)
Soviet Russia / Soviet Union (1917-91)
Russian Federation (1992-present)
Russia Portal
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Kurgan hypothesis: South Russia as the urheimat of Indo-European peoples
Pre-Slavic inhabitants
Further information: Steppe nomads, Scythians, Bosporan Kingdom, and Khazaria

During the prehistoric eras the vast steppes of Southern Russia were home to tribes of nomadic pastoralists. In classical antiquity, the Pontic Steppe was known as Scythia. [10] Remnants of these long-gone steppe civilizations were discovered in the course of the 20th century in such places as Ipatovo, [10] Sintashta, [11] Arkaim, [12 ] and Pazyryk. [13] In the latter part of the 8th century BC, Greek merchants brought classical civilization to the trade emporiums in Tanais and Phanagoria. [14] Gelonus was described by Herodotos as a huge (Europe's biggest) earth and wood fortified grad inhabited around 500 BC by Heloni and Budini. Between the 3rd and 6th centuries AD, the Bosporan Kingdom, a Hellenistic polity which succeeded the Greek colonies, [15] was overwhelmed by successive waves of nomadic invasions, [16] led by warlike tribes which would often move on to Europe, as was the case with the Huns and Turkish Avars. A Turkic people, the Khazars, ruled the lower Volga basin steppes between the Caspian and Black Seas through to the 8th century. [17] Noted for their laws, tolerance, and cosmopolitanism, [18] the Khazars were the main commercial link between the Baltic and the Muslim Abbasid empire centered in Baghdad. [19] They were important allies of the Byzantine Empire, [20] and waged a series of successful wars against the Arab Caliphates. [17] [21] In the 8th century, the Khazars embraced Judaism. [21]
A general map of the cultures in European Russia at the arrival of the Varangians
Early East Slavs
Main articles: Early East Slavs and Rus' Khaganate

The ancestors of the Russians were the Slavic tribes, whose original home is thought by some scholars to have been the wooded areas of the Pripet Marshes. [22] The Early East Slavs gradually settled Western Russia in two waves: one moving from Kiev toward present -day Suzdal and Murom and another from Polotsk toward Novgorod and Rostov. [23] From the 7th century onwards, the East Slavs constituted the bulk of the population in Western Russia [23] and slowly but peacefully assimilated the native Finno-Ugric tribes, such as the Merya, [24] the Muromians, [25] and the Meshchera. [26]

Let us not rush something to edit and refine. Just going to take into account the real history of Russia and these Paleolithic facts.
