The real story of Russian. origins of wisdom

The real story of Russian. origins of wisdom

If hard to start the history of philosophy from Thales and the Greeks, we must reject the wisdom of our paleolithic direct (on Haplogroups) ancestors, not only in Russia. For example, forget the philosophy Sunghir, Malta, Kostenki and other Paleolithic sites in Russia (combining ethnicities signs, symbols, symbolic burial), together with such other countries. Reasonable and objective approach to the realities of the Paleolithic do not allow it. Indeed, already in the Palaeolithic our ancestors thought about the duality of the world, had the beginnings of cosmology, and especially distinguished by wisdom, ability to survive.

  MI SHAKHNOVICH PRIMEVAL MYTHOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY prehistory Philosophy Publisher "Nauka" Leningrad branch of the Leningrad • 1971
VR Cape
L.Levi-Bruhl primitive thinking psychology of thinking. Ed. YB Gippenreiter and VV Petukhov. M: Izd-vo MGU, 1980.
Work of the prominent Russian scientist Yuri Ivanovich Sumenova
Semenov, YI appearance of human society. - Krasnoyarsk: Izd KSPU, 1962. - 672.
Semenov I. How did mankind. - Moscow: Nauka, 1966. - 567. - 40 000.
Semenov I. Origin of marriage and family. - 1st ed. - Moscow: Mysl, 1974. - 308. - 15 000.
Semenov I. At the dawn of human history. - Moscow: Mysl, 1989. - 318. - 50 000.
Semenov I. Introduction to world history. Vol. 1. The problem and the conceptual apparatus. The emergence of human society. - Moscow: Publishing House of the MIPT, 1997. - 202.
Semenov I. Introduction to world history. Vol. 2. Prehistory. - Moscow: Publishing House of the MIPT, 1999. - 192.
Semenov I. Introduction to world history. Vol. 3. The history of civilized society (XXX in. BC. E. - XX century. Mr.. Er.). - Moscow: Publishing House of the MIPT, 2001. - 208.
Semenov, I. Philosophy of History. (General Theory, the main issues, ideas and concepts from antiquity to the present day). - M.: Modern Notebook, 2003. - 776 sec. - 2500 copies.Семенов, _Yuriy_Ivanovich
Skifstvo as a worldview
Zolin PM, Doctor, Professor, March 2010
Ancient origins of domestic philosophy as a core culture and ethics
Author (s): Zolin PM
Philosophy Great Scythia

Very briefly can provide all the two major periods - "recognized
Past national philosophy "(usually with a medieval Rurik Rus) and
"Non-recognized past - not only of philosophy" (to Rurik Rus). Clearly,
"Non-recognized" we are interested in and much more.
We give a brief overview of the national philosophy before the time of Rurik to
then a few more important subjects that affect the multi-millennial history
(Although, in this case, with slight variations to be made a matter of fact specifically repeats to better remember important names and subjects). The spiritual life of our ancestors-countrymen, as well as their contemporaries in many areas of the planet, began thousands of years ago in the depths of the Paleolithic period (archaeological findings suggest the appearance of astronomical and religious views, and other important knowledge of wisdom). Northern sages to expand their activities since the Mesolithic and Neolithic, which further reflect the great diversity of archaeological finds and epic.
The territory of Russia of the future for thousands of years ago was populated by peoples,
had sufficiently developed worldview with a substantial philosophical content. These nations are well known. In particular, among these were Indo-Iranians (future zoroastiytsy) pragreki and pramakedontsy. They, like the Indo-Europeans, according to one of the stable and recognized archaeological and linguistic versions, there were about III century BC from the lands of the Lower Danube to the Volga, the future of ancient Scythia and medieval Russia (Sedov VV Slavs in ancient times. M., 1994. p. 60 - 135 and literature). They could express and philosophy doindoevropeyskoy praderzhavy that define some of these lands by archeologists. Paleolithic roots of such wisdom require special consideration. A well-known specialist in the history of native philosophy, VV Zenkovsky admitted that before the XVIII century. BC Russian people in real life did not do without philosophy, they inevitably have lived philosophical inquiries. But "once they (inquiries: PZ) all remain within the religious world, and therefore not taken the work of the mind on the path to independence and self-philosophical thought" .1

While we will not argue about the independence and autonomy of any and all
followed by philosophy (it's limited capabilities of human nature and
thinking), including modern, but the roots of religious outlook clearly go to the
Palaeolithic period. There are studies on the history of philosophy and deeper
extensive labor Zenkovskogo if, understandably, distracted from their ideological
rhetoric, called for specific vremenem.2

Whatever the controversy did not cause the famous phrase of Diogenes Laertsiya (Laertius), is
its origins in the study of wisdom to remember: "study of philosophy, as some
believed to have begun for the first time among the barbarians ".3 And the source of time and went to dozens -
sometimes - hundreds of thousands of years. If the Scythians, according to Roman times, proving their distinctive ancient than the Egyptians, the question arises about the origins of philosophy, at least among the Egyptians.

According to ancient data assumed that the initiators of philosophy that is stored by the priests and
prophets, was Hephaestus (the Egyptians: Son of the Nile, the god Ptah-bull, and his "triangle of Providence, the eye, remains one of the leading ideological symbolism). From that of Hephaestus to Alexander of Macedon indicate 48,863 years, 373 solar and 332 lunar zatmeniy.4 Theory haplogroups allows greater attention to such calculations.

Calendar account, both demonstrate a variety of archaeological finds, was the people
era "of Hephaestus" is well known.
Along with complete denial about the depth of this philosophy can be
adoption of such depth, with some reservations. In the Persian Magi and the Platonists was
account in the 5000 years between Zoroaster, Sr. (his birthplace is now hard to determine the county
Urals, north of the ancient Arkaim, DC Perm) and the fall of Troy. One
follow Zoroastrov (prophets avestizma was up to twenty) are already connected to the VII-VI centuries. BC At the root of philosophy and stated Zamolksis (sometimes as a Thracian), Libyan Atlanta (he won the Hercules, the ancestor of the Scythians), Athenian Moussya (son Evmoliya). Incidentally, we note - much later king of the Slavs Musuka (with a name that tune into pervofilosofu Museyu) differed in the fight against the Byzantines in the lower reaches of the Danube is already in the VI century BC. 5
By Lina - son of Hermes and the Muses Urania, allegedly took Anaxagoras (similar name
known and the Northern Black Sea with the VI. BC) his teachings about the world, where everything appeared "collectively (chaotic), but then came the mind and introduced into Chaos Order. Anaxagoras of epic importance, and in tune with the name of near epic bogatyr Svyatogorye. Lin died on Evbee of arrows of Apollo (the god of ideology largely superseded by Christ), who used to come every year in the north of Hyperboreans. By arrows, but his brother, Saul, was killed during Anaksogora Scythian sage Anacharsis (in particular, the Greek "recluse" - hermit, recluse, wanderer, skit).
To the ancient philosophy refers Thracian Orpheus (Thracians on ethnogenesis
close to the Scythians, the Bulgarians - Russian), whose path in search of Eurydice passed and Scythia. The doctrine of northern Orphics relocation and the eternal cycle of souls enriched many ancient philosophical systems.
Supporters of barbarous origin of philosophy and then describe what
(Special: PZ) is a kind she had in each of the nations "6. This comment Laertsiya also requires attention. Habitual by the beginning of philosophy since Thales of Miletus (or 624 BC), even Plato and Socrates, clearly underestimates the age of wisdom, and eliminates several types of philosophy in each of the nations in favor of modern cosmopolitanism (history and everything is nothing, the value my capital - everything!).

From the Hellenistic period cosmopolitan feel, "where the material is good (and mentally comfortable: we, me) out there and the home." But often their places of original habitat voluntarily or involuntarily, they arrange all bad for the rest.
We return to the "type of philosophy among the nations. Accounting for specificity of such species is always
productive. General and in philosophy should not ignore the concrete, since outside
concrete are not there - any domestic shell wisdom only makes
the fruit of thought pleasant or helpful.
Even if one accepts Phoenician Thales of Miletus, "the first philosopher," then
need to make a few passing comments. Two decades earlier, his
born about 644 BC Cimmerians ("Homer" of the Bible), departed from the once
Scythia, took the capital city of Lydia Sardis and killed the king Gigesa. Lydia then started minting the first coins in the world, and soon - a little more than a century - his own coinage has already developed and the city of Azov. Scythians of Azov ruled in the leading countries in Asia, to dictate to Kiaksaru Median king, whose son in law was the famous Nebuchadnezzar (he, together with the northern mercenaries captured Jerusalem). Almost simultaneous birth of Thales, Scythian and thinkers Toksarisa Anacharsis happened in the Scythian-Cimmerian domination of northerners, is reached as in the days gigsosov, Egypt.

Miletus city on the island Borisfen-Berezan in the lower reaches of the Dnieper and the Bug is based
approximately in 645 BC Half a century near there and the town of Olbia. Admit
natives of Miletus in the lower reaches of the Dniester River and the city created Tyre (now above the river is
Tiraspol). Soon started with the Greeks of the fortress tower on many
the southern borders of Scythia, actively traded with Greece, Egypt and other countries.
Scythians since Toksarisa and Anacharsis constitute a significant proportion of the population of many
southern cities, for example, are known as excellent guards in Afinah.8
Aristotle, in scholium (explanations) to the work which is the concept of "Scythians grew,
complained about the dedication of the Athenian aristocracy conversations with guests is the Dnieper or district of the Caucasus: "The People's speakers (rhetoricians) spend all day on representations jugglers (buffoons, it is known Russ and now: PZ) and a talk with visiting from Fasisa (there Fleece for the Argonauts went) or Borisphen (Dnipro), do not know anything, except lunch
Philox (Athenian philosopher, a disciple of another Anaxagoras, a rake and rake: Perevi.), And even then not a whole (it was not a defeat: PZ) .9

Scythian tradition of filling many Greek and Roman cities of surviving to
Byzantine times, when not withstand already Neoplatonist Synesius (370-413). He
turned in 399 in Constantinople (Constantinople chronicles) to the Emperor Arcadia, at
court which has ruled Northerners:
"... Surprised at our own stupidity as in much else, because, especially in
following. Every more or less wealthy home has a Scythian slave, and the steward, and
baker, and the water-carrier for each - a Scythian, and from the formation bearing on the shoulders of low folding chairs to the gentlemen could sit in the streets - all of the Scythians, as it has from time immemorial a tribe recognized by the most capable and worthy to serve as the Romans ... "
This has found expression in the centuries-old Roman "Servus" (office), Byzantine
"Sklavus (office), and similar words, degrading immigrants from Scythia to have arisen on
Latin-based languages so far (for example, in English). District of Hellas, starting with
Athens, public servants called "Scythians", and maids - skifyankami.
This abundance of "Scythians" was a strategic threat to the arrogant southern
Cities (tyranny - in fact), and empires. Scythians allegedly "always run away from their native land" (under
the onslaught of natural disasters and the elements, all enemies), as was thought in antiquity; try
invade other countries and nations in peace, but with stiff resistance and war
"When they are suddenly attacked by people not willing to accept them peacefully, at the time
leads him into confusion, as once the Assyrians, Medes, and the Palestinians. And now they came to us with no hostile intent, and as asylum, as once again have been expelled ... "
Emperor Theodosius the Great made their allies, gave citizenship rights
bestowed honors and part of the Roman lands in different places. But that has also provoked the envy of
Germans and other nations, although they, like the Scythians - did not go to Egypt, even in
mythical times of Typhon and Osiris. Scythians - this is not Germanized Goths or Franks, namely long Anacharsis relatives, descendants of prisoners of Athens, the heroes of ancient expeditions to Egypt. Unfortunately, at that time also ruled the principle: "The Power is - the mind is not right!" And he influenced the preservation of many thousands of memory in most of Great Scythia - the custodians of such a memory in a huge power remains less. But in a strange land ex-barbarians-Scythians bred and reached considerable heights.

Synesius further stated: "The natives of Scythia occupied and humiliated by senior
positions in the empire, and their ferocious youth, that abhor charity bonds of law,
cared about, to arrogate to itself the wealth, rather than on education (the civilized,
Rome: PZ) nation, which was the subject of scorn for her hatred ".10 It could be said about all the hundreds of thousands and millions of Scythian people in the Roman Empire and Byzantium as well as from some of migrant labor, especially in Asia, there have been - for example - and early medieval church fathers. Yes, the Scythians and the Sarmatians (both natives of Scythia and Sarmatia) sought not only to power and wealth, but also to the heights of the complicated skill of his time.

Feododit (died about 457), Bishop of Cyrus and theologian, philosopher, believed that
Scythians and Savromat as close to them - from the time of the Scythian trips to the Nile - the Egyptians were tanners excellent empire, tinsmith, carpenters, painters,
shipbuilders or pilots (pilots) - that is master of all trades (outside
national origin):
"Will they be the Scythians, or Savromat (or Iberians), or Egyptians, customers with
willing to use their craft, requiring only the accuracy in them, but the differences tribes did not get angry ... The difference of languages, too, does not harm nature: For as among the Greeks, and among the barbarians can be seen - and followers of virtue and the slaves on the rock. This idea was confirmed by the Greeks: they wonder Anacharsis, originally Scythians ... "11

These and many other evidence of the development come from Scythia (as
Christianization is emerging as a Rosiyu) now is not too be allowed to mass
consciousness of Russians.
Neoreligiozny (Jewish, Christian and Islamic), the onslaught of the last
Goals for the world's peoples, including peoples powers north of the Caucasus, led to
the fact that many thousands of Scythia glory of Russia, and Russia was cut off. Although
Byzantine sources from the IX-X centuries. BC persistently called by the word-Russians and their allies
Scythians or tavroskifami. 12
Scythia hit any guests not only the scale of the land, but the scale of the available knowledge out there, Elia Eadoksiya (Afiniada in paganism, a university was opened in Constantinople), the daughter and wife sophist Levontiya 421, the Emperor Theodosius (the policy is largely determined by the Scythians, Alans Aspara ), on behalf of the martyr Cyprian wrote:
"I took away from Scythia knowledge ptitsegadany, the signs of the sounds, moreover, learned
understand the meandering tracks of animals, the prophetic voice of the mighty people (Chaldeans, the Magi:
PZ), which can predict the future. (And) crack of wooden boards, as well as
rocks, the voices from the graves of long dead people, creaking doors, throbbing human play songs .... "13

On the skills and customs of Scythian diviners relatively detailed account
More Herodotus.
Such traditions and evaluation need to know in order to better understand
the age-rooted native philosophy. Aristotle, I think, and was figuratively
rights, when - on a sustainable ancient traditions - in one of his works, said: "The ass of all ... animals are most sensitive to cold, so the banks Pontus and Scythia in the donkeys are not found. "14

If you are so smart, why are there still so poor, why symbols
Russia have now become "fools and roads"? It is true, centuries ago, especially elite groups, weaned to understand the "voices from the graves of long dead people." Or all of the most advanced people habitually seek happiness for the cordon, and then repeat the path of Orpheus?

1. Appearance skifstva and its traditions
Although pragreki and ethnic groups close to them in many ways came from praindoevropeystva
Northern Black Sea coast, the northern kinship long before our era it was customary to hide. Neoplatonist Syrian, who lived at the time of Eudoxia and Theodoret, quips:
"... If anyone has any ancestors and birthplace unknown, but they have something inglorious, we
miss them as it did, and Demosthenes in his speech "On the crown." Speaking about himself, he missed
his grandfather on his mother Gilon (Forestry) ... and his mother, as skifyanku come ... "15 Gilon
accused of betraying the interests of the city Nymphea near the Azov Sea, for which he and drove to Athens. For other sins philosopher Diogenes (known for "barrel") later banished from Sinope (the settlement allegedly created Azov Amazons in honor of his girlfriend Sinope), from which the Crimea was only two days, the sea route. Diogenes pointedly did not like home, noting its proximity to barbaric world. Although this ratio to a small home just will not name.
Even philosophers, theologians, IV-VI centuries. BC (Which under paternalistiki see
the origins of Russian philosophy authoritative historians of philosophy) to pass a high level of Scythian thought they could not. Epiphanius (314-402), and Epifanio,
pre-Christian philosophy, defined as development 20 sects, of which the presenters - for its
opinion - are the following:
Barbarism, skifstvo, ellinstvo, Judaism.
Skifstvo, from the days of Noah and the follow-up to build the tower, and Babylon, and in
following the construction of the tower while (few years), ie to Peleg and Ragab, who
directed to the European part of the world, joined the Scythian country and its
people ... "16

The observation of this fact in the national history, but because of the "hedgehog are nartsami
Slovenia, joined the Russian chronicles, where Ragab (Horn-Roos?) often replaces Nektan
(Joktan), another son of Eber. But at least consonance names Thales and Peleg inevitably
alarming. Archaeology brings more and more data (burial, symbolic
objects, etc.) showing the activities of Jewish communities on the borders of Scythia, before our era (eg, Phanagoria, Taman). Oriental Semites, Jews proudly bore the name "Ashkenaz (Scythians). This layer of history is now being studied more carefully. But scholars still never confused these Scythians and Hebrews. Basil the Great (330 - 371) saw the issue of Christianization in connection with the centuries-old Scythian mentality as follows:
"God will judge ... (Otherwise) a Jew and another Scythian. For the first reposes in the law and
God is glorified in and endorses the best ... Scythians as nomads, bred in the wild and
beschelovecheskih manners, to tame the mutual robbery and violence. (They're)
intemperate in anger and easily irritable - k. mutual rage, accustomed to decide every dispute arms and taught graduate battle with blood. (But) their valiant deeds, if they show mutual kindness and honesty are our (still) a more severe punishment. " 17

Curiously, about as described by Christian writers Russes (squads
Russ), who attacked Constantinople in five or six centuries after St. Basil the Great.
Basil narrowed the term "Scythians" to wild nomads, which has not made many
The authors of the time. But the point is otherwise. One of the Church Fathers saw the danger of Christianity and Christian elites of various countries in the "mutual humanity and honesty" of the peoples
Scythia, the unity which overwhelmed Rome and dictated the will of the Byzantine Empire. Although this unity is not proved to the public, and usually - shaky. The strategy of using divisive and "wild card" in the fate of Scythia, unfortunately, seen until now. Geopolitics is often of the age-old, as well as expressing her philosophy.

Basil was not the enemy of Scythia, but the more revered by Jews
Christian dogmatics, biblical traditions. He knew of the outstanding philosophers of Scythia and the District - Abaris, Zamolksise, Orestes, and others. But Christian apologetics, these names were no longer needed.
In moments of exaltation, a Christian humiliated Scythia and attributable to sources
domestic paternalistiki John Chrysostom (died in 407 city). "Conversations against Eutropius" he said as a feat of his parish of St. Paul: "To the Scythians ... For wild animals, and changed everything they have. " But with thoughtful approach to the analysis of the life of Scythia, for example, noticed that the Scythians and Savromat never tried, looking for work in the interests of one side only, in the absence of the accused. They are not used to fighting, hiding the wicked thoughts in his heart. Their selfless devotion, nomadic life often in carts, an example for Christians:
 "You ought to live the Christians: to bypass the universe, fighting with the devil, carrying
prisoner obsessed with them, and be free from all worldly ... "
Statements about the philosophy of the Scythians in Patristics quite a lot. John Chrysostom
seen as follows: "... And the Scythians, Savromat ... and settled at the very margins of the universe
translation of the Scriptures each in their own language, philosophize about these words of ".18
The existence of written language from the Scythians (possibly type Glagolitic) celebrated
number of sources and a number of historical episodes, has more archaeological
evidence. Already quoted Theodore (390-457), a disciple of Chrysostom, and a representative of his school, the letter pointed out owning Anacharsis among the seven sages who lived after the prophets. "

Apostolic and prophetic teachings were translated from Hebrew, not only on
Greek and Roman. But even at "the Egyptian, Persian, Indian, Army,
Scythian and savromatsky or, in short, all the languages in which the continuing
tell all the nations ... "Russian chronicles determined the northern states as" Russ, and all ye chyud yazytsi (then went on the transfer of nearly two dozen ethnic groups), which inevitably
represented "all languages and all peoples" from the first postdiluvian time.
Christian tradition connects Gog and Magog, the prince Rocha "Scythians it.
Gog, prince of Rosh "is noted as" king of the Scythian peoples. " Theodore, as the church fathers, knew the ready as part of the Scythians, but are not limited to all Scythians and Goths do not confuse them with Germans. 19
Theodoret had no doubts about the high level of philosophy in the Scythia: "... Scythian
Anacharsis was a philosopher. Its so much burning love for philosophy, he became
very famous and everyone celebrated. He did not just awake, struggled with the physical passions, but also during sleep showed signs of abstinence ... "Fighting talkative (language) - one of the main outlook installations Anacharsis. The origins of the Scythian wisdom taken away in mythical times: "... And the centaur Chiron (teacher blue-Scythian king of Achilles: PZ) was the teacher of righteousness, as Homer called it the righteous from the Centaurs' .20

Complex dialectic ratings wisdom Scythia and the Scythians were Patristics
manifestation of such evaluations prior to a period of centuries. And led to
future dialectic relationship of the surrounding world and its agents in Russia and Russia
too suffered from straightness and credulity, and other shapkozakidatelstva
manifestations primitivizmat and excessive openness ("predictability"). Simplicity often turns into naivety, but never disappeared as a feature of the Scythian mentality. This was noted and Strabo (died around 1923 BC. Er.):
"... Anacharsis, Abaris and other Scythians, like them, enjoy
great fame among the Greeks, because they found the characteristic features of his people:
courtesy (curiosity?), simplicity, justice ".21

2. Aura Anacharsis
Several philosophers since Thales and the Milesians Scythian Anacharsis proved
close to each other for positions, celebrated inventions and moralism. Thracian
Pittak son Girradiya are reported are usually among the first quarter after Thales. His
Pherecydes student, the son of Babia (name refers to Slavonicisms), wrote letters and Thales
recognized teacher of Pythagoras. The proximity of the Thracians and Scythians have long supported a
science, and the Thracian city Abedry became one of the most notable philosophical centers of antiquity.
Scythians often been here long before our era, and the Slavs in his district is stable
settled from VI. BC Was close and Stagira - the birthplace of Aristotle, recovered from
"Dilapidated and not being" at the request of the philosopher father of Alexander of Macedon, who fought with the Scythians. Formed relatively close and Solon (Thessaloniki), from which comes much later, Constantine the Philosopher, probably, to use "Russian Writing" for the creation of the Slavic alphabet.
Frequent leadership Anacharsis in Group pervofilosofov "seen by
number of sources. Diodorus Siculus, based on ancient data in I. BC believed that a patron of the ancient philosophers, King Croesus of Lydia (reigned about 560-546 years. BC)
profits leading philosophers of the time - Scythian Anacharsis his comrades Biant, Solon (in other versions of it - the teacher Anacharsis) and Pittak. The king noted for their abundant feasts and gatherings, celebrations of the greatest honors. Anacharsis admitted to the wise men of the mind leading, "a senior in the group." And had to confirm the wisdom of brevity smart answers. Kroes said wryly in an interview:
- What kind of living beings is the bravest?
- The most savage, - answered the skiff. - For once it bravely die for her
Croesus provoked a sage on a different answer:
- And what of the creatures is true?
- The same wild, - repeated skiff. - But it lives in nature, rather than
(Invented) the laws of: Nature is God's creation and the laws, establishment of rights.
Equitable use of what is open to God and not man.
- It is not an animal is the wisest creature?
-Wise it is, - has agreed skiff. - Preference truths of the natural
the truth of the law checks all living wisdom.
Kroes was dissatisfied, considered such responses result Scythian
"Brutalize education" .22 But Anacharsis statements were in fact an expression of the principles of Stoic philosophy with elements dictate the nature of the mind of man, opposed to God. Although Stoicism and took shape in three centuries later period of the life of the Scythian sage.
Mark Tullius Cicero (106-43) also drew attention to the stoicism Anacharsis: "...
Skiff Anacharsis could take the money for anything, but our philosophers can not do it. "
Known letter Anacharsis set forth in the following words:
"Anacharsis Gagnon (philosopher VI. BC) wished good health. My clothes
serves as a Scythian cloak, shoes - leather my soles, bed - the land of spice
food - hunger, I eat milk, cheese and meat. Therefore, come to me as to
man, full of tranquility. And the benefits that you enjoy, give, or their
fellow citizens, or immortal gods. " 23
Can lead and other similar statements, and examples of ancient authors,
gradually of supplying the reader or listener to believe that in ancient times is not the place
painted a philosopher, a philosopher, praised the place (this is trouble of his descendants, that they forgot about his fame).

Flavius Vopisk Syracuse already in the III. BC asked completely fair questions:
"Did Plato longer recommends that he was Athenian than what he was gifted
great wisdom? Or perhaps Stagira Aristotle, Zeno and eleets skiff Anacharsis
will be put below it for the fact that they were born in very small villages (villages, towns: PZ), while every kind of philosophical prowess gas perspectives them to heaven? "24
"Little village" Anacharsis the Dnieper (Borisphen) yet could not be determined. She
could be a lot north of Olbia. Even in the area of the huge city Gelon. Or
appeared as the future of the Scythian Naples (in Simferopol district). But this does not affect the essence of the issues. Anacharsis for "all sorts of philosophical prowess is not inferior to Plato and
Laertsy have Anacharsis among philosophers of the eighth (on other ancient
"Rating" pervofilosofov he passed, and the seventh), but in our time, AF Losev, not without irony, remarked that of the previous "seven wise men, there is no philosophy" .25
Rather tartly. Some kind of philosophy, of course, was and is, but works from those sages almost did not survive, as there is, observe, and their own works of Socrates.
Laertsy admitted that Anacharsis met with the philosopher Meason specified in its
number of "first" ninth. Once Pythia (the prophetess) Scythian to the question whether there is someone
it is wiser uttered it, for example, that Meason - son of Strymon (the name
had a river that has loved to settle the Indo-Europeans, including the pre-Slav) - better
than you, filled with poignant thoughts. " Understandable desire to check the Scythian
sage at his home in the village-hyun (Eteya or Laconia).
Anacharsis Meason found in a field in the middle of summer, when the philosopher somehow fit
Stick to plow:
- And after all the time now, Meason, not arable!
- The more you have to (BNO) to prepare for plowing - sounded quite worldly response.
"Prepare sledge in the summer ...», - will continue to almost any Russian speaking then, the truth about
cart. Now a wise expression Meason spoil the knowledge of winter crops, the need for
plowing under pair, etc.
Sages Anacharsis times and were intended to symbolize the boundary at
philosophy, when a familiar folk wisdom (tags and summary statements
Wit, proverbs and sayings) gave a mighty force thinkers of antiquity,
eventually created the impressive philosophical system. But these thinkers
eliminated the people's wisdom, but rather complement and develop it, never shunned the severity of
words and thoughts of many of its common relatives.
Philosopher Apollonius of Tyana (I century AD.) Referred to in the Russian chronicles
analysis of events 912 years as a magician, asserted: "Skiff Anacharsis was wise, but if he was the Scythian, he was wise, because he was the Scythian" .26 The Scythians - multilingual polietnos Powers "Prince Roche, where Indo-Iranian groups interacted with the Slavic and Turkic , Baltic and Germanic, Finno-Ugric and several others.

Anacharsis symbolized
wisdom of the Scythians, all peoples of Scythia, so linking it to subsequent antam
or Slovenia, Ukrainians and Russian is very difficult and in fact is not required. Image
Anacharsis need to remember and leave as a generic symbol of the wisdom of all
peoples of the northern powers, "the prince Rocha (Rosii). This vivid image of the real began to
native philosophy.
It is important to note the following. "The founder of the ancient and general European
philosophy and science, for not very true definition Losev, Thales (625 - 547) does not
could be much older than the Scythian philosophers Toksarisa and Anacharsis, and the last
met in Athens with an elderly Toksarisom and Solon in 588-584 years. More ancient (more ancient) philosophy is represented in the texts of Sumer, Egypt, India, China and other countries long before Thales, the essential texts of which - like the large text
Anacharsis - no.
Thales is reminiscent of the first episodes of Peleg and pages of Russian chronicles.
"The ancestor of the Greek of wisdom" Thales famously predicted the eclipse
May 22 585 in the War of Lydia and the Medes, essentially because of the Scythians. Thales helped King Croesus
meeting to which the public and Anacharsis. Cyrus of Persia defeated Croesus in 546, and Thales at the time of his wise policy Millet saved from destruction. Wise Scythian queen Tamiris (headed Massagets) defeated in the district of the Caspian Sea a huge army of Cyrus in 530 year, and a Persian head thrown into a bag filled with blood: "You craved it - drink your fill!"
Relatives Anacharsis defeated another Persian armada - Darius the Great, who tried to
get in Scythia from the Lower Danube. Examples of the wisdom and courage of the Scythians of the time
quite a lot. And if Thales (Peleg), indeed in contact with the Scythians, for outstanding miletyanina not excluded (Milesian settlements grew on the borders of Scythia almost like mushrooms), it only gave him more wisdom.
Thales once took the fishermen tripod (allegedly thrown by sea) and made it
one of the symbols of philosophies - a tripod was sent from sage to sage. Solon same
said that the first wisdom - God, and sent a symbol to Delphi, where were the ancient
temple complexes and schools oracles. Delphi also had a variety of connection with
Victory over by Cyrus and Darius I once again for a long time (as in the antediluvian days) came out
Scythia in the leaders of world politics of antiquity. Archaeological and other sources
capture a significant effect of Scythia in Europe. Xenophon (434-355 years. BC)
quotes Socrates: "In Europe, dominated by the Scythians, and Meotians (Peoples districts of the Azov Sea and the Caucasus: PZ), they are subject." 27 Socrates (470-399 years. BC) and Plato (428-347 years. BC) knew of Abaris and Anacharsis, the high level of Scythian philosophy. They gave Scythia and its peoples their positive assessment.

Plato believed that the skiff Anacharsis made many useful inventions
(High-plow and a potter's wheel, improved anchor), sought
teach fellow elliniskim customs, and the wise Pythagoras listened to speeches barbarian Abaris. According to Plato, the nomadic "home of the Scythians are not considered rich just because they have no need for the house (it is often useful to" leather coat).
People living in Thrace, Scythia, and in general in the Nordic countries differ with courage, which is important in the life of any State. Plato knew about the campaign of Darius in Scythia, mentioned spells Zamolksisa and do other important notes about Scythia.
Plato, Platonism, was popular in Olbia, and possibly in other cities
at the borders of Scythia. Remains the suspicion that the philosopher came from near the Scythians
ethnic backgrounds, which had influential positions in Athens and Miletus. Originally his name - Aristokl (type Diokl and the like; Arrest, Orestes, and others), in honor of his grandfather. Then
famous wrestler Ariston of Argos called his impressive form by Plato -
Aristokl was the son of Ariston and other Periktiony (haste), his family were from
Dropida - brother of Solon. A genus of Solon went from Nele (Mile) and Posidonius. Neley - son
Kodra, the legendary founder of Miletus.
Plato was born in Aegina (island attracted to the ancient Scythians, and later in Rus IX
at. AD), but his family were among the other Athenians expelled the Spartans. His brothers were Adimant (Scythian lands associated with the Hell) and Glaucon, sister - drowned. Scythian king Ariant in VII. BC famous original census Scythia (from a resident on the Bronze arrowhead), so the name of his brother Plato is consonant Scythian. 28
Probably, the Scythians were the slaves in Plato. Before his death, he was let go free
slave Artemis (the goddess of that name is revered in the northern Black Sea coast,
associated with the Hittite Rtemis). Philosopher remained faithful servants of Tikhon, Dionysius and

> английский

Dionysius, for example, was the keeper of the list of utensils philosopher. The plot of the spectrum
Scythian connections Plato requires a more careful study.
Does not exclude such communications and Socrates - son of the sculptor and Sofroniska
midwife (midwife) Fenarety (Venarety). Among the Athenians, as you know, enough people from Scythia (and many northerners were famous for healing). Socrates was considered a disciple
Anaxagoras, son Gegesibula (consonant names recall famous North
Black Sea Region). He continued Milesian school of Anaximenes and Anaximander,
exposed to Pythagoras, Abaris and close Zamolksisu.
All of these relationships and the corresponding movement found themselves in the region
radius of several hundred kilometers - a few days the sea route with a tail
wind (this assumes multiple contacts, for example, Azov and the counties of Athens).
People with faces, reminiscent of antique busts of Socrates and Plato, and can now
meet in different cities of Russia. Of course, there are analogues in other countries -
indoevropeystvo exodus to all corners of the earth for thousands of years ago, but it makes no sense
forget the source for Indo-Russia (the former Scythia).
It is like the Indo-Europeans took place - in an authoritative scientific versions - from the
Districts of the Dnieper and Don and ancestors of the Macedonians. Homeland Stagira Aristotle was not far from Abdera in Thrace and Amfiniona where centuries penetrated and penetrated more and more new wave of northerners. Son of Nicomachus and Festidy was of the hereditary physicians that served the Macedonian kings from the time of Amyntas III (390-369 years. BC), father of Philip (who fought with the Scythian king Ateem) and grandfather of Alexander of Macedon (begins his rise in support on the strength of Scythia).

Aristotle - one of the best pupils of Plato, was outwardly homely
: Shepelyav, skinny legs, eyes are small ... A friend of Hermia eunuch, and eunuchs are often
came from northern and later - the Slavs. Aristotle bequeathed his business adoptive son Nicanor. Had a concubine of his son Nicomachus, but from the legitimate Eugene - daughter. Teacher
Macedonian Scythia knew better than Plato and Socrates, therefore, in his writings, it
mentioned most often.
Philosopher drew attention that some of the songs and Scythia are called "nomes"
(Laws): "Is it because that before the invention of writing sang laws, not to
forget them as it is now still in the habit of agafirsov? "Agafaris, Gelon and Skiff
Heracles recognized children and lived in the Dnieper Echidna - poludevy-poluzmei. Agafirsy independently participated in the war against Darius I, controlled the district Carpathian mountains to the lower reaches of the Danube, where he later known Slavic archaeological culture.
Aristotle noted pryamovolosost Scythians and the northern peoples in general. Trust
rumors of cannibalism in Pontus. According to his estimates, based on the data of Hippocrates, "Scythian kings of the nature pamper and differ from other men, as women from men." 29
Perhaps this he uttered and Germany, but homosexuality has long been the elite
distributed in other countries than not disdain, and imperial Rome. However, all these
particularly not obscured by the philosopher wisdom and courage, others best qualities of the Scythians.
Macedonians and Thracians centuries saw the Scythians "elder brother". Yet Thucydides
(470-400 years. BC) noted that the kingdom of Audrey (close Scythians and the future of Slovenian-
rusam) extends from the philosophizing Abdera to the Black Sea and the Danube. King Audreys
Sitalk fought against Macedonian Perdiccas, son of Alexander I. But the military strength of both,
other inferior mighty Scythian people and their government:
"With this latest, not only can not compare to the European kingdom, but even in
Asia is not the people who could one by one to resist the Scythians, when they will all be
unanimous, but they do not stand comparison with the other in respect of prudence and
understanding of everyday affairs ".30 And Scythia goes," the mind (was) not clear yardstick
general can not be measured ... "External impracticality and simplicity of the Scythians threw
many eyes, but these philosophers do not forget about Anacharsis and others like him
Antique book "The Life and deeds of Alexander of Macedon" - a product with
tradition of more than twenty centuries, from the era of the Egyptian Ptolemies (who served many northerners) - notes that Aristotle recommended Philip Alexander resolve the war against the Scythians. After the defeat of Athea Scythia for revenge against Macedonia threw 400 thousand soldiers. Alexander threw these bands and with the help of 20 thousand Scythian youths made to serve his father Philippe.
The Scythians have recognized the Macedonian god gave him to help all young people a selective,
70 thousand archers on horseback. 31 Scythian mercenaries, the speakers are already as Macedonians
contributed to the success in building a huge power from the Caspian Sea and the Danube to the Lower
Nile. Waves of immigrants from Scythia together with the other appeals to the people profusely filled the conquered lands. Often on the original forgot his homeland, but not always.
Thus began a new period in the history of the Scythian philosophy.

3. Scythians Hellenists
The predominant focus on equality and social justice are not
disappeared, as mentioned by Strabo and in connection with the Scythians and Thracians: "Homer calls
fair and wondrous men of those not engaged in commercial
affairs or drafting of capital, but all hold together, but swords and cups for drinking, and even wives and children are considered common in accordance with the teachings of Plato Platonism .32 significant part of the Scythians remained stable reality.
This commonality of Herodotus noted in agafirsov and medieval authors - already have
Slovenian-Russians retained and the Scythian cult of the sword and the "full cup" as a symbol of prosperity.
Domestic philosophers have continued to manifest themselves more in foreign countries. Even in
the time of Aristotle was famous sage Skifin. He expounded in verse teaching of Heraclitus
Ephesus, created polufilosofsky novel about the ancestor of the Scythians Heracles -
benefactor of all mankind. Assumed that Heraclitus was in correspondence with the king
Darius and the teachings of Heraclitus was interested and stoic Sfer.33
I could not until the end to get rid of the shadows of barbarian relations and Cynic (cynic) Diogenes
Sinope, known for his "keg" in the temple of the Mother of the Gods. (For the worship of death and
Anacharsis). He was the son of the moneychangers and the counterfeiter Gigesiya (Gikesiya), he was fond of "circumcision" of coins, for which he banished from Sinope. Poked fun at Demosthenes, Scythians by the mother. Is captured by Philip, Alexander replied wittily and other kings.
"The people of Sinope condemned you to wander!" - Used to say to him. "And I'm their - to stay at home" - the answer. Diogenes did not conceal the meaning of his philosophy: "I - a citizen of the world!".
Cosmopolitanism philosophers like Aristotle and led to the creation of a cosmopolitan
Powers of Alexander of Macedon and later empires.
Diogenes was the idol of Hercules, who had a connection with the Scythians. Diogenes sailed to Aegina,
got a slave in Crete. Lived for almost 90 years, leaving a number of students. Oneskrit of Aegina,
Menander, Oak, Gegesy Sinop, Filisk Aegina and other Cynic, which were
related and the Stoics Zeno.
Diogenes was a bright student of Crates (son ASKOND of Thebes), and one of the visible
students Crates was Bion Borisfenit (from the banks of the Dnieper). As Anacharsis, Bion
was among the eminent philosophers of antiquity. But his studies at the Cynic Crates of 317-307 years. BC Included in the global history of filosofii.34
About 264 BC in Cleanthes (Kleanda), who headed the Stoics after
Zeno, learned of the Spheres ("The Beast") Bosporan (the Azov and counties relatives of Demosthenes). His companion was Chrysippus (280-207 years. BC), who has not shied away from traveling to "philosophical earnings in Pantikapaion (Kerch) and in the Scythian wilderness, where they could live off the Kings, and friends" from classes sophist. Chrysippus with Cleanthes attributed to the founders of Stoicism, which include the Azov and sage.

Scope Bosporita invited me Everget Ptolemy III (246-221 years. BC)
which served as many northerners. Spheres came to Alexandria, Ptolemy then sent
him to the king of Sparta Kleomenu (226-221), advisor on reforms. It was noted that
Of the Bosporus has reached a "significant success in the sciences (such as the ability of the Scythians
pointed out in the early Middle Ages). His ideas are part of the state must have been close to the ideas of Plato. The sphere is the patron and Ptolemy IV Philopator (221-203 years. BC), son of Ptolemy III and Berenice I («Veronica") .35
Bion Borisfenit was in the last period of life under the patronage of the king
Antigonus II Gonata (283-239 years. BC), son of Demetrius I Poliorketa and the grandson of Antigonus I
One-eyed. This Macedonian dynasty to involve northerners, mindful of the power of
Scythia, to fight with Rome. Sarcastic words on Bion could benefit and their
sharp judgments.
Skifina names, scope and Bion - as Abaris, Zamolksisa, Toksarisa and Anacharsis
- Must be stable in the national philosophy, and each of these philosophers
requires an independent study. Most of them showed himself abroad, but
Russian philosophy is now smart enough not to deprive herself of works NA Berdyaev, VN
Lossky, GP Fedorov, and many other thinkers, far from fame to motherland
native places.

A careful study can reveal facts about the history of philosophical and
most Scythia. One of the first to call Dion Hrisostoma (Chrysostom
First: 40 - 112), born in Prus (Bithynia), in whose district more than once
came the Scythians, and then rushed the Slavs. For free-thinking he had to leave his native city, then Rome for almost two decades wandering and boundaries of Scythia. He could perform reconnaissance tasks (during the wars of Trajan in the lower reaches of the Danube), which is often done in the IX century in the district of Crimea and Constantine the Philosopher. Dion, as a theorist of autocracy, they supported the emperors Nerva and Trajan, who, after "going Chrysostom and carried huge gains north of the Danube, moved to the Empire more than 500 thousand immigrants from highly Scythia - a huge human capital. Here, without the advice of the First Chrysostom could not have done.
Dion seems to continue the case of Diogenes, but the smile is compared with bitterness
Some Torshkov "Pontic honey" (with a dollop of tar). He knew about Anacharsis and other prominent Scythians.

About 100, visited the lower reaches of the Dnieper River, to which dedicated "Borisfenitskuyu
speech ". Olbia at this time has been repeatedly devastated, occupied a small part of the ancient territory. But local residents have yet inspiring examples of the works of Homer and Plato, they feared for the blue-eyed god of Achilles.
Dion initially spoke with local young philosopher from the Scythians,
melanhlenov (Smolyan) Callistratus - high and very beautiful, who had Scythian
clothing. "Scout training for the Empire" wondered the wisdom of this young man.
To the residents of Olbia Dion gave a speech about the state. He was interrupted by Gierosont in
Among the few people ever studied the works of Plato. In conversation
revealed that the Lower Dnieper many fond best representatives ellinstva and wisdom, Plato's doctrine of the divine world outlook and world order.
Dione in his speech advised to go to the style of Homer and Plato, to show
ease of exposition of Platonic idey.36
It is a fact inside the country's history (the future of Russia, and Russia) and Platonist
Gierosont is one of the first - along with Anacharsis - Internal
philosophers "Scythia" prophet in his own country. " Who among historians of domestic
philosophy knows this fact and the name? It seems that Gieros (end ONT type
our "ovich"), at least in consonance, the near future George, but the output is for
Activities Platonist Dion at the lower reaches of the Dnieper roughly coincides with the
activities of the Apostle Andrew and "Pope" Clement in the Crimea, were beginning
lengthy process of Christianization of Scythia (Rosii).
Ancient and Christian philosophy begins a bizarre intertwining of the lands
Scythia, where for various reasons over the centuries the story of Scythia opposed to the history of Russia and Russia, and pre-Christian layer of native philosophy up until the time of Rurik completely discarded from memory. "Gratitude" for this is to declare the apologists of medieval Christianity and Islam, being zealous follow-up networking with the people of the country. But in real science, it was hushed up, and given these facts anymore. This also applies to the entire wealth of philosophical symbolism of the ancient southern Russia.

4.Perehod of wisdom from antiquity to the Middle Ages
Wise recognized many Scythian rulers, notably the kings of Athey and
Skilur (he ruled Olbia and let your coins here in II. BC). Skilur allegedly
left behind 80 sons (now in the XX century, one of the kings of Africa has become famous as the father of more than 600 sons). Before his death Skilur gathered them all and offered to break a bunch of darts (small-scale copies). Could not. Father broke all in one, and explained his sons - working together, stay strong, and divided and clashing, will perebity.37 Leo Tolstoy reiterated this rambling story in his own way. But it is important to see and link such folk wisdom with the Scythians.
One of the last leaders neoplatonovskoy School in Athens has been cursed
(412-485), and a similar name occurs in the Novgorod birch bark (but after
several centuries). Proclus had visited in Constantinople and in Egypt, but the more revered goddess
Athena and the city, and attracted Toksarisa Anahareisa. He is arguing that the philosopher - it does not pop a single city or even a few, and "priest of the world." His teaching was fond Rufin, possibly associated with the pre-Slavic groups. Proclus continued the work of Plutarch of Athens, father or grandfather who supposedly saved Nestorius volhovaniem Athens from the next earthquake. One notable disciples of Proclus was Gegy and patron of the philosopher Provides a Pan, the son of Hermes. Proclus and to continue its school Marin was among the last who still dared to resist the onslaught of philosophy hristian.38

Were in Proclus Scythian roots or not, if you remember the testimony Synesius
and loved ones the authors are not so important. Natives of Scythia for centuries dominated the
many key points of imperial (especially Byzantine) life, the empire considerably
filled with "Scythian mentality" that clearly demonstrated in the eastern patristic.
Dion Chrysostom in three-century succeeds a John Chrysostom, gone and Scythia in the new world outlook was given.
In the place where it is mentioned Apollonius of Tyana, chronicles common to refer to
Anastasia of Jerusalem (Sinai, the patriarch of Antioch on the Orontes River, in 561-563 years.).
Cited his philosophical revolt against the old thinkers, including first-century Gnostic Simon Magus and Menander, ostensibly opposing the Christian truth.
Orontes thousand years since the first encounters between Egypt and Scythia in the mythic depths of history, is a symbol of confrontation between the northern and southern beliefs, traditions and innovations, including philosophy.
Chroniclers in the analysis and assessment of the history of Rus IX-XII centuries. constantly
apply to the facts and the heroes of previous centuries and millennia. They suggest the level of their education and knowledge of our stable of antiquity. You can not leave the national philosophy and history without the proper facts and ancient heroes.
History of Medieval Russian philosophy solidly represented, for example, in the works
Alexander Fazlaevicha Zamaleeva. But why is dark in the history of domestic
philosophy of early and ancient periods?
"Scythian Abroad antiquity in many ways - similar to the Russian Abroad"
past centuries, despite all the differences eras. And I would like to give a completely fair
words passed away early historian AV Mishulina:
"Scythian culture preceded the emergence of Slav; military
political alliances of the Scythians (the current data, Scythia was the leading power
antiquity at least IV millennium BC: PZ) preceded the appearance of the Slavic
state - Kievan Rus'. 39
Now these words are a lot of evidence in the papers, BA Rybakov,
Trubachev, G. GLitavrina and other scientists, who see the age-roots development of our Motherland. And historians of domestic philosophy without attention to the real origins and antiquity of this philosophy in the information society is not enough. Any concealment of it "the most devoted (and not wanting to admit to the completeness of the information the others) will not be saved.
Russian chronicles, describing the death of about 912 Prince Oleg "from his horse" after
prophecies of the Magi, immediately moved to moral and philosophical generalizations:
"Not surprisingly, from volhovaniya comes true magic. So it was in
reign Domentiana (emperor a century AD, which attracts the Scythians in the service: PZ):
then was known for a magician named Apollonius of Tyana, who walked and worked
demonic miracles everywhere - in towns and villages. Once, when he came from Rome to Byzantium, he begged people living there do: he drove away from the city a lot of snakes (they are still before the time of Herodotus, was forced to flee from their native land Neuro-Slav: PZ) and scorpions that was not from the They harm people, and anger at his horse's reining sonmische boyars.
And came to Antioch, and Simplified those people - antiohiyanami suffering from
scorpions and mosquitoes, made of copper scorpion and buried it in the ground, and put on him a small marble columns, and brought people to stick and walk around town and shouting, waving those sticks: "Being a city without a mosquito!". And since disappeared from the city of scorpions and mosquitoes. And they asked him more about earthquakes threatens the city, and, sighing, he wrote on the board as follows: "Woe to you, miserable town, you will have a lot of trust land will be scorched by fire, mourn you, and on the banks of the Orontes (Orontes - the river on the age-Navigation from Scythia to Egypt: PZ).

Acts of the Russian chroniclers of the Magi regarded as one of the extensions of the acts
Asian Magi - philosophers. Herodotus, five centuries before Apollonius of Tyana, a philosopher pifagoriyskoy school (as the Scythians and Abaris Zamoksis in svoee time) and "Sorcerer," observed the spread of the diviners in the lands of Scythia. In this Scythian oracles for incorrect Magi facing imminent death. And to predict the death of a horse to the prince, who spent much of his life in the saddle - the case of the Middle Ages is not tricky. Fell from his horse trampled a horse, stumbled into the battle, was killed near the bones of his horse, etc. - All death "from his horse" (a favorite).
The chroniclers were convinced of the existence of the reader chronicles, mostly monks and
studying in the Middle Ages "high schools" children of the nobility, the necessary knowledge about
Domitian (the last emperor of the Flavian dynasty) and other ancient figures,
which chronographs mentioned.
They noted that after five centuries after the "sorceries" Tyana it is mentioned
Anastasius of Jerusalem is one of the Church Fathers:
"Miracles made by Apollo, and even still in some places
executed: some of them were created to fight off the four-legged animals and birds, which could harm people. Others to keep the river of jets emerging from the coast, but the other to destruction and damage to people, although at curbing them. Not only because during his lifetime as the devils do such miracles, but even after death, the tomb of his works wonders of his name to deceive the wretched people are often trapped the devil. "

It already hints at the influence of Manichaeism and continuing mazdahizma that
fascinated by an early medieval Christian and then Islamic poor.
Then, the chroniclers themselves carried away by generalizations and deep historical
retrospective: "So, who's that say about those who create the magic? (Historians native philosophy on this is almost exactly silent: PZ).
After all, here, was adept at magic, and seduction never considered Apollo
the fact that the frenzy surrendered wise contrivances, but should I tell him: "In a word
I am doing just what I wanted, and did not commit (demons) of action, expected
(Infidels) from him.
So all the degree of allowance of God and the creation of demons happens - by all such
cases tested our Orthodox faith that is firm and it remains near the Lord and not uvlekaema devil, his ghost signs and satanic deeds perpetrated by
enemies of mankind and the servants of evil (it is an important philosophical tenet chronicles:
It happens also that some of the name of God and prophesy, Balaam, Saul, and
Caiaphas, and even the demons are expelled, like Judas, and the children Skevaveli. Cause and unworthy
repeated exposure grace, as many suggest: because Balaam was a stranger and righteous lives and faith, but nevertheless testified to him the grace to persuade others.
And Pharaoh (Moses pursuer, according to Russian chronicles around 1700 BC: PZ)
the same was, but it was revealed the future. And Nebuchadnezzar was zakonoprestupen
(Captivity of the Jews in Babylon, when it proved to be formidable northern "prince of Russia": PZ), but
it was discovered the future of many generations, so indicating that many who have
misunderstood, even before the coming of Christ, they do not sign their own free will to deceive people who do not know best. Such was, and Simon Magus and Menander, and others like them, because that was the truth told: "Do not tempt the wonders of ..." (The Tale of Old Russia. Ed. DSLikhachev. Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1983 . p. 138 - 139, 532).

Simon Magus more than 19 centuries ago, was one of the well-known of the Gnostics. Apocrypha
tell us about his disputes with the Apostles Peter and Paul. Meander is also about the time
was a Gnostic, a follower of Simon. For the assimilation of gnosticism is characteristic of ideas
Late philosophy, mainly Platonism and neopifagoreystva very
popular among philosophers of Scythia.
Dion Chrysostomos encountered about 19 centuries ago, the Lower Dnieper Scythian
philosophers Callistratus (from melanhlenov-Smolyan, tall and very handsome, Dion wondered the wisdom of this young man) and. Gierosont (including residents of Olbia is constantly studying the works of Plato), the positions could approach the Gnostics. After talking to them Dion found out that the lower reaches of the Dnieper, many addicted to the best representatives ellinstva and wisdom, Plato's doctrine of the divine world outlook and world order. Even Dione Chrysostom these Scythians advised to go to the style of Homer and Plato, to show the ease of exposition of Platonic ideas.
And how about the time of spreading Christianity Dion in the district of Crimea
"The fourth pope" Clement! "More than a year reference as believers (his teachings), we construct a church in 75, the altars and temples of the idols are destroyed, the fire
destroys grew up around trees, occupying large tracts of land, and all
madness demon overthrown. "sacred groves are usually grown in graveyards, so
Crimea and the District of time in Christianizing - According to various estimates - were involved from 75 to 300 grassroots administrative units. Demons (devas, demons, devils) -
usual "evil" for the faithful of any religion, but not for the objective
history of domestic philosophy as a science.
Gnosticism (Greek Gnostikos - knowing) used the motif of the eastern
mythology and the idea of early Christian heretical teachings and sects. Christian and
Islamic orthodoxy destroyed all the works of the Gnostics, but also during the Russian
Middle the memory of them was fairly stable.
Gnostics pointed to the decline of human souls in the lower, material world,
created by the demiurge - a lower deity. Matter how they felt grehovodnoe and evil
beginning, opposed to God and subject to overcome (the soul of man must
break away from the material wring). Scattered in the world of otherworldly light particles to be collected and returned to its roots - dobronosnomu God (in particular,
all-conquering Mitra).
In the Christian Gnostic redeemer of sins is primarily a human Christ,
but his appeal is only followed by "spiritual" people ("pneumatic"). Not accepted
Gnostic initiation "spiritual" people instead of the genuine "knowledge" is achieved
only "faith". The other "carnal" people can not go beyond the sensory areas
(Yes in a Masonic limit information to the masses of people go to university
knowledge and do not give). Man improving, learning steps and areas of the world, their
demonic rulers. Interesting facts about the Gnostics in the books of Vladimir Bolotov "
Lectures on the history of the ancient church "(St. Petersburg, 1910), M.E Posnova" Gnosticism II century
victory of the Christian church over it "(Kiev, 1917), a number of foreign authors. But do not often draw attention that Gnosticism had a definite distribution and in
Black Sea region. So Marcian of Pontus (southern Black Sea) and Basilides from Syria, they
associates involved in the spread of Gnosticism and the Sea of Azov.
Accidentally or naturally "gnosticism" is consonant with "epistemology" -
universal philosophical theory of knowledge. And in light of the elements of gnosticism in the history of
native philosophy require closer scrutiny, if not the Gnostics
ignored even Russian chroniclers.

5. Dionysius of Scythia Minor. Scythian chronological
The Romans waged by the time mainly from the 754/753, the (epic moment of creation
Rome), Christians often with 5508, the (since the creation of the world, or Rome vice versa) ... But then, nobody knew the beginning of our (Christian) era. After all, the Chinese usually use my calendar for at least six centuries of the Christian Arabs in the calendar.
The rulers of the kingdoms that arose in the lands of Alexander of Macedon and powers in its
District, not shunned to enter their starting point in history. Since the heir of the outstanding
Azov ruler Evmela king Spartacus R (rules: 304 - 284 years. BC) introduced the bill from "Bosporan Era (Azov), which was close" Seleucid. Then his era
identified residents Sugden (Afiniona, Sudak). Priazovsky king Asander in 1925 subjected the Chersonese (Sevastopol), from what has gone "Chersonesus chronology." In the Soviet period was propagated by the time of the Great October Revolution. And many such examples.
Product of the monk Dionysius of Lesser Scythia (or Dionysius of Malaya
Scythia), who lived about 15 centuries ago, and now holds the Vatican. It was this monk
calculated that Jesus Christ - most likely - was born in 5508, the creation of the world and
754, from the foundation of Rome. Gradually, the truth is accepted by many countries. Russia was the score of "AD" at the time of Peter.
Few include Dionysus in the number of prominent natives of Scythia, though the period
his work Scythia Minor was overrun by the northern immigrants. And the future monk as three centuries before him - in particular - the emperor Maximian, was clearly related roots in the resettlement environment. It is worth to remember that. Voluntarily or involuntarily transfer to the account of "AD" deprived Scythia (Russia's future) a huge reservoir of pre-Christian history. Names Anacharsis, Toksarisa, Zamolksisa and other ancient philosophers inevitably fell out of the domestic past. They both would not have happened.
Therefore, let's talk about the above names and subjects in the subsequent chapters
detail. More specifically tell you about domestic and Christian philosophy
closely associated with the Scythians (Sarmat, the future of Russia).
__________1 3enkovsky V. .. (Professor of the Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris).
History of Russian Philosophy. Volume 1, Part 1. L., 1991. P.31. Notes and save as
Medieval Russia dragging Plato and Aristotle, the spread of Philosophy
2. History of Philosophy in the USSR. V.1. Moscow, 1968; MV Lomonosov Favorites
product. V.1. Natural science and philosophy. MA, 1996; (INION) Russian
Philosophy: Philosophy as a profession in Russia. B.1. Comp. YN Sukharev. M., 1992.
P.20-28, AF of Zamaleeva.
3. (The philosophical heritage. T. 99). Diogenes Laertius. On the life, academics and sayings
famous philosophers. M., 1986. P.55, editor and author of a volume TSA. Article A. Losev,
translate ML Gasparova.
4.Tam zhe.S.Z-61.
5. I have brought many important sources and studies in the book "One Hundred
Novgorod villages "(Vol. IV. SNA Novgorod. 1990-1993) and the Rus to Russia" (Vol. I-X, DDR;
Novgorod. 1990-1995), making appropriate references to them. DDR, H. p. 47.
6. Diogenes Laertius. About life ... P.56.
7. SNA, V. P.25-90, DDR, VIII. C.1-41.
8. DDR, VIII. P.22.
9. Latyshev VV Proceedings of the ancient Greek and Latin writers about Scythia and
Caucasus. / / Journal of Ancient History: VDI. 1947-1949 (op.cit 1950: a separate publication). VDI.
1947. № 2. S.300 (-332).
10. VDI. 1948. № 3 p.284-285. DDR, IX. P.54
11.Tam zhe.S.209,
12. DDR, VIII; p.78.
13.VDI. 1948. № 3, S.2931
14.VDI.1947. № 2.S.326.
15.VDI.1948. № Z.S.244-247.
17.Tam zhe.S.252.
18.Tam zhe.S.271, see: S.275 ..
19. Ibid. S.298-300. DDR, VIII. P.61.
20.Tam same S301.
21.VDI.1947. № 4.S.195.
23.VDI.1949. № 1.S.191.
24.Tam same. № Z.S.265.
25. Losev, AF Diogenes Laertsy - a historian of ancient philosophy. , 1981. C.29, 17.
26. VDI. 1948. № 4. S.298, The Tale of Old Russia. L., 1983. S. 138.532.
27.VDI.1947. № 2.S.316 (-319);
28. DDR; IX. S. 1-22.
29. VDI. 1947. № 2. S.329
30.Tam zhe.S.293.
31. Ibid. № 3. S.246-248, DDR, VIII. S. 1,42-44; DDR, IX. P.19-21.
32. Ibid. № 4. S. 195.
33. Diogenes Laertius. About life ... C; 337.537;
34.Tamzhe.S.220-239, 521.568, etc.
35. Ibid. P.181-184, 299 (index and a chronology at the end of the book).
36. VDI. 1948. № 1. S.228-233.
37.VDI.1947. № 4.S.286.
38. Diogenes Laertius. About life ... S.441-454.
39. VDI. 1947. № 1. S.255. Sooner assume ethnogenesis of the Russian people is absolutely
known and hurry to begin the history of Russian philosophy from the XVIII - XIX centuries.: Questions
philosophy. 1994. № 5. P.75-100; Diogenes Laerstky. Op. cit. S.568; VDI. 1947. № 4. S.

Can take into account the general definitions of philosophy.

Philosophy (;;;;; - love, desire, lust + ;;;;; - wisdom ; al-Greek. ;;;;;;;;; (literally: the pursuit of wisdom)) - a discipline that studies the most common essential characteristics and fundamental principles of reality (being) and cognition, human existence, relationships man and the world [1] [2] [3]. Philosophy is usually described as a form of ideology [1], a form of human activity, a special method of learning [2], theory [4] or science [5]. Kind of spiritual activity that generates social consciousness, which comprehensively, in a very general terms (universals) raises and resolves the fundamental philosophical questions.Философия

Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. [1] [2] It is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational argument. [3] The word "philosophy" comes from the Greek ;;;;;;;;; (philosophia), which literally means "love of wisdom". [4] [5] [6]

Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as related to the existence, knowledge, values, intellect, mind and language. [1] [2] It differs from other ways of solving such problems, its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational arguments. [3] The word "philosophy" derives from the Greek ;;;;;;;;; (Philosophia), which literally means "love of wisdom." [4] [5] [6]

And even with this in mind, nobody prevents possess the beginnings of philosophy - if you forget about the development of the Nostratic languages - Paleolithic ancestors of many nations, including Russians.
