Version О. Falcon Kutylovskogo about the runes

Version of O. Falcon Kutylovskogo (Oleg L. Sokol-Kutylovsky ) about the runes ГОРОДИЩА

Oleg L. Sokol-Kutylovsky (D. Tech. Mr.., 620016, Ekaterinburg-16, PO Box 9. E-mail: long and interesting to explore the monuments of Slavic runitsy.

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Gods in the runic inscriptions in Northern Europe (part 3)
Gods in the runic inscriptions of Northern Europe (Part 2)
Gods in the runic inscriptions of Northern Europe (Part 1)
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Options for reading the two runic inscriptions 

He offered to meet with his version of "Gorodische RUNIC Amulet (hereinafter referred to all his work)

About Gorodishche runic amulets written enough [1-3]. And they represent an interest in connection with what were found in the places of residence of the Novgorod Slovenes and dated no later than the time of the X century.
Figure 1. Gorodishche rune amulet 1 (side a, see figure: PZ)

Fig. 2. Gorodishche rune amulet 1 (side b)

Fig. 3. Gorodishche rune amulet 2
That is what is reported in [1]: "Among the many findings of objects with the Scandinavian runic inscriptions in Eastern Europe, the most interesting group, no doubt originating from the Scandinavian cultural environment, make amulets. To date, they found three. All of them were found during archaeological surveys in centers where there was a Scandinavian population, in north-western Russia. "
Under the "Scandinavian cultural environment" here clearly means not Slovenian, not Russian. That's absolutely ...
What shows reading labels? A read-no, there is some vague interpretation courtship [1-3]: "Thus the inscription can be interpreted in two ways: al-Isle. Varr; f; rland - «protected [the way] in a dangerous land," or varr; farland - «protected during the voyage", "protected" [towards] a distant land. " All the proposed interpretations suggest that the amulet was designed for the traveler, people gathered on a long journey. " "Thus, the inscription on the side and amulets I with mounds contain an appeal to God Tyuru (or appeal to the gods, the enhancement of special mention Tyr) to protect a stranger in a distant and dangerous ground or on their way to this land. Side amulet I (Fig. 3, above - Fig. 26 PZ) and the only inscription on the amulet II (Fig. 4) consists of 12 runes, eleven of which are korotkovetvistymi runes very complicated their symmetrical doubling and "excessive "element, the twelfth is the secret of branched rune. "Overweight" element is represented by two symmetrical branches, which form the branch runes t. Probably, this item is an appeal to Tyuru, which should enhance the magical effect of inscriptions and amulets as a whole. The text of the inscription is as follows:

; Arnisk;; r eigi u (; rr)
Yes, you will not be deprived of male power

It should be noted that the central concept of the spell, the object which should be directed magical powers encrypted inscription carver twice: first, he was transferred - in contrast to all other words - the secret rune, secondly, the use of runes, whose name, ; rr - «bull, symbolizes the concept of transferable".
Since these products have been identified as subjects adapted to be worn, presumably amulets or charms, then the meaning of runic inscriptions were assigned to them in accordance with imagination on this subject and clearly Freudian sexual concerns of readers-interpreters. The above interpretation - is not an isolated example of this kind. The fact that all these "readings" have no relation to the meaning of the inscriptions known and Scandinavian runologi, and not daring to bring its version, and some historians guess. For example, PM Zolin his article on the rune amulets North-West Russia, and called: "Restore the runes of the Slavs" [4].
A significant part of the Slavic runic characters, in principle, restored. Difficulty of reading is often determined by the poor condition of the finds as well as regional and temporal differences in runic writing, which is observed in this particular case. In addition, the territory inhabited by Slovenes Novgorod IX - X centuries revealed only a single runic inscriptions late stage of runic writing. In [1] has mentioned that part of the inscription is similar runes on the stone from the river (Sweden). Judging from the translation of the inscription Rekskoy [5], such runes written ners (nortsy, nartsy), hedgehog are words, not "[6]. So some similarities runic characters here is not coincidental, the inscriptions belong to the people and are relatively close in time. Therefore, we can try to read them, at least partially.
Inscription on Rice. 1. (Gorodishche rune amulet 1, side a) reads as follows:

"Over-Ry Da {Cb-Si} and {Zhi-Z} (K) Pe {Zhi-Z} ({Tb Tb-Ma-Ma-Ma} T b). Approximate translation: "They buried so ssyi (coexisting [7]) life. (Ra, the Sun in the Hereafter), sings of life: ("Darkness, Darkness, Darkness"). This inscription is a late pre-Christian funerary formula - prayer.
Braces shows composite characters, ligatures. In parentheses are given explanations suggestive marks (broken sign in the middle of the inscription) and multivariate reading composite sign at the end of the inscription. Bold reliably read and identification signs.
Inscription on Rice. 2. (Gorodishche rune amulet 1, side b) reads like this:

"{To Ta-Ta Da-Ro} {Ho-Chi-Chi} {R-Pa} {Yi-Xb-Not-To} {Yes} {Chi-Ta (Cha)-Si} {V Ho-Chi So } - {Yi-J} {(23)}. Approximate translation: "The father wants to gift them to give Yar (a) time in one night. 23 (years).
An eighth symbol which means "time, times" ever read not as "clocks" and as "tAsy" or if the copy was a mistake. The last integral sign, seems to mean age of the (toy), who was intended that a funeral amulet. The inscription on this side of the points to the appointment of an amulet (from whom he daritsya who designed and why).
Gorodishche amulet 2 is an unsuccessful copy of the first.
Appointment of amulets is clear and without translation of inscriptions, and comments on numerous Russophobes historians, not lovers, linguists and epigraphists-Germanophiles here is superfluous ...

1. Melnikova, EA Scandinavian runic inscriptions (texts, translation, commentary). M., 1977. S. 133-169.
2. Melnikova, EA, Nosov, EN Amulets with a runic inscription from mounds near Novgorod / / The oldest state in the territory of the USSR: Materials and Research. M., 1988, pp. 210-222
3. Melnikova, EA Scandinavian runic inscriptions. New discoveries and interpretations. Texts, translation, commentary. M., "Eastern literature Sciences, 2001, 496.
4. PM Zolin. Restore the runes of the Slavs. Website:  (see: : PZ)
5. Falcon Kutylovsky OL, Rune stone from the River: Myth and Reality / The Academy Trinitarizm, M., El № 77-6567, publ.14717, 19.02.2008.
6. Lavrentevskaya chronicle Hypation Chronicle (top).
7. II Sreznevsky. Materials for the Dictionary of Old Russian language on monuments XI-XIV centuries. In 3 vols. Volume 3, S. 837.

========================= My comment

Oleg Leonidovich gave the nod to the publication of his work with words
"It is possible, it is not a version, and a direct reading of the essence of which is to change no one can. Perhaps only a refinement of one or two characters does not change the meaning.
Sincerely, Falcon Kutylovsky. "

Options for reading the runic inscriptions of the letters are preferred, but there is a chance to read them, and within the meaning of the runes - where a sign denotes a whole word or even sentence. Therefore, earlier and argued his reading (in the picture - pink, reading from left to right on the side B, turnover), although not as the final and most faithful. 

VA Chudinov - 6 /  Details Compare options EA Melnikova. 

In her version, the X in the inscriptions. and a later time starsherunicheskie signs are used rarely and as a function of ideograms, not graphemes. But there is no contra-indications and their ideogrammnogo use at an earlier time, which allows for such use, and early Slavic Runes.
On the side of a general result: God Tyr, protected [by the way] in a dangerous land
By EA Melnikova, reading (left to right, but they can be read differently label has two equally likely possibilities:
g varr I farland t - «g protected by [the way] in a dangerous land (or in a dangerous land) t» and g varr I farland t - «g protected during the voyage t» or «g protected by [the way] in a remote ground (or: in a distant land) t ». The inscription consists of the invocation, framing the text: g ... t «God (or gods) ... Tyr, and most spells. Both his interpretations suggest that the amulet was designed for travelers who gathered on a long journey.

By VA Chudinov, must be read and translated Rurik MIMA, TA Yar TA soldiers, for TEMPLE OF MIMA! Although the contents of the inscription is clear, it is better to give it words of modern Russian language: FOR MIMA Rurik, DA Yar, DA WARRIORS, FOR THE TEMPLE OF MIMA! 
Transfers and side where Mim and Tyr, I'm not interested.

Party B is more attractive. By EA Melnikova here prochercheno
; Arnisk;; R eigi u. Translation: "Do not you shall be deprived of male power!"

By VA Chudinov
GO, RUSSIA, GO, RUS Yar FOR ZOLOTISHKA with sushi! ZHIRUY, And reproaching ZOLOTISHKO VOZHA SZADI x \! This phrase is today can be passed in these words: GO RUSSIA, GO, RUS Yar FOR ZOLOTISHKA, (get) on land! ZHIRUY, reproaches and ZOLOTISHKO AND LEADER LATER! (Of course, when reading in the case went to the signs, which in addition to VA Chudinov, nobody in the world does not see or read).  pictures with translations.

Version of the Oleg Leonidovich above.

Runes allow reading from different sides and even the same inscription. We must prove that when reading from the other side would not make sense.Руны ; ; ;;  etc.

We must prove that the runes inscriptions are irrelevant ideogramsИдеограммы  again for all variants of reading.

To read the Slavonic should be absolutely proven, "the Slavic alphabet of runes, which - unfortunately - no. Even the most exciting versions are not truth. ; ;Славянские_руны ;Славянские_руны ; # 9 , etc.

Version, Oleg Leonidovich certainly interesting.
But real science is easily overcomes any final judgments by comparing them with all the known versions. And then - and with new facts.

Ready for any discussion on this topic

русский вариант
