The manifesto of innovators non-governmental appro

Mark Vasilievich Boykov, born in 1938, a worker by origin. The philosopher – innovator presents “The Manifesto of innovators” to consolidate the new driving force into a party in order to make the individual free.

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There is no other social force capable to ensure the progress of the present society, so the innovators are joining into a party.  Their creative approach to the production gives them a moral right for such a consolidation.


Nowadays, in the beginning of the 21st century, it remains the same as Marx and Enghels described it with scientific reliability in the middle of 19th century. It is THE CONFLICT OF LABOR AND CAPITAL.
On the base of this contradiction, its sharpening and its partial settlement by Great October socialist revolution after the 1st World War and by appearance of socialist alliance after the 2nd World War, other outgrown contradictions have emerged and developed, such as conflict of social systems, of military and political blocs, of industrial and developing countries. These outgrown contradictions, affecting all the countries and nations, have developed to global level, so the humanity was involved into the global cold war, which was a sequel and a practical implementation of that very one world conflict of labor and capital. So-called conflicts of nations, ethnic and religion conflicts were not and still are not its external supplement, but they appear as a result of its direct influence upon all the aspects of life and manipulation with those to the interests of separate clans, groups and communities.
During this cold war, which hindered world social development and took the humanity an immense power reserve, the nature suffered as well. The contradiction between the humanity and the nature has emerged.
Anthropocentrism and class selfishness, which treat natural resources as men’s property, resulted in breach of ecological balance. Many biologic species found themselves below the survival limits. Ozone stratum of the Earth has got holes. Biocenosis and circulation of elements on the planet experience decline and degradation. The industry and human discords are extremely expensive for the nature. The life itself is under question.
And the only cause of such a situation is the HUMAN BEING. It is he, who separated from nature as species due to transformation of his accommodation activity into accommodating activity, into work, and who became dangerous for the nature in the 20th century more than ever. And dangerous for himself as well. It appears necessary to try understanding him more profoundly.
This is possible in case scientific, dialectical and materialistic approach to the nature and the society is applied to the individual, thus revealing his principal, driving contradiction.
K. Marx determined the origin of the above-mentioned contradiction when devising a formula of the regulation principle of the future communism society: “Everybody works according to its abilities, everybody gets according to its needs!” (Marx K., “Critical approach to the Gohtt program”, Moscow, 1961, v.19, p.20).
ABILITIES and NEEDS! They are exactly the basic components of the inside conflict of every individual. The ABILITIES form creative basis. The NEEDS form consumer one. While implementing his abilities, the individual spends his energy. While satisfying his needs, he recovers it. Using his abilities, the individual acts in other’s favor, satisfying his needs he pursues his interests. Any kind of his activities (and work especially) develops within the contradiction of the above-mentioned basic elements: from one side, it is implementation of certain abilities, from the other side it is a way to satisfy one’s needs. Hence all human relationships represent an active exchange of abilities in order to attain joint and mutual satisfaction of needs.
 The human being inherited the present contradiction from nature. Any biological entity - an animal or a plant - has it in embryo as the contradiction between its adaptation abilities and its organic needs; developing correspondence between those represent the natural law of survival and general evolution of species. In its turn, the living nature has borrowed it from callous nature: nothing in the world appears and is being “created” in other way than through absorption, “consumption” of other systems or their parts. The great law of sustentation and transformation of energy represents a clear confirmation of this universal substance law, within the framework of which “creation” and “consumption” appear to be two different sides of a single process of an infinite change of forms in the movement and development of substance. The analogous conflict - of production (creation) and consumption, common to all the times and nations and varying only by specifics of its manifestation, exists in the society on all the stages of its development.
Thus the basic contradiction of an individual is a central, perpetual contradiction of the entire world. However, in a human being this contradiction appears more developed and, correspondingly, more polarized; the creativity (abilities) and consumption (needs) are extremely specialized and opposed in their activities. That is why this contradiction (as well as any other contradiction in the world) cannot be solved from inside. It can be solved through correlation with equal contradiction within other carrier. I.e. the conflict inside an individual becomes acute and transforms into inter-personal conflict. And this one, in its turn, becomes overgrown with participants and transforms into group conflict. The group conflict, when is determined the community of class position, transforms into class one. And the class conflict transforms into social one. It is not the society what gives rise to the basic contradiction of an individual. At the reverse, the basic conflict of the society – of production and consumption – appears as totality of mutually penetrating basic contradictions of the individuals that belong to it.
However, while the society as a whole consumes the same amount that was produced, the individual does not achieve such equality. Some people mainly create, the others mainly consume. I.e., while being creator and consumer at the same time, a person acts as one of them in a more determined way, so one of these two traits is prevailing. An animal cannot need more than is necessary for its survival. And the level of consumption of a human being can exceed all possible limits, which does not correspond to needs, requirements or merits. But as well as consumption selfishness, the altruism of creativity is boundless. Thus all the people, independent of their sex, age, national, civil, social, professional, status, religious, party and other types of groups that he can belong to, can be located on one single scale of social role measurement: from extreme, heroic, all-conquering creativity that transforms to self-sacrifice, up to extreme, aggressive, all-violating consumption that transforms to crime. The conflict of creative and consumer traits inside an individual turns finally into the conflict between creators and consumers in the society.
This conflict is eternal. But the more acute it became inside the individual, the more actively it was transferred to the society, thus polarizing it, dividing them mainly into creators and consumers, toilers and exploiters, those who mainly create and those who mainly consume. The slaves and the slaveholders, the serfs and the feudal lords, the proletarians and the bourgeoisie are only concrete historic embodiment of this polarization in a class form. Eternally fighting creators and consumers changed their class forms. The essence of class conflict is the embodiment of all-individuals contradiction.
The classes are cut apart and socially fixed domination of one trait on another, declined and hold by force the polarity of human nature, conflict predilection inside the individual that is raised to social antagonism.
All the social conflicts are constantly supported by inter-personal ones. Social conflicts, being a result of inter-personal conflicts, accumulate them and cause general cataclysms: revolts, revolutions, wars. As well as the individuals are divided into creators and consumers, so the states can be divided into the same groups, dependent on the category of individuals that have the power: the consumers or the creators.
As well as inside of creating, working classes are many (if not the majority) individuals predisposed to be consumers, so inside of consumer, exploiting classes are many creators by their nature and aspiration. When the latters start to realize themselves, join and get the power, the nation, as a rule, experience burst of growth. But their epoch is usually short. And then consumers appropriate new achievements and turn into a base for predatory wars. In the human history there are plenty of evidences of a boundless greediness of governing consumers first with reference to their nation, and then to their neighbors and remote nations.
At the beginning consumer states act in the open and rough way – with fire and sword. But, as well as individuals (for whom is important to look well as much as to possess) in the course of time they learn to put on a mask of creators, or explore new sources of profit, using market tools, disproportion of prices, organizing different funds and forums, influencing public consciousness, joining with consumers of competing countries. The larger is the volume of capital of these countries, the more active is their visible and invisible expansion, and the bigger is their resourcefulness when they attempt to subordinate the creation power of their nations and to derive maximum profit from international relations. For them to live means – to consume. To consume more, with more diversity, in more elite manner.
Alas! During the 20th century the world has not become freer or more democratic, better or more human. At the reverse, the consumer than dominates in the world has become more hypocritical and more cunning, greedier and more refined. While increasing his capital, saturated with people’s tears and blood, he poses as a protector of the poor, proponent of labor, benefactor of nations. But the only things he understands are his interests, his needs, his profit. The only thing he considers fair is his own benefit. And he is ready to sacrifice the entire world for the sake of his own welfare.
His infinite predatory egocentrism is disastrous for the nations, for the humanity for the entire planet and life on it. The creators should not live on illusions any longer, should realize themselves, and should pluck up their power necessary to rescue the humanity, to build a new, spiritual and ecological, creation civilization, to give rise to a really human evolution of the individual.


The socialism nationalized production means and thus has put an end to class system, made everybody a toiler as it was in prehistoric period, and so the human nature has achieved its natural unity. Everybody became a creator and a consumer at the same time. It turned out impossible to consume without producing. It is impossible to live at the expense of one’s property without working; to get means for living without participation in the production of those; to benefit at others’ expense; to appropriate others’ work without repaying by his own.
The socialism has removed the classes, but it was not able to remove the conflict inside the individual, its sharpening and its transformation into inter-personal one. While people always fight with their social enemy, they also struggle between each other as rivals – for being promoted, for better life conditions, etc. After the triumph of socialism this kind of struggle became the leading one. The antagonism of classes was replaced by inter-personal and group collisions of consumers and creators, and competition between them.
However, the public consciousness remained within the framework of the former ideology, and by this reason this kind of struggle was taken for a class one, for a new form of continued class struggle. Theoretical position of Stalin, country’s leader of that period, furthered this point of view. While in 1934 on the 17th Congress of the Communist Party he considered that the socialism is the society without classes, as the Marxism declares, in 1936, when a new Constitution of the USSR was being adopted, he declared that there are classes in the society, thus betraying Marxism and revising Lenin’s program of the Communist Party of 1919.
As a result of that absolute and radical interpretation of classes, any conflict in human relationship was perceived as the class one, what caused corresponding consequences. And the repressions that happened before, from that moment became a mass phenomenon, independent of social position. These repressions are often determined as “Stalinist” ones. However, Stalin rather provoked, than sanctioned them. People themselves struggled with each other as creators and consumers, but they realized themselves within the class antagonism, in accordance with usual approach. The repressions became a falsified and thus tragic sequel of the ”class” struggle in the society without classes.
Such perversion of Marxism caused the perversion and deformation of socialism. It was the first open fight of creators and consumers in the soviet society, and consumers, which used class approach and defined their opponents as class enemy, were the absolute winners in that fight.
This phenomenon itself was caused by quite ordinary reasons. The socialism naturally was not able to ensure quick and significant improvement of toilers’ welfare, because the socialism itself originated from undeveloped capitalism, imperialistic and civil war. Thus the conflict of creative and consumer trait inside the individual, as well as the struggle of creators and consumers in the society, were not suppressed, but became even more acute. The masses have understood quickly enough, and the historical experience stated the same, that the desired welfare can be achieved faster and easier via career promotion, than by means of improvement or expansion of labor. The consumers from masses rushed into administration and management structures and into the party as well, since it was the ruling party. They were already prepared to the triumph of socialism, for they (horizontally and vertically) occupied almost all the superstructure. The repressions only consolidated this occupation. Happened what always happens after a short period of creators’ government: the consumers, when accommodated themselves to governing trends, have taken the power again and started to design the country according to their needs and aims.
The Great Patriotic War suppressed inter-personal struggle and joined the nation in front of the common enemy. But, as well as any other war, it deteriorated, according to human criterion, the social structure of the nation. Since creators always, and especially during the critical periods, take upon themselves more initiative and responsibility, suffer more burdens and hardship, one second earlier rise from the trench, close the embrasures by themselves, i.e. more often sacrifice themselves for the sake of the common victory, not waiting for fame and rewards.
According to the principle of psychological inertia, in the post-war period the internal struggle does not grow right away. But such factors, as confrontation with USSR of the former allies of the anti-Hitler coalition, emergence of blocs aggressive to USSR, encirclement by military units, intentional arms race, create obstacles to the government activities aimed to ease and improve the life in the country, requiring significant resources’ outflow for external class fight, involve the government into the “war” with its own nation, causing physical deterioration and weariness. The country works with increasing efforts, helps to underdeveloped countries, and participates in military conflicts on the side of the nations fighting for their independence. On the international level it performs as a creator, sacrificing tremendous part of internal resources and consumption. The states-consumers, which aim to international domination and fleece half of the world, achieve its purpose: methodically make the USSR weaker.
From time to time the soviet government lowers prices of the goods of mass consumption. But at the same time the output quotas increase and the work tariffs decrease, what is partly balanced within the economy. And further, while the first tendency disappears after Stalin’s death, the second one still exists and moreover is accompanied by increase of prices of consumer goods. When the last two tendencies – increase of output quotas and increase of prices in the shops – are combined, i.e. the salary is cut off and at the same time the life becomes more expensive, appears the first sign of social tension – the events in Novocherkassk of 1962, which evidently show that the government has changed its value orientations and it worries more about preservation of its position than about population’s life conditions.
When the force is applied against the population, it is the direct result of an untalented economic policy. When the quotas are increased and the work tariffs are lowered, the toiler consequently is driven back to the previous level of welfare. But his needs increase (marriage, birth of children and their growth, cultural needs and so on), and he, adapting himself, starts again to overfulfill the raised quotas. When it becomes relatively constant and mass phenomenon, the administration of enterprises again (in accordance with or by order of higher authority) changed the quotas and lowered the tariffs to force the toiler to work with higher return. As a result, along with the growth of the gross product its quality naturally decreased. But it was not a waste to nowhere. In the society, as well as in the nature, nothing appears from nowhere and nothing disappears to nowhere without living a trace. It was a forced, hidden form of product consumption even before it is manufactured. If the toiler’s salary was under the real return, he, correspondingly, did not aim (and often was not able) to devote himself entirely to the work process. All that was taken from him in one form, he did recover in another form. Consumer treatment of the toiler by the government caused the same type of reaction from the side of the toiler.
But it was an unequal fight. The volume of products of bad quality that could not be sold was rising in the society, thus meaning tremendous waste of public labor, which in its turn doubled and tripled, because the people that produced it have also received salaries, bonuses, funds. Only a constantly decreasing number of really valuable, diligent producers supported the country. The country was working more and more hard, and was getting poorer.
Along with the decrease of product quality, the list of deficient products was enlarging, and long queues were standing to buy them. For the “acceleration”, with which the society produced mediocre products, it paid by a huge loss of time spent in queues and in search. Naturally, in such a situation the authorities started to build hierarchic distribution schemes: the capital and central cities fleeced the regions and territories, the regional centers fleeced their regions, and local centers fleeced the rural areas. Have emerged special distributing stores, special shops, favorable medical service, privileged leisure opportunities and so on. While in the Novocherkassk situation the authorities opposed to the masses military force, in the special distribution they opposed to the masses themselves. From that moment the government can be regarded as pseudo-communist, because it treats the power as the feedbox. The so-called stagnation, Brezhnev period, was infinitely conniving to it. The decorated picture, drawn by official reports and mass media, represented a striking contrast with reference to the real situation.
From time to time, to mask the privileges, the government raised the salary of one or another category of workers and employees, and very seldom – of peasants. On practice it meant that government bureaucracy gave to one group what it has taken from another. It did not allow the people to get sufficient earnings gave them a sop, regarding this as “enormous social achievement”. But in reality the bureaucracy destroyed the real interest in work, equating good-working and bad-working people, and aimed to solve the problem by stimulation of political enthusiasm. However, one injustice was replaced by another, and the bad management and losses were transferred from one branches and regions to another. Ostentatious improvements somewhere in the country only furthered general immersion of the country into the quagmire of economic degradation, of moral devastation of the creative work.
The reason of that lays not in the planned economy and not in the absence of owner of the public property, as if it was nobody’s. The point is that consumer approach of the bureaucracy prevailed everywhere, suppressing any reasonable idea, any incentive, any innovating initiative, and any creative outburst. Induced by external imperialistic surrounding, the policy of restricted consumption in the country has evoked consumer appetite of the governors, not willing to suffer together with the population, and an open envy of the others, not willing to believe in false production indexes. All the values, goals and ideals were devaluated. Further development without the scientific comprehension of the human being became impossible.
The agony of the pseudo-communist regime has begun, and a number of dying one after another, good-for-nothing, unable to do anything general secretaries of the party have appeared. The discrepancy of the class superstructure and the society without classes, the origin to which was given by Stalin, became crying. “The dictatorship of proletariat” has completely transmuted into the dictatorship of nomenclature bureaucracy. The society suffered not from the socialism, but from erroneous, anti-human government. The nomenclature was parasite of the communism. Pursuing its own goals, it impeded its development. The necessity of changes came to a head.
Gorbachov appeared on the political stage. He was an innovator in politics, but did not have necessary theoretical background. The “perestroika”, proclaimed by Gorbachov, has choked with its own demagogy. Instead of building the socialism up to the top and completing it with a corresponding superstructure, he attached the artificially borrowed “bourgeois democracy”, made of “pluralism, multi-party system, president”, to the decrepit and weak-minded “dictatorship of proletariat”. What has come out of it - was a monster with two fighting heads, one of which in 1991 finally has crunched another’s neck: false democracy has beaten the pseudo-communism.
And it was not a counter-revolution, as many people think, but a real Popular-democratic revolution. The masses, called by speculative demagogy, overturned the degenerated a long ago “dictatorship of proletariat” by spontaneous protest outburst, thus proving again the verity and the inevitability of the scientific postulate saying that the superstructure not corresponding to the basis will be unavoidably destroyed. In three days period they have done things, which have taken years of vain scientific debates of the authentic communists. The population, among which were a lot of such communists, was not against the socialism, but against the perverted political structure, which did not agree with the human nature. And, as it always happens, the villains, the next gang of pretenders to consume having the power, profited by the outcome of the population’s protest.
It was exactly people who have won, and not Eltsin and Company. Eltsin’s supporters simply have taken advantage of the population’s movement without applying any efforts, which, for example, were applied by Bolsheviks in 1917.  Eltsin has appropriated population’s victory and, usurping the power, has betrayed it, destroying its native country (USSR), shooting its remaining authorities (the Supreme Council of Russian Federation), and allowing his devotees, supporters and servants to plunder its property, labor, lands and bowels.
All that needed a respectable appearance. And among numerous programs proceeded by the nomenclature, the “reforms” of Gaidar – Chubais were chosen, since they more than any others have met the consumer eagerness of the governing elite: to replace dosed privileges by unrestricted private property, to transform position privileges into social ones, instead of governing the population dominate over it, being transformed from officials getting salary into the class of owners.
As the beginning, the prices were set free, and everybody was allowed to sell whatever and anywhere. Speculation and theft, theft and speculation – these are the direct sequels of this so-called economic maneuver, the real purpose of which was to make millions and to hide this crime of the governors. While wild consumers in the bottom were making their miserable accumulations, expansive consumers on the top, possessing already enough accumulations, went united with “shady capital”, that needed to be recognized, and begun to sell production surplus, resources, non-registered resources, and then to appropriate state ownership, using their official position, relations, acquaintances, briberies, telephone right, seeking for all necessary signatures and stamps in order to give to that injustice a legitimate appearance. All that occurred under the mask of denationalization, privatization, creation of joint-stock companies. Group responsibility has emerged not only on horizontal, but on vertical line of power as well, including executive, legal, political and presidential power. The population has being robbed from above and from below, from outside and from inside. This happened with the assistance of the population itself. The nation was converted in the organism that was devouring itself.
Instead of trying to get adapted to the basis, the usurped superstructure begun to destroy it, initiating the so-called “capitalization” of production terms. Without any questionnaires or referendum concerning historical choice. The orientation of the period of transition from capitalism to socialism, not finished by Stalin, has been turned on 180o. The power has legalized the theft, calling it as entrepreneurship.
The “reforms” turned into nation’s curse, second (after “Stalin’s repressions”) vital defeat of creators, suffered from consumers, and its tragedy and number of victims exceed by far those of the first one. The socialism collapsed under pressure of the external (imperialistic capital) and induced by it internal consumer. Perverted by Stalin and driven to absurd by following general secretaries, the socialism made a consumer heel in the evolution of human being and fell destroyed by this very phenomenon.
However, nothing supernatural has happened. The civilizations in general were destroyed more often by a boundless greediness of consumers, than by natural cataclysms. The socialism had the same fate.
Yet the defeat of socialism - even a temporary one – is not of local importance. The succession of evolution is violated. And this imperils all the humanity. The prolongation of consumers’ era, of their global – independent from ideological differences – domination gets beyond the strength of nature and drives the human beings back to zoological instincts. There is only one way to avoid the catastrophe on the planet – to find in the individual the motivation to be a human being and to develop as a human being. Human ecology is the pledge of the ecology of the nature.
The individual is not culpable of his personal contradiction. And – when it is infringed – it becomes more acute, causing increasing number of conflicts. It was just shown by the practice of raised quotas and devaluation of labor. 
All the written history, as it was already pointed out by classics in the first, proletarian, Manifesto, was the history of class fight. But it was as well the history of human evolution. This is its sacramental essence: transformation of natural consumer into creator through transformation of his accommodation activities into work, of his natural skills into creative abilities, and their further development in accordance with the rule of labor change. Exactly when the abilities emerge and develop, our ancestor becomes a human being. The abilities, and not the needs, distinguish him from all the living things in the world. And they distinguish him from the others like himself as well. Hence, they determine both the generic belonging and the personal uniqueness. While the needs give birth to problems, the abilities solve them. The abilities are the criterion of the human being and of the humane.
However, the abilities have two interrelated sides as well. They are mental and physical. At the same time it can be pointed out that the needs can be divided in two groups as well – natural (organic) and spiritual ones. While physical abilities are mainly hereditary (and are inherited not only from direct ancestors), the mental ones are acquired through communication and education. It predetermined the accelerated evolution of the human race and promoted the human being to the leader position on the planet. Mental abilities sharply increase the solution possibilities of the physical power; physical abilities, in their turn, sharpen the reflexive and regulation effect of the mental ones. Transformation of the accommodation activities into work has activated their interaction.
Century after century, the labor is getting more complicated. And it requires more and more mental abilities to be implemented, developed and differentiated. And without this the physical work cannot develop its qualification, skills and mastery. The development of mental activities has naturally caused the polarization of abilities, dividing those into reflexive (that act automatically, tritely) and creative (that act heuristically, inventively) mental abilities. Of course, this classification is conditional Any mental action, independent of its complexity, is carried out within the interaction of these abilities, but their different intention causes their specialization and different effectiveness while solving arising problems. The share of creative abilities in the total magnitude of the mental ones is small enough, but their importance is enormous. The humanity has got over all the labyrinths, difficulties and stagnation due to these creative abilities more, than due to the heroism.
It is usually considered that creative abilities are the prerogative of the “creative professions”, the privilege of governing classes or, in a broad sense, that they refer to the intellectuals. This point of view corresponds to traditional social division of class societies and does not reflect the real human nature. Everybody has creative abilities, they are only at different levels of their development and activity, depending, of course, of the social position; changing that position, it is possible to activate them. And this was demonstrated even by a cut down socialism, which in spite of all the difficulties of historical fate, has given rise to the mass rationalization and invention movement, the participants of which during the post-war period up to the beginning of the “perestroica” amounted to 14 million persons. If Gorbachov, as a political innovator, had linked his “perestroica” to the innovation movement in the sphere of production, the country would have made a significant progress in its social and historical development. But he has preferred to lean on the bureaucracy, belonging to his realm, and not on the driving force, as Marxism says; he has chosen not the creative, but the executive eagerness. As the result, another competing swindler of the nomenclature system snatched the torch of changes out from him. And the army of bureaucrats has quickly moved to the side of force: they do not have their own world outlook, theory or ideology; it makes no difference to them, what has to be build - capitalism or socialism, what has to be carried out – “perestroica” or reforms; the only things they do care about – to receive more and to bear less responsibility. Having begun with one policy, he has finished with the reverse. He cared more about “having a good appearance”, than about doing something for the nation.
And the same can be said about the main part of humanitarian intellectuals. Constantly oppresses by the bureaucracy, they produced a vast stream of loose criticism. While innovators’ movement was implementing construction creative activities, these intellectuals, having quickly changed the name “soviet” to the label “liberal”, have discharged all their accumulated mass of negative critical creative abilities – destructive ones.
The phenomenon, long ago determined by scientific psychology as particularities within a person (prevailing constructive or critical inclination in the creative gift), when related to creative or consumer activity, in the society gets the shape of two opposite social forces; and when one of them is unwanted, the negative activity of another one is growing. In practice, by their unfounded criticism of communism the humanitarian intellectuals have destroyed the immunity of the population against lie, meanness and betrayal. Releasing the brakes of consumer ambitions of the masses, they have cleared the way to criminal elements. The disintegration of the society was a natural consequence of the reforms by Gaidar, thus showing their complete unsoundness. The democratic idea was spoiled utterly by false democrats, as well as the communist idea – by pseudo-communists, only in a shorter period. This always happens to the ideas when they are used by consumers.
The principal result of spontaneous, unprepared changes is that difficult evolution of creator was turned to consumer direction, which contradicts to the historical evolution of the human being. Snatch, do not think about the fellow creatures nor about distant people, do not be tortured by a guilty conscience, do not count on somebody’s help and do not provide it. Easy money, enrichment without working – those are symbols of success. If everybody cares only about himself, the general prosperity will be ensured. Those are common values of the forced course. Creative robbery instead of constructive creation. The dregs, scoundrels, rascals – go forward! All what was invented, but remained hidden, is the law of life, the engine of progress...
How can be changed the present situation?
...Historical development is not defined as a change of leaders. It implies change of driving forces in the vanguard of history. Materialistic comprehension of society resulted in discovery of the historical mission of proletariat, and in the same way materialistic comprehension of individual discovers a new driving force defined as rationalization and invention movement of the working masses.


To put an end to social degradation and harmonize human relationship, it is necessary to solve the problems of human conflicts on the level of the basic contradiction of an individual. And thus is necessary to specify, as Lenin would say, the “principal link” within interdependent elements, within all the line of developing correlations.
Obviously all the individuals can be divided into two categories: creators and consumers, dependent on the basic trait prevailing in each person. In case consumer inclination dominates in every individual, the society will perish. Hence CREATIVE trait is the basis of vitality of human race and of its evolution. It is this trait that should be developed and activated first of all from the very early age.
Without a doubt, all the physical and mental abilities are very important. Nevertheless, the stress should be laid on those, which are basic for successful activities of the entire creative factor. These are MENTAL abilities.
All the mental abilities are necessary, but among them CREATIVE abilities are crucial, and the most important among those – CONSTRUCTIVE creativity. Strictly speaking, human history – transformation of our ancestors into human beings and transformation of the primitive crowd into human society – has originated when constructive creativity emerged and started being applied for invention of first elementary tools and devices. We are human beings of that level on which our constructive creativity is developed.
From creativity in the field of the implements of production the primitive communism has begun. This phenomenon is the origin of the newest communism as well, but the creative trait is already a generic attribute. The essence of the entire history consists in development of communism from its primitive to its superior form.
The communism has never ended. As far as the goods were produced, the wealth was alienated (appropriated) by consumers gradually or at once and was accumulated. Jointly produced, the wealth became a property of few individuals, thus strengthening their position, increasing their power, management and distribution role. Slavery, feudalism, capitalism – those are communism for small number of people, at the same moment those are stages of its evolution towards its future universality. “Everybody works according to its abilities, everybody gets according to its needs”- this is not Marx’s invention. It is this principle that always guided the life of the rich. But such a lifestyle was kept at other’s expense. And this is not fair!
Everybody wants (and has the right) to live well and better! Therefore, consumption should be arranged in accordance with the creative works.
Mostly individuals are obedient to the law. Hence, the laws should make the labor more advantageous than theft or robbery, so the appropriation will be deserved. And in case the ways to welfare are NOT encumbered as it happened during the pseudo-communist regime, all the individuals, even those inclined to be consumers, will prefer these legal ways to any circumvention or illegal way. And in this concern, is necessary not the freedom in general, but the freedom to implement creative abilities, so that any desired level of welfare could be achieved on any working place, on any level of social hierarchy. Moreover, everybody has such kind of abilities, which allow achieving this in the personal life, without waiting to or depending of social welfare, and encouraging it.
These are creative abilities. Mainly – constructive. Those, which are implemented in production in the following ways: rationalization and invention, innovating approach to technical, technological, organizational, ecological, moral and other problems.
These abilities have direct connection with communism. Since labor productivity can be raised by them, and by them alone, and that is (according to Lenin’s words) “the crucial factor for success of new social system”.
As long as the toiler stays within the framework of implementation of physical abilities (worker or peasant) or mechanical mental abilities (employee), his highest level of productivity will not be achieved. Probably, he will produce twice more goods than before within a certain time period. However, correspondingly he will use up twice more himself and the equipment. Final correlation between the outcome and costs remains unchanged: doubled volume of goods produced corresponds to doubled expenses of gross physical power. And all what the toiler gains in one segment, he will inevitably lose in another one. And he will lose even more, since, in accordance with his wearing out, he will become ill more often and will grow old faster, and his equipment will be disabled more frequently and will require more expensive repair.
Such kind of labor does not economize, but, quite the reverse, increases total costs per unit of goods produced; does not reduce, but increases production costs. It is inevitable when the society experience critical situation, but it cannot be considered a model for society evolution.
In reality, labor productivity cannot be raised while the method of production remains unchanged. And a traditional toiler, staying within the framework of the obsolete division of labor and implementing his abilities only mechanically, does not influence the method of production. Such kind of labor distributes the past, possibly at increasing rate, but does not build the future, does not create the new. And the more conscientious it is, the more conservative it becomes.
Real growth of labor productivity begins there and then, where and when the tools, technology, organization of production are being improved, i.e. the method of production and related labor forms develop in a revolutionary, rising, qualitative way; where and when the increased outcome is being achieved with minor efforts, i.e. the proportion of human and machine labor progressively changes; where and when, as a result, the individual presses his perfection on the machine, and not the machine imposes its requirements. It is just the economy of human labor, extended into perspective, which expresses the growth of labor productivity most exactly. It is just the scientifically organized method of production that is being improved in a qualitative way and is ecologically related with the living nature, which is the real basis of prosperity of human society, and not the market environment. And the creativity is the guarantee of this!
Hence, according to the requirements of the economic science, rationalization and invention activities of workers, peasants, scientific, engineering and technical intellectuals, and serving soldiers as well should be determined as LABOR, i.e. should be determined as useful for society, and not private pastime, and should be remunerated by salary, introduced by legal and executive authorities.
At the present moment there is no such a salary. All the authors of technical innovations are remunerated in accordance with the old rewards’ system, which implies one-time payment for the proposal being used. This system seems to be a survival of the bourgeois royalty’s legislation. In case the author of idea is not the owner of the means of production, his idea is alienated (by means of purchase – sale transaction) by another consumer, which gets the monopolistic right of exploitation of this idea as long as he wishes. A one-time remuneration (bonus or royalty with possible additional payments) gives an impression that all the work contained in the idea is remunerated. But it is a false impression.
Such kind of remuneration corresponds to one-time, heuristic conditionally valuable character of an invention, nevertheless it does not take into account the entire long, often struggling, completely immeasurable groundwork searching process, which begins almost in the childhood and which induced the idea. Furthermore, it does not take into account the profit that emerges in the process of exploitation of the idea after purchase – sale transaction. Such a situation should be changed. Since the difference between additional and necessary shares (consumer profit and author’s remuneration) is the highest difference that ever existed. And while the exploitation of any mechanical labor is limited by physical factor, the exploitation of creative labor is mostly hidden and does not have any limits. The longer it lasts, the more profitable it becomes. And the capital is being attached already for a long time to this new and infinite income source.
However, the creativity suffers even more when it is uncalled-for, refused, excluded from social values’ system and social interests, what characterizes the pseudo-communist bureaucracy and even more – liberal reformers, who switched people from constructive creativity to theft, from technical improvement to trade machinations. When the real reasons of human troubles are not known, all the reforms carried out by erroneous means lead to even worse result.
In this regard, in order to stop degradation, exploitation and degeneration of the creative activity of the masses, to create for it a real value system, it is necessary in addition to the basic (traditional) salary of the innovator (rationalization and invention author), received for his principal work (on his workplace) to introduce the ADDITIONAL PAYMENT (for additional, exceeding norms, creative work) - PARTIAL MONEY DEDUCTION FROM THE ECONOMIC EFFECT OF THE IDEA, CONSTANT AS LONG AS THE IDEA IS PROFITABLE.
It will be, from one side, the payment for the work executed and, from the other side, the base for development of the future one. Such money deduction will not only increase moral and material interest in development and presenting of new ideas, but, what is more essential, will create real conditions for elaboration of deeper ideas, more fundamental, revolutionary, of high economic potential and longer performance period. Then the technical progress will be moved from superficial problems to the basic, fundamental ones.
It has to be pointed out that the innovators, and there are millions of them, are more than others interested in maintenance and complete re-establishment of public property as far as it concerns the means of production, because only on its base the expanded (on the state level) implementation of the approved innovations and, therefore, larger volume of money transfers to their authors are possible. Computerization of production and information processes, as well as complete centralization of banking will allow carrying it out without serious difficulties.
However, it can be supposed that, when the new form of payment will be used, the volume of relatively constant payments will grow and, sooner or later, will significantly (several times) exceed the volume of the basic salary, thus making it at first simply a non-principal, and then an unnecessary one. In this case those rationalizations’ authors and inventors, which will be able to live and work on the earnings from implemented projects, can be, if they wish to, RELEASED FROM OBLIGATORY EMPLOYMENT ON THE ENTERPRISE, HAVING THE RIGHT OF FREE AND INDEPENDENT ATTENDANCE OF THE ENTERPRISE. Not dismissed, but released!
Due to this, the creative work from an addition to the basic one will be transformed to the basic form of life activities, as it happens, for example, with writers or painters. It will be an individual performance, free from bureaucratic regulation, external compulsion, and official guardianship. But exactly in such conditions it will become especially fruitful.
The unreasonable, uneconomical use of the human being (which can produce more, but with his head, and not with his hands) as a mechanical force will be stopped. The unproductive wearing out of his health and non-corresponding to his aspirations emotional burden will be reduced. Will appear a time for replenishment and deepening of knowledge, for widening the range of activities, and will emerge conditions for universal personal development.
As well as when the feudalism was replaced by the capitalism, the peasant, being released from serf dependence, was searching for subsidiary work in the town and, applying for work from time to time, then was transformed into a life-time employee, nowadays the rationalization and invention activity, when the innovator will be released from forced relationship with the enterprise, will be finally transformed into his principal all-embracing activity. The worker will transmute into a new, perfected variety of toiler. Here we can observe the same historical conformity to natural laws as in the Middle Ages, but in a new form, what corresponds to the changed conditions.
Each social-economic structure originated at his emergence, and then was supported by ITS OWN TYPE of toiler: slave, serf and proletarian. The socialism did not avoid it, having created the innovator in the production sphere, which does not simply use a production tool, but first of all improves it. But the communists, being infatuated with the “class” struggle in the society without classes, did not notice this new driving force, which opens the era of real human development, his transition from physical to mental work, from mechanical – to the creative one, from the critical – to the constructive one. Nowadays, being defeated, they again want to be engaged into the same – class fight. And, guided by dogmas that have been cut off from Marxism, they have hastily declared that all the simple robbers, takers of bribes, swindlers, cheaters and scoundrels represent the class of bourgeoisie, as if for which they always have in reserve the socialistic revolution. They still do not understand that the history does not have time for repetitions, that exactly the human aspiration to the creativity, which was oppressed by them, have made the masses to shrink back from them. And now the nation, being divided into toilers and robbers, needs again not a class fight, but the re-orientation of the creativity to creation.
In this account, after the innovator is released from the employment on the concrete enterprise, he should be automatically provided with the right of FREE ACCESS TO ALL THE OTHER ENTERPRISES OF THE COUNTRY. Since the human range of vision is significantly larger, than narrow limits of one or two nearest enterprises.
When this innovation will be approved, the property will in fact become public, and not state one, because it will be developed and managed mainly by interested, actively creating and free citizens, and not by the officials. It will be jointly improved by people that live in different parts of the country, but which are united by a common aspiration and are constantly involving new creative forces into the process of renovation of production.
This free access to other enterprises, which converts all the property, and not only the tool directly connected to the toiler, into the object of creativity of each one, added the free time, which appears at the innovators’ disposal, will develop universal communication of people, will ensure enormous enrichment with knowledge and experience, a wonderful, completely new work collectivism, free from envy and careerism, violence and artificial features of many existing collectives, that join accidental people with different aims and interests. As a result, the frontier and the contrast between administrative and executive work will begin to disappear, human relationship will be cleared of mean-spirited calculations.
However, the creative work, since all the people are able to it, has to become a common one, and not only “selected people’s business”. The innovators’ movement creates all the necessary grounds for that.
Since the innovators, when the new form of payment will be used, will receive only a part of the value, created by them, the other constantly increasing part will be directed to rise the salary of other toilers or to lower the prices for consumer goods. Thus, with the activation of innovators the welfare of all the population will increase.
The same concerns time consumption as well. When certain innovation increases labor productivity 2-5-10 times, thus allowing to replace 10-100-1000 workers, it means that the society is producing significantly more goods per unit of time, than before, or that it produces the same amount of goods, but in a shorter period. The growth of labor productivity decreases time spent per unit of goods, lowers the demand for workers, creates the problem of excess workforce, and accumulates the reserve of free time. The capitalist dismisses the workforce, which has become excessive. And we will choose another way.
The number of employees of the enterprise will be the same (or even doubled, tripled, quadrupled), but they will have more shifts. And then they will work not 8 hours during each of 3 shifts, not 6 hours during each of 4 shifts, but 4 hours during each of 6 shifts, 3 hours during each of 8 shifts, with further reduction of the number of working days per week as well. And this increase of welfare and free time will create real possibilities for other toilers to join different kinds of constructive creativity.
Thus the society will gradually move to the automated, ecologically tested production and free, humanized life-style. The freedom from class oppression, obtained by the proletariat during the socialist revolution, has as its sequel and evolution result the freedom from physical oppression of production means, obtained by the society through innovation movement of the masses during uninterrupted scientific and technical revolution. Provide the innovators with constant money deduction from the economic effect of their ideas and free attendance of the enterprises – and the people will not need to make their career (hence, the bureaucratism and the bureaucracy itself will gradually disappear), they also will not need to steal (hence, the criminality will decrease as well).
Created such conditions, the people will intentionally aim to knowledge and will be proud of receiving well-earned money.
The innovators’ revolution will be beneficial for women situation and for family development in general.
Nowadays, the innovators get from their wives mainly reproaches... and, finally, divorces. The time will come, and not the men on the top of their career or fame, and not robbers that carried out privatization and have personal guard, sauna and harem will be the objects of women’s desire, but exactly the innovators, which have achieved public acknowledgement and high level of welfare.
Besides the increase of the welfare of the family, the innovator, being released from the enterprise, will be able to do a significant part of homework, thus making easier hard woman’s life. But the most important thing is, of course, the consolidated time reserve, which is multiplied by the innovators’ movement. It should be preferably spent on women. Their work shift should be reduced more quickly; the work holidays, sick-leaves, motherhood-leaves should be enlarged. Hence, the innovators will, in some sense, return men’s debt, accumulated during the entire patriarchal period, which should have been paid by men long ago. This will naturally result in prolongation of women’s health and beauty life, will harmonize the relationship within a family, and will ensure higher level of childbirth and better education of the rising generation.
However, the problem of the physical labor will emerge. The latter will not disappear entirely, but due to mass innovating process will be regenerated in a larger volume and at a higher level as a...PHYSICAL CULTURE AND MASS SPORT.
And this is natural! Since the physical work is passed to machines, and a human being gets a lot of free time, he, being released from regular monotonous physical loading, will feel the physiological need of movement reactions, exercises and activities in their joyful and free, pleasurable execution. Such occupations as physical culture and sport will provide him with such an opportunity.
The physical work in its old from that has overcome itself, that has transformed into its opposite: from developing into oppressing one, using only one group of muscles and damaging the others, causing nowadays disproportion and traumatism, chronic tiredness and professional illnesses, quick weariness and making old the human being, - inevitably needs and comes to its historical change. While in its narrow mechanical form it becomes the duty of machines, in its new form, so wide and free as the creative work, it will prolong its historical mission and will lead the human being to new physical progress. The physical culture and sport will not simply replace the disappearing physical work – they will be formed as a really humane variety of it.
While at the origin of the human society, within the framework of the primitive communism first creativity of tools initiated physical work, at the emergence of new communist, spiritual and ecological civilization the creativity, eliminating it in its old form, inevitably regenerates it in a new one. That is why, in general, human brain, arms and body will not stop their evolution, but they will remain being harmoniously perfected within the framework of the achieved anatomical constitution. The people will grow higher, more graceful and be more plastic. And more inspired as well!
Thus the humanity has no reasons to be afraid of its future. At the reverse, there exist all the grounds to hasten it. Basing on the constructive, creative abilities!

Mark Boykov    E-mail:
