The other world

It is so hard "to be" and "not to be" - simultaneously in two worlds...

The days, when I was under influence of transit Uranus, I recollect today as something unreal, as I passed through the feeling, that I live in two worlds - one is that I see with my eyes, the other - which I feel with my inner sense, but it was also realistic...

That other world (of which i have no direct experience) is what perhaps unites us with what we truly are....

Vinita Kumar: Does the other world feel like "I am everything, everywhere, every time, always in equilibrium. I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva, love and pure consciousness"???

Lyudmila: The other world of inner light is strange. For you could remember all the moments of your life from the point of view of the LIGHT. And it is shocking, that every event in life has the double image - one is the real form, that we accept with the eyes, and other one - that we accept with "inner vision". For eg. I look at the person, with my eyes I see beautiful girl, with my inner vision I see her light-green auric light, and even some images at right or left hand. Then I could follow this shadow, and could э"see" on mental screen the pictures, which reflect the events of life of this person, etc. The world is mysterious, and hides its other side just near you. You could only be the instrument of Reflection and Self-Perception through the phenomena of the worlds...
