To my daughter Tanya

To my daughter Tanya, who graduated the Carver Art and Technology School which is right behind our fence.     Michael Kobylatski (aka Russian)  4.01.10  BCDC  18:00 pm
Now, when I see the world through  the Net
I understand where’ll be no  Set
The set for my life and my wishes, my love
The things that I see in reflections above

And there is no peace in my breaking heart
Until you forgive all my sins cause you are smart
You more than a smart, you can treating the souls
Of people, who stay on a terrible goals

You’re always with us, and you can in advance
Provide holy treatment and give us a chance
Like Father gives chance to the Prodigal Son
Who after retuning much differ when gone

Because the sincerity more than just life
It has such a tools understanding behind
And that’s why I’m here and that’s why I’m crying
You give me a chance and and that’s why I’m trying!
