Деволюция государства. Энциклопедия микронаций

Микронации - это государства без территорий.
Здесь выставлены около 5 тыс. государств с краткими аннотациями на языке оригинала

A1. Most Glorious People's Republic A1!!
     Federated Republics of A1. Active Status: Alive. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email: Contact location - Oceania. Melbourne, Australia. Lider - Primary Philip Fish. Has a website: www. republicofa1. net. 
     Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Unspecified 0. 7 km2 area of eastern metropolitan Melbourne. The name 'A1' stems from the original territory claimed by A1 and where the Pprit Revolution took place. As A1 originated from a classroom 'joke' towards the end of 2007, the original name for the nation was simply 'A1', coming from the name of the classroom ('A1'). 
     However, following the Revolution, the decision was taken to add 'Most Glorious People's Republic of' to the beginning of 'A1', by the order of Chairman Pprit. A1 was founded on January 1 2008, after claiming a small territory in Melbourne, Australia. 
     It seceded from Australia and within a few months, had acquired much new territory. It has since become a prosperous country, with its main concern being that of recognition by other governments. It is recognised as an official Sixth World micronation, after recognition from the Micronational Professional Registry and the United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago. 
     A1 is a democratic parliamentary communist dictatorship. Sir. Philip Fish, being Chairman of A1, is the Head of Government and Head of State. General Elections are held around every year, with the leader of the political party with 50% or more of the vote gaining the position of Chairman. 
     Voting is not compulsory, on account of difficulties accessing citizens. Elections are overseen by the independentA1 Electoral Commission and are held both online and in 'real life'.
     There is Also a civil service within the A1 government, which are apolitical appointments (permanent secretary or permanent under-secretary) to certain important ministries or offices, and various other government positions. Like most micronations, A1 does have some claims over land in various places. 
     However, it do not pretend to make sovereignty over this land, and freely acknowledge this. This doesn’t mean that A1 exist only on the internet, as A1 conduct many activities in the ‘real world’. A1 have a functional, democratic and active government that make decisions and govern A1 and its republics on behalf of the citizens of A1. Essentially, A1 run as a bicameral parliamentary democracy with a number of semi-autonomous regions called ‘republics’. 
     A democratically elected national government, of which the First Secretary is Head of State and the Prime Minister is Head of Government. The legislative power is vested in a bicameral parliament. Any citizen is eligible to become a member of parliament or otherwise participate in other activities, such as Bourke University. 
     A1 established its first micronational diplomatic relations with Bobalania in July 2009, joined the United Micronations in early August 2009 and Grand Unified Micronational soon afterwards, but left the GUM in November 2009 due to numerous complaints by A1 about various aspects of the GUM. 
     The Micronational Assistance Office and the Organisation of Active Micronations were launched in October 2009, in response to the recommendations made by the July 2009 White Paper. These creations were met with great approval from inside the A1 Government and from most of the micronational community. 
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. New Country Project. Physical Micronation. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     ;land. Europe-Territoire autonome-Finlande. Mini Pays. Autonomous region of Finland Officially part of Finland, it is autonomous, demilitarized, and unilingually Swedish. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     ROMA - s.p.q.r – Imperium Romanorium. Alive. 29. 02. 2000. Ab Roma's society is comprised of everyday people who are passionate and serious about the study and revival of ancient Roman culture. We aren't just a group of people who get together and role-play every once in a while, some of us dedicate our lives to this. We wish to spread our knowledge throughout to help our society grow and prosper. "Another important aspect of Ab Roma is the concept of reviving ancient Roman philosophies, virtues, and ethics that would apply to everyday life. Virtues - which define the ideal state of being and behaviour. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Free Nation Abaco. O Na;;o Livre do ;baco ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 196? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Michael J. Oliver, localizada na Am;rica Central e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica presidencialista. 

Abalecon. R;publique!!

Abd al-Kuri!!
     Небольшой остров в Аравийском море между Сомалийским полуостровом и островом Сокотра. Примерно в 350 км к югу от Аравийского полуострова. Входит в состав Йемена (административно является частью провинции Хадрамаут), второй по размеру в архипелаге Сокотра, омывается Аравийским морем и Индийским океаном. Часть территории Йемена. Постоянное население острова весьма немногочисленно, всего около 300 человек, проживает в трех поселениях, в основном занимается рыболовством. 
     На острове имеется небольшой военный гарнизон. В конце 1969 года на филателистическом рынке появились три марки с изображениями самолётов Боинг, Ту и Конкорд и названием острова. Впоследствии выяснилось, что они выпущены в Риме фирмой Интер Филателик и отношения к острову не имеют. 
     Их авторами были братья Салинари, выдававшие их за выпуски несуществующего эмирата на берегу Персидского залива с населением 250 тысяч человек. На одной из марок даже изображена карта эмирата. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Status: Defunct, Dead. 07. 10. 2007. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Aboba. Sovereign Order!!
     Dead. 16. 02. 2008. Type of Entity. Non-territorial micronation. Location: Europe. Bulgaria. Date active: 2008. Has a website: www. orderofaboba. org (defunct) Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Absentia. Federal Republic!!
     Cyberianation. Is currently a Barony in the Duchy of Yardistan currently ruled by Gilrean, but it has only recently reappeared as a territorial entity. The Empire of Absentia was located in the northwest of the mainland of Puritania, across the strait from New Puerto Rico. Ruler. Jacobus II. Citizens included Grand Duke Theo, Capt. Geoffrey T. Spaulding, Bongo Bo. 
     Absentia was the staging base for Jacobian assistance to Madland during the New Puerto Rico crisis. Captital - Corrigible. Major City - Jacob-La-Ville. The major achievement of Absentia was the construction of the Starship Improvise using DSSI technology. 
     The Improvise was in deep space when Puritania fell, and still exists. Absentia, according to Grand Duke Ryan and as confirmed by Emperor Jacobus had become part of the Grand Duchy of Lac Glacei. Lac Glacei and all dependant terrtories were annexed by the Federal Republic of Cyberia on May 30th, 2007. On the decolonization of the FRC, Absentia passed to the Imperial Republic of Shireroth. 
     In March 2008, Duke Jacobus found himself in a bit of a pickle. The historic Baron of Vorpmadal, had requested that his Barony be shipped to Brookshire post haste so it could be reunited with its historic Lunatic lands. The Baron at the time, Benkern, Jacobus himself and H4773r decided that this was agreeable, provided the County of Mar Sara, the sole County of Vorpmadal at the time, remained Yardistani. 
     This left Jacobus with a problem - what to do with Mar Sara, and the former Baron of Vorpmadal, Benkern? Absentia was the answer. Discussions were opened by the Duke about a new Barony for Yardistan. Many names were suggested, but eventually, Ari, supreme demi-hemi-semi-god of Forum Administration, decided that Absentia was the one he was going to create and the Barony of Absentia was born. 
     The County of Western Absentia was created soon after a claim had been lodged with the MCS to give Absentia some lands. Benkern was the first Baron; when he became Duke, Count of Western Absentia Prodigy Almighty became Baron; when he became Duke, Countess of Eastern Absentia.. 

     Слово «абсурдистан» — ироническое название страны, в которой абсурдные вещи стали нормой, особенно в политике и правительстве. Первоначально термин был распространён среди диссидентов, которые обозначали им социалистические страны восточной Европы. Его часто использовал Вацлав Гавел по отношению к социалистической Чехословакии. В последнее время употребление термина расширилось на ближневосточные страны и страны постсоветского пространства.. 

Academe North!!
     Acadame do Norte. Dead Nation. Cyberianation. The Socialist Federal Republic of Acadame North (Slovene. Socialisti;na federativna Republika Acadame Severa) is a micronation or microstate. Bordering Canada to the east and west, Acadame North claims to have two administrative zones. It became a nation on June 25, 1999. 
     The Acadame North Government states itself to be a sovereign independent nation. According to the official version, Acadame North’s origins are from the Acadame North Liberation Organization, with the goal of forming a Slavic, socialist state in North America. Acadame North's climate is categorized as a ‘Humid continental climate' (warm summer subtype) with temperatures ranging from -2 degrees F to over 90 degrees throughout the year. Acadame North's main National holiday is June 25 or 'national liberation day.. 

Acadia. West Acadia!!
     Type of Entity. Historical resurrection. Location: North America. Acadian peninsula of Canada. Date active: 2008–2009. Annexed by Petorio.. 

Aceland. Democratic Republic!!
     Dead. 30. 07. 2007. Aceland. Dead. 30. 07. 2007. Democratic Republic of Aceland. Although we claim to be a democracy we are not quote there yet, although it is an admirable ideal. We are Also looking for a place to put our country but this is only a minor problem. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. 
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. Although Aceland claim to be a democracy it ise not quote there yet, although it is an admirable ideal. Aceland is Also looking for a place to put country but this is only a minor problem. 
     Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Achaean territory of Antarctica. As of 30 June 2004, this project has been reorganized as Westarctica. The President, founder of Aceland is Mr Geoff Blade. Like most Acelanders the dream of the President is to move Aceland to a nice little island, or a field with a fresh water supply where the Acelanders can live happily, drink lots of tea and have an Otter Sanctuary. 
     His favourite tea is currently Yorkshire Tea or perhaps Early Grey. It has been reported that passports for the "Achaean Territory" have been made available for sale in Kenya. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

A;ores. United Kingdom!!
     Azore Islands. Reino Unido dos A;ores. O Reino Unido dos A;ores ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1999 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Vicente Arruda C;mara, localizada na ;frica e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Location: South America. Brazil. Location: Brazil. 
     Email: Lider. Leonardo Rodriguez. Date active: 1998–2009 (under Protectorate status by Reunion). Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. Autonomous region of Portugal. Has a website: www. reuniao. org/azores. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Acre Estado!!
     Independente do Acre. Акри. Свободное государство Акри. Independent State Acre. O Estado Independente do Acre ; uma microna;;o concretista lus;fona, existente de 1899 at; 1903. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Luiz Galvez/Pl;cido de Castro, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. 
     Республика Акри марионеточное государство в Латинской Америке. Его провозглашение фактически представляло собой попытку ряда бразильских землевладельцев получить контроль на всей каучуконосной Амазонией в период так называемой каучуковой лихорадки. 
     Столицей был город Пуерто-Алонсо (ныне Порту-Акри). Акри — один из штатов Бразилии, расположенный на стыке Бразилии, Боливии и Перу, в XIX веке был спорной территорией этих стран. В 1899 появилась шестимарочная серия с надписью на португальском языке Кто и где изготовил эти марки неизвестно. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     O Actaxey ; uma microna;;o modelista hispan;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Adaluncatiff. Kingdom!!
     O Reino de Adaluncatiff ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 1991 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Adana. Republic!!

Ad;le. Dominion!!
     O Dom;nio de Ad;le ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma dom;nio.. 

Adelwin. Город-Государство!!
     Cyberianation. Adelwin is the capital city of the Republic of Aerlig. The city is Also the capital of the Aerlish State of Auelrict. As well as this, it is the main port of The Grand Commonwealth naval and air forces on the western side of Micras.. 

Adraisia. City!!
     Город-Государство. Cyberianation.. 

Adraisia. Empire!!
     Free Republic of Adraisia. Dead. 04. 10. 2006. Lider. Will Tomsett. Status: Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Adraisia. Free Republic!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Adriatica. Admirality!!
     As of 3 January 2005, this URL opens to the Imperium Romanorum website. Adriatica is a seafaring state that seeks to advance the cultural, social, economic, political well-being and independence of its citizens by all honorable means. Thus, the central idea that drives our supporters is the redemption of our independence as a nation. "We envision a free and prosperous sovereign seafaring nation founded on commerce, free association, fair trade, sound money, equal justice before the law and secure borders. A bold, self-confident civilization. " Missing New Country Project.. 

Aeldaria. Empire!!
     Empire of Empire. ;ld;ria. O Imp;rio ;ldariano ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1996 at; 1997. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Dale W. Morris, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Aeldian Empire!!

Aerica. Empire!!
     An interplanetary micronation with over a decade of recorded history and culture. O Imp;rio Aericano ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1987 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Eric Lis, localizada na Espa;o e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia absolutistamonarquia-imp;rio. Aerican Embassy to Everything Else;. Active Status: Alive. Physical Micronation. Type of Entity. Tongue-in-cheek micronation. Location: North America. Montreal, Canada. Date active: 1987–present. 
     Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: www. aericanempire. com. Leader: Eric Lis. Founded in 1987. An eccentric tongue-in-cheek micronation founded by Canadian Eric Lis as a child, and maintained for the several decades since. It claims various terrestrial and interplanetary territories as Aerican land. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. 
     Address - Email: Contact location - Montreal, Canada. Lider - Eric Lis. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Various locations on Earth and in outer space, including 50 km2 of eastern suburban Melbourne, a private residence in Montreal, properties in the US and New Zealand, 2. 9 km2 of equatorial Mars and the entire northern hemisphere of Pluto. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Aerlig. Republic!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. Lider. Lachlan Powers. Status: Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     O Aeron;sia ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa.. 

Aeterna Lucina!!
     Sovereign State of Aeterna Lucina. Sovereign Humanitarian Mission State of Aeterna Lucina. Date active: 1978–1990. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Location: Oceania. Cooma, NSW, Australia. New South Wikiales, Australia. Lider – Baron Paul Neuman. Has an article on Wikipedia. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Claims/own/occupy/control territory. Rural property near Cooma + private residence in Sydney suburb of Narrabeen + various other properties in New South Wales. 
     An Australian micronation founded by a self-proclaimed baron, who claimed properties he owned in New South Wales as its territory. Several associated businessmen were charged in 1990 with land and visa fraud. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

     O ;frica ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta.. 

Africa New!!
     Alive. 31. 12. 2009. New Afrika, Republic. Nova ;frica. Nova ;frica. A Rep;blica da Nova ;frica ; uma microna;;o pecularista angl;fona, existente de 198? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Imari Abubakari Obadele, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

African American Sovereignty!!
     International African American Caucus. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. International African American Caucus. New Country Project.. 

Afrodite. Монархия!!
     O Afrodite ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1965 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica Central e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia.. 

Agonos. Communist!!

Agreesive Dictatorship Kling!!

Agrobahh. Wirtualny Emirat!!

Akapotinus. Imp;rio Unido!!

Akerbjorn. Imperium!!


     O Akhzivl;ndia ; uma microna;;o modelista ara, existente de 1952 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Eli Avivi, localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma.. Микронация.

Akilae. Kimmunist Empire!!
     The Duchy of Kildare is a Dukedom in Shireroth and ruled by a Duke. It's known as one of the more cultural diverse places of Shireroth. With Sermolot to preserve the Apollo heritage, Atterock with its magic and islands, Hallucination with its culture and libraries and Lumina's Light with the birth place of the mother of Malarbor (Lumina). The current Dutch (title of the Kildarian Duke) is Shyriath, the successor of Andreas I and Jonas I.. 


Alameigh. Principality!!
     O Principado de Alameigh ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1999 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Christopher Thieme, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado. Dead. 30. 08. 1999. Location: New Jersey, USA. Lider. Christopher Thieme. Status: Defunct. Refounded as a Model Country, then folded in 2001. Missing New Country Project. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Europe-Territoire autonome-Finlande. Mini Pays. Autonomous region of Finland Officially part of Finland, it is autonomous, demilitarized, and unilingually Swedish. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Alanland. Republic!!
     Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Location: North America. Geismar, Louisiana, USA. Lider - Alan Hidalgo. Date active: 2007–present. Has a website: alanland. weebly. com. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Suburban residence located in Geismar, Louisiana, USA. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Alara. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Alara ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Alba.. United States!!

Albegia. People's Republic!!


Albernia. Kingdom!!
     Gr;ndung 08. 08. 1999. O Alb;rnia ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente.. Albernia nimmt f;r sich in Anspruch, eine der ;ltesten funktionierenden Demokratien zu sein und gilt gemeinhin als Mutterland des Parlamentarismus. 
     Was mit der ber;hmten Urkunde »De Iuribus et Libertatibus Statuum;« (;ber die Rechte und Freiheiten der St;nde) seinen Anfang nahm, mit dem King Andrew I. am 13. November 1250 seinen Adeligen und der Kirche gewisse Privilegien einr;umte, entwickelte sich im Laufe der letzten 750 Jahre zu einem ausgefeilten System parlamentarischer Demokratie, die bis heute im steten Wandel und doch in seinen Grunds;tzen schier unverr;ckbar ist. 
     Bis zum heutigen Tage verzichtet man im K;nigreich auf eine geschriebene Verfassung und verl;sst sich f;r die Organisation des Staates auf eine untrennbare Mixtur aus geschriebenen Gesetzen, Rechts-Traditionen, Common Law-Vorschriften und Anwendungs-Konventionen;ig zur Verzweiflung bringen und selbst f;r albernische Rechtsgelehrte nicht immer durchschaubar sind – daf;r aber im t;glichen Leben weitgehend problemlos und reibungsfrei funktionieren und dem K;nigreich seit Jahrhunderten eine stabile Regierung bescheren.. 

Albernia. Republic!!
     Lider. Heiko Wolf. Dead. 02. 08. 2007. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Alive. 09. 01. 2010.. 

     States of Laissaira and New Albion.. 

Albion New!!
     New Albion. Brigantia. Lassaira. An emerging sovereign state serving the global community by advocating and connecting disenfranchised individuals and communities. Site contains comprehensive information on development, government, and citizenship.. 

Alcantara New!!

Aldabra. Kingdom!!
     O Reino da Aldabra ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 1988 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Aldera. Hegemony!!
     The Hegemony of Alexandros.. 

     Aurigny. Europe-Ile autonome de Guernesey. Mini Pays. British Crown Dependency. Self-ruling principal island of the Bailiwick of Guernsey. British Channel Islands. with its own flag and parliament. Also GUERNSEY. is the most northerly of the Channel Islands and a British Crown dependency and part of the Bailiwick of Guernsey.
The island is five kilometers (3 mi) long and two and a half kilometers (1. 5 mi) wide for a total area of eight square kilometers (3 sq. mi). Alderney is around sixteen kilometers (10 mi) from France, thirty two kilometers (20 mi) to the north-east of Guernsey and ninety-seven kilometers (60 mi) from the south coast of England. Alderney is separated from Cap de la Hague by the dangerous currents of La Raz.
Alderney has a population of 2400 people, and they are traditionally nicknamed vaques after the cows, or else lapins after the many rabbits seen in the island. The only parish of Alderney is the parish of St Anne which covers the whole island. The main town, St. Anne, features an imposing, pretty church and a cobbled high street.
There is a primary school, a secondary school, and a post office as well as hotels, restaurants, banks and shops. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Dead. 28. 09. 2007. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 


Alem;o. Imp;rio!!
     O Imp;rio Alem;o ; uma microna;;o lus;fona, situada na Europa Central. ; uma monarquia absolutista constitucional, sendo inspirada no II Reich Alem;o. Restaurado em 21 de julho de 2005, era originalmente uma federa;;o de Estados. Ap;s a promulga;;o da Constitui;;o Imperial de 2008, os Estados foram dissolvidos e o Imp;rio passou a ser unit;rio. Capital - Munique Modo de Governo - Monarquia Constitucional Parlamentarista.
Parlamento bicameral: Dieta Imperial (Reichstag, a c;mara baixa) e Conselho Superior (Oberrat, a c;mara alta). Imperador (alem;o: Deutscher Kaiser) - Guilherme III Lu;s (alem;o: Wilhelm III. Ludwig). Chanceler Imperial (alem;o: Reichskanzler) - Fernando Margrave da ;ustria. Independ;ncia - 17/10/1926, fict;cia (independ;ncia da Baviera - Alto-Reino); 21/07/2005 (independ;ncia dos demais Estados; Restaura;;o do Imp;rio Alem;o). Hino Nacional - Deutschland ;ber Alles (comumente, ; cantado o Heil Dir im Siegerkranz, Hino do Kaiser).. 

     Great Alemin.. 

Alerther.. Republic!!

     In the past, this projected was romoting itself as "The Free-Market Haven for Non-believers". As of 11 May 2008, the website appears to have no present activity. Missing New Country Project.. 

Alexandria. Ex Madl;ndia!!
     Formerly Madland. Empire of the Alexandrians. Alive. 21. 04. 2005 Cyberianation. Lider. Ed Portela. Active. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Al-Farun. Sultanat!!

Algarves and Portugal. United Kingdom!!

Algarves. Comunidade!!

Alicanto. Republic!!

Alice Shoal!!
     O Alice Shoal ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Wolf Hilbertz, localizada na Am;rica Central e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Alkiria. Republic!!

Almadraba. Grand Duchy!!

Almadraba. Grand-Duchy!!
     O Gr;o-Ducado de La Almadraba ; uma microna;;omodelista hispan;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Foi fundada por Mateo., localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-ducado.. 

     Almazonia is a new nation based on meritocratic principles, spirituality and respect of nature. Almazonia is the first of a new generation of nations based on original political and philosophical concepts. Since the 'old political recipes' failed all over the world because they led to war, injustice and exaggerated materialism, we thought of building a nation based on totally different principles. A first approach may be disturbing to our minds used to 'politically correct' ideas, but a deeper study reveals all the richness and originality of our enterprise.
Though their enterprise aims at achieving serious goals, they will find many graphical and pseudo-historical elements of humor on our website. Seriousness does not exclude humor and one should not forget that many 'serious looking' leaders were great deceivers to their people. In the hope to have in the future a real nation of peoples of Almazonia, they invented fictitious history, population data and history just for the sake of entertaining the flame of their imagination and the will to make it real. Dreams that do not come true are flowers which never blossom. ". Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Al-Muhanmin. Islamic Republic!!
     O Al-Muhanmin ; uma microna;;o modelista ara, existente de 1999 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica isl;mica.. 

Alnebury. Город-Государство!!

     Free Federation of Alpasyrie. Active Status: Location: Europe. France. Date active: 2007–present. Has a website: alpasyrie. over-blog. fr. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Paris, France. Does not claims/own/occupy/control territory. Only virtual entity. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

     Adria. Альпенфорланд. Адрия.История почты и почтовых марок Словении. Во второй половине 1940-х годов на филателистическом рынке появилась фантастическая 16-марочная серия неизвестного происхождения. Для её изготовления были использованы марки Лайбаха (германская оккупация Любляны, Словения), выпущенные в январе — апреле 1945 года (Михель). Рисунок марок — различные виды этого края — оставлен без изменения, но вместо обозначения Provinz Laibach / Ljubljanska Pokrajina появилось Alpenvorland / Adria. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     O Alf;stia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 197? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma. Alphistia is a model country. It began as a 'neighborhood nation' which I created when I was a nine-year-old boy in 1967 in a town near Cincinnati, Ohio. Various houses on a working-class street were designated as 'provinces', and local children joined up as 'citizens'.
A proto-Alphistian language was created, complete with its own alphabet. This childplay continued until 1974, when the first 'real, existing' Alphistia ended. For the next 20 years or so, Alphistia has existed on paper in various incarnations. Currently, Alphistia continues its status as a 'virtual' country". Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Alriha. Empire!!
     O Imp;rio de Alriha ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Altania. Kingdom!!
     Althancia has a Constitutional Monarchy, and power in the country is held by King Daniel, but his acts must be passed by the Royal Assembly before they are put into force. The members of the Royal Assembly are the Barons, who control areas of the country in the name of the monarch The Barons have direct control over their counties in the name of the monarch. Since the founding of Althacia, the country has been through three stages, The Old Kingdom, The Crimson Rebellion and the stage we are currently in, The New Kingdom.
The Old Kingdom was originally named the Kingdom of Altania, and under the control of King Daniel and two Count's, which controlled smaller Counties for the monarch, but due to instability within the new government a Communist rebel force from outside the borders invaded and tried to carve out a new territory from the Kingdom.
After a brief war a peace was made and the communists had to lower land claims and a new border was agreed in what is known as the Saint Patrick's Day Agreement, which marked the end of the Old Kingdom.. 

     Dead. 27. 08. 2008. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Nation of Alteria. At the request of this project's organizers, this listing has been moved to Micronations and Model Countries. New Country Project.. 

Alteria. Federation!!
     O Alt;ria ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; 2001. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por ??!!, localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma. Nation of Alteria. Forum. Alterian Federation. Lider. Chas Jago. Dead Nation. Cyberianation. Type of Entity. Non-territorial community. Location: Oceania. New Zealand.
Date active: 1998–present. Has a website: www. alteria. org. At the request of this project's organizers, this listing has been moved to Micronations and Model Countries. Alteria once listed itself as a Micronation, a small nation-state. but now it strives to become than a micronation, an identity in its own right. They are a community of like minded persons who have found common ground based around their ideals, values, and beliefs and formed a nation around those terms.
"lteria stands for freedom, Equality and Democracy, but it Also promotes living clean and green, looking after the environment we live in, in a peaceful, tranquil, free, majestic, and fun setting. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Alterra. Kingdom!!
     O Reino da Alterra ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 


Amador. People's Republic!!
     A Rep;blica Popular do Amador ; uma microna;;o modelista hispan;fona, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista. Location: Fife Lake, Michigan, USA. Email:. Lider. Steven Marth. Status: Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Amador. People's Republic!!

Amance. Grand Duchy!!
     O Gr;o-Ducado de Amance ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-ducado. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Nation of Amandium. Official language(s) - Universal. Official religion(s) - No State Religion. Demonym - Amanish. Government - Monarchy. Legislature - Unicameral. Established - December 18, 2010. Area Claimed - All virtual and physical territories belonging or pertaining to the state. Population - 435. Currency - Amanz. Time zone - Global Positioning. Internet domain -. org. info. The Department of Foreign Relations manages Amandium’s relationships with foreign governments, international organizations, and the people of other countries. The management of all of these relationships is called diplomacy. Department of Foreign Relations carry out the nation's foreign policy and help build a more free, prosperous, and secure world. The Department of Foreign Relations is a vital part of the Amandium Government.. 

     Big Ambergris. Амбергрис. Grande Ambergris. ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1979 at; 1979. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica Central e tem como sistema de governo uma _estado. Cамый северный и самый крупный из островов архипелага, протянувшегося вдоль побережья Белиза. Марки для него официально не выпускались. Встречающиеся выпуски с обозначением названия острова изготовлены в спекулятивных целях. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Amblebridge. Город-Государство!!

     Nation of Ambrose.. 

Ambrosia. Principality!!
     Dead. 20. 04. 2001. Status: Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Ambrosia. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica da Ambr;sia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Ambrosia. Republic!!

Amelia Island!!
     A Ilha Am;lia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Luis Aury, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Amerada. Republic!!
     Location: Canada. Lider. Earl Washburn. Status: Defunct. Website still up but group is reportedly defunct. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. A Rep;blica de Amerad; ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Amerada. Republic!!

     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Am;rica do Norte. Segunda Rep;blica!!

America New. Democratic State!!
     Nova Am;rica. Democratic State of New America. O Estado Democr;tico da Nova Am;rica ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma _estado. Tim Brown of Bellevue, Kentucky, USA, mentions that he and his friends "were skipped in Census 2000 for not being Republican enough, so we have declared ourselves a separate nation called NEW AMERICA. He formerly ran a low-power radio station, "Tantrum 95. 7", and currently publishes a newsletter entitled The Last Word. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

America South West North. Republic!!
     People's Marxist-Leninist Republic. O Am;rica do Sul Oeste Norte ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

America. Confederate States!!
     O Estados Confederados da Am;rica ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1995 at; 1996. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Rob Hart, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma confedera;;o.. 

America. Royal reformed States!!

American Samoa!!
     Territory of American Samoa. Unincorporated, unorganized territory of the United States. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Dead. 19. 11. 2000.. 

Amnesia. Kingdom!!

Amokolia. Royal Republic!!
     Royal Amokolian Republic. Alive. Active. Cyberianation. Location: USA. Lider. Jess Heimer. Has a website: kingdomofamokolia. weebly. com. Amokolia is a new micronation That offers a place to practice law,meet new people, and mostly have fun. Our current King Jess X, is devoted to making your citizenship very fun. We invite all people to join our magnificent micronation. Listing moved to Model Countries at the request of the organizers. Self-Proclaimed State. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Dead. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Grand Union of Amoria. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Anaceron. Commonwealth!!
     O Comunidade de Anaceron ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1996 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma _comunidade. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     SCA. The Society for Creative Anachronism is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating pre-17th-century European history.. This organization holds events around the world themed in Medieval time periods, and has even mapped out 16 different virtual kingdoms in the world. Taking into consideration the sheer number of the group's membership, as well as the scale of the organization's management, this is the largest model country organization in the world. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Anahuac New. Empire!!

Anardrea Dream!!
     Anarkik Dream. O Sonho An;rquico ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma anarquia.. 

Anatefca. Democratic Republic!!
     Location: Phoenix, NY, USA. Active. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Andiopolis. Город-Государство!!

Andorra. Dominion Imperial Andorra!!
     Location: South America. Brazil. Date active: 2002-09. Joined Pasargadan Commonwealth in Aug 2009. Has a website: www. andorraimperial. com. br.. 

Andorra. Imperial!!

Andorra. Principality!!
     Located between France and Spain, this principality is a mere 468 square kilometers. Much of the nation's defense budget is spent on blank ammunition, which is fired off on national holidays. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Andro. Federale Republik!!

     A Rep;blica de Andys ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1999 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 


     Territory of Angara.. 

Anglo-Saxon Commonwealth!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

     Dead. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Am;rique-D;pendance britannique autonome. Mini Pays. Territory of the United Kingdom. Another Anguillan site. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Anhalti;h Republike!!
     Dead. 15. 03. 2009.. 

     State Anituga. O Estado de Anituga ; uma microna;;o concretista hel, existente de 194? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma _estado.. 

Annobon. Kingdom!!
     Location: Africa. island of Annob;n. Date active: 2008–present. Has a website: annobon. bravehost. com.. 

Anodyne. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica do An;dino ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Location: USA. Status: Defunct.
Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. As of 27 May 2009, this website's domain is for sale. "As the world welcomed the dawn of the twenty-first millennium, the founding fathers of the Republic of Anodyne established a formal government and declared independence for all Anodyne citizens and sovereignty for the government and nation of Anodyne. Subsequently, a constitutional committee was formed and set about the critical task of creating a firm foundation of guiding principles for the difficult task of nation building and governance as Anodyne continues to grow and gains recognition and acceptance among the community of brother and sister nations.
"Until such time as a permanent homeland is established, the Republic of Anodyne will continue to exist and function as an extraterritorial Constitutional Democracy. The government of the Republic of Anodyne is committed to establishing its homeland and statehood through peaceful negotiation with other sovereign nations and the United Nations rather than through the use of armed conflict.
Anodyne's refusal to use armed aggression for the purpose of capturing territory for our homeland is absolute, and is an integral part of our Constitution.
No existing sovereign nation has any just cause or reason to fear the emergence of the Republic of Anodyne. " Identity documents are available. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Anpix. Kazzardist Republic!!

Ansconia. Republic!!
     Another Ansconia website. A Rep;blica da Ansc;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Ansconia. Republic!!

     O Ant;lia ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Antarbhumi Ramrajya!!
     Inner Realm of Patria. Patria's Capital City, Castoropolis (Kashipura). Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Antarctic Confederation. Federal Republic!!
     A Rep;blica Federal da Confedera;;o Ant;rtica ; uma microna;;o modelista nor, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Ant;rtida e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Antarctic Homesteading!!
     Moradia Ant;rtica. A Moradia Ant;rtica ; uma microna;;o pecularista angl;fona, existente de 1981 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Ant;rtida e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Antarctica West. Federation!!

Antarctica West. Kingdom!!
     Kingdom of West Antarctica. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. 11701 Swartz Drive, Fairfax VA 22030, USA. Contact location - Fairfax, Virginia, USA. Lider - Cyrus C Taylor Robert Taylor. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of western Antarctica between 90 degrees and 150 degrees west longitude. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

     Crown Colonies of Antarctica. InActive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. Lider - Roger Kuiper. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Various islands and other discontiguous territories in western Antarctica. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

     National Socialist Republic of Antarctica.. 

Antarctica. Federated States!!

Antarctica. Patriarchate!!

     Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. General Post Office via Carlo Porta 9-13 Rome 00153 Italy. Location: Antarctica. Contact location - Rome, Italy. Lider - Giovanni Caporaso.
Has a website: www. antarcticland. org. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Section of Antarctica from the South Pole to 60° S latitude between longitudes 90° W and 135° W. "The Antarcticland is the oldest territorial domain of the Antarctic continent. It includes all the lands and islands in section extending from the South Pole to 60° S latitude between longitudes 90° W and 135° W, with a total area of 1. 554. 424, slightly less than the size of Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Switzerland all together.
"It is administered by the Government of Anatarcticland and the head of State is the Regent and Grandmaster of the Sovereign Order of the Antarticland, Sir Giovanni Caporaso Gottlieb. There is no indigenous nor permanetly resident population, but the knights patrol the area during the austral summer. The country has its own legislative system, together with legal, economic and postal administrations.
Any person may become citizen simply by applying and swearing alliegance to the Constitution. Revenue from administrative fees and the sale of postage stamps means that it is financially self sufficient. The government is in negotiations with several groups of investors to develop the first ice hotel and city in the Antarctic. " Self-Proclaimed State Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Ant;rtida West. Federation!!
     West Ant;rtida. Alive. 09. 12. 2009. O Ant;rtida Ocidental ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente de 1973 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Cyrus C. Taylor, Robert Taylor, James S. Shaffran, localizada na Ant;rtida e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Dead. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Antica. Dinarchy!!
     Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. Cyberianation.. 

Antica. Republic!!
     Alive. Lider. Nick Leghorn. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. Cyberianation.. 

Antica.. Dinarchy!!

Antigua and Barbuda!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Antilles Red!!
     Red Antilles. Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

     Netherland Antilles. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Antoninia. Empire!!
     Roman Hellenic Empire Anton;nia. O Imp;rio Romano Hel;nico da Anton;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Antoninia. Roman Hellenic Empire!!

Antoninium. Imperium!!
     Империум Романиум Элленикум Антониниум. 

Antrim. Kingdom!!

Antrim. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Antrim ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Antverpia. Islamic Republic!!

Anun. Город-Государство!!

Anzacia. Kingdom!!
     The Kingdom of Anzacia was founded by Daniel Hill on 23 November 2008 after a massive reformation to the Republic of Anzacia to try and keep the country secure in the recent civil war. On 31 January 2009, the Kingdom of Anzacia fell and is now under the occupation of the Kingdom of Camuria and the Camurian Empire. The First Kingdom was founded by Sean Dougherty on 1 January 1994, when he was on holiday on England's south coast. Type of entity: Occupying Camurian Authorities. Location: Eastern isles, Scilly. Area claimed: 8 acres. Membership: 14 permanent residents. Date of foundation: 23 November 2008 (1st January 1994). Leadership: King Ian the Great. Language: English. Purported currency: Camista.. 

     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     MACAU Special Administrative Region Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Alive. 17. 12. 2009.. 

Apartment 17J. Democratic People's Republic!!
     Apartamento 17J. A Rep;blica Popular Democr;tica Socialista do Apartamento 17J ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

Apiya. Kingdom!!
     Alive. Active Status: 28. 06. 2007. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Date active: 2006–present. Address - Email:. Velje Brdo bb Spuћ 81412 Montenegro. Location: Europe. Montenegro. Contact location - Spuћ, Montenegro. Lider - Predrag Bojovicc +382 20 886 089. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Private residence and surrounding rural locality near Podgorica, Montenegro. Total area of 0. 71 km2. Has a website: apiya. ari-rahikkala. net. "The Kingdom of Apiya (Apiyan. Le Frenasto Apiyana) is a self-proclaimed state located in Europe on the Balkan peninsula. It was established on 9th October 2006 and declared independence from Montenegro on 23 February 2008 as a result to the independence of the Republic of Kosovo. On 1st July 2008, new national symbols have been adopted to support the new policy and motto of Apiya, 'LibertГі atera pacio', Liberty through peace. Apiya had 2 constitutions so far and still waits for a new constitution which will strengthen the democracy in Apiya and will promote and support pacifism. " - from an e-mail by Prince Bojovicc. Self-Proclaimed State. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Apollo Confederacy!!
     Union of Apollo States. Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. A Confedera;;o Apolo ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Espa;o e tem como sistema de governo uma confedera;;o.. 

Apollo States!!
     Union of Apollo States. Dead. Status: Defunct. 19. 12. 2000. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Apollo. Kingdom!!
     The Kingdom of Apollo or Apollo is in north west Europe. It was founded on 1st January 1900 by the first King of Apollo, King Reginald I. At the age of 19 years old, Lord Reginald required lands from his father and he decided to turn his lands into a kingdom called Apollo, after the Greek God. And Reginald became the first King of Apollo. HM The Government is the government of the Kingdom of Apollo. The Head is the Sovereign. HM The Government are based in Royal Shipquays Hall in the capital of Luna. HM The Government is made up with different Departments. The Sovereign appoints the Heads Secretaries of State of each department by merit. Each HM The Government's department has members of staff who are know as His/Her Majesty's Servants. 

Appalachia. Commonwealth!!
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Approuague. Pontos!!

Apuelo. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica do Apuelo ; uma microna;;o modelista hispan;fona, existente de 2000 at; 2001. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Free City of Aquaria. 


Aquiaria. Royal Isle!!
     The organizers of this site have shut down this project, and are now involved the Greenia Project. Missing New Country Project.. 

Aquilarum Liberti!!
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Aquitaine Nouveau!!
     Nouveau Aquitaine.Dead. 27. 06. 2007.. 

Aquitania. SEmpire!!
     Most Serene Empire Aquit;nia. O Seren;ssimo Imp;rio da Aquit;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1999 at; 2001. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Geasi Vieira, Leila Massar;o, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

     O Araeluma ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Araeluma. Republic!!

Aragon New, Sovereign Order!!
     New Aragon, O Ordem Soberana de Nova Arag;o ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1982 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Robert Vesco, localizada na Am;rica Central e tem como sistema de governo uma ordem militar.. 



     Independent State of Aramoana. Founded in 1980. Date active: 1980–1981. Independent State of Aramoana. Location: Oceania. New Zealand. Contact location - Aramoana, New Zealand. Inactive Status: A small New Zealand community that declared itself independent to protest the building of an aluminium smelter on nearby land. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Entire locality of Aramoana, New Zealand. Has an article on Wikipedia. O Estado Independente de Aramoana ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1991 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma _estado. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Aranien. Republic!!

Araucania and Pantagonia. Kingdom!!
     Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Location: South America. Patagonia region of Argentina. Contact location - Paris, France. Lider - Philippe Boiry. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. All lands occupied by indigenous Mapuche peoples in southern Chile and Argentina. Has a website: www. araucania. org. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. O Reino da Arauc;nia-Patag;nia ; uma microna;;o concretista franc;fona, existente de 18?? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Orelie-Antoine de Tounens, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 


Arcadia Nova. Principality!!
     Principality Nova Arcadia. O Principado de Nova Arc;dia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1995 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Steven F. Scharff, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado. Formed as an attempt to restore the traditions and chivalry of the older orders, without their tyrrany and oppression. Website presently in suspension, but is scheduled to return to full activity in some form in 2010. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Arcadia Nova. Principality!!
     Principality of Nova Arcadia.. 

Arcadia. Город-Государство!!
     Cyberianation. O Arc;dia ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa.. 

Arcadian. Commonwealth!!
     Arcadia is an emergent nation in the northwestern corner of North America, consisting of Alaska, British Columbia, Oregon, Washington, and Yukon. Arcadia is dedicated to the ideals of cultural and political revolutionary reform through succession rather than secession, through nobility, imagination, and artistic expression rather than violence. "In a nutshell, we think that history argues against the continued existence of the large bureaucratic Republics of North America, and we're proposing a "Plan B" if you will, for our region. " As of 6 February 2005, this website has vanished.. 

Archolo. Reino!!

Arco-;ris. Rainbow Republic!!
     A Rep;blica do Arco-;ris ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Arco-;ris. Ribeir;o!!

Arcor. Grossherzogtum!!

     Alive. 17. 05. 2009.. 

Ardraisia. Empire!!
     Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Aremihc Island!!
     Grand Nation of 

Argaal. Democratic Republic!!

Argaal. Kingdom!!
     Atteran Kingdom of Argaal. Lider. Juan. O Argaal ; uma microna;;ohispan;fona, existente de 200? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Argentina. Republica Socialista!!


Arglebargle. Theocracy!!
     A Teocracia de Arglebargle ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; 1997. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma teocracia.. 

     Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

Ariston. Empire!!
     The Sovereign Aristene Empire. Dead. 31. 12. 2003. Type of Entity. Hobby micronation. Location: North America. Pennsylvania, USA. Date active: 2009–present. Has a website: www. aristene-empire. org.. 

Arizona Baja. Republic!!
     Baja Arizona Republic. Location: Arizona, USA. Email:. Lider. Richard Grogan. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. A Rep;blica de Baja Arizona ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Richard Grogan, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica militar. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Arizona Baja. Republic!!
     Republic of Baja Arizona.. 

Ark Maramia!!
     Active Status: Type of Entity. Historical resurrection. Date active: 1995–present. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Location: Europe. Czech Republic. Contact location - Czech Republic. Lider - Zdan Meknutor. Has a website: ark. wz. cz/ark. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Three discontiguous claims in Hornн ;ermnб, Brno, Czech Republic, comprising approximately 50 km2 of territory. 1. 5 km2 of claim is owned by micronation members. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Ark. Federation!!

Arkel. Principality!!

Armagnac. Principality!!
     O Principado de Armagnac ; uma microna;;ofranc;fona, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

Artemis Project!!
     A rather idealistic project that involves lunar colonization. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. New Country Project.. 

     Communist Nation of Arte;ya.. 

Arte;ya. Democratic People’s Republic!!
     A Rep;blica Popular da Art;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

;rvores Felizes!!
     Terra dos Amigos das ;rvores Felizes.. 

Arya. Empire!!
     Aryan National Socialist Empire. USA. Status: Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Arya. United Kingdom!!
     O Reino de Arya ; uma microna;;o pecularista angl;fona, existente de 1983 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Arch Edwards, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.  . 


Ascalon. Empire!!
     Most Serene Empire of Ascalon. Alive. Lider. Michigan, USA. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Ascension Island!!
     Afrique-Ile autonome britannique. Mini Pays. Dependency of St. Helena. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 


Ases. Empire!!

Asgard. Empire!!

     Confederation of Ashbourtanian Commonwealths. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Illinois, USA. Lider - Robert Espinosa. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Approximately 0. 32 km2 of unspecified nature at unspecified location in Northeastern Illinois. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

     Alive. 03. 08. 2008. Cyberianation. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Exilarchy of Ashoka.. 

Asian Empire!!
     Alive. 20. 11. 2010.. 


     Republic, Dominion of Asphynxia. O Dom;nio da Asf;nxia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Astestorista. Reino!!

     Vereinigte Staaten Von Astor.. 

     United States of Astor. Website is in German. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Vereinigte Staaten von Astor. 

Astoria. Empire!!
     O Imp;rio de Ast;ria ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1999 at; 1999. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Ast;ria. Kingdom Astoria!!
     Location: Brazil. Email:. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Atafu Island!!
     Tokelau Islands. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Atchin. Атчин!!
     Марки выпущены якобы на острове Суматра (Индонезия) в 1882 году. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Atenas Nova!!
     Nova Athenas. 

     O ;telon ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Athenian. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica Ateniense ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Location: Europe. Greece. Lider. Kostas. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. Type of Entity. Non-territorial micronation. Date active: 1999–2001. Has a website: www. geocities. com/athenian_republic. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Athens New!!
     A Nova Athenas ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Fernando Trevisan, Fabio Bines, Thomas Bromberg, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Dead. Status: Defunct. 04. 07. 2007. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Antarctica's Elain of Atilnia (ASEA). Antarctica's Elain of Atilnia (ASEA) is a micronation located in Antarctica. ASEA claims some zones in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands. Officially, the capital is located at Whalers Bay, Deception Island. During the Antarctic Winter, the government is located at the embassy of ASEA at Yunivers.. 

     O Atland ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1973 at; 197?. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Peter Nelson, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Atlandida New!!
     New Atlandida, Republic. A Rep;blica de Nova Atl;ndida ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1999 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Konigreich Harkelonien und Atlania. Gr;ndung 01. 07. 1998. Der h;rkelonisch-atlanischen Union, eine rein fiktive, virtuelle "Staatengemeinschaft" im Intenet. Diese virtuelle Welt ist kein Bestandteil des deutschen Netzwerkes der Mikronationen, sondern ist ein eigenst;ndiges Projekt mit eigener Weltkarte. Sollte jemand bei den diversen KHA-Karten meinen, irgendwelche ;hnlichkeiten zu den deutschen oder anderen Welt- oder L;nderkarten zu entdecken, kann ich versichern, dass das rein zuf;llig und unbeabsichtigt w;re. Ich habe mit deren Projekten absolut nichts zu tun. H;rkelonien-Atlania ist von der optischen und politischen Gestaltung kein Gemeinschaftsprojekt. Es ist ein fertiger Staat, der schon seit 1998 als Internetwebpr;senz besteht. Interessenten k;nnen aber im Forum ein ungest;rtes "Leben" auf H-A oder in einem der Unionsl;nder simulieren, solange die Gesetze und die Gegebenheiten im jeweiligen Land geachtet werden. Es gibt ein paar Richtlinien, die einfach zu befolgen sind. Man findet sie im Forum im SimOff-Bereich. Dabei ist in den Unionsl;ndern Raum genug f;r eigene Gestaltung, da diese nicht so fix ausgebaut sind wie das Mutterland. Es gen;gt, wenn man das schon verhandene Grundger;st beachtet (findet man auf den jeweiligen Homepages), darauf kann man dann weiterbauen. Jede Kolonie und jedes Unionsland hat ihren eigenen Sektor im Unionsforum (HAU). Wichtig: Man muss sich registrieren, um die Fora betreten zu k;nnen.. 

Atlantica. Imperial Republic!!
     We. are a new country project in Antarctica trying to build a new society from the ground up. Our government is a Direct democracy with an Imperial Chancellor elected by the citizens of our glorious nation. " Website inactive as of 19 July 2002. Missing New Country Project.. 

Atl;ntida Nova!!
     Nova Atl;ntida.. 

Atlantida. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica da Atl;ntida ; uma microna;;o concretista dan, existente de 1917 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Atlantide. Republic!!

     Oceania. Ocean. New Country Project. Presumed abandoned. This group has been planning a floating "free-city" based on libertarian principles. "Some of my associates were involved in Oceania. the Atlantis Project, but that went bankrupt 5 years ago (in 1995), however the dream remains alive in other projects. Eric Klien wants to keep the site up for inspiration so it would be better to mention on your link that its not currently operational. But there is the chance of it being restarted in the future. ". New Country Project.. 

Atlantis and Lemuria. Empire!!
     O Imp;rio de Atl;ntis e Lem;ria ; uma microna;;o modelista hispan;fona, existente de 1933 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extintta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Atlantis New. Republic!!
     Republic of New Atlantis. A Rep;blica de Nova Atl;ntis ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1965 at; 1973. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Leicester Hemingway, localizada na Am;rica Central e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Texas, USA. Lider - Leicester Hemingway. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Timber platform artificial island. This was an attempted. New Country Project by Leicester (pronounced "Lester") Hemingway (brother of writer Ernest Hemingway), who attempted to start his nation on a 8 X 40 foot bamboo raft anchored with a Ford engine block 8 miles southwest of Jamaica, making his claim of sovereignty under the Guano Islands Act of 1856. New Country Project. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Palombia. Паломбия. В 1917 году появились марки с таким названием, приписываемые Центральным Виргинским островам. Спекулятивно-фантастический выпуск. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Atlantis. Empire!!
     Independent Nation. Alive. 10. 02. 2000.. 

Atlantis. Isle Gold!!
     Atl;ndida Dourada. Atl;ndida Dourada. A Ilha da Atl;ntida Dourada ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1965 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Louis M. Ray, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma _estado.. 

Atlantis. Operation!!
     Inactive Status: Opera;;o Atl;ntida. Opera;;o Atl;ntida. O Opera;;o Atl;ntida ; uma microna;;o pecularista angl;fona, existente de 1969 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Werner K. Stiefel, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma. Type of Entity. Seastead. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Date active: 1968–1971 (sunk). Location: North America. off the coast of the Bahamas. Contact location - Saugerties, NY, USA. Lider - Werner Stiefel. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Has an article on Wikipedia. Purpose-built concrete-hulled ship, Freedom, intended to have been permanently anchored in the Carribbean Sea. Operation Atlantis was a project, headed by Werner Stiefel, developed with the intent of establishing a libertarian country on international waters. The operation set out to do this by launching a ferro-cement boat into the Hudson River in December 1971 which was piloted into an area near the Bahamas. After reaching its destination it eventually sank in a hurricane. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Atlantis. Republic!!
     Atl;ntis. Atl;ntis. A Rep;blica de Atl;ntis ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1996 at; 1997. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Kevin localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Location: Europe. Italy. Date active: 1995–present. Has an article on Wikipedia. Atlantis (officially Republic of Atlantis) is a micronation founded in Scotland (Edinburg) in February 19th, 1995. Currently the capital is Poseidon. Atlantis is a Presidential Republic. Atlantis is a democratic country, for so is characterized by popular sovereignty, from political pluralism and the recognition of the rights of freedom and equality. Atlantis rejects war as an act of aggression. Atlantis recognizes and guarantees the inviolable rights of man, as an individual and in social groups where he expresses his personality, and requires the fulfillment of the mandatory duties of political solidarity, economic and social development. Atlantis promotes the development of culture and scientific and technical research. On the 24th of January, the president (Alexander Connery) founded the W. M. A.. 

Atlantis. United Kingdom!!
     This website promotes the nation as being in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Australia, and having a population of 20,100. However, according to recent reports, the nation is a hoax. According to the report, the self-described king, Sheikh Yakub Al-Sheikh Ibrahim, is a fugitive wanted by the U. S. Government on wire fraud, money laundering, income tax evasion and false statement charges. When last checked on 10 January 2006, this URL no longer opens. Network Solutions lists the owner of the domain "ukacrown. com" as "UKA Crown, 37 Riley Rd., Kardinya, Perth, WA 6163, Australia", with the Administrative contact as "Sheikh Al Sharif". The website has been archived at Archive. org. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     United Republic of Atlantium. Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Atlantium. Empire!!
     A primarily non-territorial, secular, progressive, global sovereign state, founded in 1981, based in Sydney, Australia, with citizens from over sixty countries. O Imp;rio de Atl;ntium ; uma microna;;o pecularista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio. Atlantis Project (Oceania). Type of Entity. Globalism advocacy micronation. Location: Oceania. eastern Australia, near Sydney. Date active: 1981–1990; 1999–present. Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: www. atlantium. org. Active Status: Alive. 13. 08. 2005. Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. via PO Box 633 Potts Point NSW 1335 Australia. Contact location - Sydney, NSW, Australia. Lider - George Cruickshank +61 420 55 49 49. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. 0. 76 km2 rural property and private residence near Reids Flat, New South Wales + private residence in Potts Point, Sydney. The Empire of Atlantium is a primarily non-territorial state with an immanent, virtual global sovereignty. The purpose of Atlantium is to provide a functioning model "future state" based on these ideas which, in time, can absorb and supercede existing state forms. Atlantium is a self-declared State possessing the fully functioning apparatus, institutions and representative symbols of an independent, sovereign entity, including a population, a Constitution, elected legislature and judicial system. Leader: George Cruickshank. Founded in 1981. A global sovereignty group based in Australia that was founded in Sydney by George Francis Cruickshank. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Atlantium. United Republic!!
     USA. Active. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Atlas. Confederation!!


     Ат-Таваль. Ат-Таваль — небольшая нейтральная зона на границе Кувейта, Ирака и Саудовской Аравии. В 1965 году на филателистическом рынке появились марки Кувейта, Ирака и Саудовской Аравии с чёрными и цветными надпечатками названия нейтральной зоны. Впоследствии выяснилось, что эти фантастические марки были изготовлены в США. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Attekarisches Reich!!

Attera. Solomonic Empire!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. Location: USA. Email:. Lider. Mik'el SquareMakonnen. Inactive. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Auda y Szvenia. Rep;blica bifederacional!!

Audentior Nation!!
     O Na;;o Audentior ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 199? at; 2000. Atualmente, est; extinta. Sistema de governo uma na;;o. Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Audentior. Seventh Republic!!


Augustinia Independent Nation.. Kingdom!!

Aurora. Kingdom!!
     Aurora Islands. O Reino da Aurora ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 197? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Luman Norton Nevels, Jr., Mary Ann Nevels, localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Aurorian Confederation!!

     Alive. 30. 01. 2011.. 

Austenasia. Empire!!
     Active Status: Physical Micronation. Founded in 2008. A constitutional monarchy comprising three privately owned properties that have declared themselves independent under the leadership of a house in south London. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Greater London, United Kingdom. Lider - Terry Austen, Jonathan Austen. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Parts of three discontiguous private residences. Total area of 0. 0003 km2. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Austral Rep;blica!!
     Location: Oceania. Date active: 2008-present. Has a website: www. austral-gov. blogspot. com.. 

Australia New. Kingdom!!
     O Reino da Nova Austr;lia ; uma microna;;o pecularista angl;fona, existente de 1892 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por William Lane, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Australia Northern. Commonwealth!!
     Northern Australia. Commonwealth. Northern Australia (Full Name:The Commonwealth of Northern Australia) is a Constitutional Monarchy Located in the North Eastern sector of the Australian continent in the Southern Hemisphere. The Commonwealth of Northern Australia was founded on November 1, 2009 as a The United Kingdom of Oceania, An Absolute Monarchy. At 12 midnight September 1 2010 it officially became a Constitutional Monarchy. Official language: English. Capital: Cairns. Date founded: November 1, 2009. Number of territorial residents: ; 6,000,000. Number of citizens: 130. Currency: Northern Australian Dollar ($NAD). Government: Constitutional Monarchy. Current Monarch: HRM Zachary I of Northern Australia. Current Head of Government: HRM Zachary I of Northern Australia. The Government is a Constitutional Monarchy with a bicameral parliamentary system of government. The King is Head of State and Acts as Head of Government through the Title President of Northern Australia. The Legislative body of The Commonwealth of Northern Australia is The Federal Parliament of Northern Australia, consisting of the Senate of Northern Australia and the Northern Australian House of Representatives. The Head of Government and The Head of State are both the current monarch, HRM Zachary I of Northern Australia.. 

     Independent Sovereign State of Australia. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Independent Sovereign State of Australia. Location: Oceania. entirity of Australia. Contact location - Brisbane, Qld, Australia. Lider - Don Cameron. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of the Australian national estate. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Austreneland.. Sovereign Kingdom!!

Austria-Hungary Imp;rio!!
     Alive. 23. 04. 2005.. 

     II Imp;rio of Austria-Hungria. Segundo Imp;rio da ;ustria-HungriaCapital: Viena Maior cidade: VienaChefe de Estado e Governo: S. M. R. & I., Oskar I L;nguas oficiais: Portugu;s (Principal), Alem;o, H;ngaro, Croata, Tcheco, Esloveno e Eslovaco. Funda;;o: 3 de Abril de 2010 Gent;lico: austro-h;ngaroSite.. 

Automatic. Republic!!

     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Formerly Independent Nation of Avalon, or just Avalon as it is known in Lusophone Sector, is a protectorate of the Free Community of Pasargada, since 2005, and Also became an associated micronation to the Pasargadan Commonwealth, since August 2009. The Independent Nation of Avalon is one of the oldest micronations in Lusophone Sector. It was established in 1999 by former citizens of old Porto Claro, absorbing its simulationist style. Known for its peaceful and calm participation in intermicronational arena, Avalon was a small yet interesting lusophone nation, until it started suffering activity problems in 2000-01. In 2002, it has joined Lusophone Commonwealth as its third memberstate, together with other lusophone projects Pasargada and Mallorca. Nevertheless, it has never recovered the already modest internal life and gone inactive around 2003. With the end of Lusophone Commonwealth, the Chancellery of Pasargada has decided to mantain Avalon "alive" as a Protectorate, avoiding possible takeovers of Avalonian history and culture. The Protection Decree of Avalon, by the Free Community (in-duty Chancellor Bruno Cava), happened in mids-2005 and was strongly supported by past Avalonian leaders, such as Marisa Kazama and Murilo Santos, at the time Pasargadan citizens. The situation has never been countered since then, achieving, at least, unanimous de facto recognition. In August 2009, in order to promote and honour its history and culture, Avalon was included among the six nations that become Founding Members of the Pasargadan Commonwealth.. 

Avalon New. Project!!
     New Avalon Project. Celestian Empire. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Independent Free Nation Avalon. Location: South America. Brazil. Date active: 1999–2005 (under Protectorate status by Pasargada). Has a website: geocities. com/CollegePark. O Na;;o Livre de Avalon ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1999 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Daniel Franulovic, localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica parlamentarista.. 

Avalonia and Eire!!
     Federated Commonwealth Realms of Avalonia and Holy Celtic Empire of Eire. The Ruling Dynasty is Eire - Many Houses are in the Dynasty of Eire. Capital - Lewiston, Idaho, US. Date founded 01-01-2007- as Holy Druid Empire of Avalonia. Government - Absolute Monarch and Commonwealth. Current leader - His Most Serene Apostolic Majesty Emperor Saorbhreathach I Norton II the Celtic Sorcerer.. 

     Holy Celtic Empire of Eire and the Federated Commonwealth Realms of Avalonia. The Ruling Dynasty is Eire - Many Houses are in the Dynasty of Eire. Capital - Lewiston, Idaho, US. Date founded 01-01-2007- as Holy Druid Empire of Avalonia. Government - Absolute Monarch and Commonwealth. Current leader - His Most Serene Apostolic Majesty Emperor Saorbhreathach I Norton II the Celtic Sorcerer.. 


Aveshira. Kingdom!!
     O Reino da Av;shria ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Avio-Searth. Holy Empire!!
     Type of Entity. Self-proclaimed state. Date active: 1988–. Has a website: www. avio-searth. com (broken). Lider. Dean. Status: Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. "The Holy Empire of Avio-Searth began when Dean was crowned Duke in April of 1988. Duke Dean sought secession from the crown and independent sovereignty. After years of research and exploration, in 2004 a small uncharted isle was discovered in international waters that was unclaimed by any government. He has taken the Style and Title. His Imperial & Royal Highness, Dean, by the grace of God, Prince of the Empire of Avio-Searth, regent of the Empire and of His other realms and territories, defender of the Christian faith, Grand Duke of The United Duchies of Avion and Searth. " As of 14 August 2010, this website has vanished. Self-Proclaimed State.. 

Avram. Grand Duchy!!
     Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Sorrell, Tasmania, Australia. Lider - John Rudge. Claims. non-territorial entity. Type of Entity. Protest nation. Date active: 1980s–2005. Has an article on Wikipedia. Leader: John Charlton Rudge. Founded in 1980s. A non-territorial micronation founded by an eccentric self-proclaimed duke who was later elected to the Tasmanian state parliament. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Alive. 04. 05. 2010.. 

Awesome. Republic!!

Awesometonia.. Glorious communist republic!!

Ayllu. Kingdom!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. A non-territorial micronation based on ancient Inca society. Kingdom of Ayllu is a micronation established as an Internet based model nation, simulating Inca society. Ayllu is a legitimate, functioning, and non-territorial micronation that possesses immanent, virtual global sovereignty. Ayllu is not a separatist or secessionist movement but we seek to form a community that will effectively simulate nation building. The goal of Ayllu is to build a community that does not rely on an accident of birth or geography to define themselves as compatriots, but instead share a common belief in the values of democracy, freedom and self-determination. Ayllu is a dynamic micronation which aims to bring back the glory of an era that was so brutally crushed by Spanish Conquistadors. She was borne of the dream of a time long ago in a land rich with diversity and culture, the dream to return the glorious days of the ancient Inca Empire, where South America's indigenous cultures intertwined to form something great. The Internet has made it possible for Ayllu to become a micronation where people from all around the world can join together to develop a new kind of nation, a new world which gains its strengths from the past and looks to its opportunities in the future.. 

     Dead. 15. 09. 2007. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 


     В 1920 году была осуществлена попытка отделить от Ирана Иранский Азербайджан. Здесь было создано государство Азадистан, просуществовавшее с апреля по сентябрь. Этот факт оставил о себе память в виде марки. надпись Azadistan на фоне иранского флага, но без льва и солнца. Кем и когда была выпущена марка и была ли она в обращении неизвестно. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Aztec Empire!!
     O Imp;rio Asteca ; uma microna;;o modelista hispan;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica Central e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Aztec. Cesarstwo!!

Azul. Blue Free State!!
     O Estado Livre Azul ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma _estado.. 

     Alive. 08. 06. 1989.. 

Azzoria Imperium!!
     Dead. 05. 08. 2006.. 

     Semi-autonomous regions in both Belgium and the Netherlands. The flag on the left is of Baarle-Hertog, Belgium. The flag on the right is of Baarle-Nassau, Netherlands. Wikipedia. Baarle-Hertog (Belgium). Wikipedia. Baarle-Nassau (Netherlands) Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание. Baarle-Hertog. Baarle-Nassau.. 


     Imperial State of Babkha. Babkha is a nation occupying most of Eura. It is bordered by Ashkenatzi Mahoz HaSephardim to the northwest, north and east, Antican Eranistan to the north and northeast, an unnamed Alexandrian colony to the southeast, the Stormarkian High Queen Asa Isles and Land of Stormark's Rose to the south, and Natopian South Mehlville to the southwest. Babkha was founded on October 12 2000, as the Kingdom of Babkha. In the beginning it merely had a simple website and a humble declaration of micronationhood, as well as its founder's hope to turn his boyhood dream into reality. Titled Shah Babak XXVI, The young Shah, would later drop his Europeanised title in favor of the Persian title of Babak Kapav Mehr, "Babak, Light of Kapav". Kapav was the old name of the Province of Kapitalia, where mythically, Babak The Great ruled and went on to conquer the other Babkhan kingdoms to unite and found a single Babkhan nation.. 

Babkha. Kingdom!!
     An online virtual simulation of politics under a Persian cultural theme and administered as a secular constitutional monarchy.. O Reino de Babkha ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. A micronation established as an Internet based model nation, simulating Persian culture, civil and political institutions, and society. Babkha is a legitimate, functioning, and non-territorial micronation that possesses immanent, virtual global sovereignty. Babkha is not a separatist or secessionist movement but we seek to form a community that will effectively simulate nation building. Our goal is to build a community of like minded individuals who do not rely on an accident of birth or geography to define themselves as compatriots, but instead share a common belief in the values of democracy, freedom and self-determination.. Alive. 16. 01. 2001. Cyberianation. Location: London, England. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. Babkha is a dynamic micronation which aims to bring back the glory of a bygone era. Within the borders of Babkha a traveller will find a touch of the exotic, a taste of the Orient, and a feel for the Near East. The glorious Kingdom is overseen by the Shahanshah of Babkha (King of Kings), Shah Babak Kapav Mehr (King Babak, the Light of Kapav). Babkha was borne of the dream of a time long ago in a land rich with diversity and culture, the dream to return the glorious days of the ancient near east, where the worlds cultures intertwined to form something great. The Internet has made it possible for Babkha to become a micronation where people from all around the world can join together to develop a new kind of nation, a new world which gains its strengths from the past and looks to its opportunities in the future. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Babylon 5!!
     Spacial Station and Interstellar Alliance.. O Microna;;o Espacial de Babylon 5 ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1999 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Alexandre., localizada na Espa;o e tem como sistema de governo uma _estado. Micronational Space Station of Babylon 5. Email: Email:. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Babylon 5!!


     O Bagouda ; uma microna;;ofranc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Dominic, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Bahamas Commonwealth!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Bahoudii. Kingdom!!
     O Reino de Bahoudii ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Active Status: Alive. 28. 04. 1977. Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Louisiana, USA. Lider - David Eugene. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. 0. 08 km2 undeveloped rural acreage in Cochran County, Texas + 0. 001 km2 private residence in unspecified Louisiana Location: What began as a model country project in 1977 has grown into a serious project to establish a sovereign nation. More information about Bahoudii's goals can be read in King David I's proclamation Call To Nation. "The old world is passing and the new world is emerging. Along with this emergence comes the pain of new birth. When we come to the end of one time and the beginning of a new time, it's a period of pain and turmoil. "We face this change with the patterns and institutions of the past, mankind bumbling into the future backwards. We cling desperately to our dead traditions, but it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things. The time has come for a new paradigm. ". Listing moved to New Country Projects. New Country Project. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Balakonien. Demokratische Volksrepublik!!

     Republic of Outer Bald;nia Exterior. A Rep;blica da Bald;nia Exterior ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1948 at; 1952. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Russell Arundel, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Republic of Greater Baldonios. A Rep;blica dos Bald;nios Maiores ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

     Alive. 11. 11. 2007.. 


     Sinnfreie Bananenrepublik. 

     Territories of Red Hand.. 

Baneyest. Principality!!
     Location: Europe. France. Date active: 2000–present. O Baneyest ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. Has a website: www. baneyest. com.. 


Bannesled. Kingdom!!
     Information about microstate located in a young girl's bedroom in Ottawa, Ontario and populated by her friends.. O Reino de Bannesled ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. On June 12, 1998 after much thought, Emily Sarah Lindsay Denyes started a small chain of events that would eventually lead to the creation of the Kingdom of Bannesled. The first thing she did was buy her bedroom from her parents. The room was sold for $3 Can. on June 12, 1998. She then roughly sketched out a nation. On June 24, 1998, Emily, by signing The Declarations of the People of Bannesled, successfully separated her bedroom from the Dominion of Canada, creating an independent nation. The Kingdom of Bannesled. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Dead Nation. 25. 06. 2003. Cyberianation.. 

Baracao. Republic!!

     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 


     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Barnenez. Principality!!
     Location: Europe. Kern;l;h;n peninsula of France.. 

Barnstorvia Konigreich!!

Barnstovia. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica da Barnst;rvia ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente at; 2000. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Alive. 16. 10. 2008.. 

Barry and Saint Brendan. Republic!!

Bartonstein. Kingdom!!

     Empire of the Free State of Basse-Chesnaie. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Saint-Thual, Britanny, France. Lider - Frank Sampson. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. 0. 011 kmІ private residence in the town of Saint-Thual plus entirety of 505 kmІ Glenan Archipelago, located 20km off the coast of Concarneau, Brittany. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Batavia. Kingdom!!
     Alive. 09. 08. 2006. Location: Netherlands. Active. 's Koningenwaarde is the capital of the Kingdom of Batavi;. It's one of the larger cities in the Kingdom and on Micras and Also one of the oldest. The city is divided into three parts by the rivers the Linge and Zwette. 's Koningenwaarde was founded on the northern bank of the Linge but has since grown massively. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. Cyberianation.. 

Bateken. Correios!!
     Батекен. В 1897 году в Лиссабоне появилась 10-марочная серия Батекена — несуществующей колонии Португалии. Авторы этого фантастического выпуска неизвестны. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Bathнa. Demokratische Republik!!

Baud Town!!

     Greater Baudonios.. 

Baugnia. Duchy. Principality!!
     Date active: 2008–present. Has a website: government. baugnia. org.. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. 

Bava. Federal Republic!!

Baxter New!!
     New Baxter.. 

     Gro;herzog von Bazen Leopold. Habe der Webseite von Bazen willkommen. Haben soeben eine virtuelle Nation betreten, einen Staat, der nur im Internet simuliert wird. In Bazen wird ein moderner Staat mit dem politischen System und der Gesellschaftsstruktur eines Staates aus dem neunzehnten Jahrhundert simuliert. Genauer gesagt lehnt sich Bazen an sein - auch namensverwandtes - Originalvorbild, das Gro;herzogtum Baden an. Dieses war Bestandteil des Deutschen Reiches und formte sich sp;ter zur Republik Baden, um heute einen Teil des Bundeslandes Baden-W;rttemberg darzustellen. Die Bazner haben einen Leitfaden f;r Neub;rger herausgegeben. In diesem werden die Eckpunkte der Simulation und des Spielablaufs anschaulich erkl;rt.. 

     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Cyberianation. Alive. 04. 06. 2006. Email:. Active. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Beauieo. Imperial republic!!
     O Beauieo ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Beauluna. Principality!!

Belar. Federal Republic!!


     Federated State of Bellatoria.. 

     Sovereign Free State Belat;ria. Belat;ria. O Estado Livre Soberano da Belat;ria ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na e tem como sistema de governo uma _estado.. 

Belmont Nova!!
     Nova Belmont.. 


     County of Benacia. Cyberianation.. 

Benacia. Commonwealth!!

     Dead. 05. 04. 2007.. 

Benland Empire!!
     O Imp;rio da Benl;ndia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Benoom. Glorious Empire!!

Benveria. Kingdom!!

Bergen. Bundesrepublik!!

Bergonia. Democratic Commonwealth!!
     O Comunidade Democr;tica da Berg;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma _comunidade. A political fantasy where democracy, socialism, environmentalism and the spirit combine to produce a good society.. 

Berlonia. Democratic Commonwealth!!
     Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Overseas territory of the United Kingdom. Am;rique-Colonie britannique autonome. Mini Pays. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     A fictional continent that is the base of "Blood Royal", a fantasy role-playing game by James Doyle. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Bervania. Socialist Republic!!
     A Rep;blica Socialista da Berv;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1999 at; 2000. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Daniel Borges, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

Bethania. Republic!!

Bezgranitzburg. Grand Duchy B!!
     O Gr;o-Ducado de Bezgranitzburgo ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-ducado.. 

Bhrain State!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Bidache. Sovereign Principality!!
     Location: Europe. France. Date active: 2004–present. Has a website: www. bidache. org.. 

Bidoofstan. Socialist Republic!!

Biffeche. Kingdom!!
     O Biff;che ; uma microna;;o concretista franc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Ed Schaefer, Ronald B. Reisinger, localizada na ;frica e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Located in West Africa and ruled by King Ronald I and Prince Christopher. The kingdom is non-secessionist and part of the nation of Senegal. Biffeche is a small Kingdom on the borders of Sйnйgal and Mauritanie, on the Sйnйgal River in the "Sahel" region of West Africa. It has been a Kingdom from time immemorial, first mentioned by the French in early XVII Century documents. An unusual feature of this fundamentally African Kingdom is that since 1963, the Kings of Biffeche have been white. The Kingdom is a short distance from the picturesque French colonial city of Saint-Louis in Sйnйgal on the Atlantic Ocean, easily reached from there by road or river launch. A small airport is maintained just outside the Kingdom in Dakar-Bango, Sйnйgal. Biffeche is place of pristine semi-desert beauty, with a proud, industrious, fun-loving people with unique cultural practices, and remarkable flora and fauna. With the blessings of Almighty God, the people of this Kingdom are rising from roots of extreme poverty in this century to find their true place in the world.. 

Bigboygque.. Sandlinite Rebublic!!

Biot-Diego Garcia!!
     Asie-Territoire britannique. Mini Pays.. 

Bismania. Kingdom!!


Bjorn. Socialist Republic!!
     Founded in 2005. A self-proclaimed Marxist state, based Also on the religious but atheist Bjorn principles, of about 6 square metres (7. 18 sq yd) located on a stone "that looks like a tractor" in Lake Immeln, Scania, Sweden. It is recognised by Ladonia. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Blackrock New Republic!!
     Republic of New Blackrock.. 

Blackrock. Republic!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. A Rep;blica de Blackrock ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Blackwater River!!
     Kingdom of Blackwater River State. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Great Blitain. Is a micronation located in the British isles. In December 2009, the island of Great Blitain was discovered, when three local explorers walked across the then frozen lake and were able to walk on the island. They then found out that it was unowned land, so this led them to claim the island as theirs. Great Blitain was officially formed as a nation in January 2011, although it is not recognised as an independent state.. 

Blue Coast. Popular Republic!!

Bluer Nation!!

     Alive. 30. 04. 2010.. 

BlueSkies aka The PED!!

Bluffington. Hindu Republic!!
     A Rep;blica Hindu de Bluffington ; uma microna;;o modelista san, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Blum. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Blum ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1998 at; 1999. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Paulo Baccarat, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica parlamentarista.. 


Bobalania. Democratic Republic Bobalania!!
     Alive. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - England, United Kingdom. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Private residence in the northeast of England. Total area of 0. 004 km2. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Bobbesian Republic!!
     United Bobbesian Republic.. 

Bobbesian. United Republic!!
     Email:. Lider. C Donle. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 


Bocal. People's Republic!!

     Alive. 25. 10. 2007.. 

Bohemia Duchy!!
     Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Type of Entity. Historical resurrection. Location: North America. Nevada, USA. Has a website: www. duchyofbohemia. org. Address - Email:. Contact location - USA. Lider - Stephan von Rosenberg-Ripps. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of former Duchy of Bohemia, within the present day Czech Republic. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. "The Duchy of Bohemia is an independent and sovereign micronation under the governance of the putative Duke of Bohemia and Lord of Rozmberk. The Duchy operates as a government in exile, its rightful heritary territories presently under occupation by the Czech Republic. The Duchy's present government in exile and its current territorial enclave is located within the United States of America. ". Self-Proclaimed State.. 

     Бохоль. Остров Бохоль — один из Филиппинских островов (севернее острова Минданао). Происхождение марок с текстом Sello postal provisional Bohol (Почтовая провизорная марка Бохоля) неизвестно. Номинал не указан. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Bokhara. Khanate!!
     O Canato de Bokhara ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 1991 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-canato.. 

Bokonton. Republic!!
     Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. 39 Killerton Rd Bude EX238EL Cornwall United Kingdom. Contact location - Bude, Cornwall, United Kingdom. Lider - Holly Davies. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Private rural residence in Bude, Cornwall. Total area of approx 0. 01 km2. Located at Latitude 50. 82725 Longitude 4. 54081. Location: Europe. England, UK. Date active: 2007–present. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Bongo Bo. Federal Republic!!

Bonicia. Kingdom!!
     Location: Europe. Slovakia. Date active: 2010–present. 

Bonina.. People's Republic!!

Boonwalker Empire!!

Boragovia. Kingdom!!
     The Kingdom of Boragovia is a small nation in the eastern Atlantic. - from an e-mail. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Boske. Republic!!

Bosworth. Kingdom!!
     Cyberianation. Active. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Bougainville. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Bougainville ; uma microna;;o concretista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Bounty Island!!
     Ilha Bounty. O Estado de Bounty Island ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente de 1995 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma _estado.. 

Box-Box South. Empire!!
     South Box-Box. Empire 

Bradford. Город-Государство!!

Brasil Imp;rio. Cruzeiro do Sul!!
     O Imp;rio do Cruzeiro do Sul do Brasil ; uma microna;;o lus;fona fundada logo ap;s a inatividade do Sacro Imp;rio de Westerland pelo ex-Ministro da Educa;;o e Cultura Frederico Davante, que exerceu diversos cargos p;blicos nesta micro. Ela contou de in;cio com o apoio de diversas "personalidades" micronacionalistas, especialmente de ex-westers e contatos diplom;ticos formados em lista. O Imp;rio Cruz-Brasileiro sofre de diversas "idas e vindas". Em sua primeira "fase" conseguiu reunir um bom grupo de novatos que perderam o interesse. Conseguiu voltar em meados de 2005 com o status de Na;;o Protegida da extinta Califado Mal; do Brasil e logo depois sendo "disputada" por dois grupos de organiza;;es de microna;;es para sua posterior anexa;;o. O Imperador nesta ;poca rompeu o acordo com estas micros e organiza;;es e deixou o micronacionalismo para finalmente voltar em 2006 com a proposta de concentrar suas atividades no Orkut.. 

Brasil. Califado Mal;!!

Brasil. Califado Mal;!!
     Califado Mal; do Brasil.. 

Brasil. Emirado Unido!!

Brasil. Imp;rio federativo!!

Brasileiro. Emirado Isl;mico Brasileiro!!

Brastaria Rakanate!!
     I am planning to create a new country by the name of Bractaria. Bractaria will be a nation that is governed by a ruling council of 7 members. 2 of the ruling members, the Rakan and the Rikime, serve on the council for life. When they die or resign, their next of kin or appointed succesor beomes Rakan/Rikime. The other 5 members of the council are elected by the people of Bractaria and will serve 2 year terms. Bractaria is essentially going to be a democracy and will be based anywhere we can aquire sovereignty of some land. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Bravia. Democratic Republic!!
     The Democratic Republic of Bravia is a micronation. Rep;blica Federativa de BraviaMicrona;;o participante da uni;o dos pa;ses da Lusofonia. The Bravian Parliament or Senedd consists currently of 5 members. Annually there is a general election of which the winner becomes the ruling Government, the current ruling party is the BDS party headed by Prime Minister Sam Evans. The Prime Minister is effectively the leader of the country and the President (Alex Kirby) is Just there for Ceremonial Duties. The Bravian currency is the Wiph. 100 Wiph are roughly equal to ;20 Stirling.. 

Brazil Caliphate!!

Brazil Muslim Califfade!!
     Muslim Califfade of Brazil. Califado Mal; do Brasil. O Califado Mal; do Brasil ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de maio de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa s; que funcionando exclusivamente no Orkut(; mentira). Foi fundada por Arthur Rodrigues, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia isl;mica. No lapso de cerca de cinco anos o Califado Mal; do Brasil teve cinco califas. Destes 04 chegaram ao poder por via de elei;;o ( Jean, Rosberg, Antonio e Rafael ) e dos quais apenas um n;o cumpriu at; ao final o seu mandato. ( Rosberg ) Sendo que Arthur foi o ;nico que ocupou o cargo duas vezes a saber no momento da funda;;o do pa;s e depois como sucessor heredit;rio de Rafael Peres Domingues que ao chegar ao poder promoveu um movimento revolucion;rio ( chamada II Revolu;;o Mal;) que transformou o cargo de califa em vitalicio e heredit;rio. 

     O Breckenridge ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 


Brevesia. Republic!!

     New Albion. Lassaira. An emerging sovereign state serving the global community by advocating and connecting disenfranchised individuals and communities. Site contains comprehensive information on development, government, and citizenship.. 

Brindabella. Commonwealth!!
     O Comunidade de Brindabella ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma _comunidade.. 

     Dead. 04. 02. 2006.. 

Britannia New!!
     New Britannia. Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Britannia Nova. Great Commonwealth!!
     Great Commonwealth of Nova Britannia. Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

British West Florida!!
     Dominion of British West Florida. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. 8975 Eastwood Road Macclenny FL 32063 USA. Contact location - Louisiana, USA. Lider - Bo Register. Founded in 2005. A micronation intending to revive the former British colony of the same name. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of former historic British colony of West Florida, including parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. The Government of the Dominion of British West Florida is striving for Dominion Status as a Commonwealth Realm, on a par with Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and The Bahamas. We advocate the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union and the restoration of close political and economic links between Commonwealth Realms. British West Florida rejects any attempts to reduce the Royal Prerogative, holding fast to the British tradition of a Strong Monarch, and Free Subjects, with each respecting the Rights, Duties, and Privileges of the other. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

British West Indies!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

British Wikiest Florida Dominion!!
     Type of Entity. Historical resurrection. Location: North America. southern United States. Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: dbwf. net.. 

Britist Virgin Islands!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Провинция. Cyberianation.. 

Broughtopia. Kingdom!!
     Date founded - 5th November 2009. Government – Monarchy. His Majesty King Jack I declared himself King of Broughtopia after the Imperialist Revolution of 2009 turning The Kingdom of Blighty into the Kingdom of Broughtopia. This transition included the banishment of all previous Members of Parliament and all previous Civil Servants. Before the 2009 Revolution HM Jack I created the Kingdom of Blighty, wherin the Prime minister declared intentions to make Blighty into a Republic. he implemented plans to create the Republic by exiling the King and the Lords, after he saw that Democracy has turned against him HM Jack I decided to take back his throne, which resulted in the Imperialists seizing control.. 

     Alive. 22. 06. 2003.. 

     Hereditary Monarchy Brun;o. O Monarquia Heredit;ria de Brun;o ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1996 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Bruno Quadros e Quadros, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia parlamentarista. Brun;o;.. 

Brunao. Kingdom!!

Brunei. Derussalam Sultanate!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Buccaneer Bay!!
     Pirate Nation.. 

Bucksfan. Kingdom!!
     Alive. 16. 11. 1998Location: Long Island, NY, USA. Lider. Cesidio Tallini. Status: Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Build World Freedom Challenge!!
     WFC. Not a micronation, but a sovereignty project. BuildFreedom. com does not challenge or threaten the authority of any legitimate government. This information constitutes only the communication of information in accordance with the right to free speech. It does not constitute financial, accounting, tax, or legal advice. New Country Project. World Freedom Challenge (WFC) is a challenge to freedom activists all over the world to consider the activities, ideas, and suggestions presented on this page. World Freedom Challenge invite you to examine this series of concepts, principles, and activities. It may become possible for your personal freedom to grow faster than is currently the case for most individuals. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Buiten-Baldonie. Бьютен—Балдони!!
     В 1968 году некий Р. М. Арундел провозгласил независимость своего частного владения на острове Аугер-Балд-Таскет, расположенном юго-западнее полуострова Новая Шотландия (Канада). Это событие он отметил выпуском марок. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Province of Bumbunga. O Bumbunga ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Inactive Status: Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - UK. Lider - Alex Brackstone. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Rural property and private residence near Snowtown, South Australia. Total area of 0. 04 km2. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 


     O Senhoria de Burke ( Burke, Shire. ) ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia feudal.. 

     O Burn;sia ( Burnisia. ) ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Buthminster. Город-Государство!!

B;y;k Sergiye!!
     Die Sergiye ist eine konstitutionelle Monarchie, verf;gt jedoch ;ber eine Verfassung an welche sich der K;nig zu seiner eigenen Ehre und zum Wohl des Volkes h;lt. Die Sergei ist ein Vielv;lkerstaat in dem vier Bev;lkerungsgruppen leben. Serg, Raplar, Kalt;s und Jer woraus sich folglich und logisch die Landesnamen Serkara, Raplakara, Kaltkara und Jerkara ergeben. Die Sergiye ist ein islamisch gepr;gtes Land und viele Bewohner streben danach im Einklang mit den Weisungen Mohammeds zu leben um ein gottgef;lliges Leben zu f;hren. Staatssymbole sind Flagge und Wappen der Sergei. Die Flagge sieht man in der linken unteren Ecke, das Wappen direkt dar;ber. Es sind beide mit einem 3D Effekt versehen und anklickbar. Im Osten grenzt die Sergiye an Dionysos und Meltania. Im S;den an Assakhien und im Osten und Norden an das Meer. Der Malik hat viele S;hne denn er adoptiert traditionell die obersten F;rsten der Teilreiche. Der Malik ist immer des Familienoberhaupt der Familie Kamal. Der derzeitige Malik ist der 62 j;hrige Mahmud III (unten rechts im Bild). Er wird auch oft als b;y;kbaba bu sergiye genannt (Gro;vater der Sergiye).. 

Byzantium Novum!!
     Alive. 01. 02. 2010. Byzantium Novum is a historical based micronation, dedicated to the rebirth of Byzantine sovereignty and culture. We are claiming limited sovereignty and are seriously working on obtaining real-world property. Our goal is to reestablish as much of Byzantine civilization as is possible in the modern world. New Country Project. Byzantium Novum is a historical based micronation, dedicated to the rebirth of Byzantine sovereignty and culture. We are claiming limited sovereignty and are seriously working on obtaining real-world property. Our goal is to reestablish as much of Byzantine civilization as is possible in the modern world. - from an e-mail by Senator Marcus Cassius Julianus. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Cabal. Federal Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Cabal ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Cadabra Republic!!
     The Republic of A Cadabra Micronation with a constitution, full parliament, newspaper and court system.. 

Caesar. Imperium!!
     Gr;ndung 02. 07. 2007. Mit jungen 18 Jahren ;bernimmt Kleopatra 51 v. Chr. mit ihrem Bruder die Herrschaft. Doch schon zwei Jahre sp;ter probt ihr Bruder einen Aufstand gegen Kleopatra gemeinsam mit seinen Beratern und wirft sie schlie;lich aus Alexandria hinaus. Seinen r;mischen Vormund Pompejus l;sst er ermorden. Kleopatra ist nicht weniger machtbesessen als ihr Bruder und m;chte sich das nat;rlich nicht gefallen lassen. Sie ;berlegt nun, wie sie sich r;chen k;nnte. Hier tritt Caesar auf den Plan. Durch Caesar sieht sie eine Chance, die Herrschaft an sich zu rei;en. Nat;rlich war es nicht einfach, an ihn heran zu kommen. Doch Kleopatra war nicht nur sch;n sondern auch sehr klug. Somit lie; sie sich in einen Teppich einrollen und gerade in den Saal zu Caesar tragen. Als Caesar den Teppich ausrollte und Kleopatra zum Vorschein kam, war dieser nat;rlich von ihr angetan. Kleopatra war 30 Jahre j;nger wie Caesar und wusste ihrer Wirkung auf M;nner. Sie wusste Caesar zu umgarnen und in ihren Bann zu ziehen. Allgemein bekannt war aber auch, dass Caesar nichts anbrennen lie; und gerne umgarnt wurde, sowieso von solch einer Sch;nheit wie Kleopatra, die noch dazu seine Tochter h;tte sein k;nnen. Nach nur einer Nacht hatte Kleopatra Caesar von der Legitimit;t ihrer Anspr;che ;berzeugt. Die Argumente, die Kleopatra hier vorlegte, waren wohl nicht ausschlie;lich staatsrechtlicher Natur. Doch zuerst k;mmerten sich Caesar und Kleopatra um die gesch;ftlichen Dinge. Alexandria erkennt, dass Caesar ;gypten zu einer r;mischen Provinz machen will und probt den Aufstand. Letztendlich verliert Alexandria und geht in Flammen auf. Kurz darauf unternimmt Caesar mit Kleopatra eine zweimonatige Schiffsreise nilaufw;rts. Dieses Schiff ist ein Prachtschiff der Ptolem;er. Kleopatra ist hier bereits schwanger und die Reise diente nur zu einem einzigen Zweck, n;mlich der ;gyptischen Bev;lkerung die neuen Machtverh;ltnisse im Land zu demonstrieren. Nach neun Monaten verl;sst Caesar ;gypten und l;sst Kleopatra in wohl geordneten Verh;ltnissen im Schutz der r;mischen Legion;re zur;ck. Am 23. 07. 47 v. Chr. entbindet Kleopatra einen Jungen, der den Namen Ptolem;us Caesar erh;lt. Die Alexandriner erkennen ihn aber nicht an und geben ihm sogar unsch;ne Kosenamen. Caesar stationiert in der zwischen Zeit in Rom und h;lt die Macht fest in seinen H;nden. Im darauf folgenden Jahr holt Caesar Kleopatra in sein Imperium zur;ck. Die R;mer sind nicht gl;cklich ;ber die Liebschaft mit einer ;gypterin. Zwar wurde es bereits ;berall erz;hlt, doch niemand wusste, ob diese Geschichte wirklich stimmt. Nun hatten die R;mer den Beweis vor Augen. Niemand war mit der Wahl des Caesars einverstanden, da sie Kleopatra als hochm;tig, eingebildet und ;berheblich ansahen. Kleopatra war sicher einer der Gr;nde, warum der Hass der r;mischen Oberschicht auf Caesar in einem Attentat endete.. 

Caicos Island!!
     Turks and Caicos Islands. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Caledonia. Democratic Republic!!

Caledonia. Empire!!
     O Imp;rio da Caled;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Caledonia. Principality!!
     Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Melbourne, Vic, Australia. Lider - Edward Renton. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of the Australian national estate. This appears to be one of several self-proclaimed states within Australia, affiliated with Reclaim Australia. If anyone has further information on these groups, and this movement, it will be more than welcome. Website shut down as of 23 June 2003. Principality of Caledonia has changed form slighty after a brawl inside the inner santum which has resulted in a breakaway group calling itself the Principality of Caledonia Australus which the other original forming members of Caledonia changed the name to The Principality of Camside. Camside are excited as a court case on behalf of the Australian people against the Australian Government is set for hearing by the High Court of London Thursday March 6 (,2003). ". New Country Project. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Caleonia Marshonia!!

     Free State Calif;rnia. O Estado Livre da Calif;rnia ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Gil Moore, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma _estado.. 

Callaway. Kingdom!!
     O Reino de Callaway ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 186? at; 186?. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Jefferson Jones, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. 

CalNeb. Mostroyal Kingdom!!
     O Reino Mostroyal de CalNeb ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Calsahara. Desert Kingdom!!

Calsahara. Kingdom!!
     Alternative link. "We are attempting to build a kingdom on the barren plain of the California Valley, a kingdom which will be completely self-reliant and independent of the United States, by which it is completely surrounded. As a nation, we do not seek, nor desire, a formal recognition of our sovereignty. We own, control, and are developing the land. therefore we already exercise sovereignty, and that's good enough for us. " - from an e-mail from Travis McHenry aka His Majesty, Montague I, King of Calsahara, Prince of Rhye and Bohemia, Duke of Chutney and Hazard, Count of Monte Cristo and Sandwich, Baron of Bastanchury, Brandenburg, and Biscuit, Dey of the Desert, Laird of the Wombassels, Sire of Hesse, Thane of Condor, Warden of the Marshes, Viceroy of Goose Island, Protector of Westarctica, Protector of Cynthia's Dynasty, Pretender to the throne of England, Grand Knight Commander of the Royal Order of The Desert Heart, Grand Thespian of the Illustrious Order of Thespians, General of the Legion of Peace, and Master of the Universe. New Country Project.. 

     Dead. 14. 10. 2006.. 

Cambridge. Город-Государство!!

Camden. Город-Государство!!

     United Provinces of Camerica.. 

Cameside Principality!!
     This link has been moved to the Warnings Page. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Campione D'Italia!!
     Italian enclave in Switzerland. This is officially a section of Italy that is located within the Swiss canton of Ticino. The links below are commercial informational sites. Campione is a small Italian enclave of 1. 7 square kilometres with about 3. 000 inhabitants, including about 1. 000 foreigners, situated within the southern Swiss canton of Ticino. Separating Campione from its motherland are approximately 18 km (11 miles) going south to the Swiss/Italianborder town of Chiasso and approximately 14 km (9 miles) going west to the Swiss/Italian border town of Oria. Due to its strange position, Campione is Swiss from certain points of view and Italian from others: officialcurrency is the Swiss Franc, but Italian taxes are paid (even if foreigners resident in Campione do not pay thefull Italian income tax, but only a fraction and this makes Campione a de facto tax haven well known in Europe),residence permits are issued by Italian authorities, but access to the territory of Campione is governed by Swissvisa regulations (there isn't any frontier between Switzerland and Campione), its residents receive Swiss telephoneservice and Swiss mailing addresses served by the Swiss postal service, but electrical power is brought directly fromItaly and there isn't the required Swiss military service. in short, it boasts the typically Swiss qualities ofcleanliness, efficiency and excellence as well as the well known Italian qualities of liveliness. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Campo Cerrado!!
     O Campo Cerrado ; uma microna;;o modelista hispan;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Campos El;sios. Principado!!

Campos. Participative Republic!!
     Campos Bastos Participative Republic. A Rep;blica Participativa de Campos Bastos ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Adriana Moura, Wilson Oliveira, Fabio Moraca, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Nouvelle Toulouse;. Location: Brazil. Email:. Lider. Adriana Moura. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Camside. Principality Camside!!
     Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Melbourne, Vic, Australia. Lider - David Siminton. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of the Australian national estate. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Camuria and Althacia Kingdom!!

Camuria Empire Kingdom!!
     Camuria and Her Empire across the Seas. Date active: 1967–present. Has a website: www. kingdom-of-camuria. webs. com.. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. 

Canada New. Federal Republic!!
     New Canada. Federal Republic of New Canada. Location: USA. Email:. Lider. Preston Takata. +1 706 853 9344. Status: Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Canada New. Republic!!
     Republic of New Canada.. 

Canary Islands!!
     Autonomous region of Spain. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     United Nation of Canines.. 

     Dead. 17. 11. 2006.. 

Cantu;ria Nova!!
     Nova Cantu;ria.. 

Canusa. Republic!!

Capacua. Repubublica!!
     Республика Капакуа. В апреле 1883 года на территории Боливии якобы была провозглашена независимая республика Капакуа со столицей в городе Санта-Тереса. Тогда же появилась 5-марочная серия с изображением герба и надписью Республика Капакуа. Спекулятивный выпуск. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Cape Verde. Republic!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     O Capri ; uma microna;;o concretista ital;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Capricornia. Republic!!

Capt. Federal Republic!!
     Geoffrey T. Spaulding. Federal Republic. Cyberianation. As a noted humorist and satirist of the existing order, Michael Rosario lead the way for those who fought to maintain freedom in Cyberia, such as Mike Phyle, Emperor Jacobus and Capt. Geoffrey T. Spaulding.. 

Caravela Maior!!
     O Caravela Maior ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     O Car;nia ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Carlonia. Kingdom!!
     A tiny independent state ruled by an enlighted king: Charles I.. 


Carnevalis. Republic!!
     Free State of Carnevalis. Carnev;lis. A Rep;blica de Carnev;lis ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. InActive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Waldstrasse 7 66271 Kleinblittersdorf Germany. Contact location - Kleinblittersdorf, Germany. Lider - Armin Neusius. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Any territorial entity. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Carol Stream. Город-Государство!!

Carpathian Empire!!
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

C;rpatos. Imp;rio!!

     Dead. 18. 10. 2007.. 

     Dead. 18. 08. 2008. Free Principality of Carrassia. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Cartago. Rep;blica!!

Carthago New. Principality!!
     New Carthago. O Principado de Nova Cartago ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; 1997. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

Casamassimini. Repubblica Popolare!!

Casbah. Kingdom!!
     InActive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Pennsylvania, USA. Claim. Small acreage and private residence in rural Pennsylvania. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Cascadia. Commonwealth!!
     O Comunidade da Casc;dia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1996 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Joshua Nakashima, localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma comunidade.. 

Cascadia. Republic!!
     Type of Entity. Separatist project. Location: North America. Pacific Northwest.. 

Cascavel. Rattlesnake!!
     Rattlesnake Cascavel. O Cascavel ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Castellania. Principality!!
     O Principado da Castel;nia ; uma microna;;o pecularista german;fona, existente de 1974 at; 198?. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Otto Hubner, localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

Castor. Empire!!

Castoropolis. Kashipura!!
     Inner Realm of Patria. Antarbhumi Ramrajya. Patria's Capital City, Castoropolis (Kashipura). Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Castrigia. Kingdom!!
     Alive. 29. 09. 2000. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Location: Europe. Contact location - Netherlands. Lider - Jacobus. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Island located in Lake De Fleuzen, near the town of Elahuizen, Netherlands. Date active: 2007–present. Has a website: www. castrigia. tk. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

     Dead. 15. 12. 2007.. 

Castrum Nazarene!!
     Alive. 05. 01. 2011.. 

Caucus African-American!!
     International African-American Caucus. The International African American Caucus (IAAC) believes in the unalienable right of the African American people to establish a sovereign homeland in Africa. Caucus is a meeting of supporters or members of a political party or movement, especially in the United States. As the use of the term has been expanded the exact definition has come to vary among political cultures. The IAAC is committed to working with African American organizations, individuals and the African continent, to establish a homeland for those African Americans that wish to return to the land of our ancestors, and establish an Independent Democratic Nation. " Website inactive as of 11 May 2008. Missing New Country Project.. 

Caux. Sovereign Barony!!
     Active Status: Physical Micronation. Type of Entity. Historical resurrection. Location: Europe. Shropshire, UK. Date active: 2001–. Has a website: www. baronyofcaux. com. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Toronto, Canada. Lider - ohn Corbet. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Territories in Shropshire, England, the Pays de Caux, France, and Toronto, Canada. Restored Ancestral Sovereignty. Listing moved to Self-Proclaimed States. Self-Proclaimed State. The ancient and sovereign feudal Barony of Caux was granted to Hugo le Corbeau in the Pays de Caux by William son of Rollo, Duke of Normandie in 1040 CE. The Barony was confirmed on his son Roger FitzCorbet in Shropshire by William son of Rollo, Duke of Normandie and King of England in 1069 CE. The sovereign status of the Barony, free of royal oversight of Baronial affairs, was reconfirmed on his grandson William Corbet in Shropshire by Henry II, Count of Anjou and Pretender to the Throne of England in 1165 CE. The Sovereign Barony of Caux (SBC) was restituted on August 27, 2001 CE, by His Lordship, John I, first and thirty-seventh Baron of Caux, of the Corbet family. While this appears to be a serious restoration of an ancestral title, the biography of Patrick, Lord Caudebec, the Heir Apparent seems to have been written with Pythonesque tongue planted firmly in cheek. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 


Cayman Islands!!
     United Kingdom Territory. Am;rique-Iles autonomes britanniques. Mini Pays. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Cec;lia. Comunidade!!
     Comunidade Cec;lia.. 

Celestia. Empire Space Nation!!
     Celestial Empire Space Nation. Inactive Status: Leader: James Thomas Mangan. Founded in 1949. A defunct micronation claiming all of outer space. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Chicago, Illinois, USA. Lider - James Mangan. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of outer space. O Imp;rio Celestial ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1948 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Espa;o e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio. Location: USA. Status: Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. Plans for establishing a nation state have been abandoned for now. The organizers of this project are putting their effort into a model country project; "Aryan National Socialist Empire". The flag is posted above, net to the old Celestial Empire flag. The website for the project, as of 23 July 2007, is no longer functioning. New Country Project. Listing moved to New Country Projects. Plans for establishing a nation state have been abandoned for now. The organizers of this project are putting their effort into a model country project; "Aryan National Socialist Empire". The flag is posted above, net to the old Celestial Empire flag. The website for the project, as of 23 July 2007, is no longer functioning. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Celt;bria. Kingdom!!
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Central Islands. Commonwealth!!

     Spanish enclave on Morocco's northern coast. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Chain. Cyber-Island. Federal Republic!!

Chanlandia Republic!!

Cheech Republic!!
     A Rep;blica Cheech ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Dead. 26. 04. 2008.. 

Chelkran Kesh!!
     Dead. 05. 04. 2007.. 

Cherusken. Kingdom!!
     O Reino do Cherusken ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 199? at; 1999. Atualmente, est; extinta. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Cherusken-Isonomia Democracy!!
     O Democracia de Cherusken-Isonomia ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Email:. Lider. Fred Church. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Cheslovia. Federation!!
     Cheslovian Federation. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     United Republic of Cheynland.. 

Chi Nam!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Chile. New Republic!!
     New Republic of Chile.. 

China. Federal Republic!!


     Chiriqui Government-in-Exile.. 

Choconia. Kingdom!!
     O Estado da Choc;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Foi fundada por Rick Harwood, localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia. The Kingdom of the Choc;nia (in English, Choconya) is a anglophone modelist micronation. Choc;nia (spelling later changed to". nya") was established by Australians & New Zealanders to be the land of chocolate. It merged with Reunion but then seceeded and united with Ping;;nia (Penguinea). After another unsuccessful union, Choconya decided you live separately to under Queen Lisa I. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Cyberianation. Spelling later changed to". nya". Choconya was established by Australians & New Zealanders to be the land of chocolate. It merged with Reunion but then seceeded and united with Ping;;nia (Penguinea). After another unsuccessful union, Choconya decided you live separately to under Queen Lisa I. Choconya used to be a province of the "micronational superpower", the Holy Empire of R;union (Imperial Territory of Greater Choconia), from which it secceeded in Feb, 1998 (they claimed their chocolate-lovers religion was not accepted by the christian empire). Founded by Lisa Elliot and Rick Harwood, two australians (with the union of their two nations, Soveraat and Great Choconia), after the seccession from the Holy Empire they became a Monarchy (Kingdom of Choconia), on which Queen Lisa I ruled. After a while, the nation became "the New Commonwealth of Choconia" with Mr. Harwood as Chancellor. Later on (around July, 1999), it finally, and unfortunately died. Elliot and Harwood are now citizens of Penguinea, another micronation. " The illustrious Cody Williams attempted to revive the nation later, with little success. For a time Cocoanut Grove was considered as the capital city. It was annexed by Emperor Jacobus to the United Imperium as a condominium (with Audentior), and later as a protectorate. The intent was to make a Free City and intermicronational meeting site, but this did not come to pass. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Choconya Commonwealth!!
     Formerly the Kingdom of Choconia. The Kingdom of the Choc;nia (in English, Choconya) is a anglophone modelist micronation. Choc;nia (spelling later changed to". nya") was established by Australians & New Zealanders to be the land of chocolate. It merged with Reunion but then seceeded and united with Ping;;nia (Penguinea). After another unsuccessful union, Choconya decided you live separately to under Queen Lisa I. Choconya used to be a province of the "micronational superpower", the Holy Empire of R;union (Imperial Territory of Greater Choconia), from which it secceeded in Feb, 1998 (they claimed their chocolate-lovers religion was not accepted by the christian empire). Founded by Lisa Elliot and Rick Harwood, two australians (with the union of their two nations, Soveraat and Great Choconia), after the seccession from the Holy Empire they became a Monarchy (Kingdom of Choconia), on which Queen Lisa I ruled. After a while, the nation became "the New Commonwealth of Choconia" with Mr. Harwood as Chancellor. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     State. Formerly the Kingdom of Choconia. The Kingdom of the Choc;nia (in English, Choconya) is a anglophone modelist micronation. Choc;nia (spelling later changed to". nya") was established by Australians & New Zealanders to be the land of chocolate. It merged with Reunion but then seceeded and united with Ping;;nia (Penguinea). After another unsuccessful union, Choconya decided you live separately to under Queen Lisa I. Choconya used to be a province of the "micronational superpower", the Holy Empire of R;union (Imperial Territory of Greater Choconia), from which it secceeded in Feb, 1998 (they claimed their chocolate-lovers religion was not accepted by the christian empire). Founded by Lisa Elliot and Rick Harwood, two australians (with the union of their two nations, Soveraat and Great Choconia), after the seccession from the Holy Empire they became a Monarchy (Kingdom of Choconia), on which Queen Lisa I ruled. After a while, the nation became "the New Commonwealth of Choconia" with Mr. Harwood as Chancellor. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Choconya. City!!
     Choconya was established in 1998 by Australians & New Zealanders to be the land of chocolate. Later on (around July, 1999), it finally, and unfortunately died. Elliot and Harwood are now citizens of Penguinea, another micronation. The illustrious Cody Williams attempted to revive the nation later, with little success. For a time Cocoanut Grove was considered as the capital city. It was annexed by Emperor Jacobus to the United Imperium as a condominium (with Audentior), and later as a protectorate. The intent was to make a Free City and intermicronational meeting site, but this did not come to pass.. 

Choconya. Kingdom!!
     After the seccession from the Holy Empire Choconia became a Monarchy (Kingdom of Choconia), on which Queen Lisa I ruled. After a while, the nation became "the New Commonwealth of Choconia" with Mr. Harwood as Chancellor. Later on (around July, 1999), it finally, and unfortunately died. Elliot and Harwood are now citizens of Penguinea, another micronation. " The illustrious Cody Williams attempted to revive the nation later, with little success. For a time Cocoanut Grove was considered as the capital city. It was annexed by Emperor Jacobus to the United Imperium as a condominium (with Audentior), and later as a protectorate. The intent was to make a Free City and intermicronational meeting site, but this did not come to pass. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Christian Empire!!

     Freetown Christiania. Free City. O Cidade Livre de Cristi;nia ; uma microna;;o concretista dan, existente de 1970 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma municipalidade. Founded in 1971. Type of Entity. Squatter's dominion. Location: Europe. Copenhagen, Denmark. Christiania, Also known as Freetown Christiania (Danish. Fristaden Christiania) is a self-proclaimed autonomous neighbourhood of about 850 residents, covering 34 hectares (85 acres) in the borough of Christianshavn in the Danish capital Copenhagen. Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: www. christiania. org. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Christmas Island!!
     Australian Dependency. Christmas Island Domain Site. This tiny Australian dependency now has a casino and its own internet domain (. cx). The flag pictured is used unofficially. Oc;anie-Ile autonome-Australie. Mini Pays. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Chuberry. Gr;o-Ducado!!

     Europe-Archipel-France. Mini Pays.. 

Chuuk Island!!
     Federated States of Micronesia. Chuuk. Truk. Kosrae, Pohnpei. Ponape & Yap Islands. Formerly the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Federated States of MICRONESIA. Self-governing state in free association with the USA. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Chyan. People’s Republic C!!
     A Rep;blica Popular de Chyan ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

Cib;ria East. People’s Democratic Republic!!
     Cib;ria Oriental. East Cyberia, People’s Democratic Republic of the United Provinces Cib;ria Oriental.A Rep;blica Popular Democr;tica das Prov;ncias Unidas da Cib;ria Oriental ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Foi fundada por Mike Rosario, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

Ciberia. Federal Republic!!
     Cyberianation. The name Cyberia may Also refer to the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia. Cyberia is part of the Cyber-Island Chain on the planet Earth. The possible existence of Cyber proves Admiral Kenneth K. Thacker. in his book "The Development of the Cyber Island Chain". 75-50 million years ago: continental breakup. 50-35 million years ago: Cyber-Atlantic plat forms. 35-10 million years ago: Cyber Island Chain develops. 10 million to 6,000 years ago: Final formation.. 

Cib;ria. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica da Cib;ria ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Cindery. Kingdom!!
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Admin area. Dead. Cyberianation. 25. 06. 2006. Confederacy of Independant States administration area.. 

     The Confederacy of Independent States. Was partially responsible for the introduction of the so-called Lovely Sector nations into the Micran Sector of micronationalism. Founded by Seperatist (Zayd Al-Ani) in August 2005 and his comrades known as Biffa, PeoplesPoet and Bean, the organisation had its origins as a resistance cell and breakaway statelet known as the Freedom Republic in Lovely against Danny Wallace's government, although its actions never amounted to more than causing a nuisance on government forums. Many CIS nations later left the organisation and sought full independence, and the lack of centralisation in the CIS and its lack of exclusivity led to a stigma being attached to the organisation and nations who had been a part of it. Nonetheless the CIS gradually became an integral part of the Micran Sector and remained a loose organisation of primarily new and small micronations until its inactivity and eventual removal from the MCS map in February 2009. A great number of Micran Sector nations have been part of the CIS at some point in their history, including: Oscarithia. Jamzinia (Founder Nation). Bobalania. New-Empire. Oscland (Founder Nation). Woodstania (Founder Nation). Kabah. Matbaa. Gaia (later Tellia). Ariel. Stasia. Kemetia. Monovia. Gosling. Lochevia. Krystallos. Tchistanski. Sulfae. T'aishen. Imperial Condominium. Qarnain. Conga. Kaliszium. Freedom Republic (Founder Nation). Col (later USSC). Demokria. Kasakhvlad.. 

Cisalpina. Republic!!
     Date active: 2004–present. Has a website: cisalpina. webs. com.. 


Citrus Fruits Lemon and Lime!!
     Frutas C;tricas. O Frutas C;tricas de Lim;o e Lima ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

City States. Republic!!

Clarazia Republic!!
     Dead. 19. 08. 2008. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Cliff Island. Democratic Republic!!

Clipperton Island. Republic!!

Clipperton. Principality!!
     Клиппертон. O Principado de Clipperton ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1984 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado. Клиппертон — небольшой островок, расположенный в Тихом океане, находится в составе Французской Полинезии. Остров необитаем и до 1931 года был спорной территорией. В 1895 году на филателистическом рынке появилась 10-марочная серия с названием острова, изданная в спекулятивных целях. Автор выпуска — неизвестен. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Clyde Port. Город-Государство!!
     Port Clyde. Cyberianation.. 

Cocagne. R;publique du Pays!!

Cocoanut Grove!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Cocos. Islands. Keeling Islands!!
     Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Territory of Australia. Oc;anie-Ile autonome-Australie. Mini Pays. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Cocosia. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica da Coc;sia ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Cognito. Federal Republic!!
     Провинция. Cyberianation.. 

     Later USSC. Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

Colice Port. Commonwealth!!
     Port C;lice. Port C;lice. O Comunidade de Port C;lice ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1996 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Steve Kramer, David Kendall, Josh Fruhlinger, localizada na v;rios e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica parlamentarista. Tamar;. Location: Belgium. Lider. Thomas Leys. Status: Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Coloma. Republic!!
     Alive. 01. 02. 2010.. 

Colonial Alliance!!
     Status: Defunct. Date active: 2005–2009. Has a website: Citizens of the Colonial Alliance and its colonies are Egalitarians, Anti-Capitalists, Socialists and some say Anarchists. Colonial citizens believe that all individuals should be absolute equals regardless of social standing and their differences, these being the basis for Egalitarianism. Citizens are Anti-Capitalists because the citizens as a society reject the greed and corruption that is often inherent with capitalism. Citizens of the Alliance are somewhat Anarchists because we reject any form of totalitarian government; we believe that absolute power should reside with the citizenship. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. New Country Project. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Committee National Salvation!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation.. 

     Union of the Comoros. Fomerly the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Conch Republic!!
     Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. 405 Petronia Suite 2 Key West FL 33040 USA. Contact location - Key West, Florida, USA. Lider - Peter Anderson. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Key West and/or entire Florida Keys, USA. Listing moved to Sedition and Sovereignty Movements. Leader: Dennis Wardlow. Founded in 1982. A group claiming tongue-in-cheek independence from the United States of America in protest at a blockade established by the US Border Patrol at the upper end of the Florida Keys. The Conch Republic is a micronation created as a tongue-in-cheek "secession" from the United States by some residents and local government representatives of Key West on 23 April, 1982, and maintained as a tourist promotion ever since. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Concha Republic!!
     A Rep;blica da Concha ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1982 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por George Tregaskis, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Confederate States!!
     Union of Confederate States.. 

Confederated Territories!!
     O Territ;rios Confederados ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma confedera;;o.. 

     Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

Conjunta Nota Diplom;tica!!

Constitui;;o Federal!!

Cook Islands!!
     Self-governing in free association with New Zealand. Oc;anie-Iles autonomes-Nouvelle Z;lande. Mini Pays. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Alive. 30. 11. 2010.. 

Copeman Empire!!
     Leader: Nick Copeman. Founded in 2003. The Copeman Empire is run from a caravan park in Norfolk, England, by its founder Nick Copeman, who changed his name by deed poll to HM King Nicholas I. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Coqueland.. Duchy!!

Coral Sea Islands!!
     Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. PO Box 1251 Southport QLD 4215 Australia. Contact location - Gold Coast, Qld, Australia. Lider - Dale Anderson. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Entire Coral Sea Islands Territory of Australia. Founded in 2004. Established as a symbolic political protest by a group of gay rights activists, the Coral Sea Islands is a micronation based in southeast Queensland, Australia. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Coralina. Rep;blica Social-Comunista Coralina!!

     O Coral;ndia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1986 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 


     Dead. 14. 01. 2006.. 


     O Corisco ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Corli. Federal Republic!!

Coroco. Короко!!
     Республика, якобы существовавшая непродолжительное время где-то в Андах и вошедшая в состав Чили. Марки номиналом 5 сентаво с такой надписью появились в 1913 году. Кто и где осуществил этот спекулятивно-фантастический выпуск — неизвестно. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Corrigible. Federal Republic!!
     Город-Государство. Cyberianation.. 

Corse. Reino!!
     Reino de C;rsega. O C;rsega ; uma microna;;o concretista franc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Corterra. Federal Republic!!
     Corall Terra. Corterra. Кортерра. A Rep;blica Federal de Corterra ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1988 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Республика Кортерра. частное владение на одном из коралловых рифов в южной части островов Лайн. Владелец объявил о независимости новоиспечённой республики в апреле 1974 года и обзавёлся собственными марками. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Alive. 31. 05. 2008. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Corumburg. Empire!!
     Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Corryton, Tennessee, USA. Lider - Adam Wesley Selvidge. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. 0. 04 km2 property located in Corryton, Tennessee. Date active: 2003–2007. Has a website. Corumburg. A constitutional monarchy with the goal of true statehood, seeking to form a new country - looking for land in Tennessee and the Caribbean.. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Corumburg. Principality!!

Coruscant. Galactic Empire!!

Corvinia. Kingdom!!
     O Reino da Corv;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista dan, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Corvinia. Sovereign Principality!!
     Principality of Corvinia. Date active: 1997–2005. Has a website: corvinia. org. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Copenhagen, Denmark. Lider - Peter Rasmussen. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Public parklands in Copenhagen, Denmark. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Corvinia. Sovereign Principality!!
     Self-declared principality in Copenhagen, Denmark. Extensive government and cultural information. The former Sovereign Principality of Corvinia welcomes you to its memorial presence on the WWW, and hopes that you will find the information you seek on these pages. Corvinia began it's existence in 1997, and a mature user base (or citizenship) had developed the following year. The following 7 years saw a lively and much enjoyable community activity forming - mainly online, but Also on several occasions at live events. Interest dwindled by the end of 2004, and the last trickles of activity were seen in 2005, after which most participants seemed to get other things on their minds. Corvinia to me was a very pleasant experience, and in tribute to that wonderful time and those dear people, I had the privilege to befriend, I have - with the permission of the founder - had these remains of the original site restored.. 

Cotinia. Principality!!

Counani. Republica!!
     Кунани.Территория, расположенная между Французской Гвианой и Бразилией, которая оспаривалась Францией и Бразилией в течение приблизительно столетия. Название этой территории было использовано в качестве названия мифической республики индейцев, простирающейся от границ Венесуэлы до Атлантического океана. Республика якобы имела своего президента, флаг, герб а также почту, которая выпускает почтовые марки использующиеся для внутренних отправлений. С 1887 по 1908 год фантастами Жюлем Гро (Jules Gros) и Адольфом Брезе (Adolphe Br;zet), который назвал себя президентом Кунани и боролся за международное признание этого государства, были выпущены пять серий марок с надписью Республика Кунани, а позднее — просто Кунани. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Провинция. Cyberianation.. 

Coyote Tec Co-Operative Authority!!

Craitland Kingdom!!
     Cyberianation. Monarchy. Alive. 25. 10. 2006. Location: Devon, England, United Kingdom. Email:. Lider. Craitman Pellegrino. Date found - 12 December 2002. Cr;iteland is a small micronation of three islands, situated in south-eastern Micras, in equivalent to Earth sizes, Cr;iteland is roughly the same size as the island of Tazmania (southern Australia), therefore giving it a total equivalent population of around 1,000,000. Cr;iteland is seperated into 5 provinces, each is the home to one of the 5 cities of the country. Each province has history and culture that is different from the others, and each province has its own official flag and coat of arms. The Craitish people are always proud of the province they come from. The major religion of Cr;iteland is P;gan. This sets Cr;iteland aside from any other nation (or micronation for that matter) as being the only country whose official religion is P;gan. P;gan takes the Druid thoughts of normal Paganism, but it is intertwined with the teachings of the Christian Bible. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 


     Corporate State of Cranda.. 


Critchlow.. Grand Duchy!!

Cromdell.. Imperial State!!

Crown Colony of Antarctica!!
     Founded in March of 2001 Claimed the territory in the Antarctic in Taylor dry valley. The Crown Colonies of Antarctica are a revised government for the political entity formerly known as the Kingdom of Mars (established in March 2001). The Crown Colonies of Antarctica are a free, independent nation, laying claim to several land areas in the Antarctic, which comprise our domain. Currently we are a government "in absentia," meaning we have no established residences in our territories. Lider - Crown Prince 1, from Kalamazoo, Michigan, in the United States.. 

Crownest Pass!!
     O Crownest Pass ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Cruciform Sword. Sovereign Order!!
     Sovereign Order of the Cruciform Sword. Espada Cruciforme. Espada Cruciforme. Location: Philippines. Email:. O Ordem Soberana da Espada Cruciforme ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma ordem militar. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Cruciform Sword. Sovereign Order!!

Cryonica. Principality!!
     O Principado da Cry;nica ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1994 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Jay M. Carlisle, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

     Cuervo Gold. O Cuervo Gold ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Cumquat. Serene Empire!!
     Most Serene Empire of Cumquat.. 

Cunani. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Cun;ni ; uma microna;;o concretista franc;fona, existente de 1895 at; 1903. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Jules Gros, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

CyberBunker. Republic!!
     "CyberBunker was built as a NATO base in 1955. In 1995 it was sold to a company under the control of it's present royal family and government. It never officially became dutch territory after 1955 again and was sold as is. ". New Country Project.. 

     Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia. Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia. Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia. Virtual Commonwealth. Federal Republic. Cyberianation. A simulated representative democracy active on the internet since July, 1997.. 

Cyberia East. People's Democratic Republic!!
     People's Democratic Republic of the United Provinces of East.. 

Cyberia Free. Federal Republic!!
     Free Cyberia Federal Republic. Cyberianation. The territory formerly controlled by ProvoCyberia during the Second War for Cyberian Liberation. It consisted of the provinces of Menet, Lasteria, the southern portion of Mattimeo and several of the Windsor Islands. The Provos turned this area over to the United Imperium lead by Emperor Jacobus in January of 2000.. 

     Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia. Alive. 08. 07. 2003.. Email. Lider. David Catchpole. Cyberia's constitution was roughly based on that of the United States, but it has developed into a unique experiment in online democracy. It has a federal system of government, an elected President as head of government, a National Assembly to make its federal laws, and a common law judicial system. Cyberia has a lively political system, with parties and activists jostling over policy and power. But Cyberia is much more than just a place for budding statespeople. Cyberians aspire to a Cyberia that immerses people in its reality- the reality of its economy, its culture, its media, its public life and more. Inactive. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Cyberia. Federal Republic!!
     Alive. 11. 07. 2002.. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Cyberianation. The Communist Party of the Cyberias claims to be a Pan-Cyberian party, dedicated to the founding of a Union of Cyberian Socialist Republics. Currently, the Party is active openly only in the Federal Republic of Cyberia. Prominent members of the Party include Tomaz Painn and John Lenin. Founded after a schism with the Rosario Peoples' Front. (The schism has since healed. The Front is now recognized as the representative of the CPC within the FRC. ) Believed by most observers to be more bluster than bite, the Party was elected to the Governor's chair in Windsor Islands (R. F. C. ) and to the Chamber of Deputies from that province.. 

Cyberland. Federal Republic!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. The Virtual Republic of Cyberland was old time micronation, circa 1997-1999. Part of the Cyber-Island Chain. An early rival of the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia.. 

Cyberland. Republic Ciberl;ndia!!
     Ciberl;ndia. A Rep;blica da Ciberl;ndia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     O Cin;ptica ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Cyprus Dimokratia Republic!!
     Kibris Cumhuriyet. Kypros. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Cyprus Northern!!
     Northern Cyprus. Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.. Turkish-Claimed Territory in the Republic of Cyprus... Kibris (T;rk Cumhuriyet).. "The 1959-1960 Agreements of Zurich and London, which gave rise to the establishment of the binational Republic of Cyprus of 1960, as well as the Treaty of Guarantee of the same date signed by Turkey, Greece, the United Kingdom and the two parties in Cyprus, specifically forbade the membership of Cyprus in international conglomerations. These include the European Union, of which Greece is a member, but Turkey is not.. "This was established to maintain the Greco-Turkish balance over the island and preserve stability. The impending unilateral membership of the Greek Cypriot administration in the European Union 'before a political settlement in Cyprus has been reached' threatens to destroy these regional checks and balances and divide Cyprus permanently. ". Osman Ertug, Representative. Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The following is edited from a report by the Press and Information Office from the the Official Website of the Republic of Cyprus.. "The Turkish army invaded Cyprus on 20 July 1974.. "Turkey announced that the invasion was a "peace-keeping operation" to restore the constitutional order disrupted when a Greek military coup overthrew the Cyprus government. Turkey claimed she was acting in compliance with the terms of the 1960 Treaty of Guarantee.. "The invading forces landed off the northern coast of the island around Kyrenia. By the time a cease fire was agreed three days later, Turkish troops held 3% of the territory of Cyprus. Five thousand Greek Cypriots had fled their homes.. "Following the invasion, the junta which was in power in Greece at the time, collapsed and Mr Constantine Karamanlis was recalled from self-imposed exile in Paris to form a new government. In Cyprus, Nicos Samson, the man whom the junta had set up as President, surrendered power to the President of the House of Representatives, Mr Glafcos Clerides, pending the return of the island's constitutionally elected President, Archbishop Makarios, who had fled abroad to save his life during the coup.. "On 14 August and despite the fact that talks were still being held in Geneva and just as agreement seemed about to be reached, the Turkish army mounted a second full-scale offensive, thereby belying Turkey's original pretext that it was invading in order to restore constitutional order, in view of the fact that constitutional order had already been restored.. "By the end of the offensive, Turkey increased its hold to include the booming tourist resort of Famagusta and the rich citrus-growing area of Morphou. All in all almost 36% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus came under Turkish military occupation, an area Turkey still holds today, despite international condemnation.. "The advance halted on a line which was almost precisely the one proposed by Turkey as the demarcation of partition in 1965. This line has come to be known as the Attila line, named after the military codename 'Attila' which Turkey gave to the invasion operation, thereby identifying it with the chieftain of the Huns known as 'the scourge of God'.. "As a result, 28% of the Greek Cypriots were turned into refugees in their own country and 70% of the economic potential of Cyprus came under military occupation. Moreover, thousands of people, including civilians, were killed or ill-treated by the Turkish invaders.. "There are still 1493 Greek Cypriots missing as a result of the Turkish invasion, many of whom were held in Turkish custody. Following the invasion the Turkish government embarked on a policy of bringing in large numbers of Anatolian settlers into the occupied area, while at the same time systematically expelling the lawful Greek Cypriot inhabitants from their homes. Currently 546 mostly elderly people remain enclaved in the occupied area.. "On 1 November 1974, the UN General Assembly unanimously passed the first of many resolutions calling all states to respect the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and non-alignment of the Republic of Cyprus. It urged the speedy withdrawal of all foreign troops, the continuation of intercommunal talks and that urgent efforts be taken to ensure the safe return of refugees to their homes.. "Intercommunal talks resumed in 1975. In December, of the same year, the UN Security Council adopted a new resolution on Cyprus extending, once more, its peace-keeping force's (UNFICYP) mandate. At the fifth round of talks, held in Vienna in February 1976, it was agreed that an exchange of written proposals on the territorial and constitutional aspects of the problem should be presented to the then UN Special Representative in Cyprus, Mr Javier Perez de Cuellar. The Greek Cypriot side submitted detailed proposals, demanding the return of the Turkish occupied area to its lawful inhabitants.. "The Turkish Cypriot proposals, however, envisaged the continued division of Cyprus. A new recourse to the United Nations General Assembly was made by the Cyprus Government in November 1976. This resulted in the General Assembly calling on the Security Council to initiate steps for the implementations of previous UN resolutions on Cyprus. ". (Thanks to "Hussan" for bringing this to my attention. ). Note. Turkey is presently the only nation that recognizes the TRNC. All mail sent to the TRNC must be addressed to.. "Mersin 10, TURKEY". Mersin is the neighboring province to the north in Turkey, and "10" implies that the TRNC is its tenth county. (Thanks to Frank de Cruz. ) Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Czatakus. Kingdom!!

Dabulieqie.. Net Kingdoms!!
     United Net Kingdoms of Dabulieqie.. 

Dadingisila. Kingdom Dadingisila!!
     Head of state - King Jan I of Dadingisila. Form of Government - Constitutional Monarchy. Head of Government - King Jan I of Dadingisila. Upper House - All Familyheads. Lower House - All Nobility. Voting House - All Citizens. Location – Dadingisila. Population – 3. Date of foundation - 15 February 2010. Official Languages – Dutch, English.. 

Dagostinia. Monarchy!!
     Monarchy of Dagostinia. Type of Entity. Sovereign new-nation project. Location: North America. Northwest United States. Date active: 2009–present. Has a website: dagostinia. com.. 

Dallingrad Communist Republic!!
     Alive. 26. 03. 2010.. 

     O Dam-Bata; ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 


Danos. Kingdom!!
     O Reino de Danos ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; 1999. Atualmente, est; extinta. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Danvania Republic!!
     Dead. 30. 12. 2008. Location: Garland, Texas, USA. Lider. Daniel Davis. Active. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Danvania.. Republic!!


Darnley. Город-Государство!!

Darryl. Free State Darryl!!
     Location: USA. Lider. Darryl Perry. The Free State of Darryl aims to be a loose association of sovereign individuals. TFSOD claims no land, only claiming 3 feet square around each independent citizen. Each citizen has the right to do anything he/she sees fit, so long as they do not interfere with another person's right to life, liberty or pursuit of happiness. - from an e-mail by Darryl W. Perry. Active. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Daruny. Kingdom!!
     Daruny is a small country in central Europe where even the most masculine-looking man can be completely accepted as a woman and even the most feminine-looking woman can be completely accepted as a man if they are so inclined, because gender is defined entirely by how a person presents; physical appearance doesn't figure into it at all. - from an e-mail. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Davignon. Город-Государство!!

Dawa. Archipel!!
     Site - Forum/ML.. 

     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Decracy Yunivers!!

     Alive. 06. 01. 2011.. 

Degius.. Democratic people's Republic!!

Deloraine-Cavers. Empire Deloraine Cavers!!
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Deloraine-Cavers. Empire Deloraine-Cavers!!

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Demesos Unidos!!
     United Demesos. Dead Nation. Cyberianation. O Demesos Unidos ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Dead. 15. 08. 2006.. 

Demokratische Union!!

     Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Denmark.. Double-monarchy!!


DES Senya!!
     Alive. 26. 03. 2010.. 

Destroy. Destroy Empire!!
     Location: Europe. northern Spain. Date active: 2007–present. Has a website: imperiodestroy. wordpress. com.. 

Deutisburgo. Rep;blica dos Estados Unidos Deutisburgo!!

Deutsches Imperium!!

Deutschland 1900!!

Deutschland. Republik!!

Deutschland. Sozialistische Republik!!

     Dead. 01. 07. 2007.. 

Devonia. Kingdom Devonia!!
     Has a website: www. freewebs. com/kodevonia.. 

DeWaCo. Imperium DeWaCo Estates!!
     Imperial Commonwelth. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. PO Box 333 Trenton MO 64683-0333 USA. Contact location - Trenton, Missouri, USA. Lider - Dennis Corbett. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Various rural properties in north and central Missouri and surrounding US states, owned and (mostly) leased by Corbett family agribusinesses. Approximately 1019 km2 in extent. The historically known and internationally renown double-headed eagle is symbolic of the two worlds in which the micro-state of the Imperium of Dewaco Estates is currently required to operate and participate from within; the one ancient world of war and poverty, and the other world of "Peace and Prosperity" for all of posterity, that the Proud Dewaconian People are attempting to establish by example. The Imperium of DeWaCo estates lays claim to certain lands in north central Missouri. According to the CommiCzar, or Lord Imperator these lands are the property of the Imperial Government of the Imperial Commonwealth of the Imperium of DeWaCo Estates, and are not under United States Jurisdiction. In addition to the main land claims, the Imperium Also administers several "Imperial Protectorates of the Imperium", on lands leased within the state of Missouri. Currently there are 251,917 acres under long-term, same-term, annual, and renewable "Legal Leased Lands Agreements" of which, some of the lands are leased independently, for agricultural purposes; while a "majority" of the lands are held under a joint-lease agreement between the Imperium and some of it's asscociates, and a Multi-State Hunting & Fishing Cooperative, which affords the Imperium and it's guest unlimited and unrestricted access, to thousand of acres of land, for the purposes of: hunting & fishing, hiking, biking, camping, photography, swimming, boating, paintball wargames, and numerous other activities of personal choice.. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

DeWikiaCo Estates!!
     Imperial Commonwealth of the Imperium of DeWikiaCo Estates. Type of Entity. Hobby micronation. Location: North America. midwestern United States. Has a website: www. webspawner. com/users/dewaco/.. 


     Dhufar. Дофар или Дуфар, — южная часть Омана. В этом районе в 1965 году был создан Народный фронт освобождения Дофара, переименованный в 1968 году в Народный фронт освобождения оккупированной зоны Персидского залива. В 1972 году на филателистическом рынке появились спекулятивные выпуски с изображением бабочек и надпечаткой на английском языке Дофар. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Diana Port. Город-Государство!!
     Port Diana. Cyberianation.. 

Digit Republic!!
     D;gito. A Rep;blica do D;gito ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Diocesan Empire!!


Dionysos. Republik!!

Dissen Rulez Clan!!


Dnister Republic!!
     Trans-Dnister. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 


Domain and Realms!!
     Location: Port Washington, Wisconsin, USA. Email:. Lider. MicahShadow Darkfyre. Active. Humankind has turned its back on the magical in favor of a new dream - a dream of a sterile, banal world with no mysteries or wonder. A world where all the questions have been answered and all the puzzles of the universe solved. And yet, in the quest for this Utopia, much of humankind has lost a little of themselves. They have forgotten how to dream. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Domain and Realms!!

     Alive. 20. 12. 2001.. 

Dominica. Commonwealth!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Dominis. Kingdom!!


Dorzhabad. Dictatorship!!

Dover. Southern Kingdom!!


Drachenstein. Kaiserreich!!
     Gr;ndung 22. 02. 2003. Drachensteins funktioniert wie ein Rollenspiel. Drachenstein simuliert ein fantasy-mittelalterliches Kaiserreich, in welchem es K;nige und F;rsten gibt, Marktweiber und Tuchh;ndler, aber auch Orks und Oger, Vampire und Hobbits, Drachen und Magie. Dennoch ist die Welt Drachensteins eigenst;ndig und hat ausgearbeitete Kulturen, die jedes Volk voneinander unterscheiden und Dinge wie Kleidung, Sprache und Kriegskunst umfassen. Man kennt in Drachenstein andere, "moderne" Dimensionen, ist jedoch nur wenig mit ihnen in Kontakt. Die Magie ist ein elementarer Bestandteil des Drakischen Lebens, jedoch nimmt sie eher die Stellung einer Religion als die Stellung eines Alltagsgebrauchsmittels ein. Es gibt einfache Regeln f;r die Simulation. Diese l;uft ab wie ein Buch, welches von allen Beteiligten geschrieben wird: Es gibt Handlungen und w;rtliche Rede, die zu einem Teil von jedem Mitspieler hintereinander beigetragen werden k;nnen. Dennoch gibt es einige Regeln einzuhalten: So gilt ein geschriebener Fakt, der nicht unrealistisch ist, als stattgefunden und kann nicht ignoriert oder durch Anderes ersetzt werden, auch gilt es als sehr unh;flich und unerw;nscht, selbst die Handlungen der Mitspielercharaktere zu bestimmen, etwa zu sagen, dass ein Duellgegner stirbt oder schwer verwundet wird - dies ist im Rahmen des Realismus dem Spieler des jeweiligen Charakters ;berlassen.. 

Dragonia.. Volksrepublik!!



Dreib;rgen. Kaiserreich!!
     Dreib;rgen ist eine konstitutionelle Monarchie und ein Bundesstaat, der aus f;nf v;lkerrechtsbeschr;nkten Subjekten, den Reichsl;ndern besteht. Hauptstadt und Regierungssitz des Kaiserreichs Dreib;rgen ist Reichstal. In der Pr;ambel der Verfassung des Kaiserreichs Dreib;rgen wird das Staat als sozial und rechtsstaatlich festgesetzt. Es gibt f;nf teilsouver;ne Reichsl;nder, die Gro;herzogt;mer Augustental, Hohenburg-Lohe und Werthen, sowie das K;nigreich Haxagon und die Republik Vanezia, wobei die Republik Vanezia unter dem Protektorat des Reiches steht. Die Kolonien sind gesondert zu sehen. Die Verfassung des Kaiserreichs Dreib;rgen regelt die staatliche Ordnung. Reichsoberhaupt ist der Kaiser, Regierungschef ist der Reichskanzler. Protokollarisch gesehen folgen ihnen der Reichsmarschall, der in der Regel der amtierende Gro;herzog von Werthen ist, befehligt den Reichsf;hrungsstab und damit die Streitkr;fte des Reiches. Ihm ist in verheerenden F;llen die M;glichkeit gegeben, den au;erordentlichen Notstand auszurufen, womit ihm die uneingeschr;nkte Regierungsgewalt zuf;llt.. 

Drekhamer.. United Provinces!!

Drulli Empire!!
     Drullian Empire. Dr;lia. Dr;lia. O Imp;rio Druliano ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Drullisches Imperium!!

     Federal Republic. Cyberianation.. 

Dual Principality amagi!!
     This website is Stephen Houghton's web-based log, or "blog", devoted to his views on starting a new country. A first draft of the Basic Law and the Constitution of the Society to Create the Dual Principality are in the works. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Dubeldeka. Principality!!
     Active Status: Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. 26 Ferguson Crescent Braemar NSW 2575 Australia. Contact location - Mittagong, New South Wales, Australia. Lider - Vasudeo + Doreen Khandekar +61 2 4871 2483. Founded in 2000. Created by the Khandekars in 2000, in response to a dispute with the New South Wales Department of Public Works and Wingecarribee Shire Council, over plans to connect their property to mains sewerage. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Private residence and commercial hotel located on the norrthern outskirts of Mittagong, New South Wales. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Duceie Island!!
     Pitcairn Islands. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Dugdahmoundyah Empire Washitaw!!

Dugdam;ndia. Imp;rio Washita!!

Dumpling do Norte!!

Dunkinopolis. Federal Republic!!

DuPonty Monarchy!!

     Alive. 01. 07. 2009.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Durntkinstan. Imperium!!
     Cyberianation. Dead. 11. 05. 2007. Active. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

D;sseldorf. Empire!!
     O Imp;rio de D;sseldorf ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Dwygadair. Republic!!
     Serene and Splendid Republic of Dwygadair. Type of Entity. Hobby micronation. Location: Europe. Wikiales, UK. Date active: 2009 (abandoned). Has a website: micronations. eu/dwygadair (defunct and never used). The name "Dwygadair" comes from the translation of the name "TwoChairs" into Welsh, one of the official languages of the nation. The Republic of Dwygadair was a planned project due to be formed from the ashes of the Kingdom of TwoChairs by Cadan ap Tomos. This project was later abandoned by ap Tomos when he became a citizen of Apiya. The Serene and Spendid Republic of Dwygadair is the current attempt at the revival of the Tchairian community. It is led by former Tchairian citizens Calvin Kingsbury and Timothy Ansell. The founder of TwoChairs, Eoin Mahon has approved of the developments, though he will not participate in the revived micronation. As of September 2009, a Constitution drafted by Mahon is being discussed, and Mahon is being consulted on its contents.. 

d'Ys. Serenyssime Empire!!

Eagleland. Principality!!
     O Principado de Eagleland ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por ?? Aguiar, localizada na Am;rica Central e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado. Eagle Beach;.. 

Eania. People's Republic!!

     Eacea. Alive. 19. 04. 2010.. 

     United Protectorate of Earth.. 

East Timor!!
     Democratic. Official Government Web Gateway. Propinsi Timor, Timur, Timor-Leste, Timor Lorosa'E. Website maintained by the Transitional Government of East Timor On 30 August 1999, the people of East Timor voted by means of a direct, secret and universal ballot to begin a process leading towards independence. UNTAET was established on 25 October 1999 to administer the Territory, exercise legislative and executive authority during the transition period and support capacity-building for self-government. East Timor became an independent country on 20 May 2002. Also that day, UNTAET was succeeded by the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor (UNMISET) established by Security Council resolution 1410 of 17 May 2002 to provide assistance to core administrative structures critical to the viability and political stability of East Timor. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Eastern Ocia!!
     The Ocia Federation. Dead. 02. 02. 2009. The Democratic Republic of Ocia- Ocia is a democratic federative law-governed state with a republican form of government. The sovereignty of the Democratic Republic of Ocia shall extend to the entirety of its territory. The DRO shall consist of republics and autonomous regions. State power in the Democratic Republic of Ocia shall be exercised by the President of the DRO, The Natioanl Defence Commission, the Federal Assembly, the Government of the DRO, and the courts of the Russian Federation. Ideological diversity shall be recognized in the DRO. Socialist Ideology shall be proclaimed as State ideology. The Democratic Republic of Ocia shall not endorse any religion or belief.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

EcoD;mocratie Prya!!
     L;EcoD;mocratie de Prya est une nation virtuelle. Elle s'inscrit dans l'univers de jeu des micronations francophones. Elle est membre du Micromonde. L;EcoD;mocratie de Prya est un ;tat unitaire, la;c, d;mocratique et social qui assure l';galit; devant la loi de tous les citoyens sans distinction d'origine, de race, de sexe, de religion et d'opinion. L;EcoD;mocratie de Prya est un Etat ;cotopiste. Elle pr;ne et promeut en tout le respect de la Nature, la lutte contre les d;gradations de l'environnement, et la n;gation de la distinction entre l'Humain et le Naturel. Elle ne reconna;t pas les armes et tout ce qui y fait allusion est caduque. Les ;cocitoyens pryans sont fiers de vous accueillir sur le site officiel de la nation virtuelle de Prya, terre de tous les possibles. Pour comprendre les rouages de notre pays, nous vous conseillons de parcourir ces guides taill;s sur mesure pour en savoir plus sur cette aventure ludique. Nous esp;rons que vous nous rejoindrez.. 

     Democratic Republic. A Rep;blica Democr;tica de Econia ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1998 at; 2000. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Alexander Machado, localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica parlamentarista.. 

     O Ecrehous ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 


     Kingdom of Edan. Alive. 30. 09. 1999. Has a website: kingdomofedan. blogspot. com. O Reino de Edan ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. This was originally a model country project that was shut down for some time. One of the project's organizers, Richard Stump, aka King Richard, sent me an e-mail explaining why. In January 2001 I learned that at least three African families had been sold passports and visas to travel to the Kingdom of Edan for political asylum. The first we learned of this was when someone I know recognized the name of Edan when a query came over her desk. She contacted me and we determined that someone was selling political asylum to Edan for about $400 US per person. We Also learned that they were using the Edanian web site as 'proof' that we were a full-fledged nation. We quickly took it down. Neither Richard Stump, nor any of the original organizers of this model country project, had any connection with the scam operation. Please visit the blog and MicroWiki entry. The Kingdom of Edan is a Constitutional Monarchy based upon Feudal Technocratic Distributism. Edan is a Catholic nation although citizens are free to follow other religions. The Kingdom of Edan is quasi-territorial in that some nobles are responsible for all citizens within a defined geographic area even while Edan currently makes no claims of absolute territorial sovereignty. The King Also reserves the right to make future territorial claims at any time. The Legislature consists of two bodies; the Senate and the Council. The Senate is composed of citizens selected in general and local elections. The Council is composed of the senior members of the nobility. The Legislature is responsible for setting a budget and passing laws. Type of entity: New Country. Location: International. Area claimed: Not Applicable. Date of foundation: 1999. Leadership: King Richard I. Form of government: Constitutional Monarchy/Feudal Technocratic Distributism. Religion - Catholic. Language: English, Ecclesial Latin.. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Dead. 18. 05. 2008.. 

     Kingdom of Edelweiss. O Reino de Edelweiss ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

     Project of the Libertarian Society to create a libertarian republic. The Libertarian Society, whose members are striving to create the independent, sovereign nation of Eden so that they might live freely and peacefully without fear of government intervention into their lives, whether that government is tyrannical or benevolent. To build such a nation, it more prudent to build a cyber nation first. Are inviting people from around the globe—economists, political scientists, engineers, architects, artists, teachers, and just plain interested folks—to share their ideas and expertise.. 

     Город-Государство. Cyberianation.. 

     Alive. 21. 09. 2010.. 


     Alive. 28. 06. 2009.. 

Ehphиbe. Reich!!
     Rechtsnachfolger Ladiniens.. 

Eire and Avalonia!!
     Holy Celtic Empire of Eire and the Federated Commonwealth Realms of Avalonia. The Ruling Dynasty is Eire - Many Houses are in the Dynasty of Eire. Capital - Lewiston, Idaho, US. Date founded 01-01-2007- as Holy Druid Empire of Avalonia. Government - Absolute Monarch and Commonwealth. Current leader - His Most Serene Apostolic Majesty Emperor Saorbhreathach I Norton II the Celtic Sorcerer.. 

Ejan International Organization!!
     Since 1995 the Ejah International Organization (International added in 2000 when members from outside the USA joined and it seemed wrong to make it sound like they weren't really members) has used the creation of the Ejah Nation (Illustrious Royal Ejah Nation) in helping to achieve its many goals. It was started May 28, 1995 (officially) just a month a few days after the horrible destruction of the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. Twelve of us in Enid, Oklahoma gathered together to see what we could do. Using a game we used to play together we created our own nation for the purpose of finding solutions to the problems in the world today. Albert Einstein once said "the problems that exist in this world today cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them. Thus we created the Ejah Nation. Ejah has continued to grow and achieve popularity, mainly still in the Enid, Oklahoma area but others have taken notice. We work at creating fundraising events for charitable organizations, creating fun events for people in our hometowns to enjoy and perhaps even learn something from (such as a party with a msg about Human Rights or Enviromental Protection). Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

El Dorado!!
     Virtual Republic of El Dorado. Defunct.. 

Elas Roth!!

     Island State of Elba.. 

Elbonia New!!
     New Elbonia.A Nova Elb;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Dead. 26. 04. 2008.. 

     Alive. 23. 12. 2004.. 

     Republic Eldorado. Eldorado. A Rep;blica de Eldorado ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1999 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Elena Delgado!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation.. 

     Empire of Eleytheria.. 

Elgaland and Vargaland!!
     Royal Kingdoms of Elgaland-Vargaland. Kingdoms of Elgaland and Vargaland. Elgal;ndia e Vargal;ndia. Elgal;ndia e Vargal;ndia. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Lider - Carl Michael von Hausswolff Leif Elggren. Claims. Any territorial entity. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. O Reinos da Elgal;ndia e Vargal;ndia ; uma microna;;o concretista sve, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Elgland and Vargland. Kingdoms!!
     Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Kingdom of Elleore. Elleore. FKingdom of Elleore. ounded in 1944. A tongue-in-cheek micronation founded by a group of school teachers as a summer camp on the island of Elleore, Denmark. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. O Reino de Elleore ; uma microna;;o pecularista dan, existente de 1944 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Denmark. Lider - Leo. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Entire Island of Elleore, Denmark. Located in Roskilde Fjord. Total area of 0. 015 km2. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Ellermark. Reisenguthland Kingdom!!

Elotia.. Counseled Republic!!
     United Counseled Republic of Elotia.. 

     Dead. 18. 08. 2001.. 

     Discussion Group. Elpoepia is a micronation for pagans to discuss current issues in pagan culture and spirituality. It is my hope to build a pagan community on-line and develop our own culture. We will discuss poetry, thoughts, practices and hobbies. Each member should come away with greater awareness. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Grand Duchy of Elsanor. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Alabama, USA. Lider - Eric Ball. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Most of northern Alabama + a number of offshore islands. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Elwynn country!!


     Free Territory. Ely-Chaitlin. Ely-Chaitlin. O Territ;rio Livre de Ely-Chaitlin ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 196? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Marc Eric Ely, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia.. 

     Free Territory of Ely-Chatelaine.. 

Emerald Isle!!
     Kingdom of Emerald Isle. The Kingdom of Emerald Isle was founded on August 18, 2010 by the former President of Cliff Island, HRH King Jackson Niles Alexander I after the DRCI failed because of the second Cliff Island Civil War and Cliff Island serving as a Special Administrative District to Kingdom of Starland. Emerald Isle uses the same type of government as the Kingdom of Alaska, Appointed Monarchy. In a Appointed Monarchy, the current Monarch picks a heir from the royal family. A King/Queen is the leader of the country and is responsable for running the government along with the Grand Lord. The King or Queen stay in power until they ether die or abdicate, but if the Monarch never appoints a heir, than the next oldest member of the Royal family is given the throne. The government Also has a parliament, the Island Parliament, in which there is a represenitive from every territory. Capital – Jacksonville. Largest city – Jacksonville. Official language(s) – English. Demonym - Emerald Islander. Government - Appointed Monarchy. King - HRH King Jackson Niles Alexander I. Grand Lord - HRH Sir. Connor O'Leary I. Legislature - Island Parliament. Established - August 18, 2010. Population – 6. Currency - US dollar. National drink - Diet Pepsi. National animal - Loggerhead Seaturtle.. 

Emerica.. Federal Republic!!

     Federal Republic of Emerity.. 

     Kingdom of EnenKio. EnenKio Atoll. Founded in 1994. Active Status: Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - USA. Lider - Remios Hermios. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Wake Island, Pacific Ocean. O Atol de Enenkio ; uma microna;;o concretista jap, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание. Claims Wake Atoll in the Marshall Islands, and has been deemed a scam for selling passports and diplomatic papers. Go to the Warnings and Notices Page. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. New Country Project.. 

England New. Online!!
     New England Online. Information on the Kingdom of New England, a small country in the South Pacific. Includes history, maps, government, economy, and culture.. 

England Nova!!
     Nova England. Alive. 13. 10. 2005. Cyberianation.. 

     Dead. 11. 01. 2007.. Cyberianation.. 

     Democratic People's Republic of Eniarku.. 

     Alive. 27. 11. 2009.. 

     O Envalira ; uma microna;;o concretista cat, existente de 1996 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Dead. 16. 11. 2006.. 

     Oc;an Indien-Iles Eparses, territoire fran;ais tr;s peu connu compos; des ;les suivantes Tromelin, Glorieuses, Juan de Nova et Bassas da India. Mini Pays.. 


Erephisia.. Technological Federation!!


Ergo Sum!!
     Federal Republic. Город-Государство. Cyberianation.. 

     Democracy of Erinton. O Erinton ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1996 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Leigh Creighton, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Principality of ERKS. Erks. Erks. O Principado de Erks ; uma microna;;o pecularista hispan;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado. A. New Country Project located in an Argentine valley. As of 27 November 2001, this website has vanished. Any information about this project will be welcome. "The Principality of ERKS is situated in a valley dominated by the magnificent and mystic Uritorco Mountain, well-known throughout the world for the wide variety of paranormal phenomena that have been observed and interpreted there for 400 years according to the tendencies of the different periods. "Templars, alchimists, UFO specialists, cabalists, Hermetics, astrologists and others are specific groups that study these phenomena without official support. These groups and us are united and we know that we are million of people all around the world who are convinced that there exist more things on earth and in the sky. ". New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Erks. Principality!!

     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Erusia or DPRE!!
     Democratic People's Republic of Erusia. Location: Europe. Liverpool, UK. Date active: 2008–present. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Escalada. Remedios!!
     Alive. 08. 04. 2007.. 

     Empire of Escova.. 

     Republic of Eslo. Eslo. A Rep;blica do Eslo ; uma microna;;o modelista hispan;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Has a website: www. geocities. com/eslonian. Lider. Fernando de la Mora. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Eslo.. Republic!!


     Kingdom of Espen. The Kingdom Of Espen Is A European Micro-Nation Founded On December 11th 2010 By King Theodore I. It Is an independent Piece of land located in Ireland Owned By King Theodore. The Capital City Is Named Koos. The kingdom is currently looking for more unowned islands to claim as it's own. The King lives in the capital city. Official language – English. Capital - Koos City. Date founded - December 11 2010. Government - Absolute Monarchy. Current leader - King Theodore I. National animal – Otter.. 

     O Estaca ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Etruria New!!
     Nuova Etruria. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Etruria New. Federal Republic!!
     New Etruria. A Nova Etr;ria ; uma microna;;o modelista ital;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma. Location: Italy. Email:. Lider. Marco Bausi. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Michael Rosario led the transformation of U. P. E. C. into the United Radical Communities and later Eudamonia.. 

     O Euf;ria ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Euramerican Empire!!
     Holy Euramerican Empire. After Cotinia reformed on the 2nd January into the Holy Euramerican Empire, Eduard I. became Emperor on the 3rd January for "insuffiency of candidates", declaring that a new election will take place after there will be enough candidates. The Holy Euramerican Empire is a micronation founded on the 2nd January 2011. It borders Switzerland,Slovakia and Poland. It consists of several exclaves. The Emperor declared, that all member states must lie within Euramerica. The Holy Euramerican Empire is the successor state of the Principality of Cotinia and seeks to revive the tradition of the Holy Roman Empire. It is a loose federation of states. The central government has little control over all of the constituent states. The states are united only by the person of the Emperor,who is elected among the leaders of the states.. 

Eurasia and Northen Africa.. Empire!!
     United Empire of Eurasia and Northen Africa.. 

     Dead. 19. 01. 2007.. 

Europe New!!
     Empire of New Europe.. 

Europe New!!
     Empire of New Europe. Dead. 20. 01. 2009. Location: North America. various states of the USA. Has a website: www. freewebs. com/empireofneweurope.. 

     Empire of Europe.. 

     United States. Eur;polis. Eur;polis. O Estados Unidos de Eur;polis ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica presidencialista.. 

     United States of Europolis.. 

Euskania Printzerria!!
     Eusc;nia. Eusc;nia. O Principado da Eusc;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista bas, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

Euskania-Printzerria. Princiality!!

Evil Empire!!
     Imp;rio do Mal. Imp;rio do Mal. EVIL EMPIRE. Lider. James Morfis. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. O Imp;rio do Mal ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 


     O Ext;sia ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Fakaofo Island!!
     Tokelau Islands. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Kingdom of Falkenberg. O Reino de Falkenberg ; uma microna;;o, existente de 1975 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

     Colony of the Falkland Islands. Am;rique-Archipel britannique. Mini Pays. Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom. These islands, Also claimed by Argentina (which calls them Islas Malvinas) was the site of a war in 1982 where Argentina attempted to invade and reclaim the two islands. There is another forum site that tries to establish a neutral space for those who want to express their views. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     High Kingdom. Fantipo. Fantipo. O Alto Reino do Fantipo ; uma microna;;ofranc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Fantispa. Principaut;!!

     Grand Duchy of Farallonus.. 

Faroe Islands!!
     Self-governing overseas administrative division of Denmark. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Farran Eayst. Principality!!

     Federal Republic. Cyberianation. Federal Distrct of Cyberia, the Capital Territory of the old VCC. Later re-named the District of Kerns.. 

     Or Malatora. FedCom. Federated Commonwealth of Malatora. Type of Entity. Sovereign new-nation project. Alive. Location: Africa. tropical west-central region. Date active: 1993–1999, 2000–present. Has a website: www. fedcom. co. nr. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Federated Syndacates!!

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. The Commune of Feianova (Also known as the Feianovan Commune and Democracy of Feianova) was a highly unusual micronation with its roots in the Democracy of Feijea. The new nation of Feianova founded by Sander Dielemann, at first experimented with Parliamentary Democracy before influence from Kuralyov, a micronationalist heavily involved with left-wing nations, started to operate as an Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune, a direct democracy in which there was no head of state or judiciary (with no laws to enforce). Such a governmental system was highly experimental but briefly very successful, and its membership of the Left Alliance and its ideology led it to maintain strong relations with Barac;o and other Communist and Socialist micronations of the time. Like other 'SanderNations', it Also boasted an unusually rich national culture and a highly professional ConLang (for which Dielemann even devised a basic grammar and small dictionary), Feianovedo. Feianova's death in 2004 took with it perhaps one of the most interesting micronational government simulations ever devised, though Sander eventually moved on to new projects and the earlier enthusiasm for Communist and Socialist micronations across the Micran Sector died with it.. 

Feltar-Falterisches Imperium!!

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Fergustein. Principality!!

Fernando Moronha!!
     Am;rique-Ile-Br;sil. Mini Pays.. 

     Europe-Archipel danois autonome. Mini Pays.. 

Fiji Islands!!
     Republic of the FIJI Islands. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Finismund Kingdom!!
     Finismund's kingdom is a micronation that it does little it was constituyed, on November 9, 2009, nevertheless, his representatives have worked for it from years behind. " "It is a constitutional monarchy, which claims a few territories that have not been claimed in the Antarctica to the south of the land of the Queen Maud and others in Marie-Byrd, in which negotiation we meet WestпїЅrtica. The following websites are in Spanish, but may be approximately translated through AltaVista.. Listing on "Wiki Micronacional". Blog. "Reino de Finismund". According to Niels Vermeersch (Grand Duke Niels of Flandrensis), this project disbanded on 1 December 2009. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     People's Republic. Fira. A Rep;blica de Fira ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1981 at; 1983. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Fr;d;ric Maugey, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

     Republic of Flanders. Cyberianation. Alive. 01. 10. 2004. A Rep;blica de Flandres ; uma microna;;o modelista vla, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. Flanders was founded on November 29th, 1997 by Gert Geens, with himself as first President. It would remain in continuing existence for over five years. This period is called the First Republic. The Republic of Flanders (Republiek Vlaanderen) or, in full, the Second Democratic Republic of Flanders (Tweede Democratische Republiek Vlaanderen) is a Dutch micronation that was founded on November 29th, 1997 by Gert Geens. In colloquial speech, it is often referred to as VRV. After an hiatus between 2003 and 2004, the Republic was refounded as the Second Democratic Republic of Flanders on October 2nd, 2004. It was the first Dutch speaking micronation, and is currently the oldest in continuing existence. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Virtual Republic of Flanders.. 

     Grand Duchy of Flandensis. Alive. 03. 09. 2008. Active Status: Sovereign new-nation project. Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Location: Antarctica. Contact location - Belgium. Has a website: flandrensisgov. webs. com. Lider - Niels. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of Siple Island (73°39'S, 1°12'W) in Western Antarctica + an unspecified area of unspecified extent in the Highlands of NW Scotland. The Grand Duchy Flandrensis was founded on 4th September 2008 and is a Belgian-Antarctic micronation. Flandrensis is located on five small islands. Siple Island, Pranke Island, Maher Island, Cherry Island & Carney Island in West Antarctica. The Grand Duchy of Flandrensis is a sovereign and independent micronation inside the Kingdom of Finismund (another micronation in Antarctica), just like Gibraltar in Spain. Flandrensis is a constitutional monarchy, has a population of 34 citizens and Dutch is the official language. The nation is now mostly Catholic, followed by Protestant followers. The environment conservation of Siple Island and the Christian values are our priorities. They have contact the important countries of the Antarctic Treaty and Also contact Namibia, Botswana, Malawi, Liberia, Ghana, Togo, Gambia, Barbados, San Marino, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco and the Vatican City for inform them about their claim of Siple Island. The Grand Duchy of Flandrensis is a young but proud nation and we take it very serious. New Country Project. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Flat 24!!
     Republic. Flat 24. Flat 24. A Rep;blica do Flat 24 ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Flatland.. United States!!

Fleuve Indien!!
     O Fleuve Indien ; uma microna;;ofranc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Democratic Union of Floatia, New-Floatia and Vestia.. 

Floating Republic!!
     Rep;blica Flutuante. Rep;blica Flutuante. A Rep;blica Flutuante ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1797 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Island republic of Florencia.. 

     Autonomous Collective of Florfinbourg.. 

Fl;rida Ocidental Brit;nica!!

Florida West!!
     West Florida.Alive. 13. 12. 1901.. 

     Republic of Flubenhuben. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Fluplattform 1!!

Fly-Land Empire!!
     Current leader - Emperor Aaron The First In 2001 in order to protect himself and his family, a French boy called Aaron decided to create a city protected by water gun named Aaronville. Sometimes later, the city was forgotten by its inhabitants. But in 2003, on the former Aaronville terrritory, the same Aaron decided to create a state La R;publique de l'Etage - the Floor Republic. Its had 3 inhabitants, and he was the president for 6 month. However, 9 month after, he decided to improving his country, rising the citizen number. There were now 7 inhabitants -President Aaron sibling and cousins, and the Republic changed its name to The Fly-Land Republic.. 

     Commonwealth. Fom;rias. Fom;rias. O Comunidade das Fom;rias ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma _comunidade.. 

Footland.. Republic!!

     Protectorate of Forbes. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Forbes. Protectorate!!

Forbidden City!!
     Royal Enclave. Imperial palace of Ming and Qing Dynasties of China from 15th century to early 20th century. The following is from fellow micropartiologist DD Ting. Revisions in brackets are mine.. "The last emperor of the Qing Dynasty of China, Emperor Henry Puyi, succeeded the throne in 1909. In 1911, revolution. broke. out and the Qing army was defeated. The revolutionaries set up a provisional. government. and founded the Republic of China (ROC). According to the treaty signed between the Qing court and the ROC Gov't, Puyi perserved the emperor title, recieved annual payment from the ROC Gov't, and had rights to live in the Forbidden City, be protected by an imperial troop, grant noble and honorary titles, maintain certain gov't organs in the Forbidden City mainly for management of the Forbidden City and other palaces, management of imperial familes, etc. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Forbidden City!!
     Former Royal Enclave. Imperial palace of Ming and Qing Dynasties of China from 15th century to early 20th century. The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty. It is located in the middle of Beijing, China, and now houses the Palace Museum. For almost five hundred years, it served as the home of emperors and their households, as well as the ceremonial and political center of Chinese government. Built in 1406 to 1420, the complex consists of 980 buildings with 8,707 bays of rooms and covers 720,000 m2 (7,800,000 sq ft). The palace complex exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture,[2] and has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere. The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987, and is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world. Since 1925, the Forbidden City has been under the charge of the Palace Museum, whose extensive collection of artwork and artifacts were built upon the imperial collections of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Part of the museum's former collection is now located in the National Palace Museum in Taipei. Both museums descend from the same institution, but were split after the Chinese Civil War. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Imp;rio dos Unidos Estados.. 

     O Formiga ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Formori Community. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Type of Entity. Non-territorial community. Location: Europe. France. Date active: 1991. Has a website: www. fomoire. org. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Cultural organisation. Address - Email:. Contact location - France. Lider - Stephane. Does not claims/own/occupy/control territory. The Formori Community is a non-territorial proto-ethnic group developing and living by a culture inspired and dedicated to the ancient Formori people from early Celtic mythology. It is more a micronation than a microstate and has no actual government structure. The cultural re-creation activity is led by the Formori Institute, a registered non-profit organization established in France in October 1991. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

     Crown Dependency of Forvik. Founded in 2008. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. via Melby Pier Shetland ZE2 9PL United Kingdom. Contact location - Shetland Islands, UK. Lider - Stuart Hill. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of the island of Forewick Holm, in the Shetland Islands. An islet in Shetland, Scotland, declared an independent Crown dependency by Stuart Hill, who claims that the United Kingdom has breached the 1469 deal with Denmark, which transferred the Shetland Islands to the Scottish crown. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 



     Democratic Duchy of Francisville. Ducado Democr;tico de Francisville. Alive. 27. 11. 2008. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Free Cyberia!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation. The territory formerly controlled by ProvoCyberia during the Second War for Cyberian Liberation. It consisted of the provinces of Menet, Lasteria, the southern portion of Mattimeo and several of the Windsor Islands. The Provos turned this area over to the United Imperium lead by Emperor Jacobus in January of 2000.. 

Free Isles!!
     Ilhas Livres. Ilhas Livres. As Ilhas Livres ; uma microna;;o pecularista angl;fona, existente de 1960 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Free Nation Foundation!!
     A libertarian-based group seeking to form a new country. There are a number of articles on freedom, libertarianism, and the formation of a new country at this site. This group sought Non-Profit establishment, and made the following mission statement: To establish, through science, reason and cooperation, an ecologically sustainable society where the principle of freedom is paramount. The group Also had a Wiki and a Forum Site. FNF was founded in 1993 by Richard Hammer, to enact the plan which he had sketched in Toward a Free Nation. For seven years Mr. Hammer worked full time to manage and lead FNF. During this time FNF succeeded in a modest way. It published 26 issues of the quarterly Formulations, and organized 13 semi-annual forums. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Free Republic!!
     United Free Republic.. 

Free Socialist Republic!!
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Free World Order!!
     Free World Order. Build Freedom. com. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Freedom Port!!
     Port Freedom. Porto Liberdade. Porto Liberdade. O Porto Liberdade ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Freedom Republic!!
     Founder Nation. Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

Freedomia.. Empire!!

     Principality of Freedomland and Republic of Koneuwe. Фридомлэнд и Конеуве. Княжество Фридомлэнд и Республика Конеуве. В 1974 году некий Отмар А. ди Смидер (Othmar di Schmieder Rocca-Forozata) провозгласил независимость этого микрогосударства, якобы расположенного на островах Спратли в Южно-Китайском море. Однако площадь новоявленного государства составила всего лишь 10 м;. Дело в том, что акт о независимости был принят в одной из цюрихских квартир (Швейцария). Как один из атрибутов суверенности, были выпущены почтовые марки. Однако республиканская форма правления не устроила Смидера. Он решил стать полновластным хозяином своей страны. Новое государственное образование он назвал Княжество Фридомлэнд — Княжество Свободная Земля, а сам стал князем Отмаром. По заявлению князя, его государство находилось на островах между островом Борнео и Филиппинами. Сразу же были изготовлены весьма примитивные марки княжества. Помимо филателистической деятельности князь торговал недвижимостью и учёными степенями своего государства. Вскоре князь Отмар был арестован уголовной полицией по обвинению в мошенничестве. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Nearly a mile long, 750 feet in width and 25 stories high, Freedom will be the largest vessel to ever sail the seven seas. One of two ocean-based operations. This one being a literal floating city. "Freedom Ship is not a cruise ship, but a fascinating and unique place to live, work, retire, vacation, or visit. The ship will continuously circle the globe, covering most of the world's coastal regions. Its large fleet of commuter aircraft and hydrofoils will ferry residents and visitors to and from shore. The airport on the ship's top deck will serve private and small commercial aircraft (up to about 40 passengers). The vessel's superstructure, rising twenty-five stories above its broad main deck, will house residential space, a library, schools, and a first-class hospital in addition to retail and wholesale shops, banks, hotels, restaurants, entertainment facilities, casinos, offices, warehouses, and light manufacturing and assembly enterprises. Finally, a wide array of recreational and athletic facilities, worthy of a world class resort, will make Freedom Ship a veritable Community on the Sea. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Freedonia. Kingdom!!

Freedonia. Kingdom!!
     O Reino da Frid;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Freedonia. Principality!!

Freedonia. Principality!!
     Principality of Freedonia. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. 5337 Val Verde Houston TX 77056 USA. Contact location - Houston, Texas, USA. Lider - John Kyle. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Part of Awdal region of Somaliland, Somalia, northeast Africa. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. The Principality of Freedonia is a micronation based on libertarian principles. It was supposedly established as a "hypthetical project" by a group of US teenagers in 1992, before becoming a new country project in 1997. It is currently headed by a Texas university student named John Kyle, who uses the title Prince John I. Representatives of Freedonia were involved in discussions with the Sultan of Awdal in Somaliland in 2000, concerning the possible lease of coastal territory to the "principality". This led to public protests during which several Somalis were killed. The project has been largely inactive since that time. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Freedonia. Republic!!
     Frid;nia. Frid;nia. A Rep;blica da Frid;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1995 at; 1996. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Brett., localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 


     Sultanate of Freelonia. Fril;nia. O Sultanato da Fril;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na ;frica e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia isl;mica. A micro-nation devoted to non-sovereignty! A cyber-nation for all people joining in with the values and virtues set out in the 1998 Constitution of Freelonia. Freelonia is currently a parliamentarian monarchy with occasional elections and public vote. There might some anti-democratic structures and practices exist. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Freelonia.. Sultenate!!

     Frelandia was established on 26 June 2007 at 19:00 Central US Standard Time, after an evening of deliberation in a community swimming pool. While details are still sketchy, the proposed government will uphold the secular and socialist values that are sorely lacking in its parent nation, the United States - primarily genuine democracy, equal rights for all, an informed electorate, national support of art and culture, a truly public media where all voices can be heard - and the pursuit of diplomacy and peace. Frelandia currently has three citizens, and occupies 975 square feet of space in a two-bedroom apartment complex in Oklahoma City. Current goals include: Establishment of a national constitution, electoral system, currency, flag, anthem, and exploratory diplomatic outreach missions to other micronations. Deliberations are underway as to whether Frelandia will be a republic or a monarchy. A vote will be held to decide. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Sovereignty. Francomarca. Francomarca. O Soberania da Francomarca ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma _soberania.. 

Frenchmark. Royal Sovereign Principality!!

     O Frest;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Founded in 1977. Freston Road in west London staged a "secession" from the United Kingdom as Frestonia. State was established in 1977. It was founded by squatters (as a rule, hippies,musicians, actors, artists, etc. ), who settled in dilapidated andabandoned houses in London. Name of the State comes from the streetFreston Hill. In 1979 the city authorities tried to evict from frestoniantsevthey occupy houses - they appealed to the UN Security Council requirement to send an international peacekeeping force to rescue them. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Principality Frilia. Княжество Фрилия. Alive. 03. 04. 2003. Страна Фрилия объявляет о своем праве на самоопределение и суверенитет который будет отстаивать всеми возможными силами. Фрилия не представляет угрозы и опасности соседним с ней странам так как не имеет намерений нарушать их суверенитет, территориальную целостность и право на самоопределение. Фрилийцы строят отношения со всеми странами и государствами на принципах не вмешательства во внутренние дела этих стран и государств, добрососедства, сотрудничества и уважения их суверенитета и права на самоопределение. Фрилия приветствует добрые отношения с соседями. Фрилийцы с уважением относятся ко всем гражданам мира. Декларация принята народом и утверждена князем 4. 04. 2003г. 

     O Fril;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 


Frioul. Free Republic!!
     A Rep;blica Livre de Frioul ; uma microna;;o concretista franc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Kingdom of Frisland.. 

Fristan Nord-Norge!!

     People’s Republic. Fr;bnia. Fr;bnia. A Rep;blica Popular da Fr;bnia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1994 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Gypsy Joker, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

Fr;ceuse. R;publique!!

     Alive. 13. 11. 2010.. 

     Freistaat Fuchsen.. 

     Commonwealth of Fundy.. 

Futuna Island!!
     Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Futuna. Schahtum!!

     Empire of El Futuro.. 

     Grand Empire of Fuzzel.. 

     Official Web Portal of Fyksland. Island nation situated in the North Atlantic with its own language, history, and culture, and foreign policy. This service has been established by the Government in order to provide Fyksians and visitors easy access to public sector information on the web. To find out more about this service, click on "About online. fyksland" in the menu on the left side.. 

     Independent Republic of Gaea.. 

     Alive. 09. 06. 2008.. 

     Guh-haysh-hee. Creation and mission is to restore ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance knowledge to the modern world but another goal is to Also work towards greener technology. It is located in Pueblo West, Colorado. Gahattee's system of government is Direct Democracy. It has one head of government which is a Senate that consists of 5 people at the time. It's full system is still being discussed and worked out. A philosophy in Gahattee is a study of the basic traditional elements, Fire, Water, Earth, and Nature. Nature is considered both a physical element in the form of organic matter such as wood, animals or plants, and Nature Also refers to the cycle of all elements since all of the elements combined in a cycle makes up Nature.. 

     Later Tellia. Dead Nation. 11. 01. 2007. Cyberianation. Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

     Oc;anie-Archipel-Equateur. Mini Pays. Galapagos Conservancy (GC) is dedicated exclusively to the long-term protection of the Galapagos Islands. This single focus allows to maximize the impact of the financial investments of the members, who include individuals and institutions that care deeply about the Galapagos Islands and understand the scientific importance of preserving this extraordinary ecosystem. Collectively, members of the GC represent the largest source of private funding for Galapagos conservation. Direct support to on-the-ground research and management has more than doubled since 2004. GC is fortunate to collaborate with scientists from many U. S. universities, international non-governmental organizations, and a multitude of other institutions that are committed to Galapagos conservation.. 

Galesa. Rep;blica!!
     A Rep;blica Galesa Independente ( Welsh Republic, Independent. ) ; uma microna;;o modelista gae, existente de 1997 at; 1997. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Republic of the United Citizens. Galic;ia. Galic;ia. A Rep;blica das Prov;ncias Unidas da Galic;ia ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1998 at; 1998. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Ricardo Macedo, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Galicia New. Kingdom!!
     Kingdom of New Galicia. Alive. 13. 12. 1901. Location: North America. Mexico. Date active: 2003–present. Has a website: kingnewgalicia. blogspot. com.. 

Galiza Nova!!
     Nova Galiza.. 

     Gr;ndung 28. 08. 2001. 

     Dead. 28. 07. 2007.. 

     Republic of the GAMBIA. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Gamboa. R;publique!!
     Site - Forum/ML.. 


Ganja Den Empire!!
     The Ganja Den Empire is a small micronation that was founded to promote the campaign to legalize cannabis in Scotland. In addition to this, it is Also fighting against park rangers in Glasgow who repeatedly destroy harmless dens and constructions within Pollok Park. The Empire claims a small area of Pollok Park as it's territory and is governed by the Ganja Den Alliance (GDA).. 

     Republic. Ganjist;o. Ganjist;o. A Rep;blica do Ganjist;o ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; 1997. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Independent State. Garabond. O Garabond ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1991 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia parlamentarista.. 

Garagstan. Principality!!

     O Garama ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;.. 

     A Rep;blica de Welwyn Garden;sia ( Gardenesia, Republic of Welwyn. ) ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1996 at; 1997. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica militar.. 

     Armed Tyrannical Republic of Gariston. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Gay Parallel Republic!!

Gays and lesbians Kingdom!!
     Kingdom of gays and lesbians of the Coral sea islands. The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands is a micronation established as a symbolic political protest by a group of gay rights activists based in southeast Queensland Australia. It is an expression of Queer nationalism. Reino Gay e L;sbico das Ilhas do Mar dos Corais. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands is a micronation established as a symbolic political protest by a group of gay rights activists based in southeast Queensland Australia. It is an expression of Queer nationalism. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. PO Box 1251 Southport QLD 4215 Australia. Contact location - Gold Coast, Qld, Australia. Lider - Dale Anderson. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Entire Coral Sea Islands Territory of Australia. Founded in 2004. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Королевство было создано в Австралии в 2004-м. Главная утопическая идея — найти Землю обетованную, где коллектив единомышленников может обрести свободу от преследования законом и обществом, будь то курильщики марихуаны или приверженцы однополых браков. Легитимность государства под вопросом, соблюдение законов необязательно, порядок в стране не на высоте. Правительство Королевства» выпускает собственные марки с июля 2006 года. Номинал марок указывается в евро. Scattered over some 1 million square kilometres of ocean. The Gay & Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands was first administered as an overseas territory of England. In the 1960's it was administered from Australia by the department of the Environment, Sport and Territories as an overseas external territory of the Commonwealth of Australia. In June 2004 it declared it's independence from Australia and is currently the smallest Kingdom in the world. Related website. Unified Gay Tribe. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Global Country of World Peace. Leader: Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam. Founded in 2000. A country without borders for peace loving people everywhere" created by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, with capitals at MERU, Holland and Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 


Gelbe Reich!!

     Republic of Gemnoviag. Idaho, United States. Gemeleze Republic. Dead. 07. 09. 2007. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Location: North America. Idaho, USA. Date active: 2001–2008 last known activity. Has a website: www. gemnoviag. com. Contact location - Post Falls, Idaho, USA. Lider - Jaden Rosencrans. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Private residence and surrounding suburb. Gemnoviag is a micronation founded in 2001 in North Idaho with 114 citizens and independence declared in 2006. The government is a Republic and the President is Jaden Rosencrans. Now as of 2007 the nation is becoming more known as the president prepares to do an interview with the Post Falls newspaper. The nation has 0. 08 mi. of land and the Capitol is Azythia. As of 14 August 2010, this website has vanished. Self-Proclaimed State. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Gemnoviag. Republic!!

Genial State!!
     Island.. In Spanish.. 

Gennady Titov!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation.. 

     Город-Государство. Cyberianation.. 

Georgie du Sud!!
     Am;rique-Territoire britannique. Mini Pays.. 

     The Imperial State of Germania. Dead. 29. 03. 2008.. 

     Federa;;o Germ;nica.. 

     Independent State. Gan;sia. Gan;sia. O Estado Independente da Gan;sia ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa.. 

     Independent State of Ghanasie.. 

     North American Provinces of GHANLAND. Website missing as of 27 November 2010. President Ryan Sudhop. Ghanland is a New Country Project. Goal is to secede square foot of Alaskan land from the United States. Ghanland have a new constitution and have recently updated our website. The people of Ghanland recognize the importance of foreign relations; to this end we are reaching out to other micronations. The purpose of Governaman is to protect the people of Ghanland, advance economic prosperity, promote human rights, gain an understanding of the values and polices of other micronations, support Ghanland officials who work at home and abroad to promote the success of Ghanland. In turn, the North American Provinces of Ghanland is ready and willing to share its ideals with other micronations. from an e-mail by New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     British Overseas Territory. A shipping, offshore banking and international conference center, with a rich history and tourist attractions, all in a tiny enclave of 6. 5 sq. km attached to Spain. Flag icon, designed by Jim Watt, appears courtesy of Gibnet. com. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание. Mini Pays.. 


     Kingdom of Giovalen. The Kingdom of Giovalen (Italian: Regno del Giovalen, Neapolitan: Regno r; Giovalen) is a Italian-Neapolitan Micronation, which was established 7 November 2010, founded by King John and Queen Valentina.. 

     Tsarist Empire of Gishabrun. Micronations Wiki entry. Alive. 23. 05. 2009. "The Tsarist Empire of Gishabrun, is a Canadian-based, Tsarist micronation intent on gaining sovereignity to oppose most of today’s macronations, because it considers them corrupt and unfair. Gishabrun has three official goals outlined in the constitution: -Preserve the natural environment; -Preserve cultural traditions; -Institute non-corrupt and fair government. As well as its' unofficial goal; to advance scientific knowlege whenever possible, and to fulfill these goals in a better and more effective manner than most current nations are. Gishabrun Also strives to create a functionial non-capitalist, meritocratic society in which cultural assimilation, environmental neglect, and injustice are illegal. - from an e-mail by His Imperial Majesty, Kuri I. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Gishabrun.. st Empire!!

     Principado. Glensilv;nia. O Glensilv;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 195? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Glenn, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

     Kingdom of Gnomeria. The Kingdom of Gnomeria came into existence in August of the year 2008. Currently, the Kingdom of Gnomeria spans 5 separate Bailiwicks, each under the direct control of His Majestic Lordship Jefferson IX. It is a country of grand vistas, plunging valleys, expansive plains and a rich history and culture. The land that now constitutes The Kingdom was, until 2008, under the control of a brutal and cruel dictator called Spencer the Miserly. Gnomeria was likely named for and by the Gnomes that once lived there. Sadly, the gnomes were driven from their ancestral lands by the vicious rule of Spencer. On January 16, 2011, the land was ready to take its place amongst the other great micronations of the world. Captain General J. Matt Davis declared himself King Jefferson IX and officially renamed the land the Kingdom of Gnomeria.. 

     Republic. Goffrea. A Rep;blica de Goffrea ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Golden Book!!
     Commonwealth. Livro Dourado. Livro Dourado. O Comunidade do Livro Dourado ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 1995 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma _comunidade.. 

     Провинция. Cyberianation.. 

Gondor e Arnor!!
     Gondor e Arnor. O Gondor e Arnor ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Mr. Houghton, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia feudal.. 

Good Faith Township!!
     Boa F;. Boa F;. O Cidadela da Boa F; ; uma microna;;o pecularista angl;fona, existente de 197? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Walter Mann, Betty McCorkle, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma municipalidade.. 

     Dead. 24. 02. 2006. Lider: Joshua Coales. Status: Defunct. Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Got Nation!!
     National level simulation in which players run or ruin a nation, applying economic principles and common sense - includes forum.. 

     Alive. 13. 03. 2004. Cyberianation.. 

Gough Island!!
     Tristan de Cucna. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     O Goust ; uma microna;;o concretista franc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Governed City States!!
     United Federation of Independent Democratically Governed City States. F.U.C.S.I.D.G.. A Federa;;o Unida dos C. S. Independentes Democraticamente Governados ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma confedera;;o.. 

Governo Virtual!!
     A microna;;o Rep;blica do Governo Virtual nasceu com uma nova id;ia de micronacionalismo, rompendo com todas as tradi;;es do modo de se fazer uma microna;;o, o Gev;, como ; chamado por seus habitantes fundou-se no site de relacionamentos Orkut, passando a ter muito mais ferramentas tecnol;gicas que outras microna;;es mais conhecidas.. 

     Reino Unido da Gr;-Bretanha. 

Gralus. Gralus!!
     Alive. 22. 09. 2007. Cyberianation.. 

Gran Novara!!

     Kingdom Gr;mbia. Gr;mbia. O Reino da Gr;mbia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1970 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Andrew Richardson, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Independent State of Granbia. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Liverpool, United Kingdom. Lider - Andrew. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Private residence in Liverpool, England. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Grand Commonwealth!!
     Dead Nation. 25. 03. 2005. Cyberianation.. 

Grand Confederatione!!
     A Confedera;;o do Grand ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; 1997. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma confedera;;o.. 

     Kingdom Grande Norte. Grande Norte. O Reino do Grande Norte ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

     Bienvenue a la R;publique populaire de Grasonce. Volksrepublik Grasonce. Staatspr;sident Dominique Le Fur ist seit dem 16. M;rz 2010 das Staatsoberhaupt der grasoncischen Nation. Grasonce ist ein demokratischer sozialistischer Zentralstaat. Grasonce ist ein Staat durch den B;rger, mit Hilfe des B;rgers f;r den B;rger. Autorit;re und totalit;re Tendenzen werden von uns verabscheut und finden hier keinen Anklang. Es gelten die Menschenrechte und alle damit verbundenen Privilegien unserer B;rger. Grasonce sieht sich einen modernen und fortschrittlichen Staat in der Mitte der Welt. Selbstverst;ndlich ist Grasonce nicht nur von Politik dominiert. Fernab den Wirren M;lvines. Grasonce bietet die sch;nsten Landschaften, die tollsten Speisen und die h;bschesten Frauen der Welt.. 

     Kingdom of Gratismansland. The Kingdom of Gratismansland was declared independent from the USA on October 24, 2010. It is a beautiful country with amazing and funny people. This nation is its own country by self-determination by the Montevideo Convention and is not a joke or a secessionist state. Gratismansland was formed on October 24, 2010, when the current king got bored and decided that he would do something awesome instead of playing on his PS2 all day. He had recently discovered micronations, and soon afterwards this country was born. Gratisian government is a constitutional monarchy, the king being Jordan Buschman. They regularly hold gubernatorial hearings in order to govern their nation.. 

Great Automatic People's Republic!!
     Rep;blica Autom;tica. Rep;blica Autom;tica. A Rep;blica Popular Grande Autom;tica ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

     Project. Greenia is being formed as a new Country Project with the goal of Gaining some type of full independence sometime in the near future. "Greenia is a nation of people who wish for something better. While citizenship is a legal way to becoming a member of Greenia we do however only allow citizenship to persons who live in a geographic region. This region is Oceania. This is because Greenia Also contains a large offline area as well, so this site only contains information for the greater Micronational community and no interactive area. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Greenland New!!
     New Greenland.. 

     Kingdom of Greenuk. Dead. 22. 11. 2006. Cyberianation. Location: United Kingdom. Lider. Scott Cairney. Active. Greenuk was founded long ago by a band of revolutionaries from the country of Scottsland on the outskirts of micras. They were exiled for plotting against the kings, they trekked across baron space until they found a cluster of planet in the messier 81 galaxy which they proclaimed darwin. In memory of their homeland they called the main village New scottsland which changed to scottsland after the orignal country crumbled. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Grand Duchy of Greifenberg. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - USA. Lider - Paul. Does not claims/own/occupy/control territory. Vvirtual entity. Grand Duchy is a constitutional, hereditary monarchy established on a democratic and parliamentary basis and the power of the State is embodied in the Reigning Grand Duke and the People…” Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

     Furstentum Greifenburg. Gr;ndung: 09. 04. 2010.. 1800 - Die fr;heren Siedler wurden sesshaft und erbauten kleine Siedlungen, die gr;;te hier zuerst Greifenberg. Als der Anf;hrer der Gruppe der Siedler Warius die Umgebung erkundigen wolte, bestieg er einen Berg und sah aufs Tal herunter. Laut Legende soll er bei seiner Besichtigung einen Greifen get;tet haben, wo heute eine Burg steht. So erhielt die Stadt den Namen Greifenburg.. 1834-1876 - Als die Industrie immer st;rker wurde, gr;ndete man Gesellschaften um die Arbeitskraft zu st;rken. Die verlief gut, aber trotzdem herrschte eine gro;e Armut. Als Warius 1876 starb, hatte er keinen Nachfolger hinterlassen. Doch sein Neffe Sir Longsword ;bernahm die Pflicht. Er rief das F;rstentum Greifenburg aus. Ab nun war es eine parlamentarische Monarchie.. 1900-1935 - Als sich die neune fremden Siedler mit ihren Boten auf Greifenburg niederlie;en, wollten sie einfach ein neues Leben beginnen. Sie dachten hier w;rden sie alleine sein, Also marschierten sie vor, ohne jede Ahnung das hier viel fr;her Menschen gelandet sind. Bei Zusammensto;en kam es zu Gewalt und zu kleinen Rebellenkriegen.. 1940-1946 - Der erste Greifenburgische B;rgerkrieg ist ausgebrochen. Hier bek;mpfen sich die Greifenburgische Reichsarmee gegen die unentwickelte tokschovarische Armee. In mehreren Schlachten ging es meist unentschieden aus. Doch bei Arves gelang es den Greifenburgern sie entg;ltig zu ebsiegen und den Streit zu schlichten. 5 Jahre lang hatte der Krieg gedauert und die Tokschovarier haben gro;e Verluste erlitten.. 1980-2010 - In dieser Zeit lebten die beiden Volksgruppen mist friedlich obwohl Greifenburg die Kontrolle ;ber den S;den hatte. Meist kam es zu Protesten die gewaltlos verliefen. Als sich dann die Provinz Mitrovica mit der Merheit an Tokschovariern abspalten wollte, wurde die Armee sofort mobilisiert und somit ein weiterer B;rgerkrieg verhindert.. 2010, zweiter B;rgerkrieg. Nachdem Greifenburg seine komplette Unabh;ngigkeit ausgerufen hatte, ging es bergauf, doch immer wieder mit St;rungen im S;den. Als man Sezessionsbewegungen und Rebellenk;mpfe festgestellt hatte, kam es zum zweiten B;rgerkrieg. Hier ging der F;hrer Jasper Housmear mit seiner Guerillaarmee bis nach Greifenburg und entf;hrte eine fuchsische Geisel. Daraufhin bombardierte die Luftwaffe ihre Hauptstadt Arves und sie zogen sich alm;lich zur;ck. Die Geisel wurde freigelassen aber Greifenburg musste wegen den Sch;den das 4-Punkteprogramm unterzeichnen in dem stand, dass sie mit den Tokschovariern verhandeln m;ssen und f;r die entstandenen Sch;den aufkommen m;ssen. Das Milit;r zog sich zur;ck, Greifenburg gewann den Krieg. Toschovo wurde nun die 6. Provinz.. 

     British Protectoriate. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Grand Duchy Gronh;rdia. Gronh;rdia. O Gr;o-Ducado da Gronh;rdia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1998 at; 1999. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Christopher Thieme, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-ducado.. 

     Grand Duchy of Grognardia.. 

     Vereinigtes Gro;f;rstentum.. 

Groucho-Marxist Party!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation.. 

Gruver and Prussia!!
     Empire of Gruver and Prussia. Renamed Empire of Swan Lake. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Empire Gr;ver. Gr;ver. O Imp;rio de Gruver ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, fundada em por Andrew Hamilton. Existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Foi fundada por A!, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

     Department of Guadeloupe. French Overseas Territory.. (Actual flag unknown. ) Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Guantanamo Bay!!
     Am;rique-Base militaire (Cuba)-Etats-Unis. Mini Pays.. 

Guarapiranga. Principado!!

Guard. Kingdom!!
     Alive. Guard is a small nomadic Kingdom that is ruled by The Lita Family. King M. Lita I is the current holder of the throne. The kingdom was founded on Jan. 21, 2011. The name of the Guard Kingdom derives from the nature of the Kingdoms personality and their foreign affairs. The Kingdom is named after it's peoples values to protect the innocent and those who are unable to do so for themselves. The Guard Kingdom is a constitutional Monarchy that is ruled by His Majesty King M. Lita I. of the Lita Royal Family. His Majesty and all other members of his family are the only ruling class of the Kingdom and no non-famly member is allowed to hold any position of power anywhere within the Kingdom, unless they are apointed by the His Majesty himself. King M. Lita I is absolute law of the land and his word is always final, he makes all the decisions in Guard. He is has advisers that provide their level of expertise on a certain a subject, The King evaluated all of his advisers advice and comes up with a conclusion that always benefits the Kingdom and its citizens.. 

     Bailiwick of Guernesey. National Trust of Guernsey. Guernsey Tourism Board. Also known as the Guernsey Channel Islands. Europe-Bailiwick autonome. Mini Pays. British Crown Dependency. Guernsey is the last remnant of the medieval Dukedom of Normandy, which held sway in both France and England. The largest of these islands are Alderny, Herm and Sark. The National Trust of Guernsey owns several properties, most of which are tenanted (and strictly private) but whose architectural importance is able to be appreciated from the exterior. Areas of outstanding natural beauty count among the large parcels of land owned by NTG. Beautiful walks can be enjoyed along well-maintained pathways and seats are often to be found at strategic viewing points. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Gulivien. Republik!!

Gull Lake Republic!!
     The Gull Lake Republic declared independence from the Dominion of Canada on September 1st 2009. It remained under martial law until the landslide September 23rd elections which reformed the republic into the Solvo Federation. The Government of the Gull Lake Republic was a Democracy, however up until the September 23rd Solvo Articles was established as the constitution the republic was under martial law. The Republic of Gull Lake was a pending member to the AAP, however before it gained entry it was reformed into the Solvo Federation.. 

     Ancient Republic-Kingdom of Upper and Lower Habakkuk in Amon-Ra.. 

     Kingdom of Habsburg.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. 25. 01. 2010.. 

     GronHesskennagst von Hagaen. Gr;o-Ducado ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente desde 2003. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Jefferson Antunes, com o pseud;nimo de Esbran von Hagaen II, localizado no Estado do Esp;rito Santo,Brasil, por obter cerca de 80% dos membros perto da coroa, tem como sistema de governo uma Monarquia Heredit;ria Absolutista. 

Hajdu;ka Republika!!
     Hajdu;ka Republika Mijata Tomi;a. The republic is in the areas between the mountains of Vran and ;vrsnica, in the middle of the Nature Park Blidinje, western Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Leader: Vinko Vukoja Lastvi;. Founded in 2002. A protest project (based on Vran mountain, in Blidinje Nature Park, Bosnia and Herzegovina) started by a local because of inefficiency of problems with the local electricity supply. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Kingdom of Hamland. Cyberianation. 31. 07. 2007. Lider: Lewis. Active. Alive. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Hamudistan is a virtual country, liberal and full of joy, conveniently located between reality and phantasy. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Kingdom of Hanover. Hanover's first monarch, King James I, established the Kingdom of Hanover in the year 2002 in order to provide a venue for the participation of ordinary people in the development and governing of a typical contemporary Western-style kingdom. Ever since, the Hanoverian people have worked steadily toward the fulfillment of James' vision: the creation of a community that authentically recreates the institutions and traditions of a constitutional monarchy. The Kingdom of Hanover is a sovereign non-territorial micronation founded in November of 2002. The Kingdom of Hanover is a Constitutional Parliamentary Monarchy following in the great democratic tradition of civilized Western nations. Hanover is not a simulation but rather a real, functioning micronation. While your perusal of this website may reveal certain simulated elements such as maps or micronational religions, these elements are considered ornamental and exist only for the entertainment of the populace. The Kingdom of Hanover is a community of dedicated citizens, noble institutions, splendid ceremonies, and animated political discourse. The Kingdom of Hanover is a vibrant community of people voluntarily united for the purpose of authentically recreating a traditional Western Constitutional Monarchy. Hanover provides a unique outlet for participation within a kingdom for persons who might otherwise never have the chance. Whether one's interests are political, cultural, traditional or ceremonial, Hanover provides a vast array of opportunities to become involved in the life of this charming community. This website was created to help visitors learn more about the Kingdom of Hanover, and to make the citizenship process smooth.. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. 

     Socialist Republic Hansast;o. Hansast;o. A Rep;blica Socialista do Hansast;o ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

     Virtuelle Republik Hansastan.. 

Hansation.. Free Kingdom!!

     Dead. 11. 04. 2007. Hansebau Free City. 

Happy Tree Friends Land!!
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Haren. Grand Duchy!!
     O Gr;o-Ducado de Haren ; uma microna;;o. Fica numa ilha vizinha ; Ilha de Mather, onde fica o Imp;rio de Stradvarius. Em 10 de Janeiro de 2007 foi anexado ao Imp;rio stradvariano como Ducado de Haren.. 

Haren. Republic!!
     O Gr;o-Ducado de Haren ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-ducado.. 

     Konigreich Harkelonien und Atlania. Gr;ndung 01. 07. 1998. Der h;rkelonisch-atlanischen Union, eine rein fiktive, virtuelle "Staatengemeinschaft" im Intenet. Diese virtuelle Welt ist kein Bestandteil des deutschen Netzwerkes der Mikronationen, sondern ist ein eigenst;ndiges Projekt mit eigener Weltkarte. Sollte jemand bei den diversen KHA-Karten meinen, irgendwelche ;hnlichkeiten zu den deutschen oder anderen Welt- oder L;nderkarten zu entdecken, kann ich versichern, dass das rein zuf;llig und unbeabsichtigt w;re. Ich habe mit deren Projekten absolut nichts zu tun. H;rkelonien-Atlania ist von der optischen und politischen Gestaltung kein Gemeinschaftsprojekt. Es ist ein fertiger Staat, der schon seit 1998 als Internetwebpr;senz besteht. Interessenten k;nnen aber im Forum ein ungest;rtes "Leben" auf H-A oder in einem der Unionsl;nder simulieren, solange die Gesetze und die Gegebenheiten im jeweiligen Land geachtet werden. Es gibt ein paar Richtlinien, die einfach zu befolgen sind. Man findet sie im Forum im SimOff-Bereich. Dabei ist in den Unionsl;ndern Raum genug f;r eigene Gestaltung, da diese nicht so fix ausgebaut sind wie das Mutterland. Es gen;gt, wenn man das schon verhandene Grundger;st beachtet (findet man auf den jeweiligen Homepages), darauf kann man dann weiterbauen. Jede Kolonie und jedes Unionsland hat ihren eigenen Sektor im Unionsforum (HAU). Wichtig: Man muss sich registrieren, um die Fora betreten zu k;nnen.. 

     H;rkelonien-Atlania ist von der optischen und politischen Gestaltung kein Gemeinschaftsprojekt. Es ist ein fertiger Staat, der schon seit 1998 als Internetwebpr;senz besteht.. 

     Free Land of Harmonia. O Harm;nia ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Virtual Republic Hassm;ria. A Rep;blica Virtual da Hassm;ria ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Virtual republic of Hassmoria.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. 09. 05. 2007. Hatay.. 

Hau'oli 'Ena!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

     A Rep;blica de Havana ; uma microna;;o lus;fona fundada em 16 de Mar;o de 2002, como Rep;blica Presidencialista mas baseada no Socialismo. Fica na ilha de Cuba.. 

Havana. Republic!!

     Imperial Nation Haven. O Estado Imperial de Haven ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1996 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Jesse Kirch, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

     City-State Havenport. Havenport. O Cidade-Estado de Havenport ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma municipalidade.. 

Hawaii New!!
     New Hawaii. O Novo Hava; ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     O Hawera ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1879 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Haws and Greystone!!
     Independent Territories. Haws e Greystone. Haws e Greystone. O Haws e Greystone ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Hay on Wye!!
     Kingdom. Hay-on-Wye. Kingdom of Hay-on-wye. Independent Kingdom of Hay on Wye. Hay. Hay. O Reino de Hay ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1977 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Richard Booth, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. O Reino de Hay ; uma microna;;o angl;fona. Localizado no RU, procurar mais com o Fabrice (FOD. ). Self-Proclaimed State. Founded in 1977. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Hay Castle Hay-on-wye Herefordshire HR3 5DG United Kingdom. Contact location - Hay-on-wye, Wales, United Kingdom. Lider - Richard Booth. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Historic private residence in Hay-on-wye, Wales. A town in Wales which was declared independent by bibliophile Richard Booth as a publicity stunt. Booth's success in promoting Hay as a "town of books" was recognised with the award of an MBE in the 2004 Queen's New Year Honours. First started in 1977, the Hay Peerage is still available today with Richard Booth The King of Hay, conferring Dukedoms; Earldoms; Baronies and Knighthoods, at minimal cost and with very little fuss. Richard Booth the King of Hay and the first Honorary Life President of the international Booktown Movement, creates a new Hay Peer. Many people from all over the world and from all walks of life have become Noblemen and Noblewomen in this way. More a publicity stunt than an actual secession, the little Welsh village of Hay-on-Wye (located in Powys County in Wales and bordering Herefordshire County in England, through which the village's mail passes) proclaimed "independence" on 1 April 1977, establishing Richard George William Pitt Booth, owner of Europe's largest second-hand bookstore, as Richard the First, King of Hay (He rested the mantle of Prime Minister on his horse). The publicity stunt appears to have done wonders for the village's economy, and is now the site of an annual book fair. The Hay Peerage sells honorarary titles of nobility via the website, along with other ephemera. Among the pamphlets by King Richard available for sale are "Bring Back Horses", "Abolish the Wales Tourist Board" and "God Save Us From the Development Board for Rural Wales". Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Hazra Bizan. Principality!!

Heaven Outer!!
     Heaven Exterior. O Heaven Exterior ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Hebrydes New. Archipelago!!
     New Hebrydes, Archipelago of All-New. Novas H;brides. Novas H;brides. O Arquip;lago das Novas H;brides ; uma microna;;ofranc;fona, existente de 1991 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Michael J. Oliver, localizada na Am;rica Central e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Heiliges Roemisches Reich!!
     Gr;ndung: 22. 10. 2008. Man schreibt das Jahr 1357 nach Christus. Seit elf Jahren regiert Karl IV. das Heilige R;mische Reich, seit dem Vorjahre auch als Kaiser. Sein Aufstieg war m;hsam, erfuhr mit der Wahl zum Gegenk;nig einen ersten, wenn auch ungewissen H;hepunkt. Doch binnen eines Jahrzehnts hatte sich der weise Regent, der auch K;nig von B;hmen ist, im ganzen Reich unumstritten durchgesetzt. Als "Kaufmann auf dem Kaiserthron" gelang es ihm, seine Residenzstadt Prag zur drittgr;;ten Stadt der Christenheit nach Konstantinopel und Rom auszubauen. In nah und fern erschallt der Ruf von der "Goldenen Stadt" an der Moldau. Karl IV. hat dem Reich damit einen Mittelpunkt gegeben, ein Desiderat im Heiligen Reiche. Prag ;berstrahlt in seiner Pracht sogar Paris und London. H;ndler und Kaufleute aus aller Welt s;umen mit ihren Waren die breiten Stra;en und gewaltigen Pl;tze. Vergessen scheint der Schwarze Tod, der vor einem halben Dutzend Jahren ganz Europa verdunkelte. Man ist bereit f;r einen glorreichen Neuanfang. Alle Wege f;hren nach Prag.. 

Helennes New/ State!!
     New Helennes, State. Novas Helennes. Novas Helennes. O Estado de Novas Helennes ; uma microna;;o, existente de 1993 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma _estado.. 

Helios. Republic!!

     Nation of Heliotrope. The Nation of Heliotrope declared independence on July15, 2009 by proclamation of HM Lady moreau, Queen of Heliotrope. Today, the Nation of Heliotropecelebrates this history. The word heliotrope means 'turning intothe sun'. This is the action taken by the Heliotrope flower which is apurple hue. These elements are combined and displayed on the nationalflag, the Trope, in remembrance of that powerful day and display of action through laughterand hope. TheNation of Heliotrope is accepting applications for citizenship. We holdan open citizenship policy allowing applicants to retain previousloyalties andmaintain multiple citizenships. All Hel citizensare representatives of Heliotropeand some form of participation is appreciated. Participation caninclude but is not limited to promotion of the nation, accepting andacting out official government and national roles, as well as the optionto fill out occasional surveys and voicing opinions via a forum. Forclarification of the legal status of citizen rights: Hel citizens haveno rights. Heliotrope does respect and enjoy a variety of citizens withdifferent skills, backgrounds, practices, and opinions.. 

Hell. People's Republic!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Helmolds Patrimony!!
     Knights Helmolds Patrimony. Knight Helmold de Lode lived during late 13th century in the Duchy of Estonia. He is most known as possessor of two cities, Lodenrode and Koila, first time mentioned A. D. 1296, May 25. After centuries of abadonment, these dormant cities were revived A. D. 1996, May 25, as a 'micronation', under the joint name of Knight Helmolds Patrimony, or, more formally, Knight Helmolds Bailiwick. -. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Heltrian.. Empire!!

Henderson Island!!
     Pitcairn Islands. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     O Hen;sia ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Henosia.. Empire!!

Herakleia New. Heptarchy!!
     The Heptarchy of New Herakleia is a secular and libertarian micronation that seceded from Greece in 2010. The Heptarchy of New Herakleia was established in 2006 by seven greek citizens who "wanted to live by their own right and ways". Over the next two years, the level of self-government evolved into a practical provisional government with its own local costums in the village of Nea Heraklia in Chalkidiki. In 2009 ideas of secession emerged leading to a more organized decentralized government and a year later, a Declaration of Independance and a Constitution were signed. The government of the Heptarchy of New Herakleia evolved through the years into a multifactional system of laws, simple in principal following a decentralized approach to the rulings of the upper house (Council of the Seven) and its supporting lower house (Assembly of the People).. 

     O Reino de Heraldia foi fundado em 2008, proveniente de ex-membros de Pathros, que reconheceu a independ;ncia de Heraldia em 30 de Outubro de 2008, com a assinatura do Tratado de Tolond. Fica localizado na Ilha de Mer;vis no Arquip;lago de Pathros, abaixo da Ilha de Creta nas ilhas gregas. Heraldia tem cultura baseada na cultura grega, com elementos medievais e com grande foco na her;ldica. O Monarca de Heraldia ; SMR Ninus III Carmelo Pellegrini Logos. A Capital de Heraldia ; a Cidade de Urbana, que tamb;m ; a sede do Ducado de Urbana, existem ainda outros 3 Ducados: Kallyhtea e Lindolys e Nova Belmont (que se fundiu ao Reino de Heraldia em 2009 e tornando-se um Ducado).. 

Herm Island!!
     Petite ;le du "Bailiwick" de Guernesey. Mini Pays. British Crown Dependency. A small island of the Guernsey Bailiwick (approx 2. 5 km long and 0. 8 km wide). This is a tourism site run by the island's residents (All 50 of them). Also GUERNSEY Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Her;ya.. Republic!!

     People's Republic of Herrengia. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Herrengia. People's Republic!!

     Empire of Hesperia. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. 453 Buena Vista #112 Almeida CA 94501 USA. Contact location - San Francisco, CA, USA. Lider - Theodore. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Part of Marrin County, California. O Imp;rio da Hesp;ria ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

     Estado Hesperio. Западное государство. Federation of Doutherhi and Hespevies Islands или Estado Hesperio. О появлении государства с таким названием заявил в середине 1960-х годов некто Стопахио, генеральный почтмейстер этой территории. Однако официальный представитель не смог назвать точного местоположения своей страны. Он ограничился лишь туманным заявлением о том, что это — остров, расположенный в морях юга Тихого океана. Скорее всего, Стопахио облюбовал для своего государства таинственный остров похожего названия, открытый у берегов Антарктиды в середине XIX века, а затем бесследно исчезнувший. Видимо, это был просто огромный айсберг, принятый за неизвестную землю. Первые почтовые призраки острова появились в 1964 году к Олимпийским играм в Токио. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Het Rijk!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

     Empire. O Imp;rio de Hib;rnia ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 2000 at; 2000. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

     Magno Imp;rio de Hib;rnia.. 

     Hicks Empire. Lider. Sean Hicks. O Imp;rio Hicks ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio. We are a monarchy of the New Millenium. We manifest a voice and body for fun, fairness, seriousness, good values, morals, and much more! We are not content in just sitting around and accomplishing nothing. We shall thrive in this world, and in doing so, we shall be known, and in doing so, we shall attempt to influence others with these desirable qualities. - Emperor Sean Nathanael Hicks of the Hicks Empire. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Government of Himriyya. Химрия. Правительство Химрии. Химрия — населённый пункт на побережье Персидского залива в эмирате Шарджа (ОАЭ). В апреле 1965 года на филателистическом рынке появились марки с надпечаткой Government of Himriyya (Правительство Химрии). Однако почтовая администрация Шарджи эти марки не признала. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     O Hiperb;rea ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma. rep;blica.. 

     Empire of Hispania. Dead. 28. 01. 2008.. 

     Das sozialistische K;nigreich Hohenstollern ist in erster Linie eine sogenannte Spa;- MN, sprich eine virtuelle Nation ohne Anspruch auf Realismus. Das hei;t das wir auf Reakit;t nur subjektiv Wert legen. Im Grunde ist alles erlaubt, ob Magie oder Pornographie. Beachte aber die AGB's bzw. die Nutzungsbedingungen die hier f;r alle MN's in Deutschland gleicherma;en gelten. Staatsform des K;nigreiches ist die sozialistische Monarchie mit dem K;nig (maskulines Organ) und der Dame Primus (fiminines Organ). Hohenstollern wird Also von einem Mann und einer Frau als Primus inter pares gleicherma;en gef;hrt. Da wir keine ausgewiesenen Fachleute f;r gewisse Staats- und Gesellschaftsformen sind, haben wir viel erfunden oder vermischt. Solltest Du Dich Also auskennen, bist Du eingeladen uns etwas dar;ber beizubringen. Aber bedenke bitte das wir es hier nicht allzu engstirnig angehen m;chten denn wie bei allem ist f;r uns hier der Spa; wichtig. Die MN ist darauf ausgelegt das man soviel posten soll wie man will. Ob viel oder wenig ist egal. Durch kleine Beitr;ge und wenig engagement sind wir auch in der Lage eine sch;ne Sim (Simulation) zu spielen.. 

     Empire of Holcetaea. Alive. 22. 09. 2007. The Empire of Holcetaea is a micronation founded on September 23, 2007, bordering the US states of Illinois and Iowa with exclaves surrounded by Florida and Wisconsin. Holcetaea was created by I'ohn of McClean-Tagtmeier. Governed as a Constitutional Monarchy, it has an American culture with many Celtic and Germanic features. The Government is a Federal Constitutional Monarchy, allowing its sub-realms a constitutionally protected level of autonomy. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Hollunderlande. Republiek!!

Holly Hill!!
     Independent Republic. Formerly the People's Democratic Republic of Holly Hill. Listing moved to Model Countries. New Country Project. Listing moved to Model Countries. Due to hijacking of the PDR Holly Hill redirect service, we will cease to have a website. Please list us still, with my email address, benjamin. dallas@mac. com. We have created a new flag, passport, and visa stamps for visitors. - from an e-mail by President Benjamin J. Dallas. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     The Holzer Empire. Cyberianation. Alive. 16. 01. 2007.. 

     Monarchy of Homeland. O Monarquia de Homeland ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1999 at; 2000. Atualmente, est; extinta. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. Somewhere deep within the Swedish metropolis of Malm; lies the ancient monarchy known as Homeland. Despite its relatively small size, it has survived until present day. The current Monarch rules with a (sort of) firm hand, and is one of the youngest ruling Monarchs on the planet. The Homeland Forum mailing list is a list for all sorts of things related to the Monarchy of Homeland. The mailing list is open to everyone who wants to join, not just citizens of Homeland. The permanent topic is the Monarchy, naturally, and things concerning it.. 

Hong Kong!!
     Special Administrative Region (of the People's Republic of China. A former British Crown Colony in China, it reverted to the P. R. C. in 1997, but is granted a limited form of self-government. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Horda dos Trogloditas!!
     O Horda dos Trogloditas ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma horda. A Horda dos Trogloditas ( Troglodytes, Horde. ) ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma horda tribal.. 

Hoss Rosario!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation. Older brother of Michael Rosario, and supporter of human rights in the early days of Cyberia. Although of limited capacity, Hoss always showed good humor and a brotherly concern for his younger brother's well-being. Nominated for President by the Groucho-Marxist Party, although denied a place on the ballot as he had been exiled, by the Cyberian Oligarchy and was not considered to be a citizen by them.. 

     Cyberianation. Capital – Modbury. Largest Cities - Loughton, Treblinka.. 

House Bonaparte-Stuart-Kahunamea!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation.. 

Hout Ba;a!!
     Ba;a Hout. O Ba;a Hout ; uma microna;;o concretista afr, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na ;frica e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Howland and Baker Islands,!!
     Republic. Ilhas Howland e Baker. Ilhas Howland e Baker. A Rep;blica das Ilhas Howland e Baker ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. The ruling House of the old United Imperium and a factor in the histories of Cognito, Lac Glacei, Jaris, Cyberia, Absentia and other micronations. The House claims descent from Napoleon I, Mellow Prince Melvin of the House of Stuart, and Kahunamea IV, King of the Mala'anje. The most notable living members of the House are the former Emperor Jacobus, his nephew Prince Jacobus,(aka Jacobus II) and his cousin Capt. Geoffrey T. Spaulding. Emperor Jacobus is still nominally the head of the House. He had abandoned monarchy in favor of supporting the Federal Republic of Cyberia but faces strife from his younger relatives.. 

     O Hr;ti (no original, Hratuba) ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1997 at; 1997. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Foi fundada por portugueses, e ; considerada a primeira lus;fona n;o-americana.. 

     Hr;ti. O Hr;ti (no original, Hratuba) ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1997 at; 1997. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Foi fundada por portugueses, e ; considerada a primeira lus;fona n;o-americana.. 

     Alive. 01. 07. 2010. Holy Republic of Paragonia. 

Huesca. Sovereign Duchy!!
     Lider. Joseph Ebacher. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     1878. A former micronation, occupying the Spratly Islands, which merged into the Republic of Morac-Songhrati-Meads in September 1963.. 21.. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 


     Dead. 25. 06. 2007. Cyberianation. Capital: Nerdland. Active. DavHurd, King and founder of Hurdania. Hurdania is the country where, unsprisingly, all the Hurds come from. The Hurds are a slightly backwards, but totally harmless, tribe of computer Nerds. They speak English (not American) and have been known to get violent if the language is not spoken correctly. There is no known currency on Hurdania, they simply send each other emails, set up websites and hope for the best. There is only one known colony of the Hurds and that is on the island Hurdania. Because of this the Hurds have become an endangered species and do not know how to deal with visitors to the island so it has become more of a nature reserve. There are only eight Hurds counted on the island and only one of those is female. Because the Hurds are computer geeks, they don't know how to deal with women. There is worry the race will become extinct very soon. The Hurds like rock music and, although usually calm, have been known to kill anyone playing 'popular' music within a five mile radius. The island of Hurdania, although a beautiful place, is best kept the hell away from. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Cyberianation. Alive. 03. 09. 2006. Hurmu is a small country based mainly around the Holy Lakes of northern Lyrica (Lake District)and the small district of Lontinien on the mainland of Apollonia. It is a protectorate, meaning that Babkha and Stormark are responsible for Hurmu's foreign affairs and defence, with Hurmu remaning fully autonomous for its internal, cultural and governmental affairs. The Queen of Hurmu is Aoife, holding a ceremonial role. Real power lies with the Senate and its chairman, Vali Ri av Silmahamnum.. 

     The Federal Republic of Hurricane is a micronation based in Central Arkansas. The current semi-provisional government's effort to build a complete state is being led by James Tyhurst. The intended result is a state capable of high unity and efficeincy. In 2009, Hurricane's first President, James Tyhurst, became acquainted with Guillaume S;rg;l, the then-leader of the now defunct micronation of Sandus. S;rg;l informed Tyhurst about his micronation, and the latter soon became interested in this project. Over time, Tyhurst worked as a Governor, Admiral and Legislator in the Revolutionary Council in Sandus. However, this era ended with the massive and sudden collapse of the left wing leadership of Sandus, which caused Sandus to become inactive which thus allowed the Sandus District of Arkansas, of which Tyhurst was a Governor to declare independence on July 30, 2010. On August 2, 2010, Hurricane's second citizen (William Danforth) joined and was nominated Sub-President for Foreign Affairs by President Tyhurst. On August 4, 2010, Danforth founded the Labor Union of Journalists and was thus entitled to a seat in the Corpus. On August 5, 2010, the Eleytherian County of Danforthshire ceded approximately a 24th of its territory to the Federal Republic of Hurricane, thus creating the Trinity Territory. In the middle of August, 2010 William Danforth resigned completely from micronationalism. This has left Trinity without residency and the President without assistance. The state now seeks to sell Trinity and to receive more assisting employees.. 

Hutt River!!
     Hutt River Province Principality. Hutt River Province, Principality. Hutt River Province. Hutt River. Hutt River. HUTT RIVER. Hutt River. Principality of Hutt River. Oc;anie-Principaut;. Mini Pays. O Principado da Prov;ncia de Hutt River ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1970 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Leonard George Casley, localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado. Leader: Leonard Casley. Founded in 1970. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. via Northampton WA 6535 Australia. Location: Oceania. western Australia, north of Perth. Contact location - Northampton, WA, Australia. Lider - Leonard Casley. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: www. huttriver. net. A large farming area in Western Australia that unilaterally seceded from the Commonwealth and declared itself to be a sovereign nation. It was known as the Hutt River Province until 2007. Western Australia. Formerly the Hutt River Province Principality. A sovereign nation project located on a wheat farm in the Australian state of Western Australia. Self-proclaimed independent since 1970, Hutt River has issued a number of gold and silver coins as well as postage stamps (via it's own internal. local. postal service) and paper currency. Various ephemera, including the national flag are available for sale through this website. Coinage is available from the Royal Mint. Due to the fact that Hutt River is not presently recognized by any other country, nor is it a member of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), all mail must be sent via Australia (since Hutt River is a self-proclaimed enclave within that country, which is a UPU member) at the following address (as listed on Hutt River's website). Principality of Hutt River via Northampton Western Australia 6535 AUSTRALIA. According to news reports, the Australian government officially considers Hutt River as nothing more than a wheat farm operating under "Hutt River Province Principality" as a business name. Listing has been moved to Self-Proclaimed States. Two discontiguous rural properties, including private residences and commercial premises, located near Northampton, Western Australia. Total area of 75 km2. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Self-Proclaimed State. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. Capital: Cr;cy. Largest Cities: Arras, Perpign;n, Vincennes. Website: Ibelin Forum. Number of citizens: 11. Date founded: November 9th 2005. Government: Constitutional Monarchy (previously a Catholic Theocracy). Current leader: King Paul I. National drink: Ibelin Vin Rouge.. 

     A Federa;;o Ibero-Americana (FIA) ; o Estado resultante da uni;o, em 21 de fevereiro de 2006, de tr;s renomadas microna;;es lus;fonas, s;o elas: Orange, Maraj; e Andorra. O projeto desta Federa;;o, entretanto, come;ou muito tempo antes, com a discuss;o entre as autoridades da Rep;blica de Orange, da Rep;blica de Maraj; e de Andorra Imperial e, posteriormente, com a aprova;;o por consulta p;blica em cada uma dessas microna;;es de permitir o seu respectivo pa;s em ingressar no projeto.. 

     Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Scotland, United Kingdom. Lider - David Gardiner. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Private residences located at three locations in Scotland - two in Renfrewshire and one south of Edinburgh. Total area of less than 0. 02 km2. The Ibrosian Council is a statutory body dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Ibrosian culture. Since December 2008, we are Also a subcontractor discharging functions on behalf of the Her Majesty's Ibrosian Stationary Office (HMISO) and the Registrar General, providing a general repository of information relating to the state. The Ibrosian Commonwealth is a self-proclaimed sovereign state in northern Great Britain founded on the 26th July 2001 with the accession of the Estate of Amberly, which itself declared independence from the United Kingdom on the 27th of January 1999. A project in classical liberalism, the state evolved through an early system of direct democracy into a parliamentary representative democracy. The state claims as sovereign territory the private property of a number of its citizens as 'estates', the number and extent of which have varied throughout time. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     The Kingdom of Iburia. Dead. 31. 08. 2010.. 

     O Ic;ria ; uma microna;;ofranc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Republic of Iceland (Lydhveldidh Iceland) At 103,000 sq km (total land and water), it is too large for "micronation" status, but its population of 280,798 (2003 est. ) is less than that of many major US cities. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     The Colony of Iego - or just Iego - is a small Micronation in Sutherland Shire, Australia. It was founded officialy on the 1st January 2010. The Government was quickly established and is now in the process of completion of the Foundation Act (2010) which includes the military Operation Liberation and several smaller civil service operations. The Colonial Government was formed in early 2010 by the Governor after it was deemed that Australia had now lost all sense and was not fit to control all of its territories. A large land mass around the Illawara area of NSW was acquired and quickly joined the colony. In early March the first elections were held and the Colonial party led by Samuel Corby gained and impressive victory against the Liberals. By the 23rd Phase I of the International Publicity and Propaganda Act (2010) was well under way with the creation of an official email and MicroWikia page under the direct command of the Prime Minister.. 

     Republic. A Rep;blica de Igua;u ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1999 at; 1999. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Ilha das Rosas!!
     A Ilha das Rosas (no original, Roses, Isle of the) ; uma microna;;o concretista ital;fona, existente de 1968 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ?. Foi fundada por Giorgio Rosa, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Ilha Uni;o!!
     Fundada em 3 de maio de 2001, a Ilha de Uni;o prosperou. Sob o comando do rei Makantar, durante o primeiro ano de hist;ria desenvolveu seu site na Internet (hoje extinto) e cresceu muito em n;mero de cidad;os. Os nobres da ilha, principalmente da regi;o Oeste, come;aram a pressionar o monarca em novembro do mesmo ano para que concedesse mais provil;gios ; classe, e em janeiro de 2002, Makantar renunciou em favor de Wallace I, representante da nobreza.. 

     O Il;ria ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Еem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Illiria. Royal Empire!!

Imaginary Places by Grobius Shortling!!
     This author has been inventing imaginary places all his life, starting as soon as he could hold a crayon or pencil.. 

     This is a unique project. An on-line role-playing game where participants create their own countries on an imaginary planets. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     O Imp;ria ; uma microna;;ogerman;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Imperial Age!!
     Gr;ndung 07. 04. 2005. Letzten Viertel des 19. Jahrhunderts. Nach drei blutigen Kriegen wurde das zweite Deutsche Kaiserreich 1871 im Spiegelsaal von Versailles proklamiert. Nun, einige Jahre sp;ter hat sich das Reich konsolidiert und befindet sich seit Ausbruch der Gr;nderkrise 1873 in einem wirtschaftlichen Auf und Ab.. 

Imperial and Royal Sovereign State Himmel!!
     The Imperial and Royal Sovereign State of Himmel is an Absolute Monarchy with some democratic aspects. The current Emperor of Himmel is His Imperial and Royal Majesty Emperor Timothy Alexander Ludwig Wolf Augustus Maximilian Fredrick Bastian Wilhelm Theodore Johann Michael Otto Jozef Franz Miles Wagnon von Himmel I. His Imperial and Royal Majesty became Emperor after his uncle Grand Emperor Thomas Benjamin Jozef Wagnon von Himmel III abdicated the throne because of health reasons. His Imperial and Royal Majesty Emperor Timothy Alexander Ludwig Wolf Augustus Maximilian Fredrick Bastian Wilhelm Theodore Johann Michael Otto Jozef Franz Miles Wagnon von Himmel I, is Also King of Wagnonburg, King of Palmer, King of Annasburg, Prince of Bayernhof, Prince of Preu;enburg, Prince of Wettrinberg, Prince of Fl;sse, Prince of Connroute, Markgraf of Nacht, and Reichsgraf of Himmel.. 

Imperial Condominium!!
     Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

Imperial Empire!!
     Alive. 06. 01. 2009.. 

Imperium Romanum!!
     Gr;ndung - 01. 08. 1999. Aka ROMA. IR is a micronation, founded with the intention of seeing IR grow to exist as a true nation, one whose primary intention is the growth and development of Romanitas among her citizens; Romanitas is here defined as the understanding and practice of the Roman virtues, religion, and culture. We are very new to the web and the decision to build a site on the internet was primarily because we thought it right to inform other Romans around the world of our presence. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Imperium. Federal Republic!!
     United Imperium. Federal Republic. Cyberianation.. 

     Government: Constitutional Monarchy. Population: 190. Date of foundation: 1 February 2000. Independence Declaration: 1 February 2000. Founders: Emanuele P. Emperor: Emanuele P. Prime Minister: Massimo B. (Conte di Ospitaletto). Impero is an Italophone micronation based on the fundamental and unassailable principles of freedom and equality. Impero came into being in February 2000, and through the years it evolved from simple community, to aterritorial nation with its own institutions, features, actual cultural productions, and in a position to offer services of various nature. La Micronazione Sovrana Impero ; una nazione extra-territoriale con propria identit;, cultura ed organizzazione che aspira al riconoscimento del suo status e all'ottenimento di una sovranit; virtuale o territoriale. Impero ; una Monarchia Costituzionale, con orientamento minarchico cio; uno stato minimo finalizzato alla tutela delle libert; e dei diritti degli individui stabiliti dalla Costituzione ed al rispetto di quest'ultima. L'amministrazione della nazione ; affidata ad un sistema misto di meritocrazia e democrazia ed ; gestita da tre organismi: il Consiglio dei Gran Maestri che rappresenta lo stato e si occupa di esteri e difesa e della salvaguardia di istituzioni e principi imperiali, il Gran Consiglio che rappresenta il popolo e si occupa delle leggi, il Governo che viene guidato dal partito o dalla coalizione che vince le elezioni e si occupa di interni, cultura, giustizia, informazione, informatica e propaganda. Attualmente il Primo Ministro ; Gianluca D. ed il capo dello stato, cio; l'Imperatore, ; Emanuele P.. 

Inaccessable Island!!
     Tristan ву Cuncha. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Imperium Incognita. Alive. 28. 07. 2007.. 

Indian Stream Republic!!
     Ribeir;o Ind;gena. A Rep;blica do Ribeir;o Ind;gena ; uma microna;;o pecularista angl;fona, existente de 1832 at; 1838. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Individualist Republic!!
     United Individualist Republic. A Rep;blica Individualista Unida ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Indontian Republic. The Indontian Republic, more commonly known as Indontia, is a small micronation, located in Eastern Canada. It consists of three provinces, New Brighton, Thale, and Sunder. Indontia does not contain any cities, or other smaller regional divisions, therefore its capital is New Brighton. Indontia was founded December 13th, 2009, and is one of the few micronations in Eastern Canada. The Indontian Republic was founded on December 13th, 2009, which became Indontia Day, an official holiday on the Indontian Calendar. On this day, Indontia separated from Canada, and declared itself a sovereign nation. The first claim of territory was quite small, not measuring more than a few square feet. Soon, Indontia grew, and acquired more land, now possessing a relatively small amount of land in Eastern Canada. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Kingdom of Infinia. On December 7, 1999. State of Wisconsin Court of Appeals stated that the Constitution and Laws of The Republic of The United States of America and Our Consitutional Rights under such had 'No Merit'. It was at this point in time that by the order of this Court We ceased to be a Citizen of The Republic of The United States. The State of Wisconsin Court of Appeals had done the unthinkable and stripped Us of Our Citizenship without any legally sane rational justification. Our voice was sillenced because We dared to file a criminal complaint against a corporation that had knowingly exposed Us to a toxic substance which is slowly killing Us. The State of Wisconsin Court of Appeals in rendering this decision made Us the unwilling Messenger of the Dissolution of The Republic of The United States. The Message We were given was to let the world know that The Republic of The United States of America had committed Judicial Suicide. We realized the consequences of delivering this message would cause destruction on a scale never before experienced by planet Earth so We changed the contents of this message. The New Message is that The Republic of The United States of America had still committed Judicial Suicide and was Dissolved despite Our best efforts to prevent it from happening. Instead We created a legal document where at the very same instant that The Republic of The United States of America was Dissolved We established a new government to take it's place. Being that a Monarchy is in fact the easiest of form of government to legally bring into existence, The Kingdom of Infinia' was born. This is how We became the Sovereign Ruler of The Kingdom of Infinia'. We realized that no one who was Citizen of the former Republic of The United States of America would tolerate the Tyranny of an Absolute Monarchy with Absolute Power. So We did something that has never been done by anyone in history. We reinstated the former Republic of The United States of America as the Designated Government of The Kingdom of Infinia'. In effect We gave back everything that was legally possible to give back. This series of legal actions were brought together in a document which We entitled 'The Zeros' Solution' which was legally activated on January, 23rd, 2001. New Country Project.. 

Inner Realm Patria!!

     Empire of Insanity.. 

Integra;;o e Imigra;;o!!
     Comiss;o de Integra;;o e Imigra;;o.. 

     People's Republic. Commonwealth of Interland. Cyberianation. Alive. Active. 16. 02. 2007. Location: Poland. Interland is a micro-nation established in 1998. Interland is a melting pot of many cultures, most notably of French, German and Portuguese origion. Although Interlandian History has many gaps and breaks, many archaeologists' expeditions are working to turn out them. Government: Direct Democracy. Current leader: President (only titular) Pawe; Abramowicz. Interlandians are mostly friendly and polite to foreigners. English language is well-known and many shops accept foreign currencies. The most widely used paying system is MTCInterCard, Micronational Trade Council's Paying Cards. Governemant of the Iterland value democracy and freedom highly and have an open immigration policy encouraging others to add to their cultural experience. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Interland. Peoples Republic!!

     A Rep;blica Popular da Interl;ndia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

Internet. Republic!!
     On August 7, 2001 at 20:15 Mountain Standard Time, five members of Independent Internet Committee (IIC) declared a micronation comprised of information that exists in many physical nations. This micronation has written a constitution, created a government, and established a code of laws.. 

Iraq Communist Socialist Republic!!
     Iraque. Iraque. A Rep;blica Socialista Comunista do Iraque ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

     Empire of Iridia. Empire of Iridia. Cyberianation. Dead. Iridia is a micronation founded on Jan. 26, 2007 by Emperor Christopher I. Email:. Lider. Christopher. Active. Iridia is a Micronation founded on 1/26/07. It claims territory on Micras. The Empire of Iridia is a constitutional monarchy, led by an emperor and the Grand Council. All citizens can vote in Iridia. Iridia has Diplomatic Relations with several other micronations, and is a member of the United Micronations. It is a small community based around a forum and a website; it currently has 5 citizens. They are currently looking for citizens to fill important government positions. The Empire of Iridia is known to Adraisia and Craitland, and Also has diplomatic relations or treaties with Candy-Floss Kingdom, Aerican Empire, Sovereign State of Hezpenya, Democratic Republic of Bobalania and Area of Ptyxur. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Irkanien ist erst einmal ein Staat der in der Realit;t nicht existiert. Im Forum wird das Leben in diesem Staat simuliert durch ein Rollenspiel. Irkanien ist Also eine Art Foren RPG. Irkanien ist ein Tropenstaat, der von "Germanen" und "Japanern" bewohnt wird. Die Kultur ist germanisch und aggressiv, jedoch auch gepr;gt von Freundlichkeit und Herzlichkeit. Irkanien existiert irgendwo zwischen dunklem Cyberpunk und der Mitteder neunziger. Irkanien ist einerseits arm und andererseits werden dieSkylines der Metropolen von Glas und Stahlbeton dominiert.. 

Irlanda Nova do Norte!!
     Nova Irlanda do Norte.. 

Irlanda Nova do Sul!!
     Nova Irlanda do Sul.. 

Islamic Internet Republic!!
     Cyberianation. The Islamic Internet Republic (Islamitische Internetrepubliek) is the successor state of the Republic of the Nederlands (Republiek der Nederlanden), which in turn is the successor state of the Virtual United Provinces (Virtuele Verenigde Provinci;n). The head of state is called Sadr, and is elected for a six months term. The first and current Sadr is Saladin. The sadr appoints the Grand Vizier (Grootvizier), in whom executive power is vested, with the approval of the Majlis-al-Shoera. The Grand Vizier, then, appoints the other members of the executive, called viziers. Jef Vermussen is the first and current Grand Vizier. Legislative power is vested in the Majlis-al-Shoera, an elected body, comprised of 100 members (or, more correctly: 100 votes, distributed amongst its members. ) Its sessions are presided over by the Sadr. The Virtual United Provinces (Virtuele Verenigde Provinci;n or VVP) were founded on January 20th, 2007 under the leadership of Frans, and were given their constitution a couple of days later, when both the Free State of Antwerp as well as the Free State of Ghent had signed the Union of Utrecht. It was a federal state, with three provinces with an active system of government: Antwerp, Ghent and the Federal Kingdom of New Batavia (Bondskoninkrijk Nieuw-Batavi;). Those provinces which did not have a sufficient population level, were managed by the central authorities as generality lands (generaliteitslanden).. 

Island New. Commonwealth!!
     El Costa Nueve. The Commonwealth of New Island is a 12,000 square mile playing field for a free mind. It is intended as a tool for your imagination; as a fun way to think about what you would like to do or how you would like to live if you could live somewhere else. It is somewhere between a game, an interactive art experience, and a real community.. "Presented as an imaginary island nation in the southern Indian Ocean, New Island is more 'real' than one might think. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 


Island. Genious State!!
     O Estado Genial de Island ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1997 at; 1998. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por V;tor Braga,. Storino, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia parlamentarista.. 

     Genial State. of 

     Community of Isodimos.. 

Israel New!!
     New Israel. Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

     The Kingdom of Istoria is a micronation in the state of Washington. It was founded on November 5th, 2009, by Max Kasbar, the current King and sole citizen of Istoria. The Kingdom of Istoria was founded peacefully on November 5, 2009, by Max Kasbar, who declared himself as King. The current flag was created on November 9th.. 

     Republic. Alive. A Rep;blica do Istvanist;o ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. The Republic of Istvanistan ceased to be an independent, sovereign state on the 7th of November, 2000. All affairs of state are closed and all government positions are anulled. However, the website will remain up and the discussion forums will still be usable. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Istvanistan. Republic!!

It;lia Reino!!
     Kingdom of Italy. Historical resurrection. Location: Brazil. Santa Catarina, Florian;polis. Date active: 2002 - present. Has a website: www. reinodaitalia. org. The Kingdom of Italy was the first micronation of Italic culture in losophony. The model proposed by the nation is to provide a means of micronationalism shades lighter, but without abandoning the political feature of this hobby. Our foreign policy is the most absolute neutrality, we are thus a land of all. Among several important issues within a micronation, Italy elected the cultural development of its citizens through the study and dissemination for the Italic and Brazilian cultures. The history of the Kingdom of Italy begins within the first days of 2002, when the current monarch came in to the Great Empire of Hibernia. In that time, was created the Pilgrim family that quickly grows and ascends to the main offices of Hibernia.. 

Ithaca Republic!!
     Ithacan Republic. A Rep;blica de ;taca ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Ivan's Kingdom!!

     Dominion of Ixilia. Has a website: ixilia. webs. com. Ixilia is a sovereign nation established by His Royal Majesty the Leader in the year 16 AB (2005 AD). Ixilia is ruled by the Leader, with the Grand Council of 20 others actually running the nation. The Leader is Grand Marshal of the Armed Forces of Ixilia and appoints new members of the Grand Council. Ixilia has an area of over 2 square kilometres and a population of 183.. 

Izkaria. Изкария!!
     Krais - Bashkira, Belsin, Beslau, Bolkaria, Borisov, Izkaria, Kirov, Kosovaria, Kozov, Mostaria, Muskovia, Novogrodsk, Slavinia, Slevezia, Smorgon, Soligorsk, Svorisia, Tamir, Taroslavin, Vladislavia, Volkashin. Okrugs - South Kaznia, Valdisia, Ivaria, Uzkavistan, Karak, Uzen, Novi Uzen, Bukovashnya, Troshevak, Svatopol, Kadyrov, Bagapsh Lyes, Ankvab Polye, Chushkakul. Republics - Stettin, Milna, Transylvakia, Estovakia, New Izkaria, Serbovakia, Khanovaria, Gakra, Terteria, Slovaria, Ignushia, Naderachnya, Zviyadia, Skutaria, Borislavia, Molderia. Districts, Collectives - New Cheslovia, Yakuria, Polks (Kirov), Shchuka, Bor, Seilem, Koshuuns (Slavinia), Siran, Vardanov, Irtishia. 

     Federal Republic. Cyberianation. In micronational terms, a supporter of Emperor (later President) Jacobus of Cyberia. Since the term is used by friends of the movement as a term of endearment, and as the worst insult possible by opponents, it is advisable to use the term with caution.. 

     Город-Государство. Cyberianation. Second City of Absentia in ancient times. Cooler than the capital(Corrigible). Home of the summer court of Jacobus II. Said to be an imitation of Lac Glacei, a claim disputed by the Absentian Chamber of Commerce. Today, Jacob-La-Ville is an active Yardistani town. A small tourist destination is the sole monument to the reign of Emperor Jacobus II of Absentia.. 

Jacobus Emperor!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation. As a noted humorist and satirist of the existing order, Michael Rosario lead the way for those who fought to maintain freedom in Cyberia, such as Mike Phyle, Emperor Jacobus and Capt. Geoffrey T. Spaulding.. Jacobus, (a/k/a Emperor Jacobus, Jacobus Imperator, Jacobus B. S. Kahuneamea, Jacobus Loki), first made his modern micronational appearance on December 10th, 1999. His first posts were titled "Jacobus, successor to Norton I". (This was later clarified in that Jacobus saw himself as sucessor to HIH Norton I in spirit, not as 'Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico". ) Jacobus has been alternately a figure of fun, an arrogant so-and-so, a whipping boy, a freedom fighter and a lightning rod. His self-declared status as "Emperor of Cyberia" landed him in hot water from on end of the microworld to the other. At one time he may very well have lead micronationalism (as a whole) in number of countries he had been banished from.. 

Jacobus II Federal Republic!!
     Cyberianation. Nephew and heir of Emperor Jacobus. Ruled over the Imperial House of Bonaparte-Stuart-Kahunamea briefly. Founded the exile realm of Absentia as part of Puritania. Recruited Admiral James D. Quirk for 'special projects. Relinquished his position on his uncle's return from a parallel dimension. He lead the protective forces of the Federal Republic of Cyberia in Puritania until Puritania's return to it's founder. He is active in the revived Rally for the Imperium.. 

     Imperial Empire. Jahn. O Imp;rio Imperial de Jahn ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1980 at; 1981. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por John Jahn, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Jaliva. Republican Dominion!!
     The Republican Dominion of Jaliva (or Republic of Jaliva) is a North American micronation. It was established on January 13th, 2008, by Joshua Howard. The Republic of Jaliva was founded on January 13, 2008, in the form of the Howard Office of Family Concerns (HOFC). The HOFC was founded by Joshua Howard as a small household organization designed to oversee and coordinate day-to-day business and policy. The HOFC introduced the first document of Constitution on January 26, 2008.. 

Jalovaalea. People's Imperial Republic!!


     Republic. Republic of Jamtland. A Rep;blica da Jamtl;ndia ; uma microna;;o concretista sve, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Jamtl;ndia (em ingl;s, Jamtland) ; uma microna;;o angl;fona peculiarista, cultuadora da maconha, assim como Ganjist;o e Orange. A folha de Cannabis, inclusive, aparece na bandeira. Leader: Ewert Ljusberg. Founded in 1963. A Swedish province, formerly a part of Norway. The United Republics of Jamtland, Herje;dalen and Ravund (often shortened to the Republic of Jamtland) is a part serious part humorous culture and marketing project, with regionalist and historical elements based in the Swedish County of J;mtland, located in the middle of Scandinavia. The Republic of Jamtland was founded in 1963 as a reaction to the out-migration from the county, largely caused by Sweden's social welfare politics, though the actual event that triggered its foundation was the centralist plans among Swedish officials that sought to merge J;mtland County with V;sternorrland County. The initiators organized themselves in the association The Liberation Movement and mobilized the people in the "freedom festival" Storsj;yran. TV-entertainer Yngve Gamlin was "elected" president and Jamtland was proclaimed a republic of its own, within the Kingdom of Sweden. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     The Kingdom of Jamzinia. Cyberianation. Email:. Lider: Joshua Coales. Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history. The Kingdom of Jamzinia, a predominantly English populated nation was founded on 12/08/05, and lives on to this day as a micronation The founder and reigning monarch is King James Williams I or (Jamzinian given name - James Reginald DeWaldely). Jamzinia is classed as a Lovely sector nation due to the period in which it was founded, it does not however follow any principles or the genre of Lovely. Jamzinia is a member of both the GSO and the MCS; listed under different names in each. The MCS categorises Jamzinia under the Confederacy of Independant states whilst on the GSO Jamzinia is joined with close ally Gosling under the name Jamzinia & Gosling. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Jan Mayen!!
     Europe-Ile-Norv;ge. Mini Pays. Jan Mayen is a volcanic island of norwegian dominion, located in the north atlantic ocean, 950km west of Norway, 600 km north of Iceland.. 

     Kingdom. O Reino da Jaranza ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 197? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por John Purcell, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Jaranza was fundada por John Purcell, an American vexillologist, and is one de few out-of-Internet active microna;;es, maybe the best example de them. They keep contact with other nations por common mail.. 

     Cyberianation. Jaris is an island on Micras off the coast of Apollonia, and has been known as the the Republic of Jaris, the Kingdom of Jaris, and as the Grand Duchy of Jaris as well as by other names. For most of its history it has been ruled by Shireroth but in more recent years was controlled by Antica and Alexandria. Founded by Regis Philban, a/k/a Joe Whit, a/k/a Joe Whittaberg. At first a republic, later a Kingdom. Great respect was always shown to the Founder, who ruled during Jaris' entire independant exisitance with one short hiatus. Famous for it's military, originally of mounted hordes, later modernized with pink dirigibles. Possesion of Jaris was disputed between Shireroth and Emperor Jacobus until Jacobus signed over his rights to the Kaiser of Shireroth in late 2005. Not long after the signing over, Babkha and its Grand Commonwealth felt endangered by the Shirerethian power so close to the terre De Riches. Thusly Babkha instigated the Jaris War.. 

Jason Islands!!
     Ilhas Jas;o. Ilhas Jason. As Ilhas Jason ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1970 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Leonard Hill, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Flying Islands of Jas;nia. Dead Nation. Cyberianation. As Ilhas Voadoras da Jas;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma. Lider. Jason. The Flying Islands of Jasonia was an Apollo micronation that existed from February 19th, 2000 until mid-September 2001. It was founded by Jason Steffke as a refugee camp and discussion forum during the unstable times of the cold war between Audentior Independent Nation and the Automatic for the People. However, the people that showed up were not political refugees but people looking for an outlet for their creative ideas far away from conflict, and so a new micronation was born. In 2008 a spiritual successor state to the Flying Islands of Jasonia was founded, the Nelaga Territories. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Flying Islands of 

     British Crown Dependency. Europe-Etat autonome. Mini Pays. Officially part of Channel Islands (but not the Guernsey Chanel Islands), this is only British territory ever captured by Germany in World War 2. According to Spencer Pryor (who holds a Bailiwick of Jersey passport), concerning the differences between the Bailiwicks of Guernsey and Jersey. "Both sets of islands are entirely self governing (Each of Guernsey's offshore islands, Alderney and Sark have their own parliaments and governments) with the exception of defense and foreign representation. Even then Jersey funds and maintains a TA battalion of the British Army - Royal Jersey Militia. OK most of the wealth comes from tax haven activities but it's (reasonably) well regulated. There is an excellent health service and a good quality of life. " Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Jerusal;m Nova!!
     Nova Jerusal;m. Reino.. 

Jerusalim New. Kingdom!!
     New Jerusalim Kingdom. Holy City Project. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Jim-Bob DeLizard!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation. Jim-Bob became a full citizen of the United Imperium in early 2000. Jim-Bob is a genetically enhanced, talking, tap-dancing lizard, presently employed by DSSI as a senior executive. He was instrumental in the training of many DSSI employees who later moved on to positions of responsibility around the planet.. 

     O Jimbon;sia ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Mostroyal Kingdom. Jind;nia. O Reino Mostroyal da Jind;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

     Jinl;ndia. O Jinl;ndia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     The Kingdom of Jirmania. Alive. Type of Entity. Non-territorial community. Location: Europe. Czech Republic. Has a website: www. jirmania. com. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Czech Republic. Lider - Petr Dvorak. Does not claims/own/occupy/control territory. Virtual entity. The nation was born in September 2002 and the kingdom was established on 15 August 2004. Jirmania is a country serving its Free Citizens as a philosophical asylum as well as a source of fun. New way of creativity are still being explored. Up to the present times, the idea attracted several people speaking four languages and coming from two continents (however most of them belong to the group of Friends, not Citizens). Today, the Jirmanian activity consists mainly of making hiking and cycling expeditions. The presence on internet and participating in everyday discussion is rather slack, though. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Joe Whit!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation. Joe Whit, a/k/a Joseph I, Emperor of the United Imperium in 2002. Succeeded to the throne when Emperor Jacobus resigned to protest the TYSOG scandal. Merged his nation with Shireroth about the time of the dissolution of Tymaria. Also known as Joe Whit, Joe Whittaberg, Regis Philban. Also Founder,President and later King of Jaris. Also, as Joe Whittaberg, Vice President of the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia,and held by some to have assumed its Presidency during the Third War for Cyberian Liberation. He was the first president of the Restored Commonwealth of Cyberia. He may very well have been involved in other nations not known to this author.. 

John Lenin!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation. Communist Party leader in the Federal Republic of Cyberia. Formerly Chief Executive of Mala province. Mr. Lenin resigned from the Rosario Peoples' Front (where he had served a General Secretary) after an internal power struggle. Lenin then founded the Communist Party of the Cyberias with the intent of uniting all Cyberias into a Union of Cyberian Socialist Republics. Although he and the Front have made amends, his ideology is making little headway outside of the FRC.. 

Johnsburg Confederation!!
     The Johnsburg Confederation replaced the United Republic of Arlberg on May 12, 2006. It's named for the capital city, which in turn is named for John II, the first King of Arlberg.. 

     Alive. 13. 11. 2009. Johto Empire. The Johto region is a large area located west of Kanto. Johto and Kanto are part of a large landmass, with everything west of Indigo Plateau falling in the Johto region. First explored in Pok;mon Gold and Silver, it is home to an additional 100 Pok;mon that were not present in previous games. In the Generation II games and their remakes, players begin their journey in New Bark Town, where Professor Elm offers either Chikorita, Cyndaquil or Totodile to beginning Pok;mon Trainers. The English-version names of most of the cities in Johto are Also the names of plants or things related to plants.. 

     Dead. 12. 05. 2007. Laughocratic Jokerdom. For many centuries this kingdom was a happy place ruled by a series of monarchs. However, the previous King, having produced no heir, bowing to pressure from his Lords, signed an agreement that the who or whatsoever who killed him would be the next king. Not a good career move. The evil Baron Herr Seriousperson immediately challenged him to combat the next day.. 

Jolly Roger!!
     Jolly Roger. O Jolly Roger ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Dead. Kingdom of Jonan. Jonan is a consitutional monarchy. That said, we have a King. The position of King is hereditary, unless a successor has been designated. The Government of Jonan consists of the King, the Chief Minister, the Home Minister, the Foreign Minister, the Defence Minister and the various Vice- and Junior Ministers. One of things about Jonan is that we strive to simulate the workings of a government, so people are encouraged to work in it as much as possible. But, we have a range of opportunities of offer, to working in the government as a public servant, working in the Armed Forces, as a businessman, imdependent consulant etc. Whatever you chose to become.. 

     Confedera;;o de Jonsburgo.. 

Joseph Smith. Federal Republic!!
     Cyberianation. Joseph W. Smith first came to micronationry with the Micronational Court of Human Rights. He is still known by the log-in MCHR. Former Justice Smith, like so many before him, ran into difficulty due to his association and friendship with former Emperor Jacobus. After having attempted a number of projects without any great success, Mr. Smith moved to the Federal Republic of Cyberia. He served for a year as the Chief Executive of Windsor Islands Province.. 


Jovak Helm.. Consulate!!

     Dead. 06. 06. 2007.. 

Juan fernandez!!
     Oc;anie-Ile-Chili. Mini Pays. L'archipel Juan Fern;ndez est un archipel du Chili situ; ; 667 kilom;tres au large des c;tes sud-am;ricaines, dans le Sud-Est de l'oc;an Pacifique. Administrativement, l'archipel fait partie de la r;gion de Valpara;so et constitue une des neuf municipalit;s de la province. L'archipel Juan Fern;ndez est compos; de l';le Robinson Crusoe, l';le Alejandro Selkirk et l';le Santa Clara. L';le Robinson Crusoe est connue pour avoir h;berg; le navigateur Alexandre Selkirk durant quatre ans et quatre mois, ce qui inspira Daniel Defoe pour le personnage de Robinson Cruso;. Vide d'habitants, l'archipel est d;couvert par hasard le 22 novembre 1574 par le navigateur espagnol Juan Fern;ndez lors d'un voyage entre le P;rou et Valpara;so apr;s avoir l;g;rement d;vi; de l'itin;raire pr;vu. Il appelle alors les ;les M;s Afuera, M;s a Tierra et Islote de Santa Clara. Au XVIIe si;cle et au XVIIIe si;cle, l'archipel est utilis; comme cache par les pirates. En 1704, Alexandre Selkirk, qui servit de mod;le au personnage de fiction Robinson Cruso;, fit un s;jour de 4 ans et quatre mois sur l';le de Mas a Tierra, avant de rentrer en Angleterre o; Daniel Defoe rendit fameuse son histoire. En 1741, une partie de l'escadre de l'amiral anglais George Anson y fait rel;che apr;s avoir pay; un lourd tribut au scorbut depuis son passage du cap Horn. En 1749, afin de se prot;ger des pirates, les Espagnols construisent le fort Santa Barbara sur l';le (aujourd'hui nomm;e Robinson Cruso;) qui est reconstruit en 1974 puis class; monument historique en 1979.. 

     Monarchistic People's Republic. Jur;sia. Jur;sia. A Rep;blica Popular Monarquista da Jur;sia ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente at; 1999. Atualmente, est; extinta. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

     Monarchische Volksrepublik Jurasien.. 

Jusin New. Federal Republic!!
     The Federal Republic of New Jusin, Also known as New Jusin, Jusin, is a micronation that is located in the Korean Peninsula. It holds territory in Incheon, Ilsan, and Guam. Jusinese history can be traced back to 2451 B. C. According to legend a son of God, Hwan-woong, came to Earth to help mankind. One day, a bear and a tiger came to Hwan-woong desiring to become human beings. Hwan-woong decided to give to them a difficult mission. The mission was "Don't see sunshine and eat only wormwood and green onion for 100 days". The tiger surrendered, but the bear finished the mission and became a woman named Woong-Nyeo, who then married Hwan-woong. Woong-Nyeo bore a son named Dangun Wanggeom, who founded the kingdom of Gojoseon (Meaning Old Joseon) in 2333 B. C. New Jusin follows in Gojoseon's footsteps in its name. Gojoseon's old Korean name is Jusin, and Joseon is the sino-korean name.. 

     Justiceland is a republic with a president and a governament. There is a Senat, all citizen can participate. Justiceland's official language is Italian and English. Justicaland has an armed force and a police force. For the moment most of posts are vacant and all new citizen can take this posts. President is elected every year by Justiceland's citizen. Now the presidente is Franci Castelvecchi, he's the founder of Justiceland. The President form every year a new governement. Every one can become a citizen, you have just to fill out a form on Justiceland's website (cittadinanza/ citizenship). After becoming citizen you can participate at all of Senat conferense, propose law. you can Also become a military, a policeman, a judge.. 

     Township. Justus. Cidadela de Justus ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1980 at; 1996. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por LeRoy Schweitzer, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma cidadela.. 

     Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

     Kingdom of Kadin. O Reino de Kadin ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Kahunamea IV!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation. Kahunamea IV was the first King of the Mala'anje to rule in exile in Cognito after that people's exodus from Cyberia. Coming young to the throne after the death of his father Kahunamea III in battle against European colonalist invaders. Carrying the hierlooms of his house in a wicker basket, he was the last ruler of his people to set foot on their native soil for hundreds of years. Embarking from the beach east of Southaven, he swore an oath binding his family to restore the rights of his people and of his House. The young king then lead his people across the sea in an aramada of canoes. They landed north of the current site of Ergo Sum in Cognito.. 

     Vereinigtes Kaiserreich.. 

     Republic of KAJSTERANIJ. According to Christian Butterbach. It is a virtual state and a game. They say that it's orientation is slavonic-neareastern. It seems to be meant to train people from that area in how democracy works. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Civilized State of Kaliope. Cal;ope. O Estado Civilizado de Cal;ope ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma _estado.. 

     Republic of Kaliszium. The Republic is a new micronation, currently building an infrastructure and recruiting citizens to build a productive community. The Republic is Also diligently writing laws and entering into economic, cultural and political relations with several other nations. Kaliszium is now a part of the Imperium of Spidrexia. As of October 2006 the independence of Kaliszium has been revoked and the nation has been annexed to Spidrexia as an imperial territory. Emperor Arachnotron has personally overseen the liberation of the locals and Spidertank Squads have been sent to protect the freedom of the people. For more information please visit the Spidrexian web network. New Country Project. Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Kingdom of Kamberra. Camberra ou Canberra ; uma cidade, capital da Austr;lia. O Camberra ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Kingdom of Kamberra.. 

     Democratic Republic of Kampong. Dead Nation. Cyberianation. Capital: Chinang. La rgest Cities: Buopang, Phnom Psar, Phu Tok, Prey Vang. Date founded: 13th March 2006. Government: One-Party Socialist State. Currency: Kampongese Riel. 

     Federation of Kanto. Alive. 23. 02. 2009. Cyberianation. The Kanto Wiki is a comprehensive database of the Federation of Kanto that anybody can edit. Official language: English. Capital: Viridian. Largest Cities: Viridian, Saffron. Number of citizens: 3. Number of active citizens: 1. Date founded: 17 February 2009. Government: Federal presidential republic. Current leader: CJ Miller. Currency:Kantonese dollar.. 

     Kingdom of Kappa.. 

     O Caputist;o ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma. Simulationssprache – Deutsch. Virtuelle Sprache - Starckdoitsch, Standartdeutsch, Pjanstworussisch. Hauptstadt – Sagrig;nt. Staatsform - Sozialistische Republik. Gliederung - Vier Provinzen. Generalpr;sident - Karloman Attentovic. Generalpatriarch - Ivan Blatin. Generalr;te - Jan V;clav Masaryk, Karloman Attentovic, Sergej Tokarev. W;hrung - K-Rubel. Vorwahl - +32. Gr;ndung - 05. 09. 1999. Gr;nder - Mahmoud A. Stalinow, Don Juan Triumphant of Steelor, Don Hossa Ben-Del. Kaputistan ist eine basisdemokratisch-parlamentarische R;terepublik nach dem Muster des kaputisischen Kommunismus. Als oberster Revolutionsf;hrer steht Kaputistan der Generalpr;sident voran. Er wird vom Generalrat aus dessen Mitte gew;hlt und leitet diesen. Der Generalrat bildet die Exekutive Kaputistans. Seine maximal f;nf Mitglieder vertreten den Staat nach au;en und ;ben das Gnadenrecht sowie den Oberbefehl ;ber die Streitkr;fte aus. Sie werden in einem viermonatigen Turnus vom Generalparlament, der Versammlung aller kaputisischen B;rger, gew;hlt. Das Generalparlament kann jedem Mitglied des Generalrates jederzeit das Misstrauen aussprechen. Es ist die Legislative Kaputistans und hat die weitreichendsten Befugnisse: Es kann den Verteidigungszustand feststellen und v;lkerrechtliche Vertr;ge ratifizieren. Als eine der ;ltesten Nationen auf dem S;dkontinent blickt die aRpbK Kaputistan auf eine so lange wie wechselvolle Geschichte zur;ck. Dies sind die wesentlichen Fakten: Viele einzelne St;mme auf dem Festland von Kaputistan schlie;en sich zum Kaputisischen Reich mit Hauptstadt in Pivograd zusammen. Eine absolutistische Monarchie entsteht. Der Kaiser gliedert die damals unbewohnte Insel Nutrikor in das Kaiserreich ein.. 

     Jingoistic State of Karacknious. Alive. 30. 09. 2009.. 

     Commonwealth of Karantania. Karantania (Slovenian: Karantanija) is a special administrative region inside the Socialist Federal Republic of Acadame North. Karantania is unique because it is the only administrative region in Acadame North that is autonomous in many ways, including a separate leader and representation inside the Acadame North Federal People's Assembly. The Commonwealth of Karantania is run by a Premier who is appointed by the President of Acadame North. Karantania is free to pass legislation. Health Care and Internal Security is taken care of by Acadame North and Finance and development are taken care of by the UNAM. Karantania, was originally apart of the Socialist Federation of Koroska but when it split in 2003, Acadame North gave the zone a special privilege. Unlike the Socialist Federal Republic of Acadame North, the Commonwealth of Karantania runs on parliamentary democracy. On November 30 2006, an agreement was reached at the Kirov Conference between Karantania, Acadame North and Korolev that Karantania would be jointly governed by the two states. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Federal Socialist Republic. A Rep;blica Socialista Federal de Karatov ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

     State. O Estado de Karenni ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 1990 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma _estado. Poucas informa;;es dispon;veis. Sediado na Tail;ndia. Membro do ICIS.. 

     O Karens ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Dead. 31. 07. 2007.. 

     Republic of Karnali. Dead Nation. Cyberianation. Official language: Sanskrit (official), English (administrative). Capital: Kaligandaki. Largest Cities: Kapisa, Pataliputra, Kosambi, Sarvasti. Website: Karnali Website. Number of citizens: 6. Number of active citizens: 0 (Nation Inactive). Date founded: 28th February 2003. Government: Parliamentary Democracy. Current leader: Maharajadhiraja Jalamdhara, extreme007. Currency: Karnal (;). Karnali is a non-territorial micronation inspired by the Kingdom of Nepal. The official languages of the Republic are English and Sanskrit although the language that is usually spoken is English. Karnali is a peaceful and democratic micronation trying to simulate all aspects of government and life in a nation. The major goal of Karnali is not something that is set in stone and every citizen is entitled to his/her own opinion. Micronations can be interpreted in different ways and some claim to be nations while others role playing games. Karnali doesn't want to claim to be anything and wants to let the visitor decide. As an old Chinese saying goes he who watches the game understands it better than he who plays it.. 

     Winterian Republic of Kasakhvlad. Wikiinterian Republic of Kasakhvlad. Alive. Location: Europe. northwest Britain. Has a website: wrkgov. webs. com. Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history. The Winterian Republic of Kasakhvlad, the WRK for short, is a semi-serious micronation located in North West Britain, encompassing an area of 5. 27 metres squared. The WRK was initially founded as a seccesionist nation in September 2006 by President Alexander Smithson WRKPA. The government itself runs much as it did before the election, with the Cabinet of ten members being able to propose bills and vote to veto any Senate bills, however all officials in the Kasakhvladian State Senate and Cabinet must be elected. The Senate consists of 170 members, elected to represent their individual constituency by a majority of constituency voters, using the Single Transferable Vote system. The Senate can produce and vote on its own bills, members can table debates and motions. The Senate has some autonomy when it comes to passing administrative motions as only bills which have passed through the senate have to be voted on in the Cabinet.. 

     Cyberianation. Dead. 01. 11. 2006. Capital: Koyernoю Largest Cities: Nabyudo, Motanobi.. 

     Free State of Katharsys. Katharsys & Forbidden Society Symerian ( Freak Recordings). 

Katibo. Катибо!!
     В 1940—1962 годах некий Дональд Эванс создавал фантастические марки государства Катибо, якобы находящегося на территории Бразилии. На них были различные надписи, в которых неизменно присутствовало название государства Катибо. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Katland. Катланд!!
     Alive. 10. 08. 2008. Peoples Republic of Katland. Language: Russian. Идет набор в граждане Народной республики Катланд!В государстве имеются следующие должности: 1. Коммисар Кибер обороны. 2. Коммисар Спорта и Кибер спорта 3. Коммисар Фото и Видеографии. 4. Коммисариат Экономики и Сельского Хозяиства. 5. Коммисар Киберированых и Венчурных Технологии. Каждый новый гражданин при желании может получить одну из этих должностей.. 

     Holy Theocracy of the Imperial Empire of Greater Great. Email:. Lider. Ka Naji. O Grande Kato ; uma microna;;o modelista jap, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma teocracia. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Kato.. Theocracy and Empire!!
     Theocracy and Empire of Nations of Kato.. 

     Dead. 29. 05. 2008. Federation of Katyushan Socialist Republics.. 

     Kingdom of Kaupelan. Official Name – Liraidahen Kaup;lan (Kingdom of Kaupelan). Area – 8,906 km;. Population – 3,977,000. Density – 446 inhabitants/km;. Capital – Purikali. Major Cities – Purikali, 1,294,000 inhabitants; Irnik, 390,000; Bandajaya, 280,000; Masar, 160,000; Jalabara, 160,000. Languages – English and Kaupelanese (both official); Wisanyo, Haimarata, Palayanga and Terong (Kaupelanese dialects); Taumelan; -Waimahui; Forti (Portuguese dialect); Kelo and Paro (Suduk dialects); Moinate, Hakereh and Atawodo. Religion – Christians, 60%, Muslims, 20%, Buddhists, 5%, Animists, 2%. Regime – Parliamentary Monarchy. Parliament ("Haimauman") with 100 senators ("awayuni"). State Ministries – Foreign Affair; Defense; Finance; Health; Communication & Information; Education; Culture; Justice; Natural Resources & Energy; Economic Develop. ; Social Assistance; Science & Technology; Agriculture & Fisheries; Transportation; Environment. Humans are present in the archipelago since the Pleistocene period as attested by vestiges found in the archaeological site of Gajawatu in the north of Purikali, after excavations made by the Dutch archaeologist Pieter van der Kooij in 1932. Probably less than 4,000 years ago, there were new migrations to the archipelago in successive waves of Negroid people and probably the first Austronesian populations. New human waves, coming from western regions of the Indonesian archipelago, arrived to the islands since 1,000 B. C. About the eighth century, the coastal communities began to have contact with Hindu and Buddhist traders, mostly from Java, looking for spices and bringing Indian and Chinese goods and a totally new cultural influence.. 

     Kingdom of Kaupelan. Virtual trip through a fantastic archipelago situated in the Banda Sea, between Indonesia and Australia. Kaupelan is a tropical country, located close to Indonesia and Australia. It has a well developed language, history, geography and culture and intends to be as 'realistic' as possible. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Kaupelan.. Kingdom!!

Kavalos Grand Republic!!
     The Grand Republic of Kavalos. The Grand Republic of Kavalos is hereby pronounced dead and the forums will be deleted at the end of this month. Other projects such as Riot Radio have been cancelled and there is Also a message on the website (www. riotradio. wordpress. com). I wish the best of luck to all micronationalists including those who I found extreme difficulty in getting along with. To end this message I would like to donate all kavalosian land to Craitland as I feel they were closer to kavalos than any other nation was. I once again thank everyone for everything. If anyone does urgently need to contact me at anytime please e-mail marcanthonyevans@yahoo. co. uk.. 

Kavalos United States!!
     United States of Kavalos. 02. 08. 2007. The Unified States of Kavalos is a relatively new micronation which is now entering its 6th Month of existence although the nation has only been present on Micras for just under three months. Kavalos owns a small amount of land. Known more formally as the Matbaic Orthodox Assyrian Jacobite Church of Micras, Matbaic Orthodoxy is the national religion of Matbaa. It is led by the Zatriarch, who is Also head of state. Matbaic Orthodoxy is an Eastern Christian Monophysite (Non-Chalcedonian) church inspired by Syriac Orthodox Christianity, using a variant of the Syriac Orthodox liturgy and pesitta (bible) for worship. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Kaveskidding (formerly the Principality of Kaveskidding) is an semi-constitutional monarchy. It is located in Brisbane, Australia. Kaveskidding began its history in October 2009 as a constitutional monarchy, headed by Crown Prince Frederic III. Kaveskidding is a semi-constitutional monarchy, meaning that the supreme law of the land is the constitution and that all offices of state are bound by it, including the Tsar. The Tsar holds the sole authority to elect and dismiss ministers. The current Tsar is Frederic IV, who took the crown on June 3 2010. Unlike modern democracies, the legal system in Kaveskidding is not separate to the government. The Tsar stands as judge at all times. Official language – English. Capital – Brisbane. Date founded - October 2009. 12 April 2010. Government - Semi-constitutional monarchy Kaveskidding Government Website. Current leader - Tsar Frederic IV.. 

     Gr;ndung - 01. 11. 2000. 

Kaysteran. Republic!!

     Kazari PSR. Dead Nation. Cyberianation. The Kazari People's Republic was founded by the erstwhile founder of Matbaa, then known as Maximos Qutreh Bar Idwharioun, on the 30th of March 2008 as a Marxist-Leninst single-party state. At the time there had been something of a renaissance in Communist Micronations, with Wachensburg, the USSC and Katyusha being other examples of Communism in Micronations in the first half of that year. The legislative body of the state was the Great Kuural, convened of all active citizens of the People's Socialist Republic. Citizens were obliged to join the Kazari People's Revolutionary Party upon joining the micronation, the only manifestation of democracy being elections for party chairman and thus, Head of State. Government Ministries included the Presidum of Foreign Affairs (host to COMICTERN, the Communist Micronational International), Presidum of Finance, and the People's Palace of Culture. The conception of the Kazari People's Socialist Republic by its founder was partially due to an interest in the obscure macronational Tuvan People's Republic, a Siberian nation with a Mongol-influenced culture which was a satellite of the Soviet Union. A Kazari micronation with a Mongol-Siberian influenced culture was proposed as a satellite state of the micronation of Treithar, by 2008 very near death. Capital: Arzhav. Largest Cities: Salchak, Churmit-Dazh. Website: People's Forum. Number of citizens: 3. Number of active citizens: 0 (Nation Inactive). Date founded: 30th March 2008. Government: One-Party Socialist State. Current leader: Maksim Makmaduular. Currency: Kazari Aksha. 

     Alive. 31. 01. 2009. Empire of Kazoku. The official name of Kazoku is the Empire of Kazoku, or in Japanese ‘Teikoku Kazoku’. The term Kazoku means ‘flowery linage’ which refers to the hundreds of generation of Emperors and Empress who have ruled over Kazoku. Kazoku is a Monarchy with the Emperor as de facto Head of State and Government, the Imperial Constitution states “The Emperor is the head of the Empire, combining in Himself the rights of sovereignty”. He appoints ministers and officers to carry out his duties. Kazoku is made up of Nine islands in which the Emperor exercises his sovereignty over. The Empire of Kazoku is a de jure Constitutional Monarchy located on Micras. Kazoku is a Micronation based on Imperial Japan (Meiji Period to WWII). Kazoku is not a secessionist micronation. 99% of all things the Empire of Kazoku does are fantasy and role-play. Most citizens in Kazoku role-play as a key government official rather than a pauper because anyone else would have no reason to talk to the Emperor. The Empire of Kazoku was founded 2,365 years ago (as of 2009CE) by Emperor Kaika who is the founder of the Imperial House of Kazoku. The Imperial Calendar uses this as the year since the ascension of the Emperor Kaika.. 

     It is a parallel universe that intersects with much of our linear Earth. The name comes from the cognate Kymaerica. Guide to the alternative world where every American county is its own nation and the geography of the linear world is the playground and backdrop for stories, history, images, and culture. words kcymaara (meaning "the true physicality of the planet") and xthaere (which is a shape with almost an infinity of edges or dimensions--infinity minus 29 to be precise). They explore and tell stories of these other realms through many media, but most famously by installing bronze plaques and historic sites that honor events from the parallel world.. 

Keeling Islands!!
     Cocos Islands. Territory of Australia. Oc;anie-Ile autonome-Australie. Mini Pays. The Cocos (Keeling) Islands is located in the middle of the Indian Ocean some 2750km north-west of Perth, and 900km west south-west of Christmas Island, its closest neighbour. Cocos lies locating the islands in the humid tropical zone. Twenty-seven islands form two atolls. The main atoll comprises twenty-six islands encircling a horseshoe shaped lagoon. Some 25km to the north is a single uninhabited island, Pulu Keeling. This is Australia's smallest and most remote National Park. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Keep Watch!!
     Keep Watch is a micronation founded by David Brydon. The mainland is situated between 80; S and 85; S, with Bewarian territory falling between 75; S and the coast of Queen Maud Land, both of which are within the Norwegian claim longitude. These land claims were achieved because both the northern and southern Norwegian claim border remains undefined. Keep Watch was one first members of the AMU, formerly known as GAMA, and remains a member to this day. Keep Watch is recognised by a number of micronations outside of the AMU as well, including the Republic of Markland and the Slinky Empyre. The government of Keep Watch is established as a Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy, with all major decisions concerning the micronation put to a vote with its citizens. The construction of a Constitution of Keep Watch is currently underway. The original concept for the Antarctic micronation began in 2006, originally under the name of "Antarctic Brydon Republic". Beginning January 2009, the interest in the Antarctic micronation was rekindled, and letters were sent to the governments of Argentina, the United Kingdom, the United States, Chile, Australia, Norway, Russia, New Zealand and France; informing them of the land claim. These letters informed them of David Brydon's land claim as a single entity and the respect for the Antarctic Treaty.. 

     Cordial Kingdom of Kelterspruf. CKK. Alive. KeltersprufLocation: Brazil. Email:. Location: Oceania. the Paracel and Spratley islands. Lider: Igor McCord. Has a website: www. kelterspruf. com. O Cordial Reino de Kelterspruf ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Igor., localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Sovereign Kingdom of Kemetia. Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history. InActive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Petersfield, Hampshire, UK. Lider - Adam Hemmings. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Private residence located in Petersfield, north of Portsmouth, United Kingdom. 0. 16 km2 in extent. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. The Sovereign Kingdom of Kemetia, founded in 2005 by His Sovereign Majesty King Adam I and his supporters, is a country located primarily in the Southern British Isles, with additional territories throughout the world. Established on the principle that a People makes a country, and that the goals and dreams of those People form the national identity, Kemetia has always striven to promote an ideal of international cooperation and mutual respect. We are the International Nation, with a population from many diverse locations and a territory that spans many seas and cities". Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. New Country Project.. 

Kemp Land!!
     People's Democratic Republic. A Rep;blica Popular Democr;tica de Kemp Land ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

     Imperial Empire. O Imp;rio Imperial da Kemt;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

     Kingdom of Kerguelon. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - USA. Lider - Lawrence Callahan. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of Kerguelen Islands chain, Antarctic Ocean. Kerguelon is a small new country, a land of many exciting new opportunities. With growth as our objective, all visitors to this site are invited to inquire about citizenship and career possibilities. Kerguelon offers many great opportunities for all persons seeking a new and better way of life. But even if you're just curious, your inquiry is still welcomed. Created in November of 1995 by Royal Decree under the assent of King Zachariah, the Kingdom of Kerguelon has made remarkable progress towards its own development and betterment. Although various bureaucrats have assaulted Kerguelon, as well as made attempts to label (and libel) it as a "fraudulent micronation" and worse, Kerguelon is, always has been since it was founded, and shall remain a "nation state" as defined by the Montevideo Convention of 1933. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     O Kewanaw ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     O Calai; ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Imperial-Tribunal Empire of Khaldria. Khaldria had built spiral tower. She was known as the Mistress of dark powers, a master of dark and destructive magics. Khaldria tempted the surviving mages with promise of great power and added their might to her ranks. The monstress needed no support from the empire so instead her and her creatures turned the fallen buildings into their new hovels and deserted cities became their hunting grounds. The demons captured the innocent survivors and rended their flesh and burned their souls - adding the remains to the ranks of their minions. The world was defeated and the sun set for what many believed was the last time.. 

     O Khmer ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Провинция. Cyberianation.. 

     Kingdom Kill. The origin of Kingdom Kill's name is unknown, it was first seen on the corpse of an airplane pilot, it was burned into his skull, with such precise it is believed to be the work of kingdom kill's robotic army. With the nations threatning messages sent out to the world speaking of death and destruction, the "Kill" doesn't seem to stand for anything but the basic meaning of the word. Only recently discovered as a micronation, Kingdom Kill has been shooting down aircrafts that cross the Bermuda Triangle for years and have been using the materials for resources. They have now gained enough power, and are planning to destroy other rmicronations. For what reasons are unknown. But anything that goes near the Bermuda triangle gets transmissions saying " Death to micronations" in a robotic voice. Kill Kingdom is believed to only be ruled by 1 person, called "GOD".. 

     Imperial Republic of Kingsland. A Rep;blica Imperial de Kingsland ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Cyprus. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Republic of Kiribati. Formerly the Gilbert Islands, these 33 coral atolls (of which 21 are inhabited) comprise 811 square kilometers. Situated in the equatorial pacific, in the east Kiribati offers world class fishing (both game and bone fishing) from Kiritimati Island. In the west is the Gilbert Group of islands, which offer amazing and unique cultural experiences. The country's capital of Tarawa has historic sites and artefacts where one of the bloodiest battles of World War II, the Battle of Tarawa. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     State of Kirpikistan. State of Kirpikistan is a Democratic state. Idea Of kirpikistan was founded on 22/07/2004. Head of the State is State Minister (secretary Of State) (temporarily), even though he is not elected it is only for the period until everything is ready to move and once we do this the elections will be held and we will decide who to be the next state minister and parliament. The areas of the State Of Kirpikistan To be defined later on. State of Kirpikistan is a Democratic State. Citizens of the State should have the direct access to the government meetings and have say on constitutional issues. There would be a constitution and elected parliament with no death penalty, no human rights abuse and off course average 5 times less taxation than other European and leading world countries (except for retired people where no tax payment required). This ideal state would only be up and running if people want to participate in this scheme explained at the home page. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Great United Kingdom of Kiseenia.. 

     Confedera;;o Kishar. A Confedera;;o Kishar foi fundada em 05 de julho de 2010 por Ruan Lima, Kishar ; a sucessora da antiga Confedera;;o Valdvia, uma microna;;o modelista que no passado era um condado n;o-oficial do Reino da Fran;a. Os contos fict;cios como o Brasil dos outros 500 e Atl;ntida do escritor Antonio Luiz M. C. da Costa deram origem a Confedera;;o Kishar, por isso Antonio Luiz M. C. da Costa ; um dos pais fundadores de Kishar. A funda;;o de Kishar se deu pacificamente, no orkut, que foi considerado um dos melhores meios de criar uma microna;;o. Atualmente Ruan Barbosa ; o monarca de Kishar e Victor Souza ; o presidente, Ruan Barbosa fundou Kishar e criou o Banco Central de Kishar. Victor Souza ; o presidente da Casa da Moeda de Kishar, os dois governam o pa;s juntos em uma diarquia. L;nguas oficiais - Senzar e Agarthiniano com outras mais de 90 l;nguas subnacionais. Capitais - Poseid;nis e Shamballa-Manova. Regime - Monarquia Constitucional Presidencialista. Imperador - Ruan Barbosa. Presidente - Victor Souza. Funda;;o - 05 de julho de 2010. Cultura - Antiga, medieval e contepor;nea. Religi;o Oficial - Laicismo. Localiza;;o - ;frica. Gent;lico - Kishariano. Kisone Republic.. 

     A Rep;blica de Kisone ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Kitts et Nevis Federation!!
     Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis. Am;rique-Dominion. Mini Pays. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Free State. Домен freistaat. org выставлен на продажу! O Estado Livre de KLE ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma _estado. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Kleinland is a seriousish micronation in the Scottish county of South Ayrshire. Its name comes from the Dutch/German word for small, klein. It was formally member of the Alliance of Micronations. Sign the pact of Kleinland on the discussion page. Kleinland was conceived in early 2008 out of the fallen ashes of The Gleeb Empire, King Andrew's first micronation, by King Andrew 1 and his friends as a serious micronation. However, soon most of them forgot except the King, his brother (Sir Tom) and his cousin (Grand Army General Adam). in January 2009 it was restarted by the King as a republic and no longer a 100% serious micronation and merely a 60% serious micronation with partly been run for a laugh. It invaded numerous coastal island islands along the west coast of Scotland. Kleinland is aiming to to send a satellite into space by 2040. It is Also hoping to be allowed to help build the International Space Station and join ESA. The Kleinland space programme is be run by Kleinland Space Agency or KSA. Official language - English. Capital - Kleinton. Date founded - 21st of April. Number of citizens - 7. Number of active citizens - 4. Government - Socialist Republic. Current leader - President Nichol. National animal - Mole.. 

Kloho. Principality!!

     Alive. 16. 05. 2007. The People's Republic of K-Marx.. 

     Free State. Atualmente, est;. O Estado Livre de Kolkis ; uma microna;;o sediada na Austr;lia, existente de 1990 at; hoje. Poucas informa;;es dispon;veis. Membro do ICIS. Sistema de governo uma _estado.. 

     Город-Государство. Cyberianation. Kolmenitzkiy (pronounced k;lm;n;tzk;) is the capital city of the Republic of Ashkenatza and its largest city. On both sides of the River Mandel, it is where the country's legislature, the Knesset and where the Nohsi, the Ashkenatzi head of state, resides in Ruzhin Palace. It is Also one of the oldest still inhabited cities of Ashkenatza, having developed from a small Shtetl on the riverside in the middle ages. The city has ancient ruins and many musuems and synagogues to visit. Perhaps its biggest claim to fame is that Kolmenitzkiy has one of the largest micronational city maps ever made, at approximately 2800 by 2400 pixels square. The name of the city was chosen by one of the founders of Ashkenatza, M. Goltz after a British Rabbi, the Kamenitzer Maggid, originally from the obscure Shtetl of Kamenitz in Bohemia.. 

     Kingdom of Komai.. 

     People's Republic. A Rep;blica Popular da Comunic;tia ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 1998 at; 1999. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

Konkordat Administration!!

     Korland ist eine virtuelle Mikronation, die mit einer Homepage und einem Forum ein fiktives Land abzubilden versucht. Anspruch auf staatliche Existenz wird dabei selbstverst;ndlich nicht erhoben. Der Freistaat Korland ist mit etwa viereinhalb Millionen Einwohnern auf knapp 50. 000 qkm ein eher d;nn besiedelter und ;berwiegend l;ndlicher Staat auf Terek Nor zwischen dem freistaat Fuchsen und der Schwyzerischen Demokratischen Republik. Korland ist prinzipiell ein Staat mit „kulturdeutschem Charakter“, wer Also lieber fremde L;nder bereisen m;chte, der mag woanders besser f;ndig werden, aber Korland ist doch wieder ganz anders als das, was Ihnen begegnet, wenn Sie ihre Haust;r ;ffnen und auf die Stra;e gehen. Die wichtigsten Bodensch;tze sind Steinkohle, Braunkohle, Erd;l, Erdgas, Eisenerz, Silber, Kupfer, Bernstein, Stein- und Kalisalz, Anhydride, Phosphorite und Torf.. 

     Federation of Korolev. Location: USA. Status: Defunct. Type of entity: - Micronation. Location: - Canada. Area claimed: - Karantania and Korolev. Membership: - 25 (2006). Date of foundation: - 10 December, 2006. Leadership: - President Blazej Franciszek. Purported organisational structure: - Federated Republic with one SAR. Language: - English. Purported currency: - Unaro. The Federation of Korolev was founded on December 12 2006 after an agreement was signed between the Republic of Korolev and the Acadame North overseas territory of Karantania. Korolev was founded on November 12, 2006 by President Blazej Franciszek. The Republic of Korolev was a Military Junta with goals of eventually claiming the Northern Artic Area from the capital of the nation (located in Southern Canada). On December 1st, 2006 the Republic of Korolev was turned into the Federation of Korolev, after the Karantania agreement was signed at the Kirov conference which lasted from November 26-November 30. Shorly after the Federation of Korolev was formed it joined the Union of North American Micronations and adapted the Unaro (the Currency of UNAM) as its currency. Korolev is a Federation but with Special Status, at times the Federation of Korolev was called a Acadame North Satellite State which is denied by the government of Korolev. Although the Governments have no official connection they are both members of the Union of North American Micronations and ISAF (Independent States Allied Forces). Also, Acadame North's government still appoints the head of Karantania just as it did in the late 1990's. Also Korolev is ruled by a Party which branches off from the Acadame North CPAN (Communist Party of Acadame North) which is the CPK (Communist Party of Korolev). Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     United Federation of Koronis. InActive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - NSW, Australia. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. The capital of The United Federation of Koronis is asteroid 243 Ida. Entirety of Koronis asteroid family located between planets Mars and Jupiter however. Until the asteroids become habitable the business of government will be through offices established in Wollongong, Australia. Article II of the Outer Space Treaty governs the appropriation of space resources. Article II provides that "Outer Space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means. " The United Federation of Koronis is a Constitutional Monarchy. All steroids within the Koronis family must yield to these principles. This Constitution is directly binding on all citizens of the The United Federation of Koronis. The general rules of public international law constitute an integral, inviolable part of the national law. The United Federation of Koronis will not undertake to defend its citizenry or land through physical violence against other living things, but will seek other methods for self-defence. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Kosrae Island!!
     Federated States of Micronesia. Chuuk, Truk, Kosrae, Pohnpei, Ponape & Yap Islands. Self-governing state in free association with the USA. Formerly the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. The Compact of Free Association Act of 1985 (Public Law 99-239) set forth a joint resolution between the United States and the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia (RMI/FSM) regarding the termination of the U. S. trusteeship over the former Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (TTPI). The resolution further established the FSM and the RMI as independent nations, and established a special relationship between the United States and these nations. The Compact of Free Association between the United States and the RMI took effect on October 21, 1986, and the Compact of Free Association between the United States and the FSM took effect on November 3, 1986. The Compact of Free Association Amendments Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-188) amended the Compacts in a number of significant ways, including changes to the immigration provisions. The Compacts, as amended, became effective for the RMI on May 1, 2004, and for the FSM on June 30, 2004. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Grand Duchy. O Gr;o-Ducado de Kosuroshima ; uma microna;;ojap, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-ducado.. 

Kovalia. Lower. People's Democratic Duchy!!
     Lower Kovalia.. People's Democratic Duchy. 

     Republic of Kozelka. Location: Europe. Czech Republic. Date active: 1996–present. Has a website: vvtisk. cz/republikakozelka.. 

Kozuc. Republic!!

     Federation. Before the Federal Republic of Los Bay Petros was founded, five other micronations were founded by Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman. There were: Republic of Valdezia; Republic of Mezilistan; Krakozhian Federation; Petrovakian Federation; Petrolistan (only lasted for 1 day,Oct 13th - Oct 14th, 2009). 

     A Krashkovia ; tipicamente um pa;s Republicano parlamentarista, suas elei;;es s;o semi-diretas, ocorridas a cada 6 anos. A Republica da Krashkovia fica localizada a 2000 km ao oeste do Mexico, e banhado pelo Oceano Pacifico. A sua ;rea ; de 5 509 km;, sua popula;;o ; de 876 156 habitantes, e sua densidade populacional era de 564 hab/km; (segundo o censo de 2000). Nome do Presidente atual: Anderson Gama. O Parlamento da Rep;blica da Krashcovia ; o org;o respons;vel pelas fun;;es legislativas, sendo composto por delegados que representam a vontade do povo, tendo todos igual direito a voz e voto atraves das sub-elei;;es para delegados onde os mesmos representam os eleitores nas elei;;es presidenciais. Cabe tamb;m ao parlamento fiscalisar as atividades do Secret;rio-Geral e do Gabinete de Governo, podendo a qualquer momento remov;-los do cargo.. 

Krassland. Semi-Republic!!

Krav; hora!!
     Free Federal Republic of Krav; hora. Location: Europe. Czech Republic. Date active: 1990s; 2000–present. Has a website.. 



     Intrasum Repubic of Kristoph.. 

     Dead. 20. 09. 2008. The Kingdom of Krlska. Доменное имя этого виртуального королевства пока не исполоьзуется.. 

Kronossia.. Republic!!

     O Kryous ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma. In a remote area of the Northern Pacific Ocean, almost one thousand miles from the nearest inhabited island, resides the island of Jostan. The indigenous peoples, or Jostans, are of Mayo-Polynesian descent originating from Southeast Asia as early as 1,500 B. C. The ancient Jostans were very family-oriented and lived in small tribes consisting of 20 – 40 people. It is estimated that the he Jostans thrived on Jostan for thousands of years before coming into contact with any other civilization. Not much else is known of the early Jostans. On March 10, 1801 a council of elders was called in Yesos to discuss the creation of a formal nation. By June 21, 1801 the government of the island and its administrative divisions had been created. The country would be named after the island, its capital would be Yesos, Menkar and its people would be known as Kryans. Using Kryan to describe the citizens would allow both the British secessionists and the Jostans to unite as one people. The island was then divided into six progenies, which were named after the principal stars of the constellation Cetus, and in turn the progenies were divided into kincadres. 7 The framework of the original government was based upon the chain of command used by the early Jostans. Each progeny would have a leader, usually the elder of the region. Each elder was responsible overseeing the internal affairs of the progeny. In addition, the elders would Also report to the elder council, lead by the Elder Chieftain, to discuss national issues and external affairs. The Elder Chieftain is the elder of Menkar. The judicial system was localized with not much national oversight and all legislation was based upon common law.. 

     Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

     Leader: Edwin Lipburger. Founded in 1984. A ball-shaped house built by artist Edwin Lipburger, currently located in the Vienna Prater. Kugelmugel is a former micronation located in Vienna, Austria. Located in Vienna Prater, the Republic of Kugelmugel declared independence in 1984, after disputes between artist Edwin Lipburger and Austrian authorities over building permits for the ball-shaped house he built at the address. The house is enclosed by a barbed-wire fence and is the only address within the proclaimed Republic. Its address is "2, Antifaschismusplatz" (2, Anti-Fascism Square, 2 refers to the 2nd district Leopoldstadt), and the founder is one of the 389 citizens. Lipburger refused to pay taxes to the Austrian government and began to print his own stamps, for which he received a prison sentence in court. Only a pardon by the Austrian President saved him from going to jail. Austrian state officials later relocated the structure and surrounded it with barbed wire fencing. Kugelmugel has since become a tourist attraction in Vienna due to its unique history and architecture. The word "Kugel" means "sphere" in German; the word "Mugel" is an Austrian German expression for "bump" or "mogul". Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Alive. 30. 08. 2000. The Grand State of Kulden. Language: English. 

     Dead. 12. 04. 2008. The Republic of Ky;-Jima. Language: English. 

     Cyprus. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Free Protectorate of Kyrolonia. Quirol;nia. O Quirol;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Lac Glacei!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation. Dead Nation. Провинция. 25. 12. 2003. Lac Glacei first appeared in a Micronational sense during the Second War for Cyberian Liberation in December of 1999. It was named jointly by Charles of Tulsa, Emperor Jacobus, and Peter Hickey. In one of several historical references, Lac Glacei is a cold mountainous northern region. Lac Glacei thus became the twin realm to the Province of Cognito in the United Imperium of Cognito and Lac Glacei. Later, it became part of Tymaria and an increasingly small part of Shireroth. Conglacio Geisteskrank and later Jacobus served as Barons. In December 2005, Grand Duke Ryan negotiated the Centerflying Treaty with Shireroth which guarantees Lac Glaceian sovereignty while maintaining ties of loyalty to Shireroth which benefit both nations. The Federal Republic of Cyberia was wracked by hurricanes in november of 2007 that destroyed a significant amount of the nation's military capability. In order to see that the overseas territories were protected and governed, the FRC ceded the majority of is empire to the Imperial Republic of Shireroth. As the original territory of Lac Glacei on Micras is occupied by established nations, Lac Glacei today is a vaguish-territorial Bailiwick under the Duchy of Yardistan, neither fish nor fowl.. 

     Kingdom of Lacia. Lacia was founded somewhere in December of 2009 and King Wiebe Marten of Lacia the First crowned himself king. The exact datum of founding unknown. King Wiebe Marten of Lacia I abadoned the older name, simply because he was about the only one who could pronounce it correctly and because it would be difficult to get in good relations with other nations. So, after a bit of thinking, the name Lacia was used. Since then Wiebe Marten of Lacia I was busy creating everything related to the country: A website, a flag, a constitution, et cetera. However, this phase is at this point still going on: the country is far from 'finished'.. 

Ladinische Republik!!
     Gr;ndung 30. 04. 06. Ladinien ist eine alte Nation in neuem Gewand. Nach Jahrhunderten innerer Zwistigkeiten und K;mpfe gegen ;ussere Feinde, hat die Nation zu sich selbst zur;ckgefunden und geht jetzt erste Schritte auf andere, noch unbekannte V;lker zu! Ladinien ist konsularische Republik und wird von zwei gleichberechtigten Consuln regiert, die auch die Vertretung des Reiches nach Aussen ;bernehmen. V;lkerrechtlich bindende Vertr;ge schliessen diese in ;bereinkunft. Sie sind jederzeit berechtigt diese ihre Rechte zu delegieren. Die Regierung ernennt und entl;sst die Gesandten des Reiches bei ausw;rtigen M;chten. Der Senat besteht aus Abgeordneten, welche von den vom Volk gew;hlten Parteien ernannt werden, den Senatoren. Jede Partei ernennt Senatoren in der Anzahl der Stimmgewichtung durch die B;rger. Der Senat ist die letzte und h;chste Instanz des Reiches. Der Senat w;hlt die Proconsuln (Gouverneure), die wiederum die Provinzen regieren. Die Consuln werden vom Senat gew;hlt. Die Amtszeit ist durch die Verfassung bestimmt. Vor 150 Jahren nahmen die ;berf;lle durch Piraten und Seev;lker derart zu, das der Beschluss gefasst wurde das Reich in drei Kaiserreiche zu gliedern und dadurch die Verteidigung zu erleichtern. Die geschah auf Grund der damals noch unzureichenden Transportmittel, welche eine Verteidigung auf lokaler Ebene erzwangen. Das Haus der Argeaden wurde vom Senat mit der Bildung der drei Reiche betraut, das in allen drei Reichen die kaiserliche Dynastie stellte. Im Osten versuchte jedoch Julian, genannt Apostata, der vom Glauben abgefallene, als Kaiser des Ostens seinen privaten, christliche Glauben zur Staatsreligion zu machen. In den Jahren 2609 – 2610 u. Z. regierte dieser Kaiser, ehe er von Aufst;ndische F;rsten entmachtet wurde.. 

     Active Status: Physical Micronation. Founded in 1980. O Lad;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista sve, existente de 1996 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia presidencialista. Type of Entity. Art preservation protest. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Europe. southern Sweden. A micronation created by Swedish artist Lars Vilks as the home to sculptures created by him in the Kullaberg nature reserve in north-west Sk;ne. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: www. ladonia. net. Chevron-shaped piece of coastal land less than 0. 25 km2 in extent, located in the Kullaberg Nature Reserve, near the tip of Sweden's Kulla Peninsula. Ladonia is not recognized by any other accredited state, and acknowledging international law, there is no legal basis for calling it a state. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Glorious Empire. O Imp;rio da Laf;rtia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

     Republic. A Rep;blica de Lafayette ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente de 1960 at; 1962. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. O Reino de Lafayette', depois Rep;blica de Lafayette, foi uma microna;;o criada por Harold Thomas, hoje em dia pol;tico de Porto Claro, quando ele era um adolescente, em 1960, na cidade de Greentown, EUA. Press;es externas (seus pais) levaram a um golpe de estado, proclama;;o da Rep;blica e instabilidade pol;tica no pa;s, e Lafayette se rendeu aos EUA em 62. Criada por Harold D. Thomas em Columbus, Ohio, (EUA) em 1960. Como tantas outras (Alf;stia, Pel;ndias) ela era um "pa;s infantil". While some de them (Porto Claro, Talossa) did successfully grow, Lafayette did not and was dissolved por Harold em 1962. Recently it has been ressurrected as part de the Principado de Orange confederation. Adotada: 1960 Abolida: 1962. Lafayette ; uma prov;ncia de Orange, fundada por Jean Tisserand para relembrar sua antiga microna;;o. Abriga a popula;;o franc;fona e corresponde culturalmente a Nouvelle Rouen em Porto Claro.. 

Lagoan Isles!!
     Leader: Louis Stephans. Founded in 2005. The creation of a self-styled Grand Duke Louis, who claims that three tiny islands in a Portsmouth pond are not owned by the local council, and so has declared them an independent state. The Grand Duchy of the Lagoan Isles is a micronation based in Britain. It was created in 2005 by school teacher Louis Robert Harold Stephens ("Grand Duke Louis", born 1985) as a class project, and claims as its territory Baffins Pond, near Portsmouth, along with the three tiny islands located within the pond. However, the Grand Duchy does not have a physical presence in, or exercise any authority over the area, and its operations are largely limited to the Internet. Records of Baffins Farm (including the pond) date back to 1194. Since then it has changed hands several times. In the 19th century it was used by local farmers, and in 1912 it became a public park. In 1938 it was saved from demolition, and sold to the City of Portsmouth. Stephens established the Grand Duchy's putative claim to the pond islands on August 16, 2005, after noticing that they were not specifically mentioned in the 1938 land sale contract. He subsequently sent a letter announcing his claim to Portsmouth council, and released a series of banknotes with an ornithological theme. As of September 2009, the Grand Duchy's status is unclear, as its website has not been updated since January 2007. Status - Current. Area claimed - 43,000 m2. Membership - 30 (2006). Date of foundation - August 16, 2005. Organisational structure - Constitutional monarchy. Language - English. Purported currency - Lagoan EdneyDollar. Currency code - €D. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     O Na;;o da Lagosta ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma _na;;o.. 

     States of Laissaira and New Albion.. 

Laissez Faire City!!
     Deixe-Fazer. Город Невмешательства. O Cidade do Deixe-Fazer ; uma microna;;o pecularista angl;fona, existente de 1970 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma municipalidade. In November 1997, Orlin Grabbe was invited to edit an online weekly newspaper called the Laissez Faire City Times. The newspaper was loosely connected to the Laissez Faire City project based in Costa Rica. Создатели города называют его "Первым суверенным городом эпохи информации". Основной принцип – политика невмешательства.. 

     Dead. 04. 10. 2008. Kingdom of the Lakhdives. The Kingdom of the Lakhdives is a micronation formed from the ruined remnants of the erstwhile Kingdom of Rambai after the fall of Sultan Paduka Kebawah's dictatorial regime. Patriarch Cyril, who led the people's revolution, has vowed to restore a constitutional monarchy. The "Regency" refers to the administration headed by His Beautitude, the Patriarch of the Holy Oriental Orthodox Church, and consists of all Ministers and the Patriarch's Special Envoy. The Regency exercises all the powers of the Monarchy until such time that the Patriarch appoints a suitable King or Queen.. 

     Nation of Lamia. Date active: 2008–present. Has a website: www. lamianation. com. This nation was declared in all requirements according to the 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of states. Lamia is an independent nation. Lady Beverly Miller is Supreme Monarch, Her Royal Majesty Queen of Lamia. By taking this position, she and her family will be the ruling monarch from now and forever, as long as these articles are adhered to. All Supreme Monarchs shall be head of state until their 71st year of birth. The title of Head of State shall be transferred to the next heir. When Head of State transfers title, they shall retain their royal title that was given to them as right of Parliament. The next Supreme Monarch shall be a direct descendent of the acting Supreme Monarch. If more than one heir is present, Parliament shall vote upon which heir is to become Supreme Monarch.. 

Lanaa Empire!!

     Crown Principality of Landashir. Alive. 15. 08. 2001. Landashir, officially the Community of Landashir is a micronation formed in 2001 by James Puchowski. Landashir was originally founded as the Crown Principality of Landashir before making a transition to an Antarctic Community in early 2010. Language: English, German, Esperanto, French. The current Premier of Landashir is James Puchowski. Landashir was founded in 2001 by James Puchowski. Landashir was originally created as being a fictional county of England (named Landashire), before Puchowski made the decision to transform Landashir into a micronation, creating the Crown Principality of Landashir. Landashir consisted of the territory of Sycamore Booker in South East England. Capital - Sycamore Booker (de facto). Largest city - Poino Capital; (Capital Point), Farwell Island. Official language(s) - Official: English, Francillish, French. Minority: German. Official religion(s) - Secular. Demonym - Landashir'n (Llon). Government - Liberal Socialist Democracy. Premier - James Puchowski. Legislature - Landashir'n Government. Unicameral Collective Parliament (Isocratic) - 5 (as of 160510). Established - 2001. Population - 5 (1 diplomatic citizen). Currency - Credit (pegged to ;0. 10 exactly) Current budget stands at 2110 $. The Premier describes Landashir as a "Liberal Socialist Democracy". Landashir'n politics and government takes place in the framework of a direct republic, with an elected Head of state. Legislative power is vested in the Landashir'n Government, a unicameral consensus style body consisting of all Landashir'n citizens. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Cyberianation. Capital: Asheriana. Landenberg is an unincorporated community in southern Chester County, Pennsylvania, United States. It is, essentially, a post office address that covers parts of New Garden, London Britain and Franklin Townships. Landenberg serves as home to many business persons that commute and work in the nearby city of Wilmington, Delaware.. 

     K;nigreich Outre Mer/Landinia. Outre M;r-Landinia bildet zusammen mit dem Reich von Eph;be und Etur;a das Imperium Ladinorum, liegt auf dem Kontinent Samaria (OIK) und grenzt an Wolfenstein. Seit dem 20. 10. 2763 zum Vizek;nigreich erhoben, wurde es von seinem ersten Vizek;nig Primus Tinnitus weitgehend autonom regiert. Mit dem 02. 01. 2764/2011 gilt es auf Beschluss der Nationalversammlung als Reichsland. Amtssprache - Neuhochladinische Sprache|Ladinisch (Lad;n). Hauptstadt - Petroleum. Staatsform - Absolute Monarchie. Staatsoberhaupt, Imperator et Rex (Kaiser und K;nig) - Marcus Flavius Celtillus seit dem 20. 10. 2763/2010. Regierungschef, K;nig - Primus Tinnitus seit dem 20. 10. 2763/2010 Fl;che - 182. 006,34l; (Quadratleugen = 899. 136km;). Einwohnerzahl - 14. 562. 000. Bev;lkerungsdichte - 16,20 Einwohner je km;. Gr;ndung - 20. 10. 2763/2010. W;hrung - Ladinischer Denar (12 ; = 1 Lira). W;hrungszeichen - ;. Nationalhymne - T; ;r;s Lad;nia. Nationalfeiertag - 21. 04. (Gr;ndung Alba Longas). int. Vorwahl - + 409. int. Kennzeichen - IL. Der aus Syrene im Reich von Eph;be stammende Primus Tinnitus wurde am 20. 10. 2763/2010 von Kaiser Marcus Flavius Celtillus zum Vizek;nig Landiniens ernannt. Am 07. 11. 2763/2011 wurde das Vizek;nigreich in den Stand eines K;nigreiches, gleich den K;nigreichen Edonia, Syrene und Vitellia, am 02. 01. 2764/2011 durch die in Minoia tagende Nationalversammlung in den eines der drei Reichsl;nder des Imperiums erhoben. Die Aufgabe der Regierung des Reichslandes besteht darin, die Rohstoffe des Landes f;r das Imperium schonend zu nutzen und die Natur weitestgehend pfleglich zu behandeln.. 

     Kingdom of Landreth. O Reino de Landreth ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1979 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Theron Paul, localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. O Reino de Landreth, com uma das maiores popula;;es do universo dos micropa;ses, possui uma hist;ria interessant;ssima, recheada de conspira;;es, golpes, guerras frias e uma organiza;;o interna como se fosse um pa;s europeu, apesar de Landreth ficar em Michigan, nos EUA. O Rei Theron Paul nos mandou um pacote com informa;;es sobre o pa;s, e muitas delas s;o muito interessantes, como por exemplo a organiza;;o distrital, a detalhada her;ldica e a pr;-hist;ria fict;cia. Landreth se localiza, na verdade, numa ilha imagin;ria sem localiza;;o definida. T;m provado ser grandes entusiastas da integra;;o dos micropa;ses e pesquisadores de micropatriologia. Grand Rapids, Michigan Microna;;o fundada por Michigan people, this country is more than 20 years old. Landreth is said to be located on an imaginary island, lost somewhere em North America. Current monarch is King Theron Paul. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - USA. Lider - Theron Paul. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Virtual entity. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Languo. Sovereign Principality!!

     Municipality. Leader: Denys Tremblay. Founded in 1997. A micronation started to promote tourism in a small Quebec town. O Anse-St. Jean, Municipalidade de L' ; uma microna;;o pecularista franc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma municipalidade. L'Anse-Saint-Jean is a small town, population 1269 (2001), in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region of Quebec, Canada. L'Anse-Saint-Jean was founded in 1838 by the Soci;t; des Vingt-et-un, a group of lumber prospectors and investors from Charlevoix which was responsible for opening up the Saguenay region to colonization. It achieved a certain notoriety when its citizens held a referendum on January 21, 1997, to turn the village into the Le Royaume de L'Anse-Saint-Jean, the continent's first "municipal monarchy. " The monarchists won 73. 9% of the vote, with Denys Tremblay becoming King Denys I. The king was crowned on June 24, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, in the ;glise Saint-Jean-Baptiste, and announced plans to build a "vegetable oratory," Saint-Jean-du-Mill;naire (Saint John of the Millennium). This micronational project was cheerfully conceded to be a way of boosting tourism in the region, which had been hit by the floods on the Saguenay River in 1996. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     ; o Estado mais Habitado da Rep;blica Virtual de Valverde. Por ela passa a ferrovia transnacional, Laplace ; a terra da Arte e da cultura. Por l; Mora v;rios poetas e Artistas. Sua Economia principal ; a Produ;;ode audiovisual e propaganda. Muitos Cidad;os de Laplace s;o adoradores da S;tima arte.. 

     Free Republic. A Rep;blica da Laputa ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 1995 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Werner Heise, localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. ; inspirada na Lap;tia, uma ilha flutuante de As Viagens de Gulliver, de Jonathan Swift. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Free Republic. Dead Nation. Cyberianation. The Laqi Free Republic was a short-lived state in southern Shireroth which declared independence simultaneously with Elwynn on August 4th 2010, under the reign of Kaiser B'Caw I. The Laqi seccession itself can be attributed to two factors- the feelings of the former Count of Modan-Lach and developer of the Laqi culture and ConLang, Maksim Hadjimehmetov that his cultural works had been disregarded and the Laqi mistreated due to the unpopular House System of subdivisions in Shireroth at the time, and the high levels of inactivity in the sector in the summer of 2010 and a somewhat less noble desire to 'stir things up a bit'. Official language: - English, Laqi ConLang. Demonym: - {{{demonym}}}. Capital: - Maksim-Xala (Brookshire Hamlet). Largest Cities: - Ereki (Eriksburg), Jel Ren;r (Reynor Point). Website: - Laqi/Modan-Lach Subforum. Forum: - Laqi/Modan-Lach Subforum. Wiki: - {{{wiki}}}. Number of citizens: - 1. Number of active citizens: - (Nation Inactive, rejoined Shireroth). Date founded: - 4th August 2010. Government: - Democracy (Provisional Government). Current leader: - Uls;-;an Maksym Hadjimehmetov. Currency: - Shirereithan Erb.. 

     Arquip;lago de Lare. O Arquip;lago de Lare ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 1993 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma. O Arquip;lago de Lare ; uma microna;;o angl;fona. Poucas informa;;es dispon;veis. Membro do ICIS.. 

     O Lasoberana ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Lassaira. New Albion!!
     New Albion (Brigantia). An emerging sovereign state serving the global community by advocating and connecting disenfranchised individuals and communities. Site contains comprehensive information on development, government, and citizenship.. 

Lassairia. National Authority!!
     States of Lassaria. O Autoridade Nacional Lassairi ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma estado. Website missing as of 27 November 2010. The Lassairi National Authority seeks to be among the world's first and foremost in providing civil, national and international services to the global community, by uniting, advocating and connecting the individuals and communities that are often disenfranchised by the existing nations due to their culture, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or other minority status; in doing so we gratefully acknowledge and celebrate the diversity and uniqueness of each and every individual, thereby promote peaceful and free interchange between people. Mission Statement. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Federal Republic. Cyberianation. Lasteria is a province of the Federal Republic of Cyberia. Capital - Southaven. The current governor is Vincent Montjoy, Rally for the Imperium. Just east of the capital is the beach where Kahunamea I brought to the Mala'anje people ashore in the late 1300's. It is Also the same spot where Kahunamea IV last touched his native soil as a remnant of Mala'anje fled into exile. (See Cognito. )In on December 10th,1999 the King of the Mala'anje kept his ancestor's vow to return. In part (according to some), as punishment for this association with forces opposed to the Cyberian Oligarchy, the province was annexed to Mattimeo by the VCC. The Lasterian Liberation Front lead by Purple Cyberian(among others)resisted the annexation. The Province was restored under the Federal Republic of Cyberia.. 

     Empire. Id;ntidem de L;ti. O Imp;rio de Id;ntidem de L;ti ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1996 at; 1998. Atualmente, est;. Imp;rio fundada por Thomas Rigo Haug, no Texas, EUA. Atualmente est; extinta. Adotada: 1996. O Imp;rio de Id;ntidem de L;ti, fundado em 21 de abril de 1996 por Thomas Rigo Haug, o Imperador Thomas I, fica no Texas e ; uma tentativa de resgatar a cultura latina cl;ssica. Seu idioma oficial ; o latim, mas o ingl;s, o espanhol e o alem;o tamb;m s;o aceitos. Thomas, muito provavelmente inspirado pela Talossa, declarou seu quarto independente e se fez coroar imperador. Horas ap;s declarar independ;ncia, o Imp;rio declarou guerra ; Ivy League para se expandir, muito provavelmente pela casa inteira. Possui um sistema pol;tico de equil;brio de poderes muito complexo, com v;rios caminhos para um projeto-de-lei percorrer, dependendo das aprova;;es do Senado, da Suprema Corte e do Imperador. Tudo isso est; escrito na Constitui;;o, escrita e aprovada pelo pr;prio Thomas. O Imp;rio se tornou membro da LOSS em 1996, e possu;a saud;veis rela;;es com a extinta URR e Porto Claro, al;m de ter sido o primeiro a reconhecer-nos. O ex-rei de Porto Claro, Leonardo Mesquita, ; cidad;o honor;rio de Id;ntidem de L;ti, mas ao que parece o Imp;rio entrou em decad;ncia e est; prestes a aparecer, pois h; muito que Thomas n;o d; sinal de vida.. 

Latin League!!


     Dead. 19. 06. 2008. The Principality of Laurant. Language: English, Dutch, French. 

     Empire. Laut;nia. O Imp;rio da Laut;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1996 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Lavalon. Principality!!
     Principality of Lavalon. The Republic of Lavalon is the current successor state to the Principality of Lavalon first established by Ciaron Broeck in 2002. The Sovereign Principality of Lavalon is a community of like minded individuals who, for various reasons, have decided to secede from the worlds depressing and alienating reality choosing instead to identify as Lavalonian. More on why people participate in Lavalon. Lavalon is therefore a nation, which due to its small size is often referred to as a micronation. The Declaration of Formation first signed on the 15th of August 2003 enshrines the concept of a nation based not on 'fate' or the 'accident of birth' but on the freely given consent of all citizens. The Lavalonian Government presently consists of the Sovereign Prince and a directly democratic legislature that can compel the Sovereign Prince to enact its 'advice'. Officially the present system is absolutist and vested solely in the person of the Sovereign Prince, his heraldry therefore forms the provisional national symbolism, however times are changing and Lavalon is evolving towards an increasingly more directly democratic system. All people are welcome to be part of this process, bringing there ideas to the nation and shaping its future. Due to the small size of the nation, and one of its key attractions to those interested in alternative sovereignty, the individual citizens wields a great degree more influence over the course of national events than would be the case in a 'macro' state.. 

Lavalon. Principality!!

Lavalon. Republic!!
     Republic of Lavalon. Alive. 03. 08. 2002. Inactive Status: Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Has a website: www. lavalon. info. Address - Email:. Contact location - Wodonga, Victoria, Australia. Lider - Jason McKerra. Does not claims/own/occupy/control territory. Virtual entity. Rural property and private residence near Wodonga, northern Victoria, Australia. Lavalon participates in Polination Conference. Lavalon was established on the 4th of August 2002 by Ciaron Broeck. Originally titled the Independent Principality of Lavalon, the micronation soon ceased to function as Broeck participated in a variety of other micronational projects. The Republic of Lavalon is the current successor state to the Principality of Lavalon first established by Ciaron Broeck in 2002. The current Republic was declared on the 23rd of July 2009, it's current leader is Provisional Consul Jason Mckerra. The Republic is a non-territorial micronation, but in January 2010, Consul Jason Mckerra announced that his long term aim was now to purchase land in Australia for the Republic. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

League Secessionist States!!
     The League of Secessionist States was founded on the 26th of November, 1980 by the Kingdom of Talossa, the Kingdom of Thord and the Imperial Jahn Empire, as an organization to unite micronations and to serve as a forum for serious and relevant debates about the micronational movement. Its main purpose was to gather independentist initiatives in order to achieve the "World Singular Secession of 10,000,000,000 nations". The LOSS officially begun as a diplomatical alliance between three nations: the Kingdom of Talossa, the Kingdom of Thord and the Imperial Jahn Empire, in opposition to a fourth one, the Glib Room Empire. Ruled by teenage friends in the city of Milwaukee, USA, these states signed a LOSS treaty in November 26th, 1980, and founded the initial body of the League. Madison assumed the principal duties in the organization, and designed a flag and some fundamentals (as the non-obligatory recognition between members). Currently, the League of Secessionist States is an organization of around 50 (fifty) such micronations, from all linguistic sectors; it exists to promote intermicronational communication and partnership, and serves to act as a supramicronational, impartial Body where such a need for one may exist. The LoSS has an Intermicronational Court and Also a General Assembly, exercizing functions that are very similar to those of the macronational United Nations. became inactive due to the nearly simultaneous disappearence of both Thord and the Jahn Empire. Talossa, however, which exists until today, kept the League cocooned and brought it back to activity by signing a "Miniature Alliance and Treaty Organization" (MATO) with the People's Republic of Fira, another teenage micronation founded by Madison's friend Fr;d;ric Maugey in France. At this time, Mr. Nathan Freeburg from Talossa was placed by Robert B. Madison in the post of Secretary-General.. 

     Republic of Lebanon. Lebanese Republic. Al-Jumhuriyya al-Lubaniyya, Luban. At 10,400 sq. km., about 70% the size of Connecticut, this secular constitutional republic, bordered by Syria and Israel is one of the larger "small" states. President of the Republic General Michel Sleiman. A group calling itself the "Lebanese Foundation for Peace" claims to be an exile government. Lebanon is a parliamentary democratic republic based on respect for public liberties, especially the freedom of opinion and belief, and respect for social justice and equality of rights and duties among all citizens without discrimination. The legislative power shall be vested in a single body, the Chamber of Deputies. Executive power shall be entrusted to the Council of Ministers and the council shall exercise it in accordance with conditions started in this constitution. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Empire of Leblandia. Location: Poland. Email:. Lider. Marcus Lebenciusz. Active. A sovereign, independent culture and monarchy within the territory of Poland. At this moment this country exists more as a culture then state, within the territory of Poland, as a state within a state. The Empire of Leblandia is one of the most picturesque parts of the world in which one can hear an original hymn praising the greatness and beauty of nature. Leblandia was established on the 26 march 2001 and is unique in its potential, in its culture and traditions. Nowadays, one can communicate by telephone from any region of Leblandia with the most distant parts of the world. It was impossible to imagine it five years ago. And now, through the Internet, we are ready to cooperate in any area, our doors are widely open to mutually beneficial cooperation. We hope that our Internet pages will become good fellow travelers for everyone who is ready to work with us. I am sure that the basis for a fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation will be created. We are ready to support our partners who appreciate stability, reliability, and faith in future in every way. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Kingdom of Lectoria. Lect;ria. Dead. 31. 12. 1996. O Reino da Lect;ria ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Thomas Foster, James Foster, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. The Kingdom of Lectoria is a Micronation. That means it is a nation of people working on a much smaller, more accessable level then most other countries, making it that much easier (most of the time) to participate in and understand. It Also makes it much more fun. The Kingdom is ruled by a Monarch with full executive authority. The current Monarch is Thomas George Patrick, King of Lectoria. His wife, Robin Lea, reigns as Queen. Their Royal Majesties claim their right to rule through the ancestory of both the King and the Queen. The King is the eldest son of the eldest child of the last Chief of the Clan Keeney, George Linus Keeney, who had claim to the Irish title of tuatha ri, or tuathe king. The Queen claims noble heritage dating back to the Norman invasion of Ireland through her family name of Fitzgerald, descendants of Gerald Fitzgerald and the Earls of Kildare. The geographic make-up of the Kingdom is determined by the land holdings of the Royal Family. It currently measures just a little over one square mile, and is spread over a large portion of the United States, mainly lying in the states of Mississippi, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, with small holdings in Kansas and Colorado. This geographic area is divided into six Duchies, each governed by a member of the Royal Family.. 

Leestani SSR!!
     Officially the Leestan Soviet Socialist Republic. It is a constituent socialist republic of the Union of South London Soviet Socialist Republics located in South London, England. It is made up of a collection of bedrooms in and around places such as the Lewisham and Greenwich boroughs and it claims to be dedicated to "expanding and showing the light to more and more people". The LSSR was formed on June 8, 2010 and originaly was made up of a collection of bedrooms. Since then, many places have been anexed such as the landing just outside of the LSSR's capital. The LSSR hopes that by the end of 2010 it becomes as recognisable as Sealand, a goal that has been set by the citizens of the LSSR. The leaders of the LSSR hope to annex more teritory, mainly Lee Green, directly surrounding the capital. The president of the LSSR is Alex Whitmarsh and it is ruled as a single-party state with the Leestani Communist Party currently in rule. The country is open to new parties but many may potential parties may go against strict anti-terrorism laws. The leader of the Leestani Communist Party is yet to be decided. Capital - Lee Green. Total Area - 100 sq M. Official languages - English. Demonym - Soviet. Government - Socialist Republic. President - Alex Whitmarsh. Vice President - Oliver Parsons. General Secretary - Rory Cahill. Creation of the LSSR - 8th June 2010 (lunchtime). Annexation of Upper Landing - 8th June 2010 (evening). Annexation of Loft - 8th June 2010 (evening).. 

Lego Republic!!
     The Lego Republic is a communist micronation located in parts of west-central Wisconsin. The country does have a government lead by President Scott Perry. The Lego republic is Also a Constitutional Monarchy with its King being King Austin the VIII. The Lego Republic was founded in 2001 by Scott Perry. From 2001-2010 the Lego Republic was involved in a long and costly war with the Wizarding Empire. Almost 99% of the Lego Republic is Forden Christian.. 

Lemuria Confederate Rianates!!
     Formerly Empire of Lemuria. It was the most recent nation in the long line of SanderNations. Ithad a varied history. Formed after the fall of the second incarnation of Feianova, it joined the Grand Commonwealth upon its formation in 2005. On February 1, 2006 Lemuria seceded from the Grand Commonwealth, being the first nation to do so. This secession was followed up on February 2nd by the shocking news that the Ramu of Lemuria had been assassinated by radical Lemurians unhappy at Lemuria leaving the Commonwealth. The nation descended into anarchy, where it was split into three fragments, T;ixxarin, R;ixavin and Rechain. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Lemuria Empire!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. Lates Confederate Rianates of Lemuria. Empire of Lemuria was founded for the first time in July 2004. Like most SanderNations it thrived for a few months, but then fell into inactivity. However, founder Sander Dieleman had promised that Lemuria would be "eternal"; it would never cease to exist. To keep this promise, and Also to preserve its heritage and MCS land, Lemuria joined the Grand Commonwealth. They currently claim no territory, but are exploring a sea-based community, either aboard ship or on constructs similar to those proposed by the Atlantis/Oceana Project. Official language: - English, Lembrin ConLang. Capital: - Lemuria Capital. Largest Cities: - Rimessin, Iglemmian, Intessin, Segichcanta. Number of citizens: - 7. Date founded: - July 16th 2004 refounded February 6th 2006. Government: - Federal Monarchy. Current leader: - Ramu Sheirdai XIV of Rechain. Ramu Tenesar VIII of T;ixxarin. Ramu Vl;ndear IV of R;ixavin. Dead Nation. Cyberianation. Confederate Rianates of Lemuria. The Empire of Lemuria is a peaceful. Lemuria was founded for the first time in July 2004 as the Empire of Lemuria. Like most SanderNations it thrived for a few months, but then fell into inactivity. However, founder Sander Dieleman had promised that Lemuria would be "eternal"; it would never cease to exist. To keep this promise, and Also to preserve its heritage and MCS land, Lemuria joined the Grand Commonwealth. They currently claim no territory, but are exploring a sea-based community, either aboard ship or on constructs similar to those proposed by the Atlantis/Oceana Project. Official language: - English, Lembrin ConLang. Capital: - Lemuria Capital. Largest Cities: - Rimessin, Iglemmian, Intessin, Segichcanta. Number of citizens: - 7. Date founded: - July 16th 2004 refounded February 6th 2006. Government: - Federal Monarchy. Current leader: - Ramu Sheirdai XIV of Rechain. Ramu Tenesar VIII of T;ixxarin. Ramu Vl;ndear IV of R;ixavin. The Confederate Rianates of Lemuria (formerly Empire of) was the most recent nation in the long line of SanderNations. Ithad a varied history. Formed after the fall of the second incarnation of Feianova, it joined the Grand Commonwealth upon its formation in 2005. On February 1, 2006 Lemuria seceded from the Grand Commonwealth, being the first nation to do so. This secession was followed up on February 2nd by the shocking news that the Ramu of Lemuria had been assassinated by radical Lemurians unhappy at Lemuria leaving the Commonwealth. The nation descended into anarchy, where it was split into three fragments, T;ixxarin, R;ixavin and Rechain. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Leon and Venezia!!
     Leon and Venezia. Dead Nation. Cyberianation. Official language: - English (administrative), Spanish, Italian (official). Capital: - Valencia. Largest Cities: - Valladares, San Pietro di Castello, Cortona. Website: - Leon & Venezia Forum. Forum: - Leon & Venezia Forum. Number of citizens: - 9. Number of active citizens: - 0 (Nation Inactive, entered into Free Association with Alexandria). Date founded: - 26th May 2005 (joined Micras March 2007). Government: - Absolute Monarchy. Current leader: - HSH Sovereign Prince Luis Alejandro II. Currency: - Leon and Venezia Lire.. 

     Kingdom of Lesoto. Lesotho shall be a sovereign democratic kingdom. This is a 30,355 sq km land-locked enclave within the Republic of South Africa. His Majesty King Letsie III is the first son of the late King Moshoeshoe II and Queen Mother 'Mamohato Bereng Seeiso. He was born at Scott Hospital in Morija on July 17 1963 and named Mohato Bereng Seeiso. He was christened into the Roman Catholic Church as David. The official languages of Lesotho shall be Sesotho and English and, accordingly, no instrument or transaction shall be invalid by reason only that it is expressed or conducted in one of those languages. Subject to the provisions of this section, the National Seal of Lesotho shall be such device, and the national anthem and national flag shall be such anthem and flag, as the case may be, as may be prescribed by or under an Act of Parliament. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Let-Be-Land. Sovereign State!!
     Sovereign State of Let-Be-Land.. 

     Is new project for single members to buy and jointly run an island, officially as a company, but practically as theirs own country. They are trying to do the unthinkable, even the unrealistic, but in a realistic world, with realistic goals. Many "new country projects" say they want to buy land, which they will then declare independent, this frankly is not realistic, and there is not a country on the planet that would allow purchased land to secede from them. They would propose getting island in one of the worlds poorer jurisdictions, meaning not only more island for their buck, but Also liberal immigration not restricting the visitation possibilities of any of their members. And yet, the sponsors have found several of the islands. that could bebought, to establish there the mikronations: Isla GatunPanama, Central America. Price: US$30,000. Pigeon Island - Nicaragua, Central America. Price: US$69,000… Pia;abu;u Island 1 - Brazil, South America. Price: US$146,000… Ilha Caetano - Brazil, South America Brazil, South America. Price: US$79,500… Isla Solea - Brazil, South America. Price: €200,000… San Cristobal Island - Panama, Central America Price: US$245,000… New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     E uma microna;;o, uma autarquia (se auto-governa) em desenvolvimento, com a;;o durante toda a semana. O jogador escolhe um terreno para iniciar a sua vila. Sob suas ordens, a vila dever; progredir, defendendo-se e subjugando os inimigos, extendendo suas terras e aumentando sua popula;;o. O dom;nio e as vit;rias transformar;o sua vila em Forte. O ac;mulo de poder transformar; seu Forte em um poderoso Feudo. O maior dos poderes humanos ; aquele que ; composto pelos poderes de v;rios homens, unidos por consentimento numa s; pessoa que tem o uso de todos os poderes: ; o caso do poder de um Estado! Sistema de Governo: Autarquia (se auto-governa). Chefe de Estado: N;o H;. Apenas vilas auto-suficientes. Hist;ria: Territ;rios de coloniza;;o e hist;ria recentes. Vilas: Brasilis, Peaceful, Si;o e Victoriana (origin;ria da Rep;blica de Victoria).. 

     State. O Estado do Libarama ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma _estado.. 

     Duchy of Liberi. Dead Nation. Cyberianation. 10. 04. 2005. Language: Dutch. The Duchy of Liberi was a Dutch micronation. Founded on April 11, 2004 by Duke Thomas van Liberi. Its forums were established on October 4, 2004 with logistical support from the Red Antilles. The executive power was represented by the Duke and his cabinet, the Directoire Nationale (National Directorat). The legislative power was formed by the Conseil Ducal (Ducal Council), whose members were chosen by the Liberi people. Liberi was abolished by its own Conseil Ducal on March 2, 2005. Official language: - Dutch. Capital: - Liberta. Largest Cities: - Calitsk, Grande Mande, Thomario. Website: - liberi. webs. com. Number of citizens: - 13. Number of active citizens: -. Date founded: - April 11, 2004. Government: - Parliamentary Duchy. Current leader: - Duke Thomas van Liberi. Currency: - Li.. 

     Free Federal States of Libertaria. The Free Federal States of Libertaria (Dei frie f;derale Statane av Libertaria, De frie f;derale Stater af Libertarien, Les ;tats f;d;rales libres de la Lib;rtarie) is a federal republic micronation situated between Norway and Sweden. It was established on the 9th of May 2009, and has not yet declared independence. The constitution, a modified version of the constitution of the United States, is under political consideration. The current Government and Congress intend after its independence to seek membership in the European Union. It is however member of the European Community of Micronations.. Official languages - Classical Nynorsk, Riksm;l and French. Denonym - Libertarian, frimann/frikvinna, frimand/frikvinde, lib;rtarian(e). Capital city - Nye Vester;len (executive). Nye Romerike (legislative). Nye Sandnessj;en (judicial). Government - Federal Republic. Founded - 9th May 2009. Area - 15. 918 km;. Location - Hedmark, Norway / V;rmland, Sweden. Population - 29. Currency - Factum/facta (;) (centum/centi) (;) Euro is legal tender alongside factum, wich is pegged to the Euro. Head of State - President Nikolai Endresen Dahl.. Ten Visions of Libertaria:. 1. Activism - tackle a topic - one at the time. Change the World - things we can do without. Electronic Frontier Foundation - free speech, privacy, more!. Free World Order - a. k. a. Terra Libra. ACLU - American Civil Liberties Union. Direct-democracy network - under construction. Anti-war. com. Disobedience - group. Bureaucrash. A Voluntary World - where all initiatives are voluntary and relations are consentual. V. I. A. (Voluntary Initiatives and Arrangements) - focus on the road, not the destination!. The Voluntaryist. Voluntaria.. 2. Economics. Everything Free - crime and poverty become non-issues as prices for products and services fall. Free Stuff. Free Trade Association - advocates free trade in a borderless world, under construction. Globalisation - discussion group. Capitalism. Laissez-Faire discussing John Locke, Adam Smith, etc. Ayn Rand.. 3. Grand Visions - all-encompassing visions. DonParagon - songlyrics, music, images, video, appearances, more!. Vision of the future - DonParagon envisages a future borderless world of creativity, improviation and optionality.. 4. Pluralism - the educational approach. The Optionality Network - a multiplicity of approaches. Freedom Approaches - freedom approaches us through decentralisation and a diversity of approaches. Parallelism - article. Plurality - discussions. Pluriformity - discussions. Multi-culturalism - discussions.. 5. Publications - news, journals, studies, reports, editorials. Free-market. net - news and updates. WorldNetDaily. PageTV. Laissez-faire books. Optionality Magazine.. 6. Inventories - indexes, directories and overviews. Visions of Libertaria - this is Libertaria. com. Free-market. net. The Optionality Network.. 7. Think Tanks - analysis and reviews. Quintessence - consultancy using the 'Comparative Analysis' method. International Competition Network - under construction. Optionality Network - reviews. Libertaria - an evolutionary process - trend analysis; argues that Libertaria will emerge by itself, without any specific blueprint; pointing at trends that will inevitably lead to Libertaria.. 8. Libertaria in cyberspace. Libertaria in cyberspace. Cyphernomicon - Crypto Anarchy by the CyberPunks. Libertaria region at NationStates - simulation game. Extropy - journal of transhumanist thought. Transhumanism. Libertaria - discussion group.. 9. Philosophy, ideology. Anarchism. Anarcho-capitalism - discussion group. The Machinery of Freedom - by David Friedman. Anarcho-pacifism - non-violence in free markets. Objectivism. Objectist - discussions. Minarchy - discussing Nozick. Libertarianism - discussion group. Libertarian. org. Advocates of Self-Government. Panta Rei - Heraclites. Optionality.. 10. Political Movements. Libertarian Party - model for any political movement seeking to lead us to Libertaria. Free State Project - seeks to win elections in New Hampshire, aiming to reduce government. The 'Action Man' approach - looked at Australia and New Zealand's South Island, as discussed in:. The Sun rises in New Zealand in Optionality Magazine, 1995. Optionality - beyond Law and Order (B) in Optionality Magazine, 1996, which Also appeared as:. Optionality - beyond Law and Order in Formulations, 1996. Free Nation Foundation - has split up into two further organisations:. LibertarianNation. org. Free Nation Foundation - Critical Institutions. Micronations - keep it small!. Sealand - platform off-shore of England, declared Kingdom by Paddy Roy Bates in 1967. Micronation Website Index - microfreedom. com. alt. politics. micronations. Laissez-faire City - now dissolved. Eden. Construction - build it! Marine, desert and space projects. Oceania. org - The Atlantis Project of a city-nation to be built as an artificial island (stopped). New Utopia - envisioned to be established on an artificial island as a financial centre and tax haven. The Artemis Project - involves lunar colonization. Freedom Ship. Alexandisle - by Kevin Alexander.. 

Libertarian Society!!
     Sociedade Libert;ria. O Sociedade Libert;ria ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Еem como sistema de governo uma _comunidade.. 

Liberti Nobilis!!
     ISLN. Independent State of Liberti Nobilis. Date active: 2008–present. Has a website: isln. webs. com. Nobilis. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Libertocracy's Director, Gregory Flanagan. Libertocracy is a polycentric free enterprise government and socio-economic system whereby sovereign individuals join together by mutual consent in a civilization that respects and defends the freedom, dignity and rights of all people equally. Libertocracy can include all forms of government or non-government that respects individual freedom in a system where people must govern themselves through consensual contracts. In Libercratic society people live by the libertarian principle of sovereign individual freedom, where a person is free to do anything that one chooses as long as it's not imposed on others and doesn't infringe upon the equal right of other individuals to the same freedom. Libercratic government is rule by the consent of each sovereign individual who is responsible for governing oneself and one's interactions with other people though consensual contracts bound together by treaties which protect individual freedom. Libercratic society respects complete freedom of association while insuring equal opportunity within organized spaces, and while upholding individualism and tolerating alternative lifestyles, it is very protective of the rights of individuals within social groups and consensual institutions, it is very diverse and never imposes a social order or restricts consensual inter-personal behavior. Website inactive as of 19 October 2005. Missing New Country Project.. 

     Liberdade. O Liberdade ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Dead. 27. 12. 2007. The Kingdom of Licentia. Language: English.. 

     Principality of Lichtenshtein. Europe-Principaut;. Mini Pays. The Princely House of Liechtenstein is one of the oldest noble families. A bearer of this name, Hugo of Liechtenstein, is first mentioned in 1136. He named himself after Liechtenstein Castle, situated to the south of Vienna. The early Liechtenstein family owned estates in the vicinity of their family castle and on the northeastern border of Lower Austria. The uninterrupted Liechtenstein line of descent began with Heinrich I of Liechtenstein (died 1265/66), who obtained the Lordship of Nikolsburg in South Moravia as free property. The acquisition was of great political significance, since the family thereby obtained a substantial possession within the territory of the Wenceslas Crown. The Princely House of Liechtenstein is one of the oldest noble families of Europe. In 1938, Prince Franz Josef II (1906-1989) was the first Prince of Liechtenstein to move his permanent residence to Vaduz. On 13th November 1989, following the death of his father, Prince Franz Joseph II, Prince Hans-Adam II assumed the regency. On 15th August. 2004, Prince Hans-Adam II entrusted Hereditary Prince Alois, in preparation for succession of the Throne, as his representative with the exercise of the princely rights appertaining to him. Thus, Hereditary Prince has been performing both nationally and internationally the duties of Head of State of the Principality of Liechtenstein. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Republic. Liegerl;ndia. A Rep;blica da Liegerl;ndia ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 1994 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Lighthouse City State!!
     Cyberianation. The Lighthouse City State. Language: English. Dead. 30. 12. 2005. Capital 

     Liguria is a coastal region of north-western Italy, the third smallest of the Italian regions. Its capital is Genoa. It is a popular region with tourists for its beautiful beaches, picturesque little towns, and food. The politics of Liguria takes place in a framework of a presidential representative democracy, whereby the President of Regional Government is the head of government, and of a pluriform multi-party system.. 

     Kongeriget Lillemark. Lillemark ist eine absolute Monarchie. Ihr Recht geht von der K;nigin/vom K;nig aus. Das K;nigreich Lillemark gliedert sich in drei Herzogt;mer mit den Namen Lindencrone, Norrby und Kystland. Das K;nigreich Lillemark bildet ein einheitliches W;hrungs-, Wirtschafts- und Zollgebiet. Innerhalb des K;nigreichs d;rfen Zwischenzolllinien oder sonstige Verkehrsbeschr;nkungen nicht errichtet werden. Hauptstadt des K;nigreichs ist Frederikshavn. Sie ist Hauptsitz der k;niglichen Familie und der Regierung ihrer/seiner Majest;t. Die K;nigin/Der K;nig ist das Staatsoberhaupt des K;nigreichs Lillemark. Sie/Er ist die/der oberste Repr;sentantin/Repr;sentant des Staates nach innen und nach au;en. Die lillische Sprache ist die Staatssprache des K;nigreichs. Die Regierung besteht aus der Statskommiss;rin/dem Statskommiss;r und den Kommiss;rinnen/Kommiss;re. Die Statskommiss;rin/Der Statskommiss;r wird auf Vorschlag der Herzoginnen/Herz;ge von der K;nigin/dem K;nig ernannt. Diese/r kann dem Vorschlag folgen oder ihn ablehnen.. 

Lindstrom City!!
     Город-Государство. Cyberianation. Lindstrom City is named for the fictitious Swedish revolutionary, Gustav Lindstrom, who developed the idea of lindstromism. The City is one of the three oldest cities in Natopia along with Andiopolis and Vice City. It has always been the capital but has been included in many different subdivisions. First the capital was inside the Region of Shepard, a semi-autonomous region of the Supreme Sovereign Republic of Natopia. Then it was dissociated from the Regions into an independent capital territory called the Principality of Natopia, later renamed as the Vicinage of Shepard and finally the District of Shepard. Lindstrom City was absorbed into the newly created Royal Barony of Ziegeland, which would annex Lochhatonia to become the United Principality of Ziegeland-Lochhatonia. The principality eventually dissolved itself. Lindstrom City then found itself in the County of Pavleton. A few months later Ziegeland was re-founded and absorbed Pavleton to become the seat og government yet again.. 

     O Lin;ria ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Little Scotland!!
     Principality of Little Scotland. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - 5 Battys Road, Upper Kangaroo Valley, NSW, Australia. Lider - Lindsay (Fergus) Munro. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. 0. 22 km2 rural acreage in Kangaroo Valley, New South Wales. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

     People's Democractic Republic. A Rep;blica Popular de Liverpool ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

Liverpool. PDR!!

     The Kingdom of Livlandia. Language: English. Dead. 31. 03. 2009. This domain will be deleted from DB on 30-Apr-2011. 

     Rep;blica Socialista Livre.. 

     Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Australia. Lider - Liz Stirling. Does not claims/own/occupy/control territory. Virtual entity. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

     Llanrwst (Welsh) is a small town and community on the A470 road and the River Conwy in Conwy County Borough, Wales. It takes its name from the 5th century to 6th century Saint Grwst, and the original parish church in Cae Llan was replaced by the 12th-century church. Population - 3,037 (2001). OS grid reference - SH800615. Community - Llanrwst. Principal area - Conwy. Ceremonial county - Clwyd. Country - Wales. Sovereign state - United Kingdom. Post town - LLANRWST. Postcode district - LL26. Dialling code - 0149264. Police - North Wales. Fire - North Wales. Ambulance - Welsh. EU Parliament - Wales. UK Parliament - Meirionnydd Nant Conwy. The growth of the town in the 13th century was considerably aided by an edict by Edward I of England, who built Conwy Castle, prohibiting any Welshman from trading within 10 miles (16 km) of that town. Llanrwst, located some 13 miles (21 km) from Conwy, was therefore strategically placed to benefit from this. In 1276 Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, Prince of Wales, Also known as Llywelyn the Last, seized the town, declaring it a "free borough" independent from the diocese of Llanelwy. Although the bishop went as far as to seek the help of the Pope to overturn this, his attempts failed, Llywelyn pleading a close family tie to the place as a reason for safeguarding it. In 1947, Llanrwst town council made an unsuccessful submission to the United Nations for a seat on the security council, stating that Llanrwst was an independent state within Wales. The chairman and secretary of the Llanrwst Historical Society have now obtained proof of this from the UN in New York. (see Also micronation). The Llanrwst Almshouses & Museum Trust recently returned the above-mentioned Llanrwst flag to the community. Dating from the twelfth century, this emblem was central to the town's belief that it was independent of the United Kingdom. The motto "Cymru, Lloegr a Llanrwst", a testament to this apparent independence, has now become synonymous with the song of that title, by local band Y Cyrff. Llanrwst hosted the National Eisteddfod in 1951 and 1989. Llanrwst is Also home to Llanrwst United FC who have two senior teams, the first team play in the Welsh Alliance League and the Reserve team play in the Clwyd League Division 2. The club Also have a Junior section "Llanrwst United Juniors" who have 8 teams and play in the Aberconwy and Colwyn League. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Republic. A Rep;blica de ‘Llome ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1995 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Como a maior parte das peculiaristas, n;o apresenta nenhum prop;sito s;rio. Reuni;o mant;m rela;;es estreitas com eles, inclusive j; tendo assinado alian;as.. 

Lobster Nation!!

     Kingdom. O Reino de Loch ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Loch. Republic!!

     Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

     Principality. O Principado de Lochfirth ; uma microna;;o. Lochfirth era, originalmente, um micropa;s socialista. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado. A microna;;o created por James R. Lind em 1996, as a Socialista Rep;blica, then became a monarchy and collapsed next year. Adotada: 1996 Abolida: 1997 Hoje ; uma monarquia parlamentarista governada pelo Pr;ncipe James Lind. Ele, que j; foi ministro e premier das Prov;ncias Unidas da Utopia, se desgostou com os comunistas e re-fundou o pa;s que havia declarado extinto meses antes. Isso sem deixar de, no meio, tentar entrar para Porto Claro, onde foi recusado. Seguindo essa trajet;ria confusa, James acabou por abandonar o sonho socialista e construir um principado parlamentarista com as mesmas pessoas a quem abandonara antes.. 

     Barony of Lockhurst. Dead Nation. Cyberianation. Originally, Lockhurst was governed by a five member board of trustees until 1845, at which time the current form of government was instituted. The Barony of Lockhurst is a small landlocked independently governed autonomous region within the United States. Originally founded as a Transcendentalist intentional community, Lockhurst has held true to many of the tenets of its original charter. Began in 1838 by a group of Unitarians, Lockhurst was governed by five trustees for the first seven years. By 1845, Francis Severit, one of the founding trustees, had obtained a higher degree of influence in the community, leading to his declaration that Lockhurst was to be a Barony in perpetuity. The Severit family has continued to rule Lockhurst to this day. Capital: - Clancy. Largest City: - Clancy (14,650). Official Language: - English. Demonym: - Lockhurstan. Government: - Democratic Monarchy. National Leader: - Lord Matthew Charles Severit I, Baron of Lockhurst. Foundation: - 29 March 1838. Land Area: - 47. 42 square miles. Population: - 19,840. Population Density: - 418. 4 per square mile. GDP: - US$425,568,000 (2007). GDP per capita: - US$21,450. Currency: - US Dollar; Lockhurst Dollar (2009). Time Zone: - Eastern Standard Time (EST). Memberships: - ANEM Association of New Englander Micronations. The Legislative branch of government consists of the High Council and the Town Meeting. The High Council was formed from the original board of trustees and consists currently of sixteen members. It writes policies and laws for the Baron's approval or veto. The High Council meets in session once a month. Before 1925, Councilmen were appointed by the Baron and served for life or until retirement. Since 1925, Councilmen are elected by the general population and serve a five year term. They receive token compensation for their service, currently US$100 per month while in office. Until 1925, Councilmen received the bestowal of a Baronetcy upon their appointment. From 1925 to 1935, they were knighted by the Baron, but no longer received a Baronetcy. Since 1935, Councilmen have not been bestowed any additional title or peerage. Therefore, all current Baronets are descended from pre-1925 Councilmen.. 


Lomar Republic!!
     Regency of Lomar (ROL), first founded in 1997 as 'Republic of Lomar'. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. As of January 2001, they are serving more than 51, 000 citizens in over than 80 countries with a growth rate of 100% every year. They are focused on Human Rights, Immigration Assistance, Personal Sovereignty and all issues related to the emerging Internet civilization. Contact location - USA. Lider - Laurent Cleenewerck. Does not claims/own/occupy/control territory. Virtual entity. All the pages to these links appear to have vanished as of 27 May 2009. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Lomar. Regency!!
     ROL. Formerly the Republic of Lomar. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. As of January 2001, they are serving more than 51,000 citizens in over than 80 countries with a growth rate of 100% every year. They are focused on Human Rights, Immigration Assistance, Personal Sovereignty and all issues related to the emerging Internet civilization. Contact location - USA. Lider - Laurent Cleenewerck. Does not claims/own/occupy/control territory. Virtual entity. All the pages to these links appear to have vanished as of 27 May 2009. Regency of Lomar (ROL), first founded in 1997 as 'Republic of Lomar' as an. New Country Project, has emerged into an worldwide recognised NGO. ROL is an sovereign international humanitarian Council of People fighting for the Dignity of all humankind. It is Also a non-governmental organization (NGO) providing medical, humanitarian and educational assistance, and documentation aid to refugees and other unrooted, deprived and unrepresented people. This Also includes local and rural development, sustainable economy and ecology (energy), healthcare, etc. ROL has a membership of volunteers representing 85 nations and established missions and registered offices in more than a dozen countries worldwide. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Lomar. Republic!!

     Principality. O Lomond ; uma microna;;o modelista gae, existente de 1970 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

London South Soviet Socialist Republics!!
     Union of South London Soviet Socialist Republics.. 

Long Island!!
     Independent Long Island. Independent Long Island (ILI) is a new country project, and considers itself a junior or developing Fourth World nation — a Fourth World nation is a large country or nation without a state, while a Fifth World nation is a small country or nation without a state. The Independent Long Island project was officially started on August 20, 2007 with the writing of a formal press release, and has so far attracted significant media attention. While the project's emphasis is in creating a viable and independent new country, and seceding from the United States, the proposal for Independent Long Island statehood — "51st state" scenario — will Also be seriously considered if it finds sufficient support with the local residents. Type of Entity: Separatist project. Location: North America. Long Island, New York. Has a website: ilination. net. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Long Island, NY, USA. Lider - Cesidio Tallini. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of Long Island, New York, USA. Long Island is an island in the southeast area of New York. It has an area of 1,377 square miles (3,567 sq km), and a population of 7,559,372 as of July 1, 2006, making it the largest island in the 48 contiguous U. S. states, and the most populated in any U. S. state or territory. Long Island is the 17th most populous island in the world, ahead of Ireland, Sicily, and Jamaica, and with a far smaller area than any of these islands. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

     Democratic Republic of Longarnia. The Democratic Republic of Longarnia is a micronation based in the Greater Manchester, UK area. In its history it has been through several incarnations and has ties with the Technological Federation of Erephisia. Its current Head of State is President Thomas Bainbridge. The Democratic Republic of Longarnia was established in 2008 with seven citizens. Its government formed quickly but soon internal fighting began and the governemnt partially dissolved leaving President Thomas Bainbridge alone and in charge. Longarnia was small and without allies until September 2010 when President Thomas Bainbridge met with former Prime Minister Billy Neil and began to reform with the assistance of the Technological Federation of Erephisia and Billy Neil. It is notable that Billy Neil and Alex Bennett designed Longarnia's national flag as President Bainbridge wasn't prepared to do so. The name 'Longarnia' was devised by semi-citizen Rhiann Daly. It's source however, is unknown. The Democratic Republic of Longarnia began its existance as the micronation of Orbis, devised and created under President Thomas Bainbridge and Prime Minister Billy Neil. Not long after it's establishment, Orbis collapsed and Prime Minister Billy Neil seceded to form the Technological Federation of Erephisia. After several years of inactivity, President Thomas Bainbridge began to try and rebuild his micronation under the new name of "Longarnia".. 

     Barony. O Baronato de L;nts ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 1994 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-baronato.. 

Lord Howe!!
     Oc;anie-Ile-Australie. Mini Pays. Lord Howe Island — widely regarded as the most beautiful island in the Pacific — is the closest island getaway to Sydney, and a part of New South Wales. It’s less than two hours flying from either Sydney or Brisbane off Australia's east coast. It is one of just four island groups to be inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage list for the global significance of its natural beauty and heritage.. 

     Alive. 23. 07. 2008. The Lorian Kingdom. Language: English.. 

Los Bay Petros!!
     The Federal Republic of Los Bay Petros. Los Arebelos - (Adly Nurfikrianyah's idea). Bay - (Andhika Rama Prakasa's idea). Petrolistan (Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman's idea). Федеративная Республика Лос-Бэй Петрос is a micronation founded on 14th October 2009, after the three Los Bay Petrosian founders, Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman, Adly Nurfikriansyah and Andhika Rama Prakasa signed the New Petrovakia Treaty. It is located in Jakarta and Tangerang, Indonesia and the LBP claims 1. 4 square miles (2. 25 square kilometres). Using the Boodlesmythe-Tallini System of Classification, Federal Republic of Los Bay Petros is a fifth-world micronation, and using Dresner's System of Classification, Los Bay Petros scores 3. 6. Los Bay Petros is the 6th micronational project by Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman. Before the Federal Republic of Los Bay Petros was founded, five other micronations were founded by Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman. There were: Republic of Valdezia; Republic of Mezilistan; Krakozhian Federation; Petrovakian Federation; Petrolistan (only lasted for 1 day,Oct 13th - Oct 14th, 2009). Capital - Dredim Capital Region. Largest city - Dredim Capital Region. Official language(s) - English, Indonesian, Russian, Gordonz, Japanese. Official religion(s) - Islam & Christianity. Demonym - Los Bay Petrosian. Government - Federal Republic. President - Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman. Vice President - Muhammad Hady Faiz. Prime Minister - Indrawan Prasetyo. Legislature - Los Bay Petros Legislative Parliament (NLC). Type of Parliament - Unicameral. Seats - 7. Last Election (and the ruling party) - 2010 (CWP). Established - October 14th 2009. Area Claimed - 1. 4 Square Miles. Population - Registered: 36Unofficial: 50. Currency - Los Bay Petrosian Dollar (alongside Indonesian Rupiah). Time zone - UTC + 7. National drink - Lemon Tea. National animal - Peregrine Falcon. Internet domain - (proposed). lp. Calling code - +62. Los Bay Petros is a Federal Republic but stands with Presidential System and Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman as head of state and there is a legislative election every 1 year and a presidential election every 3 years. Presidents - Since the federal republic was founded, only one person who has served as president.. 


Lost States in Euro-America.. United Kingdom!!
     United Kingdom of Lost States in Euro-America.. 

     Alive. 03. 09. 2010. Republic of Lostisland. Language: English, Russian.. 

Lostisland. Republic!!

Lostisland. Republic!!

Lothlorrien. Empire!!
     Defunct. Lothlorrien was fundada por young Julie Golick, as a place for people who seek happiness and have permanent good humor, with Julie herself as Empress. Her subjects were her friends and the governo was formed por her relatives. It didn't last too much and the Imp;rio collapsed weeks later. O Imp;rio de Lothlorrien ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1998 at; 1999. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Julie., localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

     The official territory of Lovely is Danny Wallace's flat in Bow, London, but citizens of Lovely (who join through the micronation's website or its section of the BBC website) are invited to declare a room, or indeed their entire house, to be an embassy for the country by taking a photograph displaying Lovely's flag within their dwelling. The Government of Lovely largely consists of friends of King Danny who were recruited at a meeting held at a London pub. Other ministers were chosen by a public vote on the website or awarded their positions as a reward for particularly hard work on behalf of the nation. Hardworking citizens can Also be rewarded with the Order of Excellence of King Danny (OED), an accolade similar to a British OBE.. 

Lovely. Kingdom!!
     Alive. 01. 01. 2005. Cyberianation. Active Status: Type of Entity. Tongue-in-cheek micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - London, UK. Lider - Danny Wallace. Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: www. citizensrequired. com. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Founded in 2004. An Internet-based micronation founded by Danny Wallace as part of the BBC TV series How to Start Your Own Country, claiming the flat of its creator as sovereign territory. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Low Lands. Free and Independent Republic!!

Low Tocantins!!
     Legalist Republic Baixo Tocantins. A Rep;blica Legalista do Baixo Tocantins ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1999 at; 1999. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Bundesrepublik Luberland. Gr;ndung. 02. 05. 2008.. 

     Al-Jumhuriyya al-Lubnaniyya. Republic of Lebanon. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Republic of Lucastan. A comic micronation page, with tongue placed firmly in cheek. Lucastan is a de-centralized dictatorial democracy where the Emperor rules with absolute authority, but everyone does what they want anyway. Its government is a null-parliamentary form, in which offices are created and occupied by whoever wants them, and decisions are made by whomever shows up. Lucastan has no formal capitol, but maintains numerous consulates in the United States. All citizens of Lucastan are consuls by law, with full diplomatic immunity. Consulates are not subject to local laws and ordinances. Elections are held whenever a parliamentary representative must be chosen to go out and pick up Chinese food. Lucastan was established in 1945, when it was won in a poker game with a native chief by the infamous Stu Lucas. The winning hand, four eights and a one-eyed jack, is now a national symbol. The territory was reclaimed by its founder, now Grand Panjandrum and Emperor for Life, and named Lucastan in 1997. It was declared a provisional independent state in 1998, and became an independent republic on January 1, 1999. Lucastan is located in the South Pacific, 108 miles ENE of Yap Island, in the middle of bloody-damn-all. It occupies one-third of the island of Mangajang, in the Ulithi Atoll. The principal businesses of Lucastan are offshore banking, tax shelters, gambling, bootlegging, and illegal discharge of firearms. Lucastan has no income tax, relying for its support solely on bribery and corruption. The official currency is the U. S. dollar. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Lucastan. Republic!!
     Founded in 1945 on a Pacific island won in a poker game.. 

Lucastan. Republic!!

     No ano de 2000, quando o micronacionalismo efervescia e v;rios pa;ses eram criados, o brasileiro Lucas Roberto dos Santos resolveu fundar a sua pr;pria microna;;o, ap;s descobrir sobre o tema na Internet. Chamou tr;s amigos que tamb;m n;o conheciam o hobby (Daniel Gurgel, Elival Marinho e Nestor "Graveto"), e, ap;s alguns dias de debate, entrou no ar, em 2 de mar;o, um prec;rio site que era a casa da Rep;blica Federal do Lucast;o, que possu;a uma constitui;;o experimental. Lucas era o presidente interino, e os demais, senadores. A microna;;o s; come;ou a funcionar melhor quando foram chegando outros membros. Em fins de abril, quando alcan;aram 8 cidad;os, foi criado o primeiro partido pol;tico, o Partido do Progresso Nacional (PPN), que inicialmente tinha tr;s membros. Chegaram, em maio, mais dois cidad;os, convidados por Elival, e estes tr;s criaram a Frente Renovadora (FR), esp;cie de oposi;;o. Aconteceram, assim, as primeiras elei;;es: Lucas (PPN) contra Elival (FR). Tr;s cidad;os n;o votaram; por quatro votos a tr;s, Marinho sagrou-se o primeiro presidente eleito to Lucast;o, tomando posse em 1; de junho. Quanto ao Senado, foram quatro candidatos, dois de cada partido; o FR elegeu os dois amigos de Elival, e Nestor "Graveto" foi eleito pelo PPN.  . 

     Republic. Luc;nia. A Rep;blica da Luc;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 198? at; 198?. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por A. A. G. Arghen, localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Kingdom. O Reino de Lud;nia ; uma microna;;o O Reino de Lud;nia foi fundado no in;cio de 1998 por Luiz Felippe Saboya, localizado numa fronteira inexistente entre o estado brasileiro do Rio Grande do Norte e a Guiana. Nasceu como mais uma c;pia das lus;fonas j; existentes, em especial Porto Claro. Saboya se denominava Rei An;nimo I ; ;poca. O pa;s n;o durou muito mas seria reativado por Saboya no fim daquele mesmo ano, agora com um grupo de ex-reuni;os. Tornou-se novamente inativo em meados de 1999. Depois de outras tentativas frustradas, Lud;nia est; novamente em atividade desde novembro de 2005. Website: www. ludonia. com. 

     Republic of Lukonia. Лукония. Республика Лукония. В 1974 году была провозглашена независимая республика Лукония. Находилась она якобы, на нескольких островах севернее Борнео. О провозглашении независимости было объявлено в Мюнхене, а первая 4-марочная серия Луконии была отпечатана в Австрии. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Glorious Republic. A Rep;blica Gloriosa de Lumanai ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Lumanai. People’s republic the Free State!!

     Dead. 23. 02. 2004. Language: English.. 

     O Luna ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Kama. O Kama de Lun;mon ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 198? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma teocracia. Poucas informa;;es dispon;veis. Sediada na Nova Zel;ndia. Deduz-se que seja um micropa;s esot;rico com culto ; Lua. Membro do ICIS.. 

     Europe-Ile britannique. Mini Pays. Kingdom. Alive. 19. 02. 1992. Leader: Martin Coles Harman. Founded in 1925. An island off the west coast of England, which historically (1100–1200s AD) had semi-independent status or claimed independence from England under various warlords. The name Lundy is believed to come from the old Norse word for "puffin island" (Lundey), lundi being the Norse word for a puffin and ey, an island, although an alternative explanation has been suggested with Lund referring to a copse, or wooded area. According to genealogist Edward MacLysaght the surname Lundy is from Norman de la Lounde, a name recorded in medieval documents in counties Tipperary and Kilkenny in Ireland. Lundy has evidence of visitation or occupation from the Neolithic period onward, with Mesolithic flintwork, Bronze Age burial mounds, four inscribed gravestones from the early medieval period, and an early medieval monastery (possibly dedicated to St Elen or St Helen). Between 1925 and 1931 its owner declared himself King and minted coins but did not declare formal independence. O Reino de Lundy ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1925 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Martine Coles Harman, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. As of 2007, there was a resident population of 28 people, including volunteers. These include a warden, island manager, and farmer, as well as bar and house-keeping staff. Most live in and around the village, Marisco, at the south of the island. Most visitors are day-trippers, although there are 23 holiday properties and a camp site for staying visitors, mostly Also around the south of the island. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Empire of Luri. The Empire was an idea of HIM Emperor Alexandre and a group of friends, the goal was forming a community with friendly interests, as well as promoting their apreciation of arts and entertainment with it. After many months of careful planning the Emperor finnaly finished the flag and opened a site for the micronation. Officialy estabilishing it on January 29, 2010. The Government is a constitutional monarchy, the Emperor is the head of state and usually does not intervenes in the government itself, but he can and his decisions overrule all others. Government: - Absolute Monarchy(with a Constitution). Political Division - To be defined. Territory: - Non-territorial. Population: - Pending, circa 15. Date of foundation: - January 29th, 2010. Head of State: - HIM Emperor Alexandre I of Luri. Head of Government: - HIM Emperor Alexandre I of Luri (until a PM is elected). Government Bodies: - Congress(PM,elected), Imperial Council (Emperor,appointed). Language: - English, plans for expansion (like Portuguese). Demonym: - Lurian. Currency: - To be defined. Religion: - No state religion (tolerant). Micropatriology - Between Realism and Simulationism. Since Luri has just been founded it is still waiting for recognition and contacts with other micronations, but will actively seek them in the coming weeks. It's Also open to offers from any respected micronations.. 

Lusitania. Principality!!

     Kingdom of lutherania. The Nation his headed by King Michael I within the Imperial Constitution. HI&RH King Michael I is the Head of state whilst the Prime Minister is the Head of the Government but does not have excutive power only leglisative power. The Kingdom of Lutherania was established in 2006 as part of the united Kingdom of Austingar and Lutherania. This Union existed happily for a year until the first Revolution lead to the formation of a Absolute Monarchy in the Kingdom. The kingdom was ruled by King Michael I and Queen Beckie, but after several disputes civil war broke out in Austingar with King Michael and the people against Queen Beckie and the Aristocracy. Luckily only one battle was fought during the civil war with victory for King Michael and the humiliation of Queen Beckie. The Civil war continued for two more months with the aristocracy supporting absolutism and King Michael wanting a constitution brought into power. In 2010 Lutherania experienced another Civil war and has come out of this civil war a constitutional monarchy. The Country over the next couple of months would go through various Constitutional changes. Lutherania Crisis. 

     Конституция. Dead. 06. 06. 2007. United Kingdom. The monarchy will consist of the Reigning monarch (King or Queen), and all the members of the Royal Family.. (b) The Reigning Monarch will be the official head of state for the United Kingdom of Luthoria. He or she will serve in that function at home and abroad, and will serve a life term, unless they decide to step down. Should the Reigning Monarch step down, then the succession shall proceed as follows:. Queen - if the Reigning Monarch is a King and is married. Crown Prince/Princess. Duke/Duchess - by number of posts. Baron/Baroness- by number of posts. Lord/ Lady - by number of posts. The Reigning Monarch may Also be removed from office by ѕ majority vote of the ENITRE population of the United Kingdom of Luthoria. Such a vote will require a majority of the Ministry of State to approve of it, and will be ran by the Minister of State.. 

Lutistan. Republic!!

     Lut;nia. Lut;nia. O Lut;nia ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Grafschaft Luxburg.. 

     Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The only aristocratic grand duchy (a territory ruled by a Grand Duke, instead of Prince or King) still functioning as a sovereign nation. Le Luxembourg se trouve ; la 15e place sur 127 des destinations touristiques les plus comp;titives en terme de voyage et de tourisme. C'est ce qui ressort d'une ;tude du Forum ;conomique mondial. Selon ce classement, le Luxembourg gagne 8 places par rapport ; 2010. Malgr; sa petite taille – 2. 586 km2 et 484. 000 habitants –, le Grand-Duch; de Luxembourg est un authentique Etat avec une histoire particuli;rement riche. Situ; au c;ur de l’Europe, entre la France, la Belgique et l’Allemagne, il a particip; aux grandes ;volutions europ;ennes. Le pass; mouvement; du Grand-Duch; est un v;ritable condens; de l’histoire europ;enne. Au Moyen-;ge, ses princes ont port; la couronne du Saint Empire romain germanique. Pendant les temps modernes, sa forteresse a ;t; un enjeu majeur dans la lutte entre les grandes puissances. Avant d’acc;der ; l’ind;pendance au XIXe si;cle, le Luxembourg a appartenu successivement aux comtes, puis aux ducs de Luxembourg, aux ducs de Bourgogne, aux rois d’Espagne, aux rois de France, aux empereurs d’Autriche et aux rois des Pays-Bas. Au XXe si;cle, le pays prosp;re et dynamique a jou; un r;le catalyseur dans l’unification de l’Europe. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Lykosha. Monarchy!!
     Realm of Lykosha. Alive. 30. 05. 2000. Location: California, USA. Email:. Active. Wolf-Nation, a socio-political experiment to create a community where the ways of the wolf-pack are paramount. The Realm of Lykosha is unique. It is because it follows ways that might have no parallel currently here on Earth. They "walk the way of the wolf," which means that Their way of life is based on a mixture of wolfish ways and ancient warrior-based cultures. The nation is their Pack. The words nation, Lykosha, and Pack are all the same: semantics are all that differ, for they are all members of the Pack. The true purpose of Lykosha is to provide a forum and environment for those who "walk the way of the wolf," which is a fusion between the human paraphrase of wolfpack behaviour and the wolf-like facets of certain warrior-based cultures and people. These can include (but not be limited to): the Norse, Celts, the Scot-Irish, European Amazonian (myth), and certain Amerindian peoples. The Realm is a socio-political experiment that combines extreme honor, and warriorship with the theories of packlaw as applied to people. It is felt that, as more people become dissatisfied with “things as they are,” different ways can be shown to be better than “the norm. ” Except for the laws already written, any Lykoshan can do as s/he wishes, and become anything s/he wants to be, including Jarl. System of government a combination of absolutism & parlimentarism, for although the Jarl (head of state) can simply make decrees, before they become law, the citizens have the opportunity to veto his/her decrees. Also. heirs are chosen by elective Challenge, as in the wolf pack. 'The Pack-Leader rules by consensus. '. Citizens wanted, many positions in the administration still available; the first ten citizens may choose their next Jarl from among their own number. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Lyrican Republic!!
     Dead. A Rep;blica da L;rica ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 200? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Lider: Matt Hanson. To understand Lyrica and its rich history on the net, we must Also trace the lineages of other micronations. The Lyrican Republic is the rightful successor state to the now defunct Republic of Interland. Founded by Peter Krembs in 1999, the Republic of Interland was a popular and well-respected micronation that gained noteriety among the online micronational community for its democratic institutions and active culture. Interland fell on hard times, however, which culminated in a coup d'etat against founder and sitting president, Peter Krembs. Krembs and the loyalists took up "residence" in Lyrica, which was then a province of Interland that had already had an active separatist movement. Krembs declared independence from Interland, and the Lyrican province was allowed to peacefully secede. The Lyrican Republic has a strong republican tradition. The structure and powers of the government, as well as the rights of the people, are enumerated in the national Constitution. Lyrica has a Westminster form of parliamentarism. The President (Peter Krembs) is elected directly by the people and is chief of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The President has few real powers outside of his ceremonial role as the symbol of national unity and continuity. The leader of the government is the Prime Minister (Peter Hickey), who is a member of parliament and is elected from their ranks. With approval from the President, the Prime Minister appoints and dismisses the other ministers (who comprise the Cabinet) and formulates the policies of the government. The third (and equally important) part of the federal apparatus is the Supreme Court. The current Chief Justice is Daniel Dreesbach. The Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction in all cases and original jurisdiction in cases arising out of federal law, or to which the federal government is a party. To understand Lyrica and its rich history on the net, we must Also trace the lineages of other micronations. The Lyrican Republic was the rightful successor state to the now defunct Republic of Interland. Founded by Peter Krembs in 1999, the Republic of Interland was a popular and well-respected micronation that gained noteriety among the online micronational community for its democratic institutions and active culture. Interland fell on hard times, however, which culminated in a coup d'etat against founder and sitting president, Peter Krembs. Krembs and the loyalists took up "residence" in Lyrica, which was then a province of Interland that had already had an active separatist movement. Krembs declared independence from Interland, and the Lyrican province was allowed to peacefully secede. Interland would later join Attera before regaining its independence to become a member of the Grand Commonwealth. Krembs had himself been a Cyberian citizen before his joining Interland and founding Lyrica. A few Cyberians like Peter Hickey and Austi Scot joined the Lyrian Republic, a thriving political culture similar to Cyberia’s formed, and the country made a map of itself - the only pre-existing map to be incorporated onto the MCS Map (Also known as Lyrica). Soon Lyrica gained some original citizens unassociated with Cyberia, of whom them most important were Mark Buhr and Matt Hanson, both smart, affable people with an interest in politics who were difficult to tell apart.. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Lyrican Republic!!

Macadam New!!
     Democratic Republic New Macadam.. 

Macadam New!!
     New Macadem. Dead Nation. Cyberianation. 04. 03. 2002.. 

     Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. A former Portuguese colony in China, it reverted to the P. R. C. in 1999, but is granted a limited form of self-government. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Dead Nation. Провинция. Cyberianation. Two guys named Ed Conway and Jason Rhode decided to form a country which would be called Machiavellia. Of course, because of the title of Machiavelli’s book, the leader would of course have to be a Prince. It wasn’t too important which one was the prince, of course, since the whole point was that the other would soon launch a coup. So they decided the matter by arm wrestling. Jason won, and with due fanfare was proclaimed Prince of Machiavellia. He then went off to spend some time in, appropriately enough, Rome.. 

Machiavellia. Republic!!

Madavasca. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Madavasca ; uma microna;;o pecularista franc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. The Kingdom of the Union of Madland - in 2002. The Kingdom of the Union of Madland and its corresponding Empire – in 2002-2004. The Province of Madland in 8/1/2004 - 10/15/2004. The Empire of the Madlandians - in 2004. The Empire of the Alexandrians – in 2004. Madland was officially founded by Edgard Portela in May 7th, 2003. Its original name of founding was the Kingdom of the Union of Madland. Soon after the part “and its corresponding Empire” was added to thename. Madland had been existing already for a year only in theimagination of Edgard and his brother Gustavo. Edgard had written maystories of a country called “Alejandria” or Alexandria, in Spanish. Madland was originally meant to be a constructed world much likeVirtual Verduria. Madland has been the descendant of many successful offlinemicronations. However, so far, Mr. Portela’s luck with offlinemicronations has not translated into the Internet. In one of the most radical reforms in Madlandian history, Madland’sname was changed to Alexandria in the elections of Nov. 11th, 2004.. 

Madlandians. Empire!!
     of A constitutional monarchy with a French theme, founded in May 7th, 2002 and ruled by His Imperial Majesty Emperor Edgard II (Portela).. 

Madness. Город-Государство!!
     Cyberianation. Madness is the capital city of The Grand Principality of Beaugium. The people of Madness are famed for their friendliness and their style of a very intimate and personal council system. The archaic Madness was founded in 1564 YOB by Queen Aspergia I, the monarch at the time as a trading point at the confluence point of the two rivers. 'New' Madness was founded in 2006 YOB by Queen Isabelle. Madness is a strange city, and for much of it's life was a polar utopia, dominated by the palace of HRH High Prince Babs Beau, Saint Barbara's Court. However, after many a century, Madness's location was shifted completely, over to South Feanoria in Beaugium's new territory.. 

Mala and Windsor. Workers' Federal Republic!!
     Cyberianation. Dead Nation.. An attempt at a socialist republic in the Cyberian provinces of Mala and the Windsor Islands independant from Cyberia in 1998. The Worker's Republic proved ephemeral. Most of the parties involved fled to the United Provinces of East Cyberia at the end of the First War of Cyberian Liberation. This provided the source of UPEC's claim of the two provinces. Since the eclipse of UPEC, this claim has been in abeyance. Socialist influence remained strong in both Provinces, and was expressed in the Federal Republic of Cyberia by heavy participation in the Rosario Peoples' Front. Mala was ceded to Ashkenatza in 2010 as the Mala'eretz, along with the vestiges of the region's socialist past.. 

Mala. Federal Republic!!
     Cyberianation. Mala was a province in the southwest of the Federal Republic of Cyberia. A vibrant province with mixed Imperial, Mala'anje and Socialist influence. After the First War of Cyberian Liberation, the province was renamed Feliicia as a punishment of the Mala'anje who supported UPEC and the rebels. See: Workers' Republic of Mala and Windsor. An attempt at a socialist republic in the Cyberian provinces of Mala and the Windsor Islands independant from Cyberia in 1998. The Worker's Republic proved ephemeral. Most of the parties involved fled to the United Provinces of East Cyberia at the end of the First War of Cyberian Liberation. This provided the source of UPEC's claim of the two provinces. Since the eclipse of UPEC, this claim has been in abeyance. Socialist influence remained strong in both Provinces, and was expressed in the Federal Republic of Cyberia by heavy participation in the Rosario Peoples' Front. Mala was ceded to Ashkenatza in 2010 as the Mala'eretz, along with the vestiges of the region's socialist past.. 

     Michael Rosario had great support from the reminant of the native Mala'anje people remaining in Cyberia at that time, and was a champion of native rights.. 

Mala'anje. Federal Republic!!
     Cyberianation. The Mala'anje (Also known as the Mala'anashim) are the First People (aboriginal group) said to have inhabited Mala, in Cybernesia or the Cyber-Island Chain, which was home to Cyberia, Rocentia and other nations. They are a micronational Semitic people. A remnant lived on on the island of Melangia, a part of Kildare, although their history is different from their brothers. Jacobus Kahunamea was the traditional King of the Mala'anje, deriving his title as a descendant of Kahunamea IV The Jacobian claim is that the ancestors of the current inhabitants of Cyberia drove the majority of the Mala'anje and their royal family from their homes and into exile. Today the titular leader of the Mala'anje people is the Shofet of Mala'eretz. U. P. E. C. established on their territory, a Mala'anje Free Zone as a protectorate so that the Mala'anje could live without intereference. (A joke many years later that the Cyberian Oligarchy had made the entire nation into a zone "free of the Ma'alanje". ) Curiously, those who once claimed the largest part in the development of the Mala'anje for a long time denied their very existence. In 2005, as a Deputy and Interior Minster of the VCC, Ryan Caruso sponsored legislation to create eight protected enclaves for the Mala'anje. Their home base was the Mala Enclave in what the VCC called Felicia, where their Shofet or council met in Mala'anje City. In 2010 Ryan Caruso proposed that Ashkenatza create a Mala'eretz territory for the Mala'anshim on the continent of Keltia, near their historic territory and on former Chinamese lands, due to the cultural similiarities between the Mala'anashim and Ashkenatzim. This territory is known as the Mala'eretz and is ruled by a Shofet and his council in the administrative capital of Bet Mala.. 

Malagis. States!!
     Os Estados de M;lagis (em ingl;s, Malagis) s;o uma microna;;o com uma organiza;;o interna que lembra estados de RPG, onde v;rios lordes de diferentes dom;nios formam uma federa;;o sem lideran;a centralizada. Existente de 1988 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica parlamentarista. Os Estados de Malagis t;m seu nome inspirado num mago que teria servido a Carlos Magno. O primeiro Estado surgiu em 1988, quando um grupo de pessoas em Chicago fundou o pa;s Garee. Depois de um cisma pac;fico, Garee encontrou outros 4 Estados e com eles formou a Rep;blica Wabash, tendo o lorde Djohn de Garee sido eleito o primeiro Presidente. Em 7/11/1996, Wabash muda o nome para Malagis e eles passam a ser uma rep;blica federativa. Os v;rios estados est;o espalhados pelos EUA. Segundo eles (que fazem quest;o de n;o possuir home page), a organiza;;o do pa;s ; inspirada em lendas Carol;ngias e da cavalaria. Atualmente Malagis ; formado por 6 Estados e 2 na;;es livremente associadas, sendo que cada qual envia seu l;der para o Conselho, que elege o chefe-de-estado e legisla. Em 96, a popula;;o era de 26 pessoas. S;o membros da LOSS. Leesburg, VA. 

Malakote. Малакота!!
     Марки с подобной надписью появились в конце XIX века. По словам торговцев, это государство находилось на берегу африканского озера Тана в Эфиопии. На самом деле никакого государства в том районе не было. Марки выпущены в спекулятивных целях. Их появление связано с именем братьев Денгардтов. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Malatora. Federated Commonwealth!!
     Federated Commonwealth of MALATORA. The Federated Commonwealth of Malatora (commonly called 'FedCom') is one of the smallest and least-known nations on Earth. This tiny African proto-nation is made up of sovereign citizens, who work together in their common interests, protect each other's freedom and rights, and share the responsibilities of society equally and fairly. Currently, FedCom is concerned with becoming self-sufficient and establishing the means to properly defend itself from macronational aggression. FedCom has long recognized the critical importance of self-defense: it supports peace, but is willing to use force (as a last resort) to protect itself. Unlike many of its micronational brethren, FedCom has no interest in joining the United Nations, or in gaining UN recognition. FedCom considers the organization to be hopelessly corrupt, and wants no part in it. Likewise, it does not feel the need to validate its existence by seeking international diplomatic recognition. Foreign relations are welcome, but not actively sought. FedCom classifies itself as a "new-nation project", and says it is not a "virtual nation". FedCom's primary operations are in the real world, using cyberspace only to facilitate communications. Its leaders have often called it "perhaps the most serious of all new-nation projects in the micronational community, before or since". Historically, FedCom has been dominated by an isolationist policy. Since October of 2007, FedCom has had a limited presence in the larger micronational community. As a federation, political power is split between the Federal Government and those of the constituent Member-States. What makes FedCom special in this regard is the enormous degree of autonomy enjoyed by the individual States — far more than is typical for a federation. FedCom's national government unites all Member-States in their common interests, serves as the vox populi (voice of the people), sets nation-wide law, and handles all foreign affairs. If States bring a dispute before the Federal government, they are bound to respect the answer. There is no written constitution. Instead, a specific set of high-level laws, unwritten norms and tradition all combine to curb government power and define delegated powers. Government power is built strictly upon the consent of the governed. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. New Country Project.. 

     Republic of the Maldives. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Malidia. Free Kingdom!!
     O Reino Livre da Mal;dia ; uma microna;;o lus;fona fundada em 1998 por Elvis Jakson Melnisk e mais tarde mantida por Kellyson Ferreira. Foi fundada por Edson, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Ambos emigraram para Econia, junto com parcela consider;vel da popula;;o. Hoje, Mal;dia faz parte do Reino Unido dos A;ores, sendo considerado como Vice-Reino de Mal;dia. Como Vice-Reino, Mal;dia tem sido importante regi;o a;oriana, administrada pela Guarda Real A;oriana e pelo Minist;rio da Imigra;;o e do Turismo. Importante pois tem sido local de reabilita;;o de cidad;os a;orianos inativos, ou condenados pela justi;a a;oriana.. 

Malliticus, Kingdom!!
     O Reino de Mal;ticus ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Mallorca. Federative Republic!!
     A Rep;blica Federativa de Mallorca ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Foi fundada por ex-portoclarenses que sa;ram da Rep;blica de Porto Claro ap;s a II Guerra Civil. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica presidencialista.. 

Mallorca. Republic!!

     Alive. 13. 09. 2006. Language: English.. 

Malta. Republic!!
     Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Ecclesiatical Sovereign Entity. Federal Association USA of the S. M. O. M. The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta. The S. M. O. M. is an ancient organization founded under the aegis of the Roman Catholic church during the Crusades to protect pligrims on their way to the Holy Land. It now functions as a Catholic charitable organization (running a number of hospitals throughout the world), and enjoys limited diplomatic status as a "sovereign entity", complete with passports, coinage (via the world's smallest national mint), license plates (via a special contract with the Italian government), an (unofficial) amateur radio license prefix (1A0) and a post office (Postage stamps are a major source of income). The S. M. O. M. headquarters, consisting of a building and courtyard in Rome, Italy, is officially the world's smallest self-governing sovereign territory, roughly twice the size of a standard tennis court, small enough to have a mailing address, and exchanges ambassadors and diplomatic representatives with over 80 countries. After the loss of the island of Malta, the Order settled permanently in Rome, Italy, in 1834. Its two headquarters, granted with extraterritoriality, are the Palazzo Malta in Via dei Condotti 68 - where the Grand Master resides and Government Bodies meet - and the Villa Malta on the Aventine. The latter hosts the Grand Priory of Rome, the Embassy of the Order to the Holy See and the Embassy of the Order to the Italian Republic. On August 24, 1994, the S. M. O. M was granted Permenant Observer Status in the United Nations, allowing them to participate in the discussions of the U. N. General Assembly. Mailing Address: Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta, Palazzo Malta, Via dei Condotti 68, Rome 00165, Itali. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Malte. Ordre!!
     Ordre de Malte. Europe-Ordre religieux souverain. Mini Pays.. 

Maluku Selatan. Repulik. Малуку-Селатан!!
     Республика Малуку-Селатан. Молуккские острова Малайского архипелага входят в состав Индонезии. В конце 1949 года на островах Серам, Амбон, Манила, Келанг, Амбелау и некоторых других в Южных Моллуках вспыхнул мятеж. 25 апреля 1950 года христианская часть населения провозгласила на южных Молуккских островах независимую Республику Южно-Молуккских островов. В июле того же года имевшиеся в почтовом отделении Амбона марки Индонезии были снабжены надпечаткой Республика Малуку-Селатан, а название страны зачёркнуто двумя линиями. Всего надпечатано 24 номинала. 17 августа 1950 года попытка отделения была силовым путём пресечена индонезийской армией, Молуккские острова вновь перешли под суверенитет Индонезии. Только на острове Амбон мятежники ещё продолжали сопротивлятся. До ноября 1950 года там имели хождение марки с надпечатками. Напряжённой ситуацией в этом регионе воспользовались аферисты. В офис одной из крупнейших американских марочных фирм обратились некие джентльмены, заявившие, что они представляют правительство Молуккской республики, и предложили разработать эмиссионную программу нового государства. Так как это предложение сулило хозяевам фирмы большие деньги, сделку по производству экзотических марок неизвестной республики заключили быстро. В 1954 году на филателистическом рынке появились яркие привлекательные почтовые миниатюры республики Малуку-Селатан. Участие в их выпуске приняли государственная австрийская типография в Вене и нью-йоркская филателистическая фирма Столов и К°, владельцем который был Генри Столов (Henry Stolow). Красочные марки привлекли внимание филателистов. Директора фирмы и представители несуществующей страны успели получить неплохую прибыль, прежде чем были разоблачены. Дело закончилось громким процессом. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     O Mal;ti ; uma microna;;o pecularista angl;fona, existente de 1981 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Cyberianation. Dead. 25. 11. 2006. Language: English.. 

Malveale. Sovereign Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Malveale ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1980 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia presidencialista Morrisville.. 

Malvinas Islas!!
     Falkland Islands. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Man. Isle!!
     Mannin. Self-governing British Crown territory. Isle of Man Guide. Europe-Ile de Man-Etat autonome. Mini Pays. While under the British Crown, Man is officially not part of the United Kingdom. Because of this, Man enjoys a unique tax system that welcomes high-technology businesses and offshore banking. The Isle of Man Government has numerous on-going and planned initiatives with regard to Disability, it is moving towards making the Isle of Man as disabled friendly as possible. The Van is a participant of Celtic Congress. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Mangaria. Kingdom!!
     Type of Entity. Sovereign new-nation project. Location: Europe. UK. Date active: 2000–present. Has a website: www. freewebs. com/kingdom-of-mangaria.. 


Mania. Republic!!
     Cyberianation. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Language: English. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Lider - Manuel Neira Rodriguez. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. The part of the world that's closer to Mania's sole citizen than to anyone else, at any given time. Mania is the world's smallest state. Mania has only citizen. As it is universally acknowledged that the only just basis for national government is the consent of the people, he has withdrawn that consent from all other nations, and declared Mania an independent republic. The Republic of Mania was declared an independent state by its only citizen, and therefore undisputed President for life, Manny Neira, on the 3rd of February 2006. It claims all territory "closer to me than anyone else at any given moment", creating an island of sovereignty which moves around with its population. It's extensive website describes the country's history, constitution, name, currency, and much else, in a rich mixture of humour and political satire. It seems that the real purpose of Mania is to express in a more imagination form Neira's arguments for the abolition of states and the adoption of true internationalism. It's official language is Esperanto, though as the founder doesn't speak this language only the most important phrases have been translated into it, such as the country's name (Respubliko Mania) and motto (Cxiu homo estas nacio - Every human is a nation). Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Mania.. Republic!!

Mannin. Isle!!
     Man. Self-governing British Crown territory. While under the British Crown, Man is officially not part of the United Kingdom. Because of this, Man enjoys a unique tax system that welcomes high-technology businesses and offshore banking. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание. Also. Celtic Congress.. 


Mapulto. Sovereign Republic!!
     A Rep;blica Soberana do Mapulto ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica militar.. 

Mar Sara!!
     O Mar Sara ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Maraguo Vrystaat!!
     Cyberianation. Dead. 26. 06. 2008. The Jacobite-Corporative Triple Puppet State of Maraguo. Language: English.. Maraguo Vrystaat is part of the Kingdom of Batavia. It's culture is heavily influenced by Shireroth, and shows Jasonian and Matbaan influences as well. Maraguo occupies roughly the southern 2/3rds of what was called Redoubt Island, and is in part a result of the War of Jeremy's Nose. The island was the prize in the war and was claimed by Shireroth. Since the MCS refused to allow Shireroth any further Micran territory, the island was partitioned between it's main allies in the war, Batavia and Interland. Official languages: - English, Dutch, Frisian, Afrikaans. Capital: - Ardy's Reach. Largest Cities: - Ardy's Reach, Kerkboran, Ehhasa, Deir-ul-Seyde,Wilhelmstaad, Port Malarbor. Date founded: - June 16, 2008. Number of residents: - 10. Number of active vryholders: - 7. Independence: - Part of Batavian Commonwealth. Government: - Groote Schuur. Current leader: - Vryheer Jacobus Loki. Currency: - Kruys. Demonym: - Maraguan, Maraguoian,. Maraguaan. National animal: - Mylittlepony. National fruit/food: - Kiwi fruit. National drink: - KiWine. Nation's Total GDP: - N/A.. 

Marajo. Principality!!
     Type of Entity. Nationhood. Location: South America:Brazil. Date active: 1998–2009 In Pasargadan Commonwealth since Aug 2009. Has a website: www. repmarajo. com. br. The Principality of Maraj;, or Cohort-State of the Principality of Maraj;, or simply Maraj;, as it is known in Lusophone Sector, is an associated micronation to the Pasargadan Commonwealth, since August 2009.. 

Maraj;. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Maraj;, originalmente Principado de Maraj;, ente federado ; Federa;;o Ibero-Americana. A Rep;blica de Maraj; ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Integra, desde 2005, com a Rep;blica de Orange e com Andorra Imperial a Federa;;o Ibero-Americana. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Vera L;cia Britto, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica presidencialista. Nadeb;. Location: Japan. Email:. Lider. Julio Caima. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Maraj;. Rep;blica!!

Maramiate Ark!!
     Ark Mar;mia. A Maramiado do Ark ou Ark Mar;mia e uma microna;;o criada na Rep;blica Tcheca em julho de 1995, com caracter;sticas bem peculiares, como um idioma curioso (o arkano) e um sistema de democracia direta. Foi fundada por Radek Zahradn;k, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Ark Maramia mantem hoje rela;;es com Textor somente. Ark possui calend;rio pr;prio, religi;o e uma m;stica e interessante pr;-hist;ria. Micro;tnico. E localizada na Rep;blica Tcheca, tem quatro cidad;os. A bandeira ; quadrado dado forma e ; branca com a cruz especial chamada ";rvore do Ark". Ark Mar;mia desapareceu na maior parte do internet em 1999, mas vive ainda off-line. Hoje, ; somente poss;vel ver sua p;gina do cyber embassy.. 

Marat Idar!!
     O Marat Idar ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Marduk. State Kingdom!!
     Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. PO Box 1167, Europe Place 2, 72001 Tьbingen, Germany. Contact location - Tьbingen, Germany. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Parts of various European countries, plus the entirety of Monaco, the Vatican, Seborga, Sealand and Antarctica. Das Vereinigte K;nigreich Gro;britannien und Nordirland ist eine konstitutionell-parlamentarische Monarchie, wodurch England zwar nicht mehr von einem K;nig oder einer K;nigin regiert wird, aber dennoch einen K;nig oder eine K;nigin zum Staatsoberhaupt hat. Seit 1952 ;bt K;nigin Elisabeth II. dieses Amt aus. Marduk war ein babylonischer Gott. Amar sumerisch. Marduk war ein Gott der babylonischen Religion. Er war im 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr. in Mesopotamien noch unbekannt und stieg als eingewanderter Gott ;ber den Rang eines unbedeutenden Stadtgottes zur Hauptgottheit der babylonischen Religion und Oberhaupt des babylonischen Pantheons auf. Er tr;gt u. a. den Titel „Herr der vier Weltgegenden“, der aus dem Sumerischen ;bernommen wurde. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Mare correos!!
     В 1902 году на территории бразильского штата Минас-Жерайс якобы было провозглашено независимое государство Маре, успевшее издать собственные марки с надписью Mare correos. Спекулятивно-фантастический выпуск. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Marejo. Republic!!

Marelian Empire!!
     United Provinces of the Marelian Empire. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Marelian Empire!!
     United Provinces of the Marelian Empire.. 

Maria Port. Republic!!
     Port Maria. Republic. A Rep;blica de Port Maria ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente de 1984 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Mariaholm. Principality!!

Marialholm. Principality!!
     Website in Norwegian and English. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Mariana. Republic!!

Mariana. Rep;blica!!

Mariannes. Oc;anie-Dominion autonome-Etats-Unis!!
     Mini Pays. The Northern Mariana Islands is a chain of 14 tropical islands in the Western Pacific. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands’ Coastal Resources Management. CRM provides technical assistance for the planning, management, and monitoring of coastal resources and ensuring their sustainable use and development.. 

Marine Suisse. Empire!!

Markland. Republic!!

Marlborough. Principality!!
     Город-Государство. Cyberianation. Inactive Status: Contact location - Brisbane, Qld, Australia. Lider - George Muirhead. Founded in 1993. A short lived micronation in Australia whose creator declared his farm an independent country to try to avoid eviction after bankruptcy. He was evicted less than a week later by police, was later prosecuted and has since abandoned any claim of independence. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Rural properties and residence named Kierawonga and Indicus located near the town of Marlborough, approximately 200km north of Rockhampton, Queensland. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Mars Sovereignty!!
     An apparently serious project aiming to start a country on Mars, once technology allows for appropriate transportation and terraforming. They Also make several claims to Antarctic territories. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Marshall and Nicolas. Kingdom!!
     Alive. 29. 08. 2009. Language: Kingdom English. The Kingdom of Marshall and Nicolas is a micronation founded by Emperor Marshall and Nicolas. It is made up of our house and some small strips of land with a total of 2. 5 acres of land. It is indepentent from all other nations. It is a absolute monarchy. It is located in Boise,Idaho. Eastern Orthodoxy is the religeon of the kingdom. His Eccellency,Emperor Marshall Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Marte. Aresian Government in Exile!!
     O Governo Aresiano de Marte no Ex;lio ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Espa;o e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Martha's Vineyard e Nantucket!!
     Martha's Vineyard e Nantucket ; uma microna;;o que une dois famosos balne;rios da Costa Leste dos EUA. Aparentemente ef;mera.. 

Martian Government-In-Exile!!
     A joke website, claiming to be a governing body of Martians on Earth. The Martian Goverment-in-Exile is the oldest, most established, and highly regarded governmental body in this arm of the galaxy. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Martim Vaz. Republica!!

Maryland. Commonwealth!!
     Location: USA. Email:. Lider. Preston Takata +1 706 853 9344. Inactive. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Micronation of Marzullo.. 

     Alive. 12. 05. 2010. Imperium of Mastonasia. Language: english. 

Matbaa City. Город-Государство!!
     Cyberianation. Nation: 

Matbaa Ecumenical Synody!!
     Dead. 31. 07. 2007. Language: English.. 

Matbaa Zatriarchate!!
     Zatriarchate of Matbaa. Dead. 04. 12. 2005. Language: English. Founded on the 2nd of December 2005. His All Holiness the Zatriarch: Zatriarch Mar Michaelos-Sfeir I. Grand Vizier of the Zatriarchate: His Excellency Maximos Qutreh Bar Idwharioun. The Zatriarchate of Matbaa (m;;tb;;) was an Assyrian-themed micronation founded by Maximos on December 2nd 2005. Its theme was originally a general satire of theocratic nations hence the name 'Zatriarch' as opposed to 'Patriarch' but later retained these early idiosyncracies as it developed an Assyrian culture throughout its existence. Matbaa was one of the few stable nations throughout the MCS-GSO split and pursued an isolationist foreign policy which made it many enemies, most famously Woodstania and Babkha. The nation occupied land on Cibola and Tapfer after it left the CIS, dying after Matbaa was split into two seperate nations under the reign of Zatriarch Mikaelos-Sfeir in 2007. The Matbaic National Khanaushia was the highest legislative body in the entire nation. The Khanaushia comprised of government officials and ministers, and was presided over by the Zatriarch and Grand Vizier. There was no post of speaker, as every minister in the Khanaushia, as well as the Zatriarch and Grand Vizier, could propose legislation which was then debated and voted on. Amendments to legislation were Also conducted in the Khanaushia. Because the Zatriarchate was a theocracy, its leader, the Zatriarch, was not appointed by the Khanaushia but by the Ecumenical Synod. This thus gave the Church a strong hold over government in the nation and ensured that the government coincides with the Clergy's interests. Although he was not an absoloute ruler, the Zatriarch could dismiss any minister except the Grand Vizier but only if he had the consent of the Matbaic Orthodox Ecumenical Synod. The Khanaushia members could overrule a decision by a two-thirds majority vote. As leader of the faith and henceforth carrying out the wishes of the Ecumenical Synod, the Zatriarch maintained divine right in ruling the nation and could veto legislation if it was not in keeping with church wishes. The Grand Vizier was responsible for acting as a mediator between the church element of the Khanaushia, the Zatriarch, and the State Element, the Ministers. The Grand Vizier Also had a seat in the synod to ensure that both government bodies (the Khanaushia and Synod) had a say in legislation and the running of the nation. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. The Zatriarchate of Matbaa was an Assyrian-themed micronation founded by Maximos on December 2nd 2005. Its theme was originally a general satire of theocratic nations hence the name 'Zatriarch' as opposed to 'Patriarch' but later retained these early idiosyncracies as it developed an Assyrian culture throughout its existence. Matbaa was one of the few stable nations throughout the MCS-GSO split and pursued an isolationist foreign policy which made it many enemies, most famously Woodstania and Babkha. The nation occupied land on Cibola and Tapfer after it left the CIS, dying after Matbaa was split into two seperate nations under the reign of Zatriarch Mikaelos-Sfeir in 2007. Official language: - Neo-Aramaic (official), English (administrative). Demonym: - {{{demonym}}}. Capital: - Matbaa City. Largest Cities: - Beth Sanaar, Merdin, Bani Yas. Website: - MatbaaWiki. Forum: - Matbaic Forums. Number of citizens: - 8. Number of active citizens: - 0 (Nation Inactive, Kefr Zeh annexed to Babkha). Date founded: - December 2nd 2005. Government: - Theocracy. Current leader: - His Holiness Michaelos-Sfeir I. Currency: - Matbaic Salar. National animal: - unknown. National fruit/food: - Fig. National drink: - unknown. The Matbaic National Khanaushia was the highest legislative body in the entire nation. The Khanaushia comprised of government officials and ministers, and was presided over by the Zatriarch and Grand Vizier. There was no post of speaker, as every minister in the Khanaushia, as well as the Zatriarch and Grand Vizier, could propose legislation which was then debated and voted on.. 

     O Matrix ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Matt. Eastern Republic!!
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Matt.. Republic!!

Mattimeo Messenger. Federal Republic!!
     Cyberianation. Founded in 1998 by Peter Hickey, who served as Editor-in-Chief until the publication ceased in 2005. The Messenger was later refounded under the name of "the Rilloneous Messenger" in September 2006 for a brief period of publication during that month. For many years, it was the "publication of record" of the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia, as well as the Free Republic of Rocentia. Among the original staff writers of the Mattimeo Messenger were Hickey, Neil Spall, and James Conway. A total of fourteen issues were sporadically published during 1998 and 1999 before the publication went dormant until 2004. In 2004, it was reformed as a blog and continued to publish irregularly.. 

     Largest province of the Federal Republic of Cyberia and of other Cyberias. Located in the East Central portion of the country. Home of many famous Cyberians. Home for many years of the Mattimeo Messenger, for many years the publication of record of the old Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia. Capital: Reeung City, named for the famous micronational artist.. 

Mattimeo. Grand Duchy!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation. Historically, the mountainous, mostly wilderness area of Mattimeo bordering on Menet. As the Grand Duchy of Mattimeo, it was a part of the Imperial Dominion of Free Cyberia after the Second War for Cyberian Liberation in 2000. This territory was created as a Grand Duchy by Emperor Jacobus as a reward for service to Grand Duke Theo Chang.. 

     Alive. Language: English. The first city of Mattopia will be ready for habitation on September 25, 2014. Mattopia is a safe land. A preserve of sorts. Located in a semi-natural mountain valley in Canada, Mattopia is off grid and 100% self sustained. The first city is equipped with a full hospital, fire department, museum, enormous animal sanctuary, arboretum, elementary school, high school, city hall, three television stations, a library, and an assortment of homes, shops, and restaurants. There are Also a number of research labs. Science is golden. Farmlands outside of the city provide more than enough, and much of the rare heirloom and exotic crops and herbs are exported. Mattopia is free of religion. The government has not been established entirely yet, but an elected council will make decisions for a set term. Mattopia is a place for humanity to live on in case of disaster, now we know we can't be safe from Everything, but its still something. And in the meantime, its paradise. Within the first 5 years, the first valley of Mattopia will have an artificial climate control based on steam vents and heated waters. Energy has been established on solar, bio-diesel (algae method), and wind. This is an isolated community. The beginning of a new nation.  . 

Maur;sie. Free and Democratic Empire!!
     Discussion group.. O Imp;rio Livre e Democr;tico da Maur;sia ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Maur;sie. Grand-Duch; Zollernberg!!
     Province de Maur;sie. Depuis le 28 d;cembre 2004, la Maur;sie est une Province zollernoise, suite ; l'abdication des droits au Tr;ne de S. A. I. le Prince H;ritier au profit de S. A. R. le Grand-Duc. Ainsi la Maur;sie pourra recommencer de prosp;rer et rena;tre pour le bien de ses habitants, d;sormais Sujets de la Couronne la plus prestigieuse du micromonde. Cet Empire qui fut l'une des plus brillantes nations du micromonde est d;sormais librement rattach; au pays ; m;me de lui redonner sa force. Un gouverneur de la Province sera prochainement nomm; par le Gouvernement de Son Altesse Royale. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Mauritius. Republic!!
     Республика Мавритания. The National Computer Board (NCB) was set up in 1988 by the National Board Act (Act No. 43) to promote the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Mauritius. It is a para-statal body administered by a Board of Directors and operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications. The NCB has recently redefined its strategies to respond more effectively to new national aspirations in view of multi-facetted challenges emerging in the wake of globalization and threatening the very resilience of the country's economy. Its core mission is now to accelerate the transition of Mauritius into a regional ICT hub and ensure the swift realization of government's objective to make of the ICT sector a fifth pillar of the economy. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Maxie Country. The Constitutional Monarchy!!
     Was founded by Emperor Max Martin in 2001 as a micronation independent from the Commonwealth of Australia. Maxistan originally was named as Maxie State, then Maxie Country, it then finally took its one word name Maxistan in 2005 and officially became a Constitutional Monarchy upon completion of their first constitution.. 

Maxie State!!
     The Constitutional Monarchy. Was founded by Emperor Max Martin in 2001 as a micronation independent from the Commonwealth of Australia. Maxistan originally was named as Maxie State, then Maxie Country, it then finally took its one word name Maxistan in 2005 and officially became a Constitutional Monarchy upon completion of their first constitution.. 

     Alive. 27. 04. 2001. The Constitutional Monarchy of Maxistan. Language: English. The Constitutional Monarchy of Maxistan is an Australian secessionist micronation located on a farm 160km (99. 41 mi) east of Adelaide, South Australia. Maxistan was named a micronation in 2001 by the founder Emperor Max Martin. Maxistan was founded by Emperor Max Martin (Born: 28 April 1993) in 2001 as a micronation independent from the Commonwealth of Australia. Originally named Maxie State, then Maxie Country, it then finally took its one word name Maxistan in 2005 and officially became a Constitutional Monarchy upon completion of their first constitution. Maxie City is the capital of Maxistan and the only settlement with permanent infrastructure.. 

     Alive. 06. 01. 2010. Language: English.. 

Maya Greenwood. Federal Republic!!
     Cyberianation. President of ProvoCyberia during the Second War for Cyberian Liberation. She smoked large cigars and made long speeches. Some likened her to a female version of Fidel Castro. Her enemies went so far as to deny her existence. She stood against the ultra-radicalism of Elena Delgado and was instrumental in securing aid from U. P. E. C. and from the United Imperium to end the Delgadan menace. Never seen after her resignation of Executive Power in favor of Mike Phyle, it is rumored that she still roams the mountains of her homeland, waiting for her time to come again.. 

Maya Republic!!
     A Rep;blica Maia ; uma microna;;o modelista hispan;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica Central e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Dead Nation. 31. 01. 2008. Cyberianation. The Independent Region of Mayo was one of the most successful Dutch micronations on Micras and is remembered for being a political hostpot during the 2004 Cold War which Also included fellow Dutch micronations Charlotta and the Red Antilles. Prominent citizens of the nation included the founder, Joxin 'Charly' Diez, Dorian Anarkiazale and Thomas Heyndericx. Mayo was an unofficial part (province) of the Republic of Charlotta, founded by Joxin Diez on June 23, 2004. The region was mostly inhabitated by social democrats and liberals, whilst the two other Charlottan provinces (Flores and Landaluze) were dominated by the Communist Party of Charlotta. Mayo was declared independent by Joxin Diez on August 6, 2004 and was henceforth to be known as the Independent Region of Mayo. Due to the weak position of the Charlottan communists on the intermicronational forum, there was not much they could undertake to prevent the seccesion. Official language: Dutch (official), Esperanto/Basque (cultural). Capital: Iban. Largest Cities: Egoi, Unai, Diez. Website: Mayo Website. Forum: Mayo Forum. Number of citizens: 10. Number of active citizens: 0 (Nation Inactive). Date founded: June 23rd 2004 (as a province of Charlotta). August 6th 2004 (as an independent state). Government: Republic. Current leader: President Joxin 'Charly' Diez. Currency: Mayoo (Mj).. 

Mayotte. Territorial Collectivity!!
     French Territory. CIA Database Listing. Mayotte has no flag of it's own, and officially uses the French tri-color. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Mazzaferro. Principato!!

Medea. Federated Republic!!
     In this Republic, all citizens shall have granted citizenship of the Republic of the City-States, if they wish. The Republic of Medea was founded in the year 2000 by its current Medea. It was founded as an ally to the Republic of the City-States, founded by the first Beauieo in the same year. Eventually, after marriage and divorce, the former Beauieo resigned his reign to the Medea, therefore making the Republic of the City-States a part of the Republic of Medea. This Republic’s basic principles are peace and happiness, a place where not everything is by the book. The Medea felt that the government of the USA lacked the common sense of what was right and wrong and many people were judged based on what the book said. Only in movies did people get rewarded for doing what was right, even if it was against the law. She realized that sometimes, boundaries were too much when it came to safety of oneself or others. Therefore, she decided to start her own country to show people that there is somewhere where what’s right is in the eyes of the beholder, not the book. Medea is a name meaning "female ruler". All the rulers of the Republic are to be female. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Medea. Republic!!
     A micronation's constitution, description, rank, and online citizenship application.. 

Mehlville South!!
     South Mehlville. Dead. 23. 10. 2007.. 

Melanesi Commonwealth!!
     Is a micrination. Karte. Hauptstadt: Grassborough. Einwohner: 14. 6 Millionen. Fl;che: 1. 300. 896 km;. W;hrung: Guinee & Kauri (Gu - Kr). Anl;sslich der Gr;ndung des Commonwealth im Jahre 1851 gibt die Royal Melanesian Academy of Science die erste Encyclop;dia Melanesia heraus, die zun;chst aus 4 B;nden besteht und laufend erweitert wird. Dabei ist die Encyclop;dia kein gebundenes Buch sondern besteht aus einzelnen Artikeln, die in Aktenschubern aufbewahrt werden. So kann die Encyclop;dia Melanesia leicht erg;nzt werden, ist jedoch nicht als gebundenes Buch erh;ltlich. Aus diesem Grund wird die Encyclop;dia Melanesia in der Royal Library aufbewahrt. Zu ihr hat jeder B;rger zutritt. Im Jahr 2009 begann man damit die Encyclop;dia Melanesia zu digitalisieren. Zuk;nftig soll das Wissen des Commonwealth digital gespeichert werden. Jedoch wird weiterhin die orginale Encyclop;dia gepflegt. Sie umfasst mittlerweile knapp 50 Regalmeter. Sie befindet sich in einem eigens eingerichteten Saal der Royal Library.. 

Melchizedek. Kingdom!!
     Melquisedeque. Melchizedec, Melchizedech, Sovereign Order of Melchizedek. Kingdom of Salem.. Dominion. Domain. Due to the fact that information about Melchizedek was almost exclusively and early found on the Internet, the Dominion was declared by NBC News to be the first nation on the Internet. O Dom;nio de Melquizedeque ; uma microna;;o, de cultura hebraica. existente at; hoje. Melquisedeque ; um nome b;blico do Antigo Testamento. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma _dom;nio. Active Status: Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Founded in 1986. The Dominion of Melchizedek (DoM) is a micronation known largely for facilitating large scale banking fraud in many parts of the world. Contact location - California, USA. Lider - David Pedley, Mark Pedley, Pearlasia Pedley Richard McDonald. (Richard James McDonald). Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. The Dominion of Melchizedek (mal-khay-tzed-ek) is a recognized ecclesiastical and constitutional sovereignty. As a rapidly expanding, post-modern state, the Dominion's activities are governmental, spiritual, political, educational and humanitarian. References are made to Melchizedek's eternal sovereignty throughout Hebrew and Christian Holy Writ. All monotheistic religions spring from the blessing Old Testament Abraham received from Melchizedek, the righteous king of peace and history's first monotheistic teacher of God, the Most High. Legislation of the Dominion of Melchizedek (Documents On Line). 1-Business Corporation Ordinance of 1991. 2-Banking Act of 1991. 3-Bankruptcy Act of 1991. Constitution. 4-Declaration of Sovereignty. 5-Foreign Fishing Act of 2000. 6-Insurance Act of 1991. 7-Trust Act of 1997. 8-Corporation Sole Act. Сайт. www. melchizedek. com/dom. New Country Project. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Melilla. Autonomous City!!
     Spanish enclave on Morocco's north coast. Website is in Spanish. La Asamblea de Melilla, ;rgano representativo de la Ciudad, estar; integrada por 25 miembros, elegidos en la Ciudad por sufragio universal, libre, igual, directo y secreto. Las elecciones se regir;n por lo establecido en la legislaci;n estatal reguladora del r;gimen electoral general para la celebraci;n de elecciones locales. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Meltania ist eine Micronation, Also ein virtuelles Land, welches aussimuliert wird. Alle Inhalte dieser Seite und der zugeh;rigen Elemente (Forum, WiSim etc. ) sind rein fiktiv. Meltania ist an die spanische Kultur angelehnt und besitzt drei gro;e Volksgruppen: die Meltan;er, die Tordera und die Xeruski. Ein Land, wo Urlaub gemacht werden kann, und bis in den November hinein im Meer gebadet werden kann! Willkommen in einem Land, wo modernste Technik mit uralten Traditionen und Kulturen zusammentrifft! Willkommen in einem Land, wo die Politik noch vern;nftig ist und wo die kulinarische Kultur ihren H;hepunkt findet!. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. Full Name - Oira Arnanor; Menelmacariva. 15. 11. 2002. The Imperium of Menelmacar was a micronation founded by Sirithil nos F;anor in 2002 and for the purposes of this article refers to two nations which have used the name- Menelmacar and Menelmacariva- whose histories were very much intertwined. Menelmacar was a leading micronation in its day and by its death had greatly influenced intermicronational politics. Official language: : English, Menelmacari ConLang. Demonym: : {{{demonym}}}. Capital:: Osgiliath (of Menelmacariva). Menelmacar City (of Menelmacar). Largest Cities:: Pelargir, Silivrin, Calas Galadhon, New Thassala. Website:: Menelmacar at the Grand Archive. Forum:: Menelmacari Message Boards. Number of citizens: : 14. Number of active citizens: : 0 (Both nations Inactive). Date founded:: 2002. Government: : Constitutional Monarchy. Current leader: : Elent;ri (High Queen) Sirithil nos F;anor. Currency: Menelmacari Credit. National animal: : Pony.. 

Menet. Federal Republic!!
     Cyberianation. Menet, the southeasternmost province of the Federal Republic of Cyberia is bordered on the north by Mattimeo on the east by Lasteria and by the sea. Menet is famous for being the home of the Menet Skunk Ape Australopithicus Menetea. It has Also been the home of many idealists who attempted to reform previous governments of Cyberia, including Cody Williams, Michael Rosario,Mike Phyle, Austi Scot and Capt. Geoffrey T. Spaulding. Under Spaulding, Menet lead the fight against an interventionist central government in theThird War for Cyberian Liberation, and became the headquarters of the Committee of National Salvation. The Provincial forces were greatly aided by the Friends of Menet.. 

Menet. Free State!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation. Popular name for what is more correctly called the Menetian Free Province. In late 2000, several years before the Third War for Cyberian Liberation, Cody Williams and his followers declared the Menetian Free Province, claiming the secession of the province. Many historians believe he was acting to free Menet from the rule of the Cyberian Oligarchy. Williams became a hero to the followers of a later Praetor of Menet, Capt. Geoffrey T. Spaulding.. 

Menetian Free Province!!
     Menet. Free State. Federal Republic. Cyberianation. Popular name for what is more correctly called the Menetian Free Province. In late 2000, several years before the Third War for Cyberian Liberation, Cody Williams and his followers declared the Menetian Free Province, claiming the secession of the province. Many historians believe he was acting to free Menet from the rule of the Cyberian Oligarchy. Williams became a hero to the followers of a later Praetor of Menet, Capt. Geoffrey T. Spaulding.. 

Merkellen. Freie Republik!!
     Gr;ndung 21. 10. 2008. Nach der Revoluciono und der damit verbundenen Unabh;ngigkeit von der Volksrepublik Grasonce debattiert man auf den Merkellen im provisorischen Parlament, dem Konsilistaro (Rat), ;ber eine Verfassung, die auch das politische System eindeutig definieren soll. Fest steht jedoch, dass es sich um eine republikanische Ordnung handeln wird.. 

Merolie. Royaume des M;roliens!!

Merovinges. Republik!!

Merov;ngia. Kingdom!!
     O Reino da Merov;ngia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; 2000. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Remick Maximilien, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Antes de Carlos Magno e seu pai Pepino, a Fran;a era governada por uma dinastia de reis francos chamados Merov;ngios. Remick Maximilien, dos EUA, diz ser descendente deles, e fundou a Merov;ngia no in;cio de 97, como uma monarquia absolutista. Hoje em dia o Reino atingiu estabilidade interna e est; prestes a formar uma alian;a pol;tica com grandes micropa;ses. O Rei Max I, como ; chamado, mostrou-se simp;tico e amistoso com Porto Claro, ao contr;rio de “certos” estadistas. Microna;;o fundada por Remick Maximilian no Texas, EUA. Its culture is based em that ancient Frank dynasty. Merovingia is a parliamentary monarchy, and although not very active em intermicrona;;oal affairs, it has intense internal activity. Remick reigns as King Maximilian I. Adotada: January 1997. 

     Alive. 30. 09. 2010. Language: English.. 

Mesti;o do Sul!!
     Nation. O Na;;o de Mesti;o do Sul ; uma microna;;o modelista hispan;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma _na;;o.. 

Mevu. Republic!!
     Мевю. Республика Мевю. Democratic People's Cooperative Republic. A Rep;blica de Mevu ; uma microna;;o modelista nor, existente de 1978 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Ant;rtida e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista. Известно, будто бы эта республика находится где-то в Океании. На последних выпусках этой Республики появилось обозначение Antarctic Post — Антарктическая почта. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Mexicorea North!!
     North Mexicorea.. 

Mexihco. Empire!!
     Dead. 31. 01. 2007. Language: English. Mexihco has merged with Hispania and the forums can be found at: hispanicempire. org. 

Mezilistan. Republic!!
     Before the Federal Republic of Los Bay Petros was founded, five other micronations were founded by Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman. There were: Republic of Valdezia; Republic of Mezilistan; Krakozhian Federation; Petrovakian Federation; Petrolistan (only lasted for 1 day,Oct 13th - Oct 14th, 2009). 

     Type of Entity. Youth-led project. Location: North America. US State of Michigan. Date active: 2008–present. Has a website: www. freewebs. com/michiganistan.. Michiganistan is a small micronation encompassing a few acres of official territory. It actually have more but share that territory with the United States of America. This State pursue open relations with the USA and they are always welcome on the land. Tourism is postponed temporarily. Michiganistan is not accepting new citizens into current territory. If people interested in citizenship they may declare a portion of their property part of Michiganistan and the rest US shared, they may Also accept tourists. They don't want to anger our friends in the USA. Michiganistan, the worlds first pedocracy (government by youth), have communist symbols. It is a communist dictatorship. But Michiganistan is communist in theory but in reality accordingly at constitution it is quite resemblent of a democracy.. 

     A colony of Amerada. News, laws, and holidays.. 

     Cyberianation. Micronation was established in oppotunite to the Russia, that is nithing but a symbol of tirany and oppression. Official language: - English. Capital: - Largest Cities: - Website: - Forum: - Number of citizens: - Unknown. Number of active citizens: - Unknown. Date founded: - 24th July 2010. Government: -. Current leader: - Anonymous. Currency: - Internetz, Lulz, Meh.. 

Microna. City!!
     While not exactly a new country, this was to have been a joint project of two model countries, the Kingdom of TorHavn and the Republic of Veshault, to form an actual town. The property, 40 acres of undeveloped land in Elko Country, Nevada, USA, was secured, but nothing ever became of it. The project has been ressurected in 2002 with 32 acres located 7 miles North of Montello, Nevada, and is back on-line. As of 19 October 2005, the websites for Microna and Veshault all appear to have vanished!. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     United MicroNation. Confederation of the United Nation (MicroNation). Cyberianation.. 

Micronesia. Federated States!!
     Chuuk. Truk., Kosrae, Pohnpei. Ponape. & Yap Islands. Self-governing state in free association with the USA. Formerly the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Commercial Micronesian Site. The Compact of Free Association is a Treaty Agreement between the FSM and the US (US Public Law 99-239), which was implemented on November 3, 1986. The financial package of the Compact expires in 15 years but all other aspects of the agreement remains intact. The expired provisions of the Compact are now being negotiated. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Middle Korea!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. 16. 09. 2005. Declaration of Independance was signed on September 30th, 2005. At that very second Middle Korea became a country. Official language: - English, Korean. Capital: - Hansai. Largest Cities: - Que Ying, Dodensai. Website: - Middle Korean Archives. Forum: - Middle Korean Archives. Wiki: - {{{wiki}}}. Number of citizens: - 5. Number of active citizens: - 0 (Nation Inactive). Date founded: - September 30th 2005. Government: - Fascist Dictatorship. Current leader: - St. Fenix. Currency: - Middle Korean Yin (;). National animal: - Tiger. The King tiger one of fellow Admin (or Ministers) of the site Brought up a joke about creating a country on the line that seperated North and South Korea. The King Tiger at first took it all as a joke and "vowed" to create this country more out of humor than anything else.. 

Middlelands. Empire!!
     O Imp;rio de Middlelands ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Midget Empire!!

Midget Nation-in-Exile!!
     The Midget Empire was a stratocracy based in a London primary school from September 2002 to July 2006. In July 2006, Midget Master Jonathan (II) left the school, meaning that the title of Midget Master passed to his younger sister, Caroline. Although she was at the school for three more years after her brother left, Midget Master Caroline III did not run the Empire. The command system was extremely centralised on the Midget Master - with her unwilling to rule and most of the other leaders having left at the same time as Midget Master Jonathan II, the Midget Empire quickly fell apart after Midget Master Caroline III returned to rule after the school's summer holidays in September 2006. The Midget Nation-in-Exile is an absolute monarchy, ruled by the Midget Master, currently Thomas IV. Thomas IV changed the title of the office to "Midget Fuhrer" for himself only, and after his reign the title shall revert back to the name of Midget Master. The Midget Masters' regnal numbering denotes the order the Midget Masters ruled in, not how many of that name have been Midget Master. Thomas IV is the fourth Midget Master and so has the ordinal of IV, even though there have been no previous Midget Masters of that name. Languages - English. Demonym - Midget. Government - Absolute Monarchy. Midget Master - Midget Fuhrer Thomas IV. -. Established -. – Founding of the Midget Empire - 9 September 2002. – Midget Nation-in-Exile founded - 30 December 2009. Area - 33m sq.. 

Midway. Oc;anie-Ile-Etats-Unis!!
     Mini Pays. It is in a state of reconstruction.. 

Mike Phyle. Federal Republic!!
     Cyberianation. As a noted humorist and satirist of the existing order, Michael Rosario lead the way for those who fought to maintain freedom in Cyberia, such as Mike Phyle, Emperor Jacobus and Capt. Geoffrey T. Spaulding. Former leading figure of the Communist Party of the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia. Minister of Information and leader of the coup d'etat that started the Second War for Cyberian Liberation. Turned the area under his control over in trust to the United Imperium in Jan. 2000. A webmaster and site designer of some talent, Phyle later forsook Communism. Attempted to revive U. P. E. C. (United Provinces of East Cyberia)in 2002. Was involved in several micronations,with his emphasis on infrastructure and simulated economy. He later reconciled with the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia. His incarceration by federal authorities while serving as Chief Justice of Menet province was a proximate cause of the Third War for Cyberian Liberation, although he had resigned and left the nation before the start of hostilities. Back in 2001, Phyle was Also responsible for the launch of the Republic of Aerlig. He was the nations first Protector, but has since left the nation.. 

Mike. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Mike ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; 1997. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica presidencialista.. 

Mimb;ria. Federation!!
     A Federa;;o da Mimb;ria ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma confedera;;o.. 

Minaue. Республика Минауэ!!
     Марки этого государства издаются с 1979 года. По легенде в результате распада Республики Вайкоа появились марки двух новых государств. Республика Минауэ и Республика Такавау (Takava’u). Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Minerva. Principality!!
     Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Type of Entity. Sovereign new-nation project. Location: Contact location - South Carolina, USA. Oceania. Minerva Reefs. Lider - Calvin. Date active: 2003–present (government-in-exile). Has a website: www. minervanet. org. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Man-made island created by dumping sand onto the Minerva Reefs, south of Fiji. Believed to no longer exist due to natural erosion. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Minerva. Republic!!
     Inactive Status: O Minerva ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 196? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Michael J. Oliver, localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Type of Entity. Sovereign new-nation project. Location: Oceania. Minerva Reefs - Nevada, USA. Lider - Michael Oliver. Leader: Morris C. Davis. Founded in 1973. An attempt to build an artificial island and form a new libertarian country. The new land was located on Minerva Reef, south of Fiji, but the island was seized and annexed by Tonga shortly afterwards. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Man-made island created by dumping sand onto the Minerva Reefs, south of Fiji. Believed to no longer exist due to natural erosion. listing on Governments In-Exile. Date active: 1972 (island taken by Tonga). 1982 (island again taken by Tonga). Has an article on Wikipedia. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     O Ming;via ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Minische Republik Sabisko!!
     Gr;ndung 02. 01. 2000. Sabisko (Langform der amtlichen Staatsbezeichnung: Minische Republik Sabisko) ist eine Republik im Westen Terek-Nors. Es grenzt im Osten an Cordanien, im Norden an Albenien und im S;den an Ratharia. Sabisko hat 1. 604. 831 Einwohner auf einer Staatsfl;che von 40. 381,26km;. Hauptstadt und Sitz des Parlamentes und der Regierung ist die Stadt Sabisko. Simulationssprache - Deutsch. Virtuelle Sprache - Minisch. Hauptstadt - Sabisko. Gliederung - 15 Provinzen. Staatsform - direkte-parlamentarische Demokratie. Staatsoberhaupt Kaiser - Markus Gr;nblatt seit 10. 9. 2007. Regierungschefin Ministerratsvorsitzende - Laura Falkenberger seit 10. 9. 2007. Fl;che - 40. 381,26km;. virtuelle Einwohner - 1. 604. 831. reale Einwohner - 25. Bev;lkerungsdichte - 39,7 EW/km;. Gr;ndung - 02. Januar 2000. W;hrung - Telo. int. Vorwahl - muss erst noch vergeben werden. int. Kennzeichen - muss erst noch vergeben werden. Die Idee von Sabisko wurde am 02. Januar 2000 von 3 Sch;lern aus Rheinhessen entwickelt. In den kommenden 7 Jahren wurde Sabisko in gr;;erem Umfang geplant. Erst im Januar 2007 wurden die Gr;nder auf die Existenz der Micronations aufmerksam, und beschlossen Sabisko in eine Micronation umzuwandeln. Am 27. April 2007 wurde eine Webseite eingerichtet und am 18. Mai 2007 das Forum. Seit dem entwicket sich Sabisko zu einer Micronation. Ziel ist eine umfassende Staatssimulation mit Schwerpunkt der Politik. Am 20. Juli 2007 wurde bei der OIK ein Antrag auf die Reservierung eines Kartenplatzes eingereicht, nach dem Eintragungsverfahren ist Sabisko seit dem 30. August 2007 auf der Karte der OIK vertreten. Ein Eintragungsverfahren bei der GF wurde vorerst eingestellt. Im August 2007 wurde auch eine Verfassung ausgearbeitet. Die naturr;umlichen Regionen sind von Nord nach S;d: sabiskische Ebene, Mittelgebirgszone und Hochgebirge. Sabisko hat drei Nachbarstaaten: Albenien im Norden, Cordanien im Osten und Ratharia im S;den. Im S;dosten und Westen grenzt Sabisko an noch unbesiedeltes Land. Die Minische Republik hat eine Ausdehnung von ca. 300km mal ca. 135km. Vom Weltall aus ist sie als gro;er gr;ner Fleck im Herzen Terek-Nors zu erkennen, was von den gro;en Waldgebieten ausgeht. Deshalb wird Sabisko auch manchmal "gr;ner Lunge Terek-Nors" genannt.. 

Minula. Kaiserreich!!
     Gr;ndung 01. 01. 2004.. 

Miquelon. Federated Collectivity Saint piere and Miquelon!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Mirditios. Мирдита!!
     Округ. Vetёkeverria e Mirditios. В июне 1921 года на территории Албании была провозглашена Независимая Мирдитская республика. Просуществовала она до ноября того же года. Мирдита — один из 36 округов Албании, расположенный на юго-востоке страны. Округ занимает территорию 867 км; и относится к области Лежа. Административный центр — город Решени. Округ включает в себя основную часть исторического региона Мирдита. В 1922 году на филателистическом рынке появилась 5-марочная серия независимого правительства Мирдиты. Некоторые марки были снабжены надпечаткой TAKSE — доплата. Однако отношения к Мирдитской республике они не имели и являлись спекулятивно-фантастическим выпуском. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Mishaya. Free Empire!!
     The Free Empire of Mishaya, founded on October 2, 2001, is a micronation devoted to freedom, exploration, and community-building. Empire is located wherever thyr citizens live, on any land that our citizens control. It is, despite the name, a constitutional republic with both a strong executive and ultimate citizen control. The purpose of the Free Empire of Mishaya is to provide for the liberty of its citizens. Citizenship in the Free Empire is limited to those of sound mind ten years of age or more. Citizenship may only be acquired by naturalization: it cannot be inherited. To become a citizen, one must recite the following oath: "I swear [or affirm] to be a loyal citizen of the Free Empire of Mishaya and to follow its laws. " Citizens of the Free Empire do not have to renounce any other citizenships they may hold. Mishaya is ruled by an Emperor or Empress, elected to a six-month term. The Emperor or Empress must be a citizen of the Free Empire. No Emperor or Empress may serve more than four consecutive terms. The Emperor or Empress has the authority to issue Imperial Decrees, which are binding one day after signature. An Imperial Decree may not violate a law or the Constitution. Imperial Decrees remain in force until the next referendum unless declared illegal by the National Court. The Emperor or Empress may Also veto proposed laws. The Council must then wait until the next referendum to propose the law again. If the law passes a second time, it may not be vetoed. The Emperor or Empress may be deposed if he or she loses citizenship. In that case, the National Court collectively assumes the Imperial throne until the next referendum.. 

     O Mit;ria ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Mnoer. Империя!!
     Alive. 31. 10. 2009. County Mnoer. Language: Russian, English, Swedish. Территорией Мноэр провозглашается никем постоянно не заселенная территория планеты Марс в районе экватора у каньона Лабиринт,остров Сол, а так же виртуальное пространство емкостью - 1 000 000 террабайт(один миллион террабайт) в границах виртуальных машин, серверов, жестких дисков и других накопителей информации принадлежащих членам сообщества Мноэр. " В соответствии с законом о гражданстве - каждый человек, независимо от национальной принадлежности и вероисповедания, отвечающий условиям Империи и принимающий её законы может претендовать на получение гражданства Империи Мноэр. Каждый соискатель получивший положительный ответ и принятый в гражданство - получает 10-ти значный персональный номер(являющийся одновременно его банковским счетом), жалование - согласно указу о Жаловании Граждан Мноэр, а так же легитимацию( в электронном виде- бесплатно, за физическую копию удостоверения необходимо уплатить пошлину в 20 Эр. ) действующую на территории Империи Мноэр. Любой человек имеет право приобрести гражданство Мноэр, если его кандидатура полностью удовлетворяет требованиям Государства. Для приобретения гражданства необходимо обратиться с заявлением в службу миграции. Рассмотрение занимает от 10 до 20 рабочих дней. Паспорт гражданина Империи Мноэр -является основным документом удостоверяющим личность как внутри Империи,так и за ее пределами. При получении паспорта взимается гос. пошлина в размере - 50 Эр. Более подробную информацию и бланки заявлений можно найти на форуме в разделе-Миграционная служба.. 

     O Mojast;o ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Mollucas South. Republic!!
     South Mollucas Republic. Molucas do Sul. O Molucas do Sul ; uma microna;;o concretista ned, existente de 195? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Molossia. Republic!!
     An independent nation located near Reno, Nevada. Includes government and cultural information, history, news and photos.. 

Molossia. Republic!!

Mol;ssia. Republic Molossia!!
     Active Status: A Rep;blica da Mol;ssia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Kevin Baugh, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. 226 Mary Lane Dayton NV 89403 USA. Contact location - Nevada, USA. A micronation founded by Kevin Baugh, occupying his semi-rural residential acreage in Nevada. It is run semi-humorously as a dictatorial banana-republic. Lider - Kevin Baugh. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Small residential acreage in rural Nevada + rural acreages in California and Pennsylvania. Pronounced "mo-LAH-see-uh". This is a rather unique project. It is a quasi-model country with actual physical territorial claim in Nevada, USA, with real citizens. Unlike many other model country projects, this is all done quite seriously. The physical territory of the Republic of Molossia is in fact owned by myself (private property, as it were). Inasmuch as the territory remains within the United States, it is otherwise undisputed nor is it claimed by any other nation, micro or macro. It is fully occupied by the citizens of our nation; we have no virtual citizens. Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: www. molossia. org. New Country Project. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Monaco. Principality!!
     Monte Carlo. Europe-Principaut;. Mini Pays. This is the most densly populated country in the world, and despite being better known as a gambling resort and tax-haven for the wealthy (as well as being smaller than New York City's Central Park), is rich in history and heritage. The late Princess Grace (mother of His Serene Highness, Prince Albert) was originally known as Hollywood actress Grace Kelly. Depuis sept si;cles, la Famille des Grimaldi pr;side aux destin;es de la Principaut; de Monaco. Cette long;vit; dynastique exceptionnelle illustre l'unit; nationale des Princes et du Peuple mon;gasque. Traditions religieuses et traditions profanes se perp;tuent. Elles s'interp;n;trent parfois, les c;r;monies rituelles se poursuivant en r;jouissances populaires. Les traditions religieuses sont cependant plus profond;ment ancr;es que les secondes dans la m;moire collective des Mon;gasques. Elles sont partie int;grante, et exclusive de leur patrimoine sociocultural. Etat ind;pendant et souverain, la Principaut; de Monaco confronte le territoire de plusieurs communes du d;partement fran;ais des Alpes-Maritimes (d’ouest en est, Cap d’Ail, La Turbie, Beausoleil et Roquebrune Cap-Martin) et poss;de une fa;ade sur la M;diterran;e. La Principaut; ne forme qu’une seule commune, Monaco, dont les limites se confondent avec celles de l’Etat. Le climat est doux l’hiver et chaud sans exc;s l’;t;. La temp;rature moyenne de l’ann;e est de 16°31 et la Principaut; b;n;ficie d’un ensoleillement exceptionnel. Le fran;ais est la langue officielle, mais l’italien et l’anglais sont aussi commun;ment compris et parl;s. La langue mon;gasque est utilis;e par les "anciens" et enseign;e aux plus jeunes dans les ;coles de la Principaut;. Monaco, ville-;tat ouverte sur le monde, vit au rythme du monde. Ainsi pr;s de 125 nationalit;s y sont repr;sent;es. Parmi les r;sidents, 28 % sont fran;ais, 17 % italiens et 6 % britanniques. A compter du 1er janvier 1999, l'euro est introduit sur le territoire mon;gasque et depuis le 1er janvier 2002 les pi;ces et les billets libell;s en euro ont cours l;gal en Principaut;. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Mon;stico. Serene Principality!!
     O Principado Seren;ssimo de Mon;stico ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado. Renamed the Serene Principality of SERENDIP. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Moncao. Das K;nigreich!!
     Gr;ndung 05. 08. 2000. K;nigreich Moncao - es ist vorbei.. 

     Mondero, meaning piece of the world in Esperanto, is a micronation founded by Trip Rallior in June 2010. There are currently quite a few propositions for land, with the most popular being the Monderan Islands (Esperanto: Monderaj Insuloj) at the bottom of Knotts Island Bay in North Carolina, USA. The government is officially very bluntly socialist, with the Voting Day traditions effectively making it a Socialist Democracy (not to be confused with Social Democracy). The name Mondero has no prefixes. The original location for Mondero was going to be the group of islands starting at the bottom of Knotts Island Bay in North Carolina, USA, and ending at Jenkins Cove below the islands. Monderan politics are a rapidly changing thing, due to micronational alliances and wars, which Also tend to flow and change quickly. Mondero usually, when confronted with a possibility to take sides, takes the neutral view. Despite the government's strong socialist bias in their own land, Mondero doesn't look to spread Socialism or, at least, it seems that this is not Mondero's main goal in foreign policy. Official language: Cultural—Clar, Government—Esperanto. Government: Socialist Democracy. Current leader; Trip Rallior, Carter Hall, Ian Tembe, and Alan Salimov.. 

Mondesia North!!
     North Mondesia. Dead Nation. Cyberianation. Kingdom of North Mondesia.. 

Mondesia South!!
     Union of South Mondesia.. 

Mondesia South!!
     Union of South Mondesia.. 

Mondesia South!!
     South Mondesia.Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. 06. 08. 2007. Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history. Official language: English, French. Demonym: {{{demonym}}}. Capital: Monoviaville. Largest Cities: Berci, Custerburg, Vernon. Website: Monovia Website. Forum: Monovia Forums. Number of citizens: 5. Number of active citizens: 0 (Nation annexed to Hamland, then Ocia). Date founded: August 15th 2004. Government: Constitutional Monarchy. Current leader: His Majesty King Elonzo I. Currency: Monovian Euro (M€). National animal: Flamingo. National fruit/food: Pear.. 

Montabria. Kingdom!!

Montana and Rainbowisland!!
     Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Montana and Rainbowisland. Empire!!
     United Empire of Rainbowisland and Montana.. 

Monte Bello Islands. Монте-Белло!!
     The Montebello (or Monte Bello) Islands are an archipelago of around 174 small islands (about 35 of which are named) located 80 miles (130 km) off the Pilbara coast of North West Australia. Montebello is Italian for Beautiful Mountain. An early reference to the islands is in 1622, when the Tryall was wrecked just west of them. The islands were economically significant for pearl fishing from the end of the nineteenth century until the outbreak of the Second World War. Острова Монте-Белло расположены к северо-западу от Австралии. Использовались Великобританией как ядерный полигон. В 1951—1952 годах появились марки неизвестного происхождения, выпущенные от имени островов. Спекулятивно-фантастический выпуск. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Monte Carlo!!
     Principality of Monaco. This is the most densly populated country in the world, and despite being better known as a gambling resort and tax-haven for the wealthy (as well as being smaller than New York City's Central Park), is rich in history and heritage. The late Princess Grace (mother of His Serene Highness, Prince Albert) was originally known as Hollywood actress Grace Kelly. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Montgomery. Город-Государство!!
     Montgomery is a city in the north of Moncrieff in the Kingdom of Victoria. Cyberianation. Country: Kingdom of Victoria. Duchy: Moncrieff. Official language(s): English. Demonym: Montgorian. Government: - Type: Unitary authority. - Body: Moncrieff County Council. Area: Coming Soon. Abbreviation: MTG.. 

     O Montmartre ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Barry Richmond, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Montosh Empire!!
     The Montosh Empire is a sovereign state bordered by Canada and the United states. It consists of three cities with the capital, named Rulon, and two other cities: Vern and Verdon. The Montosh Empire Declared independence from Canada at 2:30pm on 8 August 2009. The independence was declared by Emperor Joshua I. Relations with other micronations got of to a slow start and we're still working on it. The capital of Montosh, a room size area in Montreal, Canada. Mayor: Emperor Joshua I. Senator: Emperor Joshua I (President of the Senate). Capital: Rulon. Official languages: English. Demonym: Montosher. Government. Constitutional Monarchy:. –Emperor: Emperor Joshua I. –President of the Senate: Emperor Joshua I. National Legislature: Montosh Senate. –Seats: 5. Established:. – Declaration of Independence : 8 August 2009. Population:. – Citizens : 4. – Subjects: 5. Currency: Montosh Dollar($). Montosh is a constitutional monarchy. Emperor Joshua I is The head of government and the head of state. Montosh has a parliamentary system where each city is represented by 1-3 senators. This number eventually differs as a city increases in size, population and importance to the government. A change in the law, constitution and other important documents may be proposed by any citizen. These changes will be reviewed by the Senate and after 1-3 weeks will be voted on. Changes to minor laws and minor documents of importance requires a magority vote to pass. Changes to magor laws, the constitution and magor documents of importance requires 2/3 to pass.. 

     O Montsegur ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma. Small but growing number of like-minded individuals that is dissatisfied with the conditions of present-day society. It seek to build a new and better society. It is a gay-themed micronation project. Mountsegur is diverse republic supporting individual responsibilities and rights. The name "Montsegur" was chosen in honor of the Cathars, a religious sect of the Middle Ages who established their own civilization in southern France. Ahead of their time, the Cathars advocated freedom, tolerance, and equality for both sexes and all classes, religions, creeds, and sexual orientations. Perceived as a threat to the status quo by the Church and Nobility, they were all but eradicated in a ruthless "crusade" in 1277. Montsegur was their last stronghold, where in the name of freedom they made a valiant yet futile stand against the invading Crusader armies. It is in their memory that our country has been tentatively named. Its final name, of course, will be decided by committee. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     This small island nation has been beset by disasters brought on by volcanic activity. Am;rique-Territoire autonome britannique. There are two main commercial banks - the Bank of Montserrat and the Royal Bank of Canada, located in Brades. ATM Cash Machines are located at both Institutions. There is Also the St. Patrick's Cooperative Credit Union and the Montserrat Building Society. Mini Pays. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Monvainia. Empire!!
     O Monv;inia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1972 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Yankot Treusduk Akerwitz, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Moon Islan. Моон!!
     Остров Моон. Этот остров находится предположительно у берегов Норвегии. Марки с его названием появились в конце 1960-х годов. Тематика их весьма разнообразна. от высадки американских астронавтов на Луну (1969) до визита в Норвегию папы римского Иоанна Павла II (1989). Точных данных об острове и авторах марок нет. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Morac-Songhrati-Meads. Morac-Songhrati-Meads. Monarchic Republic. Founded in 1959. A Rep;blica Mon;rquica de Morac-Songhrati ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1954 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Foi fundada por Morton Meads, localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia presidencialista. A present day micronation, claimed to occupy the Spratly Islands. The Republic of Morac-Songhrati-Meads was originally a micronation in the Spratly Islands established by British naval captain James George Meads in the 1870s. The republic's history begins with Capt. Meads, who laid claim to the Islands in the 1870s (despite earlier claims by other nations). Meads was exploring the South China Sea and laid claim to the Spratly Islands. Descendants of Meads have continued to claim legitimacy over the islands, and continue to attempt to claim ownership of the island's resources. The territory is currently under de facto military control by China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam, since the discovery of oil in 1968. In 1914, a rival faction, the "Kingdom of Humanity", formed under the leadership of Franklin M. Meads, son of James George. The two rival factions occupied the islands until World War II, when they were forced out by Japanese troops. Franklin died in 1945, and his son Josiah took over leadership. Josiah died soon after; his son, Morton F. Meads, was to take over, but was deemed too young. The Kingdom of Humanity merged back into the republic in 1963. The Kingdom faded into obscurity over the next decade, until 1972, when Morton Meads, now ruling, unsuccessfully petitioned the United Nations, Chiang Kai-Shek of the Republic of China, and the Philippines, to recognize the Kingdom and its claims. Later that year, what governing body the Kingdom had was drowned in a shipwreck, save Meads. The Kingdom reappeared in 1985. That year, Morton Meads sued the United States and others for $25 billion, claiming "unfair competition, harassment, [and] sabotage. " The case was not heard. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Morbhan. Free Morbhan Republic!!
     Alive. 14. 06. 2007. Language: Polish. Free Morbhan Republic was created in 15/06/2007 by secession from other polish micronation - Principality of Sarmatia. It's celtic and victorian styled micronation, with mainly steam engines and colonial tendencies. Small (about 5 citizens) but active. Jest to granica Wolnej Republiki Morvan. Czym ona jest? Jest to mikronacja,czyli inaczej pa;stwo wirtualne - miejsce, gdzie ka;dy internauta, w tym tak;e Ty, mo;e spe;ni; swoje marzenia i spr;bowa; si; realizowa; w pe;nieniur;;nych funkcji czy zawod;w, z kt;rymi, by; mo;e, nie b;dzie mia; szansysi; zetkn;; w ;yciu realnym. Saorse Poblachta na Morbhan (po polsku - Wolna Republika Morvan) ma d;ug; histori; jako cz;;; Ksi;stwa Sarmacji. W czerwcu 2007 og;osili;my pe;na niepodleg;o;;, aby dalej samemuwalczy; o odrodzenie celtyckiej pot;gi. Wolna Republika jest pa;stwem do pewnego stopnia wzorowanym na kulturze gaelickiej, a u;ywany tu czasami j;zyk morwa;ski jest uproszczonym j;zykiem z tej grupy, jednak myli;bysi; ten, kt;ry pr;bowa; by opisywa; nas jako wirtualn; Irlandie czy Szkocj;. Posiadamy w;asn;,unikaln; kultur;, j;zyk, tradycje i histori;, z kt;rymi si; uto;samiamy, i z kt;rych jeste;my dumni.. 

Moresnet. Мореснет!!
     Морне. Нейтральный Мореснет. Нейтральное Морне. Крошечное европейское государство площадью ок. 3,5 км;, которое существовало в 1816—1919 гг. Было расположено в 7 км к юго-западу от Ахена, южнее Ваалсерберга, где сейчас пересекаются границы Германии, Бельгии и Нидерландов. По окончании французской оккупации в 1816 Голландия и Пруссия решили не спорить из-за этого клочка земли и устроить здесь нейтральную зону, которая поначалу управлялась совместно этими государствами, а потом получила самоуправление. Сюда стремились беженцы из разных стран, в Мореснете не было полиции, население считалось лицами без гражданства, зато у территории был свой флаг и герб. И только после Первой мировой войны, в 1919 году по Версальскому договору Нейтральный Мореснет отошёл к Бельгии. Послевоенный Версальский договор 1919 окончательно решил вопрос «временной нейтральности» Мореснета, существовавший в течение ста лет, и было решено передать Нейтральный Мореснет Бельгии. Германия на короткий срок реаннексировала Мореснет во время Второй мировой войны, но в 1944 г. Мореснет был снова возвращён Бельгии. Территория до сих пор существует, в некотором роде, находясь под контролем муниципалитета Кельмиса/Ля Каламин в Бельгийских Восточных Кантонах. Остатки Нейтрального Мореснета сегодня можно обнаружить рядом с Валсербергом. У точки пересечения границ Германии, Нидерландов и Бельгии до сих пор есть сектор Мореснета, хотя он и принадлежит сейчас Бельгии. Марка этого мифического государства выпущена бельгийским торговцем Жаном-Батистом Моэнсом (1833—1908), известным филателистом и владельцем филателистического журнала. Однажды возмутившись действиями своего конкурента, перепечатавшего из его журнала изображение новых марок, Моэнс решил проучить дельца. Он напечатал марку государства Мореснет и опубликовал её изображение и описание в своём журнале 1 апреля 1867 года. Конкурент попался на эту уловку, о чём Моэнс, с нескрываемым злорадством, сообщил в следующем номере журнала. На самом деле Мореснет была небольшой нейтральной зоной между Бельгией и Пруссией. В октябре 1866 года здесь был осуществлён местный выпуск с надписью на немецком и французском языках Нейтральная зона Мореснет. Марки находились в обращении только 20 дней, а затем изъяты по требованию Пруссии. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Morinia. Kingdom!!
     Cyberianation. Official language: Polish. Capital: Moarrac. Largest Cities: Moarrac, Dantea, Nowogr;d, Sarandas.. Number of citizens: 8. Number of active citizens: 5. Date founded: March 13, 2009. Government: Parliamentary Monarchy. Current leader: Daniel I Maksymilian Saryoni. Currency: Morin.. 

Morkskovia.. Kingdom!!

     O Morlando ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. Kingdom of Morovia. Royal Kingdom. 08. 10. 2007. Language: English. O Reino Real da Mor;via ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. The Royal Reino de Morovia is. Reigning king is Vincent III. Foi fundada por Vincent., localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Email:. Has a website: p221. ezboard. com/bthekingdomofmorovia. Morovia was established in 1996 by five individuals interested in creating an "imaginary" nation. Lucy Denver, David Shapiro, Erin Gump, Mike Nelson, and King Vincent began to play a game they called Morovia. Morovia developed into a republic, and later a monarchy when the five elected Vincent their sovereign. This was only the beginning, and in early 1998 the five brought Morovia to the internet. Within weeks of coming online, Morovia signed a treaty of friendship with Reunion. Making many friends, King Vincent did his best to spread the word of this new micronation that was open to all ideas. It was a success, and within weeks Morovia's citizenship roster had risen from five to twenty individuals. In 1999, a Constitutional Convention was held and the nation adopted a new constitution. This new document guaranteed democracy and equal rights for all citizens. Soon, the so-called Founding Five began to leave Morovia, as they went on to completely different high schools and soon only the King remained. The Kingdom of Morovia is a constitutional monarchy. King Vincent III serves as head of state while the Peoples Representative functions as head of government. Despite the unique title, the Peoples Representative is akin to a first minister, or in modern parlance, a Prime Minister. With the informal consent of the Peoples Representative, the King appoints government ministers and other officers of state. Legislative authority rests in the historically five member Royal Assembly. Although the Crown reserves the right to veto legislation, neither Vincent III or Adam I ever exercised that prerogative. The Kingdom of Morovia is a legitimate, functioning, and non-territorial micronation that possesses immanent, virtual global sovereignty. It is not a separatist or secessionist movement but we seek to form a community that will effectively simulate nation building. The goal of The Kingdom of Morovia is to build a community of like minded individuals who do not rely on an accident of birth or geography to define themselves as compatriots, but instead share a common belief in the values of democracy, freedom and self-determination. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Morovia. Royal Kingdom!!

Motolia. Republic!!

Motolia. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica da Mot;lia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Mount Athos. Europe-R;publique monastique!!
     Mini Pays. The Holy Mount is a self- governed part of the Greek state, subject to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in its political aspect and to the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinopole as regards its religious aspect. It has been divided into twenty self- governed territories. Each territory consists of a cardinal monastery and some other monastic establishments that surround it (cloisters, cells, cottages, seats, hermitages). All the monasteries are communes (of a convent nature) which means that there is common liturgy, prayer, housing, nourishing and work among the monks. The Superior of the monastery, being elected by the monks for life, is responsible for the affairs of the monastery. The Superiors of the monasteries are members of the Holy Assembly and exercise legislative authority. Moreover, every year the monastery elects its representative to the Holy Community which exercises administrative authority, while the Holy Supervision exercises executive authority and consists of 4 members, elected by the 5 hierarchically preceding monasteries. Mount Athos is situated in the entire third, eastern and most beautiful peninsula of Halkidiki, called the peninsula of Athos. It is the only place in Greece that is completely dedicated to prayer and worship of God. For this reason, it is called the Holy Mount. The Holy Mount is about 50 Km in length, 8 to 12 Km in width and it covers an area of about 350 square kilometres. Mount Athos is the oldest monastic republic still in existence. Located on the Athos peninsula of Chalkidiki, in the Greek part of Macedonia, it was officially established in 963, when a monk named Athanasios the Athonite built the Monastery of the Great Lavra. However, anchorites had been living at the northern end of the Athos peninsula since the middle of the ninth century. In the centuries that followed, twenty monasteries were built, together with a number of smaller communities known as sketae. Nowadays, many monks live in kellia, kalyvae, kathismata, and hesychasteria, which are various forms of small monastic communities or hermitages. The administrative center of Mount Athos is the village of Karyes. The twenty monasteries in hierarchical order.. 

Mowameddo. Imperial Regime!!
     Mouamedo. O Regime Imperial de Mowameddo ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica militar.. 

Moylurg.. Kingdom!!

     O M'Simib;ti ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1960. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Latham Leslie-Moore, localizada na ;frica e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Muggy Land!!
     O Terra de Muggy ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1993 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma. Membro do ICIS.. 

Mulgaria. Kingdom!!
     Socialist Federal Republic of Mulgaria. Dead. 08. 12. 2007. Language: English. Mulgaria is a absolute monarchy headed by a hereditary ruler called Czar (Tsar) who serves as the Head of State and the executive of the Government. The Czar Also appoints the Prime Minister. Head of State: His Imperial Majesty Czar Alexander II of Mulgaria. Head of Government: His Holiness Patriarch Ivan V (acting Prime Minister). Population : 49,640,219. Capital city: Petrograd. Language: Russian. State Church: Mulgarian Orthodox. Currency: Ruble. Population growth (2005): 0. 7. Average life expectancy(2005): female: 82. 5 years. male: 77. 7 years. Before the union with the Kingdom of Saxony the leader of Mulgaria was styled KING OF MULGARIA when His Imperial Majesty declared Mulgaria independent he ordered the government to revert to the original “Mulgarianized” way of life that included the Council of Lords, as well as the title Czar. Czar in Mulgaria is more than a King it comes with the style Imperial Majesty which makes it equal with the ‘western’ title Emperior. After the break with Saxony Mulgaria gained more land making the Empire of Mulgaria which is known as the home proper or continental Mulgaria. The Mulgarian Empire is used to refer to all Mulgarian territory like the Dominion of Gardola. We suppose if the Empire loses that and retains only a small colonial presence then Empire of Mulgaria would be its official name. The Czar is Mulgarian Orthodox, all Czars must be born Mulgarian Orthodox to serve. The Czar is Also Supreme Leader of the Mulgarian Orthodox church.. 

Mundo Cuchys!!

Murriet. Republic!!

Murriet. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Murriet ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     The Micronational Union of Sport and Culture (MUSC) was a micronational organisation which aimed to help develop different events in the micronational world. It is located in various counties in England. It is run by President Tom Turner. The MUSC was founded on 7th March 2010 by Tom Turner of the Federal Republic of Rukora and dissolved to be replaced by the OAM Sport & Culture Agency on 2nd January 2011. Since it's foundation, the MUSC never created many large events. The MFA was the largest project and even that was started off as independent. In the summer, Tom Turner proposed many two events to try and get activity levels back up, none of which ever caught on. In the end, not even a forum could restore a decent amount of inactivity and was hence voted to be dissolved on 2nd January 2011. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Muscongus Island!!
     O Muscongus ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1860 at; 1934. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Musograd. Dershowo!!
     The Dershowo Musograd is a quite old micronation and a founding member of the Federated Micronations of the Musanian Lands (FM). Musograd declared independence from Germany on the day of Germany's reunion, 1990-10-03. It has got an advanced industry, both hardware and software. The first software company in Musograd was founded in 1986, Posta tal Musograd issued their first stamps in 1985, and the national home page, www. musograd. org, was launched in 2005. Musograd has started late to develop relations with other micronations. Today, foreign relations are generally managed by its sister nation in the Federated Micronations, the Republic of Capricornia. The major ethnic group of Musograd is of Western Slavic descent (the westernmost slavic settlement group in Europe) and speaks the Musogradian or Musoka language. Cyrillic letters are currently used together with Latin ones. In the Free Port of Kosnice, English is the main language, and in some parts of eastern Musograd settled by Balanda, German is used. Type of entity: - Micronation. Location: - Western and central parts of the Musanian Lands. Area claimed: - none. Population: - 3'400'00. Leadership: - Gen. Naghbal Tosh. Organisational structure: - Parliamentary Republic. Language: - Musogradian and English. Purported currency: - Common Wallaroo. The Dershowo Musograd is a parliamentarian republic, headed by the Secretary of the Dershowo. It consists of the 5 oblasts (counties) of Musograd (the capital), Mohuc, Sv. Jelena, Goralnigrad and Phulda and the Free Port of Kosnice. Each year, a quarter of the members of the single-chamber parliament, the Kuomnata, is elected. The Kuomnata elects the Secretary and his cabinet. The history of Musograd may be split into 3 major periods - the historic monarchy before 1984, the period from 1984 to 2006, during which the state, through all its changes, strived for rule of all of the Musanian Lands, and the period starting in 2007, in which the Musogradian elite started to accept that the diverse peoples of the Musanian Lands would and could not be ruled centrally. 

     Mustachistan is a micronation that claims a large portion of land in Nevada. According to Mustachistanis, Mustachistan was founded in 1718 by Sultan Ibn Tutin. Although most of its history is fictitious, it is true that Mustachistan went to war with the nearby micronation of Molossia because of a conflict of claims of land. After a few weeks of battle, Molossia won. The two countries then had (presumably strained) friendly relations with each other until Mustachistan fell into dormancy sometime soon after March 2007. Mustachistan has a space program in which it launches model rockets. One of these "missiles" was destroyed by Molossia on the grounds that it threatened their security.. 


Myersia. Kingdom!!
     Location: North America. Southeast Texas, United States of America. Date active: 2006-present. Has a website. The Kingdom of Myersia is a small country (micronation) of 7,848 square feet in area located at 29° 45' 55. 5" north latitude, 95° 36' 14. 1" west longitude. It is entirely surrounded by the city of Houston in the state of Texas, United States of America. Myersia is governed by King Mark and Queen Heather. Other members of the Royal Household are Prince Owen and Princess Sophie. Myersia is a micronation founded in June of 2006. Its current leaders are King Mark and Queen Heather. Myersia is an absolute monarchy, though with a written set of rules and agreements between the King and Queen and their subjects. Myersia was founded by King Mark I and Queen Heather I upon their purchase of its territory (previously non-nationalized) in June 2006, after which he crowned himself and his wife Heather King and Queen. This was not King Mark's first attempt to found a micronation. He and his brother Stephen founded the Republic of Gar Cay, on a vegetated sandbar around one-quarter acre in size in West Galveston Bay, in the late 1980s to early 1990s.. 

Mystras New. Despotism!!
     New Mystras.. 

Na Griamel!!
     O Na Griamel ; uma microna;;o, existente de 197? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica Central e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Nad;r. R;publique Parlementaire!!
     R;publique Parlementaire de Nad;r Wiki. 

     Nambewe ist eine Micronation, Also ein virtuelles Land, welches von seinen Mitspielern aussimuliert wird. Alle Inhalte dieser Seite und der zugeh;rigen Elemente (Forum, Wiki usw. ) sind rein fiktiv und erheben keinerlei Anspruch auf ein wirkliches Hoheitsgebiet. Nambewe ist an die afrikanische Kultur angelehnt. Diese Micronation ist etwas f;r Menschen, die immer schon einmal in einer Bananenrepublik wohnen wollten, inklusive Guerillaorganisationen, Putschisten, Paramilit;rs und allem was dazu geh;rt oder die einfach nur ein wenig afrikanische Kultur und Lebensfreude aussimulieren wollen. Nambewe ist das Land der Vielfalt. Wei;e Str;nde, tropische W;lder, trockene Savannen und schroffe Gebirge vereinen sich hier und bieten freundlichen Menschen aber auch einer unglaublichen Vielfalt an Flora und Fauna ein zu Hause. Das Gebiet des heutigen Staates Nambewe war bereits vor mehr als drei Millionen Jahren von fr;hen Vormenschen, wie dem Auroralopithecus anamensis besiedelt und geh;rt zu jenen Regionen Nericas, in denen sich die Gattung Mensch entwickelte. Aus der Steinzeit existieren zahlreiche Funde und Wandmalereien wie z. B. die in der Kongah;hle. Die Republik Nambewe wurde ;ber Jahrzehnte hinweg von der wei;en Bev;lkerungsminderheit dominiert und regiert. 2010 konnte in einem glorreichen Handstreich die Regierung der Unterdr;ckung durch das Milit;r unter der F;hrung von Adamu Naasir Mugassa aus dem Amt gejagt werden. Seitdem gibt es eine "Regierung der nationalen Einheit" unter Mitwirkung des Milit;rs und linksorientierter Guerillagruppen.. 

Naminara Republic!!
     Founded in 2006. An island in the Han River in Chuncheon city of Gangwon-do, South Korea. Issues its own passport, currency, phone cards. Part of the movie Winter Sonata was filmed here. The island received 1. 5 million visitors yearly. Its name originated from General Nami, who died at the age of 28 after being falsely accused of treason during the reign of King Sejo, the seventh king of the Joseon Dynasty of Korea. Although his grave wasn't discovered, there were a pile of stones where his body was supposed to be buried. It was believed that if someone took even one stone from there, it would bring misfortune to their house. A tour company arranged the grave with soil and then developed Namiseom into an amusement park. Kang Woohyun[2], born in Danyang County in 1953, majored in graphic design and was the president of the design company until 2000. Inaugurated as Namisum CEO in 2001, he has worked as an illustrator, a fairy tale writer, a graphic designer, an environmentalist and civil activist, and has been preoccupied with the development of a theme park in Namisum. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Nassau. Principality!!
     O Principado de Nassau ; uma microna;;o modelista hispan;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

Nathan.. Kingdom!!

     Jennifer Government. Online political simulation game that lets you build and rule your own nation. NationStates is a nation simulation game. Create a nation according to your political ideals and care for its people. Or deliberately oppress them. It's up to you.. 

Natopia. Empire!!
     Sovereign Natopian Empire. Bovic Empire of Natopia. Monarchy. Alive. 20. 12. 2003. Cyberianation. Location: USA. Lider. Nathan Shepard. Official language: - English, Natspeak. Capital: - Lindstrom City. Largest Cities: - Borders City. Website: - Natopian Website. Forum: - Natopian Forum. Number of citizens: - 3. Date founded: - August 23, 2002. Government: - Monarchy. Current leader: - The Butter Bull, Living God and Lord of Natopia. Currency: - Natopo (N). National animal: - Goat. National fruit/food: - Bagels. National drink: - Juice. The name Natopia has two origins. It is a portmanteau of Nathan and Utopia, after the founder, Nathan Shepard. According to lore and myth, however, the name is derived from the ancient settlement at modern day Lindstrom City known as Nett Opaegh's Awe, named after the mythic founder of the nation, Nett Opaegh. Natopia, officially the Bovic Dominion of Natopia is a forum-based micronation with primary territorial holdings on the continent of Tapfer, on Micras. It has occupised the large island known as Tapfer Minor or Yellow Island, for all of its existence. Natopia shares a border with The Empire of the Alexandrians to the west of its mainland Tapfer holdings. By way of the small colony of Natollonia, Natopia shares borders with The Imperial Republic of Shireroth, the Antican Republic, and the Kingdom of Orontea. Natopia is a monarchy, technically an autocratic theocracy lead by the living god, The Butter Bull, and aided by his Prophet, Nathan Shepard. Begun as an offline community of high school friends in 2002 and continuing into 2003, Natopia claimed territory around St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Beginning around 2005, Natopia shifted its focus away from territorial claims, abandoning them in favor of online participation, becoming integral participants of the early MicroOlympics, and the International Association. Since then, Natopia has been a primary participant in the Micras community, or Micran Sector. Natopia is currently a member of the Small Commonwealth and the Small Commonwealth Unified Currency. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Natovia. The Kingdom!!
     Language: English, French. Established in late 2000, The Kingdom of Natovia was founded on the principles of social tolerance and accepting everyone. The Kingdom is based in North Branch, Minnesota, USA, but is currently raising funds to purchase an island. The current leader is King William III, Le Juste. The heir apparent is (Me) Prince Brednt, Le Bienfaisant. There is one Princess Molly, La Gracieuse, Prince William IV, L'athletisme and no reigning Queen. If you're wondering what those titles are after our names its our Decrivant mot. When we reach age seven our dad picks an adjective in French, that describes us. We are required to be called by this by Commoners, and usually everyone else. Being age 16, I must begin my Formation Roi. Which is the process in which the heir apparent learns how to act in a stately and diplomatic way. My first "assignment" is to establish a diplomatic relationships with other micronations around the world.. 

Nauru. Republic!!
     Oc;anie-R;publique. Mini Pays. Nauru is a small, oval-shaped island in the western Pacific Ocean, 42 kilometres south of the Equator. The island is surrounded by a coral reef, exposed at low tide and dotted with pinnacles. At 21 sq. km. (about 1/10th the size of Washington, DC), this is the smallest independent republic in the world. However, the country has been environmentally and economically devastated by decades of unchecked phosphate mining, and now faces total collapse. In 2001, Nauru agreed to accept asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries who had been travelling by boat to Australia. In exchange, Nauru receives US$10,600. 000 in annual aid from Australia. On 9 March 2003, President Bernard Dowiyogo, who had served 6 terms, died in Washington, DC, of complications from a heart operation (He was in the USA on official business). He was 57, and like many of his fellow Nauruians, was diabetic. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Virtual Francophone Republic of Nautia.. 

Nautica.. United Kingdom!!
     United Kingdom of Nautica.. 

Nautilus Free State!!

Navassa, Kingdom!!
     O Reino de Navassa ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 198? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por David P. Billington, localizada na Am;rica Central e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

     Dead. 23. 04. 2007.. 

Navland. Kingdom!!

     Советская Социалистическая Республика Хорватия.. История почты и почтовых марок Хорватии. В 1945 году на марках Югославии были сделаны надпечатки несуществующей республики. Спекулятивный выпуск. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

NDS United!!
     Alive. 19. 10. 2006.. 


Negaumee.. Theocracy!!

Nelaga Territories!!
     Cyberianation. Alive. 29. 11. 2000.. 

     Alive. 30. 07. 2009.. 

Nemkhavia. Republic!!

Nerbian Empire!!
     Type of Entity. Considering Secession. Location: North America. Date active: 2006-. Has a website:. 3... 

     O Nerli ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Net Republic Schwarzenfels!!

NetCity. Republic!!

Netherland New, Protectorate!!
     New Netherland. O Protetorado da Nova Holanda ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma _protetorado.. 

Netherlands Antilles!!
     Netherlands Dependency. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Netherlands. Republic!!
     Alive. 13. 01. 2007.. 

Neue Slowenische Kunst!!
     NSK State. Founded in 1984. A nation created by a number of Slovene artists. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Neuf;nfland, United Anarchic Monarchies!!

     Am;rique-Ile autonome-Saint Kitts. Mini Pays. Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

New Country Foundation!!
     This group mentioned plans to establish a libertarian country in a secluded African valley. Sadly, the website hadn't been updated since 1997! According to Gregory Flanagan of Libertocracy, this group is no longer in operation. The website is unavailable as of 30 December 2000. Missing New Country Project.. 

New Empire!!
     Lider. Joshua Coales. Status: Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 


Newbolland. Kingdom!!

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. 07. 03. 2006. Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

Newfiveland. United Anarchist Monarchy!!
     Novacincol;ndia. Novacincol;ndia. O Monarquia Anarquista Unida da Novacincol;ndia ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia.. 

Newfiveland.. Anarchic Monarchy!!
     United Anarchic Monarchy of Newfiveland.. 

Newfiveland.. Anarchic Monarchy!!
     United Anarchic Monarchy of Newfiveland.. 

Newhaven. Город-Государство!!

     Northern Forest Archipelago. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Lake Clear, NY, USA. Lider - James Sheffield. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Various discontiguous, privately-owned properties in continental rural New York state. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Nicasia. Commonwealth!!

Nichtsburg and Zilchstadt!!
     Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Nichtsburg et Zilchstadt!!
     My site is primarilly intended for collectors of coins from micro-nations and other unusual places. I have minted my own coin as well. My micro-nation was founded in January of 2003; my type of government is a "state". The most that I can hope to offer is that more people become interested in coins from these interesting places, and that more coins are minted from other places. - Erik McCrea. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Created on August 6th 2004. Neighbor states (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) were informed at the same time.. No man's land can be occupied. In the civil right it can be handled as an finder's reward. In this case this no man's land was proclaimed by its own discovered theory (the third theory, Germany has none).. It was started as an artistic project but from this day 'niemandsland' (no man's land) proclaimed to exist Also as a sovereign state which is constantly forcing the German, Austrian and Swiss government to clarify the border situation in Lake Constance (Bodensee), which is a geographic oddity since about 350 years. The goal is to be legalised and Also to receive its one part of the territory, even if there is one spot in the lace (in the world) where humanity and freedom can have their homeland.. This new stat is not acting as all the other states. As a symbol for 'niemandsland' there is no flag, no hymn, no passport, no number of inhabitants, no currency but nothing the less there are existing citizens of 'niemandsland', mainly artists who'd like to dedicate this land to mankind.. The European Parliament is still handling my petition with number 1014-08!" - from an e-mail by Christian I. Peintner. New Country Project.. 

     O Nigel;ndia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Nightingale Island!!
     Tristan de Cuhna. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Nikhedonia, Serene and Excellent Kingdom!!
     O Seren;ssimo e Excelent;ssimo Reino da Niqued;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1995 at; 1998. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Matthew McLauchlin, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Nikhedonian.. Kingdom!!
     Most Serene and Excellent Kingdom. 

     Oc;anie-Ile autonome-Nouvelle Z;lande. Mini Pays. Self-governing territory in free association with New Zealand.. NOTICE. On 7 January 2004, Cyclone Heta (registered at Force 5, the strongest a cyclone can reach) struck the island nation, devistaing the country's infrastructure. Many of the island's residents have chosen to emigrate to New Zealand. An article can be read here. Articles from the BBC can be read here. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 



Nonparthian Federal Empire!!
     Location: USA. Lider. Carlos. Inactive. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Norad People's Socialist Republic!!
     A Rep;blica Socialista Popular de Norad ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.  . 

Norad. Commonwealth!!
     Commonwealth of Norad. Simulates a left-wing state.. 

Nordanien. Bundesrepublik!!

     O N;rdia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Dead. 04. 07. 2007.. 


     O Nord-Norge ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Alive. 30. 01. 2006.. 

Norefolk Island!!
     Territory of Norefolk Island. Oc;anie-Ile autonome-Australie. Mini Pays. Australian Dependency. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Noresund. Konigreich!!
     Das F;renade Konungariket N;resund och den Landet Freiland och Narapul ist ein K;nigreich auf Terek Nor. Das F;renade Konungariket N;resund och den Landet Freiland och Narapul besteht aus den drei L;ndern N;resund, Narapul und Freiland. Das F;renade Konungariket ist aus den drei Staaten N;resund, Narapul und Freiland hervorgegangen. Es besteht in seinen derzeitigen Grenzen seit dem 29. 02. 2008. Das Land Narapul genie;t eine Teilautonomie in Au;enpolitischen Fragen. Hauptstadt - Sankt Olaf. Staatsform - Konstitutionelle Monarchie. Staatsoberhaupt - K;nigin Madeleine Therese II. seit dem 28. Mai 2008. Regierungschef Departmentpr;sidentar - Olof la Fontaine seit dem 10. April 2010. Bev;lkerung - ca. 27 Millionen. N;resund - ca. 16 Millionen. Narapul - ca. 10 Millionen. Freiland - ca. 1 Million. W;hrung - Krone und ;re. Nationalhymne - O, gue vors Lands. int. Vorwahl - 262. Die amtliche Bezeichnung des Staates ist F;renade Konungariket N;resund och den Landet Freiland och Narapul ebenfalls amtlich sind die ;bersetzungen ins freil;ndische und ins narapulienische. Als Kurzform wird F;renade Konungariket oder F;renade Konungariekt N;resund verwandt. Au;erdem ist auch die Bezeichnung N;resund f;r das komplette Staatengebilde gebr;uchlich auch wenn N;resund nur das Kernland darstellt.. 

Norflk. Constitutional Monarchy!!


Normandy. Kingdom!!

     Alive. 06. 05. 2010. Cyberianation.. 

North American Confederate Commonwealth!!
     O Comunidade Confederada Norte-Americana ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma confedera;;o.. 

Northen Africa and Eurasia. Empire!!
     United Empire of Eurasia and Northen Africa.. 

Northern Forest Archipelago!!
     Constitutional monarchy made up of several dozen chunks or "islands" of wilderness existing within northeastern states of USA.. 

Northern Forest Archipelago!!
     NFA. Type of Entity. Eco-preservation project. Location: North America. northeast United States. Leader: James Sheffield. Founded in 1998. Date active: 1998–present. Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: northern-forest-archipelago. org. An environmentally focused micronation located in the northeastern United States of America consisting of multiple discontiguous privately owned properties in the Northern Forest area of New York State. The Northern Forest Archipelago (NFA) is a constitutional monarchy made up of several dozen chunks or 'islands' of wilderness existing within the northeastern states of the USA. Due to it's isolation and wild nature, the Northern Forest Archipelago is sparsely peopled, but rich in biodiversity and natural beauty. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Northern Union!!
     Alive. 05. 05. 2010.. 

Norton II in Exile!!
     Imperial Government of Norton II in Exile. The Imperial Government of Norton II was founded by Emperor Norton II on September 5, 2007, after his assumption to the Empty Throne left by Emperor Norton I. The Imperial Government has a unicamerial legislative branch, called the Assembly of Nobles. There are three levels of membership of the Assembly of Nobles: elected, hereditary, and those appointed for their achievements. The executive branch is made up of the Prime Minister, the Council of Ministers, and the Council of State. The Judicial Branch is made up of the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice.. 

Norton II. Imperial Government in Exile!!
     After the death of Emperor Norton I the United States Government became the caretaker of his legacy, until Emperor Norton II declared himself and formed his government. However, te Imperial Government is not recognized and therefore exists in exile. - From an e-mail by His Excellency, Emperor Norton II. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Dead. 21. 08. 2007.. 

Nosdivad Republic Independent Stufts!!

Notrix Communicatia Peoples' Republic!!

NottaLotta Acres!!

Novasolum Kingdom!!
     Novasolum. Dead. 02. 06. 2007. Location: Brisbane, Qld, Australia. Lider. John Darcy. Inactive. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Novatainia. Alive. 01. 11. 2006. Cyberianation.. 


Novus Imperium High Council!!

Novus Seres. Independent State!!
     Type of Entity. Sovereign new-nation project. Location: Africa. southwest Equatorial Guinea. Date active: 2003–2008 (joined FedCom; now called Libertalia). Has a website: www. freewebs. com/novusseres.. 

Nrmdol;ndia Centro-Oriental!!

Nrmdolandia do Banheiro!!

Nrmdol;ndia do Sul!!

Nrmdol;ndia Ocidental!!

Nrmdol;ndia Virtual!!

NSK State!!
     Link moved to Sovereignty Projects and Governments In-Exile. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Nudah Alba. Holy Kingdom!!
     Nudah Alba. Nudah Alba. O Santo Reino de Nudah Alba ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma teocracia.. 

Nueva Suevia Kingdom!!

Nueve Costa People's Republic!!
     El Costa Nueve. A Rep;blica Popular de El Costa Nueve ; uma microna;;o modelista hispan;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista. Rep;blica Popular de El Costa Nueve ( El Costa Nueve, People's Republic. ) ; uma microna;;o modelista hispan;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ?. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

Nuhayan-Ghubash-Qasimi's Petroleum Platform!!
     Nuhayan-Ghubash-Qasimi. Nuhayan-Ghubash-Qasimi. O Plataforma Petrol;fera de Nuhayan-Ghubash-Qasimi ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Nukunonu Island!!
     Tokelau Islands. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Numidia. North African Kingdom!!
     O Reino Norte-Africano da Num;dia ; uma microna;;o modelista hispan;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na ;frica e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Nure. Republica. Нуре!!
     Республика Нуре. В 1902 году на территории бразильского штата Минас-Жерайс появилось ещё одно независимое государство Нуре, которое выпустило свои марки. Спекулятивно-фантастический выпуск. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     O Nutopia ; uma microna;;o, existente de 197? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por John Lennon, localizada na ? e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

O Pa;s!!!

Occusi-Ambeno. Sultanate. Окуси-Амбено!!
     O Sultanato de Occussi-Ambeno ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1968 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Bruce Henderson, localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia isl;mica. Государство Султанат Окуси-Амбено было основано в 1968 году группой новозеландских анархистов во главе с Брюсом Гренвиллом. Ими была выбрана действительно существовавшая территория португальского Восточного Тимора под названием Окуси-Амбено. Была выдумана история династии султанов Абдуллахов возглавивших 7 племён, объединившихся в 1848 году для совместного отпора португальцам. Позднее страна попала под номинальное господство Португалии и вплоть до 1968 года управлялась как часть колонии Восточный Тимор, а затем получила полный суверенитет.. В начале 1970-х годов во многих американских и английских филателистических журналах появились статьи об Окуси-Амбено и его марках. Из филателистических магазинов пошли заказы, дело стало приносить доход. В 1971 году газеты Новой Зеландии, а затем и Австралии сообщили что крупнейшая провинция султаната — Катаир в результате военного переворота попала под власть марксистов. Последовала девятимесячная гражданская война. После кровопролитных боев Катаир был захвачен федеральной полицией, повстанцы с боями отступили на территорию Индонезии. Единственным зримым доказательством реальности конфликта стали выпущенные марксистским правительством Катаира марки с Лениным, вскоре наводнившие филателистические магазины по всему миру. Авторами марок была всё та же группа анархистов, решившая подогреть интерес к своему государству.. После этого Окуси-Амбено развило бурную дипломатическую деятельность. Были установлены дипломатические отношения султаната с другими карликовыми государствами, в том числе с Монако и Лихтенштейном. Новозеландские газеты продолжали тем временем давать информацию о научных достижениях Окуси-Амбено, новых почтовых марках, политических убийствах, создании толкового словаря местного языка и тому подобных новостях. Наиболее сенсационные и скандальные перепечатки этих сообщений встречались в газетах Австралии, Японии и государств Персидского залива.. В 1977 году в консульство султаната в Новой Зеландии в Окленде, то есть фактически к создателям Окуси-Амбено, обратились представители Европейского консорциума. Они предложили взятку работникам консульства в размере 40 тысяч долларов, за то, чтобы те уговорили султана заключить эксклюзивный договор, по которому консорциум получал бы право изготовлять марки Окуси-Амбено и продавать их коллекционерам. Договор конечно же был заключён. В результате марки Окуси-Амбено из изделий дешёвой полиграфии, напечатанных в одну краску, превратились в четырёхцветное чудо офсетной печати. В течение года консорциум изготовил множество серий. средневековые парусные суда, азиатские птицы, дирижабли и многое другое. Почтовые марки султаната пользовались огромным спросом. Филателисты платили двадцатикратную сумму против номинала. Это был настоящий филателистический бум. Марки этого государства-призрака вошли почти во все каталоги мира.. Создатели Окуси-Амбено пошли ещё дальше. Они направили в парижское издательство, выпускающее энциклопедии и географические справочники, справку для публикации с краткой характеристикой султаната. Бланк с текстом справки украшал герб государства с птицами и лианами. Обратный адрес гласил. Окленд, Новая Зеландия. Генеральное консульство государств Окуси-Амбено. Издатели запросили подробности в ООН. В ответе говорилось, что султанат ещё не принят в организацию. Но есть частные письма из Монако и Лихтенштейна, поддерживающие просьбу правителя султаната о принятии его государства в ООН, факты проверяются. И все же сведения о султанате Окуси-Амбено вошли в 1983 году в географический справочник. Ведь из новозеландского консульства пришли карты, брошюры по истории страны, вырезки из газет о гражданской войне на острове, образцы денег, статистические сводки, серии почтовых марок. Сомнения закрались из-за того, что о султане хранили полное молчание в Лихтенштейне. Автора рекомендательного письма оттуда найти не удалось, не было дополнительных сведений и из ООН. Опасаясь за свою репутацию, французские издатели поручили проверить данные об Окуси-Амбено непосредственно на месте группе этнографов, работающих на острове Тимор. Тут-то и разразился скандал. В районе, где по карте значилась столица государства, оказалась небольшая деревушка, типичная для индонезийских островов. Ни о восстании, ни о самом султане никто и не слыхал.. Только тогда в новозеландских газетах появилось сенсационное саморазоблачение Брюса Гренвилла о мифичности султаната Окуси-Амбено. Самое интересное, что отцы-основатели султаната не были привлечены к суду, так как новозеландские законы нарушены не были. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Oceania New!!
     New Oceania. Dead. 23. 04. 2007.. 

Oceania Unida!!

Oceania United. Principality!!
     United Oceania. Principality of United Oceania. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Medowie, NSW, Australia. Lider - Peter Gillies. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Rural property near Port Stephens on the New South Wales north coast. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

     Atlantis Project. O Oceania ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma. The Atlantis Project, which proposed the creation of a floating sea city named Oceania, began in February '93, receiving nationwide publicity from The Art Bell Show, Details Magazine, The Miami Herald, Boating Magazine, and worldwide publicity in Canada, New Zealand, Hong Kong, England, and Belgium. The project ended due to lack of interest in April of 1994. Presumed abandoned. This group has been planning a floating "free-city" based on libertarian principles. In retrospect, the biggest problem concerning The Atlantis Project was lack of interest. Lack of interest and the fact that its precepts were based in Libertarian politics. The Libertarian party is small in number and too few members have the financial resources to bankroll their beliefs. The poor performance of Libertarian candidates throughout the nation is reflective of these sad facts. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Oceanic citizens republic!!
     Dear future Citizen Captains, Subject Citizens, and Subjects, Greetings! While it is true that my tongue is firmly in my cheek, take note that I'm biting down real hard! There comes a time when men and women of conscience have to shrug the load, stand up and say that we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it any more! If 60,000 like-minded dreamers from coast to coast and around the world can come together with common cause, we can make a place to go and we'll sail in the sun forever!" New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Oceanus. Admiralship!!
     Government of the Country of Oceanus.. O Almirantado de Oceanus ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1970 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Ed Welles, localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma almirantado?. An ambitious project, this group claims all territory in international waters, and issues a number of identity documents, mostly based on the geographic location of the person's birth (longitude & latitude), rather than by country. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Ocelandia. Kingdom!!

Ocia. Eastern!!
     Alive. 10. 07. 2007. Cyberianation. The Ocia Federation. Dead. 02. 02. 2009. The Democratic Republic of Ocia- Ocia is a democratic federative law-governed state with a republican form of government. The sovereignty of the Democratic Republic of Ocia shall extend to the entirety of its territory. The DRO shall consist of republics and autonomous regions. State power in the Democratic Republic of Ocia shall be exercised by the President of the DRO, The Natioanl Defence Commission, the Federal Assembly, the Government of the DRO, and the courts of the Russian Federation. Ideological diversity shall be recognized in the DRO. Socialist Ideology shall be proclaimed as State ideology. The Democratic Republic of Ocia shall not endorse any religion or belief.. 

Odecia. Kingdom!!
     Odecia is a state founded in 2002 on the basis of the libertarian (and often surreal) attitudes of its Heads of State (King Joseph and First Minister Gareth). Why two? Well, we view them as an important constitutional safeguard for each to have vetoes, while it Also serves to emphasise the kinship and sense of community held dear to the Citizens of Odecia. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Oeno Island!!
     Pitciarn Islands. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Oc;anie-Archipel-Japon. Mini Pays.. 

Ohio Empire!!

Ohio North!!
     North Ohio.. 

Old Rectoryland!!
     Old Rectoryland. Kingdom of Old Rectoryland. Alive. 16. 10. 2005. Type of Entity. Historical resurrection. Location: Europe. UK. Date active: 2005–present. Has a website: www. oldrectoryland. com. Kingdom of Lindisfaras. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. The Old Rectory Moorby PE22 7PL Lincolnshire United Kingdom. Contact location - Moorby, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom. Lider - Dominic Hinkins. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. 0. 77 km2 private rural residence in the vicinity of the village of Moorby. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Oles Estъchordes!!
     Confйdйration des Оles Estъchordes.. 

Omah Kulon!!
     Alive. 19. 10. 2010.. 

Oman Imamate State!!
     State of Oman. Оман. Государство Оман. Начиная с 1967 года, в основном в Ливане, выходят маркоподобные виньетки с надписями State of Oman, Oman Imamate State и другими. На них — репродукции картин, птицы, животные, цветы и так далее. Небольшими тиражами печатаются также блоки (с зубцами и без зубцов). Данные изделия имеются и на письмах, якобы прошедших почту. Всё это фантастическо-спекулятивные выпуски, не имеющие к Султанату Оман никакого отношения. Почтовые марки Султаната Оман издаются с 1966 года. До 1971 года название страны на марках было Маскат и Оман (Muscat and Oman;;). В 1971 году вышли марки с новым названием — Султанат Оман (Sultanate of Oman;;). Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Omu. Rep;blica Parlamentar!!


Online States!!
     Confederated Online States. Estados Confederados Online. Estados Confederados Online. O Estados Confederados Online ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma confedera;;o.. 

Onscania. People's Confederation!!
     A Confedera;;o Popular da Onsc;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma confedera;;o.. 


     Alive. 19. 10. 2008.. 

Optima/ Principality!!

Orange. Principality!!
     A primeira forma de organiza;;o pol;tica de Orange foi o "Margraviado das Duas Pirraines", formado pela prov;ncia portoclarense de Pirraines e a ent;o rec;m-criada prov;ncia Oranger de Pirraines Oriental. Mais tarde, Orange desistiu de reclamar a prov;ncia ; oeste do Oiapoque, consolidando suas fronteiras tal como as conhecemos hoje, e adotou a forma de Principado.. 

Orange. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Orange ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Joan ;ngel Campo, Ramon Bassols, Harold D. Thomas, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica parlamentarista. Annestaadt;. The Republic of Orange, or just Orange, is a traditional average-size lusophone micronation, created in November 16, 1997. It was launched by 15 dissidents from old Kingdom of Porto Claro, the first ever internet-based micronation in Lusophonia. In the beginning, Orangers organized themselves as a Confederation formed by Margraviate of the Two Pirraines, Utrecht and Republic of Lafayette, then later as a Principality. In 1998, for a few months, it became a protectorate under Holy Empire of R;union protection (Oranger protectorate). Later, it would recover its independence and in 1999 shifted to republican regimen, in which the nation remained until today. It reached its peak in population and activity somewhere between 2000 and 2002, when it was almost compared to the biggest micronational projects within Lusophone Sector. Although in the first years Oranger society was very simulationist, due to Portoclarian heritage, In 2001 Orange stopped to consider territory as a part of its sovereignty and started to claim it as a matter of culture. It was partially an influence of Pasargadan Realism. Orange has one of the richest micronational cultures due to manifestations like Poetic Friday, later adopted by Pasargadan Canton of Ic;ria. The micronation entered a decline from 2005 on and tried to resume it by joining, together with Imperial Andorra and the Republic of Maraj;, the Iberian-American Federation. The project failed since its first steps and by 2007 Orange went into complete inactivity. Since mids 2009, leaded by historical politicians like Paulo Rezzutti (aka L;cio Costa Wright or just LCW), Guilherme Lenin and Jeniffer R. MacLeod (aka Fl;via Tremura), the Republic is attempting a risorgimento, following general heating of Lusophone Sector, after R;union and Pasargada;s 2008-09 vigorous renaissances. The Republic of Orange is a member of the League of Secessionist States since 1999 and founder of OLAM - Latin-American Micronations Organization. Lider: Jennifer MacLeod. Type of Entity. Non-territorial nation. Location: South America. Brazil. Date active: 1997–present. Has a website: www. orange. grupobarman. com. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Orange. Republic!!

Orbin Federation!!

Orienre Principato!!
     Alive. 20. 06. 2009.. 

Orient Principality!!
     According to an e-mail by a representive of this project, they plan to "start a new country based on old ethical principle the real principle of nobility, spirituality, honesty with the respect of all living entities". At the present, they have no territory, but are seeking some, and have signed an alliance with the Knights of Malta. The website is mostly in Italian, but an English website is in the planning stages. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

;rion. Federal Republic!!

     Alive. 06. 09. 2008.. 

Orphanian Republic!!

Ort;nia. Union!!
     A Uni;o da Ort;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma confedera;;o.. 

     Union of 


Oscania, People's Confederation!!

Oscania. People's Confederation!!

     Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

Oscland. Kingdom!!
     Cyberianation. Dead Nation. Dead. 08. 03. 2006. Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history. Lider: Joshua Coales. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Dead. 30. 08. 2007.. 

Ostras. Reino!!
     Reino de Rio das Ostras..


Other World Kingdom!!
     Founded in 1996. An absolute monarchy/matriarchy with strong BDSM themes, in which women rule over all men. It is located in the Czech Republic. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Ottawak. Dominion!!
     O Dom;nio de Ottawak ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Foi fundada por Ott?, localizada na ;frica e tem como sistema de governo uma _dom;nio.. 

Ouro Verde. Reino!!
     Alive. 26. 08. 2009.. 

Outer Baldonia. Principality!!
     Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Tusket Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. Lider - Russel M Arundel †. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. 0. 16 km2 of Tusket Island, Nova Scotia. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

     O Outre-Meuse ; uma microna;;ofranc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Ozarkia. Empire!!
     O Imp;rio da Oz;rquia ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Ozeania. Demokratische Inselrepublik!!

P. B!!
     Alive. 31. 12. 2006.. 

Pacaria, Union Greater!!
     A Uni;o da Pac;ria Maior ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; 1997. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Paul Gruber, Chris Gruber, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Micronation of Pacary. O Pacary ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Paccio. Republic!!

Pacific Islands!!
     Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Federated States of Micronesia Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Pacific New. Principality!!
     New Pacific. Inactive Status: Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Philippines. Lider - John Prisco. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Un-named submerged atoll located somewhere in the central Pacific Ocean. This appears to be an artificial island project, planning to establish a landmass on an atoll in the Pacific Ocean. Website missing as of 27 November 2010. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Pacifica. Empire!!
     Empire of Pacifica. Formerly the Empire of the Realm of Pacifica. O Imp;rio do Reino de Pac;fica ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio. Renamed the Empire of Pacifica. Location: Portugal. Email:. Lider. Dom Eduardo. Link moved to the New Country Projects page. Status: Defunct. It is the First Primarily non Territorial Sovereign State with Portuguese as Official Language. Website inactive as of 11 May 2008. Missing New Country Project. Founded on 12 June 1998 by a group of friends, with the objective of promoting promoting Portuguese culture, and was the first primarily non-territorial non-sovereign state to adopt Portuguese as an official language.. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Pac;fico. Channel Islands!!
     Channel Islands of Pacifico. As Ilhas Channel do Pac;fico ( Pacific) ; uma microna;;o pecularista angl;fona, existente de 1983 at; 1984. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma. Until I complete a proper listing, here's the break down of the Channel Islands from Wikipedia. "The inhabited islands of the Channel Islands are Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, Herm (the main islands); Jethou, Brecqhou (Brechou), and Lihou. All of these except Jersey are in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, but the Minquiers, пїЅcrпїЅhous, Les Dirouilles and Les Pierres de Lecq (the Paternosters), uninhabited groups of islets, are part of the Bailiwick of Jersey. Burhou and the Casquets lie off Alderney. " "The Chausey Islands south of Jersey are not generally included in the geographical definition of the Channel Islands but occasionally described as 'French Channel Islands' in English in view of their French jurisdiction. They were historically linked to the Duchy of Normandy, but they are part of the French territory along with continental Normandy, and not part of the British Isles or of the Channel Islands in a political sense. They are an incorporated part of the commune of Granville (Manche), and although popular with visitors from France, they are rarely visited by Channel Islanders, as there are no direct transport links from the other islands. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Democracy of Padella.. 


Palatinates and Treesia. Baronies!!
     United Baronies of Treesia and Palatinates. Renamed The Sovereign Order of Treeesia. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Oc;anie-R;publique. Mini Pays.. 

     O Palmira ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1973 at;. Atualmente, est; extinct. Foi fundada por Morris C. Davis, Michael J. Oliver, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Palombia. Паломбия!!
     Atlantis.. Атлантис. Атлантида. В 1917 году появились марки с таким названием, приписываемые Центральным Виргинским островам. Спекулятивно-фантастический выпуск. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Dead. 05. 04. 2010.. 

Pamdania, Mostroyal Kingdom!!
     O Reino Mostroyal da Pamd;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Pampa Rep;blica do Imp;rio dos Reinos!!

Pampa. Rep;blica do Imp;rio dos Reinos!!

Pangean Empire!!
     MySpace account. PetitionSpot account. Alive. "This nation was formed in 2009 as a global way to end territorial disputes, promote freedom, and to give a hope and culture to refugees. We currently occupy many territories around the world. Though we are not member's on UN, we do respect their rule of law and have based our constitutional rights off of them. All of the territory has a reason for being claimed by the Pangean Empire, from territorial dispute to refugees. It is often regarded as the "most legal micronation" because of its active attempt to prove itself through the law. Google Maps has added the Pangean Empire's name to one of it's claimed territories known as Katchetheevu Island. " New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Panteras Verdes!!
     Stoner Homeland. O Panteras Verdes ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

     Oc;anie-Ile de-Chili. Mini Pays.. 

Paragonia. Holy Republic!!
     Alive. 01. 07. 2010. 


     Nation of Paramount..

     Free Community of Pasargada. Free Commonwealth. O Comunidade Livre de Pas;rgada ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Alberto Fioravanti Jr., localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma _comunidade. Type of Entity. Non-territorial nation. Email:. Lider. Rafael Figueiraa. Location: South America, Brazil and Peru. Date active: 2001–present. Has a website: pasargada. net. The Free Community of Pasargada, or simply Pasargada, is a lusophone micronation founded in April 7th, 2001. It is considered one of the most relevant micronations of Lusophone Sector ever, with a large population, well-organized structure and tenacious activity continuously since foundation. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Passas. Republic!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. 05. 12. 2006. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Patetopia. Republic!!


     Inner Realm of Patria. Внутрення область. Antarbhumi Ramrajya. Patria's Capital City, Castoropolis (Kashipura). Email:. Lider. Michael Brooker. O Dom;nio Interno da P;tria ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1973 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Michael Brooker, localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Cyberianation. Alive. 22. 07. 2009. Dead Nation.. 

Paulovia. Principality!!

Paxmoondi, United Emirates!!
     O Emirados Unidos de Paxmoondi ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia isl;mica.. 

Pazal. Global Principality!!
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Type of Entity. Political protest. Location: Europe. Czech Republic. Date active: 2008–present. Has a website: peaceland. cz.. 

Pelendias, Democratic Republic!!
     A Rep;blica Democr;tica de Pel;ndias ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1989 at; 1993. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Pedro Aguiar, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica presidencialista.. 

     Alive. 09. 06. 2007.. 

Pemberley, Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Pemberley ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Penal. Great Empire!!
     Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Pendronia. Kingdom!!

Penguinea. Free Commonwealth!!
     Cyberianation. Dead inactive Status: O Comunidade da Ping;;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Foi fundada por Evan Gallagher, Mathias Muth, localizada na Ant;rtida e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica parlamentarista. Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Brisbane, Qld, Australia. Antarctica. Date active: 1997–2000. Lider - Evan Gallagher. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Approximately one fifth of Antarctica; identical to the Antarctic claim of the Kingdom of Talossa. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.  . 

Penguinia. Democratic People's Republic!!

Pentab Dominion!!
     O Dom;nio de Pentab ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma _dom;nio.. 

Pentad Federation!!
     A Federa;;o Pentad ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma confedera;;o.. 

People's reformed States Republic!!

People's Socialist Republics, Union!!

     Leader: Jonas ;esnulevi;ius. Founded in 1918. Established in the aftermath of World War I, the Republic of Perloja had its own court, police, prison, currency (Perloja litas), and an army of 300 men. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Persa Otomano!!
     Imp;rio Persa Otomano. L;ngua Oficial: Portugu;s. L;nguas n;o Oficiais: rabe, Persa, Av;stico e Aramaico. Capital: Bagd;. Maior cidade: Istambul. Maior Prov;ncia: ;rabia. Monarca atual: Imperador Ruan Barbosa I de Valdivia. Funda;;o: 19 de Janeiro de 2009. Gent;lico: Persa Otomano.. 

     Leader: ;eljko Malnar. Founded in 1990s. Pe;;enica is a satirical-parodical project of a dictator-ruled republic by famous Croatian maverick traveller ;eljko Malnar. It is located in Zagreb, Croatia. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Alive. 25. 09. 2008. Republic of Petorio. Location: North America. United States and Canada. Date active: 2006–present.. 

Petorio. Republic!!

     Lasted for 1 day,Oct 13th - Oct 14th, 2009. Before the Federal Republic of Los Bay Petros was founded, five other micronations were founded by Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman. There were: Republic of Valdezia; Republic of Mezilistan; Krakozhian Federation; Petrovakian Federation; Petrolistan (only lasted for 1 day,Oct 13th - Oct 14th, 2009). 

Petrossian. Empire!!
     Website is in Spanish. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Petrovakian. Federation!!
     Before the Federal Republic of Los Bay Petros was founded, five other micronations were founded by Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman. There were: Republic of Valdezia; Republic of Mezilistan; Krakozhian Federation; Petrovakian Federation; Petrolistan (only lasted for 1 day,Oct 13th - Oct 14th, 2009). 

PFKanien. Bundesrepublik!!

Phileasson. Konigreich!!
     Phileasson ist eine Micronation, sie ist nicht real sozusagen und somit nicht irgendwas zu belangen. Phileasson ist eine Micronation, die keinen Anspruch auf Richtigkeit und Realitдt stellt. Es soll ein Virtueller Staats-Apparat geschaffen werden, an dem sich jeder beteiligen kann, so das fьr die Allgemeinheit immer das beste dabei herausspringt. Jeder darf Parteien grьnden und hier mitmachen, jedoch werden rechtsradikale Tendenzen nicht geduldet. Die Untergrundbewegung gegen den Konig in Phileasson hat heute die Kontrolle uber die Homepage гbernommen und ein neues Forum fьr das Volk eingesetzt da das alte vom Kцnig und seiner Tiranney gesperrt wurde.. 

Phoenix Operations and Intelligence!!
     Part of Diamond Sabre, a Nationstates nation - includes press releases, available positions and list of weapons.. 

Phonglia. Kingdom!!
     The Kingdom of Phonglia is an incipient micronation dedicated to the values of honor, tradition, love of nature, boldness, and loyalty. The Kingdom of Phonglia claims a land holding of a small island "somewhere on the border between the United States and Canada. " The location of this island is said to be classified for the Kingdom's national security. The majority of Citizens and other members of the Kingdom of Phonglia are presumed to reside in the United States or Canada. Membership in the Kingdom of Phonglia is open to men and women age 18 or over, who do not claim membership in any other micronation. The Kingdom of Phonglia is a constitutional monarchy. The Crown is held as the ultimate authority, however all legislative, executive and judicial actions arise out of the bicameral Parliament consisting of a House of Lords and a House of Commons. The Monarch of Phonglia (a King or Queen) is elected yearly by the Parliament. The eligibility requirement is that the candidate must be either a deceased person or a fictional character.. 

Pictland. Kingdom!!
     Type of Entity. Historical resurrection. Location: North America. Alaska, USA. Has a website: pictland. org. The Kingdom of Pictland was proclaimed a Sovereign nation in exile on 3 March 1812, in a Decretum Regius by His Majesty King George III, Hereditary High King of the Northern Picts — not to be confused with the mentally disturbed King George III, King of England. The acts of genocidal warfare perpetuated upon the populace did not help. In an effort to retain their National Identity, they were forced to leave their homeland and re-establish their Sovereign Government among the colonies and ex-colonies of their oppressors. Their first priority is to represent their 1,000,000+ subjects, and to try to make the best of their current circumstances. Royal authority is held by H. M. King Derile Pentland II, who resides near Ketchikan,_Alaska. The Kingship is a hereditary position, and is passed by tanistry from His Majesty to a designated heir apparent. The responsibilities of His Majesty include carrying out and safeguarding the laws and customs of the Kingdom of Pictland. The King is Also responsible for managing the country's affairs by establishing policies along with the Pictish High Council in accordance with Pictish law, in order for Pictish sovereignty and unity to be respected, for the peoples' wellbeing to be protected, and for the overall growth and development of their nation. The Kingdom of Pictland is a proud member of the Micronational Professional Registry (MPR), a premier serious unrecognised government organisation (SUGO). The Kingdom of Pictland is Also registered with Corporations Independent Long Island (CILI), and is thus recognised by both the goverments of Independent Long Island and the United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago.. 

Pinnacle Peak!!

Pinsk. Grand Duchy!!
     According to an e-mail, this is a "self-proclaimed independent neutral country ruling by heritage monarch Grand Duke of Pinsk. The sovereign peaceful nation project claim the part of west-east side of Antarctica Coast 'The Antarctic Project', but will start in 2006 another libertarian uninhabited or artificial island project claimed in High See water and will raise found through issue stamps, coins and other sources. State will providing humanitarian, charity, cultural and educational assistance, any documentation aid and medical help to refugees and unrepresented people and rural development as well. Sustainable use of natural resources set up economy and ecology energy. ". New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Pinsk.. Grand Duchy!!

     O Piotr ; uma microna;;o modelista rus, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Pirate Nation!!

Pirraines, Independent Grand Duchy!!
     O Gr;o-Ducado Independente de Pirraines ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1999 at; 1999. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Guilherme Tizziani, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-ducado. Pirraines;.. 

Pitcairn Islands. Ducie!!
     Henderson, Oeno & Pictairn Islands. British Overseas Territory. Oc;anie-Ile autonome britannique. Mini Pays. One of the most remote territories in the world, these islands are populated mostly by decendents of the 1789 mutineers of the HMS Bounty and their Tahitian and Tubuan wives. With only 50 inhabitants, it recently registered it's own internet domain (. pn).. Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau. Pitcairn Island Tourism Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Vereinigtes Kaiserreich Pizzaros.. 


     Alive. 31. 07. 2001.. 

Plokoo;a. Absolute Mono-Monarchical Autocratic Empire!!
     The Absolute Mono-Monarchical Autocratic Empire of Plokoo;a, informally Plokoo;a or the Plokoo;an Empire, is a monarchy in North America.. 

Pohnpei Islands!!
     Federated States of Micronesia. Chuuk. Truk., Kosrae, Pohnpei. Ponape. & Yap Islands. Self-governing state in free association with the USA. Formerly the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. (Commercial Micronesian Site). Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Poland. Republic. Free Club!!

Polinesia French!!
     Territory of French Polinesia. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Pohnpe.Federated States of Micronesia. Chuuk. Truk., Kosrae, Pohnpei. Ponape. & Yap Islands. Self-governing state in free association with the USA.. Formerly the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. (Commercial Micronesian Site). (Flag from CIA World Factbook) Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Ponce. Город-Государство!!

Ponderosa. Principality!!
     O Principado de Ponderosa ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1996 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Shepparton, Vic, Australia. Lider - Virgilio Rigoli Joseph "Little Joe" Rigoli. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Privately owned rural property in northern Victoria. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Pontecorvo, Principality!!
     O Principado de Pontecorvo ; uma microna;;o pecularista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

Pontecorvo. Principality!!

Portin;polis. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Portin;polis ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1998 at; 1998. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Porto Claro. Aristocratic Republic!!
     Aristocratic Republic of Porto Claro. Kingdom of PORTO CLARO. Republic of Wikiest Porto Claro. Republic of Porto Claro. State of Porto Claro. Active Status: 31. 12. 1991. O Estado de Porto Claro ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1992 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Pedro Aguiar, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia parlamentarista. S;o Herculano;. Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Location: South America. Brazil. Date active: 1992–2002. Has a website: www. geocities. com/aguiar. Location: South America. Brazil. Date active: 2009–present. Has a website: www. portoclaro. org. Location: Brazil. Email:. Location: South America. Brazil. Date active: 1998–present. Has a website: www. portoclaro. com. br. Location: Brazil. Email:. Lider. Fabiano Carnevale. Address - Email:. Rua Sacadura Cabral, EmaiEmai301 Gamboa Centro, EmaiEmaiRio de Janeiro RJ CEP 20. 221-160. Emal Brazil. Contact location - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Lider - Felipe Aron. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Approx 155 km2 of northern French Guiana, near Port Behбgue. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Porto Claro.. Republic!!

Portugal and Algarves. United Kingdom!!
     Reino Unido. Location: Europe. Portugal. Date active: 2002–present. Has a website. 

Portugal and Algarves.. United Kingdom!!
     United Kingdom of Portugal and Algarves.. 

Pottyland. Konigreich!!
     Gr;ndung 09. 02. 2002. K;nig Potty. K;nigin Liz. Prinz Jimmy. Prinzessin Ulli. Prinzessin Chiara. Das K;nigreich Pottyland ist eine Mikronation, Also ein virtueller Staat im Internet. In dies em kleinen, paradies-;hnlichem Inselstaat, wird eine Monarchie simuliert. Wer schon immer Politiker werden wollte, Gr;nder eines Firmenimperiums oder einfacher eine neue Heimat in den Mikronationen sucht, der darf, nein sollte sich sogar in Pottyland niederlassen! Aber seid gewarnt: Humor spielt in Pottyland eine gro;e Rolle! Das bedeutet nicht, dass wir uns und andere nicht ernst nehmen und den ganzen Tag nur Unsinn im Sinn haben; im Gegenteil: auch in Pottyland simuliert man Politik, Wirtschaft und das allt;gliche Leben, aber alles mit einem leichten Augenzwinkern. Nicht an jeder Ecke lauert ein Gag, aber ;berall sind die ein oder anderen Kalauer versteckt.. 

Poyais. Principality!!
     Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - London, UK. Lider - Gregor MacGregor †. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Part of present-day Belize. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Praugsia. Kingdom!!


Pridnesrov'e. Trans-Dniestr!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 


     O Prifarrd ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Priffard. Royal Freehold!!

Primatopia. Communist Republic!!

Principality Netherlands!!

Principe and Sao Tome. Democratic Republic!!
     Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe.  Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Pristina. Empire!!
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Pristinia New. Commonwealth!!
     Commonwealth of New Pristinia.. 


Progressive Futurist Party!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation.. 

Prolatarian Democratic Republic!!

     Alive. 12. 05. 2009.. 

Promethia. Free State!!
     Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 


Provo. Federal Republic!!

Prussia New!!
     New Prussia. Dead.. 


Prya. Republic!!

Pseudopolis. Pseudofederal Republic!!

     Multi-lingual website. According to the website, this is both a "Labroatory of Psycho-Politics" and a "community of those working for Immaterial Welfare". Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Area of Ptyxur. Dead. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Puerto Rico. Commonwealth the United States!!
     While Puerto Rico is self-governing and represents itself as a sovereign entity in the Olympic Games, it is officially part of the United States.. Official Government Website (In Spanish). Puerto Rico Herald (On-Line Newspaper). Puerto Rico On-Line Resource Center. Puerto Rico Statehood Website. Puerto Rico-USA Citizenship Foundation. U. S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico. Presently, I have found two sites dealing with Puerto Rican independence, but only one is in English.. Puerto Rico Indepenedence FAQ's (English & Spanish). Puerto Rican Independence Party (Spanish only). (AltaVista Online Translator). Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Puffin Dorp!!
     O Puffin Dorp ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Ant;rtida e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Puritania. Federal Republic!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Purple Bunny Federation!!
     A Federa;;o do Coelhinho Lil;s ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista. Email:. Lider. A Tyler McClelland. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

Qatar State!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Q'attera-Macusiaa. Rasinate. Principado!!
     O Principado da C;tera-Mac;sia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1999 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por ??!!, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

Q'Attera-Macusiaa.. Imperial Rasinate!!



Quaiti state in Hadramaut. Кайити. Хадрамаут. Султанат!!
     Кайити — бывший султанат в составе британского протектората Аден. В 1963 году вошёл в состав Федерации Южной Аравии. В октябре 1963 года в горах Радфана вспыхнуло народное восстание, направленное против колонизаторов и местных марионеточных режимов, положившее начало организованной вооружённой борьбе. Султанат Кайити перешёл под контроль национально-освободительных сил во второй половине сентября 1967 года. С 30 октября стал частью Народной Республики Южный Йемен (ныне Республика Йемен). Султан Кайити Галеб Бин Авад после изгнания из своих владений обосновался за границей. Там он занялся коммерцией и при помощи посредников стал печатать и распространять марки султаната Кайити, хотя последний стал к тому времени уже географическим призраком. Первое сообщение об этих марках появилось в печати в марте 1968 года. Французский филателистический журнал опубликовал сообщение и описание эмиссий султаната. Впоследствии на филателистический рынок выплеснулось множество таких почтовых призраков разнообразной тематики. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Quatloosia Synergized Debentured Netdom!!
     Satirical Informational Website. A satirical micronation established by the good people at Quatloos, an on-line guide to debunking investment, tax-shelter and "off-shore" financial scams. Quatloos is run by Financial and Tax Fraud Education Associates, Inc. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Quay. People's Democratic Republic!!
     O Quay ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Michael Kennedy, P. C. Searls, localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 




Racktidan. Empire!!
     Imp;rio de Racktidan. O Imp;rio de Racktidan ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1999 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Otto von Draeger, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Ragnarok Wade!!
     O Ragnarok Wade ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Rain Kingdom!!
     Type of Entity. Political entity. Location: North America. United States. Date active: 2009–present. The Rain Kingdom (Also referred to as the Kingdom of Rain, and the Rain Nation) is an ephemeral political entity established in 2009. The Kingdom claims to be an independent sovereign tribe (or nation), but has never been formally acknowledged by the United States or any other international entity. External commentators generally classify the "kingdom" as a micronation. Its activities are largely limited to the internet. The idea of the kingdom comes from the book, Henderson the Rain King. The kingdom is Also based on the historical "rain queens" of the Balobedu tribe of South Africa. The Rain Kingdom describes itself as a "traditional monarchy. " It is, for all practical purposes, a quasi absolute monarchy. The Rain King is the head of state and head of government, with ultimate executive, judicial and legislative power throughout the kingdom. However, the Rain King is expected to obey the the teachings and laws of the Bible. The ministers of the Rain King are not allowed to listen to the king if he commands to break any laws. All laws are issued by "sacred" edict using the "vermilion pencil".. 

Rainbow Creek!!
     Independent State of Rainbow Creek. Inactive Status: Leader: Thomas Barnes. Founded in 1979. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. 3/28 Nelson Street, South Townsville QLD 4810, Australia. Contact location - Queensland, Australia. Lider - Thomas Barnes. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Rural property and private residence located near Cowwar, in Gippsland, Victoria. Founded by a farmer who "seceded" from Victoria over damage to farmlands caused by flooding he claimed was exacerbated due to incompetence of the state government water management agency. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Rainbow Island and Montana, United Empire!!
     Federal Government of Rainbowisland. O Imp;rio Unido de Rainbow Island e Montana ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio. The united Empire of Rainbowisland and Montana. An imaginary empire located in the center of the North Atlantic ocean and about the size of Germany. As an independant political entity, Rainbowisland is fairly young. The modern nation of Rainbowisland has only been in existance since 1914. However, its history goes back more than 2000 years. The first mention of the name was in texts by Julius Caesar. He mentiones that after the Roman defeat at the battle of the SouthSea fields, the natives (erroniously refferd to as "Gauls") now call their island Rainbowisland. But the history of the various kingdoms goes back at least another 1500 years. Rainbowisland is located in the center of the North Atlantic ocean and is about the size of Germany. Appart from the main island, there are Also 40 smaller islands which are part of the country. Just to the south there are the island nations of Ta Valta and Lismenst, with whom Rainbowisland maintains very fiendly relations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Rainbow Republic Arco-;ris!!
     A Rep;blica do Arco-;ris ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Rainbow. Republic!!

Rainbowisland and Montana. Empire!!
     United Empire of Rainbowisland and Montana.. 

Rajputistan. Kingdom!!
     Alive. 08. 02. 2010. The Harshvardhan Singh Rawlot founded Rajputistan as an attempt to restore peace and vedic science, culture and language. As a result, he founded it on 9th February 2010. Rajputistan Empire is a de facto. Harshvardhan is an absolute Monarch and functions as both the head of the state and the head of government. Karan Singh is the Prime Minister and is the chief adviser to the F;hrer. The work of all ministers is to give advice to the F;hrer and the final decison is always made by the F;hrer. Capital - Gunmania. Largest city - Gunmania. Official language(s) - English, Modern Sanskrit and Interlingua. Official religion(s) - Hinduism, Yovism(Secondary). Demonym - Rajputistani. Government - Absolute Monarchy. F;hrer - Harshvardhan Singh Rawlot. Royal Minister - Mahendra Singh Rawlot. Legislature - Durber. Established - February 19, 2010. Area Claimed - 23751969 km;. Population - 470.. 

Raktidan. Empire!!
     Email:. Lider. Lukas von Bloomberg. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Rally for the Imperium!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation. A Cyberian political party, having as it's program the reform of the governing system, the abolishment of the Simulations Control Act, and the replacement of the commonwealth by a Jacobist empire. Originally founded on December 18, 2000, the Rally is now defunct in the VCC. The Rally has been refounded by Prince Jacobus in the Federal Republic of Cyberia. (Prince Jacobus is the nephew and namesake of former Emperor Jacobus). The new Rally is revanchist in the extreme, calling on the RFC to retake all of the territories of the old United Imperium. The Rally was a fringe group with a small following, but it is now a mid-sized party which holds the Vice -Presidency, a Senate seat and a seat in the Chamber of Deputies.. 

     Dead. 09. 12. 2006.. 

Randania, Empire!!
     O Imp;rio da Rand;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1966 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Randy J. Dicks, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

     O Randl;ndia ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Range View. Principality!!
     Location: Oceania. eastern Australia, near Gatton. Date active: 2004–present. Has a website: www. brumbywatchaustralia. com/. Principality01. htm.. 

Raoul. Kingdom!!
     O Reino do Raoul ; uma microna;;o, existente de 1991 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Rasperia. People;s Democracy!!

Rastafari. United Nation!!
     The link to this website has been removed. Go to the Warnings and Notices page for more information. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 


Ratelon. Democratic Union!!
     A Uni;o Democr;tica de Ratelon ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma confedera;;o.. 

Ratharia. Konigreich!!
     Gr;ndung 02. 04. 2007.. 

Raven. Republic!!

Reach. Kingdom!!
     O Reach ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1967 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Len Warren, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Red Antilles!!

Red Crescent!!
     Red Cristal. International Committee of the Red Cross. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Red Cristal!!
     Red Crescent. International Committee of the Red Cross. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Red Cross. International Committee!!
     International Humanitarian Organization with Limited Diplomatic Status:. "The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial, neutral and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence and to provide them with assistance. It directs and coordinates the international relief activities conducted by the Movement in situations of conflict. It Also endeavours to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles. Established in 1863, the ICRC is at the origin of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. " - from the website. In 1990, the ICRC was granted observer status in the United Nations. The flag is a reversal of the color pattern of the flag of Switzerland, the country where the ICRC is based.. The Red Crescent symbol and flag are used in Moslem countries. A third, culturally neutral symbol, the Third Protocol Emblem, Also known as the Red Crystal, was adopted on 8 December 2005. This is to be used in addition to the existing flags, but not as a replacement for them. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Red Hand!!
     Bandanian Territories of Red Hand.. 

Red Land!!

Reddestone. Commonwealth!!

Redonda Foundation!!

Redonda. Kingdom!!
     A small uninhabited island in the Caribbean sea, now legally part of Antigua and Barbuda. In 1865, a citizen of Montserrat was supposedly permitted by Queen Victoria to claim the title of King of Redonda, as long as he did not incite any revolt against colonial authority. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. tba. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. 1 Contact location - USA. Lider - William Leo Timlin. Contact location - Toronto, Canada. Lider - Max Leggett. 2 Contact location - Italy. Lider - Giancarlo Ezio. 3 Contact location - Spain. Lider - Javier Marнas. 4 Contact location - UK. Lider - William Leonard Gates. Address - Email:. PO Box 760 Thurlton Norwich NR14 6TX United Kingdom. 5 Contact location - Antigua, West Indies. Lider - Robert Williamson. Address - Email:. St Peter (yacht) Nelsons Dockyard English Harbour Antigua West Indies. The "Kingdom of Redonda" is a name for the micronation aspect of the tiny uninhabited Caribbean island of Redonda. This islet is situated between the islands of Nevis and Montserrat, within the inner arc of the Leeward Islands chain, in the West Indies. The island is currently legally a dependency of the country of Antigua and Barbuda. The island is uninhabited, and indeed is more or less uninhabitable since there is no source of freshwater, and most of the island is extremely steep and rocky, with only a relatively small area of grassland at the top. Redonda Also is, or appears to be, a micronation which may, arguably and briefly, actually have existed as an independent kingdom during the 19th century. The title to this supposed kingdom is still contested to this day in a half-serious fashion. The "Kingdom" is Also often associated with a number of supposed aristocratic members, whose titles are given out freely by whomever is currently the "King". Currently there are a number of different individuals in several different countries who claim to be the sole legitimate "King" of Redonda, but these claims appear to be substantially of the nature of tall tales or humorous hoaxes. The idea of the kingdom appears to originate with M. P. Shiel, 1865-1947, an author of fantasy fiction. He claimed that in 1865, his father Matthew Dowdy Shiell, from the nearby island of Montserrat, proclaimed himself to be the rightful, and supposedly legal, "King" of the island of Redonda in order that he might establish his son as the rightful heir to the throne. This story, as first recounted by the son in a promotional leaflet for his books, may be partly or entirely fictional. Type of entity: Micronation. Location: Redonda. Area claimed: 400-640 acres (est). Membership: Less than 100. (Population of island itself is zero, not counting goats. ). Date of foundation: - 1865. Leadership: Various competing claimants. Organisational structure: Absolute monarchy. Language: Spanish, English, Italian. Purported currency: none. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Refreshment. Islands!!
     Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Tristan da Cunha. Lider - Jonathan Lambert †. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of Tristan da Cunha, in the south Atlantic. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Refugee. Republic!!
     Rep;blica Refugiada. A Rep;blica Refugiada ; uma microna;;o concretista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Regelis.. Merit State!!

Reindeer Herders!!
     Dead. 18. 11. 2007.. 

Reino Unido Dos Acores!!
     Reino Unido dos A;ores.. 

Reisenterr. Empire!!
     Alive. 06. 01. 2010. Location: Europe. various parts of England, UK. Date active: 2010–present. Has a website: reisenterr. org.. 

     Alive. 30. 05. 2000.. 

Reptiland.. Empire!!

Republic Pacific Democracies (RPD)!!
     The R.P.D. is an ongoing movement for oppressed people throughout the world. We strive to create an independent island country in the Pacific.. "As this is a true democratic republic, there is no need for an all-powerful president. Everyone has equal authority. We hesitate to use the word 'government,' because of the abuse of that word by some countries. 'Government' in the R. P. D. does not refer to a large bureaucracy; it refers to a government 'by the people, of the people, and for the people. '" - from the website. Website inactive as of 19 July 2002. Missing New Country Project.. 

Rep;blica Rumbiana!!
     A Rep;blica Rumbiana ; uma microna;;o concretista ital;fona, existente de 1996 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Alessandro Roscini, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     Of all the projects listed on this site, this and Freedom Ship have the most promise, simply because they have something the others don't. sound financial backing!. The S. S. World, a multi-million dollar cruise ship, is a floating condominium (complete with what are the world's most exclusive shops, night clubs and restaurants), perpetuially cruising the world, stopping every so often at the world's port cities, mostly to participate in various international events (film festivals, sporting events, etc. ). The Norwegian-registered ship's "residents" would literally be "permanent travellers" (or "PT's"), and could enjoy unprecidented freedom from personal taxation (if they have the proper paperwork and citizenship).. The problem is that the membership costs a huge amount of money. But if you have the cash on hand, can pass the entry examination and are willing to spend months on end aboard what may the the most luxurious ship ever built, the S. S. World could be your next home! It's already built and sailing the seas. Bon voyage!. You can read an article about ResidenSea on Travelpage. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Resoria.. Republic!!

Restoration Civility and Civilization Act!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation.. 

Restored Commonwealth!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation.. 

Resundfriend Empire!!

     O Resundfriend ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Reuni;o. Sacro Imp;rio!!
     Sacro Imp;rio de Reuni;o.. 

Reuni;o. Sacro Imp;rio!!

     Holy Empire of R;union. Political simulation founded in 1997. The Holy Empire gathers citizens from all over the world who believe that micronationalism can be fun and serious at the same time.. 

Reunion. Holy Empire!!
     Sacro Imperio de R;uniao. Cyberianation. Political simulation founded in 1997. The Holy Empire gathers citizens from all over the world who believe that micronationalism can be fun and serious at the same time. Alive. Active Status: 27. 08. 1997. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Website is in English and Portuguese. MicroWiki Listing for R;union. This began as a Brazilian model country project, and now claims the island of R;union, an overseas department of France, as well as the Island of Mauritius. Address - Email:. Caixa Postal 0002 Agкncia Central dos Correios Rua Primeiro de Marco, 64 Rio di Janeiro RJ Brazil CEP 20010-974. Contact location - South America. Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Lider - Claudio Andre de Castro. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. A private commercial property in Rio de Janeiro + entirety of Reunion and Mauritius islands. Has a website: www. reuniao. org. This began as a Brazilian model country project, and now claims the island of R;union, an overseas department of France, as well as the Island of Mauritius. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. New Country Project.. 

Reylan. Imperial Triumvirate!!

Rhineland, Republic!!
     A Rep;blica da Ren;nia ; uma microna;;o concretista franc;fona, existente de 1923 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Dr. Dorten, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Rhinosom Empire!!

Riboalte. Kingdom!!
     Riboalte fue un territorio independiente que surgi; en el territorio que se conoc;a como la Marca Hisp;nica. La Marca Hisp;nica era el territorio comprendido entre la frontera pol;tico-militar del Imperio carolingio con Al-;ndalus y los Pirineos, desde finales del siglo VIII hasta su independencia efectiva en diversos reinos y condados. A diferencia de otras marcas carolingias, la Marca Hisp;nica no ten;a una estructura administrativa unificada propia.. 

Rickard's Land!!

Riego. Город-Государство!!

Riegsee-Rieden. Konigreigh!!

Riesenguthand-Ellermark. Kingdom!!
     Rieca. O Reino de Riesenguthland-Ellermark ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 1988 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Torsten Ott, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 



R;o de Chama, Pueblo Republic!!
     Pueblo Republic of San Joaqu;n del. Rio de Chama. Rio de Chama. A Rep;blica Pueblo de S;o Joaquim do Rio de Chama ; uma microna;;o concretista hispan;fona, existente de 1806 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Rio Grande!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. 15. 10. 2006.. 

Ripton. Town!!
     Town of Ripton. Provides information about a fictional locality in Berkshire County; includes map, charter, and rumors.. 



Rittergeist. Principality!!
     O Principado de Rittergeist ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

Riviera Principality!!
     Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - New Zealand. Lider - McDonald "Macky" Neame. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. tba. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Rizja, United Republic!!

Roadkills. Republic. United States!!
     United States of Roadkills Republic. O Estados Unidos de Roadkills-R-Us ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma confedera;;o. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 


     Dead. Cyberianation. Free Republic of Rocentia. Rocentia. Kenneth K. Thacker was a prominent member of the old Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia. He served as, Deputy of Belar, Minister of Defense, Senator of Corli, and Fleet Admiral of the Cyberian Navy. His daring in the First War of Cyberian Liberation and the Second War for Cyberian Liberation brought admiration from friend and foe alike. Becoming disenchanted with the course of the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia, he co-founded the original Free Republic of Rocentia. In Rocentia, he served as President of Rocentia, Minister of Defense,and as Grand Admiral of the Rocentian Navy. He founded Thacker Defense Industries, later moving it to Rocentia.. 

Rockcastle. Grand Barony!!
     O Gr;o-Baronato de Rockcastle ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-baronato.. 

Rodanien. Bundesland!!


Rollenspiel Germanien!!

Roma Nova. Republic!!
     Nova Roma Republic. A Nova Roma ; uma microna;;o pecularista lat, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Type of Entity. Historical resurrection. Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: www. novaroma. org. Founded in 1998. An international organisation of Roman revivalists who claim to be a modern Roman nation and have the administrative structure of the ancient Roman Republic. Nova Roma explicitly states that they aren't a micronation but a "civitas" or "res publica"; their organisation, however, fits all the requirements for being classified as such. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Imprium Romanorum. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Roman Empire!!
     Type of Entity. Historical resurrection.. 

Roman New. Empire!!
     New Roman Empire. O Novo Imp;rio Romano ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Roman New. Republic!!
     New Roman Republic.. 

Roman Republic!!
     Respublica Septimontiana. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Romana. Repubblica!!
     Res Publica SPQR. 

Rome New..Sovereign State!!
     Sovereign State of New Rome.. 


Romkerhall. Kingdom!!
     Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Germany. Lider - Erina von Sachsen. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. tba. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Romulus.. Transitional Imperium!!

Roquessilv;nia. Kingdom!!
     O Roquessilv;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; 1997. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica. 

Rosario Peoples' Front!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation.. 

Rose Empire!!
     Location: North America. South Dakota, USA. Date active: 2008–present. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - South Dakota, USA. Lider - John Waite. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Property of unspecified size and type, at unspecified location in South Dakota. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Rose Island. Republic!!
     Founded in 1968. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Type of Entity. Seastead. Location: Europe. off the coast of eastern Italy. Date active: 1968 (destroyed by Italian Navy). Has an article on Wikipedia. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Italy. Lider - Giorgio Rosa. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Man-made platform located in the Adriatic Sea, outside Italian territorial waters. 0. 0004 km2 inhabitable area. Destroyed in 1968. An attempt to create a sovereign state on an offshore platform in international waters near the Italian city of Rimini. It was completed, but shortly afterwards seized by the Italian government and destroyed with explosives. Now-Demolished Fixed Platform Off-Shore of Italy. Isle of the Roses, Isola delle Rose, Respubliko de la, Insulo de la Rozoj. This was a much publicized but ill-fated attempt of artificial island sovereignty off the coast of Italy in a section of the Adriatic Sea that was only 2 meters deep (44° 10' 48" North, 12° 36' 00" East, 11 km from Rimini and 500 m outside the Italian territorial waters). Built by Italian engineer Georgio Rosa, it was a 400 square meter platform that proclaimed independence in 1968, had Esperanto as it's official language, and issued postage stamps. Independence was proclaimed on 22 June 1968, but on 16 August, the Italian government seized the platform. In the Spring of 1969, the platform was destroyed by Italian authorities, sending it into the Adriatic with dynamite charges making it one of only three nation-states in recorded history to be wiped from the map due to a single military action (The other two being Carthage and Danzig). Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Roses. Isle!!
     llha das Rosas. O Roses ; uma microna;;o concretista ital;fona, existente de 1968 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Giorgio Rosa, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Dead. 13. 08. 2008.. 

Rothes Vaughan. Principado!!

Rough and Ready!!
     O Rough and Ready ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     O Rubez;lia ; uma microna;;ogerman;fona, existente de 1970 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Rugen Reich!!

Rugen, Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Rugen ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 1999 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica militar.. Email:. Lider. Marc Hill. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Rukora. Principality!!
     Alive. 21. 09. 2009. MicroWiki Listing. "This is the website of the Principality of Rukora, an country independent from the United Kingdom aspiring to become a member of the UN at a later date. It is located in various counties in England. It is run by President Tom Turner who Also runs the MUSC. Rukora is currently classified as a 5th World Nation under the Boodlesmythe-Tallini system. This is because Rukora is Bricks & Mortar - Sizeable - Statehood. " - from an email by Minister James AwayeJones, Homeland and Citizenship Affairs New Country Project Also has its own currency, the Ruk, the value of which has been pegged to a basket of fractional currencies (USA$0. 50 + UK;0. 50 + €0. 50 = 1 Ruk). New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Dead. 31. 12. 2000.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Rumassian Demokratische Republik (RDR)!!

Ruritaria. Kingdom!!
     Union of Ruritarian Republics. A Uni;o das Rep;blicas Ruritarianas ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1996 at; 1997. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica parlamentarista. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Georgia, USA. Lider - Wilhelm-Rudolf Elphberg. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Unspecified 0. 001 km2 territory at unspecified location in Georgia, USA. Ruritania is an Absolute Monarchy based upon Divine Right. King Wilhelm-Rudolf is the final authority in all matters. The Kingdom is an actual nation under the rules of the Montevideo Convention with the right of self determination. It is not a game, model or secessionist state. We claim the Kingdom of Ruritania lying between Dresden and Prague and sovereign territory. 34 acres or,. 14 hectares, surrounded by the State of Georgia as our Embassy in the United States. There are consulates in the states of Florida, Louisiana, Texas, and Arizona. The Capital of Ruritania is Strelsau. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. New Country Project. Self-Proclaimed State.. 


Russian Empire!!
     Dead. 02. 07. 2007.. 

     O Rut;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

's Koningenwaarde. Город-Государство!!
     Cyberianation. 's Koningenwaarde is the capital of the Kingdom of Batavi;. It's one of the larger cities in the Kingdom and on Micras and Also one of the oldest. The city is divided into three parts by the rivers the Linge and Zwette. 's Koningenwaarde was founded on the northern bank of the Linge but has since grown massively. 's Koningenwaarde represents the Hoofdstedelijk Gewest 's Koningenwaarde and is the only city in Batavia which is Also a gewest. 's Koningenwaarde has several quarters which are named "Wijken" and "Kwartieren" in dutch.. 

S.S. World!!
     ResidenSea. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Sabisko. Minische Republik!!
     Gr;ndung 02. 01. 2000. Sabisko (Langform der amtlichen Staatsbezeichnung: Minische Republik Sabisko) ist eine Republik im Westen Terek-Nors. Es grenzt im Osten an Cordanien, im Norden an Albenien und im S;den an Ratharia. Sabisko hat 1. 604. 831 Einwohner auf einer Staatsfl;che von 40. 381,26km;. Hauptstadt und Sitz des Parlamentes und der Regierung ist die Stadt Sabisko. Simulationssprache - Deutsch. Virtuelle Sprache - Minisch. Hauptstadt - Sabisko. Gliederung - 15 Provinzen. Staatsform - direkte-parlamentarische Demokratie. Staatsoberhaupt Kaiser - Markus Gr;nblatt seit 10. 9. 2007. Regierungschefin Ministerratsvorsitzende - Laura Falkenberger seit 10. 9. 2007. Fl;che - 40. 381,26km;. virtuelle Einwohner - 1. 604. 831. reale Einwohner - 25. Bev;lkerungsdichte - 39,7 EW/km;. Gr;ndung - 02. Januar 2000. W;hrung - Telo. int. Vorwahl - muss erst noch vergeben werden. int. Kennzeichen - muss erst noch vergeben werden. Die Idee von Sabisko wurde am 02. Januar 2000 von 3 Sch;lern aus Rheinhessen entwickelt. In den kommenden 7 Jahren wurde Sabisko in gr;;erem Umfang geplant. Erst im Januar 2007 wurden die Gr;nder auf die Existenz der Micronations aufmerksam, und beschlossen Sabisko in eine Micronation umzuwandeln. Am 27. April 2007 wurde eine Webseite eingerichtet und am 18. Mai 2007 das Forum. Seit dem entwicket sich Sabisko zu einer Micronation. Ziel ist eine umfassende Staatssimulation mit Schwerpunkt der Politik. Am 20. Juli 2007 wurde bei der OIK ein Antrag auf die Reservierung eines Kartenplatzes eingereicht, nach dem Eintragungsverfahren ist Sabisko seit dem 30. August 2007 auf der Karte der OIK vertreten. Ein Eintragungsverfahren bei der GF wurde vorerst eingestellt. Im August 2007 wurde auch eine Verfassung ausgearbeitet. Die naturr;umlichen Regionen sind von Nord nach S;d: sabiskische Ebene, Mittelgebirgszone und Hochgebirge. Sabisko hat drei Nachbarstaaten: Albenien im Norden, Cordanien im Osten und Ratharia im S;den. Im S;dosten und Westen grenzt Sabisko an noch unbesiedeltes Land. Die Minische Republik hat eine Ausdehnung von ca. 300km mal ca. 135km. Vom Weltall aus ist sie als gro;er gr;ner Fleck im Herzen Terek-Nors zu erkennen, was von den gro;en Waldgebieten ausgeht. Deshalb wird Sabisko auch manchmal "gr;ner Lunge Terek-Nors" genannt.. 

     Dead. 20. 11. 2007.. 

     Alive. 17. 04. 2010.. 

Sahara. Empire!!
     Saara. O Imp;rio do Saara ; uma microna;;o concretista franc;fona, existente de 1903 at; 1906. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Jacques Le Baudy, localizada na ;frica e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Saint Barthelemy!!
     Am;rique-Collectivit; d'outre-mer fran;aise. Mini Pays.. 

Saint Brendan and Barry.. Republic!!

Saint Helena!!
     Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Saint Helene!!
     Afrique-Ile autonome britannique. Mini Pays.. 

Saint James. Republic!!
     Sacro Reino de Pathros. A Rep;blica de Saint James ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Saint James. Republic!!

Saint John Order of Jerusalem!!
     Knights Hospitaler. Ecclesiatical Sovereign Entity.. (Alternative Website). This organization is different from that of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.. The following text comes from an e-mail by Dr. Marshall Voris of the OSJ, who explains the differences better than I could.. "The real distinction occurred in 1798 when the Hospitallers lost Malta to Napoleon. Russia had been negotiating a treaty with the Hospitallers for a warm water port and when the knights left Malta a large group went to Russia where they were received by Emperor Paul I. The Grand Master who surrendered the Island of Malta was voted out of the role and the knights elected Paul I as Grand Master, much to the chagrin of the Vatican. The Vatican eventually accepted him after the previous Grand Master resigned, and Paul made overtures to the Pope to help him against Napoleon. ". "Prior to Paul's assassination, he established under his authority as Grand Master a Russian Grand Priory for non-Catholics. In Russia for period of time there was a Catholic Russian Grand Priory and an Orthodox Russian Grand Priory. Rome then began demanding money from the Russian Orthodox Priory and they refused. Rome got incensed that someone would challenge their authority and threatened the Russian Orthodox Priory. The response of the Russians was to outlaw the Catholic Russian Grand Priory and left the Orthodox Grand Priory in place. ". "For almost 75 years the Roman and Orthodox branches of the Hospitallers existed in a family feud. In 1875, the Pope installed a Catholic as the Grand Master. At that time the Russians asked to unite the two branches. Rome refused, saying only Catholics could be in the Roman Grand Priory. ". "The Russian Grand Priory continued in a comfortable existence until 1917 when the Revolutions drove the knights into exile under threat of death. In 1928, the remaining knights gathered in Paris and rewrote their constitution to accommodate the new circumstances in which they existed. ". "The Russian Grand Priory has been in existence since 1798 and is engaged in works around the world on the model of the SMOM's. However, lacking the Vatican support and dealing with the hostility of the SMOM's, the Russian Grand Priory has kept a low profile, even though its Sovereignty is recognized and affirmed beginning with Czar Paul I and continuing today with its permanent observer status at the UN. ". "It is a sovereign entity that chooses at the present not to exercise its Sovereignty in the modern context, such as claiming diplomatic status, but it defends its sovereignty vigorously when attacked. "Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Saint Lucia!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Saint Marin. Europe-R;publique!!
     Mini Pays.. 

Saint Martin!!
     Saint Maarten. Am;rique-Collectivit; d'outre-mer fran;aise. Mini Pays. Am;rique-Territoire autonome des Pays-Bas. Mini Pays.. 

Saint Paul!!

Saint Philip!!
     Heraldic Archipelagoes of Saint Philip.. 

Saint Pierre and Miquelon. Federated Collectivity!!
     Territorial Holdings of France.. These two islands off the eastern coast of Canada are France's last territorial holdings in North America.. The flag on the right is used unofficially. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание. Am;rique-Collectivit; territoriale fran;aise. Mini Pays.. 

Saint Valentine Independent Principality!!
     The link to this website from this page has been removed.. Please go to the Warnings and Notices Page for full information. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Saint Vincent and Grenadines!!
     British Protectoriate. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Saint-Paul. Kingdom of SAINT-PAUL. Saint-Paul's Island Kingdom. O Reino Insular de Saint-Paul ( Saint-Paul, Island Kingdom. ) ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Salanian Empire!!
     Holy Salanian Empire. The Republic of Salania was founded on July 8, 2008 as a Parliamentary Republic. It became the Holy Salanian Empire on July 10, 2010 in a special session of Parliament. Though now an Imperialist Monarchy, Salania still has a Parliament and a Bill of Rights to protect its citizens from oppression. The Holy Salanian Empire is a Commonwealth Realm. The Republic eventually became the Holy Salanian Empire, as of July 10, 2010, though it still retains several elements of a democracy. The Emperor holds all executive and legislative power, while the Parliament acts as the judiciary body. Parliament is free to convene at any time and can try to persuade the Emperor to do something, but they do not have direct authority over him (except in legal matters). Below the Emperor are the various department heads: The Secretaries of Defense, State, Foreign Affairs, the Treasury, Agriculture, Internal Affairs, Commerce & Transportation, and Conservation, the Commissioners of Education and Health & Public Safety, and the Attorney General. Salania has always been nonpartisan.. 

Salazar. Sovereign Military Order!!

Salcitras. Archprincipality!!
     Archprincipality of All Salcitras. Sultanate of Salamisa.. 

Salem. Kingdom!!
     Dominion of Melchizedek. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Salem. Project!!
     This project calls for a Christian Theocratic state to be established on an artificial island (That is, the Bible would be the word of law, just as the Qur'an is the Constitution of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). Books, recordings and manifestos are available (They're Also liked to this site). Copies of their manifesto have been given out at gun shows and survival/preparedness expos in the USA. Website inactive as of 28 November 2002. Missing New Country Project.. 

     O Salm-Salm ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Dead. 19. 11. 2007.. 

Saltee Islands. Principality!!
     Ilhas Saltee. Ilhas Saltee. O Principado das Ilhas Saltee ; uma microna;;o modelista gae, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Michael Neale, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

Samana Cay!!
     Alive. 06. 08. 2009. Commandate of Samana Cay. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Samana Cay. Caribbean Republic!!

Samian City States!!
     Union of Samian City States.. 

Samoa Americaines!!
     Oc;anie-Ile-Etats-Unis. Mini Pays.. 

Samoa Western!!
     Western Samoa. Independant State of Samoa Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Samoa. Independent State!!
     Formerly Western Samoa. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

San Andres y Providencia!!
     Am;rique-Archipel-Colombie. Mini Pays.. 

San Bernardo. Estado!!

San Louren;o e Castela!!
     S;o Louren;o e Castela.. 

San Marino. Republic!!
     A fully sovereign, self-governing enclave within Italian borders.. Other related websites.. Guida Servizi Repubblica di San Marino. Omniway. All these sites are in Italian. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

San Paulo Reino!!
     S;o Paulo Reino.. 

San Seriffe!!
     O Territ;rio Frobniano de San Seriffe ( San Seriffe, Frobnian Territory. ) ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1995 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

San Tiago!!
     S;o Tiago.. 

     Co-Principality. Sand;ria. Sand;ria. O Co-Principado da Sand;ria ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1990 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Foi fundada por Jordan Bouray, localizada na Ant;rtida e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

     Alive. 25. 05. 2009.. 

Sanfranchez. Dominion!!
     O Dom;nio de Sanfranchez ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma _dom;nio.. 

     Alive. 15. 08. 2007.. 

Sankt Olaf City!!

Santa Cal;ada!!

Santa Clara. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Santa Clara ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1998 at; 1998. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Santa Cruz!!
     Holy Cross Order of Santa Cruz. O Ordem da Santa Cruz ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma ordem militar.. 

Santa Cruz. Confederacao de Estados!!
     Confederacao de Estados Livres e Independentes Nas Terras de Santa Cruz.. 

Santa Maria Reino!!

Santa Maria. Reino!!

Sant'Ana. Ordem Soberana e Militar de!!
     Ordem Soberana e Militar de Sant'Ana..

Sao Tome and Principe. Democratic Republic!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Sao Tome. Democratic Republic!!
     Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe.  Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Saormican Empire!!
     Holy Saormican Empire. After the collapse of the republic, the kingdom was established to provided power, authority, and order that the republic had failed to do. The republic had been overseen by a higher authority than that of its president, and people wanted more independence from the OU (a governing union, which controls several micronations). After years of arguing, the republic declared war. Yet it came at a very costly price. Just a little more than a month in, the economy suffered, the Y2K failure occured, which in turn collapsed the economy. Civil strife eventually lead the republic to turn on its allies,and soon the Republic of Earl found itself at war with many OU nations. The government is ruled by a single monarch, King John Robert I, the former president of the Republic of Earl. The next in line for the throne is the position of Emperor, which is currently vacated. The government has a Parliament, yet it does not function like most. It makes sure the King does not over exercise his power, it gives the people representation, it proposes bills and laws, and helps the King. Despite the Parliament, the King is the sole ruler of the HSE.. 

     Dead. 05. 06. 2008.. 

S;pienei Peoples Cooperative Socialist Republic!!

Sapienese Socialist Provinces, Cooperation!!
     Prov;ncias Socialistas Sapienesas. Prov;ncias Socialistas Sapienesas. O Coopera;;o das Prov;ncias Socialistas Sapienesas ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

Sarasovia. Democratic Republic!!
     Dead. 14. 07. 2008. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Sardenha Grand Duchy!!

Sark. Isle!!
     British Crown Dependency.. This small island (5. 45 sq km/2. 1 sq mi) is a self-governing British crown dependency, with its own set of laws based on Norman law and its own parliament, although for some administrative purposes it is considered a part of the Bailiwick of Guernsey. Until the 2008 Chief Pleas Reformation it was Europe's last feudal government. Sark has no airport and the entire island is a car-free zone.. Sark Tourism. Sue Daly's wildlife film "Wild Sark" (25 minutes) See Also GUERNSEY. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Sark. Kingdom of!!
     Europe-Ile autonome de Guernesey. Mini Pays. Do Not confuse this micronation with the European island of Sark, part of the Bailiwick of Guernsey. the Kingdom of Sark (S;rque) is in a state of inactivity at the moment. Please DO NOT delete this article. The Kingdom of Sark is a micronation in Europe. It is surrounded on all sides by the UK. In 2009 Current King Oli I formed Sark as a Kingdom with his friend Former Prime Minister Dan Willett. This evolved into what was the United Principalities of Olland and Bizaraelia when it united with Bizaraelia on 17/03/2010. It is now the Kingdom of Sark. The Sarkese language is a rich constructed language based on German, English and French with hints of Welsh. It was created by King Oli I and Archduke Christopher I at their school in Surrey, UK. South-East England, UK. Capital (Olland) - Ollanx Capital Collectivity. Largest Collectivity. (populated) - OCC. Official language(s) - English,Sarkese. Prince - Flapjack I (Vl;pxh;c I). Demonym - Sarkese. Government - Constitutional Monarchy. King - Oli I. Prime Minister. Former Prime Minister - Kate Stevenson. Bea Richardson. Archduke of Crosstann - Archduke Christopher I. Legislature - High Council. Type - Unicameral. Seats - 5. Last ElectionRuling Party. Next Election - March 2010. Part; Scht;wensn. June 2010. Established - 29th June 2009. Area Claimed - n/a. Population - 16. Currency. Proposed - British Pound (;).. 

Sarmatia. Principality!!
     Alive. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Sarofu. Principality. Сарофу!!
     Княжество Сарофу. O Principado de Sarofu ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Musarol, localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado. В начале XX века на филателистическом рынке появились оригинальные марки с надписью B. TE SAROFU якобы выпущенные Княжеством Сарофу, расположенном на одном из атоллов в южной части островов Лайн. Эти марки являются спекулятивным выпуском. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Saskberta. Republic!!

Saugeais. Republic!!
     Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Montbenoоt, France. Lider - Georgette Pourchet. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Leader: Georgette Bertin-Pourchet. Founded in 1947. An officially sanctioned tongue-in-cheek micronation located in eastern France, in the d;partement of Doubs. A Rep;blica de Saugeais ; uma microna;;o pecularista franc;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Historical Quasi-Sovereignty. English website (if operating). This republic is neither an imaginary land, nor a self-proclaimed 'want-to-be independent' country. This very tiny nation is composed of twelve communes of Franche-Comt; in France and resulted of privileges given in the middle-ages by a local seigneur. Little by little a territory appeared around the commune and abbey of Montbenoit (d;partement of Doubs) and in 1947 a Republic was proclaimed under the benediction of the pr;fet of the d;partement. This republic is not recognized by France but it is so tiny that it disturbs nobody. Listing has been moved to Self-Proclaimed States. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание. Self-Proclaimed State. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Saurian Island!!
     Ilha Sauriana. Ilha Sauriana. A Ilha Sauriana ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Saurian Island.. Sultenate!!

Savoy. Kingdom!!
     Officialy the Kingdom of Savoy (Royaume de Savoie), is a micronation in Europe, bordered by France to the west and the south, by Italy to the east and Switzerland to the north. It's Capital is Chamb;ry. It is the successor of the County of Savoy, which became the Duchy of Savoy, Kingdom of Sardinia and then, Kingdom of Italy. The Kingdom of Savoy is a very young micronation, formed on December 12th 2009 by the self-proclaimed king, Louis I to restore the once powerfull Duchy of Savoy, which gave their territories to France, while unifying Italy. Kingdom of Savoy is a constitutional monarchy, with the old European tradition. The king directs the executive branch of government, as would do a president in a republic, but has some particularities in the distribution of powers. The Sovayards Citizens elects both Prime Ministers and Senate representatives. The Legislative branch of government is made from Senate where senators vote laws and propose them. Alongside with the Prime Minister, the Senate controls the ministers, chosen by the King.. 

Saxony. Federal Republic!!

Saya de Malha, Principality!!
     O Saya de Malha ; uma microna;;o pecularista franc;fona, existente de 1989 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Pierre Metger, localizada na ;frica e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

Sayed. United Kingdom Republic!!
     Lider. Carlos Tanndy. A Rep;blica de Sayed ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1998 at; 1999. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica parlamentarista. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Sayed.. United Kingdom!!
     United Kingdom of Sayed.. 

Scant;noisie-Helv;tia. Confederation!!
     Has a website: www. scanthel. net.. 

Scarab.. Tribe!!

Schwyzerische Demokratische Republik!!


Scireland New!!
     New Scireland.. 

     Dead. 12. 03. 2007.. 

     Dead. 09. 07. 2007.. 

     Cyberianation. Dead. 27. 09. 2007.. 

Scotia Archduchy!!
     Esc;tia. O Arquiducado da Esc;tia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-ducado. Email:. Lider. James Daquana. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Scotia. Archduchy!!

Scotia. Principality!!
     His Majesty's Archduchy of Scotia. Principality of Sealand. Lider. Scott. Active. The Principality of Scotia is a micronation built on the foundation that it will one day become a country in its own right, by obtaining land and citizens and creating a haven for its residence. Fixed Platform Off-Shore of England. The Principality of Scotia is a micronation built on the foundation that it will one day become a country in its own right, by obtaining land and citizens and creating a haven for its residence. His Majesty's Archduchy of Scotia is seeking to reestablish the Spanish Monarchy in any and all of the former colonies of the Spanish Empire. Until this is achieved H. M. the Archduke of Scotia Don Nicholas de Nixon y Meador (A Hapsburg and Borbon (Also spelled Bourbon) family descendent) will reign as the viceroy for these rebellious nation-states that do not recognize the Spanish Crown as their Head of State. May the lands from Tierra Del Fuego to California, and from the Philippines to Spanish (Equatorial) Guinea recognize Su Majestad Don Juan Carlos de Borbon y Borbon el Rey de todos los espaпїЅoles, sin excepciпїЅn! Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. New Country Project. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Scotland Islands!!
     Шотландские острова. Шотландские острова. Отцом этого почтового призрака стал владелец английской филателистической фирмы Филателик дистрибьюшен корпорейшн (Philatelic Distribution Corporation Ltd. ) Клайв Фейгенбаум (Clive Feigenbaum). В 1989 году он передал нескольким американским фирмам право на печатание и сбыт почтовых марок Шотландских островов — государства, которое никогда не появлялось ни на географической, ни на политической карте мира. Однако Фейгенбаум довольно быстро был уличён в мошенничестве. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Sealand. Principality!!
     Condado de Sealand. County of Sealand. Europe-Principaut; autoproclam;e. Mini Pays. O Principado de Sealand ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 1967 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Paddy Roy Bates, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado. Active Status: Founded in 1967. Fixed Platform Off-Shore of England. Due to the large amount of information about this controversial nation-state, a separate page has been established for all information pertaining to it. A World War II military facility consisting of a man-made structure located off the English coast which was occupied and declared to be an independent state by Paddy Roy Bates. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Germany. Lider - Alexander Achenbach Johannes Seiger. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Man-made platform located on Rough Sands, off the Essex coast. 0. 00055 km2 inhabitable area. Type of Entity. Seastead. Location: Europe. off the coast of southern Britain (Roughs Tower). Date active: 1967–present. Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: www. sealandgov. org Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. New Country Project. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание. Self-Proclaimed State. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     An artificial island construction project. Currently, their website is only informational, but offers e-mail contacts. Website inactive as of 3 May 2008. Missing New Country Project.. 

Seborga. Principality!!
     Europe-Principaut; autoproclam;e. Mini Pays. O Principado de Seborga ; uma microna;;o concretista ital;fona, existente de 196? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Italy. Lider - Giorgio Carbone. Leader: Marcello I. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Cotextensive with Italian municipality of Seborga. A town in the Italian region of Liguria that claims never to have been a part of the modern Italian state. Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: www. seborga. homeip. net. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Alive. 15. 12. 2009.. 

Sedang. Kingdom!!
     Седанг. O Reino do S;dang ; uma microna;;o concretista franc;fona, existente de 1885 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Charles Marie-David de Mayr;na, localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. InActive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. 711 Bay Street Suite 517 Toronto Ontario M5G 2J8 Canada. Contact location - Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Lider - Capucine Plourde de Kasara Derwin Mak. Contact location - France / French Indochina. Lider - Charles-Marie Mayrena. Traditional tribal holdings of the Sedang peoples in the highlands of central Vietnam. Claims, but. territorial claims abandoned. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Королевство Седанг — микрогосударство, от имени которого были выпущены две 7-марочные серии с гербом королевства. Первая вышла в 1888 году, она печалась в литографии Шанхая и была очень плохого качества. Вторая серия, вышедшая в 1889 году, напечатана в Париже. Марки Королевства Седанг, выпущенные в 1888 году, в настоящее время очень редки. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Selenity Federal Kingdom!!

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Seo;n.. Consistarchic Republic!!

Septempontia. Respublica. Empire!!
     Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Pittsburg, PA, USA. Lider - Shawn Knight Alan Caum. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of US state of Pennsylvania. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. According to the website, this is ". the official website of the restored Roman Republic. Officially, we are the Septimontian Republic. But the spirit of our nation descends from that ancient and venerable people of antique Rome! With our functioning government-in-exile, we are working hard to restore our country to a properly landed home. With your help, we can achieve this goal. Join us and live the Roman way once more. Rome in the modern world! To restore the Republic! Ut RemPublicam Restituamus!" Website inactive as of 11 May 2008. Missing New Country Project.. 

Septimontiana. Respublica!!
     Roman Republic. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Seraya. Democratic Principality!!
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Serendip. Serene Principality!!
     Location: San Francisco, California. Status: Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 


     Imp;rio Setentrional.. 


Severanija. Republika!!

Sevii Islands!!
     Alive. 13. 11. 2009.. 

Seyshelles. Republic!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Shashiland. Kingdom!!
     Xaxil;ndia. Xaxil;ndia. O Reino da Xaxil;ndia ; uma microna;;o concretista afr, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na ;frica e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Shavano. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Shavano ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; 1998. Atualmente, est; extinta. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Shavano.. Republic!!

Shire North!!
     North Shire.. 

Shirekeep. Город-Государство!!

Shireroth. Republic. Shireroth!!
     Alive. 23. 04. 2000. Cyberianation. A Rep;blica de Shireroth ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Shireroth.. Republic!!

Shoecannon.. Republic!!


Shoofe State!!
     O Estado Shoofe ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Shuar State. Шуар!!
     Хиваро. Шуар — индейское государство на востоке Эквадора. В 1992 году появились красочные марки с изображением эпизодов из жизни коренных жителей, относящихся к группе группа индейских народов хиваро (или шуара). Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Shuma. Province!!
     It is here to mention the final annexation to planet earth. Located just of the isles of Tolja. A country settled by inhabits, who direct all their attention to fixing the echo-system. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     O Sib;ria ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Sidona. Principality!!


Silesiana. Underduchy!!
     Email:. Lider. Lelio. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Silesiana.. Underduchy!!

Silvania. Kingdom!!

Simland. Federal Republic!!
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Simulations Control Act!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation.. 

Singapore. Republic!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Imperio Ultramarino de Sinon.. 

Sinon. Empire!!
     O Imp;rio Ultramarino de Sinon ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Geasi Vieira, Leila Massar;o, Vicente Arruda C;mar, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio. Overseas Empire of Sinon. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 


Skunk Ape. Federal Republic!!

Slabovian Empire!!
     United Slabovian Empire.. 

Slaventia. Serene Republic!!
     Dead. 09. 08. 2007. Location: USA. Inactive. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Slavica Dagstar Socialistic Republic!!

Sleeping Bear Free State!!

     Alive. 08. 06. 2010.. 

Slinky. Parliamentary Monarchy Empyre!!
     Alive. 30. 12. 2008. Cyberianation. Type of Entity. territorial nation. Location: North America. United States; Europe. Ireland, United Kingdom. Date active: 2008–present. Has a website: slinkyempyre. webs. com.. 

Sloborskaia. Socialist Republic!!
     Location: South America. Brazil. Date active: 2003–2008 (joined Pasargada). Has a website: sloborskaia. wordpress. com.. 

Slobovia. Republic!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. 30. 03. 2003. A Rep;blica da Eslob;via ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1999 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Slovenic New Art!!
     New Slovenic Art. A Nova Arte Eslovena ; uma microna;;o concretista german;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma _estado.. 

Smart Universe. Monarchy!!
     Smart Universe. Monarchy with no taxes, no land mass and no wars.. 

Smileyv;nia. People's Democratic Republic!!
     A Rep;blica Popular Democr;tica da Smileyv;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; 1998. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

Snake Hill. Principality!!
     InActive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Mudgee, NSW, Australia. Location: Oceania. eastern Australia, near Sydney. Date active: 2003–present. Has a website: members. lycos. co. uk/snakehill. Lider - Paul. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Rural property and private residence near Mudgee, New South Wales + private residence in northern Sydney. The Principality of Snake Hill was formed by secession from Australia on 2nd September 2003 after the Australian Government assisted in the theft of 2 of our properties. We then declared our independence and renamed our remaining properties as our Principality. This declaration was acknowledged by the Australian Head of State. Principality is almost as large as Monaco in area. New Country Project. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Snake Hill. Principality!!
     Information about micronation that seceded from Australia on 2 September 2003.. 

Social Democratic Party. Federal Republic!!

Socialist Federal Republics!!
     Union of Socialist Republics. Federal Republic. Cyberianation.. 

Socialist People's Republics!!
     Union of People's Socialist Republics. A Uni;o das Rep;blicas Socialistas Populares ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inactive. Foi fundada por Pedro Aguiar, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

Society for Creative Anachronism!!
     SCA. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Sofia. Principality!!
     Location: South America. Brazil. Email:. Date active: 2000–present. Has a website: www. sofia. org. br. Lider: Guilherme Schneider. O Principado de Sofia ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Felipe Fonte, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Sofia. Principality!!

     Dead. 21. 07. 2007.. 

Solar Empire!!

     Micronazione Impero del Sole. Alive. 04. 08. 2009.. 

Solomon Islands!!
     A former British protectoriate in the South Pacific Ocean, consisting of 27,540 sq km (total land and water). Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Solvo Federation!!

Sombora Freie Republik!!

Somerled. Kingdom!!
     O Reino de Somerled ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Somerset. Город-Государство!!

     United Zoe Katolike Patriarchate of Somtovia-St. Papinian.. 

Somtovia-St. Papinian. United Zoe Katholike Patriarchate!!
     O Patriarcado Zoe da Somt;via-S;o Papiniano ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1996 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma teocracia.. 

Songhrati Republic of Thaumaturgy!!

     O Sonora ; uma microna;;o concretista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     O Souabe ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Southaven. Federal Republic!!

Southern States!!
     Confederation of the Southern States.. 

Southumberland. Principality!!

Soviet New Empire. People's Republic!!
     New Soviet Empire. People's Republic. 

Soviet New Republic!!
     New Soviet Republic. Alive. 15. 10. 2006.. 

Soviet New. Empire,!!
     New Soviet Empire, People's Republic. A Rep;blica Popular do Novo Imp;rio Sovi;tico ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista.. 

Sovietica Repubblica!!
     Repubblica Sovietica.. 

Sovi;tica Rep;blica!!

Space Federation!!
     United Space Federation. A Federa;;o Espacial Unida ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Espa;o e tem como sistema de governo uma confedera;;o.. 

Sparta. Democratic Diarchy!!
     Type of Entity. Non-territorial nation. Location: South America. Brazil. Date active: 2008–2009 (joined Pasargada). Has a website: diarquiaesparta. ning. com.. 

Spartan Kingdom!!
     Esparta. O Reino Espartano ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

     Espart;cia. O Espart;cia ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Dead. 03. 08. 2007.. 

Sperone. Lordship!!
     of Sperone. Lider. Orlando Orlandi. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Sperone. Lordship!!
     O Senhoria de Sperone ; uma microna;;o modelista ital;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia feudal.. 

Sperone.. Lordship!!

Splintania, United Empire!!
     Esplint;nia. O Imp;rio Unido da Esplint;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 1993 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

     O SplotchLand ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Spontoon. Island!!
     Island Archipelago. Link moved to Related listings. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Datastate and Commonwealth. O Data-Estado e Comunidade de Spough ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma _estado.. 

SPQR. Res Publica!!
     Repubblica Romana.. 

Spyka Reino!!

Square. Kingdom!!
     The Kingdom Of Square was founded on December 29, 1998. The kingdom has declared its independence in protest against the actions of the Canadian and American governments, and do not wish to take part in or support any of their political schemes and agendas. The capital of the kingdom is located approximately 40 Kilometres east of Vancouver, Canada, with one other province nearby and one territory located overseas. The Kingdom Of Square is a sovereign and independent micronation which classifies itself as a 'new-nation project', not a ‘virtual nation’ and strives to establish peaceful relations with any other nation wishing to become an ally. The Kingdom of Square is, in standard political terms, best described as a constitutional monarchy. Although, this is not your typical constitutional monarchy in the sense that it does not impose power over it’s people, it does not have a rank-based political system, and most of all the king is Also secretary of state. Official language - English, Russian. Recognised languages - Spanish, French, German. Demonym - Squarian. Government – Constitutional Monarchy. King - King MC Square. Prime Minister - Max Agen. Secretary of Defence. - Viktor Khersonski. Total population - 40+. Citizens – 20. Residents – 10. Last census - December 17th, 2009. Currency - Square (;).. 

SSR Novasibirsk!!
     Dead. 23. 08. 2006.. 

St John Colony!!
     O Col;nia S;o Jo;o ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma municipalidade.. 

St. Charlie. Federal Republic!!
     Alive. 22. 11. 2008. Location: Europe. near Rome, Italy. Date active: 2008–present. Has a website: repubblica-federale-stcharlie. webs. com.. 

St. Martin!!
     Alive. 24. 05. 2005.. 

     O Staffordshire ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

State of Freedom!!
     Independent Religious State of Freedom. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Warragamba, NSW, Australia. Lider - Ron Sarina †. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. 6. 0 km2 rural residence in Warragamba, Sydney, Australia. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

State of God!!

State of Sabotage!!
     SoS. This is an "artitsts state", apparently an off-shoot of the group "Sabotage Communications". Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. PO Box 48, 1053 Vienna, Austria. Contact location - Vienna, Austria. Lider - Robert Jelinek. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. 0. 0056 km2 rural property in southern Bohemia, Czech Republic. SoS is not a geographic place, but rather a concept. SoS is Also primarily an idea and only secondarily a concrete territory. SoS has no pre-defined territory, but one that is characterized by constant, and theoretically unlimited, growth. SoS has no indigenous population, but is open to all those who wish to join of their own free will. The territory of the State of Sabotage grows with each new citizen. " Passports are available from this website. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

State of Sabotage!!

State of Thaumaturgy!!

Stauffen. Konigreich!!
     Gr;ndung 21. 11. 2005.. 

Steinhammer. Republik!!

     Oc;anie-Ile-Nouvelle Z;lande. Mini Pays.. 

Stoner Homeland!!
     Panteras Verdes. O Panteras Verdes ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

     Alive. 04. 07. 2003. Cyberianation. Active. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Stormark.. Viking Empire!!

Stradvarius. Imp;rio!!




Str;ussia Nova!!
     Nova Str;ussia.. 

     Independent State. O Estado Independente de Str;ussia ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 2000 at; 2000. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Ricardo Macedo, Fernando Trevisan, Fabio Bines, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Saint-Beno;t;.. 

     Провинция. Cyberianation.. 

Students' Isocratic Oligarchy of Yabloko!!


     Gr;ndung 01. 01. 1495.. 

Su;;a Reino!!

Suidae Freedom. Republic!!


Sul. Principado!!

Sul. Republica Federal!!

     Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

     Dead. 28. 03. 2005.. 

Sult;mbria. Principality!!
     O Principado da Sult;mbria ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Ant;rtida e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

Sumpland. Federation!!
     Dead. 31. 07. 2008. Location: Bellerose, NY, USA. Email:. Active. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Europe-Territoire-Norv;ge. Mini Pays.. 

Sverige. Royaume!!
     Site - Forum/ML.. 

Swaenenburgh. Kingdom!!
     O Suanemburgo ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Swan Lake. Empire!!

Swaziland Kingdom!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Dead. 19. 05. 2008.. 

     Listing moved to Model Country Projects at website owner's request. (Swisdomanian Seperate Republic for the Arts) "This new nation is one very much based from Issac Asimovs FOUNDATION series. It is a gathering of about 126 people who record events and dicoverings of our world. We are the cosen helpers and have seen the light. Our governmnet is a Chancellorship where two chancellors are voted from and rule for 5 years, along with a City Council and mayor. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Swiss Empire!!
     Greater Swiss Empire. Imp;rio Su;;o. Imp;rio Su;;o. O Imp;rio Su;;o Maior ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Syai. Empire!!
     O Imp;rio de Syai ; uma microna;;o, existente de 1995 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Syblchase. Город-Государство!!

Sylvannia, Republic!!
     A Rep;blica da Silv;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na ;frica e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Syntagmia. Kingdom!!
     O Reino da Sint;gmia ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Szvenia y Auda. Rep;blica bifederacional!!

Tabanese Empire!!
     Tabland. Empire. Europe. Ireland. Date active: 2008–present. Has a website. 

Tabland. Empire!!
     Tabanese Empire. Europe. Ireland. Date active: 2008–present. Has a website. 

     Cyberianation. Dead. 15. 06. 2008.. 

Taemoe. Sovereign Principality!!

Taemoe. Sovereign Principality!!
     O Principado Soberano de Taemoe ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Tahiti. French Polynesia!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Taigh a Bata. Republic!!

Taiper. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Taiper ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1991 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     T'aishen. Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

Takava’u. Республика!!
     Республика Такавау. Марки издаются с 1981 года. По легенде в результате распада Республики Вайкоа появились марки двух новых государств. Республика Минауэ и Республика Такавау (Takava’u). Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. 12. 01. 2005.. 

Talin D'Ran!!
     Talin D'ran is a collection of tribes which cover the entire earth. Each tribe has it's own cultures, languages, and way of life but they have all agreed to live by the 7revolution Documents, which were written for the creation of Talin D'ran. " - from the website. As of 28 August 2007 the URL opens to a website for a project named "Deliberate Life". Missing New Country Project.. 

Tallendor. Kingdom!!

Tallini Family!!
     A democratic monarchy that sponsors Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence.. 

Tallini Family!!
     Link has been moved to the New Country Projects listings. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Talossa is the name of at least two micronations, the Kingdom of Talossa and the Republic of Talossa. Leader: John Woolley. Founded in 1979. A micronation founded as a bedroom kingdom by Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States of America resident Robert Ben Madison. Madison claims to have coined the term "micronation". Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Talossa. Kingdom!!
     O Reino da Talossa ; uma microna;;o derivatista angl;fona, existente de 1979 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Robert Ben Madison, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia parlamentarista. Electrabase;. Date active: 1979–present. Alive. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. 8631 North Servite Dr, Unit 118, Milwaukee WI 53223, USA. Contact location - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Lider - John Wooley. Lider - Robert Madison. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of eastern Milwaukee, Wisconsin + the Island of Cйzembre, off the coast of St Malo, France + approximately one fifth of Antarctica. Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: www. kingdomoftalossa. net. Talossa is an ongoing political and social adventure, and we invite all persons worldwide to become Talossan citizens and participate. The Kingdom of Talossa is an independent, sovereign nation in North America which seceded peacefully from the United States in 1979. Talossa has sometimes been classified as an imaginary country or "micronation," but according to a statement approved in a 1993 referendum, "The Kingdom of Talossa is a community of persons having fun by doing things which are reasonably similar to what other ('real') countries do, whether for reasons of tourist nostalgia, out of a lust for power, in pursuit of parody, or -- yes -- as nationbuilding. " Talossa is not an "online community," although some of its members are online and use the internet to keep in touch; many Talossans participate only by mail, telephone, and through face-to-face contact. (If you can't handle this, you don't belong in Talossa. ) Talossa is an ongoing political adventure, and foreigners are invited to become Talossan citizens and participate. If you are in Talossa, you are a major figure in Talossan life and culture. Talossa is a country small enough for your voice to be heard, yet large enough for that voice to make a real difference. Talossa is not a computer game or a r;le-playing world. There are no "winners" or "losers" except from election to election, and from bill to bill in the legislature. Talossa is real life politics, only smaller and more accessible. This home page is your invitation to come and participate! Before Talossa erupted onto the internet in 1995, its population was about 20. In the decade that followed, huge swings of population occurred, reaching a peak of around 60 people in the year 2000. Today there are more than 30 citizens. More than 130 people have been a part of Talossa at one time or another since 1979. Today's Talossans all share a common dream of not taking ourselves too seriously, and making Talossa a fun place to be in. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Talossa. Republic!!
     The Republic seems to be a sedition from the Kingdom. Date active: 2004–present. Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: www. talossa. com. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Uppsala, Sweden. Lider - Ian Anglatzara. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of eastern Milwaukee, Wisconsin + the Island of Cйzembre, off the coast of St Malo, France. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Talossa.. Kingdom!!

Talossa.. Republic!!

     O Taluga ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 196? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Edward M. DeSarro, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Targa. Konigreich!!
     Gr;ndung 14. 10. 2007. Gestalte und entscheide mit, in einer ganz besonderen Monarchie zwischen Gottesgnadentum und der Mitentscheidung verschiedener m;chtiger Stammesfraktionen, die ihre Macht und ihren Einfluss ausbauen wollen und dr;cke der Politik des Landes deinen Stempel auf. Tauche ein in eine exotische Kultur voll von mystischen Riten, viel ber;hmter Gastfreundschaft und lerne eine einzigartige Religion kennen. Tritt ein eine Welt aus Gen;ssen und Erfahrungen, die deine Sinne noch nie erlebt haben. Der Amenokal regiert auf Lebenszeit sobald er den Thron bestiegen hat. Sollte sich ein Amenokal als Despot und Tyrann erweisen und er gegen die Verfassung verst;;t hat das Volk das Recht einen Gegen-Amenokal aufzustellen, sofern mindestens ein Mitglied des ;ltestenrates daf;r ist. Dieser muss in einem vom ;ltestenrat bestimmten Wettkampf siegen um den Thron zu besteigen. Der Amenokal (Gro;k;nig) bestimmt die Gesetze gemeinsam mit den Mitgliedern des ;ltestenrates, die ihn beraten und wenn einstimmig auch einen Erlass auf Zeit blockieren k;nnen um ein ;berhastetes Handeln des Amenokal zu verhindern. Die Verfassung ist heilig und darf nur unter besonderen Umst;nden vom Amenokal ge;ndert werden. Der K;nig sofern er nicht einen Wesir damit beauftragt ist Oberbefehlshaber der Streitkr;fte und der exekutiven Kr;fte wie Polizei und Nachrichtendienst.. 

     O Targ;o ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 


Tars;cia. Kingdom!!
     Moved to Seditionist and Sovereignty Movements in the USA.. O Reino da Tars;cia ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. A model country project with plans and ambitions of starting a legitimate nation-state. Both websites missing as of 11 May 2008. Missing New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Oc;anie-Dominion. Mini Pays. British protectoriate. This island nation earns considerable money with the revenues from its internet domain. (CIA Database Listing) Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     O Tavolara ; uma microna;;o concretista ital;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Tayland. Republic!!
     When I was a child I made up the Tays and had a Tay name for all my friends and when I learned it was possible to start micronations I figured tayland was a good ideal. So Tayland now exists. It has its own culture, songs, flag and language. Long live Tayland!". Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 


Tchino.. Volksrepublik!!

     Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

Tebeakesse. Empire!!
     Combined Empire of Tebeakesse. Email:. Lider. David Matayabas. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 


     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. 13. 11. 2007.. 

Telusa. People's Democratic Republic!!

Telusia. Barony!!
     Tel;sia. Tel;sia. O Baronato da Tel;sia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-baronato.. 



Tereb;ntia Rep;blica!!
     de Tereb;ntia.. 

     Terra Bela.. 

Tereb;ntia. Rep;blica!!

Terra Candella. Kingdom!!
     O Reino da Terra Candella ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 1987 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Terra Firma!!
     Dead. 26. 03. 2001.. 

Terra Firma. Republic!!

Terra Libra!!
     Build Freedom. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Terra Nova. Commonwealth!!
     Nova Terra. Commonwealth of Nova Terra.. 

Terra Novum. Federal Republic!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. A Rep;blica de Terra Novum ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1998 at; 1998. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Terra. Kingdom!!
     King of the Kingdom of Terra is the exclusive owner of all the Asteroids in our solar system and most other Celestial bodies e. g. Stars, Galaxies (By virtue of international law). He wish to sell some of them to the public! Anyone can automatically become a citizen of The Kingdom of Terra, that set up on an Asteroid. This means anyone can be knighted, named a Lord or any other royal title! They will Also be able to purchase coats of arms for their family or business.. 

Terran Empire!!
     The Terran Empire is a non-territorial global sovereignty established for the eventual formation of a global union both socially and politically. We are united as one people striving to develop and maintain a national community in which all citizens are free to fully participate and to advance as far as their talents and aspirations will allow. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. New Country Project.. 

Tetiti Maori. Kingdom!!
     O Tetiti Maori ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente de 1985 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Michael Heatara, localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Texas A&M. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica do Texas A&M ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Texas A&M.. Republic!!

Texas. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica do Texas ; uma microna;;o concretista angl;fona, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Texas.. People's Republic!!

     State of Textor. Landless State. O Estado Sem-Terra de Textor ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 1998 at; 2000. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Thalassa. Democracy!!
     Democracy of Thalassa. O Democracia da Thalassa ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma. Lider. Odysseus. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Thaumaturgy Sovereign Republic!!
     Soverign (sic) Republic of Thaumaturgy is a constitutional secular Republic and a multiparty parliamentary democracy. The Government is headed by President of State and the Cabinet, headed by the Prime Minister, exercises executive authority. The judiciary is independent of the Government. The Government effectively controls the police, all security organizations, and the armed forces. " This group has recently claimed several islands in the South China Sea (8° 38" N, 111° 55" E). Website vanished as of 11 May 2008. Missing New Country Project.. 

Theo. Grand Duke!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation.. 

Theodia.. Kingdom!!

Thera Republic!!

     O Thomond ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Thord. Glorious Kingdom!!
     O Reino de Thord ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1980 at; 1981. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por John C. Eiffler, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Thornley. Grand Duchy!!

Thornton. Город-Государство!!

Thrace. Empire!!
     A sovereign, independent culture and monarchy within the territory of Bulgaria. Offers free citizenship and e-mail. Alive. The Empire of Thrace (Traus Rezodon) is a sovereign, non-territorial nation founded in 23 August of 1992. The Empire of Thrace is a Constitutional Parliamentary Monarchy following in the great democratic tradition of civilized nations. On account of the small size of our national community, Thrace is often referred to as a 'micronation'. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Three Colonies. Sovereign Republic!!
     Sovereign Republic of the Three Colonies.. 

Thule. Город-Государство!!


Tierra del Mar. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Tierra del Mar ; uma microna;;oangl;fona, existente de 1973 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Leicester Hemingway, localizada na Am;rica Central e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Tim Dunkin. Federal Republic!!

     Dead. 07. 02. 2003.. 

Timor Leste!!

Timor Lorosa'e!!
     East Timor. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Timor. Propinsi. Democratic Republic!!
     Official Government Web Gateway. Propinsi Timor, Timur, Timor-Leste, Timor Lorosa'E. Website maintained by the Transitional Government of East Timor Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     The Native American Tribal Republic of Timucua is a micronation that is a Native American tribal group seeking to provide a cultural home to native americans left out of the loop of the recognized tribes. It is seeking to gain recognition as an independent native american tribe and country much like the Lakota, Choctaw, or Iroquois. On August 1, 2008 the Timucua cultural group unilaterally declared their micronational independence and began their official existance as a country. They have since named diplomats to the Sovereign States of Alabama, California, and Florida. They are in the process of accepting new citizens and growing their diplomatic corps. They are looking to one day have relations will all 50 Sovereign States in the federation of the United States as well as to have relations with the U. S. Federation Government. In addition they are open to appointment of diplomats to each nation in the world. They are Also open to acceptance of diplomats from other nations. The nation is organized as a democratic constitutional republic with a strong Executive, Legislative and Judicial branch system. The Executive branch powers are handled by the Executive Council of Tribal Chieftains which is headed by 2 lifetime appointed chiefs who are subject to votes of confidence every 5 years and can be replaced if failing to pass a vote of confidence. The nation is currently going through the process of organizing its government in full. It is currently offering an official looking ID card for identification purposes to it's citizens. It has plans to introduce passports, stamps, and to open a virtual school in the coming months.. 

Tinoco. Principality!!
     O Principado de Tinoco ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1999 at; 1999. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

T;r Na N;g, Kingdom!!
     O Reino de T;r Na N;g ; uma microna;;o modelista gae, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Tir Na nOg. Free Republic!!
     Mikronation, der Freien Republik Tir Na n;g - dem Land der Verhei;ung. Die Freie Republik Tir Na n;g ist eine sozialistische und demokratische Republik. Nat;rlich erheben wir keinen Anspruch auf reale Existenz, aber wir versuchen, diesen Staat so realistisch wie m;glich zu simulieren. Eine Staat mit die Gesetze, die Regierung, die Verwaltung, Wirtschaftsunternehmen, Parteien, Vereine, Kirchen.. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

TirNeart. Kingdom!!
     Dead. 08. 06. 2007. 2007–present. Has a website: rtngov. webs. com. Riocht Na TirNeart (Also known as the Kingdom of TirNeart) was formed in April 2007, when independence was declared by An Ard Ri (The High King) Cuchulainn. The nation does not occupy any physical territory at the moment, but does lease land from the Commonwealth of Australia, and its headquarters are located in Brisbane. Riocht na TirNeart is an benevolent absolute monarchy. Citizens are encouraged to make petitions and memorials to the throne. The current head of state is An Ard Ri (The High King) na Riocht na TirNeart Cuchuliann. There is no official religion, with the government claiming to be tolerant of all religions.. 

Tobago. Republic!!
     Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Tocantins Baixo!!
     Baixo Tocantins.. 

Tokelau. Islands!!
     Oc;anie-Territoire autonome-Nouvelle Z;lande. Mini Pays. Islands of Atafu, Fakaofo & Nukunonu.. Self-governing territory in free association with New Zealand. (CIA Database Listing). Informational Website (South Pacific Organizer). Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Alive. 30. 05. 2006. Cyberianation.. 

Tokup.. Kingdom!!



Tomaz Painn. Federal Republic!!


Tonga. Kingdom!!
     The only pacific island that was never colonized by a foreign power. This is where all those ". to" domains are from. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Ex-Nova Canad;.. 

     Dead. 26. 05. 2007.. 

TorHavn. Kingdom!!
     O Reino de TorHavn ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1999 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Official site for the Kingdom of TorHavn; originally created so that the micronational community would have a say in the UNO's Sustainability Project. Active Status: Alive. Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - California, USA. Lider - Casimir Skyhunter +1 866 228 3032 (dial option 2 - Raven Enterprises). Does not claims/own/occupy/control territory. - planned intentional community. Has a website: www. torhavn. org. We are an evolving sovereign nation-state in the planning phase of its development. By others, we have been called a micronation, ephemeral state, secessionist government (or movement), model country, etc. (and, less complimentariy, imaginary state, or even counter-country),. unrecognized by the majority of world society. Yet, more importantly, WE call ourselves a future nation (and we ARE patient; we can wait). a country in the making, a warrior nation & the world's first 'green country'. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Torres Strait!!
     Oc;anie-Territoire autonome-Australie. Mini Pays.. 

Tran Sien!!
     Konigreich Tran Sien.. 

     IHST. Independent Hidden State of Tranquillity.. 

Transcauc;sia. Kingdom!!
     O Reino da Transcauc;sia ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente de 196? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por Louis Leon, localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Trans-Dniestr. Republic!!
     Dniester Republic, Dnitstr, Pridnestrov'e, Transnistria, Transdniester Moldavian Republic. Self-Proclaimed Sovereignty. Disputed Territory.. Founded by ethnic Russians on the shores of the Dniester river, that has broken off from Moldova (Trans-Dniester's capital city is Tiraspol). The sedition was brought about when ethnic Russians opposed the use of Moldavian (Romanian) as the official language.. No nation has recognized Trans-Dniester as of yet, but it does have a notable history, a national currency, and a number of related websites.. Trans-Dniester Republican Bank (English language page). Article on east-west-wg. org. Pridnestrovie. net. VisitPMR (Tourist Information Website). Flags of the World listing. More websites can be found on the Links page at Pridnestrovie. Net.. Thanks to John R. Scharff for the tip. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Dead. 29. 03. 2008.. 

Transnistria. Republic!!
     Transdnister Moldavan Republic. Trans-Dniester Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Trans-Pecos. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Trans-Pecos ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Tratstov;quia.. Sacro Imp;rio!!

Travis Dandy. Federal Republic!!

Treesia and Palatinates. Baronies!!
     United Baronies of Treesia and Palatinates. Renamed The Sovereign Order of Treeesia. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Treesia. Sovereign Order!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. A Tr;sia ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma. According to the website, this is ". the successor by Charter to the United Baronies of Treesia and the Palatinates, itself formerly known the Barony of Treesia and Fabon, and successor to the Republic of Treesia. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. 09. 08. 2007.. 

Treno.. Independent Democratic Society!!

     Alive. 13. 03. 2009.. 

Trinia.. Democratic Republic!!
     United Democratic Republic of Trinia.. 

Trinidad and Tabago. Republic!!
     Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Trinidad. Principality!!
     Тринидад. Княжество Тринидад. Остров Тринидади (не путать с островом Тринидад, ныне входящим в Республику Тринидад и Тобаго) находится в восьмистах километрах от побережья Бразилии в Атлантическом океане. Остров необитаем, площадь его не превышает 15 км;. В 1893 году во время шторма у этого островка нашёл пристанище корабль, одним из пассажиров которого был французский журналист и авантюрист Джеймс Гарден-Хикли (по другой версии Джеймс остров купил). Обосновавшись на острове Дж. Гарден-Хикли провозгласил себя князем Тринидада Джеймсом I. В том же 1893 году он отправился в Нью-Йорк, где открыл посольство своего княжества и отпечатал большим тиражом серию из 7 марок. Самозванное княжество просуществовало около трёх лет. Конец ему, а заодно и почтовой афере настал в 1896 году, когда остров Тринидад присоединили к Бразилии. По другой версии Джеймсу не удалось вернуться в свои владения из-за того, что Великобритания превратила островок в свою телеграфную станцию. Узнав об этом, князь Джеймс I якобы покончил с собой. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. O Principado de Trindade ; uma microna;;o concretista franc;fona, existente de 1893 at; 1895. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por James Aloyisius, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado. Type of Entity. Sovereign new-nation project. Location: South America. islands of Trindade and Martim Vaz. Date active: 1893–1898. Has an article on Wikipedia. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - USA. Lider - James Harden-Hickey †. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of island of Trinidade and Martim Vaz in the south Atlantic. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

     Dead. 12. 07. 2007.. 

Trip;ria. Kingdom!!
     O Reino da Trip;ria ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Shawn, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Tripolania.. Kingdom!!

Triselene Imperium!!
     O Imp;rio Triselene ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Shawn, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Pittsburg, PA, USA. Lider - Shawn Knight. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of US state of Pennsylvania. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Tristan da Cuhna!!
     Micronesia. Gough, Inaccessable, Nightingale and Tristan de Cuhna Islands. Afrique-Ile autonome britannique. Mini Pays. Administration of Saint Helena. This is a private, informational website run by Brian Baldwin, Administrator, Tristan da Cunha. Actual flag is unknown. The main island, Tristan da Cunha, is the remotest inhabited island in the world. Its nearest neighbour is St. Helena 2,334 kms to the North while Cape Town is 2,778 kms to the East. There is only one inhabited area. This is Edinburgh of the Seven Seas on Tristan. It is a small village of just under 300 people, the total population of Tristan da Cunha. It was named in 1867 after Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh (second son of Queen Victoria) who visited in August that year as commander of the frigate 'Galatea'. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Tritoniac;mia. Holy Empire!!
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Trobanto. Provincial Union!!
     A Uni;o Provincial de Trobanto ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma confedera;;o.. 

     Horda dos Trogloditas. O Horda dos Trogloditas ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma horda. A Horda dos Trogloditas ( Troglodytes, Horde. ) ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma horda tribal.. 

Troje. Kingdom!!

Tropico. Republica!!
     Dead. 23. 06. 2007.. 

True Hug!!
     O True Hug ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Truk Island!!
     Federated States of Micronesia. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Trulal;. Holy Empire!!
     O Sacro Imp;rio de Trulal; ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Trumania. Principality!!
     Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Puget Sound, WA, USA. Lider - Joseph Burns. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. 0. 17 km2 private residence located on Vashon Island, in Puget Sound, Washington state. The Principality of Trumania is a territorial micronation of 42 acres on Puget Sound with a beautiful rocky beach, a sandy cove, and dense alder forests. It is a nation held together by order and peace. Primary goal is to attain the reputation of being a dependable and friendly nation in the inter-micronational community. New Country Project. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Truth. Kingdom!!
     The Kingdom of Truth is a virtual micronation founded in 2010. The mission of the kingdom is to promote peace in the world. Kingdom believes all powers belong to Our Creator and the authority bestowed by Him on men is a sacred trust which the people of the Kingdom will exercise with the limits prescribed by Him. Kingdom of Truth is a country without borders for peace loving people everywhere. Kingdom shall be known as "Kingdom of Truth". Executive and legislative power is held by the Senate. President will be the Head of Government. King will be the Kingdom Head. The Senate is the high government of the Kingdom. President will be the Head of Government. King will be the chief of state of the Kingdom. The King will be elected from direct elections.. 


Tsalagi. Mostroyal Kingdom!!
     O Reino Mostroyal de Tsalagi ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

T'schibbo. Freie Volksemirate!!

     The Tallini Family. O TTF ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     TTF-Bucksfan, a dual entity which stands for "The Tallini Family-Kingdom of Bucksfan", is more than a. New Country Project. It is a de facto nation, and complex virtual state occupying over 200 MB of virtual space (!), and controlling over 40 ICANN and alternative second level domains. Type of Entity. Internet-based sovereign nation. Location: The Internet. (Cesidian Root). Date active: 1998–present. Has a website: ttfbn. net. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Tuath Lough!!

     Tui of the Joyous Lake. Lacustrian Archipel. Tui Tui do Lago Alegre. Tui Tui do Lago da Alegria. O Arquip;lago Lacustre de Tui Tui do Lago da Alegria ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 198? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Tulsa. Kingdom!!
     O Reino da Tulsa ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1999 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

     Federation Turanischer Republiken.. 


Turks and Caicos Islands!!
     Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom. Am;rique-Iles autonomes britanniques. Mini Pays. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Turmane. Kingdom!!
     North America. Unites States. Date active: 2007–. Has a website: www. freewebs. com/turmane.. 

Turpin. Kingdom!!

     Alive. 14. 10. 2009.. 

Turto. Peoples Republic!!

TwoChairs. Kingdom!!
     The Kingdom of TwoChairs is now a dormant project. Its founder left quite a while ago, a lot of the pages of the site need to be updated etc. If you apply for citizenship, you will be placed on a list which will be updated should TwoChairs come out of dormancy. Dead. 21. 09. 2008. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Aberystwyth, Wales, UK. Lider - Eoin Mahon. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. 0. 000002 km2 section of yard belonging to a private residence in Aberystwyth, Wales. Location: Europe. Wikiales, UK. Date active: 2007–2009 (see Republic of Dwygadair). Has a website: kingdomoftwochairs. blogspot. com. TwoChairs is a small patch of land which was declared a sovereign and independent Nation on the 6th of October, 2007. Though it is not recognized by most larger countries, it functions just as a recognized Country would. TwoChairs does not 'campaign' for recognition or 'true independence' partly because we believe we already are independent and that recognition is an honour, and Also because Tchairians are the type of people who don't really want to cause too much of a stir. The nation's motto, "Cenedl Gref a Dwy Gadair", is Welsh for "A Strong Nation with Two Chairs". TwoChairs is a small patch of land which was declared a sovereign and independent Nation on the 6th of October, 2007. Though it is not recognized by most larger countries, it functions just as a recognized Country would. TwoChairs does not 'campaign' for recognition or 'true independence' partly because we believe we already are independent and that recognition is an honour, and Also because Tchairians are the type of people who don't really want to cause too much of a stir. ". The nation's motto, "Cenedl Gref a Dwy Gadair", is Welsh for "A Strong Nation with Two Chairs". As of 16 July 2009, the folloowing was posted on the website.. The Kingdom of TwoChairs is now a dormant project. Its founder left quite a while ago, a lot of the pages of the site need to be updated etc. ". "If you apply for citizenship, you will be placed on a list which will be updated should TwoChairs come out of dormancy. New Country Project.. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Tykonjo. Federal Kingdom!!

Tylus. Konigreich!!
     Gr;ndung 01. 01. 2004.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. United Republic of Tymaria. O ; uma microna;;o derivatista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por MichaelTigineh, Austi Scott, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma. Email:. Lider. John Sager. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     United Republic of Tymaria.. 

Tyre Tangiere!!
     Nonterritorial empire promoting the freedom to do what one wants so long as one harms no one else. O Imp;rio de Tyre Tangiere ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na nenhum e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Tyre Tangiere.. Empire!!

Tйngуku Ky;wakoku!!

U.P.E.C.. Federal Republic!!
     Dead. 06. 05. 1999. Cyberianation. Michael Rosario led the transformation of U. P. E. C. into the United Radical Communities and later Eudamonia. Rosario approved the use of U. P. E. C. airpower in support of ProvoCyberia during the Second War for Cyberian Liberation, leading to the crucial defeat of the followers of Elena Delgado.. 

Uantir. Kingdom!!
     Alive. 26. 10. 2007. Location: California, USA. Email:. Lider. Ari Ryan Ailin. The Kingdom of Uantir was the brain child of His Majesty King Ari Ryan Ailin for a considerable time before it was founded. It was his wife, Her Majesty Queen Rachel Ailin that inspired him to make Uantir a reality. The country's name is in honor of Her Majesty. Uantir began before October 25th, 2007 in the mind of His Majesty King Ari Ryan Ailin after having read about micronations online. The Kingdom of Uantir is an Absolute Monarchy headed by His and Her Majesties King Ari Ailin and his wife Queen Rachel Ailin. The crown maintains full and complete control over the country, but the Aristocrats maintain autonomy over their lands in all aspects that do not come in direct conflict with core Uantirian principles. That core is maintained by the Monarchy. The first generation of citizens were, as most nations are, friends and family. Torsoboymansir and Frosty were some of the nation's first avid posters. At this time the Kingdom of Licentia was active and Uantir's closest ally. Government - Absolute Monarchy. Location - California, USA. Population – 30. Active – 6. Monarchs - King Ari & Queen Rachel Ailin. Language – English. Active. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Alive. 25. 10. 2000.. 


     Alive. 05. 01. 2010.. 

;c. Principality!!

Ultamiya. Republic!!

     Alive. 23. 02. 2003. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago. The United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago (UMMOA) is a multi-oceanic archipelago governed by a federation of Fourth, Fifth and Sixth World nations, and the world's first supermicronation. UMMOA's 11 insular possessions have no indigenous population, and an inhabitable area of 34. 3 square kilometres (13. 3 square miles). UMMOA holds these truths to be self-evident. That all nations are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and sovereignty!" Self-Proclaimed State.. 

     United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago. United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago. Type of Entity. Multinational separatist project. Location: Oceania and Caribbean. Date active: 2008–present. Has a website: ummoa. net. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Long Island, NY, USA. Lider - Cesidio Tallini. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Entirety of US unincorporated island territories. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Um;ria. Union Island!!
     A Ilha de Uni;o ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1999 at; 1999. Atualmente, est; extinta. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Unclaimed Land.. Republic!!

Under Chance!!
     United Provinces Under Chance. The United Provinces Under Chance, is an American micronation claiming thirteen independently owned properties in California, two properties in Alabama, one in Minnesota and Maine, an intergalactic colony, an Irish Colony and five territories. The UPUC fell in september and was reborn as a more democratic state called the Kingdom of Zurdonial. The population of the UPUC numbers over fifty-one people and the UPUC is trying to create diplomatic relations with other unions and micronations as the government believes that they "are only as strong as our allies". The government is currently a Military Junta and is in no way fascist. The military Also controls allot of the componies as well. The official religion of the UPUC is Christianity but no official sect and we do not force people to be any religion. The Government of the UPUC has changed. The government is now a Military Junta. The Head of the government is the Chairman. The Chairman is head for life. The Second in command is the Secretary General and the third in command is the chief counciler who is elected by the junta every four months. There is the Grand Junta who currently has 7 full members and 5 semi members.. 

Union of Apollo States!!
     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics!!
     USSR. Not the "evil empire" of old, but a micronation of the same name. Reportedly, this project is defunct, but the website is still functioning. An article on the group can be found here. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics!!
     USSR. Not the "evil empire" of old, but a micronation of the same name. (Just think of all the money they can save using all that old stationary!). Reportedly, this project is defunct, but the website is still functioning. An article on the group can be found here. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Union Sovi;tica!!
     Uni;o Sovi;tica.. 

United Commonwealth!!
     Dead. Cyberianation.. 

United Empire!!
     Dead. 15. 06. 2006.. 

United Islands!!
     On March 23rd, 2010, Dakota C. Brown had a great dream of having his own nation. So he looked on the internet for hours just looking into small nations. He decided to make his own. The Goverment of The United Islands is just like most of the others. It aspires to protect itself from foreign enemies. It provides some healthcare and education programs.. 

United Nations!!
     Inter-Governmental Organization with Limited Diplomatic Status:. While not a "country" per se, the U. N. does have diplomatic status, issues postage stamps* (but not its own currency), license plates and passports (a "Laissez-Passer" chiefly for official business, and a "U. N. Certificate" chiefly for refugees), and its offices, especially their international headquarters in New York City, are diplomatically recognized as international zones, including their college in Santa Ana, Costa Rica, the University for Peace, where a shortwave radio station, Radio For Peace International (RFPI), operated until recently.. (*Via special arrangements with the postal authorities of Austria, Switzerland, and the United States. )Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

United Radical Communities!!
     Michael Rosario led the transformation of U. P. E. C. into the United Radical Communities and later Eudamonia.. 

United Universal Union!!
     UUU. Officially disbanded in 2005. Uni;o Universal Unida. O U. U. U. ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma. Email:. Lider. Preston TalandaFisher. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations. Missing New Country Project.. 

United Univist States!!


Unitian Democratic republic!!

     Alive. 29. 09. 2000. Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

UnoGames Sacro Imp;rio!!

Unterwanderte Monarchie Hormoistan!!

UPEC Constitution!!
     Federal Republic. Cyberianation.. 

Upper Cranda!!
     Dead. 31. 08. 2002.. 

Upware Republic!!
     Mark Valentine, an incurable bookworm (and I mean that in a positive way!), discovered information about a Victorian model country project founded by students in Upware, England in 1851.. "The members of the Republic included several who were to become eminent in various spheres in later life, including a Master of the Rolls, a Solicitor-General, two co-authors of an authoritative work on the natural history of Central America, a President of the Alpine Club (the mountaineering society), the man who sold Lord's cricket ground to the MCC, and many others. But perhaps the most intriguing name in the Republic's records is that of Samuel Butler, the author of the imaginary-world satire, Erewhon.. After 5 or 6 years, the students' involvement seemed to have vanished. But in November 2001, Mark Valentine re-launched the model country, which now has 15 citizens who are in discussions to obtain a physical presence for the Republic in the village of Upware itself.. ADDENDUM. The original Victorian minute book of the Republic has been located.. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Dead. 08. 07. 2007.. 

     A Uni;o das Rep;blicas Socialistas Caipiras Suin;ticas de Guara-Piranga (URSCSGP) foi fundada, por ato unilateral e pac;fico, em agremia;;o anarco-sindicalista, em 12 de agosto de 2010. A Uni;o, incrustrada no Estado brasileiro de Minas Gerais, busca o reconhecimento das demais na;;es. Em sua fase atual, estabeleceram-se negocia;;es com o governo da Rep;blica Federativa do Brasil quanto ; defini;;o das fronteiras.. 


Ushorton Confederation!!

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. 02. 09. 2006.. 

     Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik Am Tierpark. 

     The Unknown Planet. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Utopia New. Principality!!
     Principality of New Utopia. Active Status: Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - USA. Lider - Howard Turney (aka Lazarus Long). Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Planned artificial island sited above Misteriosa Banks, Caribbean Sea. Founded in 1990s. A proposed micronation based on libertarian principles to be built on platforms in the Caribbean Sea. It was founded by American entrepreneur Lazarus Long. The project's current status is questionable. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     United Provinces. O Prov;ncias Unidas da Utopia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Foi fundada por Rob Hart, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista. O Utopia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

     United Prvinces of Utopia.. 

     Founded in 1997. U;upis is a neighborhood in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, largely located in Vilnius' old town. In 1997, the residents of the area declared a Republic of U;upis, with its own flag, currency, president, and constitution. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Valdezia. Republic!!
     Before the Federal Republic of Los Bay Petros was founded, five other micronations were founded by Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman. There were: Republic of Valdezia; Republic of Mezilistan; Krakozhian Federation; Petrovakian Federation; Petrolistan (only lasted for 1 day,Oct 13th - Oct 14th, 2009). 

Valdivia Confedera;;o!!
     A Confedera;;o Valdivia ; uma microna;;o que foi fundada em 2009. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Ruan Barbosa e o sistema de governo ; uma monarquia semi-constitucional.. 


Valense. Crown Republic!!
     Type of Entity. Parallel sovereign entity. Location: Europe. Wikiales, UK. Date active: 2009–present. Has a website: www. republicofvalense. tk.. 

Valerie. Republic!!

Valhalla. Federated Commonwealth!!
     Website now opens to the federated Commonwealth of Malatora. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 


Valinor. Kingdom!!
     of Valinor.. 

Valkenbourg. Principality!!
     Micronations often use imaginary land maps, give out territorial titles and role-play politics, war and economies. The Principality of Valkenbourg does not enter into any of these gaming activities. The Principality is a serious seccessionist state and so does not distribute meaningless honours, sell titles or claim imaginary territory.. "At Present, Valkenbourg considers itself to be a State-in-Exile, that is, without land. The Principality will aquire land in the near future however and will claim it independant thus given a land base to Valkenbourg. " Website vanished as of 11 May 2008. Missing New Country Project.. 

Valley Southrn Kingdom!!
     Southrn Valley Kingdom. Aka The Order of the Greenmen. They are actively seeking real land, at this time we have not been able to find any that any one nation will let us separate on to but we are searching the Oceans and even have toyed with the Idea of Space. Website inactive as of 11 May 2008. Missing New Country Project.. 

Valqu;ria. Reino Teocentrista!!


Valsgraphenstein. People's Republic!!

Valsgraphenstein. Principality!!
     O Principado de Valsgraphenstein ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 1998 at; 1999. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por William Myers, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado.. 

     Leader: Ari Peltonen. Founded in 2006. 50,000 square metres (59,799. 50 sq yd) of land in a forest located at Posio, Finland, founded by Ari Peltonen as a joke. Radio Helsinki and Helsingin Sanomat followed what happens in the state. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Valverde. Rep;blica!!

Valverde. Rep;blica!!

Vanautu. Republic!!
     Tourist Information Site. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     Dead. 08. 03. 2006.. 

Vanesia. Sovereign Order!!

Vanesia. Sovereign Order!!
     O Ordem Militar Soberana da Van;sia ; uma microna;;o modelista ital;fona, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Paolo Gambi, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma ordem militar.. 


Varcetia. Republic!!
     Location: Europe. England, UK. Date active: 2009–present.. 

Varcetia.. Republic!!

Varennes. Kingdom!!

Vargland ang Elgland. Kingdoms!!
     Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Varilan. Democratic Republic!!
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Varja. Republic!!

Varnland. Kingdom!!
     The Kingdom of Varnland, formerly known as The Patriotic Nation of the Kingdom of Homeland, a sovereign kingdom in southestern Norway, in the Ecypean region. A Kingdom since April 13. 1991. Who's independence paved the way for other short-lived and current micronations in the area, including New States for Nuws (short-lived), New America (current), Loethre (formerly Aerigreiam, Rollreyce), Cocanga (current) and Cyperia (seized to exist 2009). The old governmental core-area is in Oestfold County, Norway, -south and east of the town of Moss (Mossiana), a large portion of which is protectorates under the Varnlandian Crown. Official language - - English and Norwegian. Denonym - Varnlandian. Government - Constitutional Monarchy. Founded - April 13th, 1991. Area - 60+ acres excluding large protectorates and 9sq. miles claimed on the Lunar surface. Location - Oestfold, Norway/ Baahus, Sweden. Monarch - HRH Grand Duke Aleksander. Currency - Ecy. Membership - The Ecypeian Nation.. 

Vatican City!!
     Holy See, The Vatican, Vatican State) Theocratic City-State.. The headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, and a sovereign nation (a mere 108. 5 acres, or 0. 439 square kilometers) within borders the City of Rome, complete with a post office and shortwave radio station. It issues license plates, mints its own coins (as of 2002, it uses the Euro), and is Also the smallest country to have an internet domain registration (". va").. The following is from fellow micropatriologist, DD Ting. revisions in brackets are mine.. "The sovereignty of the Holy See and that. the. State of Vatican City are in fact two different concepts. Sovereignty of the Holy See does not derive from the State of Vatican City established in 1929 under the Treaty of Lateran but from its unique status and history.. "Even without any land and population between 1870 and 1929, the Holy See could maintain its status as a sovereign entity and diplomatic relations with other states. This is like the situation . Sovereign Military. Order of Malta (SMOM) since 1812. Even in. the. UN, it is the Holy See that assures the status of observer buut not the State of Vatican City. In a book, Inside the Vatican by George Bull (Hutchison, 1st published 1982), he said according to provisions in revelent international law and international treaties,. the. Vatican serves mainly as a Pontifical sovereignty. However, the State of Vatican City. does. not have Ministry of Foreign Affairs or organs with equivilent Status: Diplomats. the. Vatican hold passports issued by the Holy See but not by the State of Vatican City, although passports of the latter do exist and. are issued. to certain people (chapter 5). Organizations of the Holy See and the administration. the. State of Vatican City are independant to each other and are responsible to the Pope respectively (chapter 2). ". DD Ting Also suggests these links.. Holy See Mission. Website of permamant Observer of the Holy See to. the. UN, clarifying the usual confusion of the concept of Holy See and the City State. U. S. Department of State Background Notes on the Holy See, providing information on the Holy See and that on the City State respectively.. A privately issued report. "The Questionable Status of the Holy See at the United Nations. A Church Disguised as a Nation" Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Vatican City!!
     Holy See. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

     O Vazquist;o ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1999 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Nation of Venox. Described on its website as "a serious model country with real goals". The site Also states.. "(T)his web site serves the purpose of being very information oriented, so one should not expect this web site to be glamorous and having unnecessary information, despite the formality and restricted appearance of this web site, Venox is a very flexible, entertaining, and potentially powerful country. Our current country motto is 'One can always make a difference. ' The government type is a Limited Government with a mixture of Polity and Aristocracy. ". A recent (11 May 2008) visit to the website reveals this messsage.. "We're sorry, The Nation of Venox will have a complete government web site with its own domain name near the end of the summer of 2004. Thank you for your patience. ". As of 20 July 2010, the website has vanished completely. Any information will be welcome. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Status: Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Alive. 28. 01. 2007.. 

     Dead. 18. 06. 2009.. 

     Second Vermont Republic. Type of Entity. Separatist project. Location: North America. Vermont, USA.. 


Veshault. Republic!!

Vice City. Город-Государство!!

     Flemish. Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 

Victoria. Cybernetic Republic!!

Victoria. Kingdom!!
     Alive. 16. 04. 2009. Cyberianation. The Begining: Pre-Victoria 1890-1891. Founding a Nation: 1891-1895.. 

Victoria. Principality!!

Victoria. Rep;blica!!


Vietnam South!!
     O Vietn; do Sul ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na ;sia e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Vikesland. Principality!!
     Founded in 2005. Active Status: A micronation located in Manitoba, Canada that was founded for the purposes of a TV documentary about micronations. It claims two properties in and near the town of Brandon. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Location: North America. central Canada, Brandon, Manitoba. Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: www. vikeslandic. com Lider - Christopher Beyette. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Rural property located near + private residence located in Brandon, Manitoba. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. "We are a declared sovereign democratic monarchy, a nation of people who have come together as citizens and wish to be involved in the operation of a new micro-nation. Our Territory is comprised of privately owned land that is declared Vikeslandic land. However these lands still reside within the jurisdiction of other nations and are still beholden to their laws. It is our hope that someday through peaceful negotiations and or purchase, that we will have a defined sovereign territory in which the Principality of Vikesland may permanently establish itself. We are currently looking at various locations. Please do not mistaken us for rebel seccesionists. We are peaceful people who are proud dual citizens with the other countries in which we reside. ". New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Vinland. Heathen Republic!!
     Vinlandia. Listing on Related Websites. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Vinlandia. Republic!!
     Free Vinland. Vinl;ndia Livre. Vinl;ndia Livre. A Rep;blica da Vinl;ndia Livre ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 1993 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 


Virgin Islands!!
     Virgin Islands of the United States. Unincorporated, organized territory of the United States. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Virginia. Republic!!

Virgnes Britanniques!!
     Am;rique-Iles autonomes britanniques. Mini Pays.. 

Virtual Government!!
     Location: South America. Brazil. Date active: 2007–present. Has a website: www. orkut. com. br.. 

Virtual. Rep;blica do Governo!!
     Alive. 09. 03. 2007.. 

Virtustan. Kingdom!!
     Alive. 28. 11. 2004. Virtusta'n - independent virtual kingdom, formed on 29 November, 2004. Population - 35 citizens on February 2006. Humans (97,3%), compose the majorities of population, cats (2,2%) and bots further them follow (0,5%). (According to the Virtustan Laws bots (artificially created software-hardware complexes) and domestic animals (pets) they have rights to the limited citizenship). Basic language. Russian. The form of control - monarchist, kingdom at present governs created its king Prool I. - from an e-mail. Website is in Russian with automatic English translation via BabelFish. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 



Vivaldia. Republic!!

Vivaldia. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica da Viv;ldia ; uma microna;;o modelista ital;fona, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 


Voltaire. Principality!!
     Status: Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Vorlon Empire!!

V;rtex. Kingdom!!
     O Reino do V;rtex ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Vranscia. Город-Государство!!

     According to micropatriologist DD Ting, this is an on-line version of "V-Topia", a Chinese language novel by Zhang Xiguo. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Vulcan Empire!!
     Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Vulcan Revolution!!


Vyronia. Democratic republic!!
     of Vyronia.. 

     Dead Nation. Cyberianation. 24. 03. 2007.. 

Waikoa. Республика!!
     Вайкоа. Республика Острова Вайкоа. Фантастическое государство, которое якобы находилось на острове Кермадек. В 1969 году появились марки с надписью Waikoa Island. По легенде в результате распада Республики Вайкоа появились марки двух новых государств. Республика Минауэ (Minaue). Марки этого государства издаются с 1979 года. Республика Такавау (Takava’u). Марки издаются с 1981 года. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Waitati. Duchy!!
     O Ducado de Waitati ; uma microna;;o, existente de 1991 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-ducado.. 

     Oc;anie-Territoire-Etats-Unis. Mini Pays.. 

Wallis and Futuna!!
     Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands. Oc;anie-Territoire d'outremer fran;ais. Mini Pays. French Overseas Territory. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 

Wanami. Reino!!

     O Wanderl;ndia ; uma microna;;o, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Alive. 10. 12. 2004.. 

     Founded in 1994. Wanstonia was created by protesters against the M11 motorway link road through Wanstead in north-east London. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Dead. 09. 11. 2009.. 

Washitaw Nation!!
     Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah. Empire. Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah. Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah. O Imp;rio de Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio.. 

Washuland.. United Territories!!



     Founded in 1997. O Ondal;ndia ; uma microna;;o concretista, existente de 198? at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma. A micronation sited on a rocky islet in the North Atlantic, known as Rockall. Greenpeace occupied Rockall, declaring it an independent nation, to protest oil drilling in the area. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Wayne Dunkin. Federal Republic!!

Web Island. Republic!!
     Web Island ou Arax;. Web Island/Arax;. A Rep;blica de Web Island/Arax; ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 1998 at; 1999. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Eduardo Alves, localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica presidencialista.. 

     United Republics of Weirdo.. 

Wellington. People's Proper Republic!!
     Language: English. Wellington was originally founded on October 31st 2009 as the Micronational Kingdom of Wellington, an absolute monarchy under HRH King Ryan I of Wellington (more commonly known as Sir Ryan St. George). Shortly after it's founding, the king decided to write a constitution and have his nation become a constitutional monarchy. Between January 1st 2010 and January 1st 2011, more vital documents were written and the government system gradually moved the power over from the monarch to the elected government. On January 1st 2011, the Wellingtonian Government, under the leadership of Sir Ryan (as the President and First Chancellor), who appointed himself temporary Manager of Wellington, began reforms. The full details of the Wellington New Year Reforms can be found on the Wellington page on the MicroWiki (MicroWiki being the Wiki for Micronations).. 

Wellington.. Kingdom!!

     Alive. 30. 10. 2009. Founded in 1980. O Wendl;ndia ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma. A German anti-nuclear protest in the Wendland, reoccupied by thousands of policemen after a few weeks. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Werlind. Kingdom!!

     Leader: Travis McHenry. Founded in 1989. Westarctica is the territory located between the Chilean and New Zealand claims on the continent of Antarctica. The traditional head of state is the Grand Archduke. Past governments have been either been a constitutional monarchy or an absolute monarchy.. "The current government structure is tribal. Appeals or decisions beyond the scope of the local leaders are heard in the court of a nationally recognized noble. Any decision can be appealed to the next level of precedence with the Grand Archduke as the ultimate authority. Any noble may refuse to hear an appeal. National institutions serve at the pleasure of the Grand Archduke. - from an e-mail by Jon-Lawrence, Duke of Moulton-Berlin.. Jon-Lawrence maintains his own website, The Noble House of Langer, for those who are interested in Westarctica.. Micronation claiming a large chunk of unclaimed land in Marie Byrd Land in Antarctica. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Westarctica. Grand Duchy!!
     Entirety of western Antarctica. Formerly the Achaean Territory of Antarctica. Alive. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. 3420 Kramer Street, Harrisburg PA 17109, USA. Contact location - Harrisburg, PA, USA. Lider - Jon-Lawrence Langer +1 717 657 1581. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Westarctica is the territory located between the Chilean and New Zealand claims on the continent of Antarctica. The traditional head of state is the Grand Archduke. Past governments have been either been a constitutional monarchy or an absolute monarchy. " The current government structure is tribal. Appeals or decisions beyond the scope of the local leaders are heard in the court of a nationally recognized noble. Any decision can be appealed to the next level of precedence with the Grand Archduke as the ultimate authority. Any noble may refuse to hear an appeal. National institutions serve at the pleasure of the Grand Archduke. Jon-Lawrence maintains his own website, The Noble House of Langer, for those who are interested in Westarctica. Website inactive as of 9 March 2008. Coins (were) available from the website, and flags (may still be) avalable from Mr. Flag. While doing research on obscure parts of the world, the future Consul-General discovers that a large slice of Antarctica, known as Marie Byrd Land, Western Antarctica, or Lesser Antarctica, is the only piece of the continent not claimed by a world government. Researching the possibilities further, he realizes that the Antarctic Treaty only prevents established governments from issuing new claims to Antarctic lands, but does not prevent individuals acting on their own accord from doing such. He resolves to claim the area for himself, his family and friends. At the time, the future Consul-General calls it the 'New Land Claim. ' The name is later changed to the Achaean Territory, in honor of the heroes of the Iliad, which he is reading at the time. He has a solid gold crown (known as the Consular Crown) made while visiting Turkey and begins preparations to formally stake his claim. Missing New Country Project. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Westden. Город-Государство!!

Westerland. Holy Empire!!
     O Imp;rio de Westerland ; uma microna;;o modelista lus;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Sul e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-imp;rio. Location: Brazil. Email:. Lider. Aragon. Status: Defunct. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Westerland.. Holy Empire!!


Weston. Commercial Protetorate!!
     O Protetorado Comercial de Weston ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma _protetorado.. 

Whangamomona Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Whangamomoma ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 1993 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Leader: Murt Kennard. Founded in 1989. A tongue-in-cheek micronation created as a tourism booster, and based in the rural New Zealand town of the same name. A goat has been elected as its president.. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Wifork-on-sea. Город-Государство!!

Wikiestarctica. Grand Duchy!!
     Location: Antarctica. Date active: 2001–present. Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: www. westarctica. org.. 

Wikihangamomona. Republic!!
     Location: Oceania. New Zealand. Date active: 1989–present. Has an article on Wikipedia.. 

Wikiikingland. Principality!!
     Location: Europe. off the coast of Sweden. Date active: 1977–.. 

     Type of Entity. Internet-based sovereign nation. Location: The Internet. Date active: 2008–present. Has an article on Wikipedia. Has a website: www. wirtland. com.. 

Wikingland. Principality!!
     Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Stockholm, Sweden. Lider - Reinhold Wendling. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Planned North Sea artificial island. Initial proposed site was entirety of Dogger Bank. Later proposed site was midway between Sweden and Denmark. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations.. 

Wikiy. Principality!!
     Location: Oceania. Sydney, Australia. Date active: 2004–2006. Has a website: www. principalityofwy. com.. 


Willow. Город-Государство!!

Windsor and Mala. Workers' Federal Republic!!
     Cyberianation. Dead Nation.. An attempt at a socialist republic in the Cyberian provinces of Mala and the Windsor Islands independant from Cyberia in 1998. The Worker's Republic proved ephemeral. Most of the parties involved fled to the United Provinces of East Cyberia at the end of the First War of Cyberian Liberation. This provided the source of UPEC's claim of the two provinces. Since the eclipse of UPEC, this claim has been in abeyance. Socialist influence remained strong in both Provinces, and was expressed in the Federal Republic of Cyberia by heavy participation in the Rosario Peoples' Front. Mala was ceded to Ashkenatza in 2010 as the Mala'eretz, along with the vestiges of the region's socialist past.. 

Windsor Islands. Federal Republic!!
     Cyberianation. An attempt at a socialist republic in the Cyberian provinces of Mala and the Windsor Islands independant from Cyberia in 1998. The Worker's Republic proved ephemeral. Most of the parties involved fled to the United Provinces of East Cyberia at the end of the First War of Cyberian Liberation. This provided the source of UPEC's claim of the two provinces. Since the eclipse of UPEC, this claim has been in abeyance. Socialist influence remained strong in both Provinces, and was expressed in the Federal Republic of Cyberia by heavy participation in the Rosario Peoples' Front. Mala was ceded to Ashkenatza in 2010 as the Mala'eretz, along with the vestiges of the region's socialist past.. 

     Alive. 29. 02. 2008.. 

     Internet-Based Micronation. Founded in 2008. Alive. Active Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Bulgaria. Lider - Cristopher Luengo. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. Have non-territorial entity. Wirtland is a political experiment into legitimacy and self-sustainability of an internet-based sovereign country. Wirtland's concept is a country that transcends national borders without breaching or lessening the sovereignty of any involved. " Though it is Also a web-based country, Wirtland differs from virtual worlds (Second Life, etc. ) as its main purpose is not game or entertainment. In Wirtland, there is no computer-simulated environment, citizens do not use avatars; Wirtland issues real passports and other documents. In fact, it is more correct to compare Wirtland to a small real self-proclaimed state. We Also compare it to an internationally recognized entity with no land, such as the Order of Malta. New Country Project. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Witti. Republic!!
     A Rep;blica de Witti ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 1990 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica.. 

Wolaria. Sovereign Nation!!

Wolf Republic!!
     Alive. 10. 08. 2010.. 

Wolfenstein. People's Republic!!
     A Rep;blica Popular de Wolfenstein ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 199? at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica socialista. Email:. Lider. Andres Chilavert. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Wolvesstone. People's Republic!!

     Dead. 12. 12. 2006. Founder Nation Have been part of the CIS at some point in their history.. 

Woohp International!!

Worcester New. Kingdom!!
     Kingdom of New Worcester. Dead. 18. 06. 2002. O Reino de Nova Worcester ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Location: UK. Lider. Nicholas. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Wrathklyde.. Parliamentary Republic!!

Wupperstein. Freiheitliche Netzrepublik!!

Wy. Principality!!
     Leader: Prince Paul of Wy. Founded in 2004. Established by Paul Delprat after a dispute with the local council of Mosman Municipality in Sydney over the construction of a drive-way into his property. Active Status: Lider - Paul Delprat. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Contact location - Sydney, NSW, Australia. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Private residence in the Sydney suburb of Mosman. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Alive. 21. 06. 2010.. 

Wyke. Republic!!

     Alive. 28. 10. 2009.. 


     Tebie Xingzhengqu. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание.. 



Xlip;nia. Kingdom!!
     O Reino da Xlip;nia ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 2000 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Bouviar;. Lider: Ronald Kyrmse. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

     Alive. 24. 06. 2010. The Students' Isocratic Oligarchy of Yabloko. Location: Oceania. Sydney, Australia. Date active: 2010–present. Has a website: yabloko. ath. cx.. 

Yahoo! Groups!!
     Geofiction. Place to discuss imaginary places.. 

     Nation of Yan.. Fomerly Yanian Nation. The Free Sovereign Nation of YAN. Active Status: Alive. 09. 05. 2000. Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Copenhagen, Denmark. Lider - Yan Pagh +45 6019 9955. Claim/own/occupy/control territory. Location: Europe. Copenhagen, Denmark. Date active: 2000–present. Has a website: www. yanpagh. com. Private residence and commercial premises in Copenhagen, Denmark. According to an e-mail, this project is a serious attempt to institute a nation in our world, in a purchased or/and unoccupied area, and gain recognition from the UN. Yan is a democratic monarchy with a very well defined constitution. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. New Country Project. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Yap Islands!!
     Kingdom of Yap. Federated States of Micronesia. Appears to be a seditionist site for the US territory, but is little more than a collections of links and an ad for a beverage dealer. Маленькие страны или анклавы до 20 кв. км., полуавтономные или имеющие дипломатическое признание. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Провинция. Cyberianation.. 

Yavar. Kingdom!!
     O Reino de Yavar ; uma microna;;o, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Ydemos. Democratic Republic!!
     O Ydemos ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; inativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma. Email:. Lider. Clem Yeats. Researchers attribute this State to List of Virtual Micronations.. 

Yeshuriea. Royal Kingdom!!

Yevolkian Free State!!
     O Estado Livre Ievolquiano ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 1977 at; 1985. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por William Warfield e Holbrook Glaefke, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma _estado.. 

Yogoth. Tribal Council!!
     O Conselho Tribal de Yogoth ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente de 1991 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma teocracia.. 

Yongheng. People's Republic!!

Youkali. Island!!
     Named after a Kurt Weill song written during his exile in France. O Youkali Island ; uma microna;;o modelista, existente at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     O Ys ; uma microna;;o modelista franc;fona, existente de 2001 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Fica localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

Yugoslavia Cyber!!
     Cyber Yugoslavia. 

Yvetot. Principality!!

     Dead. 28. 02. 2000.. 

Zaire. Kingdom!!

Zandrovia. Socialist Republic!!
     Alive. 20. 09. 2009. Has a website: zandrovia. com.. 

Zarahemla. Kingdom!!
     New Country Projects upon request of King Spence of Zarahemla. O Reino da Zarahemla ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1998 at; hoje. Atualmente, est; ativa. Foi fundada por Spence, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino. Location: North America. Nevada, USA. Inactive Status: Physical Micronation. Have one or more aspects of their operations into the corporeal world. Address - Email:. Contact location - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Lider - Spence Hill. Claims, but does not own/occupy/control territory. 447,550 km2 of Tithonia Plateau, on the planet Mars. The Kingdom of Zarahemla is a kingdom in exile, in exile because we wish to live off Earth and are awaiting the advance of technology to assist us in reclaiming our future homeland. the asteroid Ceres and a segment of the planet Mars. " Website inactive as of 11 May 2008. Missing New Country Project. Missing New Country Project. Researchers attribute this State to List of Physical Micronations. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     O Zatire ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Tem como sistema de governo uma.. 

     Alive. 30. 04. 2011.. 


Zemlya Novaya!!
     Novaya Zemlya. Dead Nation. Cyberianation.. 


     Alive. 26. 06. 2009.. 

     Провинция. Cyberianation.. 

Zilchstadt and Nichtsburg!!
     Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Cyberianation. Dead. 08. 09. 2006.. 

Zinzenl;ndia. Kingdom!!
     O Reino da Zinzenl;ndia ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1994 at; 1998. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Micah Kubic, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-reino.. 

Zion New!!
     New Zion.. 

     Zyraxx. Independent Union. A Uni;o Independente de Z;rax ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1996 at; 1997. Atualmente, est; extinta. Foi fundada por Jon Spencer, localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia.. 

Zollernberg. Grand Duchy!!
     Province de Maur;sie. Depuis le 28 d;cembre 2004, la Maur;sie est une Province zollernoise, suite ; l'abdication des droits au Tr;ne de S. A. I. le Prince H;ritier au profit de S. A. R. le Grand-Duc. Ainsi la Maur;sie pourra recommencer de prosp;rer et rena;tre pour le bien de ses habitants, d;sormais Sujets de la Couronne la plus prestigieuse du micromonde. Cet Empire qui fut l'une des plus brillantes nations du micromonde est d;sormais librement rattach; au pays ; m;me de lui redonner sa force. Un gouverneur de la Province sera prochainement nomm; par le Gouvernement de Son Altesse Royale. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

     Alive. 19. 11. 2009.. 

Zonian Confederacy!!

     Alive. 30. 04. 2010.. 

Zugesbuch. Principality!!
     Congregatio Catolica Sine Dogma. O Principado de Zugesbucht ; uma microna;;o modelista german;fona, existente de 1996 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Foi fundada por, localizada na Europa e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 

Zugesbucht. Principality!!



     Dead. 12. 06. 2007.. 

     O Zand;ria ; uma microna;;o modelista angl;fona, existente de 1997 at; hoje. Atualmente, est;. Fica localizada na Am;rica do Norte e tem como sistema de governo uma rep;blica. Относится к разряду экстерриториальных государств.. 
