
На днях было задание написать диалог про ночной клуб) 

1 - what can I do to become rich?

2 - You should buy the nightclub)

1 - Where should take money for buy the nightclub? 

2 - You can take a loan from a bank or rob him!

1 - All right! But how much money i should take?

2 - You should take as much as possible money.

1 - What should I do if someone wants to take away from me this money?

2 - You should kill them all!

1 - Yeah! All right! I buy the nightclub! Kill all bad boys and i wanna girlfriend! 

2 - Wait! You should clear your mind, my brother! And breathe deep!

2 - Peace and love! Peace and love!  Repeat after me! 

1 - Good sensei! I should to sell alcohol at the club?

2 - You should not sell alcohol! It's not profitable! Sell weed)

1 - This is illegal!

2 - You should not talk like that after buying the club and killing bad boys! After all, you have a girl!

1 - Maybe, maybe!In which country I need to open a nightclub?

2 - In Russia!

1 - Why i should open the nightclub in Russia?

2 - My grandmother from Russia

1 - And? 

2 - I don't know! Why i should know all answers on your questions?!?!?

2 - Me 4 years!

1 - Good! Good! Quiet! Pssst! Take candy!

2 - Thank you! Good-bye! Mister...
