A true superintelligence

 True (real) superintelligence, the true (real) superreason-synonyms. They differ from superintelligence, superreason.Underfunctionally-developed super-intelligence is the best, but just intellect, just as properly supersensations-developed, the best, but only sensations.Underfunction superintelligence is into logical class of "thinking", as well as proper supersenses are into a logical class "sensations." True supersensations is cognitive actions, wich standing above perceptions, they are:thoughts, thinking. So it is true Superintelligence, true Overmind differ from the thinking of the same or even more, as the mind is different from the perception of sensations. Therefore, as the name of the true reason is not "supersensations," even though the mind in a sense beyond the perception of sensations (the mind has developed on the basis of evolutionary knowledge sensations), the name of the true (real) supermind  must not contain the word "mind", should be quite different. A true super-intelligence is the cognitive, neirophysiological action in the brain. Possible Slavonic or Old Slavonic word "zazriti," it means,"sees the essence", "sees" thoughts, or something more essential,than thoughts, real-life example, - "zazrenie sovesty",(-a twinge of conscience,) "Robiti" example,-"robot", from the roots " zazr" and "rob" derivative adverb "zazrobnivo" to describe the action that is based on a true super-intelligence. Therefore, it would be logical to call a true super-intelligence, as Zazrobneva or  Zeazrovneba.In scientific epistemological sense it is important feeling, thinking and zeazrovning, because it is the main cognitive abilitys(facultys). True supermind(true superintelligence) is different from the mind so much, that it is necessary to call it a completely original word-for example, - zeazrovneba                OLDen(that is to say-Starchen)                copyright- Oleg Starchen
